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Current DCCs: My Boots Do the Talking


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I like all three of these ladies!  I think Chantel is the most gorgeous of the three and has an incredible figure (those abs!)--though I do find her implants to be a bit...much. I think she has a beautiful smile and a unique look with her curls. As I've written before, I am a Mandy fan (fabulous dancer, small business owner, very pretty, confident without seeming conceited, seems sugary sweet in a genuine way), but I regularly think she's too heavy handed with the makeup. She always looks prettier and younger to me when she doesn't look like it's been pancaked on, especially the eyes. I also have wondered if she uses botox, because her eyebrows sometimes have that "West Coast arch" to them (hello, RHOBH). Her brows look more pointed at certain times than others, which would be a sign of being between injections. I was won over by Kelli this season, but for her dancing and what seems to be her sweet personality, not because I think she has that DCC look (the body, yes). Her body is so tight, but maybe could use a couple of pounds. She posted something @ getting ready for calendar shoot, and I thought, wow, I hope she doesn't slim down at all through this "getting ready" for calendar business, as I think she treads the line of thin/too thin.  Several years ago folks here were pondering why she hadn't made training camp, and some speculated that her thinness made her look a bit older.  I agreed, and I also think the heavy, heavy, heavy make up she wears ages her a bit too.  Sometimes I wonder how she manages to keep her eyes open, her eye makeup looks so freaking heavy. So, please, Kelli, don't overdo this bikini-ready enterprise!  I've become a fan of hers, and admire the hell outta her abs and even more her determination to go after her dreams, but I do cringe a little sometimes at the makeup and 1% body fat effect on women of a certain age. I bet all three of these women would look gorgeous (and younger) with light beachy makeup and some gently done hair on calendar shoot. I think for beach pictures almost everyone looks better in softer makeup and palettes. Tons of makeup in the sweaty sun just seems silly, and hides the natural beauty of the cheerleaders. 

55 minutes ago, DallasCC125 said:

I dread audition season because we see girls who have been on the team for many seasons. Then there's the ones who get cut... my "knowledge" of girls who get cut are usually Melissa's girls. Anyone think Kelsey could be the next Melissa one year girl? 

Hopefully that "curse" will not continue. I want to see Kelsey make it back.

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A lot of Japanese pro cheerleaders aspire to come to be NFL Cheerleaders. Every year, a group of them come over and do the rounds, going from audition to audition. From what I can tell, very few make it, but it happens every spring. The thing I find interesting is it's only the NFL. Never the NBA. And most do not speak English very well. From the American side of the equation, there is some cachet to having a Japanese cheerleader on the team. Actually, there's cachet to having anyone from a foreign country come here just to audition. Except for Canada. (Sorry Canadians, but we're too much alike for that that to be nearly as interesting.)

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28 minutes ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:


So I totally forgot. Amy T is the engineer isn't she?! And she actually helped develop a spinal implant, and it's got a sack that fills with gel to mimic the thingy between your vertebrae (thingy is the technical term, I can use lay terms if you'd prefer), and it's made of a material that the body doesn't reject. This she did in college. She comes from a family of male engineers.

I've been terribly critical of her, but I will say, I LOVE that her family taught her to think and not just be daddy's pretty dumb blonde. She is stunning, and this accomplishment alone is something to crow about. Throw DCC AND whatever B-ball team she danced for into the mix and damn! That's impressive. I may have to rescind some of my hagging and ragging about her. She's made some impressive strides in her life it seems like.  What have I done? Made some impressive strides to the fridge. OK Amy, I see you girl. <3

I thought Melissa was the mechanical engineer w/ medical specialty? (Could be wrong)

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Melissa has a degree in mechanical engineering. Amy T has a degree in biomedical engineering and something neurosciency. She was on a capstone project with some other classmates for the vertebrae implant. Both are real deal Science Nerds.

