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All Episodes Talk: All Rise

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2 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Hennessey-Fueled Catfight

Should I ever be foolish enough to open a nightclub or some such establishment and be in the market for a fierce-looking bouncer with attitude, I might try to locate the defendant. She could scare a misbehaving patron into submission with just a look or, even scarier, a toothless smile.

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2 hours ago, Florinaldo said:

Should I ever be foolish enough to open a nightclub or some such establishment and be in the market for a fierce-looking bouncer with attitude, I might try to locate the defendant.

Just keep her away from the Hennessy and I guarantee you'll have no trouble in your joint. Not even the roughest biker dude would tangle with Deja.

ETA: Deja made me think of this very old song, "Big John"

"Somebody said she came from New Orleans
Where she got in a fight over a Cajun Queen
And a crashin' blow from a huge right hand
Sent a Louisiana fellow to the promised land

Big Deja."

Yes, mother. I'm going to bed now.

Edited by AngelaHunter
  • LOL 6
4 hours ago, Florinaldo said:

Should I ever be foolish enough to open a nightclub or some such establishment and be in the market for a fierce-looking bouncer with attitude, I might try to locate the defendant. She could scare a misbehaving patron into submission with just a look or, even scarier, a toothless smile.

She'd be an effective bouncer. The fewer teeth you have to knock out, the more willing you are to get into the fray.  

  • Useful 1
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13 hours ago, SRTouch said:

At least you're  getting to see some JJ. DirecTv and my JJ provider are still fussing with each other, so I haven't been getting any JJ for the past two weeks 😢

I cut my cable cord a few years ago and I’ve never been happier. Now I receive my networks, including JJ, via an over the air antenna, capture all the good stuff on my TiVo brand DVR and stream all the rest. Yesterday there was a crawl on my JJ epp from the local CBS affiliate informing viewers that they are in danger of being dropped by DirecTV and prompting us to phone DirecTV and complain.  I sure don’t miss those days of being caught in the middle of giant entertainment companies fighting it out for more money. 

Edited by Byrd is the Word
  • Love 4
10 hours ago, Florinaldo said:

Should I ever be foolish enough to open a nightclub or some such establishment and be in the market for a fierce-looking bouncer with attitude, I might try to locate the defendant. She could scare a misbehaving patron into submission with just a look or, even scarier, a toothless smile.

You can't hire her because she, in her own words, "Works ALL DAY, EVERY DAY!".  🤣

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53 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:

On this show, that is truly a rare and unusual announcement.  Did we find out what she does for a living? Is she a "health care worker"? She does seem to possess all the attributes which seem necessary to enter that profession.

And by that I presume you mean abhorrent life skills and an overwhelming contempt for mankind.

Edited by Byrd is the Word
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16 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:
15 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

Deja, dear, I really think you should have skipped one of the tat/hairdo/fake nail/eyelash sessions and got a new front tooth for the one that's missing (knocked out in a fistfight?)

 Interesting front tooth on defendant, or is it missing?

GET OUT OF MY HEAD. Y'all can sue me (hah) or think I'm an awful shallow person but I cannot understand how people can get big ole expensive chest tattoos and wear J-lo hoops ala the "hold my earrings" jumbo size and can get their nails and hair did for JJ and stand up there missing a toof. I would rather shop at the thrift shop for a couple of years and eat ramen so I could replace my FRONT TOOF that has just taken the last train to the coast. 

My guess is that the plaintiff who "Works ALL DAY, EVERY DAY!" is in lower management in fast food. She looks like she's the kind of chick that would beat the crap outta the guy that tried to rough up the counter worker cos his fries weren't hot. And she would win fer sher. 

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30 minutes ago, ItsHelloPattiagain said:

My guess is that the plaintiff who "Works ALL DAY, EVERY DAY!" is in lower management in fast food. She looks like she's the kind of chick that would beat the crap outta the guy that tried to rough up the counter worker cos his fries weren't hot. And she would win fer sher. 

Or a Security Guard.  I had one come up to me and a friend who looked a lot like her (I don't know if the Plaintiff did, but this Security Guard had giant manicured claws on both hands).  She stopped her phone conversation (where she was bitching about her man) long enough to tell us that we "Ain't allowed to take no pitchers in here" and then toddled off, back on her phone convo with some friend.  She never came back - she'd have seen were were still "takin' pitchers".

