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Am I supposed to believe that super-hot and young Dahlia was so bored with being married to super-hot and young Nicholas she chose to take up a lesbian affair with the super-creepy and ugly maid who strangely looked 20 years older 15 years ago? Nope, not buying it 
PS: Even if he was boring as fuck I could still come up with a couple of things to do with him that don't even require him leaving the bed.  Don't know about you, Dahlia *wink wink*

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Maybe it was the makeup all over her face but I didn't find Dahlia that attractive. I can't remember what she looked like in other episodes. Vaguely pretty blonds without character development just kind of blend together. I feel like it would have made more sense if they'd talked about Opal giving Dahlia the attention she needed, really doting on her and telling her how pretty or special or important she was. Or if they'd done more than slapped a wig on Opal and called it a day as far as the flashback went. But this show's technique to this plot seems to be ripping pages out of Rebecca and going "pfft, lesbians, whatever" and thinking we'll be satisfied. Last season, everyone was kind of integrated into the mystery. This season they've sent Ethan to play with Valentina and Remy and otherwise, Marisol's on her own with this mystery no one cares about. 


PS: Even if he was boring as fuck I could still come up with a couple of things to do with him that don't even require him leaving the bed.  Don't know about you, Dahlia *wink wink*

I may be remembering this incorrectly as I wasn't really watching but I think his character on GCB was gay so I found that funny. 

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By the way, I'm going to be upset if Nicholas is alive but they couldn't spare Alejandro.

What happened to the storyline involving the actual gang that robbed Adrian and murdered Alejandro? 


Please, already, just get Valentina and Remi together and ship them off somewhere far, far away.  Thank dog for DVRs and FFing.  How could someone as interesting as Zoila have a daughter as boring as Valentina?


Love Evelyn.  The affair, not so much.  Much more interesting when Adrian and Evelyn are on equal footing and sparring heavily. 

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What happened to the storyline involving the actual gang that robbed Adrian and murdered Alejandro?

I think at this point we're just waiting for Ty to reveal his role to Carmen or for Carmen to read his therapy journal again. Apparently the police in this town are just as ineffective as they are everywhere else.

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I think at this point we're just waiting for Ty to reveal his role to Carmen or for Carmen to read his therapy journal again. Apparently the police in this town are just as ineffective as they are everywhere else.

But will they strike again? Because it'd be kind of anticlimatic if someone just found out about them withouth them breaking into someone else's home/possibly killing someone else once again. There's gotta be a final showdown, you know (especially since this season has been a total snoozefest compared to the last one)... -_-

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By the way, what happened to Tanya? This is just like Marc Cherry: whenever a character has served their purpose (in this case setting up the Tony/Evelyn romance) they drop off the face of the Earth never to be seen or heard from again.

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I didn't like how she was trying to talk the guy into firing his maid, though.  She doesn't know what the situation is.  What if the lady was 65 years old and had been with his family for his entire life?  There's a lot to be said for loyalty.


If that were the case, he could have told her so. As it was he had no idea she was a lousy maid, and since Zoila is a maid, it's not out of line for her to comment on another maid's work, just as anyone else would about about someone who had the same job they did and didn't do it very well. I didn't think it was out of line for her to say his maid was doing a lousy job and he needed to crack the whip. 



Why was Opal so upset over Nicholas leaving her and Ethan in that ginormous extravagant house of his?


He wasn't going to do that; Marisol nixed that plan and put her foot down, saying either Opal went or she did. That's when Nick confronted Opal and told her she had to get out.

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I didn't think it was out of line for her to say his maid was doing a lousy job and he needed to crack the whip.

I mean, they went overboard showing how bad of a maid she was. What was she even doing when she was supposed to be cleaning his house with dust everywhere and dirty socks in the sofa?

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He wasn't going to do that; Marisol nixed that plan and put her foot down, saying either Opal went or she did. That's when Nick confronted Opal and told her she had to get out.

Still, it doesn't make A LICK OF SENSE if you ask me. If Opal had been upset and run him over because she wouldn't have another place to live after being kicked out of his mansion, that would one thing. But we saw the reason she was shocked/angry was because "Ethan wouldn't get your money until you're dead", not "Ethan wouldn't get the inheritance at all... besides where would we live?" If that were the case, what does it matter what frigging roof they're under? Ethan wouldn't get the money until his mother's boss is dead REGARDLESS!!! 

