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S02.E05: Condone Untidiest Thefts

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So this is what Blindspot looks like with Weller as the focus. B o r i n g.

"I'm comin' for you, Ally!" God. Ugh, this has been the worst episode of the season so far.

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One thing I loved about the episode was that everyone got to take turns snarking at Weller. I could really enjoy this show if we get Weller as full-time butt monkey.

A wilhelm scream? Did I hear a friggin' wilhelm scream?

Impatient mob boss gets himself busted for nothing. So let me get this straight: potential Senator Irish O'Mobman knows his brother (who has six months to live) has dirt on him. So he stages a faux assassination attempt so that the FBI will pick his brother up and force him to open the safe. Then all he has to do is have his lackeys get into a long, running gun battle with the FBI because of course only three and a half cops will be there and they will only have pistols. Once the mob gets this crucial evidence back they can destroy it, insulating the career of Senator O'Mobman despite the trail of dead Federal agents left behind. Well, Hollywood does have that GTA-style justice in which destruction of evidence makes criminal charges evaporate.

Reade is shaking down his former coach and a store owner says "I've already called the cops!" Now, same idea here as when the team was breaking into Mayfair's place. I am a cop, mind your own business. But on this day Reade wasn't just a cop... he was the law! Dun dun dun!

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48 minutes ago, dwmarch said:

A wilhelm scream? Did I hear a friggin' wilhelm scream?

I burst out laughing, I couldn't believe it. I know it's a famous thing but this is the first time I've noticed it.

I don't enjoy Weller's angst at all but I did like that he was an emotional wreck while the ladies (Allie, Jane, Nas) were more levelheaded. I'm not interested in Weller the Dad, nor do I see how it'll fit in this show, but I hope this is the end of the pregnancy scares.

Reade... Reade. I'm hoping it's a misdirect but I can see Confrontation #2 going way too far. It seems like the tape confirms that he was molested. :( If so, that's so messed up that there are so many tapes stowed away.

So happy Jane called Oliver, I hope he's a legitimate love interest and not yet another Shady McShadester. Oh yeah, and Patterson and Borden are moving right along, huh? He didn't do anything suspicious this week but I'm still keeping my eye on him.

Not sure what to make of the swirled image reveal... so Mayfair worked to expose Orion? But wasn't she worried about keeping it (and her involvement) under wraps? I'm so confused.

I'm also not sure about Shepherd and Roman, and their lies about Jane's whereabouts. I kind of got the vibe that Jane may not have been Team Shepherd at the time, like maybe the explosion meant to kill Jane was Shepherd's work rather than Orion or whoever they said did it. They certainly know where to get explosives. Someone here said that the NSA's mole went quiet six months ago, which could mean Jane was their mole... maybe Shepherd found out, tried to kill her, and when they found out she survived, perhaps Roman or Oscar convinced her to wipe her mind instead of finish the job. I dunno. But I did like Jane's comment to the mob guy, that staying loyal to a family that would use you like that isn't worth it. I hope that's what she's keeping in mind with Shepherd and Roman. I wonder if the woman with the ring is someone we know... and who is Chris?

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Man, I feel like I've seen Lee Tergesen in five different shows this year already.  Does the man ever sleep?  At least he wasn't a complete dick, but just a former one, who ended up sacrificing himself to save Ally.  Smart man.  He knew he wouldn't have heard the end of Weller's bellowing if he didn't.  Not one should have to suffer like that!

OK, while overprotective and old-fashioned, I can somewhat understand why Weller would be worried about Ally being out in the field and doing physical activity while pregnant.  But what was with him getting all crazy over her doing an interrogation by herself?  What is the harm in that?  O'Malley/Lee Tergesen was chained to the damn table; there wasn't any freaking danger at all!  There wasn't any need to have him lording over her, like he was waiting for her to faint or something.  Get it together, dude!

Reade breaks into the coach's house and finds a tape with his name on it.  It cuts away, and then when we go back, Zapata has arrived and she finds a totally dead coach, with Reade standing over him.  Uh oh!

Borden and Patterson are already in the "brushing their teeth together" phase of their relationship.  It is so going to suck when other of them ends up being the mole!

I'm pretty sure that Roman/Shepherd scene was 20% to setup up the next plot point and 80% an excuse to get Luke Mitchell shirtless.

