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S02.E11: Trouble In Store

Tara Ariano

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Yay Sewergate is over and no one died and there wasn't a riot....so call it a win?  

When did MonaLisa become my favorite person on the show?  It kinda slipped up on me.  That and me liking Ryan.  I know!  The dude is heading for trouble with his tray store plan but I can't quite be angry at him for it.  Honestly I find it ingenious in stupidly sounds like a good idea at the time kinda plan.   As long as the trade is something for something.  

Someone needs to take Dion's sneakers and hide them because he is one step away from doing something stupid and ending up in jail for the realz and I don't think his mind could handle it.  

Ashleigh needs to dump her husband and find herself a prison wife.  She's do much better with one of the drug addicts in Pod F over the douche she married.  Doesn't he know never to compare battle scares.  You will always lose and look like a dick in the process.   I mean telling you incarcerated wife not to stress is probably the one sure way to get her to stress.

What did they say Demaris was in for......did I hear that right? The quiet ones are the bad ones....the real bad ones.  

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I don't think "scripted" is the right word.  I think "highly edited" is.  Sewergate alone had at minimum 36 hours of raw footage and that was just with the one camera.   My God how much footage they probably had to go through to get an hour and change of footage to put on air.  As for after I can see days of pretty much nothing they can or want to put on the air.   Something awesome can suddenly become days of my God this is boring do something already. Someone start something!

Edited by Chaos Theory
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I wonder if psycho CO lady with the dark hair (who went and got her pepper gun, then walked into the room with inmates standing beside and BEHIND her) has been fired?  Or if her boss who chewed her out about it filed the kind of incident report that should have been filled out about it?

I do admit I'm curious about the weird dynamic/editing choices where the danger seemed to alternate between "stay in the doorway, minimize any contact with them, whatever you do!" followed by a scene of three female officers walking right in among the men and talking to them normally. 

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First, I was really gratified to read and hear the Sheriff say (on that insider show) that some of the staff are actually being fired. It would be great to know exactly who -- although that probably won't happen.

I like Ryan; his store idea could get him into trouble but if it is actually happening when they're on the verge of leaving, he's probably safe. One way to avoid collecting debts is to not extend credit. He could be the "fair prices, no credit" store! Honestly, I think Ryan is just trying to keep his mind occupied during all this boredom. I don't want to hang out with him but I don't think he's the worst, either.

Ashleigh probably has a boil caused by bad food and a lot of stress. Once again on the phone with Zach. It seems like they bait each other. He baits her by saying things about her mother and how she should be more like him and she baits him with comparing her experience with his in the war. I wonder if that's how they are at home. My opinion is that Zach is an ass and Ashleigh shouldn't let her shame over her earlier life prevent her from standing up to him.

All that boredom leads to histrionics -- burnout from that could lead to apathy on the part of the guards.

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Zach and Ashleigh's marriage does not look healthy to me at all and I blame both of them.  My question is was Ashleigh still using when she married Zach? Their fights sound to me like "I stuck by you when you were using so now that you are clean I don't have to do anything anymore."! Maybe it's just me but Ashleigh was spinning and Zach could barely muster up an ounce of concern.   

Edited by Chaos Theory
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4 hours ago, Chaos Theory said:


Zach and Ashleigh's marriage does not look healthy to me at all and I blame both of them.


Zac and Ashleigh drive me nuts!  He can't/won't/doesn't know how to be supportive, and every time she calls him all they do is argue.  I think she should stop calling him if every time they speak it sends her into a tailspin.  Of course this show is highly edited and hopefully there are calls not aired that are less tense, otherwise that marriage is doomed.  Frankly I don't see what their drama adds to the show or why it needs to be included.  She is supposed to be there to get intel on how to improve the jail system, yet she is always in a crisis mode, so I just don't see how she is contributing.  

19 hours ago, Andromeda said:

I wondered what Monalisa's daughter was in for... I figured drugs/County jail. But it's armed robbery! She has to be serving time in prison, not a county jail.

Yeah, and she got 10 years, or will have served 10, anyway. Either it was really aggravated or she added more charges somehow. 

I do agree that there needs to be transition counseling. I heard a podcast with a guy who went away for 20 years at 18.  38 is still young in the grand scheme of things, but he went away before the www, ATMs, all sorts of things we just eased into. Never mind institutionalization, the world itself is radically different, so it isn't a matter of even fitting back in - it's learning to fit in a place that's foreign to you.

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10 hours ago, Chaos Theory said:

Found this online (Thanks Twitter) about new inmate Demaris .   Read at your own risk. 



Maples being sheriff makes a few comments.   

