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All Episodes Talk: All Rise

Message added by Meredith Quill

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4 hours ago, Brattinella said:

I can just picture her looking at the litigant before she came out.  Clutching her sides and tears streaming down her face!  Getting her composure back for the show.

Oh, I think I've mentioned that before! I can picture her in her fake office, doubled over with laughter and screaming "WTF?" as she sees the kinds of freak shows appearing before her and has time to get over it before going out and facing them.

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I think they must have some weird editing going on recently. I've noticed certain cases will come back from commercial and suddenly JJ is super pissed and somebody gets the kibosh and the case is over. It was particularly noticeable in the Dusty case (I couldn't figure that whole thing out at all). Plus they are replaying the last phrase used before commercial break as the first phrase used (like a mini-recap). It's been going on for a while but it's become really noticeable when the cases are ended abruptly (thus leading to my though that I missed something)

Oh lawd, Zippy. . . you guys weren't kidding, were you? and WTH was there a heart doing on top of his head? Could he be a former circus clown or creepy children's entertainer? I think he was on American Horror Story a couple years back. . . . 

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Yep.  I'm thinking with a big red heart on the top of his head, his arms are probably covered with tattoos.  Maybe they clashed with his outfit (but then, what WOULDN'T?), so he covered them.  

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Guilty of No Insurance - The plaintiff drove with no insurance? Oh no! We've never seen this on JJ before! As usual though, she tried to pretend she was insured and/or didn't know she wasn't insured by showing sketchy paperwork.  JJ sent her out to get something more legit and surprise! No insurance.  The defendant was the plaintiff's son, who wrecked the car.  He pleaded 'guilty' only to get out of jail fast!  I thought this was refreshing from the usual 'my lawyer told me to plead guilty.' The case got hotter when JJ sniffed out a deadbeat dad and decided to save the state of Ohio some coin.  The hallterview dialogue was a hot mess. "That's not him, that's such-and-such! No, that's my son" What the what? Three gavels for the lulz.

Tappin'n'Slammin' - Mmmm road rage case, I love me some road rage cases. The dopey plaintiff cuts off a guy in the fast lane, reacts to being tailgated by 'tapping' his breaks.  Sure to make things better! Cretin.  Then roid-road-rage defendant got hot under the collar, passed passive-aggressive plaintiff on the right, got even hotter after being flipped, and cuts off Dopey.  According to Dopey, who self-reported 'tapping' his breaks, roid-rage 'slammed' his brakes in front of him.  I was ecstatic when JJ tossed them out unceremoniously.  There was some good advice in the hallterview for anyone caught in a high-speed, fast lane, highway road rage incident: "WALK AWAY." Three slamming gavels.

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Tears For Free Rent - The litigants are some very interesting looking young ladies (in a good way!).  Plaintiff (short blond peppercorn) was asking for everything from towels to emotional distress because she left a free rent situation on her own will having refused to have her boyfriend, who was almost living there), pay his share of the expenses.  She got into a texting tantrum with the screaming-red lipped lipsticked defendant, who changed the locks after the plaintiff left. The best thing about this case is watching the plaintiff's misplaced outrage and tears, continuing in the hallterview, contrasting with the flat, robotic responses of the defendant. "She is dead to me," she declared, with glacial deadpan. 3.5 gavels.

Skittles And Jealousy - I learned a new expression today 'Put the pieces to the puzzle.'  Time to retire 'put the pedal to the metal!' as I have something fresher.  This case is some non-exclusive boyfriend who busted a woman's door and window because she was entertaining another gentleman visitor. The defendant had pleaded guilty, and here's another new one, because he didn't want another round of legal trouble being already on probation and all that - like a guilty plea gets a medal.  JJ asked him why he was on probation.  He mumbled 'gun charges and domestic violence.' Now I am not the best reader of faces, but at that very moment I could see a huge blinking marquee on JJ's forehead that read GUILTY and I could hear deafening alarm bells go DING DING DING! She chit chatted with him about anger management, not looking like too bad a guy, etc. Then ruled for the plaintiff. Three gavels.

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3 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

Guilty of No Insurance - The plaintiff drove with no insurance? Oh no! We've never seen this on JJ before! As usual though, she tried to pretend she was insured and/or didn't know she wasn't insured by showing sketchy paperwork.  JJ sent her out to get something more legit and surprise! No insurance. 

