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Current DCCs: My Boots Do the Talking


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On 12/28/2016 at 11:47 PM, HowdeeDo said:

Has anyone actually paid attention to Holly during Pregame? I've never felt like she out dances others. How she dances during solos is not how she dances on the field. Maybe it's just me, but it's mentioned so much I expected her to be flailing and throwing her neck out with hair flips. She blends just fine.

I agree. Holly reins it in when she has to blend in with the group, and does a fine job.

On 12/30/2016 at 9:10 AM, heatherrrrz said:

Hahah this is me with Disney, I feel sad anytime someone posts something bad about their experience. Totally off topic but I wanted so bad to do the college program but they pay like minimum wage and work 50-60 hour weeks so I'm like hell no nvm.

Side Note: I worked in entertainment back in the day. I once spent a literal week at Disney, sleeping on the cement floor, because they DGAF how many rehearsals you may have in a row, or where you sleep, as long as you are on time. (I still love Disney, though.)

On 1/6/2017 at 4:11 PM, QuiteContraryMoni said:

Gurrrrl that stress hormone will make your body go all caveman and hang onto that weight so you can survive and run from the T Rex or whatever.

Thanks. I snorted coffee out of my nose, and maybe made some T Rex sounds out loud. :D

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31 minutes ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:


I always suspected that it was a specific friend of Sam's. I'll refrain from naming names. This person appeared to *ADORE* Kyndall, and even posted insider vids (practice, etc) on their Twitter. I'm sure Sam went to practices at the stadium and such, and was able to bring friends. This person also appeared to either be in cheer or close to cheer-in high school. The way they wrote on Twitter was rather specific, and the style was rather young and slang, and sort of bitchy, and it did match up with what was on here. So, I thought I had it pegged. Oh well, they're gone now.

Ima PM you.

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2 hours ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:


I always suspected that it was a specific friend of Sam's. I'll refrain from naming names. This person appeared to *ADORE* Kyndall, and even posted insider vids (practice, etc) on their Twitter. I'm sure Sam went to practices at the stadium and such, and was able to bring friends. This person also appeared to either be in cheer or close to cheer-in high school. The way they wrote on Twitter was rather specific, and the style was rather young and slang, and sort of bitchy, and it did match up with what was on here. So, I thought I had it pegged. Oh well, they're gone now.

OMG...talk about detective work! We should call this -- DCC: Forensic Files Training Camp. Hilarious. It is a bit telling that this insider disappeared once school, I mean, regular season started. In my opinion there was a bit of immaturity in their posts. I always wondered why she threw Cersten then Megan under the bus to make her favorites look better. I never took her pot shots seriously especially after she said Maddie had low kicks and in her opinion would not make the team. Look at Maddie now. She is a dance slayer AND made show group. Oh well, like you said, they're gone now. 2016 training camp is ancient history. 

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9 minutes ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

I was wondering how Kelli was preparing the girls for the SB if they go. I remember watching a vid from the 90s with a girl talking about SB prep and how exhausted she was, but that she was a legacy, and her mom felt her pain. If the Cowboys play the Steelers in the SB, there'll be no competition because the Steelers don't have cheerleaders.

As a die hard Steelers fan, that chance is slim since we're up against Kansas City and the Patriots. 

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Hey guys! No moderator has asked to quit talking about subjects you want to talk about. If a post is highlighted yellow it's the mods asking you to do whatever to movie things along. 

Other posters absolutely cannot tell you how to behave or post here. They can express their opinion but so can you! No matter who you work for or don't. 

Questions? @radishcake or @deaja as your mods will be happy to answer them! 

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On the weight thing, I specifically remember Kelli telling Colby that girls her height (5'9") tended to be around 136. The kicker is that we can line up 15 ladies at 5'4 and 120 pounds and every single one would look different. It's a number and a guide, but if women on the team gained weight and still looked fantastic, they would likely get no shit. Jiggling skin and bellies seems to be the killer every year. The human body is a crazy beast for sure. 

