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All Episodes Talk: All Rise

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I'm the first to admit when I'm wrong, which I was about Mr. Cohen being the most repulsive litigant of the decade. I had forgotten about the snaggle-toothed "Crystal Mounts" (sometimes names are just SO right) - brainless bitch who doesn't believe in birth control,  with her clown car uterus, squirting out EIGHT kids, none of whom live with her and for whom she pays zero child support. She doesn't work, you see, but needed $16,500 to buy a car. Before her erstwhile mate was cut off, he started to tell us that Crystal is a convicted felon. I wish we could have heard about that.

  • Love 7

I do want to sit JJ down and make her read http://www.cracked.com/blog/5-things-nobody-tells-you-about-being-poor/ which explains why having a bank account can be prohibitive to the poor (and how NOT having a bank account is costly to the poor - basically it sucks to be poor, even if the gov't isn't out to garnish your bank account).


I do agree that people need to get receipts, ffs. Honestly, you just "trust" the landlord you're in constant dispute with? 

  • Love 2

Honestly, you just "trust" the landlord you're in constant dispute with?


That's nothing. How many people have we seen who claim to totally trust some stranger from CL who assures them that the 1996 Pontiac Sunfire he's selling them is in "perfect condition".


As JJ says, "You can't fix stupid."


but it sounded like the couple living in the garage with no running water were using their floor as a toilet.....??


You are referring to Mr. "YYYYYYes" PESTerfield and his disabled, frightening, apricot-haired "fiance" who now reside with his Daddy. Yeah, it did sound like that. I didn't want any details.

Edited by AngelaHunter
  • Love 2

I do want to sit JJ down and make her read http://www.cracked.com/blog/5-things-nobody-tells-you-about-being-poor/ which explains why having a bank account can be prohibitive to the poor (and how NOT having a bank account is costly to the poor - basically it sucks to be poor, even if the gov't isn't out to garnish your bank account).


I know firsthand that NOT having a bank account can be more expensive. So it always seems a bit shady to me when people choose not to have one. If you are getting regular (or even semi-regular) income and have regular bills, having a checking account makes the most sense. But I agree with the article that you've got to be really dilligent to make sure that money is there when the bills are due, when living paycheck-to-paycheck.


When people say they go to their utility providers each month, with a pocketful of cash, pay that way and don't bother asking a receipt, something stinks somewhere. I remember one foolish bitch who tried to convince JJ that Honda demanded their monthly payments in cash. Right.

I don't even have a CLUE where I would go to pay the electric bill at the electric company - plus if I was poor, I would have to either take the bus or drive my hoopty to the power company each month. One seemingly well-loved (and well-advertised, at least in my market) is AMSCOT, a check-cashing place where you can cash your check and pay all your bills in one place - oh and get those FREE money orders, "as many as you want" (which of course have receipts attached, yours for the losing). Even my local Walmart accepts payments for certain bills. So it's not real difficult to get some kind of receipt through an official source, unless you give your payment to your babysitter's cousin's baby daddy to take to the gas company while he's on the way to the beauty shop to pick up his grandma and take her to church- too bad he's parked in the church driveway driving and smoking up your utility payment. 

  • Love 2

too bad he's parked in the church driveway driving and smoking up your utility payment.


Which brings me to today's rerun. Religious, church-going couple thinks it's a good idea to co-sign for a 15,000$ car for their teenage son. They then boot him out to live with their pastor (apparently for committing the cardinal sin of playing video games) take back the car, use it for a year, sell it and then sue their son for alllll the money paid on it.  Why are the most religious people we see here the most rigid, unforgiving, nasty and immoral cretins without even the milk of rodent kindness in their shrivelled up hearts? Pascal, don't look back!