I used to work in the auto insurance industry, so I love these cases.  Just for grins, I looked at the Georgia DMV website.  People moving into the state are required to register their vehicles within 30 days of establishing residency . . . not within 10 months or "when my Missouri registration expires."  Thirty days.  But here's the problem:  YOU HAVE TO HAVE INSURANCE TO REGISTER YOUR VEHICLE.  Methinks that the January 2016 through January 2017 policy was cancelled (if it was ever actually put into force) within a week of getting that piece of paper.  We saw this ALL THE TIME at the company I worked for.  The Claims Department declined a LOT of claims simply because someone bought a 1-year policy, put down a deposit, and never paid another cent.  The insurance company sends cancellation notices, and they notify DMV that the vehicle has no insurance.  But they don't go to deadbeats' houses and tear up their insurance cards.  So when they get into accidents, the person they hit THINKS the deadbeat has insurance.  But they're deadbeats, so they don't have insurance AND they lie.

I'm so glad I'm retired!!!!

Edited by AZChristian
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Tappin'n'Slammin' - Mmmm road rage case, I love me some road rage cases. The dopey plaintiff cuts off a guy in the fast lane, reacts to being tailgated by 'tapping' his breaks.  Sure to make things better!

Oh, geeze, it was meth heady dude with the touchy feet vs a man who most likely couldn't stop because he had Grandma's body in the trunk. 

AZ Christian - of course they have insurance! They still have a card, don't they? If they have a card, then surely that means they have insurance!  Why should they have to pay? They still have a card!!! ;)

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I was waiting for the "I was in the process of working on getting insurance". Because, you know, it's like a mortgage. Takes time

Here we have a company called LA Insurance that specializes in issuing one-week policies. The state legislature is in the process (ha!) of trying to make those policies illegal. "But supporters argue the week-long policies are a “last resort” for motorists who simply cannot afford high-cost insurance in Michigan and might otherwise resort to more drastic measures to renew their plates, including attempts to purchase fake insurance cards."

Oh well, then. That's fine. 

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See, my opinion on motorists who simply can't afford insurance, is DON'T DRIVE A CAR.  It is illegal for uninsured motorists!  Take the bus or the subway or Uber, but DRIVING A CAR is an EARNED privilege, like: Get a License, Get Insurance, KEEP insurance, and then drive a car.  Pretty damn simple.

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500 For The Dog, Alex - Oh boy. A trailer with disputed ownership, two Pomeranians moving from trailer to basement to rooming house, drugs, jail, loaning your social security, seven dogs in a trailer... what I loved about this case is no matter how frail and feeble-minded an old bat looks, if the old bat is lying to JJ, even with the sweetest, meekest voice, JJ will not hesitate to serve us her wrinkly head on a platter.  Remember this, Patricia Bean!  4 gavels for No-Pity-JJ at work.

What's Your Address? - When JJ starts her case by doxing litigants, you know it's gun get gud. This one is about a goofball defendant who I think was wearing a fake army shirt with the word 'combat' on it, all in fashionable white on black, who serially stiffs his child's babysitters. Now we know JJ has no mercy for hustlers and she is blind to the uniform, real or fake.   This did not go well for the defendant, who was shouting out that he had an 'agreement' with the sitter.  JJ didn't want to see it.  I doubt the sitter agreed not to be paid!  He wanted to show off that he is now paying his current babysitter.  Why, she's even getting retro pay! Congratulation for blurting out self-incriminating information, like you're late on your payments, fool!  Watch the defendant practice for a WWF showdown in the hallterview. 4 gavels.

Scamming 'Newlyweds' - The newlyweds were long in the tooth and experienced in the art of the scam.   They hoped to renovate their whole house for peanuts, yet stiffed the defendant. They had to pay $14,000 to finish the work that the defendant didn't do.  Worse, they were adding even more work without re-adjusting the estimate!  JJ was not happy that the plaintiff lied and said she'd paid him $4000 when in fact she'd only paid $3000, having revoked a money order. She was so smug.  She thought she had it in the bag.  The defendant in the hallterview was pitiable, saying he may have just broken even, but I wouldn't be surprised if he lost money.  Hustlers will hustle. 3 gavels because I revoked the 4th one.

Fraulein Housemates - The defendant was very unclear on the concept of lease renewal and deliberately misled her room mate.  She took her rent money and didn't pay the landlord, too. This one is a 5 gaveler! All five gavels were earned in a 20 second stretch where JJ helped the defendant make herself look so profoundly stupid and amoral that the entire courtroom erupted in a huge groan.  There are so many GIFs to be made! Memes galore!  Even Kelly Filkins' ghost thought the defendant was a shady simpleton. She continued to self-immolate in the hallterview "we're both at fault" - ah, no, that's not how it works.  It's all your fault.  Beer and bratwurst for everyone!

