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All Episodes Talk: All Rise

Message added by Meredith Quill

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On 3/11/2016 at 4:14 PM, AngelaHunter said:

I'm one step behind here. I libelled my DVR, which did record the ep I accused it of skipping.


She was one vile looking, nasty pig-eyed hawg. At first I rolled my eyes at plaintiff presenting a totally blank police report form, but it workd and got got her to confess what she had done. If she thinks her professionally streaked and cut hair does anything to improve her appearance, she's sadly mistaken. "It is what it is." Yessir!


Michael Ellis, of the stolen MoneyGram: He is one of the most disgusting, repulsive, low-life scumbags we've ever seen and that's saying a lot. He's like something you need to scrape off the bottom of your shoe. His freak show "witnesses" were obviously along for the free trip.

is there any way to find the ellis episode? or anyone know better descriptors?

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(I must have no life at all, because I remember all of the 2012 and 2013 cases)

4 p.m. reruns-

First (2013)-

Daughter Disaster -Plaintiff/mother Lillian Tussey suing defendant/daughter Danielle Gorhamfor a car loan, and a loan for a divorce attorney.  Soon to be former son-in-law is divorcing defendant / daughter and is witness for the plaintiff.   Husband, agreed to pay plaintiff back for the car, but when the divorce started, then plaintiff says he will wait for the family court judge to separate the bills, and property.   However, car was not listed on the property listing for the divorce case.

Defendant says husband was physically, and mentally abusive. Sadly, the couple have a child.

JJ dismisses the plaintiff case.

Pit Bull Put Down -Plaintiff / dog bite victim, Amanda Hanks suing defendant/dog owner Jonathan Leckenby for medical bills after plaintiff claims defendant’s dog bit her.   Defendant blames the victim for his dog being put down, because he says she’s lying about the attack.   A friend named Lauren was staying at defendant’s house, (she’s working, so she can’t make court), and she asked her friend Amanda to come over.    Plaintiff had met the dog two times previously.  

Plaintiff says in her sworn statement that she knocked on the door, entered at Lauren’s invitation, when dog bit her.   Plaintiff says it was the first time she met the dog, in the police report.   But plaintiff testifies she met the dog a couple of other times.  

Defendant says dog jumped on plaintiff, but he doesn’t know if the dog bit her.

Counter claim is that plaintiff lied to the police and animal control. 

 Defendant was given a choice by animal control, either put his dog down, or pay to have the dog registered as a vicious animal, leading to higher or cancelled insurance, and a list of requirements.

In hall-terview, lying plaintiff claims dog bit defendant’s previous landlord, and defendant’s other dog.

Neither plaintiff or defendant were served with the court papers, so both cases dismissed.  JJ doesn’t believe the plaintiff’s story, and I don’t either.

Second (2012)-

Fight Over Harley -Plaintiff/ex-boyfriend Shannon Hinnenkamp suing defendant/ex-girlfriend Cheryl Toenyan for the repayment of several loans, and he wants his motorcycle back.    Ex-lovers are fighting over custody of a Harley.  Plaintiff paid $2200 for the motorcycle, and fixed it up, and claims defendant wanted the motorcycle, and agreed on $2300.   Defendant gave plaintiff some scrap metal (he sells scrap metal), and he took a utility trailer full of scrap.   Plaintiff intended to give defendant $300 for the scrap metal, but didn’t pay her.    Defendant says she received motorcycle without paying for it, and has the title in her name, but was waiting for her tax refund to arrive.  

Defendant is counter suing for payment for the scrap metal.   Plaintiff only did the loans (gifts), and motorcycle because he thought they were spending their lives together.

JJ rules that plaintiff case is dismissed, and defendant case dismissed.    Sadly, my view is he wanted to be with her forever, and she only used him. 

Super Glued Computer -Plaintiff Laura Richardson suing defendant/her sister’s former boyfriend, Tom Morehouse for ruining his computer.    Plaintiff loaned defendant money, and he never repaid her.  The laptop from defendant to plaintiff was collateral for the loan.     Defendant still owes $700 to plaintiff.

Plaintiff gave defendant back the laptop to hunt for jobs.   

$700 to plaintiff for loan.

5 p.m. reruns-

First (2016)-

Wedding Carriage Ride Failure- Plaintiff mother of bride, Mary Paul is suing defendants/carriage ride service John and Mary Block for the shortened number of time, for her daughter’s post wedding ceremony trip to the reception.   Daughter, Leah Paul Johnson, testifies for her mother.  

  Angry mother of the bride (Momzilla) arranged for defendant to ride bride and groom around for an hour, with a stop for pictures.   Carriage arrived at 4:30 p.m., arrived at the reception at 5:05 p.m.    The ride was only 35 minutes, but there were supposed to be some stops for photos, but the photographers were nowhere in sight.   The best man took cell phone pictures, instead of the photographers that were missing. Cost was $650 for one hour, by way of Pioneer Park.  

I believe the mix up in communication was between the photographers, and Momzilla, and the daughter was being surprised, so she got out of the carriage and went into the reception hall early.  Momzilla had the guests in Pioneer Park, but they didn’t meet up in the park with the bride and groom.   

(In my personal opinion, another Momzilla who planned the wedding she always wanted, and not what the daughter wanted, and it ruined the mother's day, not the daughter’s day).  

Case dismissed.        

Terrible Landlord or Miserable Tenant- Plaintiff Cheryl Logan suing former landlady Robin Daniels for moving costs (not happening), harassment, and a false restraining order.    Landlady says tenant paid her rent, but was often late. 

 Former landlady/defendant filed for a restraining order, and gave her a Section 8 connected 60-day notice to quit (Is there a difference between a regular notice to quit, and Section 8 notice to quit?).   

Plaintiff’s cost $687 for her portion of the rent to defendant. Plaintiff moved into a new place, also in Palmdale a 5 bedroom 3 bath home, rent is $385 for plaintiff’s portion, the same day she moved out of plaintiff's place (the house was a lot bigger, and the cost to tenant was a whole lot less).    The eviction was because of continued complaints to housing authorities, threats, etc.   There was a mediation on the restraining order, so that's dismissed.   (Rent was lower at the second house, even though it’s the same number of bedrooms and baths as defendant’s property, but supposedly rent was lower because there were fewer relatives living in plaintiff’s second house.)

Everything is dismissed. 

Second (2016)-

Property Dump and Dash-   Plaintiff Peter Bartl made defendant Dana Burke a loan ($1,500) to get her belongings out of storage, she repaid some, but stopped.   Defendant dumped his co-worker's belongings in the parking lot after she refused to pick them up, or arrange to move them, almost a year after he picked up her belongings from the storage unit, and stored them at his house.    

 (I remember this one, and I would only would be happy with a video of the drop off, and if he had put rollers under plaintiff's junk, and drove away leaving them all over the parking lot). 

Defendant repaid $695 in total, but stopped.      He dumped her stuff after 11 months, but she only started paying him after that.     

$705 to plaintiff, and counter claim $100 for some property damaged in the return,  is deducted from the loan repayment.    I love plaintiff's wife's hall-terview, who admits she thumped the defendant.

Good Deed Gone Wrong-Plaintiff Kelli Burns suing defendant Angel Soto for damages, and deductible to her spare car defendant was using.     Defendant is her former trainer, and she loaned the car for almost a year, free.   She wasn't charging him any fees, but she was paying the insurance, and car payments. 

 JJ dismisses plaintiff’s case, she should have had better insurance.   Strange case, with conflicting stories.  


Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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On 10/15/2021 at 3:44 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

In my personal opinion, another Momzilla who planned the wedding she always wanted, and not what the daughter wanted, and it ruined the mother's day, not the daughter’s day).  



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To answer the last show question, the last real new show was June, but they did show some weaker ones into July. They didn't have a finale, because JJ was ticked at the syndicators, and the network after her buddy Les Moonves was booted out.  JJ did the number of shows she was required to do, and that was it.  No extra filming, or anything else.   She was obviously really ticked at the production company.    

   They just showed some new episodes, unless they were a full half hour and of course, all new; they would show the new part, with an old case after.   That continued into July I think, and the last few new cases were awful.  Obviously, ones that didn't make the cut for the show when they had better ones.   

Because of JJ's rotten attitude towards the JJ show, and the fact that Officer Byrd was dumped from the new show, I'm not watching Judy Justice. 

I've read that since the producers have the rights to JJ's library, that they'll keep showing them as long as local channels buy the show.    I'm hoping my local channel keeps with two hours a day on weekdays.  


4 p.m. reruns-

First (2013)-

Feuding Divorcees -Plaintiff /ex-wife Teresa Blendin suing defendant/ex-husband, Thomas Blendin for causing her to lose her job.   Both were addicts for a long time, and plaintiff works in a drug treatment facility. Both litigants had successful treatment at the drug program.   Plaintiff was a transcriptionist, then medical records.   Plaintiff is suing for punitive damages, of $5,000 for causing her to lose her job.   However, defendant is counter suing for $5,000 for the records violation.   

Plaintiff accessed ex-husband’s treatment records at the facility (HIPPA and privacy act violations, and cause for immediate firing, and possible charges).    Ex-husband found out from plaintiff that she had accessed his medical treatment records, and she was terminated after the facility found out about the records violation.   Defendant says he found out about the record violation, then he started dating another patient at the facility (it’s an intensive out-patient drug treatment program).    Defendant says plaintiff told defendant, and the girlfriend that she accessed the girlfriend’s records. 

 Litigant’s daughter is plaintiff witness, was also working at the facility, and was also fired for snooping in records.

Plaintiff claims not to know the girlfriend’s identity, then admits she knows the woman’s drug counselor, and other information.   

(In hall-terview, plaintiff says “He’s the (her ex-husband) only person that I told I looked at his records”.  So, she apparently snooped more than twice.  She’s lucky she was only fired, and her daughter with her).

Plaintiff case dismissed.   As Baretta said, “Don’t do the crime, if you can’t do the time”.    Defendant receives $1500.

Abusive Boyfriend? -Plaintiff/ex-girlfriend Christa Bates suing defendant/ex-roommate Cheyenne Hoggard for moving out of the joint apartment, and breaking the lease.    Defendant says she moved because plaintiff’s boyfriend moved in, he was abusive to plaintiff, did jail time, and defendant says she moved for her own safety.          

Plaintiff admits defendant was abusive.    Plaintiff’s boyfriend was arrested for domestic violence at the previous apartment plaintiff stayed at before the apartment shared with defendant, and had a week in drugs detox, and plaintiff did not get a restraining order against boyfriend then.

Plaintiff’s boyfriend started visiting plaintiff at the apartment about two weeks after the girls moved in.   Defendant filed an ex parte application to get the boyfriend barred.   Supposedly, the boyfriend didn’t come back to the apartment.   Defendant moved out after three months.   Defendant testifies that boyfriend wouldn’t come over, know where they lived, and wouldn’t bother them.   Boyfriend had outstanding warrants too.     

Defendant moved out, and in with her boyfriend, and moving back into her mother’s house. 

Defendant has to pay four months of the lease, $700 to plaintiff.    Minus $140 of defendant’s security deposit, so plaintiff gets $560.

Second (2012)-

Vow Renewal Up in Flames -Plaintiff Janina McBrayer suing photographer/defendants  Kelli Linn (wife and photographer), and Chris Martinez (husband, and officiant) for photography/video of plaintiff and husband’s vow renewal ceremony.   Defendant wife is a wedding coordinator, and was photographer at the ceremony, and defendant husband was the videographer.    Party planning was day of decorations at event site, finding the venue (defendant’s mother-in-law’s home), invitations, prepare the site, the favors, etc. for 60 people.  Defendant wife had previously done several photo shoots for plaintiff’s family.

$2,000 for photography, wedding planning, and defendant husband was supposed to do the video of the ceremony. 

(Plaintiff’s hair frosting is hideous.  How fashions in hair have changed since 2013).

Defendant wife says there is no video, because new equipment recorded accurately, but defendants had a house fire, and camera was destroyed in the fire.   Defendant says no video was promised to plaintiffs, and it wasn’t in the contract, and camcorder was only for husband to practice filming.

Another twist, defendant husband was the officiant for the ceremony also, so how could he do both jobs?     Also, contract doesn’t say a video will be provided.   There is no charge for video.

Plaintiff case dismissed.

Arrest and Sexual Advances? -Plaintiff Phillip Lopez suing defendant/landlord Cathy Rodriguez for an illegal lockout, and withholding his property.    Defendant has a store license (combined commercial store, and renting four rooms beside the store), there is no Certificate of Occupancy for the rented rooms, no license for the halfway house part of the business.     Plaintiff was arrested, and defendant locked him out, but still expects rent for that month even though his stuff was boxed and removed.

Property is in storage next to the store and rooms, plaintiff and a marshal will retrieve his property within five days.     The rent was $575 a month, for the room.   Without a Certificate of Occupancy, or any licensing for the house, or defendant.   

Defendant claims to have a certificate as a substance abuse counselor, so she’s just illegally renting rooms.

Defendant case dismissed, plaintiff receives his property back.  Defendant also had claim dismissed for harassment by plaintiff.

5 p.m. reruns-

First (2016)-

Charity Golf Drama-Plaintiff John Yanuskiewicz suing charity golf match organizer /defendant Cheryl Lindsey for more money.  Plaintiff won $500, and wants $347 more.   Tournament sponsor runs a restaurant, caters a meal for the teams, and the payout for the tournament is $5,000 for scholarships, and has been running the tournament for 35 years.       Others who won donated cash prizes back to the charity, but not the plaintiff.   

Each player pays $100 to register for the tournament, and plaintiff paid for himself, plus the other four members of his team.   The proceeds go to a $5,000 scholarship for a college student pursuing a college degree teaching special needs students.  

There’s also a skins pool operated by defendant’s volunteer John, there is a separate kitty of $300 total, from that three groups won $100 each, but it’s separate from the tournament payouts.  (I hope I have that correct, I don’t understand anything about golf).  

Plaintiff gets nothing. (Plaintiff was also so irritating, that the defendant/restaurant owner banned him from her establishment). 

Who Let the Cat Out-Plaintiff floor installer Nhan Nguyen, suing defendant Terry Russell for non-payment, after her cat was allowed to damage the floors by her adult son.     Defendant’s son was watching house, and pets while plaintiff was out of town.   Plaintiff had done the same flooring job about a year before this flooring job happened.  Defendant’s adult son was staying at the home, taking care of the defendant’s dogs, and the cat.

Defendant refuses to pay for floor job, after her adult son let her cat wander the house, ruining the finish on the flooring installed by plaintiff.     Defendant is also suing plaintiff for damages to her couch done by her cat, poor workmanship, and that’s dismissed.   Defendant told to stuff it, and everything was her son's fault.  Plaintiff received no deposit.     I hope plaintiff has a written contract, and takes deposits now.  

$5,000 to plaintiff. (This leaves the plaintiff $4,000 short on the job).

Second (2016)-

Another Reason Not to Live Together-Plaintiff/ex-girlfriend Laken Hawkes suing ex-boyfriend/defendant Jason Rios for an assault, unpaid rent, and unpaid utilities.     Defendant broke his lease to go live with plaintiff, had to pay about $2500 for a lease breaking fee, and owed money for that, but plaintiff says he was evicted for non-payment of rent.    Defendant said against his wishes, plaintiff received a transfer through her unit to San Antonio, and she rented a place big enough for both.  

Plaintiff tried to get him booted by the police for garbage, and she gets nothing.    Plaintiff lies to JJ, and says police told her to grab the other key to the apartment off of defendant’s key ring. 

Defendant also told to go pick up his stuff in the next five days with a marshal.    I don't like either person in this case, or defendant's mommy.    

Birthday Punch to the Face-Plaintiff /uncle Dolante Echols suing nephew/defendant James Echols for punching holes in his garage door.  When nephew showed up drunk at the birthday party, he was told to leave.   

Defendant claims uncle attacked him for no reason at all, and uncle punched him in the face.    Defendant claims other relatives joined in the assault on him.  

Plaintiff's sister is witness against defendant.    Witness says defendant had to be stopped coming into the house, got even angrier, and punched the garage door once or twice. 

 $500 to plaintiff for garage door replacement.   

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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17 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

laintiff case dismissed.   As Baretta said, “Don’t do the crime, if you can’t do the time”.    Defendant receives $1500.

I would have awarded him $5,000.  Once something like that out is out there it will haunt you FOREVER

CRAZY--I mt have been really drugged up to imagine they had  big special for her!😚

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4 p.m. reruns-

First (2013)-

Freeloading Ex-Lover?  -Plaintiff Allan McCormick   suing defendant/ex-girlfriend, Victoria Keathley for the return of household electronics, and personal property.   Defendant is suing for rental car fees, and rent.    They met online, and plaintiff and 12-year-old daughter moved in with defendant.   Plaintiff and child lived in a rental house before this.    Plaintiff is 37, and claims he has never had a driver’s license, but needs to drive his kid around anyway.    Plaintiff occasionally paid partial rent.   Plaintiff paid about $100 a month.   

Plaintiff talked defendant into renting a truck for him to drive to work, and taking child to school, because plaintiff didn’t have a credit card, and no driver’s license.   Plaintiff owes a lot of tickets for driving without a license, registration or insurance, and can’t afford to pay them, and get a license.   Plaintiff also told defendant that he had two replacement social security cards, and couldn’t get another one, and also his driver’s license was stolen (no, he never had a license).   

Plaintiff case dismissed because he’s a liar, and didn’t come to court with clean hands.   Defendant’s claim is dismissed for the same reason.

Punched in the Face? -Plaintiff David Lapidus suing defendant Robert Cherry for punching him in the face, and also for a car accident when plaintiff claims defendant was driving plaintiff’s car and had an accident.    Punch case is dismissed, no police report or medical records.     Defendant admits he had an accident while driving plaintiff’s car, defendant backed into a parked car.

Plaintiff is asked for car repairs, but has no receipts.   Plaintiff says he wasn’t at the accident scene, but he has pictures he took with his phone of the other car at the time of the accident.  

Plaintiff’s car that defendant was driving was impounded because defendant’s driver’s license was expired, so it was towed during a F-Stop, and towed by the Philadelphia Parking Authority, of Parking Wars fame. 

$462 for the towing fees to plaintiff.  

Second (2013)-

Tribal Settlement -Plaintiff /landlord Shane Koch is suing defendant /former tenant Mary Sue Hewankorn  for damages to his home caused by defendant, and her children to his rental home. She says that once the landlord found out she received a large settlement from her tribe, that he suddenly wanted to be paid for damages at the rental property.  Defendant moved in with her then husband, and her four children.    Security deposit was paid by defendant in 2009 on move-in.    She paid rent on time for all three years too.   Defendant also put $1,000 into plaintiff’s bank account.   Plaintiff still wants $3,000 more for damages to the rental home.

Defendant says she gave 30 days notice to plaintiff, and she told him she was getting a large tribal settlement.    Plaintiff says $1650 was to cover the wall board damages to the rental house.  The damages were found long before move out.   (Apparently, today is sass the judge day, when plaintiff says JJ isn’t paying attention.)  

Defendant says plaintiff is trying to get her to pay for upgrades to the house, not fix damages.    Then plaintiff claims that he was promised the money by defendant for six months to fix damages to the house.   Then plaintiff starts yelling at JJ.

Plaintiff case dismissed.

Landlord Foul Play? -Plaintiffs/former tenants Charles and Joy Sterling suing defendant/former landlord JoAnna Shockley for stealing their property, and illegally evicting them.  The tenants want $5,000 including their security deposit.   Defendant says they didn’t pay the total rent amount, and left the house trashed, and stole her pool table, and that’s why they were evicted.   Plaintiff whines the original ad said the home was 2300 sq. ft., but it was really 2,000 sq. ft. or less, but he looked at the house before signing the lease.

Plaintiff claims they had a stay to remain in the house through 13 January, but can’t produce the paperwork.   Then Plaintiff husband goes off on JJ (I swear it’s sass the judge day, or was in 2013 when this was filmed).    Security deposit was $2,000 instead of the usual amount. (My view, when you start making exceptions for tenants, like reduced rent or lessen the security deposit, you are making a big mistake. )

Plaintiffs were accused of not paying rent in September ($550 short), but claim they paid in full ($2900, for October and November), but full rent was $3500.     Defendant went to housing court with her attorney, and locked the plaintiffs out with authority of the housing court.     Eviction notice is dated December 18, 2012.  Plaintiff husband claims he had a legal Writ of Possession to stay the eviction, and they had months of eviction notices, pay or quit notices, but there is no Stay paperwork.   So locking them out in January 2013 was absolutely legal. 

Plaintiff is again raising his voice to JJ, saying she wrong. 

Plaintiffs were evicted by order of the Sheriff, and housing court, and claim they were never properly served.

Pool table disappeared, and there’s no proof the pool table was there on move in.  So, defendant pool table case dismissed.

Plaintiff case dismissed, because eviction was legal.   JJ tells them to go to housing court.   Plaintiff tells JJ she’s not listening to him.   Why didn’t Officer Byrd have a taser and use it?   Plaintiff tries to order Officer Byrd to show JJ some document, and Officer Byrd declines to do that.

5 p.m. reruns-

First (2016)-

Teen Savings Stolen by Mom-Plaintiff daughter Ashley Kane wants her money back from her CD back, that the mother/defendant Susan Freeman stole.   Since the daughter was a minor, the mother's name was on the account.  When daughter married last year, she went to the bank to cash the CD in. no one could find her account, then it was discovered that the mother cashed the CD in right after it was opened, almost 12 years ago. 

Mother denies cashing the CD in, which was long before the CD matured.    Mother claims if she cashed it in, the daughter wanted her to do it, but she doesn't remember anyway.    Daughter moved out at 18, and never moved back, put herself through college.   Sadly, there is not enough evidence to prove mother stole the money.      (I think the mother is full of it, her daughter never goes back to the home town, moved out the second she could, and the mother says they have a good relationship?  I don't believe it).    The day the account was closed, the plaintiff wasn’t even in town.   

I totally believe the bank, and that the mother stole the money.   JJ is wrong, the legal owner was the mother, according to the bank records, and the bank refused to give out further information about the CD because daughter is not the legal owner.     Also, statute of limitations must have run out over the 12 years since the CD was cashed in by the mother.  (My experience is that even though you turn 18, you still have to go to the bank to change the accounts over to the adult child’s name, and the easiest way is close one account, and open another only in the adult child’s name.  You also have to have the other signatory on the account there).  

Case dismissed.  

Double Surgery Beat Down-Plaintiff Robert Berenbaum suing ex-girlfriend/defendant Stacey Adams for loans for a car down payment, and medical and living expenses.  Girlfriend wasn't working for a while because of repeated surgeries.    The litigants were living together, and so rent is dismissed.    Plaintiff says the car down payment is not nonsense, JJ says it is. 

Case dismissed.  

Second (2016)-

Breaking Down Barriers! -Plaintiff Maria Hernandez suing defendant /next door neighbor Stephanie White for hitting her gate with her car, (houses do not share a common drive, and driveways are far apart).  Plaintiff’s driveway is on the left side of her home, with defendant’s house to the right of plaintiff’s house, and defendant’s driveway is on the right side of defendant’s rental home.      Plaintiff says she was looking out her window, and when defendant did a partial U turn by using plaintiff's driveway, knocked the gate off the hinges, and kept going to her own home.      There’s alternate side of the street parking, so cars had to be moved to the other side of the street.  

Car was not registered, and therefore, had no insurance.    Plaintiff sought a restraining order before the gate/car accident, because of harassment, and threats from the defendant and her roommate.  Plaintiff wanted a restraining order against defendant and the roommate, and plaintiff says the defendants blocked her from putting her trash cans out in front of her own home, by parking in front of the cans. Plaintiff also says defendant and roommate threaten her constantly, call her names, etc.   Unfortunately, plaintiff was denied a restraining order.    The death glares out of defendant and roommate are chilling.

I believe everything the plaintiff says about the defendant, defendant’s brother,  and her roommate.   

$2600 for plaintiff, and zip for the defendants.    

Get a Job!- Plaintiff Nancy Reed is an 81-year-old retiree, and is suing her deadbeat niece/defendant Amanda Gillespie  for using plaintiiff’s credit card to buy $2600 worth of Christmas presents. Defendant unemployed niece (45 years old, unemployed for six years) 'borrowed' plaintiff’s credit card to buy $2500 worth of Christmas presents. 

Aunt is a long retired, social security recipient.  Nancy Reed, at 81 years of age, works for less than $3.00 an hour tutoring students.    Defendant claims divorce attorney told her not to get a job.  Aunt/plaintiff says she told niece to spend up to $300 in presents, but had to pay her back.   Instead the defendant spent $2600 on the aunt’s credit cards.    Plaintiff also has housing assistance from HUD, but is she allowed to have niece move in? 

$2643 to Aunt. 