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The plaintiff in Hennessy-Fueled Catfight was a waitress. 


My guess is that the plaintiff who "Works ALL DAY, EVERY DAY!" is in lower management in fast food. She looks like she's the kind of chick that would beat the crap outta the guy that tried to rough up the counter worker cos his fries weren't hot. And she would win fer sher. 

You win the prize for coming the closest.

The whole case reminded me of the Knife Sisters case from a couple of seasons ago.

Edited by Sarcastico
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2 minutes ago, Sarcastico said:

The plaintiff in Hennessy-Fueled Catfight was a waitress. 

I was referring to the def, the big bruiser, "Deja". I guess I didn't watch long enough to get the players straight.  I may also have some reading comprehension problems.

3 minutes ago, Sarcastico said:

The whole case reminded me of the Knife Sisters case from a couple of seasons ago.

Omg. I know I skipped that the first time and mistakenly watched the repeat. I still have not recovered from the trauma of that horror show. 😲

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3 hours ago, ItsHelloPattiagain said:

I would rather shop at the thrift shop for a couple of years and eat ramen so I could replace my FRONT TOOF that has just taken the last train to the coast. 

Oh no, you are not alone.  I just CHIPPED a front tooth once and wouldn't leave the house except to go to the dentist. 

I was adding up all of the defendant's "Head Accessories" (R.I.P., Mitch Hedberg), the tats and nails and that would have been a good start on a new toof.  Besides that, I thought our litigants all knew how to sucker someone into co-signing for CareCredit and stiffing the bill anyway. 

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1 hour ago, zillabreeze said:

I always think that, then am amazed when they find a baby daddy's, god-aunt's, ex "finance's" grandmother to sucker into a co-sign.

This is true. I think of (and sometimes quote) the woman plaintiff who said her POS loser boyfriend knew she had "exuberant amounts of credit" so of course, she used it to finance whatever dumb shit he needed. Cry me a river.

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3 p.m. reruns (mostly 2015-2016)-

Dramatic Pit Bull Beat Down-Plaintiff suing defendant pit bull owner for injuries to a small dog. Plaintiff was walking her two small dogs, when the defendant's pit bull came under the fence, attacked the plaintiff's small dog.    The only thing that saved the woman, and her two dogs is that she grabbed the big dog's collar, and lifted him off the ground.   A passerby stopped his car, grabbed the dogs, and threw the dogs and woman into his car, after a neighbor punched the pit bull.   Animal control report is submitted.  $5k to plaintiff. 

Sadly, I used to live where this happened.   The second I realized the plaintiff had moved there, probably for retirement, and the defendants were local, I knew exactly what would happen with this case.   Animal control will never do anything about a local's pit bull attacking the dog that belongs to an 'outsider', and that's exactly what happened.    No citations were issued, and pit bull was given back to the owner.    The defendant is smirking through the entire case, because she knows nothing will happen to her, or her vicious dog.  

The Rat Trap-Plaintiff suing defendant/former tenant for destroying her rental unit.  Defendant didn't pay rent for six months, because of a rat problem, but didn't move.   Defendant wife swears the husband made huge holes in the walls with a sledge hammer, trying to kill the rats.   Landlady submits photos, of the wall.  Landlady had defendants evicted, and will pursue the $6600 in unpaid rent through court.    $2325 for damages to landlady. (Does defendant think that six months non-payment of rent, and an eviction won't impact her credit report?)

Mormon Good Will Hunting-Plaintiff suing former landlord/defendant unlawful eviction, and disposing of her property in his house.  . Apparently, Mormon church paid for woman's move in to a rented room in defendant's house, and paid the first month's rent, and $200 security.   Woman claims she was out of state, and never technically moved out.   

In April, woman paid rent very late, and May didn't pay again, so he did a pay or quit notice.   Tenant didn't pay in May, came back later, and her stuff was gone.  Landlord claims someone from her church picked the stuff up in May.   

Plaintiff was formerly homeless, and but still had a $2500 gaming computer, and other things. I think the landlord is right, and woman scams anyone she can for support.    Plaintiff has zero proof of anything she had in the room.   JJ is enraged that the man is renting rooms, in a single family house, but the tenant certainly could have found some where else to live if it was so much beneath her standards.     Plus, if tenant was so broke, how did she buy a $2500 gaming computer when she was homeless?   $3,000 to plaintiff.   