Jane's now giving that British guy from last week a call.  And she gets a new memory, about some kind of doctor that saved her after the Orion fiasco.

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20 minutes ago, omgsowicked said:

Reade... Reade. I'm hoping it's a misdirect but I can see Confrontation #2 going way too far. It seems like the tape confirms that he was molested. :( If so, that's so messed up that there are so many tapes stowed away.

Not sure what to make of the swirled image reveal... so Mayfair worked to expose Orion? But wasn't she worried about keeping it (and her involvement) under wraps? I'm so confused.

The scene was really dark so you might have missed it but confrontation #2 did go too far... Reade killed the coach (or so it seems). He was standing over the coach's body when Zapata finds them.

That swirled image plot was silly. Ermagerd, how are we going to deal with this swirled image? And the solution turns out to be by unswirling it! Good thing nobody thought of that a bunch of years ago:


But as to your question, they seemed to be saying that she helped Snowden... er, Winter expose the NSA's secrets. And then she swirled some of them up in case she ever got in trouble. Sandstorm seems to be set on rooting out government corruption and Mayfair helping a contractor blow the NSA wide open would definitely fall into that category. I'm speculating that she went into it with good intentions (take that nasty NSA down!) but ended up getting caught up in it when the FBI was given Orion. And I say given because it's something the NSA would have to offer (hey guys, want some juicy but highly illegal intel on where every bad guy in the States is right now? All you have to do is sanitize it!) rather than something the FBI could ask for because they didn't know it existed in the first place. So now all of a sudden there's a link between the FBI and the NSA and Mayfair panicked because she was right in the middle of the thing she had just exposed. Everything we've seen her do on the show was an attempt at ass-covering but the CIA (who are all in on this secrecy shit) weren't having it. That's my understanding but if anyone else has a take on this overly byzantine plot, feel free!

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25 minutes ago, romantic idiot said:

So let know if I had this right. They needed to take Patrick to the lawyer's office as the safe needed his handprint. But then when it didn't work they broke off the tumbler mechanism and broke into the safe anyway. Okay. 

They would have needed the Loki eyeball extractor to beat Step 1 before breaking the tumbler...

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Weller is a dick. That was an entire episode of Weller being a dick. There was nothing redeeming about him at all, fakety fake "apology" to Jane at the end not withstanding. The best part was the Irish mob guy snarking at him, then he had to go kill himself. This show would maybe actually be GOOD if Weller had been killed and the Irish guy took over the team. And the Reade sidebar about molestation ... please, no. (Although it's clear this show's writers don't pay a lick of attention to what I want.)

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So all of those guys in black body armor were Irish mob? Did anyone count how many there were? It seemed like they kept coming and coming, from all directions, upstairs and downstairs. And do all mobsters dress in SWAT clothes these days? And how easy is it to kill a guy wearing body armor? Or is there no armor, just black outfits with hoods/masks? Seems this technique is used on many shows these days, I guess so the same extra can get "killed" multiple times. That, plus Weller is a dick.

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The pregnancy thing is killing me...we did not need another excuse for Weller to go full Neanderthal...

7 hours ago, saber5055 said:

So all of those guys in black body armor were Irish mob? Did anyone count how many there were? It seemed like they kept coming and coming, from all directions, upstairs and downstairs. And do all mobsters dress in SWAT clothes these days? And how easy is it to kill a guy wearing body armor? Or is there no armor, just black outfits with hoods/masks? Seems this technique is used on many shows these days, I guess so the same extra can get "killed" multiple times. That, plus Weller is a dick.

Unfortunately, they bought their body armor from the same vendor that makes imperial stormtrooper armor...it actually attracts kill shots.

More seriously, that was a ridiculous amount of firepower. They'd have done much better to ambush Team Weller on their way out of the building with the case, I think.

The improvised molotov was also a bit too effective, huge bang, large cloud of smoke, and those guys never followed them.

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19 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

I'm pretty sure that Roman/Shepherd scene was 20% to setup up the next plot point and 80% an excuse to get Luke Mitchell shirtless.

Sounds legit. Also I deserve eye candy for putting up with the foolishness on this show.

They skipped over Patterson and Borden getting to the 'sleeping over' phase of their romance while we have to sit through Weller family drama that the show doesn't need, and no one wanted? Show, your priorities are so screwy.