Then we had the hilarious (Aimaee? Chloaee?) whatever, who must have deeply hidden yet irresistable charms, since everyone in her company could NOT stop inappropriately touching, rubbing, patting and and feeling her up. Lawsuits galore, against the company, the touchers and the defendant, who "put (plaintiff's) back out of alignment" when she pulled or touched the back of a chair. It would have been so much funnier if she did not have children.

  • Love 5


Then we had the hilarious (Aimaee? Chloaee?) whatever, who must have deeply hidden yet irresistable charms, since everyone in her company could NOT stop inappropriately touching, rubbing, patting and and feeling her up.


Indeed her charms were deeply, DEEPLY hidden, and once again, the audience's response was priceless when she said there were eight different offenders in as many months.

  • Love 4

Anyone wanna bet that the doctor who diagnosed Renaee's unaligned back was a chiropractor? One who probably could not legally pinpoint the cause of her dis-alignment as the slapping chair back, and therefore whose documentation would not advance her various court cases. I'm still in awe of the no less than eight inappropriate touches she's received at work.....   Seems to me that after the first such incident was reported to HR all employees would be issued an official reminder of the corporate "keep your hands to yourselves" policy, and would also be unofficially advised that Renaee is itchin' for a lawsuit, so keep your physical distance whenever you interact with her. Then again, some folks - like your Princess Dianas and Madonnas and Renaees - just have that charisma and magnetism that makes folks want to touch them.

  • Love 5

A question frequently asked about some women's attraction to the bargain-basement Lotharios who appear before JJ can also be applied to Crystal Mounts: what mysterious charms does she exert to serially ensnare males stupid enough to make babies with her? It was never mentioned explicitely, but I got the impression that her children are the results of several different fathers. I can only marvel at how many heterosexual males are so desperate for nookie, as long as it presents some vague general attributes of womanhood, that they could be complicit in contributing to activate her high-productivity uterus. I think we can surmise that her interest here is creating a hook with which to keep these men around as providers and perhaps to try and parlay her offsprings for some social assistance. That cunning plan does not appear to be very efficient since she has custody of none of the children (lucky for them).


Renaee is exactly the kind of person employers fear to have in their ranks. Obsessively hypersensitive about the most minute events and actions, capable of amplifying any imaginary slights to WW III levels and with apparently inexhaustible reserves of energy to pursue and document her case: that binder in front of her was a very telling sign of this. The fact that she was not able to retain the services of a lawyer who would take her as a client in anticipation of a portion of a settlement instead of immediate payment is an indication of how weak her case was. As if her statement that as many as 8 people touched her inappropriately in the past year was not enough to show how deluded  she was; any workplace where that really was common practice would have been shut down long ago under the weight of lawsuits.


At first, I was sure JJ would turn against young Pascal because of his sullen attitude, but I think she quickly realised how this was the tactic he had to develop for dealing with his father. The latter seemed like the typical self-righteous patriarch who thinks his word is Law and must be obeyed by everyone; he found a convenient resource in religion to support his authoritarian way of dealing with his family (his wife did not say a single word as I recall). Who in his right mind sends his son to live with a pastor to go through some attitude adjustment, and just because of video games? Was he expecting the pastor to exorcise the dreaded Mario Bros. demons out of him? It's always so uplifting to see good old Christian values at work. At least Pascal seemed much less taciturn in the hallterview and he even smiled.

  • Love 5

Crystal Mounts: what mysterious charms does she exert to serially ensnare males stupid enough to make babies with her? It was never mentioned explicitely, but I got the impression that her children are the results of several different fathers. I can only marvel at how many heterosexual males are so desperate for nookie, as long as it presents some vague general attributes of womanhood, that they could be complicit in contributing to activate her high-productivity uterus.


I remember seeing a skit on Kids in the Hall. The song contained the lyrics, "I ain't gonna spread for no ROSES." I have a feeling Crystal spreads for a lot less than roses, and for some of the male population the willingness to "spread" is enough. After all, it's easy for them to walk away afterwards.

