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Devious Maids - General Discussion

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When the new maid walked into the living room, there was blood (presumably, it was dark red) splattered everywhere - couches, walls, floors. Literally looked like a bloodbath had gone down in there (I think they showed the little girl just standing around, too). Then it cut to Evelyn shooing away the dog, spotting the human leg amongst her prize roses, and then fainting epically.

I don't know if it'll play out this way but I hope we actually have two mysteries to deal with to inject some life into the show. Mystery 1 is all the blood at the Stappords. By the way, I guess bringing them back means they get to use the same set? Mystery 2 is the leg at Evelyn's. Based on the color and the slight decay that looked more like a body part from the morgue/something that had already been embalmed, etc. not someone who had just been killed. The characters are pretty boring right now. The most interesting storyline, Zoila lying to Javier about the paternity of the baby, is still super predictable so splitting our time between two mysteries could keep things interesting and give all the characters something to do.

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Does Marisol still fit in with her friends?


I found this plotline strange.  They kind of ignore the fact that Marisol was supposedly a university professor before she went undercover as a maid.  Heck, if I remember right, she had published academic texts on whatever she taught.  Presumably she would have had a lot of highly-educated, non-maid friends from that time period in her life.  And did they ever explain why she didn't go back to teaching?   

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I have a hard time seeing Marisol and Evelyn as BFFs considering how much Evelyn looked down on Marisol when she was a maid.


Me too, except for the fact that if it wasn't for Marisol, Evelyn and Adrian would have never found out who ran down their son. Marisol basically forced Nicholas to confess and turn himself into the police so I can see the Powell's being very grateful to her. And now she's got a book on the NYT's best-seller list, so she's probably socially acceptable as well.


Which brings me to  . . . whatever happened to Nicholas. I'm guessing he got some jail time for the hit and run and maybe obstructing justice but I wonder how much. 



A merciful Dog would have gotten rid of Remi and Valentina.  Aside from their hideous storylines, they are two of the worst actors I've ever seen.


Both actors have been demoted to recurring status this season so maybe the show agrees with you.

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I found this plotline strange.  They kind of ignore the fact that Marisol was supposedly a university professor before she went undercover as a maid.  Heck, if I remember right, she had published academic texts on whatever she taught.  Presumably she would have had a lot of highly-educated, non-maid friends from that time period in her life.  And did they ever explain why she didn't go back to teaching?

I disagree that they forget she was a professor because I think that's what's behind Carmen saying she was never one of them. Plus, her being an English professor seems to be the justification for her just whipping up a bestselling book. I don't remember if they ever justified her not going back to teaching beyond her getting involved with Nicholas. Was it to take time off to write the book? She wasn't really doing anything last season. And I guess now she's happier being an author and self-promoting than teaching. 

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Yeah, I imagine the book pays far better than her teaching job. We don't really know if she quit or if she just took an extended leave of absence to investigate Flora's murder and clear her son's name. Then she met Nicholas and decided to write a book about her experiences as an undercover maid (notice the title of her book, "Coming Clean"). Now she's on a book tour. So it's no real mystery why she didn't go back to teaching. The bigger mystery is what the hell happened to her son. I think she may have mentioned him at the beginning of Season 2 and nothing since.

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The mystery child and the return of the Stappords has some promise but not much. Oh, and if you needed any confirmation that something's wrong with her, you only have to look at the way she ate the string cheese. 


Oh thank you! I kept wondering what it was that she was eating! XD Pretty sure we don't have those over here in Italy! :(

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Oh thank you! I kept wondering what it was that she was eating! XD Pretty sure we don't have those over here in Italy! :(

You do, only you call it mozzarella.  ;)  American string cheese is just low moisture mozzarella cut into six inch sticks. 

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Darn, I was hoping that Marisol had been shot and killed at the wedding last season.  Glad Rosie made it though, I genuinely like her.  I didn't like that she was so judgy with Spence about his last "acting job" considering he's been caring for her son for four months and will likely be left covering her hospital bill, but she seemed to come around in the end.  It sounds like Spence got screwed in the divorce, and he and Rosie will be left struggling to make ends meet.  


All of the blood in the Stappord's living room was major overkill.  I'm not even sure what could have caused blood to be smeared all over like that...did the little girl decide to finger paint with blood, or what?!  And sure, uh huh, Taylor thought that she would be able to clean that mess up with some spray bottles of cleaner?  No, I don't think so.  

