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All Episodes Talk: All Rise

Message added by Meredith Quill

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Oh, you'd probably get tenants. The big question is if they'll pay. If they don't, which seems likely, you have to go through hell to get them out, lose rent for months and spend a ton more money on all the vindictive damage done by the squattahs. I would never ever rent my house out to strangers, or let strangers move in with me. If I couldn't afford my place, I'd sell it and buy a smaller house or even a mobile home. Anything is preferable than a midnight police raid because your tenant is a drug dealer, or criminal with a leg bracelet or a prostitute.

Course, whether you get tenants sort of depends on your local housing market, but despite the impression from court tv I think most tenants are good tenants. Like you say, though, how much is that 1 bad tenant going to cost you? If you have a multi-dwelling rental property, that 1 bad tenant could not only damage the property, but drive out your good tenants. Especially since it seems in some jurisdictions it can take forever and a day to evict a bad tenant. Edited by SRTouch
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Course, whether you get tenants sort of depends on your local housing market, but despite the impression from court tv I think most tenants are good tenants.

IMHO it depends on how much screening the landlord does - I've had two horrendous rental neighbors on one side (one hoarder with a bunch of extra people that didn't pay and left in the middle of the night, one non-paying single mom with criminal pot-smoking, gun-toting teenager) and two mysterious bad neighbors on the other side (one guy that came only at night with various women, left a hoard of takeout food and porn but had no furniture, the second was a single mom who left after the bank took over the property with the house filled with dog crap and rotting food in the fridge).  My daughter has lived in two rental properties recently with horrible landlords that didn't refund security deposits (even though they passed inspections and were told they would). I think it's a business where there's a ton of crookery on both sides

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I liked the way Judy, ever on the watch for moochers, suggested that since the stepsister's boyfriend was not too disabled to fix a sink, perhaps he should become a PLUMBAH!!


Did anyone get the one where 2 girls took back another girls horse because she didn't pay the balance? The tall girl in pink on the Defendants side, I thought she was the other girl's MOTHER.  Old looking 20 years old. Anyway those beotches said they couldn't give the horse back because they sold it for $100, and had the papers to prove it.  Selling price to the Plaintiff had been $4,000 something!  Yeah right, Judy just ignored them, ordered the horse back to Plaintiff and the 2 girls immediately meekly said. "ok."  That said, the Plaintiff kept putting on Tall Pink girl to meet her to give her the money when she was in the same area.  Send a frickin' check via US Mail, cripes!!!.

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"Check"?  What is this "check" of which you speak?  Nobody writes checks these days.

Yay, we got the rerun yet again of the crazy woman who parked in the people's driveway, went into their house, ate a bag of chips, and locked their door.  One of my favorites.

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Today I got the roommates from hell with the smelly apartment with garbage and clothes strewn all over. It amazes me that people live like pigs and have no shame having it all for the world to see on Judge Judy. I would be so embarrassed. Next one was another rent owed case.

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Yay, we got the rerun yet again of the crazy woman who parked in the people's driveway, went into their house, ate a bag of chips, and locked their door.  One of my favorites.


Was this the one where she said she did them a favor by locking the door to protect their privacy/security/whatever? Fun times. I was actually out running errands so missed the reruns today. (We are having RAIN soon, therefore, life will come to a halt). Hoping this afternoon's crop is worth coming home for! The description of the new one sounds hysterical.  It even includes the words, "... recorded on video and shown to the world"!  Yea!  Fingers crossed...

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Was this the one where she said she did them a favor by locking the door to protect their privacy/security/whatever? Fun times. I was actually out running errands so missed the reruns today. (We are having RAIN soon, therefore, life will come to a halt). Hoping this afternoon's crop is worth coming home for! The description of the new one sounds hysterical.  It even includes the words, "... recorded on video and shown to the world"!  Yea!  Fingers crossed...


Same here, only forecast is up to AND INCLUDING a tornado or two.  And our trusted radar website is choosing to break down today!  (Can I come over?)