  • Love 3

I know firsthand that NOT having a bank account can be more expensive. So it always seems a bit shady to me when people choose not to have one. If you are getting regular (or even semi-regular) income and have regular bills, having a checking account makes the most sense. But I agree with the article that you've got to be really dilligent to make sure that money is there when the bills are due, when living paycheck-to-paycheck.

I don't think it's a matter of choosing not to have one. Most banks now charge for every type of bank account there is, unless you can maintain a minimum balance. That's just not feasible for many people living on the edge. And God forbid you end up in the Telechex system, which is ridiculously easy to do. One small accounting mistake can lead to your name being on it, which can lead to never being able to open an account anywhere, since the banks check that before you can open an account.

It really is much more expensive to be poor. I remember a time when I had no bank account and used to cash my payroll checks at the bank they were drawn on. Then that bank started refusing to cash checks if you didn't have an account with them, even though it was the same damn bank the checks were drawn on! Talk about a freaking scam.

My financial situation is much better now, but I still harbor a lot of resentment toward banks.

  • Love 3


A question frequently asked about some women's attraction to the bargain-basement Lotharios who appear before JJ can also be applied to Crystal Mounts: what mysterious charms does she exert to serially ensnare males stupid enough to make babies with her?


The sexual curiosity of the human male is inexhaustible.  It can best be summed up in the question: I wonder what she's like in the sack?  There now.  I've just explained the difference between men and women.  Carry on!

Edited by Sarcastico
  • Love 4

Anyone wanna bet that the doctor who diagnosed Renaee's unaligned back was a chiropractor? One who probably could not legally pinpoint the cause of her dis-alignment as the slapping chair back, and therefore whose documentation would not advance her various court cases.

Of course it was. JJ or People's Court had a case where it was pretty clearly outlined that a less than reputable lawyer will send you to a chiropractor to start building your claim. If the claim can't be built, the lawyer drops the 'injured' party and the ip is stuck with those chiro bills. I am in awe of the fact that a chiropractor would be taken as proof of any medical claim when there is no medicine involved in their practice. Even a real doctor or orthopod would have a hard time proving such an ill defined occurrence resulted in all of that damage.

  • Love 3
There now.  I've just explained the difference between men and women.


The corollary of this stereotype would then be that the sexual curiosity of females is (allegedly) in finite supply or perhaps non-existent?


Strangely enough, I know a number of heterosexual males who do not fit the trite cliché of asking themselves how every woman is in the sack, as well as gay men who do not wonder the same about every other man. And they also would never end up in the generally sordid situations which give rise to the cases heard by JJ, much less on the show itself.

  • Love 1

I just watched a case where a Maltese puppy was bit by a Boxer & the owner was suing for $3000 in medical bills. JJ cooed over how cute the dog was, inquired whether it was ok now; then promptly ruled against the plantiff as both dogs were leashed & the Maltese was a "yapper."

I'm not altogether proud of myself but, I rather enjoyed this verdict as a small, white "yapper" has been disrupting my sleep for many months.

  • Love 1

I just watched a case where a Maltese puppy was bit by a Boxer & the owner was suing for $3000 in medical bills. JJ cooed over how cute the dog was, inquired whether it was ok now; then promptly ruled against the plantiff as both dogs were leashed & the Maltese was a "yapper."

I'm not altogether proud of myself but, I rather enjoyed this verdict as a small, white "yapper" has been disrupting my sleep for many months.


This would be a time when a dog-language translating machine would be useful to doggie owners. Because I can totally imagine the cute Maltese running its filthy, smart mouth by trash-talking the Boxer. That would add a new dimension to JJ because she could question the Maltese and the Boxer. I could just picture her telling the Maltese "Hey, Hey! You started it. Your fresh mouth started it. Now I'm not saying that he did the right thing biting you, but it was your fresh mouth that started it."