Edited by Toaster Strudel
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13 minutes ago, Toaster Strudel said:

Why, she's even getting retro pay!

I caught that, too!  Wonder whose?! Could have been one of those government programs that pays after the fact per a contract, and maybe that's what he was trying to explain.  But I doubt it.

The housemates?  Yowza. I hope someone traveled with the defendant. She may not make it home otherwise. Truly vacant behind the eyes.

Glad to have you back, Toaster Strudel!

The early reruns featured a litter of dog breeding cases. Judy was in her element! The experienced breeder/champion dog show-er decided "pick of the litter" meant as many as she wanted. She chose three!  Woo hoo!  Just a vile woman, and I hope the entire show dog and  breeding communities caught whiff of her.

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3 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

JJ helped the defendant make herself look so profoundly stupid and amoral that the entire courtroom erupted in a huge groan.

And of course, she's in nursing! Because we need more really dumb nurses with no conscience. I just wish we could have seen boyfriend.

3 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

   They hoped to renovate their whole house for peanuts, yet stiffed the defendant.

Usually, I dislike the mostly shady, arrogant contractors we see here, but in this case, I believed him. Anyone who thinks they'll get major renovations done in a month and for 7500$ then cancels a check when it's not is either dumb as a brick or a scammer. I think the latter applied here, especially when plaintiff lied. The def was too filled with righteous and sincere anger to be faking and he did a lot of work, the quality about which even the scammers couldn't complain. Kind of disgusting.

You guys! I was out at the pharmacy today trying to figure out the best bargain on paper towels, and without warning "Zippy the Pinhead" (never heard of him til I saw him here) popped into my mind and I had to disguise the laughter that erupted with a cough.

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34 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:

And of course, she's in nursing! Because we need more really dumb nurses with no conscience. I just wish we could have seen boyfriend.

Usually, I dislike the mostly shady, arrogant contractors we see here, but in this case, I believed him. Anyone who thinks they'll get major renovations done in a month and for 7500$ then cancels a check when it's not is either dumb as a brick or a scammer. I think the latter applied here, especially when plaintiff lied. The def was too filled with righteous and sincere anger to be faking and he did a lot of work, the quality about which even the scammers couldn't complain. Kind of disgusting.

You guys! I was out at the pharmacy today trying to figure out the best bargain on paper towels, and without warning "Zippy the Pinhead" (never heard of him til I saw him here) popped into my mind and I had to disguise the laughter that erupted with a cough.

Flashbacks to JJ plaintiffs and defendants aren't unusual with me. In a recent business meeting a vendor arrived and looked exactly like a particularly memorable defendant. I had to excuse myself to regain composure....and had difficulty concentrating on the proposal at hand for the remainder of the meeting. A small price to pay for my nightly date with JJ.

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AngelaHunter, have you never read Zap Comix?  OMG such a huge part of my childhood/teenhood!  There is a complete box set of Zap and I wish I could afford it!  Do a search on Zap Comix and you will find treasure (and Zippy the Pinhead).

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4 hours ago, SandyToes said:

The early reruns featured a litter of dog breeding cases. Judy was in her element! The experienced breeder/champion dog show-er decided "pick of the litter" meant as many as she wanted. She chose three!  Woo hoo!  Just a vile woman, and I hope the entire show dog and  breeding communities caught whiff of her.

Not only "pick of the litter", but also a stud fee.

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8 minutes ago, Brattinella said:

AngelaHunter, have you never read Zap Comix?  OMG such a huge part of my childhood/teenhood!  There is a complete box set of Zap and I wish I could afford it!  Do a search on Zap Comix and you will find treasure (and Zippy the Pinhead).

I didn't know about the boxed set of Zap Comix; I found it on Amazon and am salivating over it, but sadly, it's too rich for my blood as well.

R. Crumb (creator of Zippy) and his Cheap Suit Serenaders had a song that Dr. Demento used to play on his syndicated radio show back in the 70's, called "Get A Load Of This". The lyrics sum up so many of our beloved JJ litigants:

"My girlfriend's over but I sent her away

Almost knocked the supper off my TV tray

Bring a loada

RC Cola

TV dinner

Plate o'Twinkies

It takes a pink burrito

For to keep me clean

(For to keep me clean)"

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8 minutes ago, Silver Raven said:

Not only "pick of the litter", but also a stud fee.