This is just a dreadfully thought out storyline riddled with plotholes you could drive a truck through. I'm baffled as to how Cherry was able to do a MUCH BETTER job with Desperate Housewives (at least in the first four seasons), even though it consisted of twice as many episodes than he seems to be doing with this limping-across-the-finish-line inconsequential yawnfest. -_-

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Not sure what it is, but I'm not really feeling this season. I'm still watching, but there is an element (or two) that is missing. (If this isn't the right thread my apologies!!)

Edited by Sugarbaker
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I caught the last two episodes back to back so I may be mixing scenes together.


Zoila's new date? Yes, gawd. I'm usually unmoved by this show's relationships but I let out a squee at the "enchilada" scene and Javier's reaction after Zoila revealed that she, not Concepcion, cleaned the house. The actor's name is Ivan Hernandez.


Carmen is still annoying but she gives me unexpected moments of hilarity. She's come a bit of a way character-wise for me. On the topic of unexpected, II recognized Rosie's lawyer guy from CW's "Life Unexpected" that aired a few years ago.


I didn't care for Remy at all last season but I don't mind him now.


I was uncomfortable with the lesbian stereotypes spouted between Marisol, Carmen and Zoila. I suppose it was meant to be cute but didn't go over well to me. I'm not really invested in the Opal/Nicholas/Marisol storyline but I'm assuming things are about to pick up now (along with the ratings which finally hit the 2 million mark this season. Yay!)

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I've been background watching the season after they needlessly killed off my delicious eye candy in Alejandro.  I've followed the forum chatter more closely than the episodes more and more each week.  Figuring I would play catch up with the usual end of the season marathon Lifetime tends to run with these types of shows.


Now I'm leaning toward not even bothering with that.  Granted, i always thought the character of Alejandro was underused to begin with.  But I thought his whole household was ironically the most interesting to watch evolve despite it being Carmen's setting (who I find a charmless uninteresting character to say the least).  Alejandro with Odessa and Sam provided the one household that was strictly fun as well as being interesting. 


Between razing that setting with Alejandro's useless to propel the plot death, and keeping Carmen out of the ruins and only Carmen, the show severely crippled it's allure for me to say the least.  But the development.  Or lack thereof everywhere else seems to be ringing a death knell for me long before the hot lazy stay in a/c watching a marathon even hints on the horizon.  So thanks to the devoted watcher for keeping me up to date.  and make sure if Matt Cedeno returns in any way to let me know!  Long lost twin.  Doppelganger.  It was all a dream and Carmen walks in on him talking a shower.  Whatever.

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As much as the episode was enjoyable and didn't bore me to tears like the previous ones, I really wish Marc Cherry would stop borrowing plot points from Desperate Housewives (hidden cameras, various hit-and-runs and now dialisis). *eyeroll* Even the casual viewer could put 2 and 2 together and tell they were produced by the same person. -_-

Oh and after EVERYONE AND THEIR DOGS speculated AFTER THE VERY PREMIERE that Nicholas might've (intentionally or not) run over the Powell's son and that *gasp* he and Opal might have struck a deal (as in "I won't tell you are a hit-and-run driver and you won't tell I pushed your wife off a bridge"), we're eight episodes in (with still 5 to go) and seemingly THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED *rolles eyes to the HIGHEST heavens* Way to be unpredictable Cherry! EXCEPT NOT!!! -_-

Of course everyone is going to figure out the resolution to one of your mysteries (as has been the case in years), especially if your "hints" are as subtle as a sledgehammer, like Barrett being referenced many times this year and Adrian giving that speech to Valentina about how "they lost their son to a car accident and Evelyn was everything he had left so he wouldn't let anyone take her from him". What now? Next episode is there gonna be a scene involving the two of them when he tells his wife "I'm very disappointed in you, I was willing to take care of you especially AFTER OUR SON'S DEATH * DUM DUM DUM DUM*) just in case the very last fan on Earth hadn't already figured it out or read about someone else figuring out. 

Can you tell I'm LIVID? -_-

Edited by Lavinia
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Lavinia, I think the predictability is all part of the script. I love this show and all its storylines along with the humor and "soapy" plot lines. I look at it as almost a parody of ALL soap operas and don't take it seriously. That's what makes it so much fun!