Edited by SonofaBiscuit
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I can't be the only one who positively DETESTS Dania Ramirez's child-like sing-songy acting on this show. I don't know whethere it's her own choice or they make her do it like that, but it just drives me up the wall! "It's okay to eat your feeeeeeeeelings!", "What do you meeeeeeeEEEEEEeeeean"? Can we boot her, please? Every time they cut to her the show comes to a screeching (case in poin!) halt.

Edited by Giuliano Lanzilli
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I was happy to see this come back because there's been a long boring period between season finales and summer shows.


But. . . uh-oh!  I don't like any of these people anymore. 


Zoila, my favorite, was formerly pragmatic and efficient and kept her hummingbird of a boss in line like a pro.  But now it looks like Zoila and Susan Lucci are going to be "hijinks buddies."  (Yanking out ten hairs by the root?  Did the man have a trickle of blood running down his neck?)


It was fun when the curtains would slip on the snooty Powells and reveal that they were unapologetic deviants, but I think they may have been re-written as full-time cartoon characters.


Sigh, I dunno.  Maybe I'm just in a mood.  But still, the single best moment was noticing that my Directv guide lists this show as




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Much better!


They established the main mystery and a side mystery.


They managed to make Marisol maid-related in a believable way.


They plugged Carmen into the Powell household so all the purple passionates can interact and go nuts together.


Zoila remembered she was genuine and generous.


And some decent straight up blackmail from the new "devious maid."

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It's also nice to see Naya Rivera fully embrace this character. I was a little worried that it might just be Santana in a maid's uniform. It would be nice to see her burst out in song and dance though (oh, Glee, I miss you in your better days). Maybe she and Carmen can both compete for a singing gig!

Overall, much better episode than last week, although the Rosie & Spence story is weak. Even with the return of the undead husband, I'm not loving where this is headed.

Evelyn, let me count the ways I love you. The show just would not be the same without the campy Powells. Mixing Carmen into this household has some strong possibilities. Don't disappoint me, show!!

Does this also mean less of Remy / Valentina? I'm good with that, although I will miss the prettiness of Remy!

Edited by barbarylane
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I'm really not sold on the idea of turning Taylor into an accomplice to murder (because I don't think even for one second that she murdered Michael herself). It seems like such a complete 180 from what her character used to be: I mean, she was a quiet, demure and insecure loving wife and now she's ok with her husband's body parts being scattered around the neighbourhood? 

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It's also nice to see Naya Rivera fully embrace this character. I was a little worried that it might just be Santana in a maid's uniform. It would be nice to see her burst out in song and dance though (oh, Glee, I miss you in your better days). Maybe she and Carmen can both compete for a singing gig!

Overall, much better episode than last week, although the Rosie & Spence story is weak. Even with the return of the undead husband, I'm not loving where this is headed.

Evelyn, let me count the ways I love you. The show just would not be the same without the campy Powells. Mixing Carmen into this household has some strong possibilities. Don't disappoint me, show!!

Does this also mean less of Remy / Valentina? I'm good with that, although I will miss the prettiness of Remy!

All of this.  I will admit that I don't think Remy is that bad, it's just that he was given little to work with most of the time by the show and Valentina, his main scene partner, is TERIBBLE (both writing and acting).  He was actually pretty funny last night with his "Nope"s in response to Zoila's questions about sex and his "Oh thank God" reaction to Valentina wanting to have sex after suggesting a long engagement.  


I'm so tired of Rosie and Spence.  I remember sort of liking them in season 1, but holy crap they just keep getting more annoying.  He's an idiot man-child and she's whiny and constantly comparing him to her (not) dead husband. #WorstSpousesEVAH

Edited by RachelKM
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It's also nice to see Naya Rivera fully embrace this character. I was a little worried that it might just be Santana in a maid's uniform. It would be nice to see her burst out in song and dance though (oh, Glee, I miss you in your better days).


So that's where I know her from. Thank you. That was driving me nuts. (I gave up on Glee during it's second season.)


OK, OK, show, we get it: Rosie's husband is alive. Jeez, we don't need her bringing up his name every damn time she opens her mouth. All this does is make Rosie look like a total shrew. And where does she get off getting so bent out of shape that Spence hasn't kept the apartment clean? He's been taking care of her kid, trying to find work, and she knows damn well he's used to having a maid do the cleaning because she used to be it. And why does she keep bringing up Ernesto anyway when she never mentioned the man during the first two seasons? Talk about contrived.