(I know what the Aunt was talking about, the niece moving into Oxford House.  Oxford house has over 3,000 houses, packed full of people, so not for profit doesn't ring true for me.  It's for people in recovery, or homeless,  not just a boarding house.    It's one of the non-profit halfway houses, [they call the rent a donation, so it doesn't violate the non-profit status of their 'charity'].    They just started two of these in my town, with 7 to 15 people living in a 3 or 4 bedroom house in a residential neighborhood).

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

(I think the mother is full of it, her daughter never goes back to the home town, moved out the second she could, and the mother says they have a good relationship?  I don't believe it).    The day the account was closed, the plaintiff wasn’t even in town.   

I totally agree with you.  The mother absolutely smirked her way thru the whole proceeding.

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4 p.m. reruns-

First (2013)-

Sideswiped Truck -Plaintiff Barbara Burke (car owner) and Anthony Burke (son) suing defendant/driver Erik Jacobsen for hitting their parked vehicle, in Portland OR.    Plaintiffs  claim when defendant hit the truck it killed the neighbor’s his dog.  Plaintiff mother claims that defendant was driving too fast, and recklessly.    Defendant claims he was being tailgated, and tried to park to get away from tailgater.    Defendant claims plaintiff Barbara Burke approached him about hitting her car, but defendant claims he parked in front of plaintiff’s car, but didn’t hit her car.

Defendant says he gave plaintiff his phone number, but denies he hit her vehicle.    (No, it makes no sense to me, JJ, or anyone else).  

Plaintiff says she was sitting on the porch with a neighbor, and can see her parked truck.    She says defendant was speeding and swerving, and hit her truck.    The plaintiff’s truck metal bumper was ripped half off, and there was a yelp from the neighbor’s dog.    Defendant only stopped when plaintiff and neighbor flagged him down.    Dog owner is mad at plaintiff, and son, because his dog died, but it wasn’t plaintiff’s fault.    Plaintiff got defendant’s driver’s license, and phone number, and claims there was no insurance.

$839 to plaintiff.

Tax Prep Slander? -Plaintiff Loren James suing defendant Dorian Russell for trying to ruin her new tax prep business.     Plaintiff offered defendant $100 bonus for getting her new customers, but the contract was never signed.   There were 17 referrals, and defendant should have received $1700.    Defendant wasn’t paid, because the plaintiff said the customers weren’t the profitable returns to prepare.    

Plaintiff claims defendant told the 17 potential clients not to use plaintiff’s tax business.

Then, police were called by defendant on plaintiff, and she’s upset the police came by at 9 p.m.

Defendant submits the list of customers who signed up with plaintiff, it adds up to 14.

Defendant receives $1400.  

Stolen or Repossessed? -Plaintiff/car buyer Robin Dreeszen suing defendants/car sellers  Thomas Kinkade and Nick Trautman friend for the profit the defendants made from repossessing the car they were selling her, and reselling it, $1100.  Supposedly the car has stolen tags on it, then they sold car to plaintiff, and repossessed the car, and then defendant Trautman resold the car for $3,500.   Plaintiff paid $1500 for the car to defendants.     Defendants claim the $1500 was the down payment, but plaintiff only paid $1100, and never paid the remainder of the car price.

Second (2013)-

Nutty Roommate? -Plaintiff/former roommate-to-be Gabriela Rios suing former prospective landlord-to-be/ defendant William “Bill” McWhorter for her deposit back.     Plaintiff claims defendant was actually “foaming at the mouth”.   Defendant owns the home for years, there is a roommate, and plaintiff wanted to move in to a rented room in the house.   Plaintiff came and looked at the home.    The third bedroom, previously unrented, plaintiff was going to rent, and she gave landlord $1,000 deposit.    Plaintiff claims she changed her mind about moving into the house, while she was moving her stuff in.     Plaintiff claims defendant was foaming at the mouth, screaming about never putting anything on the counters in the kitchen, and plaintiff claims defendant apparently was thinking she was someone else.    Defendant claims the litigants met on an online dating site.

Defendants soon to be ex wife is booted from the courtroom, for laughing at the plaintiff’s testimony about the defendant’s odd behavior.   Defendant claims he told plaintiff to put stuff away after she used it in the kitchen.    Defendant says plaintiff wanted to have a say in decorating the house, and what she left around the house.    Plaintiff never actually moved in, but defendant didn’t give her back the $1,000.   The other current roommate said he wasn’t going to live like this, and wanted to move out.

Defendant says he’s not the nut, plaintiff is.   Defendant gave $250 back to plaintiff.

$750 to plaintiff, nothing to defendant.

Unwed Parents Fight -Plaintiff Luteru Tei (father of child) is suing defendant/mother Mary Kahawaii (SSMOF-Sainted Single Mother of Five, including one child with plaintiff), for unpaid loans to pay her parking ticket, and part of defendant’s rent. 

Plaintiff has full time custody of their child, and mother of children pays no child support.     Defendant also has four other sons, and the child with plaintiff was taken away by CPS, and put in foster care, and then sent to live with plaintiff.   (I wonder if the other four sons live with defendant?)

JJ will not give plaintiff money for gifts that turned into loans.   Case dismissed.

5 p.m. reruns-

First (2016)-

Pool Man in Hot Water-Plaintiff/ pool man (independent contractor) David Ditzler  suing defendant John Hill (pool company owner) for  unpaid wages, $3075.   Plaintiff was paid by check without deductions.  

Plaintiff says his ex-wife told defendant (former employer) that he was stealing clients.   

Defendant wrote a check to plaintiff for $1570, and plaintiff went to the bank and there was a stop payment on the check, and a previous $900 check had a stop payment also.  However, defendant claims plaintiff stole pool supplies, and sold them online.  Plaintiff claims all of the things he sold online he bought it from someone who was going out of business, he didn't steal it.   There is no way to prove if the online sales were a great deal for plaintiff, or stolen.

Defendant’s contract was badly written, and not enforceable. 

Plaintiff receives $2470 for the two bad checks.   

Upside Down Truck Deal-Plaintiff/ex-girlfriend Janessa McDonnell suing ex-boyfriend/defendant Jesse Musgrove  for payments for truck she co-signed on, then she refinanced the truck in only plaintiff's name, but defendant made all of the truck payments.  Plaintiff took truck back after this, sold it, and kept the money.   

Plaintiff wants JJ to ignore the $5k profit she made on truck, and pay her for repairs, and maintenance on truck too.   Plaintiff claims the truck was upside down on the loan, and it cost her almost $2500 to pay the loan off.   The truck was always in plaintiff’s name, so this case is ridiculous. 

Case dismissed.

Second (2016)-

Dog Park Playdate Gone Wrong-Plaintiff Cassidy Croot suing defendant Shea Ward for vet bills, for defendant’s dog biting her dog.  Plaintiff invited defendant, and other dog owners to come to a dog play date at a dog park, and after her dog snapped at defendant's Great Dane, the Great Dane defended itself.  It's called a dog park for a reason.     Plaintiff also claims Great Dane has attacked defendant's infant daughter, which is a total lie.       Both litigants say their dogs are not aggressive, or have bite histories.   (I suspect this happened in military housing, and a false allegation like this could require the Great Dane owner to rehome her dog, or have to move off base, and the dog wouldn’t be allowed back on any military base or post worldwide).

 Defendant was outside the dog park, left the area, came back later to the dog park.   Plaintiff claims defendant's dog went after plaintiff witnesses’ two smaller dogs, and claims defendant's dog then attacked plaintiff's dog. Plaintiff's dog was off leash, but defendant's dog was also leashed.   Plaintiff also claims defendant said the dog went after defendant’s infant daughter.    As JJ and defendant point out, if the Great Dane had made an aggressive move on her infant daughter, the dog would be dead.   

Defendant says plaintiff's dog went after her dog, and her dog snapped at the plaintiff's dog, defendant pulled her dog away, took her dogs home, and came back to the dog park alone to see how the other dog was doing.      Defendant says plaintiff never checked on her dog, or got off her phone, while defendant carried the dog to plaintiff's car so she could take dog to the vet.      Defendant had to send a cease-and-desist letter to plaintiff, and is counter suing for harassment, and slander.     

Great Dane is totally calm in court, and seems to have zero aggression issues even with a camera crew and audience around.    I suspect plaintiff’s dog was the aggressor.

Case dismissed. 

No Pity for Playing House-Plaintiff Angela Shelley and her mother Ellen Lonnen are suing plaintiff's ex-boyfriend/defendant Edwin Santiago  for totaling her car while her three children were in the car (litigants have one child together).   Defendant was taking the children to the park in plaintiff’s car, and plaintiff claims she didn’t give defendant permission to take her car, and claims defendant has to ask her every time he drives her car for permission.  (the plaintiff’s statement is called Bull Pucky).

The car was purchased (it belonged to plaintiff) on payments, required to have insurance, but at the time of the accident the car wasn't insured.   Defendant wasn't on insurance when it existed, and he didn't have a license anyway.   

Case dismissed. 

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11 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Great Dane is totally calm in court, and seems to have zero aggression issues even with a camera crew and audience around.    I suspect plaintiff’s dog was the aggressor.

The plaintiff clearly thought she had a case but I agree with JJ on several points.  If she thought the GD was aggressive she should never have let her dog off leash around it.  I did see the dane had a huge prong collar on so if it wa wearing this collar at the park, it would have been easily controlled if the owner knew the proper method of using it (but most people don't).

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4 p.m. reruns-

First (2013)-

Shih Tzu Attack! -Plaintiff Heather Riess suing defendant/Shih Tzu owner Linda Mayer for medical bills, and pain and suffering.    Defendant lets her dog wander in her bar (Rochester, MN) for eight years, and dog bit a couple of people when they tried to pick him up.    Are dogs allowed to wander where food is served?    The other two bite victims didn’t sue.    Plaintiff went to the bar with a friend, was about to order, when the bite occurred.  Plaintiff says the dog approached, and she asked defendant if it was OK to pet the dog.   Plaintiff says defendant never warned her not to try to pick up the dog. Then, plaintiff claims she reached to pick up the dog by the belly, when the dog clamped on to her hand.     

Plaintiff went home after the bite, and the next morning her hand was swollen, painful, and went to the ER.    Plaintiff consulted a lawyer, and plaintiff went to physical therapy, and eventually lawyer declined to sue.   Defendant still doesn’t get that she can’t have an animal with a history of three bites wandering in her bar.   Defendant says she doesn’t serve food, but that doesn’t make it right that the dog wanders the bar.   Plaintiff says defendant does serve some food at her bar, so the dog’s presence is against the health code.  JJ tells defendant that the bar’s insurance company will watch this show, and cancel her insurance, since this aired in 2013 I bet defendant’s insurance was cancelled long ago.

$2500   to plaintiff for therapy, and medical bills.

Baseball Card Caper -Plaintiff Dale Sanker suing defendant Michael Fosnight for stealing baseball cards that defendant was supposed to sell for plaintiff.    Both men trade and sell baseball and sports cards, and sports memorabilia.    Plaintiff doesn’t have a booth at the flea market sale location, his card business is a hobby, so he hired defendant to sell the merchandise for him.   

Defendant claims plaintiff told him to keep the cards, because they were of little value. Plaintiff claims the price he needed for the box of memorabilia was $200, and he gave the box to defendant.   However, now plaintiff is claiming everything in the box was $1500 retail.  

Defendant says it was a consignment deal, and after defendant’s mother-in-law died, defendant wanted to give the box contents back to plaintiff (no, it doesn’t make any sense to me either).

JJ says they were both looking for a sucker, and each found one in the other litigant.

$200 to plaintiff.

Second (2013)-

Flat Screen and False Arrest -Plaintiff /ex-girlfriend Leilani Scherr (SSMOT-Sainted Single Mother of Two, with defendant) suing defendant/ex-boyfriend Kentrell Smith over a flat screen TV, and an assault.   Defendant was arrested for battery and domestic violence.  Defendant is counter suing for $1,000 for bail.

Plaintiff wants her TV replaced, and money for his assault.   Defendant was arrested after plaintiff called police, and alleged an assault.   The litigants were arguing, and tussling.  According to plaintiff the TV broke when defendant pushed her into it.   Plaintiff wants money for a back injury, but she didn’t go to the doctor until two weeks after the argument.     Defendant claims they argued, tusseling, and when he went to leave, and take his TV with him, and that’s when plaintiff broke the TV.   Neither litigant has a receipt for the TV.    Defendant claims he paid cash for the TV.

Defendant was arrested for battery, but plaintiff didn’t see the doctor for two weeks after the purported assault.    Defendant’s mother paid the $1,000 for his bail.

Police report says defendant said plaintiff was standing outside on the lawn holding a knife and threatening him.

Both claims dismissed. 

Lover Loan to Fix Teeth -Plaintiff /ex-girlfriend Mia Phan suing defendant/ex-boyfriend Joshua White  for money she paid to get his teeth fixed, $3,000.   Defendant says he was a victim of a hit-and-run by a car, while he was riding his bicycle  that knocked out three of his teeth.    Plaintiff took out a Care credit card to pay for defendant’s dental work, and after they broke up plaintiff wants defendant to pay his dental work bills.

Defendant is a tattoo artist, and claims his father was helping to pay for his dental bills also.   The payments mean that defendant acknowledges that he owes the money for the dental bills.   Defendant claims plaintiff wanted his teeth fixed, but he was OK without them.

Defendant claims he couldn’t switch the account to his father’s name, but Care Credit wouldn’t do this.

Plaintiff receives $2,146.

5 p.m. reruns-

First (2016)-

The Picasso of Upholstery-Plaintiff /boat owner Matthew Barnhill wanted his boat seats, etc. reupholstered, and claims the "Picasso of Upholstery" /defendant Ted Adams damaged the boat.   Plaintiff bought 20-year-old boat 7 or 8 years ago, and wanted it reupholstered.   $2200 was the upholstery estimate.    Boat needed to be lifted up so water would run out while it was outside the shop.   Upholsterer was supposed to use stainless steel staples, but used metal that will rust through quickly.   Plaintiff claims defendant didn't put seats, etc. back.    Defendant says he was trained in upholstery by the man who did President Kennedy’s furniture.   Defendant’s two witnesses are both employees of the upholstery business.

The boat was at the upholstery shop for over six months, but plaintiff hadn’t paid for everything until plaintiff’s worker’s comp money arrived. 

Plaintiff is not getting $2200 back for upholstery, delayed payment for months, and had what he paid for done.   He saw the boat before he paid and picked it up, but said nothing about the boat, paid and took it home. 

Case dismissed.

Blue Book Shmoo Book- Plaintiffs Charles Kimball and fiance Patricia Vecchioni want car payments, and repairs back from defendant/car seller Jeffrey Marconi  .  Plaintiffs were sure they couldn't get financed by a real car dealer, so they bought the car for three times Blue Book value from defendant.   Plaintiffs claim defendant scammed them into returning the vehicle.   

Plaintiffs paid $500 down, plus $600 more.    Plaintiffs drove car for three months, before they returned it.

Plaintiff says defendant said they either return vehicle, or he would report it as stolen.   Defendant says the plaintiffs flattened the tires, and threw the keys at him, and he had to have the car towed. 

 Defendant received $1400 for the $875 car (Blue Book).  If defendants wanted to make payments, total price would be $2500 with interest.   

$800 to plaintiffs.  Defendant ripped them off, usury in contracts is naughty, and he wanted three times what the car was worth.

Second (2016)-

$2,000 for Lifelike Baby- Plaintiff /doll buyer Jonelle Belke suing defendant/custom doll seller Cheryle Ziegra    for money paid for a life-like doll.   

This is about those very lifelike dolls people buy (I have heard of cases where people saw the dolls in cars, and thought they were babies, and broke windows to rescue the dolls).   

Plaintiff wanted doll, disputed the credit card charges, then weeks later she stopped the dispute, the money was put back in defendant's account about 6 weeks later, then the money was taken out of defendant’s account again (this had to be a dispute from the customer/plaintiff).   There is no way the bank did this without the charge back being requested by the plaintiff.      (I have to say that doll is seriously creepy to see).   

The defendant made a police report for fraud, and the District Attorney told plaintiff either to return the money, or the doll.   Doll was returned to defendant, and money had already been returned to plaintiff.     Plaintiff is also suing for defamation, because defendant "defamed her in the doll community".     

The defendant says plaintiff has a nine-year history of scamming people, and has used 31 different names. 

Plaintiff case dismissed, and I hope the doll community paid attention to this case.    Defendant says the doll was damaged, and she had to repair it and sell at a loss, but it's already over. 

Cases dismissed.  

Unwed Parents Payback-Plaintiff Damonte Walker suing defendant /ex-girlfriend Allexus Baker (SSMOT Sainted Single Mother of Two, one child with plaintiff) for selling his property (A TV and an Xbox), and defaming him.  Defendant pawned his property, and never redeemed it.  Defendant pawned the property to pay the rent.

 $500 to plaintiff for stolen items.   Defendant had laptop returned to her, so no money for her. 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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4 p.m. reruns-

First (2013)-

Judgment Causes Happy Dance -Plaintiff /landlord Tamilyn and Michael Kaminsky are suing defendant/former tenant Monique Borunda for rental damages.  Defendant does some kind of weird happy dance, making strange noises.   Defendant rented property for seven years, and claims she was an ideal tenant.  Rent was $1900 a month, and security was $2,000.        There are move out photos from the landlord, showing bad carpet.   Landlady say the shower enclosure was stolen out of the house too.  The butcher block kitchen counter top is very burned.   I doubt how the defendant says the counter top was burned.   There is a letter to landlady saying that in lieu of paying the last month’s rent, the landlords can keep her security deposit.  

JJ is pulling her usual routine of saying that since house is paid off, only the taxes and routine repairs are expenses, so JJ is alleging landlords made a huge profit by renting.  

When JJ cancels the plaintiff’s claim, is when defendant does her bizarre happy dance, and laughing.  Defendant keeps making bizarre noises, and interrupting.   I wonder what defendant’s new landlord said when they saw this case?    (This all happened in Apple Valley, CA)  

Plaintiff gets $100 for the butcher block.   Shower enclosure dismissed.      

Prom Dress Disaster -Plaintiff/customer Sydneka Moore suing defendant/seamstress Maxine “Maxx” Paul for the money spent on the prom dress that defendant was supposed to construct.  The dress is not classy like plaintiff mother says it is, but full on see through with small lace patches skank, and looks a lot like a red Pnina from Say Yes to the Dress.   Why anyone would want their teenager dressed like that is beyond my understanding.   Plaintiff mother wants the cost of the dress, plus a replacement dress.

 Plaintiff had a photograph of the dress, but no pattern.  The picture has a slip all the way up to the lower hip area.      The plaintiff’s issues with the completed dress are ridiculous.   Plaintiff mother says the finished dress is too revealing, but the picture of what mother wanted is scandalous.   Daughter had three fittings in the dress.   The mother wanted something that looked like the $750 dress much cheaper.   Brianna, the daughter wanted the sleeve added. 

As JJ says, if you want the dress in the picture, pay for it.  

Plaintiff case dismissed.

Second (2013)-

War of the Roses -Plaintiff/ex-husband Abel Moreno suing defendant/ex-wife Jennifer Moreno for false arrest, bail, and attorney fees.   They fought at a custody exchange, in front of their two kids.  The two argued over their 5-year-old’s homework, and plaintiff claims defendant’s lies about him caused his false arrest.   Plaintiff was arrested for false imprisonment.

There was a custody arrangement requiring exchange of children at custody is at a police station, but that wasn’t in the written rules.    The litigants would exchange the kids at the sheriff’s station.   and that was a verbal agreement between the litigants.   JJ says the agreement had to be in writing, and approved by the court. 

Instead of the police station, defendant showed up at plaintiff’s house on the first exchange.   Plaintiff wanted defendant to make sure the defendant and 5-year- old complete his homework, and defendant said that was up to the 5-year-old.     Defendant said not helping with the homework, then plaintiff wouldn’t care for the kids on defendant’s time when defendant wanted to go to Vegas on vacation, and she could find another baby sitter. 

Then, later that day a sheriff’s officer came and arrested plaintiff for false imprisonment.    

Defendant claims she came early to pick up the kids at plaintiff’s apartment, claims plaintiff physically picked her up, was calling her names, and holding her in the corner.   Defendant claims nothing was said about the homework or Vegas trip.   Defendant claims plaintiff showed up at her door, banging on the door, and so she called the police. 

 Defendant says he dropped by to give the car seat to plaintiff.   JJ is irate, but maybe she should be upset at the defendant driving her kid around without a car seat?

Defendant had a TRO granted.   There was another incident, that went to trial.   A judge heard both parties about the incident, and defendant had a six-month order of protection.   Defendant wanted JJ to pay her attorney’s fees, but that was turned down by the TRO hearing judge, so that’s dismissed. 

Why are we rehearing another court’s findings, and ruling? Defendant claims to have full custody of the children, so now plaintiff gets to pay child support.

(I don’t see either litigant as the good person in this, I just hope their kids are OK).

Plaintiff case dismissed.

5 p.m. reruns-

First (2016)-

Witnesses on the Judge's Watch List!  -Plaintiff Crystal Torres suing ex-boyfriend/defendant Andres Nevarez for car he took when he left, assault, and harassment.     Car was $2,100, and plaintiff paid for it.   Plaintiff's witness is the mother of defendant's witness's brother’s kids (I hope I got that right).    Defendant claims he supported plaintiff, and her children.   JJ wants the title to the car, and defendant’s mother has the original title, in her safe.    Defendant claims he repaid plaintiff the $2,100 for the car. 

Defendant is listed as a lien holder on the car, even though he paid nothing for it.  Defendant's witness gets the boot.  Plaintiff's witness gets the boot next. 

Plaintiff gets $1,050, and loser ex keeps the car.  

Disastrous Crash Into House!- Plaintiff  Celeste Medellin suing defendant Uronda Wilkerson for crashing into her house with her pickup truck.    Plaintiff and kids were watching TV, hear a giant boom, plaintiff went outside and turned off car, and took keys. 

Plaintiff claims defendant was unresponsive, apparently with a seizure, at the accident scene. Plaintiff’s husband went outside, and says the defendant was unresponsive, moving like she was still driving, and pushing on the gas.  Plaintiff husband reached into defendant’s truck, turned the motor off, and removed the keys.   Defendant is a postal worker, but claims she wasn't insured because she couldn't afford it, and it expired three months before the accident.    

Police report says a different insurance name than the one defendant gave, but it wasn’t in effect at the time of the accident.     There is some dispute if defendant is really a postal worker still, since she’s been off work for 10 months. Defendant seems to think this is funny.  Defendant claims she was rear ended, so accident wasn’t her fault.   Plaintiff claims the truck had liquor bottles inside.

 $5000 for the plaintiff.  

Second (2016)-

Illegal Entry and Photo Shoot-Plaintiff /condo owner Pamela Hill suing defendant / former tenant Penny Soto for property damage, and HOA fines.    Tenant was given 90-day notice that lease would not be renewed.  $1840 was security deposit.   Plaintiff moved back into her condo, and defendant moved to a unit next door.    Plaintiff didn't do walk through, but did send a list of security deposit deductions for damage.   Defendant claims plaintiff moved in early before defendant moved out.   

However, plaintiff has pictures day after move out, and the condo has trash all over.  As usual, even though the defendant's dog used the back bedrooms as toilets, no rug money will be given to plaintiff.   HOA fines are still in play, for the defendant's dog that ran loose in common areas, damaged the common area rugs.     Defendant denies she hit the drive through gate, but that the gate hit her car.  Defendant's daughter is witness. and excuses everything her mother did.   Plaintiff and HOA claim defendant pushed traffic gate with her car, and not pushed it with her hands.    Defendant denies the pictures of trash all over the kitchen weren’t the way she left the apartment.  

JJ really hates landlords, doesn’t she?   Defendant keeps giggling through the case.   Brittany Pickering is daughter of defendant, and lies for her mother.

$525 to plaintiff.    I can't believe the HOA allowed the defendant to move back into another condo, after the damages. 

Malamute Mayhem-Plaintiffs Lynda and Robert Stewart are suing for vet bills from defendant/dog owner Elizabeth Cerise Grimshaw for Malamute attacking their small dog.    Plaintiff saw the Malamute loose again a few days later.   Defendant paid first vet bill.    However, plaintiff dog later had a hernia, and they want to be paid for the dog's hernia surgery, $956.   

Even for the owner of an attacking dog, defendant’s attitude is rotten.

Defendant swears the hernia wasn't her dog's fault, and has a ton of excuses for why it's not her fault, and claims her dog only got out one time.    Hernia was right next to the bite mark.    Defendant's dog has been off leash wandering at least six times after the attack, according to plaintiffs.   

$1.002 to plaintiffs. 

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All week, 4 p.m. episodes are 2013, and 5 p.m. are 2016.   Some of the 2016 episodes are very recently rerun, so I wonder if the producers are only going to show so many episodes. 