I wonder about this so often. Why do people whose livelihoods depend on their business and their good name in the community -- dog breeders, mechanics, party bus proprietors, etc. go on the most-watched courtroom television show and display their crookedness and/or bad business sense to the world, all for under a couple thousand dollars (at the most)? 

Who would think that is a good idea?

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1 hour ago, Brattinella said:

have you never read Zap Comix?

I confess I have not.


1 hour ago, Intocats said:

"My girlfriend's over but I sent her away

Almost knocked the supper off my TV tray

That brings back fond memories of some hillbilly who had messed around with def's revolting husband and plaintiff exclaiming to JJ that def., "Almost knocked me outta mah shoes!" I do believe she said def "hit me upside the haid" with firewood.


1 hour ago, Intocats said:

Cheap Suit Serenaders

Now there's a perfect description for so many litigants. We'll have to keep that one on file.

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13 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

A trailer with disputed ownership, two Pomeranians moving from trailer to basement to rooming house, drugs, jail, loaning your social security, seven dogs in a trailer

All I can say is: POOR DOGS. The plaintiff was a disgusting, irredeemable pig who's gonna wind up right back in jail again. Good catch @stephinmn! I also thought I noticed a weird bandage on her neck but then convinced myself it was probably a bad skin graft after a meth batch exploded in her face.

13 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

This one is about a goofball defendant who I think was wearing a fake army shirt with the word 'combat' on it

That shirt reminded me of the jacket that that sheriff who frequently appears on on the news wears with all the fake pins on it -- like he's auditioning to work at Flingers, "I'm wearing the most flair!"  

I hope you R. Crumb lovers saw the documentary, Crumb. It's one of my all-time faves -- and I think I'm gonna sue my brother to get it back since I loaned it him 15 years ago! It's a loan, not a gift, sir!

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4 hours ago, Giant Misfit said:

I noticed a weird bandage on her neck but then convinced myself it was probably a bad skin graft after a meth batch exploded in her face.

I love how everyone here always thinks the best of people. Bwahahhaha!

I see the tat said "Robert" so needed to be hidden. I can just picture  the Lothario who inspired that tat. Anyway, I can just imagine the staff on the show snagging her on her way in and slapping a big sloppy cloth and tape on her neck. They really need to start doing that with the vast expanses of sagging, flabby bosoms, a sight we're subjected to way too often.

Edited by AngelaHunter
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16 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

Usually, I dislike the mostly shady, arrogant contractors we see here, but in this case, I believed him. Anyone who thinks they'll get major renovations done in a month and for 7500$ then cancels a check when it's not is either dumb as a brick or a scammer.

Something about contractors brings out the stupid. I finally dropped my condo's mailing list after one too many stupid whines - the latest was "the repair job was scheduled for a month but they're still working!" Yes. Because we had unseasonable rain for a couple of weeks. Do you want people tearing off our shingles in the rain?

Sadly, the answer is probably yes.

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21 hours ago, SandyToes said:

The housemates?  Yowza. I hope someone traveled with the defendant. She may not make it home otherwise. Truly vacant behind the eyes. 

And another nurse - though I do believe this one at least said nurse's aide... ok, I admit I was never working with patients, after all I was an Army Pharmacy NCO, but looking at the physical shape of this obese girl I doubt she is physically capable of performing as what I think of as a nurse's aide.

Edited by SRTouch
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Canine Custody Case #5478928957 - Plaintiff has Great Dane puppy for less than 2 months, moves out with her boyfriend that has an aggressive pitbull and is ready to take the puppy to the pound but the neighbor takes the puppy in, agreeing it would be only for a few months  Two years later, after bringing a couple of food bags twice for the 110 lb dog, she wants the dog back! The defendant countersues for vet bills, spaying, etc. JJ forgot to ask if the boyfriend with the pitbull was still living with the plaintiff.  The plaintiff gets all sentimental claiming the dog knows she's her real mommy in the two visits she made in two years. Sure. The plaintiff didn't understand how things work in the hallterview, complaining that the defendant didn't treat the dog as family (as she claimed in court) since she wanted to be paid for her dog sitting and vet bills before giving the plaintiff the dog back.  Three gavels.

