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Current DCCs: My Boots Do the Talking


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1 hour ago, RhiRhi said:

It was Selina, she was stood down for one of the half time performances, sorry I don't remember if it was breast cancer or Halloween as they were back to back.  From what I've heard she will definitely be 'one and done'. 

Was this during TC or after the team was chosen? If during TC, I'm surprised she didn't get cut.  Maybe that's why she wasn't featured that much this year.

16 hours ago, RhiRhi said:

It was Selina, she was stood down for one of the half time performances, sorry I don't remember if it was breast cancer or Halloween as they were back to back.  From what I've heard she will definitely be 'one and done'. 

Wow @RhiRhi!  I am sorry to hear this.  Selina was one of my favorites coming into this Season (2016) because she had been cut on the final day of TC the year before (2015).  Her dancing is good, at least in the videos that have been posted of Group 4 performing.  And she has a great smile in the few pictures you ever see of her on the field, usually semi-blurred and in the background.

Though I am not surprised by by your revelation, because Selina does not appear to perfectly fit into, nor to be completely embraced by, the sisterhood that is the DCC.  I actually never see her in any of the social media posts when the other young women get together outside official DCC functions.  Nor does the DCC organization ever highlight her in any of their gameday photos or publicity.  Selina reminds me of my sister-in-law (whom I adore), a young, elementary school principal in rural Colorado (who used to compete in beauty pageants), in that she exudes more of a small-town quality than the put-together image of her teammates.  Her dresses aren't quite as stylish, she wears furry Uggs (or Ugg knock-offs) in winter white, she generally seems to be less on trend than the other DCCs.  Part of it might be that I get the feeling a lot of the other young ladies come from fairly affluent backgrounds, and I just don't get the same vibe from Selina.  It is part of Selina's "charm", but it might also be a sticking point that makes her feel like a bit of an outsider among her teammates.  She may even have a bit of a chip on her shoulder, who knows? 

If this were a Hollywood movie, then Selina's teammates would have embraced her by giving her a fabulous makeover and welcoming them into their popular-girl clique.  Lacey would have introduced Selina to her surgeon for rhinoplasty (I still think that Selina would be one of their most photogenic girls with a slight refinement to her nose), Mandy and Kelli would have her going to the gym, Jessica and Erica would take her shopping with them, Danielle would have done her hair, and Jenna her makeup.  But, alas, the DCC isn't a movie, and Selina may thus not have her Hollywood ending.     

The last thing I will say, is that for a young woman who is potentially (and again, this is all conjecture on my part) insecure about her status with her teammates, Group 4 may not have been the best place for Selina to land.  Jessica and Erica are fantastic group leaders, but they seem a little more serious taskmasters, and a little less coddling mother hens.  Danielle or Jenna seem more warm and fuzzy in that respect.  Also, Group 4 has some of the most perfect examples of DCC glam in Erica, Kelsey, and Tasha.  That could give anyone an inferiority complex.    

Selina has to decide for herself whether she is really a one-and-done, or whether she can successfully compete for her spot on the team another year.  If the latter, then she needs to undertake her own fabulous makeover and attitude adjustment, to build up her confidence.  If the former, then I really do hope that the Cowboys win the Super Bowl so that she walks away knowing it just doesn't get any better than this.

Edited by California Girl
20 hours ago, RhiRhi said:

It was Selina, she was stood down for one of the half time performances, sorry I don't remember if it was breast cancer or Halloween as they were back to back.  From what I've heard she will definitely be 'one and done'. 

She seems to be featured a lot on the DCC social media pages for a one and done.

Edited by PBSLover
1 hour ago, heatherrrrz said:

I hardly ever see Selina on social media, she's never out with the girls. They all seem to have their cliques and Selina doesn't seem to be in any of them.

I agree with you @heatherrrrz, I don't think that Selina is part of any of the DCC cliques this year.  