Disclaimer: not trying to discredit them. My husband and several on his side are PEs (Professional Engineer, sort of like a CPA vs an accountant, etc.), and I've learned to be Super Picky in calling anyone an Engineer. Even those guys who drive trains are suspect LOL. Mr. Razz has a BS in Civil Engineering and a MS in Engineering and Construction Management. He says mechanical engineers are the smartest and most impressive to all the other engineers.

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Mandy is a goddess!!!! I think she is absolutely stunning though I agree sometimes the make up is a bit much.  I love that she had a successful dance studio so young and I love how fit and strong she is.  #girlcrush  

Amy T is definitely a smart cookie and I give her props for that for sure.  Not sure I'm a fan of her bf, he seems like kind of a tool, but im' totally going off IG and don't know him personally so only my opinion lol  I just look at them and think, she is way too good for this kid. 

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For some reason, she reminds me of a lighter-skinned version of Nicole Beharie.  For the record, I love Nicole Beharie as she is a talented young actress.  Too bad Sleepy Hollow turned into such a train wreck.  If it had maintained the intelligence, humor, and story lines of the first season, then it would have been rocking my world for four seasons.  Alas, it sunk in season two.  Too rarely do you see a woman POC as a lead in a sci-fi/fantasy show.  Sorry, I got off topic.


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1 hour ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

@PBSLover *SNORT!* Good one!!

Ugh. She was mentored by Sidney, you can tell. I'm super proud of myself, let me CONSTANTLY post pictures of ME! Man, back in my day, we'd just call this conceited. Or stuck on yourself. Times may have changed, I believe it's referred to as narcissism now. I mean, your JOB is to be photographed and SEEN. Is that not enough you for you? It's quite enough for me, thanks.

That said, from a professional standpoint, great makeup.


They're gorgeous photos, but the weird captions give them the wrong tone. 

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She is A Queen. Her Soul is Royalty.

This isn't what you think it is, guys. The reason she's a queen/cloaked in royalty, etc is because of her intellect. Her education. Her contributions to her community. It's because she's generous to a fault, self-effacing, known for her good works, and everyone she meets feels uplifted after time spent in her company.

It's NOT because she's spent 5 years in a sexy costume with dudes telling her how hawt she is, and now she not only expects adoration, she posts things like this to actively solicit it.

My God. The lack of humility is breathtaking. I had no idea these were Jenna's true colors.

Edited by sleepyjean
  • Love 9

First time poster, LONG time lurker!!!

While Jenna's captions are weird, I guess I reason this...

She wants to be seen as sexy instead of her wholesome role from the past 5 years. Her Beyoncé-esque captions are supposed to be fierce and inspirational. I don't think she realizes it comes across as conceited and self-serving. 

Full disclosure...old ex-cheerleader (never for a pro team) and in the Chicago suburbs with zero inside knowledge of the Dallas dance scene. Love, love, LOVE these forums. 

I've watched every season except the 2-hour special. Have looked everywhere and can not find!!! Jealous of the poster who said she has it on VHS!

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1 hour ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

Yeah, and I just think I'm old and I don't get the "LOOK AT ME" generation.


Love. Also, I fucking *HATE* when grown women refer to themselves as "queens" and "princesses". BARF! Little girls, whatevs. They're playing princess. It's perfectly natural. Then you grow up and handle shit like a woman. Unless you're the daughter of actual royalty, you're not a princess. And unless you're a female Monarch which oversees a country (or RuPaul), you're not a Queen. Not you Jenna. Not you Beyonce. Not you Madonna. No, you're not. Because @heatherrrrz would lose her shit on me, all Disney princesses are excused from this rant and are, IMO, actual princesses.

Hahah no one makes fun of my disney princesses!

11 hours ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

@PBSLover *SNORT!* Good one!!

Ugh. She was mentored by Sidney, you can tell. I'm super proud of myself, let me CONSTANTLY post pictures of ME! Man, back in my day, we'd just call this conceited. Or stuck on yourself. Times may have changed, I believe it's referred to as narcissism now. I mean, your JOB is to be photographed and SEEN. Is that not enough you for you? It's quite enough for me, thanks.

