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S04.E03: Miles McGrath


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Wow !! What a convoluted mess.

Navabi is so pissed at Liz that she's leaving.  Whatever.

And somehow Lizzie suffers no repercussions at all from faking her death -- and apparently she has her old job at the FBI back, is she no longer JUST a contractor. 

Mr. Kaplan is alive. Whatever.  All she really needed was a mother mole to nurse her back to health -- it worked for Mr. Burns on the Simpsons.

The travel shenanigans back and forth to the UK were a little hard to understand.  Why do they even bother pretending to be somewhere so far away from where the action is supposed to be taking place ?

The incubator of crime needs to take a long walk off a short pier.  Or at least have someone beat that smirk off his face. What a douchebag.

On the brighter side, it looks like Aram is finally going to get laid.  Maybe he will quit pining over the women at the Post Office.

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Well, I'm enjoying the relative lack of baby drama for the moment. I know this episode was all about the baby drama but they kept it relegated to background noise while they did other things. As it should be.

I'm not sure if these agents or the ones on Blindspot are the worst FBI agents in the world. They can't follow an object that is only capable of traveling in straight lines?!?!

The plot almost makes sense in that I could see the CDC moving the dangerous stuff out if they were at risk of losing containment on it. However, this isn't Star Trek. If you want to keep a virus contained you don't need a constant power supply. You need a tightly sealed lid. That's it. A physical barrier will suffice. And if and when the CDC has to transport such things I am sure there will be more than two guards on the train!

Liz was actually useful this episode. She must have ADD. When the stakes are high she can super-focus and get things done. But when she's overstimulated she loses that focus and starts wondering who her actual daddy is.

Mr. Kaplan lives! Surprisingly for this show we weren't treated to a gory shot of a giant hole in her face.

Agent Navabi, did you express your interest in Agent Ressler by calling him at some random time and making meaningless small talk with him? No, as I recall you expressed your interest by unzipping his pants. That was effective. However, calling Aram to send him a batch of mixed signals will do you no good when random naked women are showing up at his door.

Last but not least, go Aram, it's your birthday!

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Liz: "I faked my death to save my family/baby." Me: "So how's that going for you?" WTH is up with Lizzie being a full-on FBI agent again, after murdering the AG, shooting a cop, killing that pilot over Cuban waters, yada and yada. She doesn't even have to go through HR to sign papers and somehow get a refund on her life insurance payout to Tom? Go figure. The best episodes of this series were when Lizzie was dead. And that diary ... is it written in Russian? Because wasn't her mom RUSSIAN? And the pages of that diary read like some novel. I've never seen daily journal entries be anything more than a couple paragraphs at most. I thought Mr. Kaplan's face reflection in the water made her look like Gus Fring. Thanks for sparing us a closeup, show. And good on a draft dog finding her so it could pull her travois out of the woods. Who is her mystery savior? Any almost-dead Blacklisters that we especially liked?

Oh: And who is that naked blond in Aram's apartment? And when did Navabi unzip Aram's pants? I totally missed that. But funny that Aram wears an apron while cooking pasta. At least that fits the character.

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While I'm watching all of Lizzie's constant angst about "who is my father," all I could think of was, what's up with not taking a paternity test? I mean, really. Just turn over some freaking DNA and get over it already. And Kirk wants Agnes for her life-saving blood? Which means to me that Lizzie really is his daughter, but with blood diluted with Lizzie's mother. Then Agnes ... blood diluted AGAIN with Tom's DNA. Hardly seems Agnes would be a life saver for him, does it. But then again, the writers on this show don't care much for logic or facts. I did catch the end of Megan Boone's appearance on some talk show where she was saying she was upset with all the Lizzie hate and "I wish she had stayed dead" talk online. So, here's another post for you Megan: Wish Lizzie had stayed dead. It was SUCH a better show when you were. Her real-life angst mirrors that of her tv character, whining "You guys hate me" on th is episode. Yes, we do hate you Lizzie (speaking for myself).

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I second the Lizzie hate here and come real close to fast forwarding through her scenes.  

Starting to hate Red too after he shot Mr Kaplan in the face and leaving for dead.  Even if supposedly Red wanted to wound not kill wouldn't he like shoot her in a nice unobtrusive fleshy part like a thigh?  After years of cleaning up brains she did not deserve that.

Are we going to literally drag out Mr Kaplan's storyline of being dragged out of the field for months?

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I wanted to fast forward to the scene of Lizzie "teaching" all the FBI agents about Red's blacklister, like they are a bunch of morons who can't find some bad guy on their own. Oh ... wait ... never mind. I hate Red now too, for shooting Mr. Kaplan, so hope he goes down with Lizzie, Tom moves to ... wherever, anywhere but here ... and Donald joins forces with Dembe for a spin-off.

I meant, "fast forward PAST" the scene of Lizzie teaching the agents. Sorry, this site won't let me edit.

That was a pretty badass trick, rappelling off a bridge and landing, unscathed, on a train traveling at least 40mph.  Not to mention they all went off the bridge parallel to the bridge and perpendicular to the train, meaning that two would be wide of the intended car.  Now, six carloads of whatever dimethyl ethyl killusol and they have only two guards?  Who get caught slackjawed when the hatch opens up?  Tsk tsk.

Poor McGrath henchman.  Didn't get too much to do, unfortunately.