That said, Ernesto is a lot cuter than Spence!


I feel like the whole thing with Taylor's adopted kid is an obvious mis-direct. They want us to think she's some kind of psychotic murderer but it can't be her. I think it's probably going to turn out to be either Michael or Taylor herself.

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The Powells are the best thing about this show.  I can stand Remy away from Valentina, a shame he has to go too.  I am not interested in the little girl, and I never liked Spence and Rosie. 


I would like to see Zoila act more mature with her boyfriend, and him have more of a back bone.  

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Adrian Powell whinnying at the sex club was so darn funny.

I really liked Bitsy or Muffy or whomever from The Country Club, all tied down at the B&D place and still gossipy enough to get up in Evelyn's business about the leg situation.  Hee.


What's the side mystery?

Formerly dead Ernesto, heading our way.

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Eh. It wasn't awful. I'm recording it on the DVR but right now let's just say that if there were other things going on it might get bumped from my schedule. There's just no interest anywhere. They've put the mysteries on the backburner and they're not building any tension. Does anyone care if Carmen gets a job? Does anyone care if Marisol successfully launches her maid placement agency (I really thought she was going to write another book and we could have some fun)? Does anyone care about the Powell's sex life? I mean it's cute but it's not even as funny as it could be. Does anyone care if Zoila and Valentina approve of each others marriages? Does anyone care if Spence cleans the house by himself. These are NOT viable storylines. Just imagine this wasn't an ensemble show. No one would watch this.


Oh, God. Fingers crossed for next week. Weddings are always promising and I will be happy to have Rosie's husband back in the mix. I stopped caring about her and Spence ages ago and he's cute so let's just keep him.


It's also nice to see Naya Rivera fully embrace this character. I was a little worried that it might just be Santana in a maid's uniform.

I did think that the way she bargained with Taylor at the end felt like Santana. I think there was a way to act that scene that would have been more natural but it seemed like an abrupt turn. 


I really liked Bitsy or Muffy or whomever from The Country Club

Remember when Mrs. Powell had the blonde friend? I was convinced she was part of something last season or the season before but that didn't end up going anywhere. Whatever happened to her? I mean I get that you don't want to strain the budget when you're already paying all these salaries but they need more people in the mix, not just attractive men they throw away after a season.

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Eh. It wasn't awful. I'm recording it on the DVR but right now let's just say that if there were other things going on it might get bumped from my schedule. There's just no interest anywhere. They've put the mysteries on the backburner and they're not building any tension. Does anyone care if Carmen gets a job? Does anyone care if Marisol successfully launches her maid placement agency (I really thought she was going to write another book and we could have some fun)? Does anyone care about the Powell's sex life? I mean it's cute but it's not even as funny as it could be. Does anyone care if Zoila and Valentina approve of each others marriages? Does anyone care if Spence cleans the house by himself. These are NOT viable storylines. Just imagine this wasn't an ensemble show. No one would watch this.


Well it's only the second episode of the season after all, they're just building up to things at this point. Give it time! What I mean is that I know most plots seem rather fluffy, but they could just be paving the way for more interesting storylines in the future (such as Carmen moving to the Powells') that have yet to be fully explored because the season has just started!

That said, I am a little worried about the Powells though. Last year it was ALL about Evelyn screwing around with that fake bodyguard, so having their sex life front and center plot-wise once again didn't excite me in the slightest. Rebecca's lines continue to be the funniest ones but I just can't help but think the writers don't know what to have them do anymore... :(

Edited by Giuliano Lanzilli
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That said, I am a little worried about the Powells though. Last year it was ALL about Evelyn screwing around with that fake bodyguard, so having their sex life front and center plot-wise once again didn't excite me in the slightest. Rebecca's lines continue to be the funniest ones but I just can't help but think the writers don't know what to have them do anymore... :(


I feel the same way.  They seem to be straining to keep them connected to the main characters, and justify their continued presence on the show. 


I was fully ready for Spence to put Rosie back into a coma.  I mean, what guy doesn't dream of a wife who upon waking up from a four month coma immediately launches into a litany of complaints about cleaning the house, and then compares you unfavorably to her dead (not-dead) first husband.

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Rosie is on my last nerve. She talks like a baby. Her not so dead husband can have her, unless he turns out to be cool and maybe get with Carmen. 


I am intrigued with Taylor and yes the Powell's bring the funny.