Family No More-Plaintiff suing defendant/estranged sister-in-law for unpaid rent (he was co-signer on apartment, and got stuck with rent).      Plaintiff soon to be ex husband listed the loan as a martial debt, but defendant didn't list any debts.    Plaintiff will get some money, but that's all, because the marital debt will be heard by the divorce court.  $1621 for plaintiff.  

  • Love 4

5 p.m. episodes-


Outrageous Peeping Tom Allegations-Deadbeat tenants want to be paid to move out, and turn in keys, but they haven't moved out yet.   Defendant landlords won the eviction case, but tenants were promised $950 from defendants, to turn in the keys.    Plaintiffs haven't turned keys over yet.    What part of pay when they leave does no one understand?   And the $950 security deposit isn't the $950 other payment.    Plaintiff/tenants allege landlords harassed them, put nails behind their tires, and man was peeping at their 9 year old daughter.   Court hearing was just to get house back from tenants.    The defendants finally got the house back, but tenants never turned in keys, and want their security deposit back.    Plaintiffs didn't have renter's insurance when the 'flood' happened in January, , but got it after in time for the leak in July.   $750 to disgusting pigs of tenants.   

RV Flipping Fiasco-Plaintiff was buying an RV from defendant over failed RV flipping.   Plaintiff bought RV for $4k, and has title and registration, but it still needs work, and is stored.   Plaintiff gets $4k and signs RV back over to defendant. 


Vandal Trapped by Bad Spelling-Plaintiff's car was vandalized, by defendant including keying  "Lier" on his car, and the word is misspelled the same way on her text messages.   Litigants had a fight, he went to sleep, and woke up to defendant's text messages apologizing for her anger.    Then next morning, the roommate opened the door, and defendant pushed her way in.   She was screaming, and yelling, and he went out to see his car to see vandalism.   Keying was all over the car, "Lier" was one of the words on the car.   Defendant is blaming it on a fictitious boyfriend.   Defendant's voice mails are nasty too.   $1,792  to plaintiff to repaint the car.   

Defendant was a supervisor at White Castle warehouse, and claims she was working both days when plaintiff says she was at his place.  So JJ is going to call the warehouse supervisor for confirmation that defendant was there on the 3rd and 4th (don't know what month). 

Defendant needs a phone charger, claims no one on the production staff could supply one, so JJ requests one from the audience.   There are many chargers.   JJ calls the warehouse, and the supervisor defendant named never worked there, defendant was fired from the warehouse.   

Lonely Puppy Damage-Plaintiff couple, and defendant couple shared an apartment, both couples had dogs, both couples worked full time.     They are suing each other for damage from the dogs, each blaming the other's dogs for the damage in defense room.   Also suing for unpaid rent, and other stuff including a false restraining order.   $201 for plaintiffs.  

The previews for tomorrow's second show is the one where the plaintiff charges out of the courtroom.   

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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41 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Outrageous Peeping Tom Allegations-

Those "renters" held the house hostage, squatted and extorted cash to just get the hell out.  Unless I misheard, they made a deal in court to leave on one date and still stayed longer.  Apparently, no property owner is allowed to break even.  My ornery ass would be so creative and obnoxious that I'd have them running for the hills, throwing cash at ME just to get away.  Once again, confirming that I should never attempt to be a slumplord.  

Until I heard that the floor was a "slab", I assumed the damage was to the floorboards from those huge cretins lumbering around.  But even concrete has it's limits, so maybe the "slab leaks" had help....

Edited by zillabreeze
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1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Vandal Trapped by Bad Spelling-

I could not stand that lying tub of shit with the raggedy-ass, janky wig. She was so superior, arrogant and condescending for a college student who can't spell the word "Liar". She thinks it's "lier". I bet she can spell other four-letter words though, but you'd think she'd know how to spell the very thing she is. Whoever is paying for her to go to school is pouring money down a rathole. 

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1 hour ago, zillabreeze said:

Those "renters" held the house hostage, squatted and extorted cash to just get the hell out.  Unless I misheard, they made a deal in court to leave on one date and still stayed longer.

Those renters were VILE.  I’m always horrified by squatters who act like they should be proud of getting out of paying back rent and squatting for months.  Unreal.  

