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Grimm Spoilers and Spoiler Discussion


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PRE-FINALE: As Portland's mayoral race winds down, expect things to go very well for Renard yet not so great for Nick, thanks to Adalind making a decision she feels is necessary to protect her children. Even worse, Det. Burkhardt kind of understands her motivation. "He's presented with certain circumstances, which he has to be careful how he reacts to, because his son's life could be at stake," EP James Kouf says. Meanwhile, Renard and Ad's not-so-little-anymore daughter complicates matters by returning to town. "Diana's a little girl with a lot of power who's learning how to yield it, and she hasn't had a great moral compass yet," Kouf previews. Add in the return of Hank's lady Zuri (and her shady affiliations), Wu's werewolf-like condition and more mystery surrounding the magic stick, and "There are going to be some big issues to deal with," he adds.


SEASON FINALE: (MAY 20) The Black Claw offensive comes to a head in the two-hour season ender, which Kouf describes as "non-stop action" and which — true to the series' tradition — ends on a cliffhanger.

Another cliffhanger? Why am I not surprised...


The season finale being two hours is a first for Grimm though.

Edited by icewolf
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1 hour ago, Darklazr said:

Adalind said from the start the suppression potion was temporary and Nick should NOT be surprised that she has her powers back.  This show can be so stupid at times!

Actually, Adalind NEVER said the suppression was temporary.  In fact, she told Nick that it would give Juliette "a normal life"...which sounds permanent to me.

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A woman becomes a Hexenbiest and decides to keep it a secret, she is living with NIck, and is scared to to tell him. This is that EXACT same plot as last season with Juliette.

The writers are lazy, or are hoping you forgot what happened a year ago.

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2 hours ago, icewolf said:

A woman becomes a Hexenbiest and decides to keep it a secret, she is living with NIck, and is scared to to tell him. This is that EXACT same plot as last season with Juliette.

The writers are lazy, or are hoping you forgot what happened a year ago.

I think it is more along the lines that they knew they screwed up last year and want to give the exact same thing another try.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but that tactic has never, ever worked on any other show....

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Wow, Hank's girlfriend is shady, never saw that coming. God forbid there be a woman on this show other than Rosalee who isn't a shady, evil bitch. Seriously. I dare you to think of one. 

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23 hours ago, OtterMommy said:

Actually, Adalind NEVER said the suppression was temporary.  In fact, she told Nick that it would give Juliette "a normal life"...which sounds permanent to me.

Oh, yes, you're right!  I went back and took a look at the episode in Renard's office where Adalind shows up with her pregnant belly and said the suppression would give not dead Juliette Eve a normal life.  However, Adalind had sex with Nick and it clearly "un-suppressed" her powers!  

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Season finale Synopsis


05/20/2016 (08:00PM - 10:00PM) (Friday) : A DEADLY SHOWDOWN IS ON THE HORIZON AS BLACK CLAW TIGHTENS ITS GRIP ON PORTLAND - SHAUN TOUB, DAMIEN PUCKLER, JACQUELINE TOBONI AND HANNAH R. LOYD GUEST STAR - Black Claw makes a strategic move against Hank (Russell Hornsby) that shocks everyone and sends Nick (David Giuntoli) on a war path. Hadrian's Wall ramps up their investigation as they seek out a mysterious man named Bonaparte (guest star Shaun Toub). Meanwhile, Adalind (Claire Coffee) and Capt. Renard (Sasha Roiz) must learn to deal with their new and very unpredictable reality with Diana (guest star Hannah R. Loyd). Bitsie Tulloch, Silas Weir Mitchell, Reggie Lee and Bree Turner also star.


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Why are they so in love with their hexencrap that the best characters are reduced to "also star"s in the press release for the finale? THIS MAKES ME CRANKY.

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On 4/30/2016 at 2:22 AM, icewolf said:

Season finale Synopsis


05/20/2016 (08:00PM - 10:00PM) (Friday) : A DEADLY SHOWDOWN IS ON THE HORIZON AS BLACK CLAW TIGHTENS ITS GRIP ON PORTLAND - SHAUN TOUB, DAMIEN PUCKLER, JACQUELINE TOBONI AND HANNAH R. LOYD GUEST STAR - Black Claw makes a strategic move against Hank (Russell Hornsby) that shocks everyone and sends Nick (David Giuntoli) on a war path.