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Why was Rosie so mad that Spence got help cleaning the apartment?  The girls volunteered to help out.


I will be so glad for Valentina to follow after Remy to med school.  Good riddance!

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Why was Rosie so mad that Spence got help cleaning the apartment?  The girls volunteered to help out.


I think she wanted him to be able to clean up after himself.  Though also, the girls "volunteered" because Spence manipulated them into helping. 

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This thing with Silent Murder Child Is so dumb and ridiculous it's starting to become kind of funny. It's almost so bad it's good, but they need to kick it up a notch and make it truly over the top and insane to redeem the storyline. It has potential to be so bad it's brilliant (I have no hope in it being actually good at this point), but unfortunately I think it's asking to much of this show and these writers to really go there.

MVPs? The Powells, obviously. And Grant Show's muscles. The rest was mostly a snooze.

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This thing with Silent Murder Child Is so dumb and ridiculous it's starting to become kind of funny. It's almost so bad it's good, but they need to kick it up a notch [...]

LOL.  Kick it up a notch?  "We can't leave the unsuspecting innocent new maid alone with . . .<gulp>. . . her."  Severed limb in the rose garden.  Bloodbath in the white living room.  Fingerpaintings of murdered corpses and a child with burned out eyeholes, holding a knife that drips blood.  Except for a 666 mark, a rottweiler and a nanny with a huge face mole, I'd say all the boxes have been checked.  Maybe ominous pipe organ music?


It is pretty funny how hard they're pushing the fake homicidal maniac kid angle.  : )

Edited by candall
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Rosie gets on my nerves.  But it's easy to see why Spence doesn't have an acting career anymore given how bad of an actor he was while manipulating Zoila and Carmen.  

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I think she wanted him to be able to clean up after himself.  Though also, the girls "volunteered" because Spence manipulated them into helping. 

I agree.  And when I saw him struggling with the vacuum cleaner (I think that was what he was trying to put together) and the ladies came over, I was really hoping he would take the opportunity to ask for help learning how to clean and best practice or just help a little.  I mean, it's pathetic that he cannot vacuum or get clothes cleaned and folded, but it appeared he really was baffled.  I thought it might be nice if he showed the effort and I could sort of like him again (I genuinely thought he was ok in season 1).  But no, he turns on waterworks (badly) and gets them to clean for  him. 

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Sadly, some men just have zero concept of cleaning and don't care either. Their moms did it for them, then their girlfriends, then their wives. And in Spence's case, the maid. Men being slobs is nothing new or shocking. This is all a very contrived way of contrasting what a loser Spence is compared to Ernesto.



I would like to see Zoila act more mature with her boyfriend, and him have more of a back bone.


I suspect he will eventually discover she's been lying about the paternity and dump her because otherwise she's going to quit being a maid at some point.



Bloodbath in the white living room.


And how laughable was it that she was able to clean that all up and make it perfectly white and pristine again? No way. She's got some highly magical cleaning products to get deep blood stains like that out of white sofa cushions and carpeting.

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And how laughable was it that she was able to clean that all up and make it perfectly white and pristine again?


Indeed.  Her cleaning products had to be infused with magic, because no way was that much blood was coming out of the furniture and carpet.  Though I was surprised Blanca actually bought Ms. Stappord had just stabbed a burglar who got away.  I can't imagine anyone could lose that much blood and remain alive outside of some kind of Gone Girl scenario.   

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Agree with those who are having problems with Rosie (and her always annoying accent, considering the actress IRL doesn't talk that way) getting upset that Spence didn't do his own housework.  If everyone did their own housework, those maids would go out of business. 


Love the Powells.  Actually missed Genevieve.  When she and Zoila are together it's comedy gold.  So Valentina and Remy are going, going, gone?  I dare to hope.


Sure would be nice if anyone was trying to figure out to whom the leg belongs.

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Rosie is on my last nerve. She talks like a baby.

THIS!! And it's driving me crazy, what are you five???? Don't care about Valentina, Remy, weird child, the Stappords and Blanca.

I'm on the fence about Rosie and Spence for now.

This week was marginally better than last week, so I am still in. The only reason for that is because of Evelyn, Adrian, Zoila, Genevieve, Carmen and a little bit Marisol. I think putting Carmen with the Powell's has the potential to be damn funny, if it's done right.