This is horrific.  I cannot stress how difficult it is to break a baby's ribs, because they are still so pliable.  Broken ribs usually mean internal injuries.  And they are in different stages of healing, so this baby was subjected to many severe beatings. This is one of the worst stories I've read on baby abuse.  I wonder if the CPR story was an attempt to cover up the rib injuries. This is really disturbing.   Ten fucking years.  Sounds more like multiple attempted murder attempts, IMO. 

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2 hours ago, kassa said:

Yeah, and she got 10 years, or will have served 10, anyway. Either it was really aggravated or she added more charges somehow. 

I do agree that there needs to be transition counseling. I heard a podcast with a guy who went away for 20 years at 18.  38 is still young in the grand scheme of things, but he went away before the www, ATMs, all sorts of things we just eased into. Never mind institutionalization, the world itself is radically different, so it isn't a matter of even fitting back in - it's learning to fit in a place that's foreign to you.

There was a term I heard once "prison ignorant".   The quick way the world moves even going away for a few years you'll come out with an incredible gap in knowledge.  Even those who get clean and want to go straight not only have to compete in a job market with non felons but with people whose technological and social knowledge far exceeds there's.   There needs to be at least the option of a place to help those who want to live a clean life to learn to adapt.

Edited by Chaos Theory
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On 10/21/2016 at 7:42 PM, Fable said:

Zac and Ashleigh drive me nuts!  He can't/won't/doesn't know how to be supportive, and every time she calls him all they do is argue.  I think she should stop calling him if every time they speak it sends her into a tailspin.  Of course this show is highly edited and hopefully there are calls not aired that are less tense, otherwise that marriage is doomed.  Frankly I don't see what their drama adds to the show or why it needs to be included.  She is supposed to be there to get intel on how to improve the jail system, yet she is always in a crisis mode, so I just don't see how she is contributing.  

she is also exposing herself a lot.....she pulled her pants down the first night and spent a lot of time exposing her butt this episode--I'm sorry it just strikes me funny. I do think the phone calls are highly edited because they are very unflattering....

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Zac is such an asshole.  Why does he continually attack Ashley's mother?  He's the one who starts the fight every time.  And someone asked why she even bothers to call him.  I'm guessing she's wanting to know about her baby, which is the same reason her mother is checking in.

 I cannot stand him. He's seemingly unconcerned about Ashley's sobriety, irritated at having to take care of his son, and highly resentful that his MIL isn't at his beck and call, waiting on him hand and foot. 

And since I suspect he pushed her into doing this for the money, I think he's a total jackass.  She's a recovering addict, separated from her baby, and probably still dealing with shooting an intruder.  She's an anxious mess, and I expect her rash was exacerbated by extreme stress, which lowers your immunity. 

I love that Sheri acknowledges they will all need counseling, and even experience a little PTSD.  Hopefully they will keep in touch as a mini support group. 

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45 minutes ago, Cotypubby said:

I really wanted to smack Ashleigh with her "I guarantee these women would rather be shot at in a war then be in here" bullshit. Bitch you have it so damn easy in the female pod, if you think it's crowded or "life and death" in there, see how the men have to live. 

Yeah, that was quite the hoptoad coming out of Ashleigh's mouth.  I can think of quite a few places to be worse than Clark County lockup, shitty as that place seems to be.  In the middle of a war would be one of them--really offensive for her to say that.


That's about it for me this week, except I really want Deion to stop saying baffroom.

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12 hours ago, candall said:

Yeah, that was quite the hoptoad coming out of Ashleigh's mouth.  I can think of quite a few places to be worse than Clark County lockup, shitty as that place seems to be.  In the middle of a war would be one of them--really offensive for her to say that.


That's about it for me this week, except I really want Deion to stop saying baffroom.

I agree.  I know she doesn't have it easy, but she can NEVER compare what she is going through to COMBAT.  Seriously, wth??  I hate when people do that because they have no idea what they are talking about.

That new inmate- serious piece of shit.  I am so infuriated with that situation.  That poor baby.  I hope there is no permanent damage. 

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When I start hating Zac, I remind myself that he DID come back from a war, and then he went through this experience which as well as he did, probably triggered a lot of old tensions.  Maybe what we saw as his ability to be clearheaded under the circumstances when so many others couldn't be was just old battlefield robotic emotional shut down.

 At the time of filming, he's only been back in the real world for a few weeks, and now has the sole care of an infant and a zillion pets (though maybe not if he was going to California on job interviews).  At any rate, it's not wonder they're not at their best point in their marriage over the phone right now, even if they didn't have other issues. 

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On 10/22/2016 at 10:20 PM, Chaos Theory said:

There was a term I heard once "prison ignorant".   The quick way the world moves even going away for a few years you'll come out with an incredible gap in knowledge.  Even those who get clean and want to go straight not only have to compete in a job market with non felons but with people whose technological and social knowledge far exceeds there's.   There needs to be at least the option of a place to help those who want to live a clean life to learn to adapt.