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3 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Outrageous Peeping Tom Allegations

The plaintiffs are indeed VILE; they know every nuances in tenancy rules and regulations and know how to exploit them to their own advantage, getting a much undeserved verdict in their favour. The case was complicated enough but JJ explored the facts rather haphazardly, not even looking further at the discrepancy between the date they were supposed to move out and the effective moving date (I don't think that was dealt with in tenancy court). It's a shame the landlord did not keep better evidence, but it may not have made any difference anyway considering JJ's mood.

1 hour ago, AngelaHunter said:

I could not stand that lying tub of shit with the raggedy-ass, janky wig.

Thanks for confirming that was indeed a cheap wig and not a bad hairdo done by a cheap hairdresser.

I was not able to decide where her husband's sagging manboobs left and his bulging love handles began. This is morbid obesity at its most blatant and it is very dangerous for his health (his wife is probably close behind him on that front). I had a colleague die from that condition.

Edited by Florinaldo
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55 minutes ago, Florinaldo said:

Thanks for confirming that was indeed a cheap wig and not a bad hairdo done by a cheap hairdresser. 

I was referring to Ms.Mendoza, the "lier" college student who scratched up plaintiff's car. But Mrs. Gibbs also indeed had a very janky wig.

56 minutes ago, Florinaldo said:

I was not able to decide where her husband's sagging manboobs

Good lord. The ones in the back were bigger than those in front, I think. A fine candidate for "My 600lb Life". Byrd better start saving up, because he'll be paying for it. Mrs. Gibbs is so obese her facial features are distorted and I really fear neither will live long enough to see their kids grow up. This epidemic is really alarming. How they managed to conceive kids is something I'd rather not think about. They better do something ASAP. The Mrs. was certainly slick and practiced at obfuscation - a fast-talking, typical, entitled squatter and scammer who no doubt live this way, going from place to place, leaving a wake of trash, damage, police calls, legal wrangling and harassment in their path. I lived in apartments for years before buying. Not once were the police called, never did the landlord offer to pay me to leave or move to evict me and I have never even known a single person who has ever been in that situation.  Our litigants are quite a special bunch.

3 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Plaintiffs didn't have renter's insurance when the 'flood' happened in January,

I guess they canceled their insurance after the great floods of July 8 and 10th and whenever else. "So many leaks here damaging our property. We better cancel our insurance." Makes sense. If the landlord put nails behind their tires - yeah, not nice -  I don't really blame him. IF he had thrown a tear gas bomb in their window, I still wouldn't blame him since nothing short of dynamite was going to get them dislodged. 

2 hours ago, zillabreeze said:

But even concrete has it's limits, so maybe the "slab leaks" had help....

As did all those cracked tiles.

3 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Lonely Puppy Damage

I couldn't watch for longer than three minutes. "Dumb and Dumber" x 2. Bunch of overstuffed, blank-eyed, moon-faced morons who can't take care of their own idiot selves so they needed to go buy puppy mill dogs and make them suffer. Ugh ugh. Go away, you wastes of oxygen.

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14 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:

. IF he had thrown a tear gas bomb in their window, I still wouldn't blame him since nothing short of dynamite was going to get them dislodged

See, that's why Zilla/Hunter Inc. ain't never gonna get rich as slumplords. We'd be spending too much time in court and/or jail.

However, we would go all Noriega on they ass and pump awful music up in there till they cried.  Shut off the water. Cut the 'lectric.  It would be my life's work to make life hell when you are squatting free when I OWN  shit.

Texas is the gawdawful worst for "tenants rights". But just try me.

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12 minutes ago, zillabreeze said:

However, we would go all Noriega on they ass and pump awful music up in there till they cried.

The "Macarena" should do it. That would break down even the most deeply rooted squattah.

13 minutes ago, zillabreeze said:

Texas is the gawdawful worst for "tenants rights".

Same here. All the laws favour tenants. Let landlords get bankrupted by squatters who stay for a year and don't pay a dime.

15 minutes ago, zillabreeze said:

See, that's why Zilla/Hunter Inc. ain't never gonna get rich as slumplords. We'd be spending too much time in court and/or jail. 

I had forgotten about the "slumplords". 🤣 I'm sure we could find some suckers kind-hearted people to bail us out if we promise to pay them back with our tax returns. 

  • LOL 5

3 p.m reruns-

Gotcha Video-Plaintiff is suing motorist defendant for hitting her parked car at a gas station, and fleeing the scene.   There is video of defendant, and he still denies he did the hit and run. $1168 for plaintiff.