4 p.m. reruns-

First (2013)-

Defame Game -Plaintiff Silvio Belini Jr. is suing defendant Ora Knowell  for harassing him for buying defendant’s former man friend’s home as a bank foreclosure, and defaming him.   This case is famous, SWAT had to remove defendant and the boyfriend from the house when they forced their way in, and barricaded themselves inside.   

Defendant claims the house was mortgage free, and not a foreclosure, but there was a mortgage on it.   Also, after the foreclosure started boyfriend did a quit claim to his girlfriend, Ora Knowell, which wasn’t legal, because he didn’t own the house.  

Defendant claims because plaintiff’s contractor’s license listed his current  address, but also when he became a business owner (2007).   Defendant claims the house was paid off in 1993, but there was a subsequent mortgage by defendant’s late man friend.   Defendant claims the plaintiff is not Silvio Belini, Jr.    (Yes, he is).

Plaintiff bought house from bank in 2009, and defendant has been suing the bank, plaintiff, and a lot of other lawsuits since then, and defendant has lost every case.   I feel sorry for defendant and her daughter because of the tragic family history, but she has no case against plaintiff.

Plaintiff has photos of the posters that defendant put up around the neighborhood calling plaintiff a thief, and saying he stole her house.  However, Mr. Bellini has a mortgage interest statement from 2007 to the IRS for mortgage interest, so there was a mortgage.

Plaintiff had to get two restraining orders against defendant, and a criminal protection order against her too.  Defendant’s daughter supports her mother too, and is as delusional as her mother.    Daughter calls Mr. Bellini a thief too.    When defendant talks about chain saws, and sledge hammers used to get into ‘her’ house, she’s talking about the SWAT team breaking down the barricades she put up when she broke into the house, in 2008.   I saw the article one of the previous times this episode ran.    Don’t mess with Oakland CA police, they showed a video clip of the entry, and it was amazing.    Besides, defendant and her daughter can call the man friend husband, and stepfather, but they weren’t married, and defendant was never on the deed for the house.

I can’t imagine the harassment that Mr. Bellini and his family have gone through from the defendants.  Ora Knowell will never stop harassing the plaintiff, and his family.

Plaintiff receives $5,000.

Assault or No Assault? -Plaintiff Lindsey Estes suing defendant/former roommate Andrea Lehner for apartment rent, for one month’s rent, and the termination fee on the apartment.   Defendant claims plaintiff assaulted her.    Defendant owes $1390 for the few days in January she had her property in the apartment.   Defendant has to pay half of the lease termination fee.

Plaintiff receives $2403.

Second (2013)-

Fish Tank Assault -Plaintiff Nadia Clay suing defendant/ex-boyfriend George Bosco for return of a cell phone, and a router, plus harassment.  Litigants were living together after a four-week relationship.  Then, they argued, and defendant claims she threw a fish tank at him.   Plaintiff claims he wouldn’t let her leave his man cave, and leave the apartment.  

Defendant claims plaintiff sent pictures to another man.  Defendant claims he returned the phone to plaintiff, but plaintiff is still suing him for the phone.   

Defendant claims the police came, after plaintiff threw a cinder block through his car windshield.  Plaintiff admits she smashed the windshield with the cinder block.   Defendant was evicted because of the argument, and tenants are responsible for the behavior of their guests or other tenants.

Plaintiff case dismissed.   Defendant receives $985 for the medical bills, and moving expenses from plaintiff’s assault.

Audi Issue -Plaintiff Julie Quinn suing defendant Constantino Bertuzzi  for an Audi A4 she sold defendant.   Audi was plaintiff’s car, and she inherited her late husband’s car, and decided to sell the Audi. Defendant agreed to buy the car for $8500 , but defendant never paid for the car.    Defendant was going to see if he could repair the car, and then decided to buy the car.   There was still a lien on the car, which plaintiff paid off.   

Defendant let his girlfriend drive the repaired Audi, and the engine blew.    Defendant stopped paying for the car.    Plaintiff signs car over to defendant.

Plaintiff receives $5,000 for the car, so she’s still out $3.500.

5 p.m. reruns-

First (2016)-

Exotic Fish Payback-Plaintiff Kendra Crumb suing defendants James Doss and Samuel Fried (uncle) over lost wages, value of exotic fish, and travel expenses. over an aquarium fish selling business. Defendant claims they were business partners with the plaintiff, but plaintiff says they were never business partners.    Plaintiff went to a convention about tropical fish in Hampton, VA.  

Plaintiff says defendant never opened the physical store, but operates the fish business out of his apartment, and it's operated illegally because he's on welfare. 

Plaintiff claims defendant wanted her to attend a fish convention on his behalf.  Plaintiff also claims to be on disability, she was a nurse, and injured at work.   She claims she could drive to the convention, but had to stop taking her medication for the trip.  Defendant claims they were 50/50 business partners, and no money plaintiff gave him was a loan.     Counter claim is plaintiff tried to destroy defendant's business.    Defendant won’t stop talking, and irritating JJ.   

Cases dismissed.   

Skateboarder Tragedy-Plaintiff /car owner Lynda Swanson suing skateboarder/defendant Jacob Vaughn for damage to her parked vehicle, when he hit her SUV.    Defendant says plaintiff was in her car, but in the parking lot, and her car was moving.    Defendant was riding his skateboard downhill, and went off the road, and hit plaintiff’s parked SUV. 

Plaintiff was in the bank when the accident happened, and saw him hit her vehicle.  Police refused to show up, and take a report.     Defendant claims a Jeep forced him off the road, into the parking lot, where he hit the SUV.     This all happened in Spokane, Wash.

When plaintiff gave him the estimate for car repair, defendant said his SSI check can't be garnished for civil actions (he certainly knows all of the rules, doesn't he?).  Skateboarder has never worked, but collects disability since childhood, and is sometimes homeless, he still has a payee too. (The reason the defendant gave for not paying is the only reason I put the SSI part in).   He actually was riding a long board, not a skateboard. 

$3,000 for plaintiff   

Second (2016)-

The Fixer-Plaintiff Steven Rogers suing  defendant Valarie Gallegos (mother) and her Milton Chapman (son) for fraud over a car sale.   Plaintiff bought a non-running 2007 Hyundai for $500, and was promised the title within a week.   Car was bought originally from defendant's cousin, but was never registered or titled in defendant's name (car was always in cousin's ex-wife's name).  Actually, car was technically only loaned to defendant who sold it.  Plaintiff worked on the car, and it's now running. 

 Plaintiff paid $500, and spent $ fixing it up, including a new engine.    Defendant mother says plaintiff should have contacted the ex-wife, and asked her to sign it over to him.     I think plaintiff should have filed fraud charges against the defendants, for selling him a car they didn't own. 

Plaintiff gets $2500, defendants get car back, because they were selling a car they never owned. (I have to say that plaintiff's name is Mr. Rogers, and all I have running through my head is that it's not a beautiful day in his neighborhood).   Plaintiff should never have touched the car until he had a title in hand.  I have to laugh at defendant mother calling the plaintiff a thief, since she committed fraud with her son by selling a car they didn’t own.   As JJ says, plaintiff should never have put any work into the car until he received a clean title to the vehicle.

Plaintiff receives $2,500.

Motorcycle Regrets-Plaintiffs Wayne Stultz  and Steven Dickinson (one plaintiff is bike owner, the other paid to get bike out of impound) are suing former friend Daniel Pettit and his mother Michelle Pelletier for impound fees, and something about motorcycle accessories.    Motorcycle was sold to defendant, and he was going to make payments on bike, and took possession of motorcycle.    Defendant claims he was going to return the bike, kept it a week, but was pulled over for lack of registration, and bike was impounded. 

Defendant claims bike was registered to someone besides the plaintiff, and has zero proof.   Impound fee was $1229, and motorcycle stuff was in defendant's possession and disappeared 

Plaintiff gets $1229.  (Hall-terview, whiny little baby defendant explains that the mean kids were picking on him)

(About the Bellini-Knowell case, I'm sure that Mr. Bellini remodeled and updated the entire house, so Ms. Knowell (not Jones like the late partner) and the daughter would certainly have a huge bonanza if they could get the house back, but they never will.    Not that there is any chance that Mr. Bellini will ever lose in court.   

I'm guessing since Ms. Knowell's FB page is still full of allegations against Mr. Bellini, the bank, and everyone else, that she will never give up harassing that man about a house he legally bought for his family to live in.     The SWAT removal after the trespassing was while the bank owned the house, before the auction.   The article I read (complete with entertaining clips of the entry by the SWAT team) said there were two other occassions that the former owner (Mr. Jones) and Ms. Knowells treapassed on the property).  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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14 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

All week, 4 p.m. episodes are 2013, and 5 p.m. are 2016.   Some of the 2016 episodes are very recently rerun, so I wonder if the producers are only going to show so many episodes. 

4 p.m. reruns-

First (2013)-

Defame Game -Plaintiff Silvio Belini Jr. is suing defendant Ora Knowell  for harassing him for buying defendant’s former man friend’s home as a bank foreclosure, and defaming him.   This case is famous, SWAT had to remove defendant and the boyfriend from the house when they forced their way in, and barricaded themselves inside.   

Defendant claims the house was mortgage free, and not a foreclosure, but there was a mortgage on it.   Also, after the foreclosure started boyfriend did a quit claim to his girlfriend, Ora Knowell, which wasn’t legal, because he didn’t own the house.  

Defendant claims because plaintiff’s contractor’s license listed his current  address, but also when he became a business owner (2007).   Defendant claims the house was paid off in 1993, but there was a subsequent mortgage by defendant’s late man friend.   Defendant claims the plaintiff is not Silvio Belini, Jr.    (Yes, he is).

Plaintiff bought house from bank in 2009, and defendant has been suing the bank, plaintiff, and a lot of other lawsuits since then, and defendant has lost every case.   I feel sorry for defendant and her daughter because of the tragic family history, but she has no case against plaintiff.

Plaintiff has photos of the posters that defendant put up around the neighborhood calling plaintiff a thief, and saying he stole her house.  However, Mr. Bellini has a mortgage interest statement from 2007 to the IRS for mortgage interest, so there was a mortgage.

Plaintiff had to get two restraining orders against defendant, and a criminal protection order against her too.  Defendant’s daughter supports her mother too, and is as delusional as her mother.    Daughter calls Mr. Bellini a thief too.    When defendant talks about chain saws, and sledge hammers used to get into ‘her’ house, she’s talking about the SWAT team breaking down the barricades she put up when she broke into the house, in 2008.   I saw the article one of the previous times this episode ran.    Don’t mess with Oakland CA police, they showed a video clip of the entry, and it was amazing.    Besides, defendant and her daughter can call the man friend husband, and stepfather, but they weren’t married, and defendant was never on the deed for the house.

I can’t imagine the harassment that Mr. Bellini and his family have gone through from the defendants.  Ora Knowell will never stop harassing the plaintiff, and his family.

Plaintiff receives $5,000.

Assault or No Assault? -Plaintiff Lindsey Estes suing defendant/former roommate Andrea Lehner for apartment rent, for one month’s rent, and the termination fee on the apartment.   Defendant claims plaintiff assaulted her.    Defendant owes $1390 for the few days in January she had her property in the apartment.   Defendant has to pay half of the lease termination fee.

Plaintiff receives $2403.

Second (2013)-

Fish Tank Assault -Plaintiff Nadia Clay suing defendant/ex-boyfriend George Bosco for return of a cell phone, and a router, plus harassment.  Litigants were living together after a four-week relationship.  Then, they argued, and defendant claims she threw a fish tank at him.   Plaintiff claims he wouldn’t let her leave his man cave, and leave the apartment.  

Defendant claims plaintiff sent pictures to another man.  Defendant claims he returned the phone to plaintiff, but plaintiff is still suing him for the phone.   

Defendant claims the police came, after plaintiff threw a cinder block through his car windshield.  Plaintiff admits she smashed the windshield with the cinder block.   Defendant was evicted because of the argument, and tenants are responsible for the behavior of their guests or other tenants.

Plaintiff case dismissed.   Defendant receives $985 for the medical bills, and moving expenses from plaintiff’s assault.

Audi Issue -Plaintiff Julie Quinn suing defendant Constantino Bertuzzi  for an Audi A4 she sold defendant.   Audi was plaintiff’s car, and she inherited her late husband’s car, and decided to sell the Audi. Defendant agreed to buy the car for $8500 , but defendant never paid for the car.    Defendant was going to see if he could repair the car, and then decided to buy the car.   There was still a lien on the car, which plaintiff paid off.   

Defendant let his girlfriend drive the repaired Audi, and the engine blew.    Defendant stopped paying for the car.    Plaintiff signs car over to defendant.

Plaintiff receives $5,000 for the car, so she’s still out $3.500.

5 p.m. reruns-

First (2016)-

Exotic Fish Payback-Plaintiff Kendra Crumb suing defendants James Doss and Samuel Fried (uncle) over lost wages, value of exotic fish, and travel expenses. over an aquarium fish selling business. Defendant claims they were business partners with the plaintiff, but plaintiff says they were never business partners.    Plaintiff went to a convention about tropical fish in Hampton, VA.  

Plaintiff says defendant never opened the physical store, but operates the fish business out of his apartment, and it's operated illegally because he's on welfare. 

Plaintiff claims defendant wanted her to attend a fish convention on his behalf.  Plaintiff also claims to be on disability, she was a nurse, and injured at work.   She claims she could drive to the convention, but had to stop taking her medication for the trip.  Defendant claims they were 50/50 business partners, and no money plaintiff gave him was a loan.     Counter claim is plaintiff tried to destroy defendant's business.    Defendant won’t stop talking, and irritating JJ.   

Cases dismissed.   

Skateboarder Tragedy-Plaintiff /car owner Lynda Swanson suing skateboarder/defendant Jacob Vaughn for damage to her parked vehicle, when he hit her SUV.    Defendant says plaintiff was in her car, but in the parking lot, and her car was moving.    Defendant was riding his skateboard downhill, and went off the road, and hit plaintiff’s parked SUV. 

Plaintiff was in the bank when the accident happened, and saw him hit her vehicle.  Police refused to show up, and take a report.     Defendant claims a Jeep forced him off the road, into the parking lot, where he hit the SUV.     This all happened in Spokane, Wash.

When plaintiff gave him the estimate for car repair, defendant said his SSI check can't be garnished for civil actions (he certainly knows all of the rules, doesn't he?).  Skateboarder has never worked, but collects disability since childhood, and is sometimes homeless, he still has a payee too. (The reason the defendant gave for not paying is the only reason I put the SSI part in).   He actually was riding a long board, not a skateboard. 

$3,000 for plaintiff   

Second (2016)-

The Fixer-Plaintiff Steven Rogers suing  defendant Valarie Gallegos (mother) and her Milton Chapman (son) for fraud over a car sale.   Plaintiff bought a non-running 2007 Hyundai for $500, and was promised the title within a week.   Car was bought originally from defendant's cousin, but was never registered or titled in defendant's name (car was always in cousin's ex-wife's name).  Actually, car was technically only loaned to defendant who sold it.  Plaintiff worked on the car, and it's now running. 

 Plaintiff paid $500, and spent $ fixing it up, including a new engine.    Defendant mother says plaintiff should have contacted the ex-wife, and asked her to sign it over to him.     I think plaintiff should have filed fraud charges against the defendants, for selling him a car they didn't own. 

Plaintiff gets $2500, defendants get car back, because they were selling a car they never owned. (I have to say that plaintiff's name is Mr. Rogers, and all I have running through my head is that it's not a beautiful day in his neighborhood).   Plaintiff should never have touched the car until he had a title in hand.  I have to laugh at defendant mother calling the plaintiff a thief, since she committed fraud with her son by selling a car they didn’t own.   As JJ says, plaintiff should never have put any work into the car until he received a clean title to the vehicle.

Plaintiff receives $2,500.

Motorcycle Regrets-Plaintiffs Wayne Stultz  and Steven Dickinson (one plaintiff is bike owner, the other paid to get bike out of impound) are suing former friend Daniel Pettit and his mother Michelle Pelletier for impound fees, and something about motorcycle accessories.    Motorcycle was sold to defendant, and he was going to make payments on bike, and took possession of motorcycle.    Defendant claims he was going to return the bike, kept it a week, but was pulled over for lack of registration, and bike was impounded. 

Defendant claims bike was registered to someone besides the plaintiff, and has zero proof.   Impound fee was $1229, and motorcycle stuff was in defendant's possession and disappeared 

Plaintiff gets $1229.  (Hall-terview, whiny little baby defendant explains that the mean kids were picking on him)

"All week, 4 p.m. episodes are 2013, and 5 p.m. are 2016.   Some of the 2016 episodes are very recently rerun, so I wonder if the producers are only going to show so many episodes. 

4 p.m. reruns-

First (2013)-

Defame Game -Plaintiff Silvio Belini Jr. is suing defendant Ora Knowell  for harassing him for buying defendant’s former man friend’s home as a bank foreclosure, and defaming him.   This case is famous, SWAT had to remove defendant and the boyfriend from the house when they forced their way in, and barricaded themselves inside.   

Defendant claims the house was mortgage free, and not a foreclosure, but there was a mortgage on it.   Also, after the foreclosure started boyfriend did a quit claim to his girlfriend, Ora Knowell, which wasn’t legal, because he didn’t own the house.  

Defendant claims because plaintiff’s contractor’s license listed his current  address, but also when he became a business owner (2007).   Defendant claims the house was paid off in 1993, but there was a subsequent mortgage by defendant’s late man friend.   Defendant claims the plaintiff is not Silvio Belini, Jr.    (Yes, he is).

Plaintiff bought house from bank in 2009, and defendant has been suing the bank, plaintiff, and a lot of other lawsuits since then, and defendant has lost every case.   I feel sorry for defendant and her daughter because of the tragic family history, but she has no case against plaintiff.

Plaintiff has photos of the posters that defendant put up around the neighborhood calling plaintiff a thief, and saying he stole her house.  However, Mr. Bellini has a mortgage interest statement from 2007 to the IRS for mortgage interest, so there was a mortgage.

Plaintiff had to get two restraining orders against defendant, and a criminal protection order against her too.  Defendant’s daughter supports her mother too, and is as delusional as her mother.    Daughter calls Mr. Bellini a thief too.    When defendant talks about chain saws, and sledge hammers used to get into ‘her’ house, she’s talking about the SWAT team breaking down the barricades she put up when she broke into the house, in 2008.   I saw the article one of the previous times this episode ran.    Don’t mess with Oakland CA police, they showed a video clip of the entry, and it was amazing.    Besides, defendant and her daughter can call the man friend husband, and stepfather, but they weren’t married, and defendant was never on the deed for the house.

I can’t imagine the harassment that Mr. Bellini and his family have gone through from the defendants.  Ora Knowell will never stop harassing the plaintiff, and his family.

Plaintiff receives $5,000."


I am glad you posted this recap! I had no idea about the SWAT mess and just thought this old woman had completely lost her marbles [her daughter too]!!!!!

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4 p.m. reruns-

First (2013)-

Arrest for Drug Possession -Plaintiff Kevin Atchley suing defendant/girlfriend’s daughter’s boyfriend David Aguinaga for unpaid bail.  Plaintiff paid $1,415, to get boyfriend out of jail.   Defendant was on felony narcotics possession and sale, and had a new charge of stolen property, that was later dropped.  

Defendant and the plaintiff’s girlfriend’s daughter are still together.   Plaintiff’s witness is plaintiff’s girlfriend, and she can’t stand David the felon.  Defendant pled no contest to two drug sales to an undercover officer, in October 2010 (but David wasn’t arrested until December 2010, so David is an idiot).  

Defendant was supposed to see bondsman the second he got out of jail, and sign for the bond.   Defendant kept lying about going to the bail bondsman’s office and sign for the bond.   

Defendant’s girlfriend, Jessica was also arrested at the same time as David.  (Yes, Jessica the daughter of plaintiff’s girlfriend/witness).     Plaintiff didn’t bail out stepdaughter, a friend of daughter bailed her out, and it wasn’t the daughter’s first arrest.

$915 to plaintiff.

Sisters Act Up -Plaintiff/sister Norma Albright suing defendant/sister Joan Anderson  over an unpaid loan to get defendant’s car out of repossession, $1675 (defendant repaid $50).  When defendant’s car was repossessed, she was sent a Money gram by her sister/plaintiff.   There is another wrinkle, defendant says sister’s money was actually to pay her back for items the plaintiff stole from their late father’s estate.  

Defendant claims plaintiff never mentioned repayment.

$1625 to plaintiff.

Second (2013)-

Teenage Vandals -Plaintiffs Sheila and Dean Howell, are suing teenage vandal’s mother Amanda Oman/defendant, and son Dominic Oman-Michlitsch, for car vandalizing restitution.    The 12-year-old defendant did the vandalism while staying with plaintiffs and their son Justin Howell, who was 14 at the time.    Plaintiff son went to the movies with Dominic at 11 p.m., and they instead were throwing rocks off of a bridge, on an overpass over the highway, at cars.   The vandals were caught, pled guilty, and the agreement was if both sets of parents paid the restitution, then the vandals’ records would be erased.    Plaintiffs paid the entire restitution, because defendant mother said she didn’t have the money.   Restitution was over $6,000.  

 Then, a week later the two vandals were bored, so they vandalized some cars again, just for fun.    Plaintiff son took a plea to property damage in the third degree, a gross misdemeanor.    

The plaintiffs are suing the defendant for half of the restitution that plaintiffs had to pay to get their evil POS sons off the hook.  

If the parents hadn’t paid restitution, then both sons would have had felony charges.   Plaintiff parents claim they discussed the case settlement with defendant before the case, but defendant says she never talked to the plaintiffs, and never agreed to the deal or the payment.   After the first arrest, why was defendant’s son allowed to be staying at plaintiffs’ house? 

Plaintiff father says they declined to get a private attorney to defend son, so they chose the restitution instead.   The attorney would be over $5k, plus $6,800 for the restitution.  Plaintiff wife lies to JJ, about the attorney.  Police report says the rock throwing was actually the second time they were caught vandalizing at night.     Plaintiff wife says they were arrested at 10 p.m., not 2 a.m.  

The boys took a plea to property damage in the third degree, a gross misdemeanor.  But if they didn’t pay restitution, they would have had felony charges.   Defendant mother says she didn’t have the money, and wasn’t going to pay to get her son’s record cleared.  

JJ says plaintiff parents were careless in supervising the 12-year-old, and their own son.   The other arrest was a week earlier, and plaintiff wife claims they were at Dominic’s house that time.

Plaintiffs’ case dismissed.  (I totally enjoy plaintiff wife’s face when JJ says case dismissed).

5 p.m. reruns-

First (2016)-

Young Girls Salon Fail-  Plaintiff Lorraine Yurkins, and (fiance) Adam Deleo sold unprofitable children's hair salon (after six months open) to defendant, Rocky Moussa, and claim defendant didn't pay the full amount.    Plaintiff was supposed to have a stylist as a partner, but she bailed on her, so she sold the salon.   Plaintiff Lorraine Yurkins was the owner, but fiance Deleo did the negotiations with defendant.

Plaintiff did little parties with hair and makeup, and food for the little girls, with regular hair services on the weekdays.   

Salon was actually sold to the defendant's wife, and she didn't come to court, but her husband did, with a power of attorney from her (Madeline Scarletta).   (I'm assuming his hair is a wig, but it's awful, and his crooked eye glasses are driving me nuts).  Sold for $38,000, defendants paid $20,549, leaving 17,500 or so.   Defendant brought no proof, and claims he paid all $38k. 

Deleo did the negotiations with defendant wife.  This was in Islip, Long Island.   Defendant didn’t bring proof of payment to court today (apparently thought he was going to a tea dance today).  Plaintiff fiance says he didn’t ask for cash, but the text messages say he asked for cash after defendant husband wrote them a bad check.  

Plaintiff gets $3,000.     I'm still not sure who is the liar here, but my guess is it's the defendant.   

2x4 Vandalism Victim-Plaintiff Kai Sheffield suing her former friend’s boyfriend/defendant Damyus Clark  for assault, and vandalizing her car (defendant is plaintiff's best friend's boyfriend).    Plaintiff was at defendant's witness (defendant's current girlfriend, they broke up and got back together) house, and the defendant and girlfriend were arguing.    During the argument, plaintiff tried to leave in her car, and claims defendant threw something at the car and damaged it. 

Plaintiff gets $500 for car deductible.   

Second (2016)-

Death Threat and Racial Profiling-Plaintiff, Hani Barghout, is suing defendants Michael Nowlin, Jr, and wife Nicol Nowlin, of Mile High Towing and Recovery of Denver, over his car being towed, racial profiling resulting in his arrest at gunpoint, and false police reports.   Plaintiff’s car was towed by the two defendants’ tow company, when he parked in an apartment parking lot (he doesn't live there, or have the person who gave him permission to park there in court).   

Defendant man says it was the Salvation Army's permit only parking lot.  In the morning plaintiff discovered his car had been towed.   