  • Love 9

That would add a new dimension to JJ because she could question the Maltese and the Boxer. I could just picture her telling the Maltese "Hey, Hey! You started it. Your fresh mouth started it. Now I'm not saying that he did the right thing biting you, but it was your fresh mouth that started it."


How I wish someone with more editing talent than I would put together a video of that. I would pay to watch it. She'd probably have to tell the Maltese, "Just step yourself outside, " when it would not STFU.


Today we had the rerun of smirking, smart-aleck-y scammer, "Courtenay". As JJ would say, "Even SHE can't keep a straight face" as she told her stupid lies. I'm willing to bet someone is paying her to care for Grandma too.


OTOH, I had no sympathy for the plaintiff idiots, mature and supposedly rational people who buy a 14 year old car from said scammer on - what else? - Craigslist, and never think of having it checked out in any way before shelliing over 2600$ in cash to Courtenay. The worst part was in the hallterview, when super-wide-eyed plaintiff stated that she will continue to trust people. I guess that includes more CL shysters. I bet a lot of con artists watching took serious note of her name.

The 2nd hour reruns last night included Blue Mama: hair dyed blue to complement her blue patterned dress to compliment her blue eyes
(I suspect colored contacts. Blue Mama used her ex's Health Saving Card (a debit card that's supposed to be used for doctor visit copays and deductibles) to buy their children fast food and other assorted non-medical items.

I'm not altogether proud of myself but, I rather enjoyed this verdict as a small, white "yapper" has been disrupting my sleep for many months.

OK Everyone who considers themselves also to be a small, white, yapper, Hands up. I flinched a little at the description.


I get why the verdict was maybe correct being that both dogs were on leash and owner 1 was doing what they were required and small, white, yapper owner could have better protected their dog, but to frame it as I am ruling this way because I know this breed, have owned this breed lessens the authority. 


I am the judge, I am ruling using all of my learned training and ability but I am going to rule as if it is just my opinion as a dog owner. Ugh.

  • Love 3


but to frame it as I am ruling this way because I know this breed, have owned this breed lessens the authority.

I am the judge, I am ruling using all of my learned training and ability but I am going to rule as if it is just my opinion as a dog owner. Ugh.

Nah, it's called Judicial Notice.  A judge is allowed to take Judicial Notice of things that are such common knowledge that proof is not required. For example, Christmas is December 25.  Everybody knows what these yippy little rat dogs are like, no evidence required.

Is this the blue haired, tatted mom who gets $900-1,000/mo. child support and can't buy the kiddies breakfast (fast food, so they are probably built like her)?!  I really felt for the poor ex-husband who wound up having to pay for the crappy snacks she charged to the medical health credit card he provided in addition to the child support...SMH

  • Love 6


Blue Mama used her ex's Health Saving Card (a debit card that's supposed to be used for doctor visit copays and deductibles) to buy their children fast food and other assorted non-medical items.

***sings*** "Meeeemooorriesss!!"  I've been filling in for other employees during the holidays and my DVR doesn't catch the old episodes but I can relive the highs (and lows) by coming on here each night! I remember that lovely lady - So the Ex was putting money tax-free into his HSA so slacker Blue Mama could buy Mickey D's for the kids? I don't think that's why HSAs were invented lol. 

Edited by ItsHelloPattiagain
  • Love 3

OK Everyone who considers themselves also to be a small, white, yapper, Hands up. I flinched a little at the description.

Aww, I didn't mean *you pun'kin! I'm sure your yapping is mellifluous & I would rub your tummy & give you treats!!! Just a teensy bit sleep deprived over here & fantisizing about how I can secretly tranquilize my neighbor's dog....well, I *did say I'm not proud of myself! :-)

  • Love 2

Is this the blue haired, tatted mom who gets $900-1,000/mo. child support and can't buy the kiddies breakfast (fast food, so they are probably built like her)?! I really felt for the poor ex-husband who wound up having to pay for the crappy snacks she charged to the medical health credit card he provided in addition to the child support...SMH

Yes, yes & so much yes. For the life of me, I couldn't figure out how he ever got mixed up with her!