Adios, Hank....

ETA: Which is a bummer for 3 reasons:
1 - They totally wasted Hank as a character
2  - They totally wasted Russell Hornsby as an actor
3 - They're getting rid of the one remaining "normal" person on this show. Now, everyone is "special."  Even if Meisner turns out to be neither Wesen nor Grimm, he's still clearly a special kind of normal.

Edited by OtterMommy
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On 5/2/2016 at 9:02 PM, OtterMommy said:

Adios, Hank....

ETA: Which is a bummer for 3 reasons:
1 - They totally wasted Hank as a character
2  - They totally wasted Russell Hornsby as an actor
3 - They're getting rid of the one remaining "normal" person on this show. Now, everyone is "special."  Even if Meisner turns out to be neither Wesen nor Grimm, he's still clearly a special kind of normal.

I agree.  Nobody is normal in the Grimm universe.  Why bother to pretend that Fake Portland is a normal city? 

Hank is great character who tried to keep Nick calm.  I'm guessing that Nick is going to go off the deep end and to become a vigilante.  He'll be like every other Grimm who kills all wesen.  Add another storyline for the last season.

Did True Blood start to kill main characters in its last season?  Maybe that's what the Grimm writers are going to do.  They're not going to care about closure; they're too busy updating their resume.

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On 5/2/2016 at 7:02 PM, OtterMommy said:

Adios, Hank....

ETA: Which is a bummer for 3 reasons:
1 - They totally wasted Hank as a character
2  - They totally wasted Russell Hornsby as an actor
3 - They're getting rid of the one remaining "normal" person on this show. Now, everyone is "special."  Even if Meisner turns out to be neither Wesen nor Grimm, he's still clearly a special kind of normal.

I don't always watch live but I've been recording the eps and keeping up with the show sporadically but if they kill off Hank I'm done. Next to Monroe he's become my favorite character; I could take or leave Nick these days. Russell Hornsby is definitely wasted on this show.

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So it looks like BC plans to pass of Kelly as Renards. I still don't know how they can pull that of but I guess it's not open knowledge that Nick is his father  

Given the nature of this show, if Hank dies I'm more than positive he will be resurrected. 

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1 hour ago, bluvelvet said:

So it looks like BC plans to pass of Kelly as Renards. I still don't know how they can pull that of but I guess it's not open knowledge that Nick is his father  

Well, considering that we don't know for sure who Kelly's father is and, if we have to accept this ridiculous timeline that Nick is somehow the father, we also have to accept that Renard could be his father, since Adalind slept with him about 24 hours before she raped Nick.

Or, someone could grow a brain cell and do a paternity test (and a maternity test while we're at it.  They made such a big point about Adalind becoming Juliette and vice versa to "a cellular level", I can't believe they haven't yet suggested that Juliette is Kelly's biological mother).


Given the nature of this show, if Hank dies I'm more than positive he will be resurrected. 

This is true.  Of course, if I were Russell Hornsby, I'm not sure I'd want to continue on this show if I were him.  He's spent 5 years following Nick around without really anything substantial to do.  He is making a movie with Denzel Washington this summer...he may be in search of greener pastures (and I wouldn't blame him, even if I do think it would be a great loss to the show).

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Promo pics for both finale eps.  Interesting to not that Hank shows up in the pictures for part 2, which makes me think that I was waaay off in my prediction that he'd be the one to go.  Also, Adalind is completely absent from these pictures, which initially gave me hope that she might die.  But then I remembered that this show hates me--yes, me--and they are going to keep Adalind around as a sort of "good" character, and keep Nick banging her, as long as possible.  Why?  Because they hate me.

I also wonder about the statement that Kouf, Greenwalt, or Carpenter made last season, saying that they were going to shoot Renard at the end of every season.  At this point, I'm not actually expecting that to happen.  I think either they had their tongues firmly planted in their cheeks when they said it...OR they actually did mean it, but that would require follow through, which is something that is not in their skill set.

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1 hour ago, OtterMommy said:

But then I remembered that this show hates me--yes, me--and they are going to keep Adalind around as a sort of "good" character, and keep Nick banging her, as long as possible.  Why?  Because they hate me.

Don't take it personally.  This show hates everybody. 

1 hour ago, OtterMommy said:

I also wonder about the statement that Kouf, Greenwalt, or Carpenter made last season, saying that they were going to shoot Renard at the end of every season.