  • Love 7
21 hours ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:


I always suspected that it was a specific friend of Sam's. I'll refrain from naming names. This person appeared to *ADORE* Kyndall, and even posted insider vids (practice, etc) on their Twitter. I'm sure Sam went to practices at the stadium and such, and was able to bring friends. This person also appeared to either be in cheer or close to cheer-in high school. The way they wrote on Twitter was rather specific, and the style was rather young and slang, and sort of bitchy, and it did match up with what was on here. So, I thought I had it pegged. Oh well, they're gone now.

Oh I know exactly who you're talking about.

On ‎1‎/‎8‎/‎2017 at 3:04 AM, RhiRhi said:

Holly P is pretty dumb. She always snap chats herself while driving (kissy pouty lip syncing ?) And just posted a bunch with Sam et al, and none are wearing seat belts while driving.  Such a bad example.  

aikes that's not good ... is she actually driving or parked?  My pet peeve is driving while on phone.  SO dangerous!!!  Someone should tweet a response to her, Sam, K+J and let them know this isn't exactly proper behavior to be showing people

On ‎1‎/‎8‎/‎2017 at 11:33 AM, QuiteContraryMoni said:

Git it gurl.

lol love this ... am curious ...

2 minutes ago, tobeyoungagain said:

aikes that's not good ... is she actually driving or parked?  My pet peeve is driving while on phone.  SO dangerous!!!  Someone should tweet a response to her, Sam, K+J and let them know this isn't exactly proper behavior to be showing people

lol love this ... am curious ...

Most of the time she's usually in traffic or at stop lights. I'm guilty of snapping while driving but I'm not snapping myself, I'm snapping the scenery or the song on the radio

1 minute ago, heatherrrrz said:

Most of the time she's usually in traffic or at stop lights. I'm guilty of snapping while driving but I'm not snapping myself, I'm snapping the scenery or the song on the radio

My friend was fined $300 for playing with her phone at a stoplight.  I was glad because she's notorious for doing it while driving and even now seems to not have learned her lesson.  Yeah seatbelts are definitely a must.  Surprising that they can't muster up the 10 seconds it takes to buckle up ... seems pretty easy to do the one thing that prevents you from flying out the window. 

  • Love 2
12 minutes ago, tobeyoungagain said:

My friend was fined $300 for playing with her phone at a stoplight.  I was glad because she's notorious for doing it while driving and even now seems to not have learned her lesson.  Yeah seatbelts are definitely a must.  Surprising that they can't muster up the 10 seconds it takes to buckle up ... seems pretty easy to do the one thing that prevents you from flying out the window. 

I don't understand that fine, it's a stoplight. What state was that in? I'm using my phone all the time, trying to find a different song to play.

52 minutes ago, heatherrrrz said:

I don't understand that fine, it's a stoplight. What state was that in? I'm using my phone all the time, trying to find a different song to play.

Jersey ... well she said it was a stoplight but who knows.  My understanding is that as long as your car is on and you're in the lane, you're considered driving

47 minutes ago, ByTor said:

Hey @radishcake!  Please feel free to delete if this is not appropriate, but in the board's defense, the former moderator did deem certain topics off-limits (for example, we weren't allowed to talk about the stalkerish guy who posts on pretty much every DCC's tweets).

totally true .. even restrictions in the small talk board

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, heatherrrrz said:

I don't understand that fine, it's a stoplight. What state was that in? I'm using my phone all the time, trying to find a different song to play.

Most states have some sort of driving restrictions in regards to phones, whether it is because of age (i.e. under 21 automatic fine for texting, etc), or it has to be hands free, etc. As someone who has been hit count them...one, two...THREE times by people taking a selfie, texting their spouse, and PLAYING CANDY CRUSH(yes that is true), I am more than supportive of fines for drivers who are distracted by their phones. It seems harmless at a stoplight, but unfortunately the majority of people don't limit it to that 10 seconds, and even if you do you're not paying attention to what you're supposed to be doing, which is driving. I'm sorry for the rant @heatherrrrz, I know it wasn't you who whacked into me!