Now, did anyone catch the case with the short-haired older blonde lady suing for something-to-do-with-an-illegal-sublet....whatever. The *juicy part of the case was when she blurted out: "I was having an affair on my husband---" and Judge Judy cut her off! Rats! Judicially it was the right thing to do but, oh, how I wished she could have finished her (crazy)train of thoughts. I took my pleasure in watching the faces of the studio audience.

  • Love 4

Really, I hardly noticed the blue hair because my eyes kept being riveted by the sight of her proud display of her huge, tatted arms.

Which I think were also blue (or my tv needs adjusting.)


Is this the blue haired, tatted mom who gets $900-1,000/mo. child support and can't buy the kiddies breakfast (fast food, so they are probably built like her)?!  I really felt for the poor ex-husband who wound up having to pay for the crappy snacks she charged to the medical health credit card he provided in addition to the child support...SMH


Well.....perhaps (perhaps!), rent and utilities are $900/month, leaving her only her student loan money to supply food and other necessities of daily living per month?

  • Love 1

"I was having an affair on my husband---" and Judge Judy cut her off! Rats!


I forgot about Ms. Conway(?) who appeared to be clinically batshit crazy, overly medicated OR is compelled to tell everyone within hearing range that she managed, somehow, to find someone, somewhere,  who wanted to boink her.


I loved the context:


JJ: "When did you look at the apartment?"


CrazyLady: "I was having an affair on my husband..."


I bet she does that all the time, i.e.


Grocery store bag boy: "Do you want paper or plastic?"


Ms. Conway: "I was having an affair..."


However, after seeing her husband and his behavior, which was so obnoxious he got his ass booted out, I can see why his wife might not be mentally stable.



  • Love 8

I forgot about Ms. Conway(?) who appeared to be clinically batshit crazy, overly medicated OR is compelled to tell everyone within hearing range that she managed, somehow, to find someone, somewhere,  who wanted to boink her.


I loved the context:


JJ: "When did you look at the apartment?"


CrazyLady: "I was having an affair on my husband..."


I bet she does that all the time, i.e.


Grocery store bag boy: "Do you want paper or plastic?"


Ms. Conway: "I was having an affair..."


However, after seeing her husband and his behavior, which was so obnoxious he got his ass booted out, I can see why his wife might not be mentally stable.


I wanted him to say his 2 cents because i have a feeling it would have begun:


"Well, she was having an affair on me and...."

  • Love 4

***sings*** "Meeeemooorriesss!!"  I've been filling in for other employees during the holidays and my DVR doesn't catch the old episodes but I can relive the highs (and lows) by coming on here each night! I remember that lovely lady - So the Ex was putting money tax-free into his HSA so slacker Blue Mama could buy Mickey D's for the kids? I don't think that's why HSAs were invented lol. 

Aww! Didn'tcha know that Happy Meals and Sonic shakes are essential to the health and well-being of every growing child? No doubt Mommy was buying herself a few cheeseburgers as well with Dad's HSA card.


Happy New Year, frickerbitches! LOL (sanitized for the newcomers and the sensitive)

  • Love 2

Ah, JJ warmed the cockles of my cold, cynical heart by explaining to Ms. Wife of the Illegal why she wasn't getting her money back. And the dim bulb just didn't seem to get it--she should be able to collect from the government AND from her illegal husband's bogus payoff--after all THIS IS AMERICA, right?


Happy New Year everyone!

Edited by One More Time
  • Love 7

I could hardly concentrate on Illegal Alien Wife's case because of her weirdo sport bra/ shirt combo. I'm one of those old fart ladies that gets disturbed when I see a woman's bra, particularly in court. Of course, I could have just been happy she was wearing a bra. 