Hilarious.  How many times is Renard going to get shot? 

I have a feeling that this show shoots him for the Shirtless Rage.  When he was shot as Jack the Ripper, his chest literally filled the screen.

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33 minutes ago, spaulding said:

Don't take it personally.  This show hates everybody. 

This is true...



Hilarious.  How many times is Renard going to get shot? 

I have a feeling that this show shoots him for the Shirtless Rage.  When he was shot as Jack the Ripper, his chest literally filled the screen.


You know, I kind of like the idea of them having a gimmick like Renard getting shot at the end of every season (providing they don't actually kill him).  It may be corny, but it is the right kind of quirky for this show.

So, on an unrelated note...well, I guess it is related to the show hating everyone...I was recently talking to a couple of friends, all of us were once avid Grimm viewers.  One friend and I just don't watch anymore (she gave up in season 4), but my other friend said that she DOES NOT LIKE THIS SHOW, but she does want to support it because of the jobs and money it brings into Portland.  So, she has started turning it on for her dogs and then going in another room and reading a book while its on.  I asked her if the dogs liked it, and she said she wasn't sure...it seems like one of them throws her some shade every time she comes in to turn off the show.

Edited by OtterMommy
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So, someone over on SpoilerTV posted that the spoiler about the end of this season was not that someone who was with the show from the first episode would die, but someone "everyone loves" would die.


1) I guess Nick, Juliette/Eve, and (sadly for me) Adalind are all safe if it truly is someone everyone loves.

2) Rosalee and Bud just rejoined the list of possible fatalities.

Edited by OtterMommy
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13 minutes ago, OtterMommy said:

So, someone over on SpoilerTV posted that the spoiler about the end of this season was not that someone who was with the show from the first episode would die, but someone "everyone loves" would die.


1) I guess Nick, Juliette/Eve, and (sadly for me) Adalind are all safe if it truly is someone everyone loves.

2) Rosalee and Bud just rejoined the list of possible fatalities.

Oh, yeah, Bud and Rosalee for sure, and since Bud is never on anyway, it's likely to be my favorite eisbieber who bites it, heroically.  Because he's Bud.

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1 hour ago, ShadowFacts said:

Oh, yeah, Bud and Rosalee for sure, and since Bud is never on anyway, it's likely to be my favorite eisbieber who bites it, heroically.  Because he's Bud.

And, as stated above, because this show hates us all.

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18 minutes ago, bluvelvet said:

I thought it was going to be someone who was in the first episode, I can't remember but was Bud in the first episode?

I thought so, too...but this person on SpoilerTV said she read it was "someone everyone loves."  Bud, however, was not in the first episode. I think he showed up around episode 5 or so.

We also can't forget that, on Grimm, death is a temporary status.  Because, despite being such a BADASS show (snort!), they don't have have the balls to actually kill anyone.

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Y'know who everybody loves? Monroe.  And I'm getting to the point where I'd like to see SWM saved from this crapfest and go on to other, much better, projects.  Then I'd have no regrets about not watching at all next season.

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5 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

Y'know who everybody loves? Monroe.  And I'm getting to the point where I'd like to see SWM saved from this crapfest and go on to other, much better, projects.  Then I'd have no regrets about not watching at all next season.

I've got to be honest, I have a growing suspicion that it might just be Monroe.  I mean this is a Dead Show Walking anyway, so they don't really have anything to lose...and SWM is far too talented for this show.  And he has some, um,opinions about the production which sometimes sneak out that show that he is not exactly happy with some of the choices the production team has made.

Plus, if the key is that it is a "character everyone loves" (and the show is not so obtuse and realizes that not everyone loves Nick, Adalind, or Juliette...and while Sasha Roiz is loved as an actor, Renard is not a "lovable" character), your only options are Hank, Wu, and Monroe.  And, even with Hank, I don't think they've ever given an opportunity for him to garner the same affection from fans as they have with Monroe.

Would killing off Monroe kill the show?  I don't think that's the question to ask...instead, have they already killed the show to the point that killing off Monroe really wouldn't do any major damage?

Well, I'll be waiting to hear from those of you brave souls still watching to see how it turns out!

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What kind of dumbass show unkills crap like JuliEve and then purposely kills off a fan favorite? And then uses that as a finale teaser? Like hey tune in Friday for bad wigs, hexensex and the brutal murder of the only likable character on this show! Yay ratings! 