  • Love 9
1 minute ago, spazette said:

Most states have some sort of driving restrictions in regards to phones, whether it is because of age (i.e. under 21 automatic fine for texting, etc), or it has to be hands free, etc. As someone who has been hit count them...one, two...THREE times by people taking a selfie, texting their spouse, and PLAYING CANDY CRUSH(yes that is true), I am more than supportive of fines for drivers who are distracted by their phones. It seems harmless at a stoplight, but unfortunately the majority of people don't limit it to that 10 seconds, and even if you do you're not paying attention to what you're supposed to be doing, which is driving. I'm sorry for the rant @heatherrrrz, I know it wasn't you who whacked into me!

lol I don't use my phone unless I'm changing a song and I have controls on my steering wheel to change the song so unless I need to go to a certain playlist I'm not using the phone itself.

40 minutes ago, spazette said:

Most states have some sort of driving restrictions in regards to phones, whether it is because of age (i.e. under 21 automatic fine for texting, etc), or it has to be hands free, etc. As someone who has been hit count them...one, two...THREE times by people taking a selfie, texting their spouse, and PLAYING CANDY CRUSH(yes that is true), I am more than supportive of fines for drivers who are distracted by their phones. It seems harmless at a stoplight, but unfortunately the majority of people don't limit it to that 10 seconds, and even if you do you're not paying attention to what you're supposed to be doing, which is driving. I'm sorry for the rant @heatherrrrz, I know it wasn't you who whacked into me!

I'm with you.  It's dangerous and I get so mad at my friend when she does it.  Once she literally stopped in the middle of the street before going onto the highway to check GPS.  I mean wtf!  It was lucky that we weren't hit from behind!  I really wish that she would get fined more often because it's just a hot mess

  • Love 2

My guess is because they were supposed to have moved by now to the Star in Frisco.  No sense hanging up the new pictures and cameos when you just have to take them down.  They probably just kept up last year's pictures so it wouldn't look so empty.

I remember the girls posting about last practice at Valley Ranch months ago and then they were still there.  Does anyone know why their move was postponed?  It seemed like their studio was ready to use at one point.

That hip hop class video with Maddie posted up thread (in the Addidas jacket) was the very first time I got a glimpse of all the "wow" folks have been talking about her all year.  There were like 20 people dancing and I couldn't take my eyes off of her!  On the show this season, I liked her because she seems sweet and genuine and I admire her work ethic, but I was not wowed by her looks or dancing.  Maddie was one I felt earned her boots because she brought other things to the team besides looks.  She did have low-ish kicks during training camp though--I just rewatched the episode where they learned the kick line and her left kick consistently was lower.  This surprised me since she was a returning TCC.  I'm happy to see that she's growing as a performer and that the DCC glam is rubbing off on her styling.  I imagine confidence is a big factor in both regards.  This seems like a case where the good girl wins, and I genuinely love that.  I'm totally won over. 

  • Love 4
19 minutes ago, dccfan37 said:

This is a lip of their halftime performance today. I wonder why someone is dancing off to the side. Who do we think got pulled and why?


Based on their timing, I think the girl is supposed to be in the front row, the middle section, and on the left side. Of course if I knew where everyone was in the formation, it would be easier. Other than that, it's a long haired brunette, which really narrows it down haba

On 1/9/2017 at 3:16 PM, tobeyoungagain said:

I'm with you.  It's dangerous and I get so mad at my friend when she does it.  Once she literally stopped in the middle of the street before going onto the highway to check GPS.  I mean wtf!  It was lucky that we weren't hit from behind!  I really wish that she would get fined more often because it's just a hot mess

I'm on permanent disability because a carful of college kids were texting, taking selfies, etc. and rear- ended me going 45 mph while I was stopped at a light.  The resulting impact sent my car into oncoming traffic, where I was broadsided on the driver's side. It caused me to suffer 2 shattered shoulders, fractured hip and femur, and a crushed hepatic valve. I'm unable to raise my arms over my head, can't dress myself or wash my hair, have a permanent limp, and will one day require a liver transplant. I had to retire early from a job I loved, and will always be dependent on my husband for assistance with my ADL's.  Stay off your phone when you're driving!