Factory Worker Steals Judge's Heart-Plaintiff suing brother for totaling his car, when he drove it without permission.   Plaintiff came to mother's house where brother lives, brother took the car. Brother/defendant had a suspended license, and was arrested at the accident scene.  Plaintiff claims his tie rod was broken, and that's why he wasn't driving his own car.  Defendant claims he swerved to avoid Raccoon in the road, and that's how he wrecked the car.  Car was not insured, since it was not driveable.   Case dismissed, because no one on Earth believes the plaintiff didn't let defendant drive the car.   

The Last Straw-Plaintiff suing defendant/former roommate, and only defendant was on the lease (plaintiff owed money to previous landlord).   Defendant changed the locks changed.  Plaintiff gets $560 for the illegal lockout. 

Therapy Dog Defender-Plaintiff was walking her dog on leash, when defendant's pit bull, off leash, attacked her dog.    Both litigants are suing for vet bills.  Plaintiff swears fight was on her back patio, but defendant claims plaintiff's dog was off plaintiff's property.   Defendant's dog was a pit/Rhodesian Ridgeback, off leash, when the fight started.   Plaintiff's dog is a mutt.   Plaintiff claims she was on the patio at her house, when the pit/RR attacked.    Animal control report is submitted.  Fiance witness/plaintiff says dog attack was on the patio.   Plaintiff says her dog is a companion animal.   $1347 for plaintiff.

Family Fraud-Plaintiff/mother suing daughter/defendant for using her identity to open several credit cards in daughter's name.   Daughter claims mother opened the accounts for her, and she only has those two, that were in mother's name.    The cards were both used on one day, with the mother there.     Later, plaintiff claims there are three store credit cards opened fraudulently by daughter.   However, the credit card companies were never contacted by plaintiff, and she is told to do that before suing.  Case dismissed.  

Deadbeat ex-Plaintiff suing ex-boyfriend for a $3600 loan to pay his mortgage.  There is no proof of the loan.   Case dismissed. 

  • Love 1

5 p.m. episodes-


You're Young and Mumbling, I'm Old and Deaf-Plaintiff mother, and daughter (she's 18!  That sucks to get a car, and have the three delinquents steal from her, and trash her car) for damage to a car, stolen money, and harassment.    Plaintiff's brother/son 13 years old,  is witness, and defendant teen is alleged to have stolen the car, stole money from plaintiff's purse.     Defendant caught on video joyriding, with plaintiff's witnesses.  Joy riding video was posted online, apparently by the joy riding driver.  Plaintiff's 13 year old brother is hauled to the JJ witness chair of doom, says they spent the stolen money at Mickey D's, and witness and two friends were in this together.  If any of the witnesses keep scratching, or twisting hair, I'm going to scream.     

All three joyriders maintain it wasn't their fault, but the other kids.   Plaintiff saw the teens driving the car, then the defendant teen starting driving backwards, and wrecks the car.  There is a video that was posted of the joy ride, with defendant driving.   As JJ says, at least they were driving with seat belts on.   Nothing is getting through to defendant, but plaintiff teen looks like maybe something is getting through his skull, and I hope so.    I expect to see defendant teen back on the show a lot.    I hope plaintiff teen doesn't follow that path, because he really seemed to get what JJ was saying. 

Plaintiff gets $2500. ,      

Bedbugs, Rats and Parties-Plaintiff suing former tenant defendant for lease breaking.  Room was $1600 a month, and was furnished (I think).     However, defendant move into plaintiff's loft apartment in a warehouse, with his dog.   Defendant claims the room/apartment had rats, bedbugs, etc., and claims plaintiff had tons of parties.      There was on shared bath, between owner, plaintiff, and some other tenant/guest.     Defendant claims he was constructively evicted.   Where is a studio loft apartment $1600 a month?    Case is dismissed.   


War Wage Over Gucci the Yorkie-Plaintiff wants value of Yorkie repaid to her, or the dog back.    Defendant has had the dog for two full years.   Plaintiff was living with the mother, and it was a no dogs apartment, so plaintiff had to move.    How did plaintiff "lose" her apartment?  

Plaintiff asked defendant witness to take care of Yorkie, and never gave him any money for the dog care.    Plaintiff did the defendant witness' hair, and he brought the dog over at the same time.    Several months later the plaintiff got an apartment, and she discovered that defendant man had given the dog to his sister, the other defendant.     Dog has been with defendant sister for almost two years.   