That said, from a professional standpoint, great makeup.


It appears Fritz Crittle is a photography studio in which I see past and present DCC both in beauty shots and in uniform

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1) Jenna looks like a boy in those pics. A vapid, conceited, so full of herself she can taste it, boy.

2) The retouching in Holly's pics is on the Toddler's and Tiaras level. Why? She doesn't need extensive retouching. I hate that fake pageanty crap.

3) Pole dancer. Gotta give props to somebody with the strength, flexibility, and guts (literally and figuratively) to get out there on a stage, in that uniform, with that figure. I'm kinda speechless.

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6 minutes ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

That's my Instagram. 

I keed. I just clicked one of the hash tags. Like, #dallascowboyscheerleader or something. There are stills as well. I don't even have a comment about it. I can't think of anything to say. She knows she's huge. What can I possibly say as a critique? It'd be like me doing a diatribe on how wet water is. Like, no shit sherlock. I guess, let yer freak flag fly girl. 

Our weekly full agreement post just happened. Thank you. 

I'm pmsing a little but tonight. Ate three huge tamales and am now grumbling at Mr Razz. He hasn't done a thing that deserves a grumble. 

Jenna was never my fave, I have to admit she is an amazing dancer, but she is working my last nerve lately. When did all this self absorption skyrocket to this level? Is she having this much anxiety and insecurity about her DCC days being numbered or is she really that into herself? 

  • Love 5
27 minutes ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

That's my Instagram. 

I keed. I just clicked one of the hash tags. Like, #dallascowboyscheerleader or something. There are stills as well. I don't even have a comment about it. I can't think of anything to say. She knows she's huge. What can I possibly say as a critique? It'd be like me doing a diatribe on how wet water is. Like, no shit sherlock. I guess, let yer freak flag fly girl.

Well if all else fails, there's always


Edited by Oranaiche
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pole dancer kicks ass. Just saying. I am a good 50 pounds lighter than her, and would die attempting 1/2 that stuff. 

Yeah, Jenna's pics are bad. "Look at me; I'm sexy. I'm special."

wait. "I'm sexy. I'm cute. I'm popular to boot!" ??

holly has flawless skin. Stop with airbrush. She looks like a mannequin face. 

  • Love 5
4 minutes ago, Hummingbird24 said:

pole dancer kicks ass. Just saying. I am a good 50 pounds lighter than her, and would die attempting 1/2 that stuff. 

Yeah, Jenna's pics are bad. "Look at me; I'm sexy. I'm special."

wait. "I'm sexy. I'm cute. I'm popular to boot!" ??

holly has flawless skin. Stop with airbrush. She looks like a mannequin face. 

I'm dying!!! Now I have to go watch that movie. ?

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13 hours ago, sleepyjean said:

Holly at 30.


Yuck. Heavy makeup does NO ONE justice..except for drag queens. And that's because..well..they're men.

12 hours ago, TiaGrace said:

I wish and hope and pray that Kelli stops making unnatural redheads. And if she doesn't, please have a salon that can make them more Amy Adams and less scary blood red. 

THIS! I get it that you want to have a variety or "bouquet" of looks, but it just looks harsh on people who aren't natural. I LOVE redheads! I think they're gorgeous. But these super harsh looking reds? Nah.

10 hours ago, Hummingbird24 said:

pole dancer kicks ass. Just saying. I am a good 50 pounds lighter than her, and would die attempting 1/2 that stuff. 

Yeah, Jenna's pics are bad. "Look at me; I'm sexy. I'm special."

wait. "I'm sexy. I'm cute. I'm popular to boot!" ??

holly has flawless skin. Stop with airbrush. She looks like a mannequin face. 

I agree. SHE just..isn't pleasing to the eye. 