Are they implying that Kirk intends to drain baby Agnes all at once, a la The Last Ship?  Because, aside from being off the charts sordid, it would be mostly ineffective.  As they said, the serum is good only for a few years.  Or, is he going to take just a bit to create that serum every week or so?  With all that money and sidekicks available, I would think he would revert back to plan A and kidnap Liz and store her away. 

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9 hours ago, saber5055 said:

Liz: "I faked my death to save my family/baby." Me: "So how's that going for you?" WTH is up with Lizzie being a full-on FBI agent again, after murdering the AG, shooting a cop, killing that pilot over Cuban waters, yada and yada. She doesn't even have to go through HR to sign papers and somehow get a refund on her life insurance payout to Tom? Go figure. The best episodes of this series were when Lizzie was dead. And that diary ... is it written in Russian? Because wasn't her mom RUSSIAN? And the pages of that diary read like some novel. I've never seen daily journal entries be anything more than a couple paragraphs at most. I thought Mr. Kaplan's face reflection in the water made her look like Gus Fring. Thanks for sparing us a closeup, show. And good on a draft dog finding her so it could pull her travois out of the woods. Who is her mystery savior? Any almost-dead Blacklisters that we especially liked?

Oh: And who is that naked blond in Aram's apartment? And when did Navabi unzip Aram's pants? I totally missed that. But funny that Aram wears an apron while cooking pasta. At least that fits the character.

Ummm, does Lizzie even speak Russian ?  Has that been validated ?  Because they were in Russia a couple of seasons ago and Lizzie didn't seem to understand a damn thing.

I'm starting to think that Agnes !!! will become the new Walt !!! </Lost>

14 hours ago, saber5055 said:

And when did Navabi unzip Aram's pants? I totally missed that.

I was referring to Ressler. Agent Navabi shared a Significant Look with him and they were doing the nasty seconds later. But with Aram she decides to go the talkative route only to find out that while he is a patient and caring man he will only wait so long. It goes back to a comment I made a long time ago about some life advice I wish I had heard when I was a teenager. If a gal feels "that way" about you she'll either fuck you or tell you. In that order. If she's struggling to tell Aram she shouldn't be surprised that he's seeking fulfillment elsewhere.

I'll refrain from gloating that I called that Mr. Kaplan really wasn't dead. I really don't know how she survived, but that's Hollywood for you.

On a better written show, I'd look forward to the fireworks. On this show, I'm just going to "hope for the best".

I actually think this episode was somewhat more entertaining than the previous efforts, if only because it was somewhat Red-heavy and Red makes a lot of things watchable. Even horrible writing. Like, why would the CDC even transport dangerous viruses via conventional landlines? Pretty sure if they needed to the Army would handle the transport.

Having said that, this whole Alexander Kirk thing is a bit of a bore. 


I know he'll be around all season, so all this posturing is just ridiculous.

I also really don't understand why the FBI is bothering with Lizzy anymore, except that I guess Ressler/Cooper/Samar/Aram really need something to do.

Or, in Aram's case, someone. Talk about your hokey, awkward love triangle.

Mozhan, you deserve so much better than this show.

Episode Grade: C+.

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First time I glanced a the title, I thought it said Mark McGrath, and I was wondering why in the hell was the lead singer of Sugar Ray on the Blacklist.  Sure, maybe there songs weren't the greatest, but they weren't bad enough to make him worthy to be on the biggest list of criminals known to mankind (cue obvious "But Chad Kroeger/Nickleback on the other hand!")  But, alas, it was instead an evil billionaire played by Simon from Quantico.  Hopefully Tate Ellington will get himself on Blindspot soon, so he can complete the "Silliest current action shows" trio.

So, basically, the real reason (according to Red) that Kirk wants Lizzie, is because there is a way to extend his life for a little longer, and he needs her to so.  Yawn!  Also, Lizzie is now seeing visions of her mother at random times, which is a bad idea since Lotte Verbeek is outacting Megan Boone on screen, even if most of her lines are voiceover narration.

Samar is still being moody and is asking for a transfer, although she finally seemed to actually make a move on Aram, only to find out he's currently with someone.  Someone who just strips out of her work-out uniform as soon as she gets into the house.  Yeah, I think Aram made the right call here, although they will probably find some dumb way to not make it work out.

Mr. Kaplan is still alive for now.

Not enough Dembe yet.  They better rectify this soon.

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Scene with Liz or Agnes. Skip.

Alias-like scene with the gang on an operation. Not bad.

Red? Always good.

I fell asleep and dreamed Lizzie did something halfway competent on the FBI office.

What was that stupid promo for next week? "A mother scorned?" Yes, I am sure everyone is terrified of that look of vague interest and self indulgence  in Lizzie's eyes. 

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Did Mr. Kaplan work for Red? I always thought she was an independent contractor and Red was just one of a group of nefarious types who required her talents from time to time when there was a particularly ugly mess to be cleaned up (it was fun to think about what she might be up to when she wasn't servicing Red!). I haven't seen every last episode so maybe this was addressed, but I never thought Mr. Kaplan worked exclusively for Red; if that's the case, the other people she bailed out might not be too pleased with what he's done.

Subina, I'm late answering your question, but Lizzie got plucked out of her childhood home/Summer Palace when a full troop of American FBI agents swarmed miles into Canada to storm the house, shoot a bunch of Kirk's men, all while missing shooting Lizzie (more's the pity there). So Lizzie is now back "home" as a fully restored (albeit murderer) agent, and Kirk escaped out the back door or something, and has disappeared.

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