Defendant claimed the plaintiff threw a rock at their tow yard the night before.   Defendant's witness claims he saw plaintiff too, and case was dismissed after defendants didn't show up for trial.  

Plaintiff was arrested when he went to retrieve his car, after the defendant wife called him a crazy Islamic guy when he called the tow yard, and arrived with cash in hand to pay for the tow.   Defendant wife also claims between the first visit to tow yard, and the next day the plaintiff changed his beard, The second time defendant wife claimed he threatened her on the phone several times, and made a police report again that was false. 

At the first report of rock throwing, the plaintiff was arrested, and the case was dismissed.     Second case didn't even go to trial, because defendant lied about her name on police report (She had a different name on the first police report, Nicol Craven, not the name the show put under her photo on the show, Nicol Nowlin of Denver-she looks very familiar to me, I used to live near there). 

I find it strange that a Denver tow company drives two hours south to Pueblo to tow cars.  

Six months later the plaintiff was arrested because the defendant wife claims he threatened her when he picked up his car at the first incident (report date was January, arrest at gun point was in June).     That case was dismissed also.  

JJ is right, car tow was legal.   

However, two false arrests are exactly what happened. (Audience erupts in applause at this verdict, and I call the second police report by the defendant wife to be totally despicable).     (I used to live near Denver, and the plaintiff is lucky he survived two arrests, especially the second one where he was claimed to be making death threats against defendant).

 $5,000 to plaintiff. 

Check Bouncy House-Plaintiff Elinor Zetina, suing former friend /defendant Daniel Vain for two bad checks she cashed for defendant.     Defendant had done some remodeling for plaintiff several years before, and he needed a place to stay, and she offered to cash a large cashier's check for defendant. $2750 was the first check, but credit union said it was an altered or bad check.     

Then plaintiff cashed another check for him.     He gave her a bad check, and then she cashes another one for him!      Second check will not be paid by the show.   How stupid can a plaintiff be?    Bet she's waiting for her deceased uncle in Nigeria to send her millions too.  

$2750 to plaintiff for the first check, but nothing for second check, because she had no expectation of payment.   

The last original JJ episode was filmed last spring, and aired in June, with a few pieced together episodes in July.   The show is over.    In November her new "Judy Justice" will start airing on a free streaming service.     I'm hoping since the syndication contract is still going, that as long as stations keep signing the contract, that the reruns will still be airing.   However, now the first hour I get are 2012 and 2013 air dates, and the second hour are all 2016.  Some of the episodes ran fairly recently , so I'm hoping they won't just show a few episodes over and over.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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What's going on here???  Why are they showing reruns all the time now?

Also I heard something about JJ producing a new court show and snubbing our dear Byrd after he laid out all that money for the welfare people.  Is that going to take the place of our beloved JJ?

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8 hours ago, NYGirl said:

What's going on here???  Why are they showing reruns all the time now?

Also I heard something about JJ producing a new court show and snubbing our dear Byrd after he laid out all that money for the welfare people.  Is that going to take the place of our beloved JJ?

Her new show will be airing online through IMDB TV. The last page of the JJ media thread will answer your questions. 

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4 p.m. reruns-

First (2013)-

Motorcycle Mayhem -Plaintiff Kaylee Frehner suing Kelly King defendant for moving and damaging plaintiff’s motorcycle from plaintiff’s assigned garage space.   Plaintiff claims the garage space was assigned to her for the garage space, and defendant claims management assigned the same garage space to her.  When defendant attempted to move the motorcycle, it fell over and was damaged.   Plaintiff does not have the lease with the carport and the garage space assigned to her, but defendant has a “To Whom it May Concern” letter from the apartment, but no lease.   

Plaintiff was assigned the space, but defendant was also, so it was the apartment complex management’s fault for assigning both tenants the spaces.  Both litigants used a garage clicker for the space.    Then defendant tried to move the motorcycle, and it tipped over.   Management office was closed when the motorcycle incident happened.

Plaintiff wins repair costs.

Unwed Parents Fight-Plaintiff Stephanie Navarro suing ex-live in boyfriend/defendant Jimmy  Chavez for a car loan.   Defendant says plaintiff paid for the car insurance, not the car loan.   Plaintiff is a single mother, on unemployment, and saved enough to loan money to her live-in boyfriend.

Defendant has proof of the car payments, but the $310 was the insurance down payment, and says that’s all plaintiff paid.

Plaintiff claims she made the $310 down payment on insurance, and a car payment.   However, the one car payment was months after they broke up.

Plaintiff case dismissed.  

Make a Decision! -Plaintiff Shaye Acevedo suing defendant/cottage owner Justine Light over the security deposit of $1,000 for the cottage he was going to rent from her.    Then, defendant gave plaintiff a copy of the written lease, price was different, so plaintiff changed his mind, and never signed the lease.    Defendant says she took the cottage ad down, and took it off the market.   Defendant says she thought he was trying to move in without signing the lease, but plaintiff took the stuff he brought to move in with him.

$1,000 to plaintiff.

Second (2013)-

House Sitter Horror -Plaintiff Valerie Schermer suing defendants Colleen O’Neill, and boyfriend, Eric Goral, for failing to pet sit and house sit competently while plaintiff was out of town.  Payment to defendants was made in advance, with giving them moonshine, and $120.     

Defendant boyfriend gets the Byrd boot.  Boyfriend claims the payment was after plaintiff returned, and he gets the boot for interrupting.   Girlfriend claims defendant boyfriend is good to her and her daughter.   

When plaintiff returned, she gave the moonshine to defendants, in addition to $120 plaintiff already paid.     Two plaintiff dogs are pit bulls, and were in home with defendant woman’s two-year-old child.   There was puke left in the sink, a dog chewed the mattress topper.   Plaintiff says before they left they painted the entire interior of the house, in preparation to selling, but defendant’s child marked the wall up.   Defendant woman claims that her daughter didn’t do the damage, and her daughter didn’t mark the walls with markers, or nail polish.   And defendant doesn’t know how the doors ended up with giant holes.  

 There is the show affidavit where defendant woman says boyfriend missed hitting her with his fist, and punched a hole through a door instead.  JJ warns the woman defendant about the man defendant, and sadly she’s right.   I worry for the woman’s little daughter’s safety.

Plaintiff receives $500 to fix the door, from Goral.    Plus, $100 to plaintiff to clean the carpet. 

(Plaintiff in the hall-terview says defendant woman has been in and out of rehab, and was fired from a previous job for eating the dog painkillers, apparently worked at a vet’s office.    Plaintiff claims defendant grandmother is trying to get full custody of defendant’s little girl)

Bitter Babysitter -Plaintiff /babysitter Angelica West is suing defendant Brittany Harrington for unpaid babysitting fees, $120.  Plaintiff never met either child before she started babysitting for defendant. 

Defendant is counter suing for a child being injured under the plaintiff’s care.   Defendant agreed to pay $120 for each day of babysitting, at defendant’s home.  

After defendant refused to pay plaintiff, then plaintiff said she could no longer babysit without payment.  (What the hell did the defendant do to her eyebrows?)

Defendant’s garbage counter claim is dismissed.

$120 to plaintiff.

5 p.m. reruns-

First (2016)-

Crock of Baloney-Plaintiff Bryan Wu suing defendant/former roommate Marta Suarez for apartment rent, and car damage, $5000.      Plaintiff Bryan Wu, his fiance Purple Herzig, and defendant Marta Suarez shared an apartment, all three signed the lease, and both sides want lease breaking fees.   Plaintiff and fiance moved out early, but paid the last two month’s rent as a lease breaking fee.     

Defendant and plaintiff girlfriend were co-workers at Barbizon.

 Defendant hasn't paid rent in over five months, still lives in the apartment, and landlord has finally started eviction proceedings.   Defendant thinks being a squatter is funny. 

Plaintiff also claims defendant damaged his car.  Defendant sent plaintiff fiance a text saying someone hit the plaintiff’s car.  

(Defendant needs to cover up her ample hooters, hanging out in court.  One sneeze and we'll get to see all of her assets).    (Plaintiff's fiance is named Purple Herzig, this is exactly what the caption on the show said).     

 Defendant Suarez is another reason I'll never be a landlord.    Defendant had plaintiff's car, and she sent a text and photo, and says the car was hit while she had it.  

Plaintiff gets $3,000 rent from defendant (That pays for his rent shortfall, but not the car). 

Pit Bull Chomps Chihuahua-Plaintiff Kaitlyn Cumpton suing defendant Mandy Pryor for pit bull chomping on her Chihuahua (6-year-old dog, 13 pounds) while 8-year-old owner Kaliyah, watched in horror.   

Defendant claims the tiny Chihuahua ran into her apartment, and her dog was being protective (Total Bull Pucky).    Cute plaintiff's kid Kaliyah, was walking a leashed Chihuahua, Hennesey, when Snickers the Pit Bull charged out of defendant's apartment, and attacked the tiny dog.      Little girl testifies the dog is usually off leash outside the defendant's apartment, and growls when the girl and her dog pass.     

The apartment complex needed to boot the defendant, and her vicious dog, and I hope they did.   Lucky for the little girl and dog, the plaintiff was watching them out the window and saw the attack.   Little girl says defendant was sitting outside the complex, when the Pit Bull charged the girl and the dog.    Defendant had to muzzle on her vicious animal, and had this dog around her two-year-old child (she has four kids, 8,7, 6, and 2 years old). 

 Defendant got the dog only two weeks before, and bought for $20.     Defendant claims Chi charged inside her door, and Snickers the Pit Bull attacked the poor little dog.     Total garbage.      My guess, even though Snickers the Chihuahua chewer was supposed to wear a muzzle, I bet that never happened.    I’m hoping the apartment management demanded the Pit leave the complex. 

Defendant claims she gave the Pit bull to man who lives in Idaho (they live in Spokane).    I wonder if that’s the same farm that all of the unwanted dogs have been sent to? 

$800 to plaintiff.

Second (2016)-

Hothead Road Rage-Plaintiff Beau Shattuck (driver and son of car owner) and Roxanne Merryman (mother of Beau Shattuck, and car owner), driving little Hyundai claims defendant (driving huge Silverado) Todd Duplessis damaged his car by kicking it, after chasing him down to road in his car.   Defendant lies through his teeth, claims plaintiff went across several lanes of traffic, cutting him and another driver off, and pulled into a convenience store parking lot.    Defendant claims plaintiff driver tried to run over him. 

Defendant followed the plaintiff, stopped his truck, got out, and went up to Hyundai.   (Sorry, I don't believe the tiny, frail looking plaintiff, who can't even stand at the plaintiff table, threatened anyone, especially Moby Dick the defendant).    

Plaintiff says defendant harassed him on the road, followed him to the gas station, and kicked the plaintiff's car.   JJ says she thinks plaintiff wanted to go to the gas station, and did turn abruptly, and that doesn't justify defendant cornering plaintiff, instead of calling the police. 

Decision for plaintiff, $1100, and defendant is still a jerk.  

Joy Ride or Hell Ride?  -Plaintiff Brittany Grove suing former friend/defendant Brandon Lowe for destroying her car's engine during a drag race.   Plaintiff let defendant drive her car to some party, and on the way the defendant drag raced in the plaintiff's car (a Saturn, not a muscle car).   Defendant went 80 mph, in a car with 198,000 miles on it, and a couple of miles later the engine started making noises, and now needs the engine replaced.     

$1813 to plaintiff for new engine.  

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1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

defendant is still a jerk.  

Yep, he is an aggressive asshole, I would love to know what his "military background" was, even the military has some jerks but the hard chargers I have known and worked with are controlled and avoid unnecessary violence. As a very senior citizen with limitations, if that asshole approached me in a threatening way I would be legally able to apply deadly force to defend my self. What a jerk, probably a REMF.

Edited by DoctorK
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4 p.m. reruns-

First (2013)-

False Restraining Order? -Plaintiff/landlord Tuesday Wilcoxon suing defendant /former tenant Peggy Munoz  for a false arrest, property damages, unpaid rent, and attorney’s fees.  Plaintiff claims she had to get an attorney because defendant applied for a restraining order against plaintiff.   Defendant claims plaintiff was renting an illegal apartment, so she doesn’t owe back rent.   Plaintiff lived in the upper two stories, and defendant’s apartment was in basement level, kitchen was shared on first floor, and only bathroom was on the second floor.    Defendant was a roommate, not an apartment renter.    Lease from previous owner says no roommates or sublets.    Defendant claims plaintiff used a sledge hammer on her door, to get her out, after trying to evict her.  

Defendant only lived there six weeks.    Defendant says plaintiff was getting more and more aggressive, and claims plaintiff abused her 2-year-old daughter, and defendant made a police report about the physical abuse.    Plaintiff witness is plaintiff’s sister, who is asked if her sister drinks, plaintiff sister says she does.    Plaintiff claims CPS never contacted her.    Defendant says plaintiff was getting more and more aggressive against her, and her 16-year-old daughter.    Then, defendant says plaintiff locked the thermostat off, so defendant had no heat.    Then, plaintiff and family members were gathering at the home, and defendant called the police, and then plaintiff requested her father break down the basement door.   Defendant claims plaintiff broke the basement door down.  Then, defendant says plaintiff and her father physically dragged her out of the house.  

Plaintiff keeps claiming JJ has to read the letter from the landlord, and JJ tells her to shove her letter. 

Plaintiff claims defendant only called police after plaintiff hit the door, to switch out locks. Police reports about incidents started after the child abuse complaint.   

Plaintiff case dismissed.   

Second (2013)-

Mad at Mother of My Child! -Plaintiff Robert Miller suing defendant Stefani Williams (mother of his child) for a loan to buy a car, and registration fees for the car, $4,345.     The two lived off and on in plaintiff’s apartment.    When car was purchased, defendant was unemployed, after the son was born the defendant was not employed.   Plaintiff was paying all of the bills, and he had no expectation of repayment for the loan.   After they split up, there was a long gap in visitation with the little boy.   Plaintiff changed the locks when defendant was on a vacation with her family, after some incident between the litigants.   Defendant moved back in with her mother.

Defendant admits she gives her child support to her mother.   Even when defendant lived with plaintiff, she was collecting child support also, even though plaintiff paid all of the bills.  

I’m not sure how this came out.   

Punched Door -Plaintiff Tera Low suing defendant/ex-boyfriend Jonathan Story for damages to her security door, unpaid bills.      Defendant has a full-time job, a part time job as a musician, and claims plaintiff illegally evicted him.   Defendant is a telemarketer, full-time, and music pays very little. 

JJ asks defendant why he was getting welfare, when working full-time, plus the side job.   Defendant says he got welfare for about six months, and defendant complains plaintiff used his food (EBT) card, and his medical benefits card.    Plaintiff heard a female voice at one of his recording sessions, so she changed the locks, and threw him out, so illegal eviction is legit. 

Both litigants were on the lease, so plaintiff couldn’t evict him at will.  

Plaintiff gets $1000 for unpaid rent, but defendant gets $1,000 for the illegal eviction, so no one gets anything.

5 p.m. reruns-

First (2016)-

Squatter Denial-Plaintiff/landlord Romualda Ayon suing former tenants/defendants Patrick Valdivia-Minsel and  Rachel Bachakes (girl friend)  for non-payment of rent, and a false arrest. Plaintiff is also suing defendant man’s father (Father)Francisco Valdivio.  There is a receipt for $600 to rent a bedroom at plaintiff's location.    Defendant man said they had no choice about squatting in the plaintiff's place.    Plaintiff wanted tenants out in September, and they were legally notified to leave the property (a 30-day notice to leave).   

Defendants claim they paid rent until September 2015, when they were told to leave by 15 October 2015.   Defendants paid rent in October, and November, (both very late in the month), and didn't pay for December, but still lived in the bedroom.   

In December, defendants didn't pay rent or utilities, or January either, and didn't move out until February.    Defendants claim the eviction notice was because they complained to the Housing Authority.     Again, we get to hear the "ate the steak" lecture.    Defendants claim the Housing Authority told them not to pay the 3 month’s rent.     Defendant's mother (witness) keeps telling woman defendant what to say.      Defendants refused to try to find a job, and move out of plaintiff's property.   

Defendant claims the plaintiff's property was a single-family dwelling, and was illegally split into three residences.     Defendant man claims he's working now, and woman is going to school.     Protective order application from defendants is ludicrous, and shouldn't have been granted, and was filed in January, three months after they were supposed to be out of the house.    Plaintiff was arrested for trespassing on her own property.   This is how the defendants treat a family friend?

$5,000 to plaintiff. 

Good Samaritan Bitten in the Face-Plaintiff Ryan Kotzen suing defendant Joyce Tung-Yea for medical bills, after her dog (Marshmallow) bit him in the face, when he found the dog wandering loose.   Defendant says her dog never left her garage, and never bit anyone.   (Descriptions say it's a poodle, but it looks like a Mini. Schnauzer).    Plaintiff saw dog wandering in the street, he pulled over, tried to look at the dog's collar, and the dog bit plaintiff's cheek.    Dog ran into garage, and when defendant opened the front door, and that's when she said the dog's name.      

Defendant claims the dog isn't hers, and then says it never left the garage.    Defendant told plaintiff she would pay his medical bills, but didn't.      Defendant says a contractor let the dog out, and defendant went to look for the dog, and couldn't find the dog.    Defendant says where she used to live the gardener would let the dog out, but dog would come back home.    

Defendant is angry that plaintiff contacted Animal Control, and she tried to say her dog was never outside.

Plaintiff receives $1000 for medical bills. Bill was actually $386, plus pain and suffering.

Second (2016)-

Boxing Coach Space Invader-Plaintiff Danny Calhoun Jr. (Boxing and exercise gym owner) suing former employee, Charlando Peoples, boxing trainer for inappropriate touching of clients, violation of non-compete contract, and other nasty business practices.      Plaintiff was fired for inappropriate touches on clients, and there were repeated customer complaints about defendant's roaming hands.    Plaintiff claims he fired defendant, and then defendant poached clients.      

Defendant worked there for three months, and he was fired after numerous complaints from female clients about inappropriate touching.     Plaintiff submits letters, and emails from clients complaining about defendant.   When clients complained to defendant, he ignored complaints.     Charlando Peoples is also an actor, MMA fighter, and totally stuck on himself.   After a warning, and being put on probation, and more complaints, defendant was fired.  

Defendant's witness is a former customer of plaintiff, who followed defendant to another gym.  Defendant works in another job, but still trains two clients from the plaintiff's gym.   The only part JJ will consider is the defamation part of plaintiff's case.   JJ says the online postings by defendant are defamation.   

Defendant gets $112 in back wages, but told to stop writing about former employer.   Plaintiff case dismissed, and if defendant keeps doing the online defamation, he can come back to court and talk to JJ about it.  

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4 p.m. reruns-

First (2013)-

Hidden Seafood! -Plaintiff Robert Hallock/landlord suing defendants/former tenants Jeff and Tammy Dorr for unpaid rent, late fees, putting hidden seafood to rot in his house, after plaintiff evicted tenants.  Plaintiff should have filed for damages to house too.

Security deposit was taken for damages, and there was a shortfall in one month’s rent, and two more full months unpaid.   Defendant hid three bags of seafood behind the hot water heater, and more were in coolers in the back yard.   Defendant also replaced a double pane window glass, with a single pane of glass.    Defendant says he didn’t have time to clean in the two days he was moving out at the time of the eviction.  Defendant wants moving costs, and that’s tossed.   Landlord also had to pay the oil fuel costs when defendant man was in jail for two weeks.  

Plaintiff wins, but I’m not sure how much.

Slashed Tires! -Plaintiff Lorena Mauna suing defendant/former neighbor and friend Lotoya Dennis  for the return of a borrowed bracelet, and slashed tires.   There are nasty, threatening letters from defendant to plaintiff.   Defendant put two threatening letters on plaintiff’s doorstep, and then defendant was evicted by apartment complex.   

Defendant claims plaintiff’s bracelet disappeared, and then plaintiff was threatening her.   (By the way, defendant’s yellow and red hairdo is hideous, and her chest tattoo that says Aquarius is just as bad.).    Right after the two threatening letters were left at plaintiff’s house by defendant, plaintiff saw the defendant circling her car, and that’s when the tires were slashed.  Plaintiff called a liar by JJ, about seeing defendant around her car.    Defendant’s counter claim is for a false restraining order by plaintiff.

I would give the plaintiff $5,000 for having to be around the defendant, who is vicious.  I have zero doubt that the defendant slashed plaintiff’s tires.

Plaintiff receives $69, for the bracelet.

Second (2013)-

Thunderbird Theft? -Plaintiff Dominique Taylor (man) suing defendant/ex-girlfriend Echo Agnew for return of a Thunderbird (car), plaintiff wants the value of the car, but not the actual car.  Defendant says plaintiff assaulted her, and destroyed her property.  Assault report outlines bad injuries, and defendant was hospitalized, but after that plaintiff went back with defendant.    Plaintiff couldn’t register a car in his own name, so for a few months he registered it in the name of his witness/another ex-girlfriend, and then it was in defendant’s name. 

 Defendant has a four-year order of protection against plaintiff, and there was a hearing with both litigants testifying.    Report says plaintiff kidnapped defendant off of the sidewalk at a bus stop, dragged her to his home, and beat the living hell out of defendant.   Then, defendant went back to living with plaintiff. 

Three months later, defendant made a police report about another assault. 

Everything dismissed. 

Car Divides Friends -Plaintiff Don Simpson Jr.  suing defendant/former friend Ezekiel Mack for return of a vehicle, cost of a traffic ticket, and repayment of a loan.   Defendant needed money, wanted a title loan, but he couldn’t get the car registered in his name.   Defendant didn’t have a driver’s license, but still drove, and couldn’t get a title loan in his name.   So, plaintiff registered the car in his name, did a title loan for $2250.  Plaintiff claims he didn’t get any money from the title loan, but defendant says plaintiff received $200.    Loan Max, the title loan company, is garnishing plaintiff’s wages.   Defendant claims he only got $400 from the loan.   However, there are two parking tickets in plaintiff’s name, and the car loan is in collections, plus the car broke down, and was towed.  Car will never be seen again.   JJ calls the defendant a moron.

No one came to court with clean hands in this case.

$400 to Loan Max.

5 p.m. reruns-

First (2016)-

Single Mom Settlement-Plaintiff (used car salesman) Shane Grant suing defendant Stacy McMahon over non-payment for car, after she gave him a bad check.   Defendant is Sainted Single Mother , owes $7,000 for a 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee, put $2500 down, and $600 a month for 9 months (costs $900 for interest, and taxes, etc.).    Check was for $2,000, from Farmer's Insurance for injuries.   (Defendant's chest tattoo of giant red lips, and Take Note is tacky).    Plaintiff put check into his account, because SSMO? didn't have a bank account.       So, defendant committed fraud, and grand larceny.  

However, defendant refused the settlement from Farmer's insurance, so check was cancelled by company, but defendant kept the Jeep.    JJ will contact Farmer's insurance about the check status.     Farmer's Insurance says defendant didn't cash check knowing that accepting check would be accepting the settlement. 

 JJ's decision is :

1. Order that plaintiff can get car with Marshal, but his former company will have to do that (plaintiff works elsewhere now). 

2.  Charges for grand larceny and fraud will be pressed because defendant committed fraud.   Car will be returned to company in two days or charges will be pressed.    (JJ gives a copy of this case to the plaintiff to show police what defendant did, and that the larceny charges will be filed.   Defendant claims she’ll give car back to car dealer).

Defendant’s refusal to return Jeep is a mistake.  Why do I guess defendant didn’t give the car back to the dealer?

Plaintiff works elsewhere now, so he gets $2,000 judgment.   

Dog Bite, Huge Settlement-Plaintiff Timothy McNulty suing former neighbor/defendant Carly Jackson for kicking his car, after plaintiff's dog bit her in the face.   Defendant has sold and moved since.    The same dog bit the defendant's daughter 13 months before, and received a settlement from the insurance company $150,000 for defendant, and $160,000 pending for the defendant's daughter.    What kind of idiot is still friendly with the defendant and her family after they get sued for huge amounts?   

 In the middle of the night, defendant was apparently drunk, and on plaintiff's property, and defendant was pounding on the door.   Plaintiff wife went and answered the door (Yes, at 2 a.m.).   Defendant claims her dog ripped her lip off, the two women argued after drinking, and then defendant repeatedly kicked the plaintiff's car.    Defendant claims the plaintiff asked her to come over.   (Defendant thinks petting the neighbor's dog is 'politically correct').     I can't believe the insurance company covered two dog bites from the same dog, because my insurance always told me it's standard that they cover one bite, and then that dog is no longer covered.     Defendant sold house, and moved right before this case aired.

Why didn’t his homeowner’s insurance get cancelled after the first bite?  And the second bite?   And after the third bite?   All of this was the same dog, and I’ve never had an insurance company that would cover more than one dog bite, ever.