Edited by missbonnie
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Sadly, some men just have zero concept of cleaning and don't care either. Their moms did it for them, then their girlfriends, then their wives. And in Spence's case, the maid. Men being slobs is nothing new or shocking. This is all a very contrived way of contrasting what a loser Spence is compared to Ernesto.



I suspect he will eventually discover she's been lying about the paternity and dump her because otherwise she's going to quit being a maid at some point.



And how laughable was it that she was able to clean that all up and make it perfectly white and pristine again? No way. She's got some highly magical cleaning products to get deep blood stains like that out of white sofa cushions and carpeting.

Clearly they use oxiclean HA HA HA HA.

 I was thinking the same thing. There is not a maid in the world that good

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I have a hard time believing that Remy is going to med school at Columbia because he seems a bit dumb, but I guess he did get involved in that medical program in Africa last season.  


I guess that Rosie's son just magically learned English in the four months that she was in a coma.  I'm pretty sure that he's played by a completely different actor, too.


I did get a good laugh out of Carmen kicking the dirty laundry in Spence's house and asking about Miguel (Rosie's son).  "He's not buried somewhere in here, is he?"

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The Powells are criminally underused this year... They really don't have much of a storyline, especially Evelyn, who pops up in two scenes tops each episode to crack some joke and that's it. When Sebastian showed up on their doorstep I thought things were finally heading in the right direction, but even that only served as a ploy to further his romance with Carmen and the Powells were pushed to the backburner. I'm REALLY not liking this!


On a bit of unrelated note, I was REALLY shocked when Michael turned up alive. Well, if he's not dead why all the secrecy ("Hard to say when he gets home", "I don't know if he'll help you, Marisol"...)? I have no idea, except that I still think making Taylor this shady and underhanded is a complete 180 from what she used to be!


And I was totally screaming for Blanca to take off one shoe and stab the burglar with her heel in the last scene... just me?

Edited by Giuliano Lanzilli
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I have no idea, except that I still think making Taylor this shady and underhanded is a complete 180 from what she used to be!



Taylor was a hooker who met Michael when she was involved in Adrian's sex tape thing.  Remember his wacky first wife?  Taylor broke up his marriage  She was hardly an innocent good person in Season One even though all of that happened before the show started.

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Why Zoila would listen to Genevieve about anything is a mystery.  Also, I'm not liking the Rosie storyline  at all. 

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I still can't figure out what's going on with that kid, and there's also something hinky about Ernesto's story. 


The whole thing with the Powells is awfully contrived. In the first place, it seems unlikely to me that Adrian would just now be discovering this fetish, at his age, but I'll let that pass. (Voyeurism seemed to be his thing in Season 1.) What's harder to believe is that Evelyn would be so adamantly against participating when she's the very type of character who seems like she'd be totally into the idea of dominating Adrian. It would be one thing if she were just frigid and uninterested in Adrian or in sex, but that is obviously not the case. She was just in the therapist's office complaining she wasn't getting any and was willing to do the whole French Maid roll-playing thing, so why not this? I get that the club was way out of her comfort zone but a little role playing in the privacy of her own house? Why not?


It's just a contrivance to get to Point B and have Carmen somehow manipulated into becoming Adrian's Dom, I think. It's dumb. 

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It is a bit distracting that Blanca seems more pregnant than Zoila. Also 'fudging the dates' when the dates are three months apart? Not a plan, Z. But I was hoping Javier would be ok with the baby not being his, as that would have at least been a surprise.

The Staffords killed Katie's parents, didn't they?

Carmen is right, Ernesto is hot for a dead guy.

Edited by Lebanna
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I'm confused about the Zoila storyline.  My memory was she slept with her ex-husband and Javier around the same period of time, so that was why she was initially confused about who was the father of her baby.  However, in this episode, it sounded as if she was trying to pass off the conception date as occurring months after it really did in order to fool Javier.  I didn't understand what the point of that was, or how she thought she was going to get away with it.  I mean, presumably when she goes into labor months ahead of time, and magically gives birth to a full term baby, the secret was going to come out. 

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[Evelyn] was just in the therapist's office complaining she wasn't getting any and was willing to do the whole French Maid roll-playing thing, so why not this? I get that the club was way out of her comfort zone but a little role playing in the privacy of her own house? Why not?


It's just a contrivance to get to Point B and have Carmen somehow manipulated into becoming Adrian's Dom, I think. It's dumb. 

Agree.  I think the "Why not?" and Point B are both paths to keeping Carmen packed into those bustiers.  

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