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In defense of both Jenna and Holly, posting their modeling shots: (1) is no different from what teammates like Tasha or Kelsey (clothing lines) or KaShara  (jewelry) already do; and (2) is likely more business-and-career motivated, than representative of vanity.  These ladies probably want to translate their beauty, youth, celebrity, and 15 minutes of fame into print or catalogue modeling work that pays.

Finally, the armchair psychologist in me thinks that IF indeed Jenna does appear a little more insecure to some this year -- and I do not think that she does -- then perhaps it reflects a subliminal "eat your heart out, look what you are missing out on" message to someone.  Sort of like the vibe Jennifer Aniston has been throwing out to Brad Pitt for the past eight years.

Edited by California Girl
  • Love 4
19 minutes ago, California Girl said:

In defense of both Jenna and Holly, posting their modeling shots: (1) is no different from what teammates like Tasha or Kelsey (clothing lines) or KaShara  (jewelry) already do; and (2) is likely more business-and-career motivated, than representative of vanity.  These ladies probably want to translate their beauty, youth, celebrity, and 15 minutes of fame into print or catalogue modeling work that pays.

Finally, the armchair psychologist in me thinks that IF indeed Jenna does appear a little more insecure to some this year -- and I do not think that she does -- then perhaps it reflects a subliminal "eat your heart out, look what you are missing out on" message to someone.  Sort of like the vibe Jennifer Aniston has been throwing out to Brad Pitt for the past eight years.

Probably. What MY point is was that Holly just looks overdone. If that's what she likes and is getting her money and working for her..good for her. My opinion is that is just looks harsh. Maybe that's the look her artist was going for..who knows.


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I think it's slightly different, because Tasha and Kashara's shots (haven't seen Kelsey's) are focusing on the product they're selling and not them. They're definitely being paid to model for products, and the products are the focus, not them. 

Holly's shots do focus more on the product, too, and that product is what makeup artist and photographer has done to her face. It looks terribly unnatural to me. Not Holly's fault or decision to go that route with the over airbrushed and retouched photos, but they look really amateur and fake to me.

Jenna - if she didn't have all those "i'm a queen" etc tags focusing on herself, and if she'd focused on promoting the photographer instead of barely hashtagging him at the end, it would be less narcissistic. All of her casual shots that she snaps herself look really self absorbed, too.

Tash may be self promoting, but she's actually making a living doing legit modeling, and she does focus more on the products than just ME ME ME.

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If I had a face or body like anyone of these gals, I'd probably be taking selfies left and right also. Sadly a snapchat filter is as good as it gets for me (and someone please explain why that one snapchat filter is soooo much better at dramatic eyeliner than I am?!?).

I don't have Instagram because I find it to be lots and lots of people who are self absorbed and well, I don't have any amazing pictures to share. Not too many people want to see pictures of my dogs over and over again. :)

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18 hours ago, TiaGrace said:

I wish and hope and pray that Kelli stops making unnatural redheads. And if she doesn't, please have a salon that can make them more Amy Adams and less scary blood red. 

As a Ginger, I hate how they try and market Holly as a redhead. She's not one and they should just embrace her dark hair. Holly P is my absolute favorite of all time for DCC. But, really, she might look like she's grinding for coins lately due to the poor hair and makeup choices on such a cute-as-a-button face.

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You guys are hilarious today!!!!!!

17 hours ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

That's my Instagram. 

I keed. I just clicked one of the hash tags. Like, #dallascowboyscheerleader or something. There are stills as well. I don't even have a comment about it. I can't think of anything to say. She knows she's huge. What can I possibly say as a critique? It'd be like me doing a diatribe on how wet water is. Like, no shit sherlock. I guess, let yer freak flag fly girl.

I love that she is doing her “splits” on a dancer pole.

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5 hours ago, California Girl said:

then perhaps it reflects a subliminal "eat your heart out, look what you are missing out on" message to someone.  Sort of like the vibe Jennifer Aniston has been throwing out to Brad Pitt for the past eight years.