And we had the dude who took the money from his old friends' bank account because the bank said it was his (well it WAS in his account). And he was grabbing on his wife saying how much he wanted to make her happy and the wife (who apparently was a mental health professional of some kind, perhaps the kind that buys her diploma online since her stability seems rather shaky) seemed slightly gorked out (aka she took a handful of assorted pharmaceuticals before the show). That man's face seemed really plastic-ky. I figured he had bought himself a do-it-yourself botox kit with the five grand cos there wasn't a line on his forehead - but not in a good way. 

  • Love 4

Another repeat today that was a conglomeration of all that earns JJ that fat paycheck every week: 1) "Disabled" plaintiff, a workers' comp scammer who is fit enough to exercise regularly with weights and a Total Gym; 2) illegal apartment that caught on fire due to the plaintiff's faulty stereo equipment; 3) plaintiff's pitbull that perished in the fire; 4) insurance fraud perpetrated by the landlord; 5) younger guy on the defendant's (landlord) side who mouthed off to JJ and got himself kicked out of the courtroom.


It was kind of like Christmas all over again! JJ let the parties on both sides dig their own hole and then dismissed the case.

Ah, JJ warmed the cockles of my cold, cynical heart by explaining to Ms. Wife of the Illegal why she wasn't getting her money back. And the dim bulb just didn't seem to get it--she should be able to collect from the government AND from her illegal husband's bogus payoff--after all THIS IS AMERICA, right?


Happy New Year everyone!

This is Judge Judy's AMERICA, no less! :)

  • Love 2

It's the start of a new year, time to take look back and reflect on the main lessons we have learned from 2014's crop of JJ episodes.


The following activities must be avoided at all costs: renting any form of housing from anyone; renting any form of housing to anyone; driving, operating or owning a moving vehicle (land, sea, air), motorised or not; entering into a business relationship; owning real estate or land; owning anything in general; having a job; being unemployed; drawing social assistance or disability; getting married; getting divorced; entering into a romantic relationship; traveling; staying at home; giving gifts; receiving gifts; having employees; paying or being paid in cash; paying or being paid by check; owning a business; selling a business; sitting on cars; owning... sorry, "parenting" any sort of pets, whether of the furry, feathered or scaly kinds; walking on the sidewalk; crossing the street; being outside in general; using public transportation; sending, receiving or reading electronic communications; growing a garden or any form of vegetation; eating; having children; attending school; lending money; borrowing money; handling money in general; any interaction with people.


These are the people you should avoid engaging with in any activity: friends: acquaintances; people you meet on the Web; people you meet in stores or through advertisements; lifelong friends; people you have just met; relatives; people unrelated to you; older people; younger persons; spouses; employees; employers; students; colleagues; teachers; roommates; humans.


I think any reasonable person will have no problem following the above simple rules and to steer clear of the people mentioned, thus ensuring a fulfilling and trouble-free life. One overarching rule: never agree to appear on Judge Judy, you'll end up looking ah-ridiculous. Oh, and never borrow a breast pump.

  • Love 10

Another repeat today that was a conglomeration of all that earns JJ that fat paycheck every week: 1) "Disabled" plaintiff, a workers' comp scammer who is fit enough to exercise regularly with weights and a Total Gym; 2) illegal apartment that caught on fire due to the plaintiff's faulty stereo equipment; 3) plaintiff's pitbull that perished in the fire; 4) insurance fraud perpetrated by the landlord; 5) younger guy on the defendant's (landlord) side who mouthed off to JJ and got himself kicked out of the courtroom.



That was my all-time favorite JJ episode.  She gave the plaintiff enough rope to hang himself, then sliced and diced them {and the defendants} and then had Byrd take out the trash.  It was a thing of beauty!

Edited by One More Time
  • Love 2

I could hardly concentrate on Illegal Alien Wife's case because of her weirdo sport bra/ shirt combo. I'm one of those old fart ladies that gets disturbed when I see a woman's bra, particularly in court. Of course, I could have just been happy she was wearing a bra. 