Again this is pure conjecture on my part, but if there is some sort of subtle ostracism at work here, then that kind of social rejection is painful and can cause even a grounded person to act out in a bad mood.  (http://www.alternet.org/culture/social-death-penalty-why-being-ostracized-hurts-even-more-bullying)

Perhaps that is why I am pulling for Selina, I always root for the underdog.

1 minute ago, California Girl said:

I agree with you @heatherrrrz, I don't think that Selina is part of any of the DCC cliques this year.  

Again this is pure conjecture on my part, but if there is some sort of subtle ostracism at work here, then that kind of social rejection is painful and can cause even a grounded person to act out in a bad mood.  (http://www.alternet.org/culture/social-death-penalty-why-being-ostracized-hurts-even-more-bullying)

Perhaps that is why I am pulling for Selina, I always root for the underdog.

I'm the same way, hardly ever in any of the cliques. I have my one friend at work and that's it lol

1 hour ago, heatherrrrz said:

I hardly ever see Selina on social media, she's never out with the girls. They all seem to have their cliques and Selina doesn't seem to be in any of them.

I have heard that she is very sweet, but also Very moody. Isn't she a teacher? Maybe its because she hangs out with all of those kids that make her grumpy LOL

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11 minutes ago, mcmrdh said:

I have heard that she is very sweet, but also Very moody. Isn't she a teacher? Maybe its because she hangs out with all of those kids that make her grumpy LOL

Thank you for that information @mcmrdh.  Moodiness is also a reaction consistent with being excluded by the group (http://www.alternet.org/culture/social-death-penalty-why-being-ostracized-hurts-even-more-bullying).

"Ostracism has been a common strategy in dealing with those considered . . . low-status by the group, and is inextricably linked to all forms of bigotry and prejudice. It manifests in activities . . . as understated as averting the gaze." 

"Human beings are social animals; the ability to interact with others is among our most basic requirements. For all mammals, social distance from the group is every bit as dangerous as hunger, thirst, or physical injury."

"[R]esearchers think we have developed acute sensitivity to it. It can freak us out even more than being hit, ridiculed or yelled at, causing our bodies and minds to suffer exquisitely. Our need to belong is so strong that we experience psychological and physical effects right away. Neuroscientists have found that social rejection is experienced much like physical pain — connected to the same neural circuitry.

In the short-term, ostracism can create a bad mood or other forms of physiological arousal. If it goes on, it can cause low self-esteem, profound feelings of helplessness, [and] self-imposed isolation."

Again, I hope that I am totally off the mark here with my armchair psychoanalysis and conjecture.

Edited by California Girl
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1 hour ago, mcmrdh said:

I have heard that she is very sweet, but also Very moody. Isn't she a teacher? Maybe its because she hangs out with all of those kids that make her grumpy LOL

From a teacher currently toasting the fact that I am now on Winter Break I can definitely see the kids being something that could make her grumpy, or staff meetings or parents, or any number of other things. As for not being as involved in the social things, teachers are scrutinized ridiculously on their social media presence, yes the DCC stuff should be considered acceptable but if it's on one of the other girls pages and there are even drinks in the background it can reflect badly on a teacher, the teacher in question doesn't even need to know the picture exists. Also it's quite possible that all of the things that go along with teaching could be keeping her from participating in all those go out and socialize events with the other girls. 

Actually that makes me wonder how she managed to do parent/teacher conferences in the fall. From all we see it seems that K&J really want DCC to come first before anything else, P/T conferences are often two evenings, could she really be allowed to miss two practices? or maybe just to arrive late after her conferences? Maybe bc she's contractually obligated to do them for her job? What about being there for evening events in her building? Not to mention all the grading and planning? Sorry I brought work home to do over Winter Break and it reminds me I've always wondered how the DCC who have been teachers have done it, much as I wonder about some other professionals.

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1 hour ago, twinkietwin94 said:

From a teacher currently toasting the fact that I am now on Winter Break I can definitely see the kids being something that could make her grumpy, or staff meetings or parents, or any number of other things. As for not being as involved in the social things, teachers are scrutinized ridiculously on their social media presence, yes the DCC stuff should be considered acceptable but if it's on one of the other girls pages and there are even drinks in the background it can reflect badly on a teacher, the teacher in question doesn't even need to know the picture exists. Also it's quite possible that all of the things that go along with teaching could be keeping her from participating in all those go out and socialize events with the other girls. 