Plaintiff has $1,000 deductible on car insurance, which he didn't file claim for the car damage yet.  Plaintiff gets $1,000, and is still a spineless jelly fish.    I wonder what the real story is on this entire situation?   The damage happened two years ago, so I hope the insurance told him it's too late.

Second (2016)-

Teen Road Trip Lie-Plaintiff mother Candace Brouwer suing daughter's ex/defendant Jonathan Arana for kidnapping girl, stealing mother's car, and wrecking the car.   

However, plaintiff daughter Shellby Brouwer, borrowed mother's car with mother's permission, drove boyfriend to Missouri (mother thought daughter was going to Tennessee), and then the wreck happened. 

Plaintiff daughter drove the defendant to Missouri, and the boyfriend was driving and they wrecked the car.   Both airbags deployed, and front-end damages, but no photo of the entire car damage.   Plaintiff daughter lied to mother repeatedly, and mother still claims her daughter wasn't in on the planning for the trip, and the lies.   I think the daughter should have paid for the car, since she is a liar, and is the one who took the car.  Plaintiff's husband had to drive to Missouri, load car on a trailer, and bring it home.   

Mommy dearest also contacted defendant's first sergeant, and had him ordered not to contact the entire family.   

Plaintiff gets $4,000, basically rewarding the plaintiff's daughter for being a lying piece of trash.   

Botched Bodywork- Plaintiff Chris Ulibarri suing defendant/former school mate Mike Harney for substandard body work on ancient truck (1966 truck).    Defendant used a lot of Bondo on the truck.   Plaintiff has estimate for paint job that will cost $1500 more, plus more body work.  Plaintiff will get his father's rifle back that he traded for the body work.    Plaintiff gets no credit for an unregistered motorcycle he traded too with defendant.   

No money for either side, just the rifle back to plaintiff. 

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On 10/25/2021 at 6:50 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

p.m. reruns-

First (2013)-

Defame Game -Plaintiff Silvio Belini Jr. is suing defendant Ora Knowell  for harassing him for buying defendant’s former man friend’s home as a bank foreclosure, and defaming him.   This case is famous, SWAT had to remove defendant and the boyfriend from the house when they forced their way in, and barricaded themselves inside.   

Defendant claims the house was mortgage free, and not a foreclosure, but there was a mortgage on it.   Also, after the foreclosure started boyfriend did a quit claim to his girlfriend, Ora Knowell, which wasn’t legal, because he didn’t own the house.  

Defendant claims because plaintiff’s contractor’s license listed his current  address, but also when he became a business owner (2007).   Defendant claims the house was paid off in 1993, but there was a subsequent mortgage by defendant’s late man friend.   Defendant claims the plaintiff is not Silvio Belini, Jr.    (Yes, he is).

Plaintiff bought house from bank in 2009, and defendant has been suing the bank, plaintiff, and a lot of other lawsuits since then, and defendant has lost every case.   I feel sorry for defendant and her daughter because of the tragic family history, but she has no case against plaintiff.

Plaintiff has photos of the posters that defendant put up around the neighborhood calling plaintiff a thief, and saying he stole her house.  However, Mr. Bellini has a mortgage interest statement from 2007 to the IRS for mortgage interest, so there was a mortgage.

Plaintiff had to get two restraining orders against defendant, and a criminal protection order against her too.  Defendant’s daughter supports her mother too, and is as delusional as her mother.    Daughter calls Mr. Bellini a thief too.    When defendant talks about chain saws, and sledge hammers used to get into ‘her’ house, she’s talking about the SWAT team breaking down the barricades she put up when she broke into the house, in 2008.   I saw the article one of the previous times this episode ran.    Don’t mess with Oakland CA police, they showed a video clip of the entry, and it was amazing.    Besides, defendant and her daughter can call the man friend husband, and stepfather, but they weren’t married, and defendant was never on the deed for the house.

I can’t imagine the harassment that Mr. Bellini and his family have gone through from the defendants.  Ora Knowell will never stop harassing the plaintiff, and his family.

Plaintiff receives $5,000.

I think different affiliates show different episodes because I would save this on my DVR for sure!  EPIC

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Hope this okay to say here...  if/when you get tired of re-watching JJ reruns, I recommend you at least go check out the first episode of Judy Justice.   They picked a c-r-a-z-y case to kick off the series.   I did a mini recap in the Judy Justice thread if you care to get a taste of what they're bringing to the new iteration.  

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All week 4 p.m. episodes are all 2013, all 5 p.m. episodes are 2016.

4 p.m. reruns-

First (2013)-

Burglary and the Ex-Boyfriend -Plaintiff  Enrique Perez and (mother) Isabel Berry suing defendant/ex-girlfriend Fleicia Albanez for claiming plaintiff broke into her home.   After the burglary, defendant told police what happened, and plaintiff was indicted and went to trial.   Defendant moved in with Tommy, and having Tommy’s child.  Defendant didn’t testify in the trial against plaintiff, so they’re suing her for false police report.   However, DA bound the case over for trial. 

Defendant claims her current boyfriend Tommy isn’t in court, because Tommy’s twin brother was shot five times on the lawn in front of their home, brother survived, and Tommy thinks plaintiff and friends are after him.

Tommy (the new boyfriend) and defendant saw the burglary, and told the police.  The next morning Tommy was at work, and plaintiff shows up at defendant’s house, when plaintiff breaks into the house.   When plaintiff left the house, defendant waited for boyfriend (no phone), and called police.   Defendant didn’t appear for the trial, because she was afraid of plaintiff and his friends.    When they searched plaintiff’s house they found five guns, a grow op (just growing weed), and other evidence.   JJ tells the plaintiff mother that she’s not a valid alibi for her son. 

Plaintiff’s case dismissed.   

Just Don’t Do It!- Plaintiff Tracy Cooper is suing defendant Jeff Black, claiming he stole her exercise machine.     JJ asks defendant where the exercise machine is, and smart ass defendant says “I don't have it”.   Defendant looks like he's been pole axed when his fiance rats him out. 

Defendant's fiancee says defendant sold the exercise machine to a friend of defendant named, Adam.    JJ tells defendant fiancee that she's with a fool, and as usual, fiancee just smirks.  

Defendant claims plaintiff abandoned the exercise machine.   He claims plaintiff sold him the machine for $500, but plaintiff says he's lying. Plaintiff hired mover Jeff Black to move her household goods, including the exercise machine.   

Defendant fiancee says defendant loser sold the machine to Adam for $500.    Machine is gone.

In hall-terview defendant's fiancee says that defendant was just nervous, isn't a bad person (for a thief; my view, not hers), and how it's all a misunderstanding.   (Guess who was totally slammed on his FB page for his moving company, in 2015?   That must have been a rerun of the episode.    Yes, good old Jeff.   Actually, he specializes in pool table moves now.   Not exercise machines.)

Plaintiff receives $500 for the older exercise machine.  

Second (2013)-

PayPal Problem? – Plaintiff Roseandra Ceballos suing defendant Damaris Horta over a PayPal account.  Plaintiff wants to get her money back that was deposited in defendant’s PayPal account.  Plaintiff was getting high end cosmetics cheap, and reselling and the money went to defendant’s PayPal account.   Defendant admits she received almost $20,000 in the PayPal account, but $5,000 was taken from the Pay Pal account for undelivered items.    On at least two occasions customers bought the cosmetics, didn’t receive them, and PayPal took the money back.   Plaintiff says defendant’s PayPal was linked to defendant’s bank account, so every penny defendant earned went right into the bank account.    After PayPal ended up refunding the two payments, the plaintiff’s PayPal is now overdrawn.

Defendant claims she offered to resend the merchandise to the customers, but they refused, and took the charge back from PayPal.    Defendant claims giving plaintiff $2,000 in merchandise to plaintiff, and thought plaintiff could resell the makeup.    Defendant also took $7,000 from the bank account, but didn’t pay back the plaintiff.   Plaintiff was supposed to get 15% of all sales from defendant’s sales, but plaintiff didn’t get that.    

JJ tells the women to take it up with PayPal, because she knows defendant is a hustler, and thinks plaintiff might be too.  

Mother Mayhem -Plaintiff Michelle Davis suing defendant mother Debbie Malone for breaking into plaintiff’s home when plaintiff was in jail for her second DUI, and violating probation.    Plaintiff was on five years probation for the D.U.I.     Plaintiff’s husband was in jail when she was in jail too.     Plaintiff was arrested in front of the home, gave her personal effects to a neighbor, and claims the defendant/mother found out plaintiff was in jail.   Plaintiff claims defendant broke into the house, took (actually said ‘tooken’) the dog, and stole belongings. 

Plaintiff was incarcerated for two weeks.   Defendant says she rescued the dog, and her other daughter climbed through the window into the house, and daughter brought the dog to the daughter.   Defendant says it was hot weather, no air conditioning, and dog would have died.   Plaintiff has no proof that defendant broke into the house. 

Plaintiff case dismissed.

Trying Truck Times -Plaintiff Amy Laughter suing defendant Chris Draper over non-payment of a loan to repair defendant’s truck.   The litigants weren’t dating, but defendant wanted money from plaintiff’s inheritance from her late mother.    Defendant claims when they were living together he bought appliances and furniture, he left them behind at her house.  

$800 to plaintiff. 

5 p.m. reruns-

First (2016)-

Jealous Baby Mama Cat Fight-Plaintiff Stacy Speller suing defendant Kelly Tennant (SSMOT Sainted Single Mother of Two with defense witness) over car vandalism by defendant on plaintiff’s car, and an assault.   Defendant has two kids with defendant's witness, Ryan Garcia, and then defendant and witness broke up.   Since he's the defendant's witness, I guess the witness and defendant are back together.  Plaintiff was rollerblading at her house with Ryan Garcia, then she saw defendant at the house, and Mr. Garcia told plaintiff to go in the back yard.   Plaintiff heard defendant and Ryan Garcia arguing. 

When plaintiff was parked at man's house, she alleges defendant ripped pieces off of her car.    Defendant claims plaintiff was the aggressor.   Police report says defendant witness said defendant did do the car damages.   

$2,000 to plaintiff.

Free Wheeling and Dealing-Plaintiff Blake Spencer  suing defendant William Cornfeld for rims plaintiff never received, purchased for $1,000 (used rims from defendant's own car).   

Defendant claims he needed to re-chrome the rims, and over a year later they were resold by shifty defendant.   

$1,000 to plaintiff.    

Second (2016)-

Road Rage? Never Get Out of Your Car-Plaintiff Fallon Alaniz (driver) Sofia Alaniz (Sister and car owner) stopped in the middle of a parking lot, blocking traffic to talk to someone for at least 5 minutes.  Defendant Chad Fisher

 was cutting through the parking lot, finally squeezed past plaintiff, and defendant claims plaintiff cut him off three times in traffic.    Defendant finally gets out of his car, tried to grab her keys out of her car, and pounded on her window that broke.   Then plaintiff followed defendant to his home.   This situation could have end up much worse, good thing no one was a packing a gun.     Police did not arrest defendant.     JJ is right it was either false imprisonment, or kidnapping, depending on the laws in the specific jurisdiction, when defendant blocked plaintiff from moving down the road).   

(JJ’s right, never get out of your car to confront anyone.   You could end up dead).

Plaintiff gets money for window, and door dent, $2500.    

Impounded Car Custody Scramble-Plaintiff Danielle King suing former friend, Flor Funes and friend's ex-boyfriend Nelson Romero , over car payments they didn't make.   Plaintiff bought a car, and resold it to defendants a week later.     Defendants never reregistered the car in their name, or paid for it.   

Plaintiff paid $2500 for car, and sold car to defendants for $3,000.    Plaintiff did not register car in her name, before selling to defendants.   Defendants were pulled over for broken taillight, (actually for DUI), and car was impounded.   

Since car can only be taken out of impound by registered owner, car was never retrieved.   Usually, I dislike people who don't pay for cars, but it wasn't plaintiff's car to sell anyway.  Neither defendant paid for the car, or signed a bill of sale, or contract.   Defendants call the car borrowed from plaintiff. 

Case dismissed.  

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4 p.m. reruns-

First (2013)-

Fake Silver Sale? -Plaintiff Robert Dodge (owns a coin and precious metals shop) suing silver vendors Robert Gutowsky and his sister Lisa Clark, for selling him fake silver.    Plaintiff said the market price for silver is a more than the defendants sold him silver for just over $4,000. 

Plaintiff thought $1 less than market price was a deal.     Market price is about $28.00, and defendants were selling it for a dollar off market price, and defendants were buying the silver off of eBay.     Defendant purchased the silver he resold for $9 or $10 an ounce.    Plaintiff submits an appraisal that the silver was fake.  Defendant says that plaintiff is in the business, and should have known the silver was fake, and defendant is also suing for lost profits because plaintiff stopped buying from him.

As JJ points out, when something is being sold for one-third of the market price, it’s not the real thing.

Plaintiff receives $4300 for the silver he purchased from defendants.   

Teen Denies Bad Driving -Plaintiff Luis Hunter suing defendants Sara Mebrahtu (teen driver), and her father Geseteh Cohasay (car owner for damages from defendant daughter/driver running a stop sign.   

Plaintiff mother was at the scene immediately, and says defendant's mother said only parents were covered by insurance, but not daughter.  Plaintiff mother says defendant mother wanted plaintiff to lie and say she was driving so the insurance would pay for the accident.   Defendant daughter claims plaintiff was at fault in the accident, and she's irate that police gave her a ticket, and says since she was unfamiliar with the road, the accident wasn't her fault.   

Plaintiff driver says he got to the stop sign, and stopped fully, and then went, but defendant driver ran her stop sign, and smashed the plaintiff's right front fender.   Defendant driver blames everything on plaintiff, had no insurance, ran the stop sign. 

Plaintiff receives $2,000 for car.

Second (2013)-

Driving School Skirmish -Plaintiffs Travis and Katya Williams suing defendant/driving school instructor Kevin Cruz for a refund for son’s (Akim Williams) driving lessons after son did not passing his driving test.  Plaintiff parents are complaining that son didn’t like defendant and wanted another instructor, but Mr. Cruz is the only instructor at that time.    Ad for driving school says school has multiple driving instructors.    Son passed the written test at drving school, but flunked the first DMV test.   Son had to try the written exam again, and still had to do road test after practicing.    However, tests were in February, and on road lessons weren’t scheduled until April and later May.  

Then, son was leaving the country, and needed a second lesson.   My question is why son waited so long between lessons?    That’s very unusual.  

Son didn’t like defendant, and after parents didn’t decide to continue with the defendant’s driving school.     On one occasion defendant was supposed to take son to practice parking, instead instructor told him to go to a bank, and wait while Mr. Cruz ran into the bank.  

$259 to plaintiffs.

Up a Creek Without a Boat (2013)-Plaintiff Rosada Haines suing former friend Kenneth Steele-Breitweg, Jr. for boat costs, rental fees, and mental distress, after boat ownership ends in a fight.  They each paid $800 for the sailboat, and they thought they were getting a great deal.  Defendant claims plaintiff wanted more than to be co-owners, and he didn't want that.    

Defendant gets snotty with JJ, and tells her that she doesn't know what she's talking about (I bet Officer Byrd just snapped his pencil in half), and defendant gets booted. Then, defendant stomps the wrong way off set, and I’m sure the off set security was glad to point the correct door for his walk of shame.  Defendant case dismissed. 

Plaintiff wants $2,271, to get rid of her part of the boat, and doesn't want to own with the defendant.   

JJ's solution is to sell the boat, and split the proceeds, or defendant can buy plaintiff out.   Plaintiff receives $800.

5 p.m. reruns-

First (2016)-

God's Gift to Women in the Hot Seat-Plaintiffs Delvon McDonald (loser ex-boyfriend), and his current fiance) Breanne Capeci suing defendant Vanessa Ray (his former girlfriend, and roommate, along with a cast of thousands) for false arrest, missed work, lost wages, and emotional distress.   

Defendant used to live with plaintiff man, they shared a bedroom for two years, and raised their three children together, in a one-bedroom apartment.    The three children slept in one bed, and the two litigants slept in another bed, with both beds in the same room.      New fiance has one on the way with loser plaintiff, and she has other kids too.   Defendant has two kids, and plaintiff man has one child.   Plaintiff fiance has two kids, and another on the way with plaintiff man.  

Plaintiff man moved out two years before the case.  Plaintiff man went from defendant's place, and right into his current fiance's place.         For the two years, plaintiff man, and defendant texted back and forth, and that stopped when defendant filed for restraining order.    

Plaintiff man says he only boinked defendant once, in his brother's truck.   How classy for both litigants.    Plaintiff claims he never keyed defendant's car, or slashed her tires.   Defendant claims there's security camera footage of man vandalizing car, but of course, there's no copy.   Plaintiff told defendant his current fiance isn't fat like defendant is (OK, he said his current, beautiful fiance is 'regular size' unlike the defendant). 

There was a kerfuffle at kid's school, on open house night, and where at least two of the kids go to school, and man was arrested, after defendant received restraining order against defendant man.  Defendant’s mother was at open house too, and saw plaintiff man and her daughter talking.   Plaintiff fiance has a 1-year protective order, after a hearing in court.   Defendant has a restraining order against plaintiff man, for 18 months.   Plaintiff man told to make a record, and video defendant stalking his house.    Defendant mother has a restraining order against plaintiff man.    However, the supposed assault at school was when defendant approached plaintiff man.  

Bar must be pretty low for that to happen in their jurisdiction, for the equivalent of 'he looked at me funny', and when the defendant never assaulted the plaintiffs.  

JJ tells plaintiff fiance that what plaintiff man did to defendant is in her future, but she obviously doesn’t believe it. 

Defendant case dismissed.    Plaintiff case dismissed. 

Second (2016)-

Lesbian Mud Slinging-Plaintiff Lauren Glynn suing defendant/ex-girlfriend Brittany Kittredge for a burned couch, and unpaid rent for one month.   Defendant states that plaintiff is a fire-dancer, we need the video. Defendant claims the locks were changed, and her property was destroyed.    Defendant denies that she broke into the house, and burned the couch.     

Defendant says plaintiff is always drunk, so plaintiff says defendant is twice as drunk, and half as attractive she is.   (Sorry, my opinion is they are both jerks, and the way they act and treat others, shows both are losers).   JJ tossed both out to compose themselves.    

Plaintiff can't figure out what the rent is.   Rent is $1570, and half was $785 for defendant.  Plaintiff admits she dumped defendant's TV, and other items out on the porch.   

JJ says there was no legal right to lock defendant out, and dump her property outside, without legally evicting her.   

 $2600 to defendant for her destroyed property, that plaintiff dumped outside in the rain, and rent was deducted from the total $3385, so plaintiff gets nothing.    

Deceased Dad's Equipment Recovery-Plaintiff Richard Espin suing defendant Robert Lee  over the late father's farming equipment.    Defendant sold equipment to plaintiff's late father, purchased through the defendant's ex-wife Cheryl Lee (she's witness for the plaintiff).    Plaintiff's late father bought cattle trailer, and a round bale buggy.    Down payment was $200, by late father.     

Trailer and buggy were sold before the property division order was issued by the divorce judge.    Plaintiff keeps the trailer.

Hay buggy is on defendant's property, and plaintiff paid the defendant's ex-wife (plaintiff's witness) for the buggy, and if plaintiff wants the money back, he's told to sue his witness.  

Cases dismissed. 

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4 p.m. reruns-

First (2013)-

Biting Boyfriend -Plaintiff/ex-girlfriend Nicole Crobak suing defendant/ex-boyfriend Calvin Johnson for a loan for dental work, and for biting her.  Defendant’s tooth was knocked out a month ago, and asked Nicole the $350 for the tooth replacement.    They got into a brawl at a bar, and plaintiff claims that’s when the defendant bit her.     The bite was before, the dental work loan.  Defendant thinks he’s wonderful, and attractive (he isn’t by the way).   Defendant claims plaintiff clawed his face, and he bit her.   No one called the police.

The date of medical care isn’t on the medical treatment forms.   Plaintiff was treated for backache, not a bite.

$350 to plaintiff for the bite.

Babysitter’s Bounced Checks! (2013)-Plaintiff Brittany Taylor suing former babysitting employer Amelia McPeek. for the two bad checks defendant wrote her ($100, and $100) for babysitting her child overnight.  After both checks bounced plaintiff refused to baby sit for the child again.    Plaintiff wants bank fees, the $200 for the bad checks, and other fees.   Defendant claims she didn't know the account was closed that she wrote the checks on.  The checks were written against an account in another state, that the defendant had at a credit union.    

JJ wants to know where the defendant went on both overnight babysitting sessions.    Defendant doesn't want to say. If she rolls her eyes again, I hope JJ gives the plaintiff everything she asked for.   

In her sworn statement defendant didn't say anything about not knowing the account was closed, wrote the checks against the wrong account, and says the babysitter was incompetent. Defendant works at a hospital, scary isn't it?  (I think I know where this happened, and unfortunately, defendant looks very familiar.    Defendant is lucky that plaintiff didn’t file criminal charges for the bad checks)

$600, ($225 for the checks, plus bank fees, and damages) to plaintiff.

Second (2013)-

Abusive Dog Owner  -Plaintiff Mario Cruz suing defendant/wife’s cousin Guy Adams for return of dog that defendant gifted plaintiff wife, and took back when husband was abusing dog.  Dog was a chihuahua/Jack Russell mix.      Relatives are fighting over custody of a dog, accuse each other of abuse and neglect.  Defendant’s dog had 10 puppies, and he gave one to plaintiff cousin, but her husband didn’t want the dog. Plaintiff wife, Sarah Cruz,  was given the puppy, and husband agreed to let wife have the puppy.   The plaintiffs were arguing, and wife moved in with her mother, with their child.  Defendant helped his cousin move back to her mother’s place twice. 

Plaintiff wife left dog behind, and the next day she sent her mother to the marital home to pick up other stuff.    However, plaintiff didn’t have her mother get the dog, and didn’t go back herself.   Defendant’s mother went to pick up the dog from his mother, and someone picked the dog up finally.   Then, defendant found a good home for the dog.  Plantiff wife’s mother picked up dog, gave it to defendant’s mother, and defendant was told that if he didn’t take the dog, they would send it to the pound. 

Plaintiff man wants $800 for a free dog he didn’t even want.   Dog was rehomed three months ago.

Plaintiff’s stupid case dismissed. 

Goddaughter Beware! -Plaintiff/godmother Leslie Foye suing defendant/goddaughter Monique Bangura over car damages to a car plaintiff rented for defendant to drive.  Defendant broke up with her boyfriend, and he took the car.   So, plaintiff rented the car in her own name, listed herself as the only driver on the car, and turned car over to defendant/goddaughter, and goddaughter never put her name on the contract.    Another person coming to court with unclean hands.

Car was eventually returned to rental agency by defendant, late, and damaged, and plaintiff owes a lot to car lease company.   

Plaintiff case dismissed.

Redecorating Disaster (2013)- Plaintiff sister Claudette Stepp suing defendant sister Denise Persson for trashing and painting her room in plaintiff’s house, while defendant was pet sitting.  (Plaintiff's wig is hideous, probably from the producer's wig closet maintained for people who think no one will recognize them when they wear a cheap wig). 

JJ is not impressed by plaintiff claiming sister not only painted the room hideous, hard to cover colors, but ignores the stoner party that defendant threw too. 

$500 to repaint for plaintiff. (I bet if the defendant had repainted JJ’s room, there would have been a big kerfuffle when she saw the room).

5 p.m. reruns-

First (2016)-

Pomeranians and the Police-Plaintiff Traci Franks was walking her two Pomeranians on the street, leashed, then defendant Diana Morris’  Cattle Dogs jumped out of defendant's Jeep, and her dogs attacked plaintiff's dogs.    Plaintiff claims she has had two previous run ins with defendant screaming at plaintiff for walking her dogs on the public street.   

 Plaintiff took her dog to the vet, and claims the abscess on her dog's face was a puncture wound.  Defendant didn't pay her animal control fine $1,000, because she claims her dogs weren't out of her Jeep, and JJ advises her that the city will put a lien on her house.   

Defendant filed for a restraining order against plaintiff walking on the street, and it was denied.   

Defendant keeps laughing at inappropriate times, and denying reality, it's obvious something is wrong with her.   JJ says defendant needs psychiatric help, and I absolutely agree. 

$1500 to plaintiff for defendant harassing her, and for filing a false protective order, but not enough proof for vet bills.   (I’m guessing that since plaintiff was unemployed, and her mother was paying the vet bills, that plaintiff waited until Monday to take her dog to the regular vet.  The cost of emergency vet care on the weekend).

 $1500 for plaintiff, and defendant told to stuff it. 