HANG UP THE PHONE!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Boy people are stupid. Clean looking plaintiff, who ironically is a government consumer advocate for the state of Idaho,  gets a phone call from Hillbilly Bernie Madoff and his sour faced mother. Sour Face tells a compelling story of becoming filthy rich selling a product that no one seems to be able to describe with any degree of accuracy.  First referred to as a "digital download of product" and later a "personal and business development training product" it's all very confusing.  What everyone seems to be very clear on, though, is how to make money from this 'product' and how this all depends on roping in other suckers into the scheme.  No disagreement here, everyone is on the same pyramid scheme handbook page.  The plaintiff saw dollar signs when Sour Face told her a 'very compelling story' about how much money she was making from the 'product.'  She gave $3K and a lot of jewelry as 'collateral.' I was horrified to hear she 'sold product' to some other sucker for $15K. Gasp!  Hillbilly scammers just spent the money, she got no 'commission' for her 'sale' of 'product' which is why she was suing in the first place.  The plaintiff said in the hallterview: "I thought I was really smart" LOL, while defendant dryly complains about being called a scammer.  Byrd gets a hug! Five gavels, it must be sweeps.

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HANG UP THE PHONE plaintiff/sucker is big into the multi-level marketing, she sells lots of online snake oil and potions.   I expect she misunderstands that she is a consumer advocate for the state, and is actually their poster child for "Don't be a Judie".   

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Am I the only one who got Ms. Popken(?) and her lovah-boy, "Trace"? There is no hope for women, is there? Ms. Popken appeared to be intelligent and well-spoken, attractive and with a good job which she's ready to leave for the love of Trace. "Trace", dire hunk with those huge moobs, moon face, silly facial hair and ginormous belly, lets her move in with him and start forking over money for security, appliances, utilities and whatever. There's no price too big to pay for the favours of Trace! But Trace can't settle for just one woman. His baby momma wants him back, but I guess she can't pay his security, car insurance or cable service so he waits til Ms. Popken pays to get him set up and then dumps her ass for his true love, the baby momma. I was all with Ms.Popken until she blurts out, "I'm PREGNANT!" *sigh* She doesn't believe in abortion so will carry the fruit of Trace's loins. Oh, Ms. Popken, with all the financial records you kept and the good job you have, did you never think of birth control? Thus, Trace's stellar genes will be dispersed far and wide. Oh joy.  As long as we have women competing for the favours of a minor mediocrity like Trace (and I guess in comparison to the drunks, druggies, abusers and criminals we see women battling over he seems like a prize) they will continue to make utter pathetic fools of themselves.

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1 minute ago, AngelaHunter said:

"I'm PREGNANT!" *sigh* She doesn't believe in abortion so will carry the fruit of Trace's loins. Oh, Ms. Popken, with all the financial records you kept and the good job you have, did you never think of birth control?

I Just. Do. Not. Understand. This.  At. All. 

What is wrong with people? Do they not even understand that "pregnant" leads to "children?" Who have to be raised? And cared for? Admittedly as an adoptive parent, I'm a little over-sensitive to this, but good night.  And birth control is free now!  Wine, Angela, I need wine!!

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3 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:

Am I the only one who got Ms. Popken(?) and her lovah-boy, "Trace"? 

That's the second episode for Toaster Strudel, the first/afternoon one in my area.

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6 minutes ago, SandyToes said:

Wine, Angela, I need wine!!

I had two glasses of wine and two of Grand Marnier and it didn't make this ridiculous debacle any better. All these mature women who just find out they're pregnant. They must know how that happens, right? And the last thing I would shout on national TV is that I'm pregnant with TRACE's offspring. Ugh! Gah!!

ETA: I was glad to see that Judy didn't give a shit about Ms. Popken's delicate condition or upcoming blessed event either. Your choice, lady. Good luck if you think Trace can afford to support three kids. Hahahhaa!

A 3rd glass of wine might be needed.

Edited by AngelaHunter
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Oh, rerun JJ - when a defendant says "my [spouse] had a job, I stayed home with the kids" would you say "so you were unemployed" if the spouse was a husband and def was the wife? So why do you say it when it's reversed?

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3 minutes ago, Quof said:

Yes, JJ does say that.

For single parents, yeah, but I've not noticed her jumping quite so fast on married moms - although come to think of it, married parents with either parent being a wage-earner are pretty rare around here.

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I didn't get to see the verdict in the case with the landlady who was suing her former tenant because of  the stupid hurricane warning....from another county.  They were Asian, and his name was John Jhun, which I kept mishearing as John John. Did the landlady get her money?

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8 minutes ago, Cobalt Stargazer said:

I didn't get to see the verdict in the case with the landlady who was suing her former tenant because of  the stupid hurricane warning....from another county.  They were Asian, and his name was John Jhun, which I kept mishearing as John John. Did the landlady get her money?