Actually that makes me wonder how she managed to do parent/teacher conferences in the fall. From all we see it seems that K&J really want DCC to come first before anything else, P/T conferences are often two evenings, could she really be allowed to miss two practices? or maybe just to arrive late after her conferences? Maybe bc she's contractually obligated to do them for her job? What about being there for evening events in her building? Not to mention all the grading and planning? Sorry I brought work home to do over Winter Break and it reminds me I've always wondered how the DCC who have been teachers have done it, much as I wonder about some other professionals.

Thank you @twinkietwin94 for your excellent perspective on how a person's professional and work obligations can affect their work for the DCC, and even temperament.

Sometimes we can't understand a woman until we have walked a mile in her shoes.  Selina probably teaches schoolchildren from 8-3 every weekday, followed by DCC practices from 7-10 most weeknights.  Add to that lesson planning, grading, communicating with parents, administrative meetings and responsibilities, and Cowboys games and appearances on home weekends; and she may very well be operating on a big deficit for much-needed rest and downtime.

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19 minutes ago, MrsEVH said:

Her DCC bio says elementary teacher.


Isn't Kelli Sullivan an elementary school teacher too? I thought I saw some IG stories where she was doing something with lesson planning.  Maybe she is a sub.  In any case, teaching is a LOT of prep on top of everything else so hats off to anyone doing that on a DCC schedule! 

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1 hour ago, heatherrrrz said:

I've grown to be like obsessed with Melissa, she just looks so happy to be there.

Sidenote: I hardly ever see pictures of Claire, wish we could get some more of her.

This picture also reminds me how much I hate the "new" shorts. It's barely noticeable but they raised the waste line on some rookies, maybe all and it just looks like a diaper on some girls. Can't believe I'm saying this but, go back to shorter. 


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Just now, HowdeeDo said:

This picture also reminds me how much I hate the "new" shorts. It's barely noticeable but they raised the waste line on some rookies, maybe all and it just looks like a diaper on some girls. Can't believe I'm saying this but, go back to shorter. 


I forgot who's picture I saw the other day with the shorts on and I was like "DIAPER DIAPER DIAPER"

18 minutes ago, DCCFanInKy said:
 Will this be the retiring cheerleaders last game or do they cheer playoff games?  Any word on exactly who's retiring yet?

They cheer playoff games and Dallas has clinched homefield advantage, so they'll be home as long as they're in the playoffs. The first week of the playoffs are the wildcard games so they'll have that off.

Edited by MaryWebGirl
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24 minutes ago, DCCFanInKy said:

Am I remembering correctly a pre or post game locker room scene where the PBC was given a Hawaiian lei as the "announcement"?

Yep, that was the case for anyone going to the Hawaii Pro-Bowl. It shouldn't be too much longer now since the game is in an hour. I hope they do a video! Some years they've skipped reactions but it's so much fun to see.

ETA: Gameday girl is Lacey.

Edited by HowdeeDo
14 minutes ago, HowdeeDo said:

Yep, that was the case for anyone going to the Hawaii Pro-Bowl. It shouldn't be too much longer now since the game is in an hour. I hope they do a video! Some years they've skipped reactions but it's so much fun to see.

They just posted Lacey as Game Day Girl on FB so maybe it won't be much longer.

We don't know what goes on behind the scenes (even with a Televised show), so I've never felt like it should just be given to whoever is most tenured. Were people furious when Sydney didn't get it after 7 years? Being on the team for 5 years is certainly something to recognize, but the PBC is someone who represents the team in several aspects along with being a leader. Other teams have even given it to second years. How the DCC decide who goes outside of the fan vote is their business and the girls seemed to really love her. I wouldn't imagine a 5th year having the attitude that they deserve it over other girls because they've been on the squad longer. They've sent a handful of under 5 year girls for that to be understood now.

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