Jane really has no one she can trust, does she? I know that Shepherd and Roman are shady anyway, but I thought they were at least being honest with Jane.

Ack! What are they doing with Reede? :(

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So I've just started watching this show and I freely admit I have no idea what happened in the first season except very vaguely - I did read the recaps on this site. I might be missing a lot of details that were covered in season 1.

But, am I to understand that Weller is our show's hero/protagonist/romantic lead? Because I am not buying it. Can he do anything other than glower or stare manically at people? Is he supposed to be a leader? Is he supposed to have a romantic connection with Jane? Nope, nope, nope. Tragic lack of chemistry aside, he is a total tool. Why on earth would anyone be attracted to him or think him a competent leader? This kind of forced romantic relationship is just awful, as well as being utterly predictable. 

This episode's plot was very shonky indeed, but it seems to be fitting a pattern of deciphering a tattoo and then going to foil a terrorist plot just in time. Like, what happens if the terrorist plot occurs before they decipher the tattoo? Or if there are weeks to go before the... never mind, it's obviously something that's going to happen week to week. They always get there just. in. time. Anyway, I hope this pregnancy storyline keeps Weller and Jane apart and not just for the obvious obstacle storyline that ends in the ex's death. They are like planks of wood together.

Quite frankly, if they don't up the Shepherd/Roman stuff I won't be watching much longer. I'm much more interested in Jane's relationships with her shady family than the shoot-em-up stuff. Also, Luke Mitchell knows his way around a fight scene and can do emotional stuff and they should be using him more.

I hope Jane does get some kind of romantic plot with the antipodean from last week because I can't take the lingering glances with that oaf Weller.

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Sulis, welcome to the thread where posters love to (deservedly so) rank on this show. From your post, you are up on everything and didn't need S1 at all. Although you did miss some Weller/Jane angsty romance (yuck, hope THAT never happens again) and Jane finding her ex-lover/boyfriend (yeay! Hot guy, hot scenes.) She unfortunately killed him later though. *sigh*

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plot lines i don't want to hear about anymore: reade's abuse, baby wheller, whellers love life (DO NOT HOOK HIM UP W NAS), whatever reason wheeler is emotionally falling apart this week, jane's love life

plot lines i do want to hear about: Jane's shadey past, why shepherd lied, what's the deal w nas, tell us borden is the mole if he is 

this show is lucky i have so much work to procrastinate or id probably stop watching 

so much time devoted to B plot. also i honestly think devoting more time to watching patternson crack tattoos or something like that would be better then the half baked crime of the week they have to stop. more like shoot out of the week honestly, its so unsatisfying that they all just end in massive shoot outs. maybe if half the episode wasn't B plot they could make the procedural aspect of the show more interesting.

On October 13, 2016 at 8:22 PM, Latverian Diplomat said:

Unfortunately, they bought their body armor from the same vendor that makes imperial stormtrooper armor...it actually attracts kill shots.

^ read my mind that was wild and free 

actually you know what? I'm mildly interested to see what happens to reade now that he probably killed a guy. but it still though it sort of feels like his plot line is taking place on a different show 


i feel like this show just tries to do too much 

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Ugh, Weller. I feel for Allie being stuck with him for the rest of her life, unless she miscarries. Why Jane is upset over Allie having Weller's baby, I do not know. Between not being Taylor Shaw and not being pregnant with Weller's baby, Jane has had a lucky escape from being connected to Weller forever. Take it!!

And, the scene where Weller and Allie were talking and then he looked over at the elevator where Jane and Nas were and I realized that in just over a season's time, this asshole has been given not one, not two, but three love interests? (I hate to say it, but with their "bonding" in this episode and the previous one, Nas/Weller is clearly coming.) Weller's not all that. He is the furthest thing from all that.

And a fourth straight week of Weller having an argument about whether someone should go out into the field, although at least this time it wasn't Nas Weller was arguing with. But really, Show, find something else for Weller to argue about.

That said, this episode did seem to have been written by someone who stealth-hates Weller, in that several characters were allowed to call him out on his shit, make fun of him, etc. I also greatly enjoyed Nas yanking him backwards by the back of his shirt like the overgrown child he is - though I was sorry she saved his life by doing that. We could've been free of him, Nas!