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Lavinia, I think the predictability is all part of the script. 

This is simply unture. One thing does NOT imply the other: Devious Maids is the very cliche of a soap opera when it comes to the other filler plots, but not to this Nicholas/Opal storyline (or Flora's last year). You'd think with so few episodes a year, Cherry would at least put some more effort into it, escpecially since this so called "mystery" plot, like I just said, is designed to keep people on the edge of their seats, not just as a parody of God knows what. And, needless to say, it's failing miserabily at its purpose.


There is NO excuse for predictability, so don't make one!

Edited by Lavinia
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There is NO excuse for predictability, so don't make one!


No excuses...and if you don't like it, then don't watch. I enjoy it thoroughly...predictability and all.

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I'm really tired of this "The show doesn't take itself seriously, it's campy goodness and soapy fun, so it's ok if it's predictable" line of thought, as if it was almost ALLOWED to be just because it's a summer show, it consists of 13 episodes instead of 24 and it's not pretentious like Desperate Housewives might've been. I'm also sick of this "if you don't like it don't watch it" attitude: sorry for having standards and not enjoying every piece of drab or dreadfully predictable writing in a show that borrows so many elements from its predecessor already (characters, plot points and the tendency to telegraph the mystery from a mile away so there's not the chance of any viewer on the planet actually being surprised). -_-

Edited by Lavinia
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It seems to me Nicholas has to be doomed, one way or another, because they're going to need to give Marisol something else to do next season. And it also seems like they had Zoila's husband leave her just to give her a romance storyline, which wasn't necessary IMO. 


Things are getting pretty interesting with Rosie's story, though. Apparently that guy just wants to be the sole beneficiary in his uncle's will. Watch him leave everything to Rosie. 


The part that really bugs me though is Rosie, once again, getting up in her employer's faces about the way they behave around her son. Now, I'm guessing she's a live-in, which means both she and Miguel are both living at that house. That's awfully generous of her employer, and she should be doing a better job of keeping her kid out of their way, not making demands of them WRT her kid.


I don't get what's going on with Genvieve; why does she need dialysis? Her kidneys just stopped functioning? At the age of 61?


The thing with Ty (sp?) stalking Carmen is really cliche and he's too cartoonish and over the top.


I can't believe Evelyn and Tony would just pull over on the side of a main road and start making out in the back seat. How dumb are they?

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This show has some funny lines and I enjoy it but I admit I kept switching to other things last night.  I think they failed with Marisol as a character this year. She was too smart last year to ever be in this situation and the situation itself makes me think less of her.  I wanted to scream at her last night when she was saying if she didn't marry Nicholas she might lose him. Give me a break you are a professor and author... Not to mention that I don't give a flying flip about "the secret". I am a little annoyed with Evelyn and Adrian too... the genius of them last year wasn't that they were the "loves" of their lives but they were more two of a kind.. plus last year wasn't Adrian sleeping with other people and videotaping it? Now he is all shocked that she would dare step out with Tony? As if they are "in love" geeze. I actually like Carmen's storyline and I find Spence's nephew and Ethan a much needed new blood to the story. But if I had my way I would get rid of Spence, Nicholas, Opal, and Rosie's new family.  The best parts of this show are Zola and Geneveve... Carmen, Odessa, the old Evelyn and Adrian and smart Marisol. I think most of what was introduced this year was a failure.

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I don't get what's going on with Genvieve; why does she need dialysis? Her kidneys just stopped functioning? At the age of 61?


You can have kidney failure for a variety of reasons at a relatively young age.  It could be genetics, some issue Genevieve had earlier in life, etc. 



I am a little annoyed with Evelyn and Adrian too... the genius of them last year wasn't that they were the "loves" of their lives but they were more two of a kind.. plus last year wasn't Adrian sleeping with other people and videotaping it? Now he is all shocked that she would dare step out with Tony?


Maybe in his mind, since he was doing that before he and Eveyln made "peace" over their kid's death, it didn't count.  Though I do agree that it seems kind of silly for him to be shocked over all this, after what he has done. 