I thought she was wearing a bathingsuit and coverup dress.  She looked like she just walked in from the beach....messy.  And yes, it's good that she was wearing a bra, but I didn't want to see the details of it either.  I wanted her to stop whining that the money was her husband's.  


The woman suing for the money her illegal alien husband got in a lawsuit -- the husband was deported, but apparently there he was, sitting right there behind her.

Yes--- WTH?!  There he was with the translator, telling us about "selling shoes" in Mexico.  I am wondering what "selling shoes" is code for.  Then, I imagined him sneaking into people's homes, filling pillowcases with their shoes, and selling them out of his trunk in seedy parking lots.  If selling shoes was actually what he was doing.  


When Byrd was trying to announce that case, I realized that he sometimes wants to say, "uhhh, I don't know how to say this name.  Just get in here and the rest of y'all sit down."  Then JJ gets the name and says it however she pleases.  

  • Love 4

Florinaldo, you covered the "Do Not" list pretty well, but did you forget about Craigslist? Never EVER buy things (like 20 year old cars in perfect condition) or sell anything there, don't look for strangers to live in your home there and absolutely do NOT hook up with booty calls either. Please learn that just because someone posts on CL, that does not automatically confer unimpeachable moral codes on anyone.


OTOH, if people stopped using that site, it would cut down drastically on our entertainment, so WTF am I saying??

  • Love 2

One of our recent reruns was Miss Aja somebody.....the chinless plaintiff suing the landlord she rented space from for "about" four weeks. Aja and her husband and three children rented the upper portion of a home, IIRC, and then their landlords - for no reason whatsoever, of course - removed their furniture and even the shower curtain and attempted to evict them.


What really made me laugh about this case was the hallterview - in response to the landlord/defendant's claim that plaintiff did drugs and often passed out, leaving her kids unattended to scream for hours, Aja stated categorically that "I've never blacked out in front of my kids."

Edited by Ouisch
  • Love 5

Today I watched the rerun of the older, gay, white Southern man suing the younger, gay, black college student. Pretty much just a straightforward loans vs. gifts case-----EXCEPT they talked about how they met on Grindr!!!

Ohhhhhmiiigawd, lol!!! I was mortified watching this conversation....like they were explaining grindr to *my sweet lil Nana or something.... (Meanwhile my sweet lil Nana had 7 children, but I digress.)

Judge Judy was super cool about it though. She didn't bat an eyelash.

  • Love 2

What really made me laugh about this case was the hallterview - in response to the landlord/defendant's claim that plaintiff did drugs and often passed out, leaving her kids unattended to scream for hours, Aja stated categorically that "I've never blacked out in front of my kids."

I know!!!!! I was like totally disbelieving what I heard.

  • Love 1

Today I watched the rerun of the older, gay, white Southern man suing the younger, gay, black college student. Pretty much just a straightforward loans vs. gifts case-----EXCEPT they talked about how they met on Grindr!!!

Ohhhhhmiiigawd, lol!!! I was mortified watching this conversation....like they were explaining grindr to *my sweet lil Nana or something.... (Meanwhile my sweet lil Nana had 7 children, but I digress.)

Judge Judy was super cool about it though. She didn't bat an eyelash.

Grindr sounds like the gay version of Tinder, where some of the twentysomethings in my office find their "hookups".


And I remember when AOL was the hot new thing.


Mr. Starnes couldn't possibly think that young Murphy wanted him for anything but his wallet.

  • Love 3

Pretty much just a straightforward loans vs. gifts case-----EXCEPT they talked about how they met on Grindr!!!


I had to look up Grindr and found a few very interesting YT videos. "Explicit" does not begin to describe it.  I cannot believe Mr. Starnes was willing to tell 10 million people how he was creeping on some kid using that method. At his age, if he wants some hot boy he picked up online, he better understand he has to pay for it, just as the cougars we see need to pay their toyboys, in one way or another.

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