This is when the plaintiff stomps out, and yells she's calling the police when she gets home.   I'm sure this will be handled by the Major Crimes squad, and involve a SWAT team breaking down the door to get Gucci back for plaintiff.   Mommy follows plaintiff daughter out too. 

 Defendant's have a counterclaim for man's car having windows broken out by plaintiff.   Defendant was granted a  Protective Order against the plaintiff, in January of 2019, order good until 2020, because defendant needed the plaintiff's address.      There were also threats posted on social media, including a picture of a gun sent my plaintiff.    Plaintiff has proof she's had the dog over two full years, and the photos of Gucci are adorable.    Plaintiffs get $2000.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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So, my JJs are backed up on DVR.  Rerun with janky teef, no child support paying dick.  Gots bucks for Disneyland season passes, but can't be bothered to work full time.

Maybe I am misremembering, but isn't a theme park entrance fee just the tip of the iceberg?  Last time I went to Six Flags, seems like a bottle of water was about $5.and a taco was about the cost of a Michelin starred steak.

JJ reamed out the deadbeat dad, while he just flashed us his oh so charming crapped out teef.  

Shame!  People!  Its called Shame!  Apparently, no one has it anymore.  Everyone just airs out their skid marked drawers in front of the whole world.  I wish I didn't have a sense of shame.  What does it feel like to just happyass along looking like a moron, but not giving a damn?

Just a few weeks ago, I paid my water bill online.  I didn't hit the last "confirm" button and payment didn't go through.  When I saw the yellow door hanger from the city, I wanted to DIE!  I mean I just wanted to move in the middle of the night in case my neighbors had seen that yellow paper! 

How easy life must be when you have no sense of shame or embarrassment.

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1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

This is when the plaintiff stomps out, and yells she's calling the police when she gets home. 

Another litigant who does not understand the meaning of the agreement she signed to the effect that JJ's decision is the legally binding final word in this arbitration and that there is no other recourse. I hope the defendant keeps copies of the judgment and of that agreement close at hand (as well as a recording of the show) in case the police do show up. I would also keep a close watch on Gucci in case plaintiff tries to snatch him up, just out of spite, not because she really cares about the animal.

1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Bedbugs, Rats and Parties-

There was something smarmy and off-putting about the plainfiff that would have warned me off renting from him, were I forced to seek shared lodgings.

Edited by Florinaldo
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14 hours ago, zillabreeze said:

Just a few weeks ago, I paid my water bill online.  I didn't hit the last "confirm" button and payment didn't go through.  When I saw the yellow door hanger from the city, I wanted to DIE!  I mean I just wanted to move in the middle of the night in case my neighbors had seen that yellow paper! 

I would feel the same way. Last year when I saw a financial advisor (she was subbing for my reg. FA who was on vacation) we looked over my accounts and it seems I forgot to pay my MasterCard bill for the previous month. I just forgot and it was the very first time, I swear!! She says, "If you don't pay your bills on time it will affect your credit rating." I was mortified and felt like some JJ moocher deadbeat as I babbled about how I always pay my bills!

See, if you were a litigant, not only would the bill not have been paid for months (if ever)but you would have sued the utility company for "harassment". You'd stand there in your low cut, tight top, displaying your droopy cleavage and tats and say self-righteously, "Just because I don't pay my bills doesn't give them the right to demand it that way. They knew my situation!"

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  1. Talk about people on the show; do not extrapolate this to entire classes of people.  Judge Judy litigants are not representative of all people of their race, class or ethnicity.
  2. #1 also applies to the way that litigants speak.  Ignorance is individual, not a group trait.
  3. Racism will not be tolerated.  This includes racist terms and violations of the above two rules that are rooted in racism. 

If you need clarification, PM @PrincessPurrsALot.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

"If you don't pay your bills on time it will affect your credit rating." I was mortified and felt like some JJ moocher deadbeat as I babbled about how I always pay my bills!

Like most of us I imagine, every couple of years I overlook for a day or two or miscalculate the processing time and a CC payment arrives late. I always feel a little dirty when I call to have the fee and the interest charges (I don’t carry a balance) reversed. Fortunately the CS rep has the history, knows I’m telling the truth and reverses the penalties. Still, it’s humiliating. Like the once a decade trip to traffic court.  