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4 minutes ago, Lii said:

What kind of dumbass show unkills crap like JuliEve and then purposely kills off a fan favorite? And then uses that as a finale teaser? Like hey tune in Friday for bad wigs, hexensex and the brutal murder of the only likable character on this show! Yay ratings! 

Um, this show?

I mean, given the fecal material they've put on the air so far this year, something like killing off Monroe falls right in line.

Edited by OtterMommy
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1 minute ago, Lii said:

LOLtrue. I mean, you're not wrong, I'm just saying though. 

Well, to be fair in just the teensiest, weensiest way possible to the show...if it is Monroe who is killed (or any character, really), it could be because they wanted off the show.  Gee, I can't imagine why....

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38 minutes ago, OtterMommy said:

Well, to be fair in just the teensiest, weensiest way possible to the show...if it is Monroe who is killed (or any character, really), it could be because they wanted off the show.  Gee, I can't imagine why....

I am cranky today, so I'm not gonna be fair to this show if it's not gonna be fair to me. So NYEH. 

So here's my blatantly delusional self -justification. Unless someone actually had another pilot lined up it would be stupid, financially, to ask to be let go with only half a season left to film. The show is over 100 episodes and already in syndication, and the money from another season is always nice. With the shortened episode order, the film schedule should be light enough to allow other projects or auditions anyways. So why not? 

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36 minutes ago, Lii said:

I am cranky today, so I'm not gonna be fair to this show if it's not gonna be fair to me. So NYEH. 

So here's my blatantly delusional self -justification. Unless someone actually had another pilot lined up it would be stupid, financially, to ask to be let go with only half a season left to film. The show is over 100 episodes and already in syndication, and the money from another season is always nice. With the shortened episode order, the film schedule should be light enough to allow other projects or auditions anyways. So why not? 

Okay, I realize that this analogy is far from perfect, but I have also asked myself why an actor would want to leave this show at this point (when it already looks like the end is near) when they could still milk out a few more months of employment.

Here it goes:

I once worked a big (and quite infamous) company.  There came a time when everyone knew that the shit was going to hit the fan, although many of the "regular" people did not realize how much shit there actually was.  We knew that the company would have to fundamentally change, and that there was a very good chance that the window for those changes had long closed (and, oh, wasn't THAT the truth!).  So, we were left with a choice: Get out now or wait to or wait around as long as possible to see if we could get a good package (the first wave of people laid off were given *very* good packages.  After that...nada).  

One thing that we had to consider is that it is far easier to be hired by another company if we left our current company while it was still around than if we waited until it folded and, if we did that, we knew that there would be a stigma as being from "that" company.  Even if were a lowly intern or IT guy, it was still a mark against you if you had been with that company when things were at their worst.

It *could* be the same here.  A casting director might be more willing to consider someone who had a good run on a show, but left before it imploded than an actor who stayed through the bitter, messy, embarrassing end.

There is also the matter that not all the actors on Grimm actually live in Portland.  Bitsie Tulloch and David Giuntoli, Bree Turner, and Claire Coffee have all purchased homes in Portland, but I'm not sure about the rest of the cast.  The last interview I read that referenced this with SWM (which, admittedly, was a year or two old), he had not purchased a home in Portland AND his wife was still living in California.  Yeah, PDX to LAX is only about 2 hours in the air, but add in the airport time and you're at 3-4 hours, then you have the traffic...that quickly makes a quick, easy trip neither quick nor easy.  

If SWM is the one going, and we don't know that at this point, he may have done the pros and cons and discovered the cons of staying outweighed the pros. 

So, who knows...I guess we'll just have to wait and see how it all plays out.

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1 hour ago, Darklazr said:

Gross. Can we just rename the show hexies and kids? Ugh. Clearly everyone else took the finale off so the hexenparents could all send their various inappropriately aged kids off to Horror Hogwarts. 

@OtterMommyFair point. Especially about the travel, ugh. I guess we'll wait and see. Either way I doubt whoever dies will get more than five minutes dedicated to them if they aren't part of the magical baby plot. And that is messed up. 

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18 minutes ago, Lii said:

Gross. Can we just rename the show hexies and kids? Ugh. Clearly everyone else took the finale off so the hexenparents could all send their various inappropriately aged kids off to Horror Hogwarts. 