I also agree about getting rid of Rosie's new family.  The whole thing is ridiculous.  The nephew is like some silent movie villian.  The only thing he doesn't do is twirl his mustache while laughing  maniacally. 

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well color me stupid because I was not one of the "everyone and their dogs" that realized Nicholas killed the Powell's son. Until you posted it, it hadn't even occured to me.


I like this show. I agree there are way too similarities to DH but I'm okay with that. I like the actors and the fun they bring to their scenes.

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really wish Marc Cherry would stop borrowing plot points from Desperate Housewives (hidden cameras, various hit-and-runs and now dialisis).

Who on DH ever had dialysis? 


And I do not recall a hidden camera storyline either.

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I, too, like this show for the camp. I love Evelyn and Adrian! Where either of them ever nominated for their roles? I'm another that didn't think that Nicholas killed the Powell's son. I totally forgot about him.

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I loved that moment when Opal turned back to Ethan and put her finger to her lips.


Evelyn and Adrian's verbal sparring is so much fun. I love that she's more than a match for him and doesn't start quivering at his implications. She's pushing her luck to want to continue to sleep with Tony though. Besides, doesn't she actually love Adrian? She spent all of season 1 desperate for his attention. I don't buy this "our marriage isn't based on love" thing. Writers, you can't just change things like I haven't been watching this whole time.


Ooo, I want the whole Reggie, Didi, etc. situation to get deliciously campy. Let's go for camp evil. Everything else is so boring. Like Marisol. Ugh, what the hell. How does Alejandro die from one stray bullet while Nick survives getting hit by a car? Her forehead still wrinkles so Ana Ortiz didn't botox the acting ability out of herself but she is just so flat this season.


Oh, Ethan. You lead a band of thieves and almost kill people with prescription drug overdoses. Let's not be so judge-y all of a sudden. I also think this would mean more if we'd had more Ethan/Opal interaction from the beginning. I know Marisol's one of the leads but it would have made for a stronger story to exchange some of the Opal/Marisol and Ethan/Marisol scenes that didn't go anywhere for Opal/Ethan scenes where they talked about all these "secrets".


I kind of like giving Carmen all the silly stuff. I find it hard to take her too seriously as a character and it kind of works to pair her with Spence (who as I've mentioned on previous threads, they ruined last season) and Ty. 


It was fun to see Zoila jealous though that storyline didn't really go anywhere. I'm kind of just happen the chef guy isn't evil. As for Genevieve, whew, 15 years is a lot of age to lie about.


Misuse of good/well drives me crazy so I liked that little joke with Rosie.


I love Evelyn's line about a salesgirl calling her a size 8 so she "reflexively struck her."


That camera was crazy big. I expected better from Adrian. If we have to have Valentina around I guess it's better that she's on the sidelines for the Adrian/Evelyn drama but I'd still rather that she was still in Africa. I think she's starting to exaggerate her accent more (the way Rosie does) which again, is really annoying when neither of her parents have an accent and she grew up in America. I also expected better of Evelyn than just pulling over on the side of the road. Really? She couldn't go to a friend's house or go to a hotel under an assumed name? Something? This just seemed to be for the sake of expediency (to move the plot along quickly I mean and just have Adrian discover them).


Don't you need witnesses and a marriage license for a valid wedding?


Oh, thank god there's a second mystery because the way it stood it made no sense why Nicholas was caught by Opal's crime.


Oh and after EVERYONE AND THEIR DOGS speculated AFTER THE VERY PREMIERE that Nicholas might've (intentionally or not) run over the Powell's son and that *gasp* he and Opal might have struck a deal (as in "I won't tell you are a hit-and-run driver and you won't tell I pushed your wife off a bridge")

If that's true, do we think the Powell's will murder him as well. There can only be so many people who fall out of a window into their pool before it starts to get suspicious. Though I do think it would be funny if we just go for predictability by having the Powell's murder a different person each season. 

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I honestly felt bad Adrian after he saw Evelyn and Tony in the back of the car. Marisol doesn't interest me in the least, does anyone know if this has been renewed yet?