Like Brooks in Shawshank Redemption. "The world went and got itself in a big damn hurry."

I don't think Asleigh actually shot someone. She fired Zach's issued-from-some-job's gun, but I've never read that anyone was injured.

I'm glad to see that Ryan's "store" was blown out of proportion in the previews. He's trading trays for honey buns. Big deal.

I'm pretty bored with this season now. 

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20 hours ago, Cotypubby said:

I really wanted to smack Ashleigh with her "I guarantee these women would rather be shot at in a war then be in here" bullshit. Bitch you have it so damn easy in the female pod, if you think it's crowded or "life and death" in there, see how the men have to live. 

Not just in combat, but usually in prisons, the men's prisons are a lot more horrific than the women's.  I remember watching an episode of "Locked Up Abroad" where a man and woman went to jail in Peru, I think.  The men's prison was a serious hellhole, dirty, disgusting, dangerous; while the women's looked like some all female village, everybody talking, braiding hair, playing cards.  Sure there were fights among the women but it wasn't half as awful as the men's prison. 

  • Love 3
11 hours ago, GenL said:

I agree.  I know she doesn't have it easy, but she can NEVER compare what she is going through to COMBAT.  Seriously, wth??  I hate when people do that because they have no idea what they are talking about.

That new inmate- serious piece of shit.  I am so infuriated with that situation.  That poor baby.  I hope there is no permanent damage. 

I've been looking and can't find any updates on the baby.  I broke a rib once a long time ago and every time I sneezed, coughed, moved the wrong way or even tried to breathe, the pain was unbearable.  I can't imagine a tiny, innocent baby going through that.  I don't condone violence but I hope this woman gets the shit beat out of her by the other girls. 

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We are only see small hints of how bad the women have it.  Honestly i have always resented the my trauma is worse then yours argument.  For the record they made a throwaway line about how the women get two tampons a month.  What woman uses only two tampons a month?  If they want more they need to ask often male guards who don't see it as a priority or they can buy them at substantially marked up prices.   Some lawmakers are trying to change this but almost all have failed.  Oh and women have staid they were often forced to shower in front of male guards.

The majority of women are in prison for non violent crimes but it isn't summer camp.

Edited by Chaos Theory
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Honestly i have always resented the my trauma is worse then yours argument.

Me too. I don't think she should have compared the two.  My thought on it; instead of treating her the way he got treated (or would like to be treated), maybe he could treat her the way she (Ashleigh) wants to be treated (and it would be great if she could reciprocate). I think Ashleigh and Zach's communication styles are pretty immature.

  • Love 6

I do agree that there needs to be transition counseling. I heard a podcast with a guy who went away for 20 years at 18.  38 is still young in the grand scheme of things, but he went away before the www, ATMs, all sorts of things we just eased into. Never mind institutionalization, the world itself is radically different, so it isn't a matter of even fitting back in - it's learning to fit in a place that's foreign to you.

I went to a screening of West of Memphis a few years ago, which had a Q&A afterward with Damien Echols. He recounted the same kind of things (and much worse) and elaborated on his confusion over debit cards. It was cute...and heartbreaking. 


This is horrific.  I cannot stress how difficult it is to break a baby's ribs, because they are still so pliable.  Broken ribs usually mean internal injuries.  And they are in different stages of healing, so this baby was subjected to many severe beatings. This is one of the worst stories I've read on baby abuse.  I wonder if the CPR story was an attempt to cover up the rib injuries. This is really disturbing.   Ten fucking years.  Sounds more like multiple attempted murder attempts, IMO. 

I am having trouble articulating this (and trouble not crying, to be honest--I just can't read the whole article that was posted) but having this inmate shown, even just a little, seems...way too serious for this show? Again, I don't know if I am expressing this correctly. Not that this show is, like, a lighthearted little joke or whatever (and I spend a lot of time watching true-crime docs and such), but that lady and that crime? It seems somehow inappropriate to feature it in this kind of show, which is basically entertainment. 

Edited by TattleTeeny
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4 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

I went to a screening of West of Memphis a few years ago, which had a Q&A afterward with Damien Echols. He recounted the same kind of things (and much worse) and elaborated on his confusion over debit cards. It was cute...and heartbreaking. **

I am having trouble articulating this (and trouble not crying, to be honest--I just can't read the whole article that was posted) but having this inmate shown, even just a little, seems...way too serious for this show? Again, I don't know if I am expressing this correctly. Not that this show is, like, a lighthearted little joke or whatever (and I spend a lot of time watching true-crime docs and such), but that lady and that crime? It seems somehow inappropriate to feature it in this kind of show, which is basically entertainment. ***

** I remember watching a Dateline/48 Hours episode in which a man was released after almost twenty years in prison, because is conviction was turned over, and he was clearly not guilty.  In the car with his attorney, he's trying to talk on a cell phone and he's holding it upside down.  Then he's staying at someone's house, and he's got his shoes lined up perfectly, and he's perched on a perfectly made up bed.  He looked completely overwhelmed.