Really?  If you are right than Jenna is a bigger idiot than I thought.  Pretty pictures and I am a goddess postings on your Instagram account does not rope a guy in.  And JA has not been doing anything to BP except living her life.  

Edited by PBSLover
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On February 27, 2017 at 10:14 PM, LilRedHerring said:


I've watched every season except the 2-hour special. Have looked everywhere and can not find!!! Jealous of the poster who said she has it on VHS!

I don't have it on VHS, but my husband recorded it on TiVo then burned it onto a DVD for me. He has written in Sharpie on it "T. asked me to make this for her" in case someone saw it and thought it was his, ha ha. 

The two-hour special is kind of odd in that they squash an entire season into two hours. So it looks like they cut all these TCCs on only two different nights (or so it seems). And they call them in during group rehearsal so there's no crowd waiting in the parking lot to console/congratulate the TCCs. It looks very thrown together compared to the newer seasons. But it is neat to see Kelly and Judy seeming much less scripted.

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3 hours ago, PBSLover said:

Really?  If you are right than Jenna is a bigger idiot than I thought.  Pretty pictures and I am a goddess postings on your Instagram account does not rope a guy in.  And JA has not been doing anything to BP except living her life.  

@PBSLover I am never right about these things, but I am always playing the armchair psychologist  -- trying to analyze why one person or another might be behaving in this manner or that.  

Jenna, for me, demonstrates a normal dose or degree of public profile and pride for a young woman involved in an industry that is - at its core - about public perception and self-promotion.   Many actors, singers, dancers, and other public performers similarly post with lots of photos of themselves and equally inane hashtags.  My only caveat was that sometimes women can go a little over the top with the beautiful photos, sexy poses, and 'inspirational'/'fab' hashtags and slogans when they are trying to overcompensate for feelings of insecurity; and sometimes that insecurity is attributable to their treatment from, or rejection by, a man (or woman I suppose, as this is 2017(!)).  If you believe that Jenna's posts reflect a latent insecurity, and I do not, then my armchair psychoanalysis might provide one explanation.

As for Jennifer Aniston, I think that she is a gorgeous 48(!) year old woman.  And having stood next to her in real life a few years ago I can tell you that she is waaaaay smaller and even more beautiful than she photographs.   My 5'10", 135 lb. frame, made me feel (and certainly look) like a BigFatGiant compared to her very small, very skinny frame.  That said, Jen still dresses like she is a 30-year old starlet trying to show us how "sexy" and "fabulous" she is.  If she is not doing so for Brad (and she certainly isn't at this point), then for Hollywood generally, which traditionally marginalizes women once they hit a certain age.  Good for Jen for being able to do it, but I wish she didn't feel that she has to "sell the goods" anymore.  

As an example, she still wears her luscious, amazing hair like my pre-teen daughter -- long, combed straight, and parted down the middle.  That is a hard look for any woman past 30 to pull off successfully, a no-no in my mental style book.  And there is an old rule of fashion that says you can exhibit décolletage down there, a leg slit up to here, or sleeveless, but you cannot do all three at once, -- and certainly not north of 40!  So yes, in my estimation, our beloved Jen (as perhaps Jenna?) continues to work too hard to show off something to someone.


Edited by California Girl
1 hour ago, California Girl said:


3 hours ago, PBSLover said:

Really?  If you are right than Jenna is a bigger idiot than I thought.  Pretty pictures and I am a goddess postings on your Instagram account does not rope a guy in.  And JA has not been doing anything to BP except living her life.  

@PBSLover you know me, I am never right about these things, but I am always playing the armchair psychologist  -- trying to analyze why one person or another might be behaving in this manner or that.  