Edited by Byrd is the Word
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Older Saturday rerun-

Mother Sues Son-Mother suing son for apartment repair costs, rent and car repairs. Son and girlfriend were living in an apartment, and mother was paying son's part of rent, until he got back on his feet.   Mother wants her half of the rent payments, he was going to pay Mom with his income tax refund, he didn't get a refund.   However, there was bill from the apartment complex for damages, exceeding the security deposit.   $1599 was the damage total, minus the $300 damage deposit.    $750 to plaintiff.  Sadly girlfriend is also pregnant, and wants to get her own apartment before baby arrives.  

Classic Truck Arson Target-Plaintiff suing defendant/sister-in-law for damage to 30 year old truck, that now incarcerated brother was restoring.    Plaintiff paid $7k, and says it's actually worth more.  Truck was at sister-in-laws house for three years, and she needed money, so she sold it.   Truck had an arson fire, and plaintiff claims it wasn't arson, but SIL driving it.  Car only had liability on it, and pictures show it was burned up.   $300 to plaintiff, nothing to defendant.  

Cavalier King Charles Eye Attack-Plaintiff suing defendant/former neighbor for vet bills for attack on her Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, by her Corgi.   Defendant claims it didn't happen.   (I love the plaintiff's jewelry).   Plaintiff was walking past apartment staircase, Cavalier was attacked, finally defendant got her dog off of Cavalier.   Defendant claims her dog didn't touch the Cavalier.   Defendant claims her dog was leashed, but she dropped the leash, and claims plaintiff dog wasn't leashed.  Cavalier's eye was injured, $506 vet bill to plaintiff, and defendant should be ashamed of her lies.     

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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Took a quick skim of posts, but didn't see any comments about Mr. Russo. I guess JJ never dreamed he was a 41-year-old man since he talked and acted like a teenager. Frosted hedgehog-headed Russo is a career student, whose Daddy paid for him to live in a 1600$/month warehouse loft that could be reached only by ladder. Of course, Mr. Russo needed a dog too. Maybe Daddy would pay anything to get this slobby slacker out of HIS house.  The landlord, a grinning, overly-tanned Howdy Doody, runs a flophouse there and lets all his loser buddies come and bunk whenever they're down on their luck. The whole thing was so bizarre (and included no assaults, vandalism or scamming) I actually enjoyed it.

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11 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:

Took a quick skim of posts, but didn't see any comments about Mr. Russo. I guess JJ never dreamed he was a 41-year-old man since he talked and acted like a teenager.

I wqs surprised to hear he was 41.  He didn't look like the typical first-year college student, for sure.  His hair was trendy enough (I guess?) for a young person, but he already had the beginnings of a pot belly, so I was confused.

He may have had some developmental delays, going by his demeanor.  But yeah, $1600 a month for a room, and sharing a bathroom? 

JJ asked him what he moved into the space (a loft) and he mentioned a table/desk, computer/audio stuff, but there was no mention of a couch, futon, bed.  Left me wondering where he slept.

  • Love 5

I missed the part about the "Bedbugs, Rats and Parties" defendant being 41!     I was amazed that anywhere on earth there are lofts reached by ladders/stairs, that are $1600 a month.   Plus,  you still have to share a bath, and climb up and down  stairs/ladders to use the bathroom.    

Actually, I'm often amazed at how much a room is rented for on some of these episodes.   

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31 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

I missed the part about the "Bedbugs, Rats and Parties" defendant being 41!     I was amazed that anywhere on earth there are lofts reached by ladders/stairs, that are $1600 a month.   Plus,  you still have to share a bath, and climb up and down  stairs/ladders to use the bathroom.    

Actually, I'm often amazed at how much a room is rented for on some of these episodes.   

The town I'm in, a room rents for about $1000 per month. The reason is that the state school in the town never built enough dorms as it expanded so 7,000 students live in this small town.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Plus,  you still have to share a bath, and climb up and down  stairs/ladders to use the bathroom. 

And you have to share all that luxury with the love child of Alfred E. Neuman and Howdy Doody, and all his buddies.

1 hour ago, One Tough Cookie said:

and I heard a new one: I droven the car.

That comes after "boughten" and just before "gaven" in the JJ dictionary, right?

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On 7/19/2019 at 5:56 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

Gotcha Video-Plaintiff is suing motorist defendant for hitting her parked car at a gas station, and fleeing the scene.   There is video of defendant, and he still denies he did the hit and run. $1168 for plaintiff.