Underage Drinking and Online Bullying- Plaintiff Ashley Hall suing defendant/ a former friend, Marissa Cabrera, for vandalizing her car. Plaintiff  alleges defendant (former high school friend) kicked her car after a night of drinking.    Defendant claims she wasn't drinking (she's 20).    There was a verbal fight, mostly by defendant, and defendant kicked plaintiff's car, witnessed by two others in police report.  Plaintiff says defendant was very drunk.   Litigants were friends in high school, and then after college the two argued.    At the bar they both showed at the same bar, plaintiff claims defendant and her friends were taunting her.    When bar closed at 1:00 or 2:00 a.m., plaintiff claims defendant came up to her car, and kicked it.   Police report says one of defendant’s friends gave a statement to police admitting that defendant kicked plaintiff’s car.    Defendant is underage too, but was drunk at the time of the incident.  Defendant is suing for false police report, harassment, etc. 

Defendant left the parking lot with her friends.    The absent defense witness told police that defendant kicked plaintiff’s car.   Defendant claims her ‘friend’, who talked to police lied about her.

$1,600 to plaintiff for car damage, and defendant claim dismissed.

Second (2016)-

Revealing 911 Call- Plaintiff Billy Dye suing three defendants,  Shondell Coppage, Patricia Bailey-Mangruem,  and Anna Coppage.  Plaintiff has a protective order for two years, against all three defendants were supposed to stay 300 feet away from plaintiff.     This happened in Rockford, IL., when plaintiff was going to work, passing Metro PCS where plaintiff use to work, and all three defendants were working at the time of the incident. 

When plaintiff was stopped at the traffic signal, he claims the two women threw mustard on his car.   Plaintiff called 911, said nothing to the three defendants, has the audio of breaking glass when the women smashed his car window with a rock.  

Plaintiff’s witness is in court.  Witness Amber Blaney approached plaintiff and asked him if he’s OK, after seeing the assault, and she says all three defendants threw rocks at plaintiff’s car.   Plaintiff witness isn’t someone plaintiff knew until after the assault. 

All three defendants claim they were in Chicago on the day of the assault, not in Rockford.  

Plaintiff receives $1170 for car damages.

Trust Your Instincts-Plaintiffs Jon and Suzanne Connelly are landlords, and rented to the grandmother of defendant for 15 years, and grandma is still a tenant.    Defendant Veronica Romero is granddaughter former tenant, and her witness is her mother, Ms. Hernandez (Daughter of grandmother tenant, mother of defendant).  Defendant was a tenant, given a three-day notice to leave in January, 2016.

According to landlords, defendant didn't move until mid-March 2016.    Defendant has a ton of reasons for not paying full rent ($800 a month), and didn't pay full rent after August 2015.   Defendant still has a bunch of ridiculous reasons she can’t show bank records of her payments for rent.   $4400 is owed by defendant according to landlords. 

$4400 to landlords.   

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4 p.m. reruns-

First (2013)-

Deli Towing Incident -Plaintiff Gina Imperial suing defendant/deli owner, Bruno Simione, for towing her car from in front of his deli business.   Plaintiff claims she didn’t park illegally, that she went to the gym.      Plaintiff claims she parked legally, because she was going into the gym, to find out about membership, and check out the gym.    Plaintiff claims on the day in question she was asking about the gym's hiring process so her son could apply to be a personal trainer.    Plaintiff claims she went in the gym, to talk to Alison, but went across the street to get a coffee (no coffee shop in the strip mall with the deli).  Then went back to talk to Alison at the gym.  Then claims she was going to the deli, made a purchase.   Then, her car disappeared, and she claims she asked at the gym, and deli if they had her car towed.    

The parking lot has signs about parking at the strip mall parking lot, if you’re not patronizing the deli, gym or other businesses, you will be towed. 

Defendant's witness, Cody Bartosh, (a fitness trainer at the gym when this happened) saw the plaintiff park in the shopping center lot, then she walked across the street.   Witness says plaintiff came in the wrong direction, almost hit another car, ran over the curb, looked agitated when she parked, and she walked directly across the street.   Witness (worked at gym for several years,) never saw the plaintiff inside the gym that day.  Witness for defendant that say that plaintiff did leave the car, and wasn't going into the businesses in the strip mall (deli, gym, and a couple of others).   

Witness Cody Bartosh, says they did have an Alison that worked there, but she had nothing to do with hiring.   And then Cody Bartosh told deli owner about the illegal parking, so car was towed about 1 p.m., plaintiff didn't come in the deli until 2 p.m.    The witness at the gym never saw plaintiff come in, and he saw the car being towed.    

Plaintiff case dismissed, because it's garbage.

(As a longtime viewer of Parking Wars, about towing, ticketing, and stupid car owner excuses, I bet plaintiff will lose, and I’ll laugh at her).

Second (2013)-

Convenience Store Car Kicking -Plaintiff Kody Fabroski suing former friend/defendant Randy Spencer for car damages when defendant kicked plaintiff’s car at a convenience store.  Defendant claims he went outside and kicked car because plaintiff said he had guns in his car, and defendant was protecting himself, and his pregnant girlfriend.  

Plaintiff claims defendant was spreading nasty rumors about plaintiff.

The two litigants were at the same restaurant, plaintiff saw defendant’s car with three or four of his friends were around defendant’s car, and glaring at him.  When defendant approached plaintiff, was spitting in the car window of plaintiff’s car.  Then plaintiff calls 911, then the defendants jumped in defendant’s car, and plaintiff filed police charges.   Police pressed malicious destruction charges, but case was dismissed when plaintiff had a tragic family incident, and couldn’t go to court.  

Defendant claims he kicked car in self-defense.  JJ tells defendant pregnant girlfriend to stop clutching her belly, we all know she’s pregnant.  Girlfriend claims plaintiff had guns.

Plaintiff witness says defendant girlfriend egged on the confrontation by defendant.   Defendant man claims plaintiff dropped off two men at defendant’s house to jump him.

Plaintiff gets $2,000

Moving In, Moving Out! -Plaintiff Jenny Keffer suing former roommate/defendant Amber Aragon for lease breaking costs after defendant moved out to live with her boyfriend.  Plaintiff found someone for June, but plaintiff wants the shortfall in the rent, $350 plus $50 late fee for defendant’s rent.

Defendant says she would have paid the rent, but claims plaintiff withheld defendant’s worker’s comp check.   Defendant wants her portion of the security deposit, and plaintiff tries to claim defendant forfeited that by moving early.   Worker’s comp check wasn’t issued until mid-June, and then reissued. Defendant claims she didn’t have the money to pay the rent.   Security deposit was to have been paid when the lease ended, not until everyone moves out. 

$350 to plaintiff for defendant’s unpaid rent, $250 to defendant for security deposit. $100 to plaintiff.

5 p.m. reruns-

First (2016)-

A Roommate's Violent Eviction-Plaintiff Laken Pickrell suing former roommates Francesca Ortega and Martin Torres for return of rent, and security, a false restraining order, and damaged and missing property.    Defendants were renters, and plaintiff subleased from them.

Plaintiff has a video showing the eviction (violent is an understatement in this case).    Plaintiff had paid rent for May and June, authorities were called repeatedly to evict her, and plaintiff left at the end of May.   Plaintiff's boyfriend moved in, but extra rent was paid.   Defendants claim plaintiff didn't pay June's rent, but plaintiff has cancelled check copies for May and June.  Plaintiff paid last month's rent of $650, and wants that back.    The false restraining order case was resolved with a mediator, so that is thrown out.   

Property left behind a bed, and room furnishings, and defendants claims the plaintiff moved everything out with her boyfriend's help.      Video of eviction is violent, records several punches by defendant woman, and plaintiff was physically forced out.   On May 28 the plaintiff went back with a police escort, and was served with a protective order by defendants.   You can tell defendant woman is losing, she looks sick all of a sudden.     

Defendant man helped plaintiff woman move her property out the day after the forced eviction.   Defendant woman gets the boot, but agrees to be quiet (she recovered quickly, didn't she?).  Defendants have no counter claim about damages to apartment, and claim damages but didn't file a claim.    Byrd boots the defendant woman. (Unfortunately, not the real kick in the butt she deserves.  By the way, to wear a skirt so short it looks like you forgot your pants, you should have better legs).       

Plaintiff gets $650 back for rent/security deposit.   Desk and bed plaintiff owned were gifts from a family friend, so nothing for that.  (Defendants’ hall-terview is hysterical

Out of Work, Pregnant and Swindled-PlaintiffAshley Gamble wants $750 rent back, but is suing for $1500, and is suing former landlord/defendant  Michael Griffin   for security deposit.    Defendant wants defamation, water bill, and damages.   

 Rent was $750, with $750 security (she says PA gives you double security deposit back for landlord not telling you why they withheld money, in 30 days).   Plaintiff was pregnant, jobless, and landlord agreed she would move out.    Defendant says he filed for eviction, because she moved out after six months, but the lease was for one year.  Plaintiff had to pay for electric, and gas bills, and she did.  There is nothing in the lease about water utility payments by tenants.   

(I really like the defendant's suit, shirt and tie.   However, his contract is useless). 

$750 for plaintiff.    

Second (2016)-

Ex Brother-In-Law Repo Feud-Plaintiff Justin Mikalinis and roommate Jennifer Clifton(she only paid repair bills, so she won’t be testifying)  suing defendant (men are former brothers-in-law) Robert Harper for a truck.     Plaintiff took over payment on truck, and one payment before payoff, defendant repo'd the truck.  Defendant was brother-in-law, and plaintiff agreed to take over payments on a truck with 2 1/2 years left on payments.    Defendant had truck for 14 months, until plaintiff took over payments, title was in defendant's name. 

 Plaintiff claims he made last payments in May, and defendant claims he paid a last payment of $347 to pay off note in July.    Plaintiff put over $7k in payments when he had truck/car whatever, and then defendant claims since the last payment of $347 wasn’t made by plaintiff, that defendant was entitled to repo the truck.  Three months after defendant took truck back, it was repo’d.  JJ says either money was still owed by defendant, or plaintiff paid defendant, and defendant didn’t pay for the truck.   However, defendant admits he owed money before plaintiff took the truck.

The story becomes clear, the $347 was from when defendant had truck.  Defendant will lose car, and get his appearance money after plaintiff gets the truck back, and title is redone to plaintiff.   Plaintiff just needs a statement from former loan company that vehicle loan is paid in full.  JJ thinks the defendant is pissed at his ex-wife, so he’s taking it out on the plaintiff.

JJ will issue order that title and car/truck is plaintiffs', and that marshal should give truck to plaintiff.  (Apparently, defendant still has the truck/car).   Plaintiff gets truck back.       

$20,000 Child Support Payback-Plaintiff Serena Sheppard suing ex-boyfriend/defendant Bryon Jefferson for $1600 loan to pay bills.   Defendant says money was for mutual bills with plaintiff, when plaintiff moved in with defendant and son.  $1600 to plaintiff. 

JJ says woman needs to move money into an account for her daughter, since she made the loan out of her kid's child support, from her child’s support.   Daughter was living with plaintiff’s mother, while plaintiff was in prison for 27 months.     The $20,000 was from a settlement for plaintiff's daughter's back child support, and plaintiff spent it all on herself.   Since plaintiff ratted child’s father out to child support, I suspect the extra $2000 was taken by fees from the child support office.   Plaintiff bought a car, gave $1,000 to her mother, some to her other kids, bought furniture, etc. and every penny is gone.       Plaintiff lived with defendant for seven months, and plaintiff spent her food stamps on household food.   

Plaintiff receives $1600. (JJ says if plaintiff doesn't put it in a bank account for her daughter, then she's wrong.  My guess, the money is gone before the plane landed when she flew back home).  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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12 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Plaintiff receives $1600. (JJ says if plaintiff doesn't put it in a bank account for her daughter, then she's wrong.  My guess, the money is gone before the plane landed when she flew back home).  

JJ was quite peeved that mom did not put this $20,000 into a bank account for the kid's college or other.  But, I thought child support was given to help the parent "support" the household.  No judge says monthly child support goes in a bank account to pay for college.  So in effect grandma should have gotten some of it.  I do believe she should not have spent it faster than a dog can pee on a tire rim.  But expecting her to save it all for her daughter's future is stretching it.  I imagine her daughter's future isn't even in the scope of her thoughts.

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4 p.m. reruns-

First (2013)-

On-the-Job Assault -Plaintiff /hotel clerk Walter “Antonio” ONeal is suing former hotel guest for an assault, and defendant James Pippin says hotel clerk deserved it for not connecting his room phone for long distance.   Defendant claims that plaintiff challenged him after plaintiff complained about the lack of long distance service in the rooms.   On check in plaintiff advised the defendant that the owner cut the long distance off to the rooms.   Defendant threw an ink pen at the plaintiff, went to his room, and stomped back to the front desk demanding long distance be turned on.   Then defendant referred to plaintiff’s race, assaulted plaintiff, and police were called. 

JJ said “Crap”!  It didn’t get bleeped.    Defendant refers to how things used to be, that tells me everything I need to know about the situation. 

(I remember this, the actual incident was at the Days Inn, Columbus, GA, from the newspaper accounts when this happened.   My view is defendant is despicable, did exactly what the plaintiff accused him of, and I believe it was all because defendant is white, and older,  and plaintiff is black, and young).

$1500 to plaintiff.

Smashed Spaniel Tail  - Plaintiffs Victoria and Norman Grover suing defendant Robert Flink for vet bills for their dog's tail amputation.   Defendant says plaintiffs were looking at the house to lease it, and detached garage, and plaintiffs’ dog, Rocky, was leashed.   Defendant unhooked leash from plaintiff dog, and litigants were looking at the yard, and the garage.   

Garage wasn't included in the rental, defendant opened the garage door (overhead solid door), when an iron pole fell over, and crushed the dog's tail, cutting off most of it.    

Defendant claims dog hit pole, and caused it to fall.   (JJ is right, if that had been a child injured, then he would have been responsible, and penniless). 

$998 to plaintiffs for vet bills for Rocky.

Second (2013)-

Mercedes-Benz Scam? -Plaintiff Tynetta Winters suing defendant Lonnie Harris for costs to repair a Mercedes-Benz .  Plaintiff is on Section 8 and pays no rent, food stamps, and all kinds of assistance, and is a Sainted Single Mother of Seven – SSMOS, and claims she’s supporting seven kids from one child’s SSI, which is $675 a month.  JJ wants to know where money comes from to pay for the car repairs.     Defendant was selling the Mercedes-Benz, and plaintiff and her witness looked at the car.  This was in Akron, Ohio, and plaintiff needed to go back and forth to Dayton, Ohio, and needed reliable transportation.   Sale price of car was $2,000, but car needed a little repair work done.

JJ wants to know where plaintiff had $2,000 to put on the car.   Then plaintiff claims she sold a previous car, and that was part of the money.    Plaintiff paid nothing to defendant, but she claims defendant paid for the repair job on the car.    Plaintiff claims she paid for the car repairs, and defendant says he was going to take that amount of money off of the $2,000, so $740 for repairs, and plaintiff paid for the repairs.    Defendant claims the car keys had a key to his house on it, and when plaintiff picked up the car, defendant says plaintiff robbed his house.  

The car was back at the mechanic’s shop three days later, and when defendant picked it up, the jars from his house were on the back seat floor of the car.   Defendant didn’t file a police report, so counter claim dismissed.

$740 to plaintiff

False Arrest Fallout  -Plaintiff Sandra Nicole Labry is suing defendant / ex-roommate Jonathan Taub for motel costs, a false arrest, and return of property, after she had to move because of his police complaint that resulted in her false arrest.    Plaintiff says she's a singer/entertainer, and a caterer on the side.  Defendant says she was prostituting at their mutual apartment when he was at work.   

 Plaintiff says she supports herself from 'friends' who give her money.    Defendant says plaintiff didn't pay her rent, and claims after she was hospitalized, she says defendant locked her out, stored her stuff, and she called a locksmith to let her back in.   Plaintiff claims the police told her to break in (not buying that).

What a nasty, sordid case this is.    I'm believing the defendant's story, not the plaintiff's story.   Defendant claims plaintiff's stuff is stored, and he will give her the key.

JJ says both sides are liars, and I agree.  Everything dismissed, and plaintiff gets her key to the storage unit. 

5 p.m. reruns-

First (2016)-

Teen Corrupted by Drug Offers-Plaintiff Jacqueline “Jackie” Adams (age 19) was former tenant (room renter) of landlord /defendant Richard Nordquist who kept her security deposit, evicted her, and wants back rent, and house was being sold (Suing for $4500).   Plaintiff went on vacation, was moving out on 1 July, paid prorated rent for June/part of July.    Two days later landlord told her to get out now, so she packed her room up, and left for a friend's place.    

Defendant claims his 15-year-old daughter, and her friend went to the house to swim, claims plaintiff solicited both girls to have sex with men, drink, and use drugs.    How ridiculous to believe that of the tenant.    Another parent who thinks their teenager is an angel, but is actually a total liar.     

Defendant daughter claims plaintiff was drunk, on drugs, and offered her drugs on previous occasions.   (My view, why would tenant have to babysit landlord's teenager, and friends? Daughter and friend are the oldest looking 15- and 16-year-olds I've ever seen).         

Landlord gets zip, and his daughter is a total liar.    (I hope the plaintiff found a soft place to land after this, it's tough for foster kids who age out).   The other daughter claims she told mother about the drug offers before, and the mother said it was OK to go to the house anyway.   The defendant and his daughters are such liars. 

Plaintiff gets $400 security, and $400 rent back, and $400 illegal eviction, equaling $1200.   Plaintiff is now homeless.   (I wish JJ would have granted plaintiff the full $5,000)

Odometer Scam-Plaintiff Joselito Concepcion claims defendant Carmen McMurdock  cheated him on a car trade (he traded his car to defendants for a 1985 Suzuki Samurai).     When they traded cars, defendant gave plaintiff mechanical history of SUV, including mileage, but a year earlier the car had a much higher mileage recorded.  My guess is someone wrote the wrong mileage on one service record.    

 However, defendants claim they bought the car with that mileage, and they put 10,000 miles more on it.     

Plaintiff told to stuff it. and case dismissed.  

Second (2016)-

Bride Bursting at the Seams-Plaintiffs WaDell Newman is suing dressmaker/defendant  Corey McKinney for return of money he paid to have a wedding dress for plaintiff's wife, Felicia Humphrey.    Plaintiff wants money back ($1200 total, $750 actually paid), cost of replacement dresses, and a bunch of other garbage he's not getting.   Plaintiff fiance wanted a layered bottom, and tight from top to the start of layered bottom tiers below her hips.    The bottom would have layers (called pick ups, for fans of Say Yes to the Dress). 

Fiance/wife wanted spandex material lining, with tons of big sequins on the top half of dress.   Basically, fiance wanted built-in lard control, but lining isn't stretchy.   She should have shelled out for Spanx.  The outside of the dress is lace, and won’t stretch, but the inside satin couldn’t stretch if the outside layer/lace won’t.    

Fitting was only a week before the wedding, and it was at seamstress shop (defendant subcontracted out for the dress to the seamstress).   Plaintiff actually paid $750.  For $1200 you're not getting a fully custom dress that looks like a $5,000 plus dress.  Plaintiff wife left the dress behind at the seamstress shop, and seamstress took dress to change to fit plaintiff wife.    

Plaintiff gets $750.   (My question is how any dress is supposed to suck in the extra flesh on the bride? That's a job for heavy duty foundations, not stretch satin.    Stretch satin wouldn't have worked either, and I suspect the seams would rip out very quickly.   The only way to give that woman an hourglass shape would have been a corset top, and it might not have done it either.) (Actually, what defendant does is exactly what Say Yes to the Dress or any other custom shop does, they order from a designer

Uber Driver Collides with Teen Driver-Plaintiff Amanda Cedrone (driver) and (father and car owner) David Cedrone  are suing defendant Aisha Musheer for car damages, $961.   Plaintiff claims defendant crossed into her lane, and hit her car.   Defendant drives Uber, and passenger from accident day is defendant's witness. 

Plaintiff had a green arrow, turning into left lane of street, and defendant was making a right on red (to the right lane of the same street as plaintiff), and instead of turning into right lane of street, crossed into the left lane and hit the plaintiff.     

Defendant's witness says plaintiff crossed into defendant's lane, and hit defendant.   However, defendant driver claims plaintiff said she turned on a yellow light, but when her father arrived at the accident scene, he told her to say it was green.   

Case dismissed, no way to prove fault, no police report.  

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3 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:


False Arrest Fallout 

This is a weird story. Defendant says he met the plaintiff through Craigslist. The implication is that she's a prostitute, and for some reason wanted to use this guy's house for business. He probably thought he'd be getting the "benefits" along with rent. Neither litigant is very sympathetic. 

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4 p.m. reruns-

First (2013)-

I Do on Craigslist -Plaintiff Tahiir Omar is suing defendant/neighbor Emily Henderson for harassment from an ad she placed on Craigslist in the Men Meeting Men section.  Plaintiff witness (former husband of defendant) was jealous of the time defendant and her ex-husband spent together, and blames plaintiff for the demise of her marriage.   Plaintiff witness is Joey Henderson, the soon to be ex-husband. 

Since defendant blamed Mr. Omar for her marriage issues, she posted the Craigslist ad, the next month the divorce filing happened.   Craigslist ad was in the Men Seeking Men section, and states that plaintiff if looking for rough sex, from other men.   The ad included Mr. Omar’s phone number. 

Defendant told her husband the day after she posted the ad, and claims she was trying to save her family.   Sugar Hill, GA is where this all happened.    Defendant also claims plaintiff is violent, and she was defending her marriage from plaintiff.    Defendant also claims husband shouldn’t have their children around the defendant.

In the hall-terview, defendant keeps saying plaintiff, and her ex-husband are boinking.  I hope the ex-husband received full custody. 

$5,000 to plaintiff.   Audience applauds, and no one tells them to be quiet.

Don’t Flood My Car -Plaintiff Nia Peden (daughter, 17-years-old) and Sena Peden (mother) suing defendant Kevin Brown for driving daughter’s car in a rain storm, and damaging the car.  Because plaintiff daughter is under 18, car is in her name, and her mother’s name.  

 Plaintiff Nia was picking up her friends, including defendant’s daughter, Kianna Brown, and was going to the movies, on a very rainy night.    So, plaintiff borrowed and drove defendant’s Suburban, because it’s safer.   When defendant needed to drive, he drove the plaintiff’s daughter’s car, and he claims he had both plaintiff’s permission to do this.    Plaintiff mother says defendant didn’t have her permission to drive the car.

Defendant has to pick his niece up from her work release program, and then the car dies three or four times, and finally won’t restart.   Plaintiff mother denies she gave permission for defendant to drive the car.

I’m just glad the daughter was driving the SUV, or it would have been her driving when the car died, with her friends riding along.  So, plaintiff mother is calling her daughter a liar.   Since daughter paid for car, and was on the registration and title as a co-owner, daughter had the right to give permission to defendant to drive her car.   I believe the defendant talked to plaintiff mother about it.

Plaintiff case dismissed.

Second (2013)-

Crash the Birthday Party -Plaintiff Michelle Zerdelian suing defendant Forrest Mallonne for crashing her car after plaintiff’s 30th birthday party.    Defendant borrowed and crashed plaintiff’s car, and it was totaled.   Defendant was cited for reckless driving.   Defendant has a history of DUI’s, and pled guilty in court to the reckless driving citation from this accident. 

Defendant had to go to driving school.   Punishment was deferred if he went to driving school.

Plaintiff gave defendant, and three other people rides to the bar, but had no plans to get them home, or was going to ride with someone else is plaintiff was too drunk to drive (I guess a little drunk was OK to drive?).

$1500 to plaintiff, half of the value of the car, for contributory negligence.

Parking Lot Accident -Plaintiff Brittnee Koska suing defendant Sabrina Zarate for car damages from an accident at their college parking lot.   Plaintiff pulled into the parking space, but defendant had already opened her car door, and plaintiff wants car repairs for hitting defendant’s car door.

Plaintiff claims she was halfway into the parking space, when defendant opened her car door, and plaintiff hit it.    Defendant claims her car door was already open about 18 inches, when plaintiff ran into the door.

Photos of car damages to plaintiff’s car are pretty bad, with the plastic bumpers car have.   If plaintiff had been speeding, the car door would have been gone.    Defendant is another “my insurance just lapsed” defendant. JJ says plaintiff should have slowed down, since she saw the defendant in the driver’s side of her car.  Defendant didn’t really look before opening her car door. 

JJ says both were partially responsible, no insurance for defendant is the deal breaker.

$2,565 to plaintiff.

5 p.m. reruns-

First (2016)-

Squatter Extortionist-Plaintiff Tiara Kelly suing ex-landlord/defendant Marvin Augustus  for return of rent, property, illegal eviction.   She lived in room in man's house for over two years, but claims she should get her rent back, be paid for her lost property, was illegally evicted, and still lived there while taking the defendant to housing court.    Plaintiff claimed she was over charged for rent, (It started at $300, and went to $500) and her rent should have been rent controlled.  (Plaintiff is a bottle server at events or a club, I don't drink, so I don't have a clue about this job). 