Edited by missbonnie
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I'm going to be the voice of dissent and say that I don't think the actor played it that well when Adrian discovered Evelyn and Tony in the car. I don't think the emotions read on his face in a genuine way and it was necessary for him to play up the theatrics of clutching his chest and leaning against the tree to convey the point. Of course, the way they tried to drop in that moment didn't help things. I think I said this about another scene this season but you can't just drop something in and expect it to have a big emotional impact or expect your actors to change what they're feeling on a dime. You can go... oh, here's a kind of bland scene, ooo big emotional moment, and cut to something else. It's just not going to work. Not only was the scene leading up to it comedic but it lacked suspense and tension. 

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Who on DH ever had dialysis? 


And I do not recall a hidden camera storyline either.

Susan in her whole kidney failing/transplant drama.


Lynette used a hidden camera on her nanny in Season 1, and caught the nanny being an absolute fabulous person and got very jealous. I think the nanny's name was Claire, but I could be wrong.

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Reggie moves forward with his plans. Genevieve is surprised when her estranged mother arrives. Marisol deals with a new hire at the Deering mansion. Ty's obsession with Carmen takes a violent turn. Adrian grows suspicious of Tony.



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As for Genevieve, whew, 15 years is a lot of age to lie about.

Even more so since Susan Lucci is 67.  Her face and neck definitely do not match.  As for dialysis, usually that's not something that pops up out of nowhere just based on a lab result.  [Me:  RN]  Usually chronic renal disease and then end-stage renal disease develops slowly, over time, with gradually worsening symptoms, often due to hypertension or diabetes, unless there's been a sudden catastrophic illness that shut down the kidneys for good.  I'm fairly sure we won't get any of that on-screen.


It didn't occur to me that Nicholas had anything to do with the hit and run of the Powells' son.  It did occur to me that I've never seen Ana Ortiz in anything else, but from what I've seen these two seasons, she can't act her way out of a paper bag.  And that it made no sense for the maid friends not to be at the hospital bedside as witnesses.


I've never seen Desperate Housewives so I have no basis for comparison, but this is very soapy, often campy, material.  But even camp should be written and played well. 

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It didn't occur to me that Nicholas had anything to do with the hit and run of the Powells' son. It did occur to me that I've never seen Ana Ortiz in anything else, but from what I've seen these two seasons, she can't act her way out of a paper bag.

I agree with you about Ana Ortiz and I totally missed the part about Nick being the one to hit the Powell's son.

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I missed it too.  When did they actually specify that Nicholas hit the Powells' son?  


There is NO excuse for predictability, so don't make one!


It's only predictable only if one can predict it.  If this is the big secret, it won't be a surprise to me because I read the speculation here and over at TWoP before it closed.  But would I have reached that conclusion if I hadn't read the spec?  Maybe.  Maybe not.  I can sometimes predict twists and other times I don't.  Would a general audience who doesn't spend much time thinking about the show beyond watching?  Probably not.  


I think I'm enjoying this season a little bit more than last season.  Last season was held together better by an overall murder mystery that affected everyone but there was no way the murder mystery resolution could live up to all that focus.  So I have more "fun" so-to-say watching multiple stories.  I miss Odessa but Carmen works better with less of a focus on how her employer can make her career work and instead having her employer expecting her to do real work.  I knew Rosie's beau was bad news as soon as the daughter mentioned not getting a statement for a few months and I look forward to that exploding.  Even if the mystery isn't interesting, I think Opal is.  And, as always, I love Zoila and Genevieve.  

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I had to laugh at Marisol's shock! that her chatty nurse was gossiping about her.  What did she expect?  From the moment that we met the lady, it was pretty obvious that she wasn't exactly discrete.


It looked like Ty bashed his head pretty hard on the floor when he fell trying to "rescue" Carmen.  Here's hoping he has a brain bleed and dies.  He's a freaking psycho.

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Did I miss something? Wasn't Ty supposed to be going back to NY to be with his mother? I thought in the last episode or 2 episodes ago, it was stated that his mother was coming to pick him up to take him back to NY with her. Then, he's still in LA and neither Spence nor Carmen says "what are you doing here?" Also, where is he living now if not at Spence's house?

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Did I miss something? Wasn't Ty supposed to be going back to NY to be with his mother? I thought in the last episode or 2 episodes ago, it was stated that his mother was coming to pick him up to take him back to NY with her. Then, he's still in LA and neither Spence nor Carmen says "what are you doing here?" Also, where is he living now if not at Spence's house?