*** You made a good choice in not reading the entire article.  It was beyond disturbing - a baby who's left untreated until it's having difficulty breathing, and the father begins "CPR" by throwing a glass of water in its face.  It gave me chills and I'm still thinking about it days later.

What shocks me, is Deputy Droopalong's speaking of it in detail.  For some reason it surprised me.  I realize it's public record to a certain extent, but it seemed inappropriate to give a press conference and divulge minute details.  It's definitely tainting the jury pool, but maybe that's the intention.

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

I went to a screening of West of Memphis a few years ago, which had a Q&A afterward with Damien Echols. He recounted the same kind of things (and much worse) and elaborated on his confusion over debit cards. It was cute...and heartbreaking. **

I am having trouble articulating this (and trouble not crying, to be honest--I just can't read the whole article that was posted) but having this inmate shown, even just a little, seems...way too serious for this show? Again, I don't know if I am expressing this correctly. Not that this show is, like, a lighthearted little joke or whatever (and I spend a lot of time watching true-crime docs and such), but that lady and that crime? It seems somehow inappropriate to feature it in this kind of show, which is basically entertainment. ***

** I remember watching a Dateline/48 Hours episode in which a man was released after almost twenty years in prison, because is conviction was turned over, and he was clearly not guilty.  In the car with his attorney, he's trying to talk on a cell phone and he's holding it upside down.  Then he's staying at someone's house, and he's got his shoes lined up perfectly, and he's perched on a perfectly made up bed.  He looked completely overwhelmed.

*** You made a good choice in not reading the entire article.  It was beyond disturbing - a baby who's left untreated until it's having difficulty breathing, and the father begins "CPR" by throwing a glass of water in its face.  It gave me chills and I'm still thinking about it days later.

What shocks me, is Deputy Droopalong's speaking of it in detail.  For some reason it surprised me.  I realize it's public record to a certain extent, but it seemed inappropriate to give a press conference and divulge minute details.  It's definitely tainting the jury pool, but maybe that's the intention.

4 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

I went to a screening of West of Memphis a few years ago, which had a Q&A afterward with Damien Echols. He recounted the same kind of things (and much worse) and elaborated on his confusion over debit cards. It was cute...and heartbreaking. **

I am having trouble articulating this (and trouble not crying, to be honest--I just can't read the whole article that was posted) but having this inmate shown, even just a little, seems...way too serious for this show? Again, I don't know if I am expressing this correctly. Not that this show is, like, a lighthearted little joke or whatever (and I spend a lot of time watching true-crime docs and such), but that lady and that crime? It seems somehow inappropriate to feature it in this kind of show, which is basically entertainment. ***

** I remember watching a Dateline/48 Hours episode in which a man was released after almost twenty years in prison, because is conviction was turned over, and he was clearly not guilty.  In the car with his attorney, he's trying to talk on a cell phone and he's holding it upside down.  Then he's staying at someone's house, and he's got his shoes lined up perfectly, and he's perched on a perfectly made up bed.  He looked completely overwhelmed.

*** You made a good choice in not reading the entire article.  It was beyond disturbing - a baby who's left untreated until it's having difficulty breathing, and the father begins "CPR" by throwing a glass of water in its face.  It gave me chills and I'm still thinking about it days later.

What shocks me, is Deputy Droopalong's speaking of it in detail.  For some reason it surprised me.  I realize it's public record to a certain extent, but it seemed inappropriate to give a press conference and divulge minute details.  It's definitely tainting the jury pool, but maybe that's the intention.


I agree.  I know she doesn't have it easy, but she can NEVER compare what she is going through to COMBAT.  Seriously, wth??  I hate when people do that because they have no idea what they are talking about.

She probably should have articulated better (or at all) that she meant her proximity to drugs as opposed to the general discomfort of jail. On the other hand, maybe Zac should have understood that.

6 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

I went to a screening of West of Memphis a few years ago, which had a Q&A afterward with Damien Echols. He recounted the same kind of things (and much worse) and elaborated on his confusion over debit cards. It was cute...and heartbreaking. 

Little OT but I just watched the HBO 3 part doc about the West Memphis Three (Paradise Lost).  I'm fascinated by this case.  Planning on getting Echol's book.

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Even though I have seen those about 65 times each and know the outcome, I still get all ragey if I watch them--particularly the first one-- again!

He's got a couple books now--and thanks for reminding me of that; the one I have not read is stuck on my busted Nook and I keep forgetting to buy it again for the Kindle! Also be sure to read Devil's Knot.

ETA: Jason's got a book in the works too.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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