And something Allie said to him at the end happened to hit on a special point of irritation for me this season - she asked when he's going to stop going out in the field, and, why is he going out into the field? He's got Mayfair's job now, he's Assistant Director or whatever. He's supposed to be sitting in the office pushing paper around and managing things, not still leading his strike team in every op. That's not his job anymore, and I really wish somebody would point that out to him, because it would reduce his screentime. (Which, of course, is why the show still has him leading the team.)

At least they finally had a couple of scenes with Jane and Patterson interacting one-on-one, short as they were, so we could get a true read on the state of that relationship. Patterson noticed Jane was upset and genuinely asked if she was okay, making her the first person all season to express any sincere concern about Jane without an agenda behind it. And I thought it was cool that she looked up the ring for Jane without running to Weller/Nas about it, which I suppose technically she should have. (I refuse to believe she's the mole. La la la!)

I don't mind the Reade/Zapata subplot. At least it gives them something to do besides glare at Jane (although they've worked just fine with her for the past two episodes), and I imagine it'll end up connecting back to the main storyline since they're now so compromised.

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On 10/13/2016 at 5:22 PM, Latverian Diplomat said:

Did anyone count how many there were?

I counted 13 or 14 KIA, plus the two knocked back from the Molotov and the one Jane clobbered with the case.  I guess the Irish mob is having trouble finding good help these days.  Good idea on the FBI's part; leave the three remaining gunmen unattended while you're getting out of the building.  Remember all those attorney types that you told to shelter in place?  Can you say  hostage situation?  And what was the point of having Jane holster her weapon in the middle of a gunfight, and get to fisticuffing with a bad guy?  Did you have a problem shooting that particular one, or was is just the usual contractual "Jane kicks ass" obligation?

I can hardly wait to see the remodel bill for the office.  Weller's boss: "You shot up a lawyer's offices?  Are you nuts?"  And, while we're in Die Hard mode, the ex-mob guy should have got his John McLain on and drilled all three of the mob guys.  Obviously he wanted to go out boots on, but don't waste a second bullet on one guy.  Go big.  You're going home anyway.

They should market that video camera.  Good for weddings, family reunions...

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On 10/13/2016 at 4:45 AM, thuganomics85 said:

I'm pretty sure that Roman/Shepherd scene was 20% to setup up the next plot point and 80% an excuse to get Luke Mitchell shirtless.

Gratuitous and unnecessary yes, but I will take more of those scenes any time.

22 hours ago, Black Knight said:

At least they finally had a couple of scenes with Jane and Patterson interacting one-on-one, short as they were, so we could get a true read on the state of that relationship. Patterson noticed Jane was upset and genuinely asked if she was okay, making her the first person all season to express any sincere concern about Jane without an agenda behind it. And I thought it was cool that she looked up the ring for Jane without running to Weller/Nas about it, which I suppose technically she should have. (I refuse to believe she's the mole. La la la!)

And this is one of the many reasons why I love Patterson. Everyone else has been catty and not even trying to understand what Jane went through and is still going through. Acting like teenagers who were betrayed by their love interest instead of adults.

On 10/12/2016 at 8:10 PM, slf said:

So this is what Blindspot looks like with Weller as the focus. B o r i n g.

"I'm comin' for you, Ally!" God. Ugh, this has been the worst episode of the season so far.

That was almost as bad as her, "What took you so long?" Rolled my eyes so hard I now have an injury. I mean WTH is this now a daytime soap opera. I don't care about Allie, I do not care about her having Kurt's baby, I do not care about any of the drama that goes along with that crap. Stop cramming her and this baby plot line into the show. 

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I just remembered Jane's hair-cutting scene. Thank goodness she got rid of that growth that happened while she was in captivity, but when her "mom" walked in and said let her help, the back was all ragged, I almost LOL'd since the entire HAIRCUT was ragged, all the way around. Still, glad Jane's old haircut is back, even though she looked hottie mc hot last week in the "party" scene with it on top of her head. Which reminds me ... Jane calls the dude she met there. YEAY! More Jane/hot guys, less Weller, please.