@OtterMommyFair point. Especially about the travel, ugh. I guess we'll wait and see. Either way I doubt whoever dies will get more than five minutes dedicated to them if they aren't part of the magical baby plot. And that is messed up. 

Yeah, it is messed up.  No matter if it's Bud, Monroe, Hank or Wu, they will devote almost no reaction to the death--a few disbelieving "what? how? are you sure?" remarks, some pained expressions, and then move right along.  Back to ninja action, musical beds and moving kids around like chess pieces.  Really, if they gratuitously kill any of the above-named lovable, non-messed-up characters, it won't surprise me at all and the show will be a far cry from what it started out as. 

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"Clearly everyone else took the finale off so the hexenparents could all send their various inappropriately aged kids off to Horror Hogwarts. "


I totally want this to be a plot point - Adalind said she was homeschooled, but did Renard go to Hogwarts in Austria?

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Just now, ottilie said:

"Clearly everyone else took the finale off so the hexenparents could all send their various inappropriately aged kids off to Horror Hogwarts. "


I totally want this to be a plot point - Adalind said she was homeschooled, but did Renard go to Hogwarts in Austria?

Only until 8th grade.  Then he went to Portland Public Schools....

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On 5/11/2016 at 1:17 PM, OtterMommy said:

Okay, I realize that this analogy is far from perfect, but I have also asked myself why an actor would want to leave this show at this point (when it already looks like the end is near) when they could still milk out a few more months of employment.

Here it goes:

I once worked a big (and quite infamous) company.  There came a time when everyone knew that the shit was going to hit the fan, although many of the "regular" people did not realize how much shit there actually was.  We knew that the company would have to fundamentally change, and that there was a very good chance that the window for those changes had long closed (and, oh, wasn't THAT the truth!).  So, we were left with a choice: Get out now or wait to or wait around as long as possible to see if we could get a good package (the first wave of people laid off were given *very* good packages.  After that...nada).  

One thing that we had to consider is that it is far easier to be hired by another company if we left our current company while it was still around than if we waited until it folded and, if we did that, we knew that there would be a stigma as being from "that" company.  Even if were a lowly intern or IT guy, it was still a mark against you if you had been with that company when things were at their worst.

It *could* be the same here.  A casting director might be more willing to consider someone who had a good run on a show, but left before it imploded than an actor who stayed through the bitter, messy, embarrassing end.

There is also the matter that not all the actors on Grimm actually live in Portland.  Bitsie Tulloch and David Giuntoli, Bree Turner, and Claire Coffee have all purchased homes in Portland, but I'm not sure about the rest of the cast.  The last interview I read that referenced this with SWM (which, admittedly, was a year or two old), he had not purchased a home in Portland AND his wife was still living in California.  Yeah, PDX to LAX is only about 2 hours in the air, but add in the airport time and you're at 3-4 hours, then you have the traffic...that quickly makes a quick, easy trip neither quick nor easy.  

If SWM is the one going, and we don't know that at this point, he may have done the pros and cons and discovered the cons of staying outweighed the pros

So, who knows...I guess we'll just have to wait and see how it all plays out.

Cool post, thanks for sharing.  I have to disagree about your premise, though; that reasoning makes sense in the "normal" work world, where even a month without steady paychecks could really hurt someone's ability to pay the bills, and not finding greener pastures immediately makes you seem like you aren't "good enough" to be employed elsewhere.  No one would hold it against you for seeking out a better paying, reliable gig when the company is obviously going down.  

By comparison, TV land is littered with the hollowed-out husks that were the once promising careers of actors who decided they had grown "too big" for a show.  Actors are used to sporadic work, where the pay from one guest episode gig might have to last months.  I'd imagine a casting director would actually have a much better view of career character actors- guys like SWM and Russell Hornsby- who earn their pay because they are reliable, professional, and stick it out unless a can't-refuse offer comes along.  Sure, when a supporting character is given a shot to be the lead on another show elsewhere and it's handled professionally, no hard feelings about asking to be written off the show.  But wanting to leave because it'll end soon anyway would seem odd; the way I see it, with all the countless variables to be planned and coordinated when making a show (actor/personnel schedules, set locations, filming permits, etc), being a reliable supporting actor means the people running the show can safely put a checkmark next to your name, which is worth its weight in gold.  In other words, it's because guys like SWM wouldn't just up and leave, that guys like SWM keep getting steady work.  Besides, it's not like you get severance packages and unemployment insurance when you leave a TV show! :)