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You just described experiencing one of my biggest fears, Bunnygirl.  I hate to think what would happen if the same thing happened to me and you actually SURVIVED.  Good for you that you survived (and thrived in a way different than before), but I regret that your life has changed so drastically.  Hopefully, good will (or already has) come out of the situation.  The DCC will miss out on a potential Group 1 leader/Pro Bowl cheerleader/point girl because of  your injuries, but I'm glad you're here on the boards with us.  I hope that none of this came off as snarky, too sarcastic or rude in any way.  Please let me know if any of that was the case.

Edited by EricaShadows
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3 minutes ago, EricaShadows said:

You just described experiencing one of my biggest fears, Bunnygirl.  I hate to think what would happen if the same thing happened to me and you actually SURVIVED.  Good for you that you survived (and thrived in a way different than before), but I regret that your life has changed so drastically.  Hopefully, good will (or already has) come out of the situation.  The DCC will miss out on a potential Group 1 leader/Pro Bowl cheerleader/point girl because of  your injuries, but I'm glad you're here on the boards with us.  I hope that none of this came off as snarky, too sarcastic or rude in any way.  Please let me know if any of that was the case.

The DCC never had to worry about me that's for sure! Lol, the " Bloom is definitely off THIS Rose!" Thanks for your kind wishes however.

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3 hours ago, Bunnygirl said:

I'm on permanent disability because a carful of college kids were texting, taking selfies, etc. and rear- ended me going 45 mph while I was stopped at a light.  The resulting impact sent my car into oncoming traffic, where I was broadsided on the driver's side. It caused me to suffer 2 shattered shoulders, fractured hip and femur, and a crushed hepatic valve. I'm unable to raise my arms over my head, can't dress myself or wash my hair, have a permanent limp, and will one day require a liver transplant. I had to retire early from a job I loved, and will always be dependent on my husband for assistance with my ADL's.  Stay off your phone when you're driving!

I am so sorry for you Bunnygirl.  That is absolutely horrible!  It's amazing how something can completely change your life in a matter of seconds.

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6 hours ago, GAgirl said:

Based on their timing, I think the girl is supposed to be in the front row, the middle section, and on the left side. Of course if I knew where everyone was in the formation, it would be easier. Other than that, it's a long haired brunette, which really narrows it down haba

Dance with [all] the one(s) that brung ya. 

Edited by California Girl
11 minutes ago, RedDelicious said:

Do you think maybe it was an All Star rehearsing the routine in case someone got injured before the half?  I don't recall who the All Stars are and who might be brunette, it's just the first thing I thought of.

I think we solved the mystery that Jax was sitting out. Somewhere on another threat someone else said she was out.

5 minutes ago, Dccfan126 said:

I was really surprised there wasn't more on social media after the game, especially from the retiring girls. Last year there was so much. It's like the entire organization just looked right past this game and assumed it was a forgone conclusion.

They were stuck in Valley Ranch late last night due to the tornado warning and heavy rains...I wonder if maybe they were just too tired to post.

I expect the retirement notifications to start pouring in today. Danielle confirmed and now Jenn K announced on Instagram. So sad that the promising season has come to an end.  Great squad this year and can't wait to see new TCCs from auditions this may, and which veterans step up into leadership roles next season. 

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Sad to see Jenn and Danielle retiring. It is going to be weird/different to watch performances without them. Both gave their best to the organization, and I appreciate that. I wish them all the best!

I saw Maggie confirm on her Twitter that she planned to audition again. Anyone else see any ladies that have confirmed they would try out again?

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6 minutes ago, heatherrrrz said:

Aw, sad that Jenn is officially retiring. I wonder who else is going to announce it today.

I think it's a big loss to the DCC organization that Jenn K. is retiring. But I am so happy for her. I'm sure she has big plans that are now a year closer to being realized. Goooooooo Jenn! 

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