Defendant says renting rooms in a private house is not subject to rent control (L.A. Housing Authority), plaintiff disagrees, and L.A. Housing later says not rent controlled.    So, plaintiff claims the house was disgusting, but she couldn't find another place in L.A. to rent. 

Plaintiff stayed for five months, after she was issued a three-day notice to leave, but never paid rent during those months at all.  I love the defendant's happy smile when he realizes he has won the case.   

No return any payments will happen after the Housing Authority ruling.  Housing also said they don't have jurisdiction over single family homes, so squatter plaintiff arguing with JJ is despicable.   And if the plaintiff rolls her eyes at JJ again, I want Byrd to boot her (I’m not talking show her the door, but boot her out of the door).  

Plaintiff case is dismissed by JJ, after the “ate the steak” lecture.

There is a counter claim for five months rent.    $3,000 to defendant, and nothing to the plaintiff.   (Defendant's daughter says plaintiff is upset she had to move, didn't win, and can no longer dance naked in the defendant's back yard, fortunately, no video of this). 

Entrepreneur on the Hot Seat-Plaintiff/car buyer Jennifer Latin suing defendant/car seller David Tanzi for selling her a Prius with a lien (title loan) on it. (Defendant told to button his shirt, thanks JJ, but next time send Byrd to do it with duct tape).    Plaintiffs were told there was a title loan, but they claim the defendant was going to pay off the title loan, and went to the bank with him, and he gave plaintiffs a receipt for the payment of the title loan.    (The plaintiff looks so much like a lady I used to work with, she could be her twin). 

Plaintiffs went to DMV to register car, told lien was still on it, wait a couple of days for it to clear, but it never did.   Defendant had a few bounced checks owed to the bank, so the bank took the loan payment to cover the checks.  Plaintiff paid off the title loan, because they wanted the Prius ($9,000+), and defendant claims he would repay the money within 30 days.  Defendant never paid a penny to plaintiffs on the Title Loan pay off.   

No one on set admits to ever getting a title loan. 

Plaintiffs gets $1401.

Second (2016)-

Warning: Adorable Puppy in Court-Plaintiff/former girlfriend Jenna Calisi suing former boyfriend/defendant Michael Trayers  over custody of adorable dog, Nugget, and for falsely accusing plaintiff of assault.    Another plaintiff who thinks she gave birth to the dog, I guess that never occurred to her what that makes her, does she?   

 Defendant says plaintiff's former apartment doesn't allow pets, so dog always lived with defendant.    Defendant paid for the dog on payments, by himself.   Nugget was $1500, and defendant paid all of that amount.    Plaintiff put her credit card down for dog, but defendant made the payments.  Plaintiff never paid the rent.    The moved in together in September, and plaintiff moved out in April.   

Plaintiff sneaks in the mention that doggy finance company said they were going to repo the dog, so she paid four months on the dog.    Plaintiff claims since she had an Instagram account for Nugget, and that he's her child, that she should get the dog.   

Plaintiff's name was never on the contract to pay for dog as a purchaser, and has no claim to the dog.  Defendant has a statement from credit company that he has paid off the dog purchase contract.  As JJ says, defendant owns the dog legally.   If defendant hadn't paid off the dog, then the loan company could have repossessed the dog, and resold it to plaintiff, but that's not going to happen.   

Case dismissed, and Nugget goes home with defendant.   

(In the hall-terview plaintiff says she wants visitation, and defendant says never going to happen). 

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1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Plaintiff stayed for five months, after she was issued a three-day notice to leave, but never paid rent during those months at all.  I love the defendant's happy smile when he realizes he has won the case.   

No return any payments will happen after the Housing Authority ruling.  Housing also said they don't have jurisdiction over single family homes, so squatter plaintiff arguing with JJ is despicable.   And if the plaintiff rolls her eyes at JJ again, I want Byrd to boot her (I’m not talking show her the door, but boot her out of the door).  

Plaintiff case is dismissed by JJ, after the “ate the steak” lecture.

I am always amazed at how people on this show act as though they are pleading their case to their friends, with lots of extraneous details and emotional arguments. Didn't they ever watch the show before agreeing to appear??

I also found the plaintiff's "explanation" of why she stayed for additional months incredible. He told her to leave, so she decided to not leave and not pay rent even though it was such an awful place? I understand being contrary, but that is carrying it to the extreme.

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4 p.m. reruns-

First (2013)-

Late Pick-Up to a party -Plaintiffs Erika and Sean Markley suing defendant Jeffrey Schaffer over the late pickup by a party bus.   It was Mrs. Markley’s birthday, with 35 guests, party was at a club in D.C.    Titan Transportation is the company, and there’s a written contract.   Deposit was $1500, bus broke down, and defendant offered alternatives, but the other alternatives weren’t big enough.    Pick-up was 8 p.m., return home at 6 a.m. with a 40-person party bus.    Defendant says his contract says no refunds.

(Defendant should have given a refund, JJ is going to give everything to the plaintiffs).

$1500 to plaintiffs.

Follow the Bouncing Ball (2013) -Plaintiff Peter Sayegh is suing defendant Damian Hearndon, over his injury in a pick-up basketball game.   However, defendant claims plaintiff was overly aggressive, and defendant was defending himself.  Litigants didn't know each other before the pickup game.   

Plaintiff's jaw was dislocated, but defendant wasn't injured.   JJ's right, if defendant was felt so threatened by plaintiff, why didn't he leave?    So, defendant punched the plaintiff.  After the punch, defendant was removed from the game by the gym staff.    

Plaintiff receives medical bills $3,000. 

Second (2013)-

Go Cart, No Go -Plaintiffs Isabel Chavez (adult daughter) and Efrain Chavez (father) suing defendant teen Tony Briggs, and his mother Hattee Briggs, after teen’s go cart hits plaintiffs’ car.  Defendant mother rented three go carts for a party, but denies her son hit the car.  Defendant mother wasn’t present at the accident.   Teen defendant had a 4-year-old on the go cart with him.  

Plaintiff daughter heard a loud boom, and plaintiffs went outside, and saw Tony Briggs t-boned into their car with the go cart.    Go cart was still touching the car.   The baby was wearing a helmet from the rental company, that was way too big for her, and Tony Briggs wasn’t wearing a helmet.   Plaintiff daughter says Tony Briggs was trying to leave the scene of the accident.   Defendant mother, who was not at the accident scene, denies her son hit the vehicle, and all three go carts had child passengers.  

Defendant signed an agreement with go cart company, that she’s responsible for all damages, as the renter.  (This was before JJ found out Facebook exists, and that guilty people put incriminating information on there).

Plaintiff daughter is suing for extreme harassment by Tony Briggs on the day of the accident.   Plaintiff has a video of Tony Briggs, and his mother harassing them.    The video shows either the mother or her daughter, and Tony Briggs acting horribly, on plaintiff’s property.   

$1,213 to plaintiffs for car damages. (I was interrupted, so I don’t know if plaintiffs received harassment awards too).

Tenant Conflict -Plaintiff Erna Stark suing defendant/future landlord-to-be Derek Larson for security deposit, $600, and rent $550, in April, and wanted to move in on 2 May.       Plaintiff never moved in, and wants her security deposit back, and prepaid rent.   Plaintiff claims defendant said in a text that room wouldn’t be ready on 2 May, but not until at least 15 May.   Defendant’s parents owned the house, and didn’t want tenants for a few weeks.  

$1150 to plaintiff.

5 p.m. reruns-

First (2016)-

Winning Lottery Ticket Thief-Plaintiffs David and Kathleen Pursel purchased winning lottery ticket, and are suing defendant Shawn Linwood for stealing their ticket, and cashing it in, with the help of his father-in-law (defense witness).   Plaintiffs sent claim ticket in, and sent it to the lottery, never received the money ($1750).   They found out it had been cashed in, and found from the lottery that defendant cashed it in at the lottery office.   (This is for the Oregon Lottery).   Plaintiffs sent their ticket to Lottery headquarters in Salem Oregon, ticket was cashed, and they filed an FOIA request, and it had defendant’s information on it.  

Defendant Shawn Linwood, says father-in-law Richard  called him, said he found the unsigned winning ticket (at the bar where the ticket was bought by the plaintiffs), and wanted defendant to claim the ticket (to avoid FIL's back child support orders).     

The defendant, FIL, and then wife lived together at the time, but def. claims FIL called him on a cell that mysteriously croaked before court.   Defendant witness claims it was a gift, then he bought it off of some guy outside the bar, and then plaintiffs caught up with defendant thief, and threatened legal action.   

$1750 to plaintiffs.   

Read What You Sign-Plaintiff Trudy Brady work at used car lot, and sold car to defendant, Marasha Lindsey, a 2006 Toyota Avalon for $11,950 (commission to plaintiff $560).   The defendant didn't have the down payment, so plaintiff loaned the defendant $2700+ for the down payment, still owes $1030.   Defendant totaled the car, and never paid down payment off.   

Defendant signed a promissory note for the down payment.   Defendant claims she didn't know what she signed, what she owed, and doesn't think she owes anything.   Insurance covered the cost of the car, but defendant never paid the debt to plaintiff.

$1030 to plaintiff.  (Yes, a 10% interest rate on the down payment is legal, when you have bad credit).    

Second (2016)-

This is Not Show and Tell-Plaintiff Matthew Kerns suing former roommate Shelly Baker for an illegal lockout.  Plaintiff was already in the condo, and defendant needed a roommate, and landlord matched them up.  This all occurred in Denver.    Defendant says she's only another renter, and not the landlord.  However, defendant is the one that changed the locks, after putting plaintiff's property outside.      After the lockout, defendant moved another friend/ tenant into the condo.    Defendant's counter claim is that plaintiff damaged her motorcycle.   

Plaintiff couldn't move his California King bed, a sofa, love seat, entertainment stand, dresser.  Defendant claims couch, ottoman, and love seat are in the garage at defendant's place.   Defendant says the bed is gone, but defendant tossed the dresser, entertainment center, and other large items outside, and they disappeared.   Plaintiff was going to move, rented a U-Haul, but defendant had already locked him out, tossed his stuff, or put it into the garage.    Defendant claims to have hearing loss in the one ear, and defendant was napping, and couldn't hear the knocking.   (My guess is defendant hears what she wants to, and ignored the plaintiff coming to pick up his stuff).   

Defendant has some ridiculous counter claim about her motorcycle.  Defendant starts to charge the desk of Justice. 

Plaintiff is suing for replacing the furniture.   

$2509 to plaintiff.  Defendant's stupid counter claim dismissed. 

Smoked Out-Plaintiff John Cuevas suing former landlord David Cacciatore for return of security deposit, and rent.      Plaintiff paid $1200 for rent, and security deposit.    Defendant, and live-in both smoke, and they agreed to smoke outside.    Plaintiff moved his stuff into the room, found out the landlord and girlfriend were smoking indoors.     Plaintiff moved out the next day, after defendants were smoking up a storm in the house, and the defendant's in-laws were staying for quite a while, and were smoking indoors also.

Plaintiff receives $1200 back.

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4 p.m. reruns-

First (2013)-

Do Not Tattoo Over the Internet -Plaintiff Forrest Hyde suing defendant Chase Kinsey for unpaid tattoo services, and slander of himself and his business online.   Defendant has a previous tattoo that he didn’t pay all for, so the tattoo shop demanded $200.   Defendant had stolen credit cards from the first tattoo, charges on the credit card were reversed, and so shop says they weren’t paid the $200. 

Then, defendant posted a very nasty review online, claiming he caught hepatitis at the tattoo shop, and all kinds of other nasty things.   Defendant called shop dirty, diseased, and claims plaintiff robbed him.

   I disagree with JJ, if you owe a bank money, they take whatever deposits you make to repay the shortfall, so why shouldn’t a tattoo shop?      Defendant has been in legal trouble for drugs and alcohol since the credit card fraud.  Defendant works as a plumber for his dad’s business.

Plaintiff witness Ashley Cain, was a prospective customer of the shop, until she heard defendant in a bar talk about the hepatitis and staph infection from the tattoo shop, then she was reluctant to have work done

$5,000 to plaintiff.

Return my Motorcycle! -Plaintiff Lawrence Giavelli suing defendant Regina Perkins for return of his motorcycle which has been stored in defendant’s garage for three years.    Plaintiff wants the motorcycle, and wants storage fees for the 2 ½ years over the agreed on six months.   Plaintiff moved from Oxnard, CA to Brandywine, MD, and wanted the motorcycle shipped. 

Motorcycle cost $1500 in 2009. Plaintiff wants the full value he paid for the motorcycle.   I guess the shipping costs for the motorcycle aren’t included by plaintiff?  

There is no written agreement for storage for the motorcycle, so JJ throws that out.  JJ says the agreed period of six months means she could consider it abandoned, and dumped it in month 7.

Plaintiff is told to take his motorcycle, since he’s in California, and will ship the motorcycle for about $700.   Plaintiff has an order giving him 24 hours to pick up the motorcycle with police escort.   Defendant gets nothing.  

Second (2013)-

Take the Bar Fight Outside- Plaintiff Autumn Maniaci suing defendant father Gregory Gonzalez, and for attacking her outside of a bar.   Defendant daughter Alex Gonzalez (a figure skater) had been thrown out of the bar, and father saw the plaintiff and his daughter, and claims the plaintiff charged his daughter from 100 ft away, and so the defendant attacked the plaintiff.      Plaintiff says after she left the bar that defendant daughter confronted her, and then the father attacked her.   

Plaintiff says she was smashed against a door, had to get stitches for a head wound.   Plaintiff submits medical records.   The shoes plaintiff was wearing that night are super high, and clunky, no way she was charging anyone that night.  A lying witness for the defense testifies to a bunch of lies, supporting the defendant.      Lying defendant witness says defendant only blocked plaintiff, and they both fell down.     

Plaintiff receives $1500 for medical bills. 

5 p.m. reruns-

First (2016)-

Bring Back My Child-Plaintiff Holly Leftwich left Florida, suddenly moved to Virginia, and took the baby she had with the defendant Casey Fand with her without notice, and is suing him for the return of her belongings, and her cat.   Defendant has custody of the 18-month-old child.   In 2016 Florida awarded 50/50 custody, but child lived in Florida, and then plaintiff moved to Virginia.    What's does she want the man to do, ship the kid UPS?   

In April 2016 plaintiff moved to Virginia, and filed for a protective order against defendant, after receiving notice of the return to Florida court action.    She had to come back to Florida in May for court, to get child back to Florida.   (Plaintiff has to put in a comment about defendant being in prison for five years, it was for drugs). (Another case where you wonder what the hell the litigants were thinking when they got together, and why birth control, and safe sex seems to be a bizarre concept to the litigants). 

The protective order was to block man from contact with the child, and with plaintiff's cat. (Cat was not a typo).   TPO was granted in Virginia, however, judge in Virginia wasn't told there was a Florida court ruling prohibiting Holly Leftwich from taking the child out of Florida.    TPO was dismissed because plaintiff went back to Florida.   

Holly Leftwich. left her cat behind in the apartment, and made no arrangements, (she was gone for three months) and keeps telling JJ she wants her cat back.  Counter claim was served too late to be heard in court today.  JJ said to refile in Palm Beach County, FL.   Plaintiff didn't pay rent in Florida after she left, and so landlord evicted her.   

Plaintiff claims she only left cat for two weeks, but left for three months instead, and still wants the cat she abandoned back.   What kind of person says she left a cat for three months, and laughs?

 Landlord wanted the possession of the property after the eviction, and wanted Ms. Leftwich's stuff out.  (On a personal, tacky note, I hate her awful bleached hair).   

Case dismissed.    I hope the cat got a good home, and the child is fine, and not being yanked around. 

Second (2016)-

Mom the Mechanic-Plaintiff Lori Danielson suing defendant Sarah Kolosky over the value of plaintiff's car, and impound fees.   Car was deemed abandoned by the city, and towed to impound.   Defendant says she's an amateur mechanic, fixed the car, and then moved it to the street, and car was impounded.    Plaintiff paid $2200 for car parts, for a 20-year-old car, and defendant was going to charge only parts and labor for repair.         Defendant was told by the city that car not registered to her could not remain on her property for more than 48 hours.   Defendant was going to be fined $200 a day for having the car on her property. 

As usual, defendant's phone croaked, and messages telling plaintiff to move the car are lost.    Plaintiff has the text messages.    Defendant claims car was repaired, and running, and she moved it to the street.    Plaintiff claims the car was not running, and had been gutted of all parts.   

Plaintiff paid $2200 for the car, and car dealer would only give her $500 on the car as a trade in.    Defendant’s ridiculous counter claim dismissed.

Plaintiff receives $500 for the car.   

Dog Etiquette 101-Plaintiff Fiona Carroll suing defendant Linda Farr   for injuries to her dog, after a dog fight.   However, plaintiff husband let her dog approach the other one, when the attack happened.    Plaintiff husband Gregory Carroll, was holding dog leash, and walking the dogs.   Defendant was standing with her two dogs, and all were on a fire road.    Defendant stopped, and held her dogs while the plaintiffs passed the woman, and her dogs.    Plaintiff husband let his dog approach the defendant's dog, and defendant dog lunged and bit the plaintiff's dog.  

As JJ says, defendant is not responsible for the vet bills, since plaintiffs didn't ask if the dogs were friendly, or anything else before allowing their dog to approach the defendant's dogs.   Just because a dog is friendly at a dog park, or other situations, then some are leash reactive, so approaching another dog is at your own risk.     Defendant claims plaintiff dog lunged.    

Case dismissed.  

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1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

(Another case where you wonder what the hell the litigants were thinking when they got together, and why birth control, and safe sex seems to be a bizarre concept to the litigants). 

True love? (Sorry, that's mean.) I would imagine that this conception came about when everyone was under the influence of something, because neither of these folks is too young to know how to avoid unwanted pregnancy (or STDs).

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On 10/22/2021 at 6:54 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

 Plaintiff had a photograph of the dress, but no pattern.  The picture has a slip all the way up to the lower hip area.      The plaintiff’s issues with the completed dress are ridiculous.   Plaintiff mother says the finished dress is too revealing, but the picture of what mother wanted is scandalous.   Daughter had three fittings in the dress.   The mother wanted something that looked like the $750 dress much cheaper.   Brianna, the daughter wanted the sleeve added.

I worked in a high school and you wouldn't believe how trashy most of the girls looked in the pictures.  If I had been on of their moms I would have told them to go up and change.

Personal note: My son went to his Jr. Prom and we all got together o take pictures. She came down the stairs in a tight white dress that outlined EVERYTHING pubs and all. SMH

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12 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Another case where you wonder what the hell the litigants were thinking when they got together, and why birth control, and safe sex seems to be a bizarre concept to the litigants). 

Imagine having to have contact with that woman for another 18 years or so.  Prison might be better.

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On 11/8/2021 at 5:33 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:


4 p.m. reruns-

First (2013)-

I Do on Craigslist -Plaintiff Tahiir Omar is suing defendant/neighbor Emily Henderson for harassment from an ad she placed on Craigslist in the Men Meeting Men section.  Plaintiff witness (former husband of defendant) was jealous of the time defendant and her ex-husband spent together, and blames plaintiff for the demise of her marriage.   Plaintiff witness is Joey Henderson, the soon to be ex-husband. 

Since defendant blamed Mr. Omar for her marriage issues, she posted the Craigslist ad, the next month the divorce filing happened.   Craigslist ad was in the Men Seeking Men section, and states that plaintiff if looking for rough sex, from other men.   The ad included Mr. Omar’s phone number. 

Defendant told her husband the day after she posted the ad, and claims she was trying to save her family.   Sugar Hill, GA is where this all happened.    Defendant also claims plaintiff is violent, and she was defending her marriage from plaintiff.    Defendant also claims husband shouldn’t have their children around the defendant.

In the hall-terview, defendant keeps saying plaintiff, and her ex-husband are boinking.  I hope the ex-husband received full custody. 

$5,000 to plaintiff.   Audience applauds, and no one tells them to be quiet.

Don’t Flood My Car -Plaintiff Nia Peden (daughter, 17-years-old) and Sena Peden (mother) suing defendant Kevin Brown for driving daughter’s car in a rain storm, and damaging the car.  Because plaintiff daughter is under 18, car is in her name, and her mother’s name.  

 Plaintiff Nia was picking up her friends, including defendant’s daughter, Kianna Brown, and was going to the movies, on a very rainy night.    So, plaintiff borrowed and drove defendant’s Suburban, because it’s safer.   When defendant needed to drive, he drove the plaintiff’s daughter’s car, and he claims he had both plaintiff’s permission to do this.    Plaintiff mother says defendant didn’t have her permission to drive the car.

Defendant has to pick his niece up from her work release program, and then the car dies three or four times, and finally won’t restart.   Plaintiff mother denies she gave permission for defendant to drive the car.

I’m just glad the daughter was driving the SUV, or it would have been her driving when the car died, with her friends riding along.  So, plaintiff mother is calling her daughter a liar.   Since daughter paid for car, and was on the registration and title as a co-owner, daughter had the right to give permission to defendant to drive her car.   I believe the defendant talked to plaintiff mother about it.

Plaintiff case dismissed.

Second (2013)-

Crash the Birthday Party -Plaintiff Michelle Zerdelian suing defendant Forrest Mallonne for crashing her car after plaintiff’s 30th birthday party.    Defendant borrowed and crashed plaintiff’s car, and it was totaled.   Defendant was cited for reckless driving.   Defendant has a history of DUI’s, and pled guilty in court to the reckless driving citation from this accident. 

Defendant had to go to driving school.   Punishment was deferred if he went to driving school.

Plaintiff gave defendant, and three other people rides to the bar, but had no plans to get them home, or was going to ride with someone else is plaintiff was too drunk to drive (I guess a little drunk was OK to drive?).

$1500 to plaintiff, half of the value of the car, for contributory negligence.

Parking Lot Accident -Plaintiff Brittnee Koska suing defendant Sabrina Zarate for car damages from an accident at their college parking lot.   Plaintiff pulled into the parking space, but defendant had already opened her car door, and plaintiff wants car repairs for hitting defendant’s car door.

Plaintiff claims she was halfway into the parking space, when defendant opened her car door, and plaintiff hit it.    Defendant claims her car door was already open about 18 inches, when plaintiff ran into the door.

Photos of car damages to plaintiff’s car are pretty bad, with the plastic bumpers car have.   If plaintiff had been speeding, the car door would have been gone.    Defendant is another “my insurance just lapsed” defendant. JJ says plaintiff should have slowed down, since she saw the defendant in the driver’s side of her car.  Defendant didn’t really look before opening her car door. 

JJ says both were partially responsible, no insurance for defendant is the deal breaker.

$2,565 to plaintiff.

5 p.m. reruns-

First (2016)-

Squatter Extortionist-Plaintiff Tiara Kelly suing ex-landlord/defendant Marvin Augustus  for return of rent, property, illegal eviction.   She lived in room in man's house for over two years, but claims she should get her rent back, be paid for her lost property, was illegally evicted, and still lived there while taking the defendant to housing court.   


Is that the woman with the long neck she keeps bending to the side like her head is about to roll off her shoulders?  Weird indeed.

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4 p.m. reruns-

First (2013)-

Ruined Wedding Celebration -Plaintiffs Micah Schwartz and Christina Ward suing defendant/DJ Frank Elms for ruining their wedding reception, they paid him $500. DJ was late, made noise setting up during the end of the ceremony, started working after the ceremony.   Defendant was supposed to work from 3 p.m. to 9 p.m.   Defendant was supposed to start at 3:00 p.m., but defendant arrived quite late, and took a long time to set up, and start playing music.    There is no written contract, but there are emails, between litigants.

Several guests said he was high or drunk, and two of them testify that DJ kept disappearing during the reception. 

Plaintiffs get $500 back. 

Father-in-Law No More -Plaintiff Andrew Montana suing defendant/former father-in-law Bobby Thorne for a car loan that defendant didn’t repay, $2000 but only $300, still owing $1700.   JJ needs the divorce decree to see if the loan was paid during the marriage to father-in-law or after the divorce, because if marital funds were used, then it wasn’t a loan.   While plaintiff was married, he loaned the car money to father-in-law, but in the divorce plaintiff didn’t list the repayment as a marital asset.  

Then JJ and plaintiff start talking about the ex-wife’s money, and plaintiff claims wife spent all of her money on herself.  Plaintiff claims he paid for everything.

Plaintiff brought his current girlfriend to court as a witness, apparently to irritate the defendant.

JJ says even if it was a loan, it was from marital funds during the marriage.   If JJ sends it back to local family court, they would have to reopen the divorce.  So the $1700 is split.

Plaintiff receives $850, and won’t reopen divorce (plus lawyer and court fees, it would be nothing to plaintiff, and probably a lot more money).  (In hall-terview, plaintiff take the 5th on threatening to beat up the defendant, and blow his car up).