Jenna, for me, demonstrates a normal dose or degree of public profile and pride for a young woman involved in an industry that is - at its core - about public perception and self-promotion.   Many actors, singers, dancers, and other public performers similarly post with lots of photos of themselves and equally inane hashtags.  My only caveat was that sometimes women can go a little over the top with the beautiful photos, sexy poses, and 'inspirational'/'fab' hashtags and slogans when they are trying to overcompensate for feelings of insecurity; and sometimes that insecurity is attributable to their treatment from, or rejection by, a man (or woman I suppose, as this is 2017(!)).  If you believe that Jenna's posts reflect a latent insecurity, and I do not, then my armchair psychoanalysis might provide one explanation.

As for Jennifer Aniston, I think that she is a gorgeous 48(!) year old woman.  And having stood next to her in real life a few years ago I can tell you that she is waaaaay smaller and even more beautiful than she photographs.   My 5'10", 135 lb. frame, made me feel (and certainly look) like a BigFatGiant compared to her very small, very skinny frame.  That said, Jen still dresses like she is a 30-year old starlet trying to show us how "sexy" and "fabulous" she is.  If she is not doing so for Brad (and she certainly isn't at this point), then for Hollywood generally, which traditionally marginalizes women once they hit a certain age.  Good for Jen for being able to do it, but I wish she didn't feel that she has to "sell the goods" anymore.  

As an example, she still wears her luscious, amazing hair like my pre-teen daughter -- long, combed straight, and parted down the middle.  That is a hard look for any woman past 30 to pull off successfully, a no-no in my mental style book.  And there is an old rule of fashion that says you can exhibit décolletage down there, a leg slit up to here, or sleeveless, but you cannot do all three at once, -- and certainly not north of 40!  So yes, in my estimation, our beloved Jen (as perhaps Jenna?) continues to work too hard to show off something to someone.



a) I don’t know you

b) What I wrote does not deserve a post like this...moving along.

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^^^ @PBSLover LOL, I love your good sense of humor!  Of course you don't know me, as none of us know each other in real life, but I have definitely developed an understanding and feel for most regular posters in our wonderful little Previously TV community based on people's writings.  And you are one of my favorite regulars.


^^^ @QuiteContraryMoni I am truly sorry if I offended you, and I apologize for that.  

I must admit that I am confused and my feelings are a little hurt now, as I am not sure what you are referring to when you say "chill out."

You posted that you "freaking love [@PBSLover] ", and then added, "for so many reasons."

I also like many of @PBSLover's posts, and I used your post as a jumping off point to express one of the reasons I like them.  In retrospect I should not have usurped your post to express my own unrelated opinion on one of the reasons why I like @PBSLover's posts.  I am sorry for that.

Edited by California Girl
On 2/26/2017 at 6:50 PM, QuiteContraryMoni said:


So I totally forgot. Amy T is the engineer isn't she?! And she actually helped develop a spinal implant, and it's got a sack that fills with gel to mimic the thingy between your vertebrae (thingy is the technical term, I can use lay terms if you'd prefer), and it's made of a material that the body doesn't reject. This she did in college. She comes from a family of male engineers.

I've been terribly critical of her, but I will say, I LOVE that her family taught her to think and not just be daddy's pretty dumb blonde. She is stunning, and this accomplishment alone is something to crow about. Throw DCC AND whatever B-ball team she danced for into the mix and damn! That's impressive. I may have to rescind some of my hagging and ragging about her. She's made some impressive strides in her life it seems like.  What have I done? Made some impressive strides to the fridge. OK Amy, I see you girl. <3

Yep, Amy T has it ALL!  I want to be her when I grow up!

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On 2/16/2017 at 1:59 PM, raindancer said:

are they supposed to be something kind of like a lip ink/stain?  I've found that those can be really difficult to get right - also, they can be really sticky, too, especially the ones that are supposed to be able to double as a cheek stain.  The only one that didn't work that way for me was Benetint back in the day, and I couldn't wear that because it dried my lips, and also simultaneously bled color.  Armani has a new lip-ink line (Lip Magnet?) though that is AMAZING - and they have a Tasha-pink shade.  Thought of her the minute I saw it ?


Wow, I love that color!

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