I turned off reruns because our local affiliate airs so much JJ per day that we'd end up with a metric crap-ton at the end of the week, and my husband would want to fast foward through most of them, just to see the verdict.  I finally went in and stopped the recordings of repeats.  Was this the one with the extremely over-dramatic girl who spoke in a Shatner-esque manner and stressed how young she was, and a woman, etc?  I hated that plaintiff with a passion.

On 7/20/2019 at 7:02 PM, AngelaHunter said:

I was shocked. I know we have many very old looking young people on this show, but his situation and explanation were stuff you'd expect to hear from an 18-year old, not a middle-aged man.  I wonder what he's planning to do with his education.

Mr. Funky saw him andsaid "It's the Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives" guy!

  • LOL 4
1 hour ago, funky-rat said:

Was this the one with the extremely over-dramatic girl who spoke in a Shatner-esque manner and stressed how young she was, and a woman, etc? 

No. This was the moronic, gold-toothed clown, Mr. Hayes, who crashed his '99 Lincoln into the plaintiff's parked car at a gas station and claims he hit a curb. He didn't know there was a video showing him smashing into her car. He looks at the video and says that although it looks like a Lincoln, he's not sure if that's him driving because he has 20/40 and 20/60 vision. Should someone be driving at night with that kind of vision? I don't know.  Did he have insurance? Yes, he always carries insurance. Where's the proof of ins.? He doesn't have with him "at this time." He says he offered to "work something out" with the plaintiff, but she started threatening him. Not sure what those threats were (probably to take him to court) as JJ doesn't want to listen to any more of the def's idiotic rambling. Plaintiff says def was "out of it" that night and I think he may have still been out of it here.  Plaintiff is awarded the 1100$ to fix her car.

1 hour ago, funky-rat said:

Mr. Funky saw him andsaid "It's the Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives" guy!

I had to look that up, but yes, the resemblance is remarkable although I'm pretty sure the "Diner" guy isn't being supported by his daddy.

Edited by AngelaHunter
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45 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:

No. This was the moronic, gold-toothed clown, Mr. Hayes, who crashed his '99 Lincoln into the plaintiff's parked car at a gas station and claims he hit a curb. He didn't know there was a video showing him smashing into her car. He looks at the video and says that although it looks like a Lincoln, he's not sure if that's him driving because he has 20/40 and 20/60 vision. Should someone be driving at night with that kind of vision? I don't know.  Did he have insurance? Yes, he always carries insurance. Where's the proof of ins.? He doesn't have with him "at this time." He says he offered to "work something out" with the plaintiff, but she started threatening him. Not sure what those threats were (probably to take him to court) as JJ doesn't want to listen to any more of the def's idiotic rambling. Plaintiff says def was "out of it" that night and I think he may have still been out of it here.  Plaintiff is awarded the 1100$ to fix her car.

OK.  I remember one where someone hits a girl's car at a gas station.  She's there with her dad, and she's just this air of smugness about her and speaks in a William Shatner reminicent way with pauses, odd anunciation, etc.  And she kept stressing about how she was a young person, etc.  No excuse for hit and run, but I really wanted to punch the girl in that case.  Big-time.  And her dad, because she didn't get that way on her own.

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51 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:

I had to look that up, but yes, the resemblance is remarkable although I'm pretty sure the "Diner" guy isn't being supported by his daddy.

Thought I had this in with the other quote.

We used to like that show, and we tried a few of the places he profiled if we happened to be in the area.  Then we stopped at one that we had such a bad experience at that we just quit watching it.  The place had bizarre rules that he didn't touch upon during the show.  It was a mediocre meal with horrible service and atmosphere.  I've never experience that level of attitude in a restaurant ever.  And I've been in many all over the world.  I know that's not his fault per se, but he really talked this place up, and I felt he was remiss in not mentioning all of their bizarre regulations and rules, so I felt I couldn't trust what he said after that.

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But yeah, $1600 a month for a room, and sharing a bathroom? 

IIRC, they were located in San Francisco. When I read that, it all made sense. Wait Wait Don't Tell Me used a story a few months back in one of their games about SF real estate--a real estate listing for a $400K "house" that had burned almost to the ground. 

Also, I'm pretty sure the joyriding teens will be visiting a few more courtrooms in their teenage years. 

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