I thought the mother was coming back from New York, but I don't remember if she was going to go back with Ty or stay in LA with him.

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I didn't see it coming that Tony was going to be a bad guy, but it makes SO MUCH MORE sense now.  I could not figure out what such a young, good looking guy would want with a lady like Evelyn who doesn't even treat him that well.  Ever since she pulled her stunt at the restaurant, their relationship has been a big head-scratcher to me.


Reggie is such a one-dimensional villain that I feel like all he is missing is the moustache to twirl whenever he is on screen.


I wasn't playing the closest attention - did they say whether Marisol's fiance' lived or died?

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So it was Ethan that was stabbed?  How did he get involved in this foolishness?


Something does not feel right about Marisol's new hire (name?).  Not only does she talk too much, she just makes me feel uncomfortable.  Marisol is kind of stupid to be so open with her; just because she wasn't close to/didn't like/didn't trust Opal, it doesn't mean she needs to kiki with this chick.


And Rosie's situation...I hate it.  Reggie is the worst villain and Rosie is dumb.  Sweet yet dumb.  I love her with Mr. Kenneth and her friends but she is too trusting.


Poor Genevieve and her situation with her mom.  That mom is horrible.  I understand she wants respect for all what she did as a single parent but being a bitch is not the right way to do it.

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I wasn't playing the closest attention - did they say whether Marisol's fiance' lived or died?


Her husband now, not fiancé, thanks to that near-deathbed wedding!  And, yes, he lived.  The new hire is going to be his nurse when he comes home to the manse.

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Genevieve's mother was kind of a hoot, but at the same time, I'm kind of disappointed they went this route and had her be some hick from a midwestern cowtown that her daughter is ashamed of. That sort of contradicts a plot point in the first season, because Zoila always felt like the reason Henri dumped her was because she wasn't high class enough, which is what she felt Remi would eventually do to Valentina. If Zoila knew all along Henri was just some poser who'd come from nowhere she wouldn't have had the same sense of insecurity. And while I could see someone like Genevieve "re-inventing" herself, it's kind of silly her brother would start using a phony French name as well.


You know what else is kind of unbelievable? Wouldn't everyone know Carmen was engaged to Alejandro? Wasn't the whole point to make a lot of publicity about it? Wouldn't there be an equal amount of publicity over the fact that this singing superstar's ex-fiance is now working as a maid?


I love Nicole Sullivan so I'm happy with the new "nurse." Ty is just pathetic and an unoriginal cartoon character.

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Who is the actress playing Genevieve aka Eunice's mom? I know her voice.


What happened to Peri? What happened to Odessa?


I love the Powells! Y'all probably right about Nicholas being the one that killed their son, but I have no clue on Tony's deal.

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Who is the actress playing Genevieve aka Eunice's mom? I know her voice.


What happened to Peri? What happened to Odessa?

June Squibb.  I only know her as the wife of Jack Nicholson who drops dead while vacuuming in About Schmidt.


Peri can stay gone.  I wish Odessa would come back, but she was probably buried with Alejandro.

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The "previously on" reminded me that the person who shot Alejandro was some rando named Carter. Why couldn't the show make things more interesting and have it be Ty or Ethan? Why does it have to be some dude we know nothing about?


I loved Carmen's line that "it doesn't matter how you feel. I don't feel anything." 


I feel like the gang of thieves stuff sort of makes sense but also feels a little off. So Ty felt guilty and wanted to confess but they stopped him from doing so by threatening him (they poisoned him... he didn't take the pills himself, right?) and saying that if he went to the cops, they would all say that he had killed Alejandro. But now Ty is threatening them back by saying that he'll go to the cops... 


The line about giving up food in the 80's was cheeky but clearly not true. It's kind of like on The Mindy Project where (usually Mindy) says something ridiculous (that sometimes contradicts other things in the series) just because the writers think it's funny.


Wow, I haven't seen Nicole Sullivan in anything since MADTV. Her interview scene with Marisol felt forced but whatever. I think she could end up being an interesting addition to the cast. It was nice to see the tables turned and have another character to gossip on the employers now that Marisol has joined the ranks of the employers.


"We should run over there later and drop off some sort of bouquet. Marisol is allergic to roses, so that seems the logical choice." Though why didn't Marisol react in any way to the flowers?