That's not to say SWM won't be the one leaving, or Hornsby, but I doubt either would throw away the gig on this show simply because of fan discontentment or meandering plot lines.  If RH has a major film role coming out, it might make sense if it's him- he's also the only unattached character, unlike SWM.  But otherwise I'd imagine all of these people- especially those with shorter resumes prior to this show- know that it's a golden goose, and you don't kill the golden goose over minor creative differences.  Even on a Friday night, the supporting characters on a network show will easily pull down solid mid-5 figures per episode.  For less critical roles like Wu or Rosalee, that's easily in the range of $25-40K an episode if not more, 20-22 episodes every season; for more vital supporting roles like SWM and RH, that number is considerably bigger and probably represents the highest annual earnings in their careers.  "Grimm", for all its flaws, likely paid for the homes of people like Bitsie, Claire, David, and others, and you don't walk away from that easy, steady, network TV money unless you have to.

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3 hours ago, hincandenza said:

Cool post, thanks for sharing.  I have to disagree about your premise, though; that reasoning makes sense in the "normal" work world, where even a month without steady paychecks could really hurt someone's ability to pay the bills, and not finding greener pastures immediately makes you seem like you aren't "good enough" to be employed elsewhere.  No one would hold it against you for seeking out a better paying, reliable gig when the company is obviously going down.  

Yeah, I knew it was a weak analogy...but the point was I could see a reason why SWM (or any actor) might want to leave the show, even if they don't have something else lined up.  There is also the fact that Grimm films in Portland and most of the acting jobs are in LA (or NYC) and they have to give up certain opportunities to be in Grimm that they might not have to give up if their show was filmed in LA.  If they feel that their character is being underused or whatever and their contract is up, it might be worth it or them to give up what looks very much like a post-iceberg Titanic for the ability to be available for other opportunities.

I am thinking, though...I usually check out of shows before they hit the low that Grimm is currently at, but I can't think of an actor who stayed to the bitter end of something like this who then had their next job be a "step up."  For those of you who follow more TV than I do (right now, my favorite show is a 3-5 year old New Zealand program that I'm streaming on netflix...I'm obviously not on the cutting edge of TV happenings!), can you think of cases where that did happen? (Feel free to respond in the Spice Shop if necessary.....)

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On 5/12/2016 at 7:38 PM, ottilie said:

"Clearly everyone else took the finale off so the hexenparents could all send their various inappropriately aged kids off to Horror Hogwarts. "


I totally want this to be a plot point - Adalind said she was homeschooled, but did Renard go to Hogwarts in Austria?

Clearly he went to Durmstrang, duh. 

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7 minutes ago, Darklazr said:

This show is so sick.  A ten year old is about to kill her father's girlfriend and make her parents have sex?!

How about a TWO year old about to kill her father's girlfriend and make her parents have sex?!  Because, really, no one seems to know how old Diana actually is....  She looks ten, but she was born in 2014....

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2 hours ago, OtterMommy said:

How about a TWO year old about to kill her father's girlfriend and make her parents have sex?!  Because, really, no one seems to know how old Diana actually is....  She looks ten, but she was born in 2014....

Okay, two going on ten.  Whatever.  It is still nasty as hell.  We just had nasty JulietteEveRenard having sex with Rachel and now this crap?!  Really?  What the hell?!  If the show wants to put Adalind back with Renard, then why not have Renard end things with Rachel?  Good grief, we're talking about three grown adults.  It is even more obvious that the show is putting Nick back with Juliette.  Sheesh.  Maybe it is not a bad idea that Hank and Wu don't have any pairings on this show!

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No young kid even thinks about their parents having sex, much less wants them to do it.  At most, they want their parents together so they can be a unit.  When they are old enough to know about sex, the very idea of their parents doing it is unthinkably repulsive.  This is very, very skeevy. 

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4 hours ago, ShadowFacts said:

No young kid even thinks about their parents having sex, much less wants them to do it.  At most, they want their parents together so they can be a unit.  When they are old enough to know about sex, the very idea of their parents doing it is unthinkably repulsive.  This is very, very skeevy. 

This show is way past skeevy and has moved on to just being nasty as hell.

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