She got the money for 3 months rent ($3300) but nothing for damages and he got nothing on his countersuit.

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Looking For What You Don't Have Is Expensive - The plaintiff is pregnant with the douche-defendant and he's counter-suing for a cracked TV.  Everything will go well for that child! NOT.   She is suing for some expenses she incurred moving in with him, then out, after she found him back with his ex.  I could really feel JJ's pain adjudicating this tedious nonsense.  It got a little better in the hallterview when the defendant's douchiness went nuclear, boasting that the wronged, cheated on, and now pregnant defendant was way more into him than he was into her.  If that wasn't bad enough, he topped it with a heartless "she got what she deserves."  I hope he gets swallowed up by a sinkhole, never to be seen again. Two gavels, all for the hallterview.

R.I.P Auntie Minoki - How did the dear departed get dragged into this dumb squatter case? One gavel.

But tomorrow we have bad odors, maggot and fly damage!  Five advanced gavels!

Edited by Toaster Strudel
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HANG UP THE PHONE case - Byrd cracks up at JJ's tale of how she and her husband deal with phone scammers. Plaintiff is completely oblivious as she goes "and you just keep getting people into the business" Oh, honey, you have just described a pyramid scheme. It's not even disguised like they usually are. How dumb are you?

JJ, to def, trying to clarify if there's anything in this pyramid: "So, I want you talk to me like I'm an idiot."

Def: "OK"

Audience: *snigger*

She thinks the scammer has "such a compelling story". Bet she thinks the same thing about Lori with her McLaren...

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5 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

Canine Custody Case #5478928957 - Plaintiff has Great Dane puppy for less than 2 months, moves out with her boyfriend that has an aggressive pitbull and is ready to take the puppy to the pound but the neighbor takes the puppy in, agreeing it would be only for a few months  Two years later, after bringing a couple of food bags twice for the 110 lb dog, she wants the dog back! The defendant countersues for vet bills, spaying, etc.

If I recall, Judy explained that the def's countersuit is only if plaintiff gets the dog back. Which would have been appropriate, to all of America, excepting the plaintiff.  I thought it a nice touch (and a show of how she cared for the dog) that the def didn't want, nor expect, to be repaid for her care of the dog. 

In other news, I just watched the Dirty Dancing remake.  Oh  my. 

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That brings back fond memories of some hillbilly who had messed around with def's revolting husband and plaintiff exclaiming to JJ that def., "Almost knocked me outta mah shoes!" I do believe she said def "hit me upside the haid" with firewood.

OMG, that was Hillbilly Ho vs. Hillbilly Hag! Ho was suing Hag because Hag caught Ho with Hag's husband in the carport during Hag's annual Iron Bowl party which resulted in an "altercation" between Hag 'n Ho.  The social event of the year in Rainbow City, Ala.  Ho's truckdriver hubby wasn't present at the party.  But he certainly was at the show and during the hallterview asked, "Why would she cheat on me when she's got all this?"  Well, he did look as if he just jumped down from a Bob's Big Boy sign.

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14 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

It got a little better in the hallterview when the defendant's douchiness went nuclear, boasting that the wronged, cheated on, and now pregnant defendant was way more into him than he was into her.

The thing is, I can't blame Trace (and all the other creeps far, far worse than he) for his douchiness. The reason all these cretins and hideous losers feel they are  prize packages who can pick and choose is that terminally desperate women put them on pedestals and feed their egos. How many times have we seen some repulsive, grimy, unemployed, ex-con, broke-ass little troll in the hall, smirking, "She tried to buy my love."? The depressing part is that it's true.


33 minutes ago, Sarcastico said:

OMG, that was Hillbilly Ho vs. Hillbilly Hag!

Thank you, Sarcastico! Yes, now I remember more clearly. I believe Hag's Big Boy was passed out in bed with the grandkiddies and Ho sashayed into the bedroom. Well, her siren call awoke the passions of Big Boy and led him rise from his stupor to follow her to the carport. Hag found Ho with her bloomers down. A dust-up - with firewood weaponry -  ensued. A true classic.

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Actually AngelaHunter, I was not clear -- Bob's Big Boy was married to the Ho, not the Hag.  Hag's hubby, or soon-to-be ex-hubby, was not present in court.  It was the hag's husband who was passed out in bed with the grandkids. 

Hillbilly Ho was also trying to pull some scam, suing Hag for hospital bills that were clearly covered by her insurance.

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