"There were a few barbed remarks but not much in the way of emotion. We are jaded sophisticates after all."


Ugh at Ethan mentioning Valentina in his little "our lives are just beginning" speech instead of getting into Brown. The acting from Ty and Ethan in this scene wasn't painful but it was very acting 101. 



I didn't see it coming that Tony was going to be a bad guy, but it makes SO MUCH MORE sense now.  I could not figure out what such a young, good looking guy would want with a lady like Evelyn who doesn't even treat him that well.  Ever since she pulled her stunt at the restaurant, their relationship has been a big head-scratcher to me.

I was suspicious from the beginning but they've definitely been playing a long game letting the mystery bank for a while. You never know with this show. I was starting to wonder if he was actually into her and if the actor playing Tony was just a bad actor.


Not the emasculation, cuckold, paragon, and munificence are general parlance but still, why is Valentina so stupid? Also, why is Adrian so nice. If this were season 1 Adrian he would have creeped on Valentina like a million times already. She's given him ample opportunity.


"You know what I do when life seems hopeless? I pray."

"Oh. Poor people have the most interesting hobbies."


How is Rosie not at all curious about how Reggie can easily take care of the doctor but how Spence managed to get the best of him? Not that I care since I'm cool with not having Spence and Rosie as a couple anymore.


Does Genevieve having a middle class (maybe even working class) background work with the backstory they've established? I know she has married well (multiple times) but I thought the family was wealthy. Wasn't that the whole reason there was a wrong side of the tracks thing between Henri and Zoila?


Yes! Another note! I love the notes! I wish I knew what the point of all the notes were but it's going in my files. I hope Reggie altered his handwriting/attempted to copied Dr. Sander's handwriting.


"Honestly, I'm more concerned about the positions you've put my wife in."


I'm conflicted on the Genevieve/June Squibb thing. I think it's hard to extricate societal feelings about parent-child relationships from the realities of parent-child relationships sometimes and it's too easy to say something simple like Zoila did.


It's really hard to feel sympathy for Didi A) because of how they wrote her character and B) because an affair isn't a mistake. I have conservative views on adultery to begin with but even so, an affair is different from a one night stand.


It was very Leverage for a second with there being a hitch in the plan when the other actor grabbed Ty's leg. Of course, this not being Leverage, that's where it ended. God, I miss Leverage. On the plus side, Ethan got stabbed! Hooray! But why the hell did he asked to be dropped off with Valentina at the Powell's? She wants to be a fashion designer, not a nurse.

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I'm conflicted on the Genevieve/June Squibb thing. I think it's hard to extricate societal feelings about parent-child relationships from the realities of parent-child relationships sometimes and it's too easy to say something simple like Zoila did.


I'm conflicted because the way it was written, it seemed like at the beginning June Squibb took pleasure in doing and saying things to purposefully embarrass her daughter.  Then it takes a turn and you get the sob story about how she was a single mom and had to be "tough," and her daughter doesn't understand that or respect her.   And I agree that given Zoila seems to know about Genevieve's background (she didn't seem surprised at anything June Squibb said), her doomed romance with Henri doesn't make much sense, for reasons others mentioned. 



And Rosie's situation...I hate it.  Reggie is the worst villain and Rosie is dumb.  Sweet yet dumb.


I think the problem is that there is really nothing at stake in that storyline.  So Reggie gets all the money, so what?  I mean, yes, dishonesty is bad, but I don't think any of Rosie's employers are developed enough as characters for me to care one way or the other. 



But why the hell did he asked to be dropped off with Valentina at the Powell's? She wants to be a fashion designer, not a nurse.


My guess would be Ethan will ask her to get Remy to help him. 

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I figured Tony was using Evelyn, mainly because tv shows rarely show a young guy falling for an older woman just because he wants to.


Plus, he looks a little evil. Good-looking in a scary model way, but still evil.


I also thought Genevieve came from money. I did think her mom was sort of embarrassing when she pulled out her dentures at the dining table. That seemed unnecessarily rude.


A lot of the young guys on this show are kind of annoying. The 17 year old with a crush on Carmen is starting to work my last nerve. Maybe if he wasn't so odd-looking by tv standards I wouldn't be so annoyed. And Ethan has a face that gives me the heebie jeebies too.

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