Second (2013)-

Tenant Power Struggle -Plaintiff/former tenants Jenny Hernandez and boyfriend, Juan Avendano are  suing defendant/former landlord Diana Gallarzo for turning their electric power off.  Rent was $765 including all utilities.      Defendant counter claims for unpaid rent.   Plaintiff man is a tattoo artist, who works only for cash.

When they stopped paying rent, both litigants used the Basta legal group, which only represents tenants fighting evictions in California.   The plaintiffs stopped paying rent, then started filing documents with the housing authority, tried to get restraining orders.   The tenants didn’t pay in February, March, April, May, June, but lived in the rental during those months.   After six months of living in the rental, plaintiffs claim defendant disconnected the electricity.  Plaintiffs claim they had roaches, mold, gas leaks, and it made plaintiff’s asthma worse, and landlord wanted them to pay the utilities. 

Defendant wants four full months rent, and $150 for February.     Housing court dismissed the unpaid rent case.   However, plaintiff tattoo artist just said the couple didn’t pay for 4 full months, and part of February.

$3235 to defendant, nothing to plaintiffs.

Child Daycare Provider Dispute   -Plaintiff Tina Dayton suing defendant Bessy Miller, over day care she paid to defendant, $210 for the deposit, and a $90 inconvenience fee.   Defendant sent plaintiff a letter saying the daughter's potty-training issues meant that the child had to leave the day care program.   

Charges were $35 per day, and plaintiff says child there for four days.  Defendant claims child was there two days a week, for a month.    Defendant says daughter wasn't potty-trained, but it's not in the contract that kids have to be potty-trained.  If the defendant wants to run a business, then the contract should list all of the rules. 

(I don't have kids, but shouldn't a 4-year-old be fully potty-trained? And why should defendant have to take a 4-year-old potty all of the time, and potty train the kid?)

Then defendant's much older boyfriend, chimes in and irritates JJ, and I'm sure Officer Byrd, and really irritates me.      (Behind plaintiff's right shoulder, there is a woman that is hideously sun burned.     It makes me hurt just looking at her, it must be painful)

JJ says plaintiff will get the $210 deposit back. 

5 p.m. reruns-

First (2016)-

Handyman Shows Off Gunshot Wounds-Plaintiff Cynthia Martinelli hired handyman /defendant Matthew Lewis for a bargain price, and is suing him for work she paid him for, lock change fees, and to replace the broken vanity top, she's suing for $1049.    Defendant is suing for a false restraining order.

Plaintiff saw man working on neighbor's home, and hired him for $60, and he completed that project.   Then plaintiff hired him for $100, to install a vanity that she had purchased.      Handyman says he opened the vanity box, and opened it in front of the plaintiff, and vanity top was cracked.   Defendant testifies that the vanity and top were rattling in the box when he carried it in.    Plaintiff claims defendant broke the vanity top.   Plaintiff took it back to Home Depot, and had a replacement vanity top.   Handyman disconnected old vanity, took it outside, put vanity cabinet in place, put vanity top on it, and handyman left for the day.  Plaintiff paid him the $100.   

However, handyman says plaintiff needed the connectors for the supply lines for the faucet, so plaintiff had to pick them up.   Plaintiff picked up the plumbing connectors that handyman needed.  She also claims he showed her daughter his bullet scars.  However, this was after daughter showed him her knee surgery scar, and said it was awful, so defendant showed her his gunshot scar to make daughter feel better about her tiny scar.    My guess is that the previous vanity was attached to wall with glue, and it ripped the wall board.    No expert witnesses, or repair bills.   

Plaintiff also tried to get a restraining order against defendant, and defendant claims plaintiff trashed him all over the internet.    Plaintiff's restraining order application is ridiculous, and she didn't show in court and it was dismissed.   

Nothing for plaintiff, and it's exactly what she deserves.   (My opinion is the plaintiff always hires whoever she can get cheap, then tries to cheat them).  

Defendant gets $800. 

Second (2016)-

Repoed for a Crazy Amount-Plaintiff Lexus Scales bought car from defendant Charlotte Hammerschmidt, (2004 Saturn Ion) plaintiff still owed $60, so defendant repoed the car.  Plaintiff wants the money she paid for car returned.  Defendant doesn't have title or registration, and claims she repoed car, and gave car away.   Defendant says car had bad memories about previous boyfriend, so she just wanted the car gone.    $1,000 of the down payment was for defendant to pay her car note off.  

 Plaintiff paid $1,000 to defendant, and defendant claimed she would pay car off (def. only had car for six months) at dealership.    $1504 was the total amount paid to defendant, she still owed nasty heifer $60, and it was repoed.     When plaintiff came to defendant's house to pay the last $60, the boyfriend took the car. 

Who the hell is the defendant's boyfriend?  (He’s Larry Bartlett)  I thought Charles Manson was in jail when this was filmed, not in JJ's court. 

Defendant claims she gave car to friend of boyfriend.   JJ calls the man that defendant claims she gave the car to, but he doesn't answer his phone.  Defendant is counter suing for stress, and car detailing.

Plaintiff says at the dealership, defendant was talking to salesman about buying another car from the dealer.

Plaintiff gets $1000 (she drove the car for five months).   Defendant’s claim dismissed.

Then, in the hall-terview defendant yells at someone to stop laughing, I'm assuming the boyfriend?  Or maybe one of the camera guys? 

Dog Grooming Business Fail-Plaintiff Miriah Green suing former roommate/defendant Mark Love for value of dog grooming equipment, and lost wages for $4700.    Plaintiff moved in to the house in April, and moved out in July, and left her dog grooming stuff behind in the shed she used for her dog grooming business.      When plaintiff moved out defendant wasn't home, and the dog grooming shed was locked.  Defendant claims woman never picked her equipment up, so he eventually trashed it.   There is only one receipt, for a table.      

Defendant claims plaintiff never used the dog grooming equipment, never had customers, and JJ wants case to go back to Missouri.   

Plaintiff gets $100, and if defendant wants last week's rent $90, he needs to sue her locally.  This is to pay her for the equipment.     I would have given the plaintiff $10 to make up for the rent. 

Hall-terview is hysterical. plaintiff claims man used her phone to dial all of her boyfriends. Defendant says a 21-year-old always has their phone glued to their face, so he couldn't have used her phone if he tried.   Good point from defendant.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

She also claims he showed her daughter his bullet scars.

In fairness, that's not a he said/she said point because he acknowledges having done so, but said that he did it after the daughter showed him her scar from a knee surgery.

My favorite part of the whole case was when she denied that her daughter had a scar and Judy asked if the daughter ever had surgery on her knee. You could literally see the woman buffering as she tried to think of a way to avoid admitting the fact of the surgery without outright lying. Like, how would he even come up with a story about showing each other scars if he didn't know about the daughter's surgery in the first place? It was a completely pointless lie.

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4 p.m. reruns-

First (2013)-

Too Hot in the Kitchen? -Plaintiff/mother Cyan Otey suing defendant/her son’s ex-girlfriend Keyatta Riley for setting her kitchen on fire.   When defendant and plaintiff’s son were staying with plaintiff, defendant was cooking (making fries with a pot of oil), claims she turned the stove off, but the kitchen burned down.   Son worked at Walmart, while defendant sat on her butt at home, doing nothing (she actually said that’s what she did).

Then after defendant burned the kitchen down, the plaintiff had to pay the landlord for the damages, and she’s suing defendant for the $4,166.    However, plaintiff was evicted after this.  Receipt plaintiff paid doesn’t show the payment for the kitchen fire, not including the back rent plaintiff had to pay. 

Bill from apartment complex actually says kitchen / fire damages is $3,400.    The rest was for two months rent. 

When JJ receives a statement from the Orange Village Apartment complex stating the fire damage was paid by plaintiff, if plaintiff didn’t pay, then the fire damage check will be sent to the apartment complex directly.      

The Neighborly Thing to Do -Plaintiff Christine Arnold suing defendant/neighbor Corey Price for damaging her property when he burned his lawn to kill weeds off on his property, and it burned the juniper/evergreen trees on plaintiff’s property.  Defendant says trees were just scorched a little and will grow back.  Pictures of damaged trees shows dead branches, and the evergreens were huge.   Fire burned right up to plaintiff’s driveway. 

Plaintiff planted the trees on her property next to her driveway, because defendant was mowing, and plaintiff thought he was trying for adverse possession.    

This is the case where JJ says her neighbor was mowing a lot of her property, and she told him he had to sign a statement that he would never try for adverse possession.   Her neighbor refused, and she put a fence inside her property line.  Defendant claims the trees are on his property.   Another survey was done that showed, plaintiff owned five feet further onto defendant’s property than he claims.

$1,000 to plaintiff, which is what she asked for. 

Second (2013)-

Lovers Spat -Plaintiff Darren Berilla suing defendant/ex-boyfriend Diego Dixon for an unpaid loan, and for damaging plaintiff’s car when defendant threw luggage at the car.   They met online. Then they met in Atlanta while plaintiff was traveling, and defendant was temporarily living in Atlanta.  Then, plaintiff claims defendant wanted $250, but plaintiff only sent $100, the transfer fee was $40.    Defendant says he did receive the $100 from plaintiff, by Western Union.   

Plaintiff claims that defendant threw his luggage at the side of plaintiff’s car, causing scratches. Defendant claims plaintiff threw the defendant’s luggage against his own car.

$100 to plaintiff.

I Want My Rent and Property -Plaintiff Tyler Hunter suing defendant Latownsend Cassell (plaintiff’s landlord to be) for return of deposit, and rent.   Defendant is leasing, and can’t sublease to others, such as the plaintiff.   Defendant advertised on Craigslist.  Plaintiff came to look at the room, and someone else lived there already, her boyfriend’s brother.  Plaintiff gave defendant $300 deposit, and $360 rent for the first month.   Defendant signed the lease as a sole tenant, so boyfriend, and others aren’t allowed to live there.

When plaintiff was evicted, he says defendant’s boyfriend threw his mattress outside in the rain.

However, plaintiff’s bank withdrawals and deposit amounts and dates don’t match.

$300 deposit back to plaintiff.

5 p.m. reruns-

First (2016)-

Jealousy Turns to Violence?! -Plaintiff/ex-girlfriend Sheila  Rodgers suing defendant/ex-boyfriend David Dobbs over a drunken brawl at a hotel room in Las Vegas, for medical expenses, pain and suffering, and an assault.

 The part that proves plaintiff was the aggressor was the video.  Plaintiff claims a friend of defendant was calling her for a date, but how did the friend get her phone number if she didn’t give him the number.

Defendant was in town for business and fun, and told plaintiff he was coming to town, and where he was staying.   Plaintiff went to the hotel to visit defendant. Defendant purchased a double shot of Hennessey for plaintiff, and he drank another double shot too. They returned to the room, and defendant was claimed to be drinking from his big bottle of Captain Morgan rum.   

Plaintiff claims they argued over the man calling plaintiff, and plaintiff claims defendant was drunk by this time.   Plaintiff claims defendant tossed her into a desk in the room, and then claims defendant threw her into the wall and fell over the suitcase on the luggage rack.    Plaintiff says defendant threw her on the bed, defendant went into the bathroom, she grabbed her phone, but didn’t leave the room. Then, plaintiff called the police the first time, but plaintiff didn’t leave.   When police arrived, plaintiff was arrested for an outstanding warrant for unemployment theft, and fraud.  

Plaintiff claims the assault tore a ligament in her knee.   Defendant claims they were both drinking, went up to his room, and that’s when plaintiff told defendant his friend was hitting on her, via phone call. The question is how defendant’s friend got plaintiff’s cell phone number.   Defendant says both of them were drinking and drunk, then he claims plaintiff hit him in the face.   Defendant says after the slap to the face, he told her to leave the room.   Defendant recorded a video of plaintiff following him into the bathroom, and defendant telling her to keep her hands off of him, and to leave.   Then, the video shows defendant reacting to plaintiff pushing him.   

JJ says plaintiff looked a lot more drunk than the defendant on the video, and sounded like that to me on the video soundtrack.   Plaintiff keeps asking him “Why are you acting like this?”.  Then, plaintiff claims she’s going to leave, but she’s calling the police, and that’s when she got arrested for the outstanding warrant.   Her adult daughter bailed her out.

Plaintiff case dismissed.

Second (2016)-

Elder Abuse Arrest-Plaintiff/tenant Chase Adrain suing former landlord/defendant William “Tyler” Hornfor the return of security deposit, a laptop, and a false arrest.    Plaintiff was a tenant of defendant for eight months.     Plaintiff says defendant gave him groceries, defendant says plaintiff stole the food.   Plaintiff says he grabbed a baseball bat to defend himself when the defendant attacked him.   $1450 was the security deposit.    Defendant claims he withheld security for damages that occurred when plaintiff moved out, and for thefts.  Plaintiff says he didn't do the wall damages, but the door hole was already there when he moved in.   

Plaintiff was arrested and released, for assault, but no charges were filed against the plaintiff, and defendant tried to get plaintiff arrested for thefts.    Litigants were fighting over $20 for gas, plaintiff claims he locked the door to his bedroom to keep defendant out, and defendant pushed door in, and plaintiff called the police.   Then, plaintiff claims defendant came after him with a bamboo bat, and police were called again.    Defendant submits the police report for the second call, but everything is redacted.   I’m not fond of the defendant.    I suspect the truth is on the plaintiff’s side.

Plaintiff receives $1450 for the security deposit.     Plaintiff gets his laptop back with the assistance of the police. 

Deceased Husband...and Boyfriend-Plaintiff/ girlfriend Joylyn Williams suing for her watch and tablet, that was left at her deceased boyfriend's home, and is suing defendant/wife Brenda Robinson of boyfriend .     Defendant is the 'estranged wife' of deceased boyfriend (they didn't live together after 2005).     The defendant and deceased husband never divorced.   Plaintiff wants the watch and tablet that were on the dresser at the late boyfriend/husband's house.   

Plaintiff saw the watch on the defendant's wrist, when defendant came by the Senior Center that plaintiff, and late boyfriend went to.   Plaintiff's witness saw defendant wearing the wrist watch, when she gave a bag of pictures to the defendant.    Defendant didn't say anything about the watch, and drove off still wearing the watch.   

Plaintiff has no proof about defendant stealing the tablet, so that's dismissed.   Plaintiff claims she paid $75 for the watch.   $75 for plaintiff for the watch.

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23 hours ago, Steph J said:

My favorite part of the whole case was when she denied that her daughter had a scar and Judy asked if the daughter ever had surgery on her knee. You could literally see the woman buffering as she tried to think of a way to avoid admitting the fact of the surgery without outright lying. Like, how would he even come up with a story about showing each other scars if he didn't know about the daughter's surgery in the first place? It was a completely pointless lie

And she pointed to one knee and then anothrer!!

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On 6/8/2021 at 8:58 AM, CrazyInAlabama said:

Ungrateful Ex-Girlfriend?! (2021) -Plaintiff /ex-boyfriend Wesley Sinnathamby suing defendant/ex-girlfriend Catalina Baeza for parking tickets, and car damage insurance deductibles .   Litigants were dating, defendant needed a car, no credit, loan was all in plaintiff's name, and registration.   Then, they broke up, and defendant took car on the condition she would pay insurance, and registration on the car.    Car dealer wouldn't even put defendant's name on title, loan or anything else. 

Plaintiff took the car back (repo), with the help of law enforcement, after two years of making only a few payments, and making some insurance payments.   Defendant racked up some traffic tickets.   JJ tells plaintiff to sell the car, to get his money back.   

Plaintiff can't re-register the car unless he pays the tickets off.   However, plaintiff says the car has damages, and tickets were while defendant was driving the car.   JJ tells plaintiff to sell the car, and then sue defendant for the shortfall on the car sale price.    Insurance company called plaintiff about repeated claims. 

JJ will consider the parking tickets, which are in several jurisdictions in the L.A. area.   Plaintiff had to pay the tickets to get the car re-registered to sell the car. 

Plaintiff receives $783 for the parking tickets.

The ex-girlfriend with the parking tickets sounded like she was 16. Her quotes from the halterview “Well, I did have one bumper kiss”, “He just couldn’t hang” and “I kept drinking and having a good time and he got a little jealous”.

She’s as dumb as bricks, but I could see why he was interested in her, and so would Byrd. Felt sorry for the guy because he doesn’t sound dumb, just got sucked up with lust I think.

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4 p.m. reruns-

First (2013)-

Ex-Lovers’ Property Dispute -Plaintiff Tammy Hollingsworth suing defendant David Howes former couple, and plaintiff wants return of rent, and property.   Plaintiff was supposed to pay $1300 for four months rent in advance, but only paid $900 according to defendant.    

Former couple argued, police were called, and she was arrested for D.U.I.  

Defendant claims she gave him the furniture, because she didn’t want to pay to store it, and didn’t want to try to sell it.   Defendant claims plaintiff only wanted her clothes, and took most of that, and he put the rest in storage for her

Defendant put some of her stuff in storage, and she has access to that.   Plaintiff has a warrant for her for Failure to Appear over the D.U.I. case.   

Plaintiff gets her sofa back with a police escort, and $300 rent.  (I’m not sure why the money was $300 not $400, but this case was so boring I don’t care).   (Wonder if she did get a police escort, to get her sofa back, and then defendant told the police officer about the warrant?).

Mother vs. Son -Plaintiff son Marsalis Brown suing defendant mother Danielle Hibbitts over money.   Defendant found out on Father’s Day, that her daughter’s father had stolen $3450 from defendant’s bank account (they were divorced for four years, but still had a joint bank account?). Defendant’s ex-husband is her daughter’s father, but not the plaintiff son’s father.      So, defendant called bank that Sunday, bank put a hold on the money thru the bank customer service people, and the money was put back in her account.

Monday defendant withdrew the $3400.   Then, plaintiff is suing defendant/mother for $2300+, because some of the joint account he had with his mother.    Then the bank wanted their $3450 back, found that defendant had taken the money out, and took the son’s money $1503.00, from his account, and he wants his money back.   Plaintiff couldn’t have his own account because he had issues.

How many joint accounts does this woman have?   I don’t understand the $3400, vs. $1503 amounts.  

Defendant says plaintiff should sue Damien Taylor, the former stepfather of plaintiff, and father of defendant’s daughter, for the money.   Defendant also has a joint bank account with her daughter.  Defendant says she had three accounts with ex, and claims she closed the accounts, but when she reopened them Damien Taylor had access, and she claims Wells Fargo gave Damien Taylor the account numbers (Bull pucky, Wells Fargo is very good with giving out account access)

$1500 to plaintiff.

Second (2013)-

Collie Attacks Yorkie -Plaintiff/ Yorkie owner Renee Banks suing for vet bills, and human medical bills,  after defendant’s/ Border Collie and Australian Shepherd mix,  owned by defendant, Laurie Pearson attacking her dog, and causing injuries to plaintiff. (Note: this is a Border Collie, often black and white sheep herders, not the Lassie type of Collie).    Defendant dog was being walked by a pet sitter, when dog pulled out of collar and attacked.   Owner of B.C. was in Florida, so witnessed nothing.   Plaintiff’s Yorkie was leashed, plaintiff was walking down the street with her son in a wagon.   Then, plaintiff saw dog sitter with two big dogs, and some kids on the other side of the street, when one dog charged across the street, the dogs sniffed each other, and then the B.C. attacked.    When plaintiff pulled the dogs apart, she was bitten on the hand.    Plaintiff says dog sitter did nothing to help.   The other dog defendant owned was a 6-month-old Mastiff, and was also being walked.     Pet sitter claims dog never pulled out of collar before.

Defendant pet sitter, Toby, claims Yorkie barked and snapped at B.C., and so blaming the victim again.    Defendant dog owner’s sworn statement bears no resemblance to pet sitter’s story, and blames the Yorkie, and plaintiff’s son for the attack.    Defendant dog owner claims the animal control officer told her the attack story, but there is no report, and so it’s hearsay.  

Defendant claims plaintiff’s dog wasn’t injured, and actually claims plaintiff did the injuries to her own dog.   There are same day reports from emergency vet, and the following day to her regular vet.   Plaintiff Yorkie had drains, multiple puncture wounds, and shaved areas.   Plaintiff called police, and animal control.    Defendant dog sitter claims plaintiff dog was frolicking around, and had no visible injuries after the attack.     Dog sitter acted appropriately, except lying in court.

Plaintiff receives $400 for vet bills.

DUI Bailout -Plaintiff/aunt Erica Patterson suing nephew/defendant for bail after his third or fourth D.U.I.   (Apparently, defendant is arrested so often, he can’t keep count of his various arrests).  Defendant has been arrested for DUI, assault and has a long rap sheet of other offenses.   Defendant witness/girlfriend was also in jail at the time the loans, also for a D.U.I, so she couldn’t bail him out.

Defendant claims he never asked aunt for the bail out.   Defendant claims he never promised to pay back the money, but would pay her back with his student aid.   

Plaintiff is a social worker, and her wages were garnished to pay the bail money back. 

Plaintiff receives $3,500.

5 p.m. reruns-

First (2016)-

Bad Attitude Ex-Boyfriend-Plaintiff Sarah Wenzel suing ex-boyfriend/defendant Kristopher Wood for unpaid loan she took out for defendant $8,500 to buy a motorcycle.   Defendant simply won't stop making remarks to his ex, and mouthing off to JJ. Hopefully a Byrd boot is in his future (and his various tattoos are ridiculous looking). 

Litigants were neighbors, and briefly romantic, she loaned him money for the motorcycle, and as usual, defendant denies it was a loan.    Defendant wanted $7,500, and $1,000 for tax, license and registration.   Plaintiff took out a personal loan for $8,500, and claims defendant said he would repay the loan within a few months, and plaintiff has text messages.   

Defendant has a tattoo artist job, and a couple of other cash jobs.  

Plaintiff claims defendant smashed her phone after the loan, and before court.  Defendant's witness is his long-time roommate, and sometimes romantic partner (my guess is she's not his romantic partner when he's trying to get some other woman to give him money).   Plaintiff was so foolish to have this person around her young child.

Defendant is counter claiming for window tinting, and something else.   Officer Byrd has to tell defendant to shut up.   JJ questions the defense witness about how long she’s been his roommate, the answer is almost nine years.   Defense witness says she didn’t pick up motorcycle with defendant, and plaintiff is lying.  Defendant's witness is a total liar, and she's absolutely doing the nasty with the defendant. 

Defendant made the first few payments to plaintiff, and she put it in the bank, and he paid $2800 total.  Defendant keeps making remarks about plaintiff sending him naked pictures of herself.   Defendant owes $5700 or about that, and claims plaintiff owes him $877 for window tinting and something else.  Defendant makes a smart a$$ remark again, and JJ rules.  

Plaintiff gets $5,000, and for mouthing off defendant gets nothing. 

Second (2016)-

Teen Child Support Woes-Plaintiff /ex-husband Garry Copeland suing defendant/ex-wife Denicia Copeland for child support (they have 2 kids, 17 and 14) and extra-curricular activities for the 17-year-old.   Defendant is now unemployed, but plaintiff claims defendant didn't pay when she had a job.   Plaintiff's witness is current wife.   

Plaintiff was divorced while he was incarcerated, and no child support order was in place, and each litigant had one kid living with them (plaintiff's child lived with grandmother during the unfortunate incarceration), and paid expenses for the child that lived with them, until last year. 

Defendant agreed to split dental bills, and extra curriculars, for the kids that both live with plaintiff now.    Plaintiff wants over $3,000.   

Defendant is unemployed, and she's getting paid to go back to school (phlebotomy), and for the four-month course will be broke.    Plaintiffs claim woman isn't unemployed, and hasn't been.     Defendant still has Kaiser and claims they paid for some of the braces, but there’s still money owing. 

There is no formal family court order for support, and JJ says they should go back to court.   JJ says court will award child support, and retroactively also.  Defendant says plaintiff is taking her to court for child support soon. 

Plaintiff gets $1133 for the kid's braces. 

Baby Car Seat Slip-Up  -Plaintiff Asia Berry suing defendant Oniesha Russell (they were roommates for a few months) for traffic tickets she received, that plaintiff blames on defendant.  Defendant put her two-year-old in a high chair/booster seat, not a real car seat for the baby.  Plaintiff got a ticket for driving slowly in the high-speed lane, and her fines were $484, and another ticket was for plaintiff as the driver, for having a baby unsecured in the car.   

As the driver, both tickets were issued to the plaintiff.    Plaintiff had to pay late fees for the tickets, so she wants $900+ total.  As JJ says, plaintiff got a ticket for driving improperly, and allowed the defendant to use an improper car seat.   

Case dismissed. 

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8 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Defendant claims he never asked aunt for the bail out.   Defendant claims he never promised to pay back the money, but would pay her back with his student aid.   

I guess the aunt was psychic, then! This guy hasn't learned anything, even though he's had at least a few consequences. I hope that the aunt stays firm in her resolve to not bail him out any more.

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