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On 10/14/2016 at 1:55 AM, Sulis said:

Quite frankly, if they don't up the Shepherd/Roman stuff I won't be watching much longer. I'm much more interested in Jane's relationships with her shady family than the shoot-em-up stuff. Also, Luke Mitchell knows his way around a fight scene and can do emotional stuff and they should be using him more.

This.  All of it.  I don't dislike Weller, but I agree that the really intriguing stuff for me is the Roman/Jane relationship, and Luke Mitchell can do the drama and emotional scenes along with the fighting.  So lets up the storyline with more about Roman and Jane's past.  

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As much as this show drives me crazy, I'm genuinely curious about who Jane's doctor was in the flashback and why it's significant enough to be a mystery. And who is Chris? Why are Shepherd and Roman lying to Jane about him/her? From the tone it sounds like this Chris is a big deal. We've already met Jane's ex, mother, brother. Chris is… friend? Foe? The doctor herself? I had a fleeting thought that it could be Jane's child that they're (for whatever reason) hiding away from her, but that seems unlikely. 

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I don't mind Allie but these blatant conflicts of interest in what should be quite heavily supervised work bug me. Can't any of these highly skilled and trained law enforcement types ever front up and say something like "I'm not comfortable with this situation where we all go out in the field together because there's a personal and massive conflict of interest going on for me, so it's either me or her." It's like when Jack on <i>24</i> was always being asked to interrogate co-workers, family and love interests.

I feel like I should I start the death pool for Oliver now.  I think Roman will kill him in some weird jealous rage.

I hope Reade and Tasha's subplot for the rest of the season isn't going to be wacky murder cover up shenanigans.

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OK, it struck me that if there's one thing I want from this show, it's some idea What the hell does Sandstone actually want to do?*  I don't need them to be "Good", I don't even really care if their philosophy makes any sense, but they are a bunch of fanatics whose aim is to bring down the government. So why don't they act like "true believers"? I don't care whether they're following the Bible/Ayn Rand/Karl Marx, if they've spent decades cooking up their plan, they have to be really dedicated to some cause.

Once again, Patterson gets to be my favourite character for this exchange:

"Are there any ways to get into a [TECH TECH] safe?"


"Inside a minute?"

"That's... trickier!" - but then doing it anyway (remotely). Why haven't they made HER Director of the FBI (or whatever Weller's job actually is)!?

...but of course, TPTB are SURE we're more interested in seeing everyone act like teenagers. OK, I'm sure IRL, the FBI are cool with their agents blowing off work to pull a sickie - hey, it's not like it's a serious job like working at The Cheesecake Factory! Reede I can understand (even if he should be SO FIRED for assaulting a guy and breaking into his home - assuming he's not guilty of murder!), but Zapata just - wanted a break? OK, she was concerned about her friend, but I doubt Agents can just "take off" without giving a reason! As for the sexual politics, Weller acting like a complete Neanderthal was at least addressed, but still, objecting to her interviewing a dying suspect? What was he going to do, cough on her? Going out on the mission was maybe more reasonable (especially wearing one of those bullet attracting vests) given how they can't leave the office without getting into a gun fight, but at least she got a couple of shots back at HIM for why HE didn't have to be more careful since he's going o be a dad.

On ‎13‎/‎10‎/‎2016 at 10:45 AM, thuganomics85 said:

At least he wasn't a complete dick, but just a former one, who ended up sacrificing himself to save Ally.  Smart man.  He knew he wouldn't have heard the end of Weller's bellowing if he didn't.  Not one should have to suffer like that!

I can just see the conversation now...

"It could get bad at the end..."

"At least I have my family."

"There could be pain, expense, loss of bladder control..."

"Every moment is precious."

"Have you heard of Agent Weller?"

"Kill me now!"

* Other than coherent plotting, how Jane's tattoos are all so prophetic, why exactly anyone thinks Weller is a compelling character, who Jane actually is....

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I feel like the only one siding with Weller this episode.  I'm a feminist and all but Ally's selfish recklessness was infuriating.  


Cry double standards all you want but the facts are there is another human being inside her and each time she puts her life in danger, she puts her child in danger.  What if that bullet went into her abdomen?  


It was obsurd to think the FBI would even let her on the field knowing she was pregnant.  After she has the kid, if Weller still makes a stink that she should have a desk job then ally can get as self righteous as she wants but until then she needs a reality check.

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