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New episode, first case -- Zachary and his husband were suing Laura (a "care worker" who looked a little like the comic strip character Mafalda) and her boyfriend for a security deposit and unpaid bills. Zachary said Laura and Bryan were hoarders, which was proven by his video. Laura claimed that she didn't owe for utilities because "they used more utilities than we did." JJ made a call to Landlord Lorena (we even got to hear her dial the phone), and had a "very enlightening discussion" that shed light on problems with all four tenants. The place stunk, they were all horrendous tenants, and it was impossible to get rent from all of them.

Editing room hijinks?--JJ makes a comment after hanging up the phone and somehow we hear the laughter of the people in the gallery while they're still filming in her office. And if Zachary keeps abusing his hair like that, he'll have no hair left to play with.


Second case -- The plaintiff Tonisha was suing the defendant Gina for unpaid rent. Gina said she didn't have to pay because there was a water leak. Gina put in a Jacuzzi and an above ground pool while she lived there.......and then she complained about the water bill. Gina said the bill was the fault of some running toilets, not the backyard Wet n' Wild she created. Tonisha's giant stack of pictures and intense complaints about Gina -- I DON'T CARE, yelled JJ.


Tomorrow's a rerun of the kid who ripped out the stove and complained about a toaster.

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Illustrated recaps!  Nicely done, CWL!


Sure, Brattinella!  Come on down!  I've got cookies, ice cream, WINE and a bag of Jack in Box sammiches. And makings for soup if I get inspired. All set for the monsoon. (Sadly, I actually have to go to work tomorrow, egads!) Polishing up the canoe...  Be safe up there! (As I recall, my spousal unit is working in your neck of the woods. He gets to see hail! woo hoo! Yikes!)

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Thank you, my dear!  Sounds very good to me!  Too bad you have to drive in it, though.  And poor spousal unit!  Yeah, big hail is a treat!  I didn't believe what I was seeing the first time I saw it.

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New episode, first case -- Zachary and his husband were suing Laura (a "care worker" who looked a little like the comic strip character Mafalda) and her boyfriend for a security deposit and unpaid bills. 

Second case -- The plaintiff Tonisha was suing the defendant Gina for unpaid rent. Gina said she didn't have to pay because there was a water leak. Gina put in a Jacuzzi and an above ground pool while she lived there.......and then she complained about the water bill. Gina said the bill was the fault of some running toilets, not the backyard Wet n' Wild she created. Tonisha's giant stack of pictures and intense complaints about Gina -- I DON'T CARE, yelled JJ.


I'm not a violent person, nor do I advocate violence, but Laura (with her precious hair bow) had an eminently punchable face. I thought the caption said "case worker" rather than "care worker", though if that pig was indeed a "care worker" as in "home health aide" I wouldn't be at all surprised.


Gina? Gina was a SQUATTAH!

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. And if Zachary keeps abusing his hair like that, he'll have no hair left to play with.

Poor Zach's hair was the color I like to call "85 year old lady from Century Village magenta". A color not normally found in nature. I bet his hair glows in the dark. I wonder how nasty the sink looked when he was done. And GAAAAHHHH, the hoarder girl with the orange bow was giving me the heebie jeebies.  Orange Bow and her Beau looked like two shleprocks from a recent episode of Hoarders where the lady is too lazy to get up to pee so she pees in adult diapers and puts them in bags next to her chair. (not like she could find the toilet in that house).  I could practically smell that place right through my 32 inch screen (which I might add I did NOT buy with my tax refund or at a rent to own place or even through Fingerhut). 

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New episode, first case -- Zachary and his husband were suing Laura (a "care worker" who looked a little like the comic strip character Mafalda) and her boyfriend --- Landlord Lorena shed light on problems with all four tenants. The place stunk, they were all horrendous tenants, and it was impossible to get rent from all of them.

If they want to live like that, fine, but all of them should be reported for animal abuse - plaintiffs with their 4 dogs & defendants and their cat. (OK, I might be reacting to lady on the local news who was just caught with over 100 cats in her house. She claims her house didn't stink, while neighbor's say they could smell her house from their yard.)

Editing room hijinks?--JJ makes a comment after hanging up the phone and somehow we hear the laughter of the people in the gallery while they're still filming in her office.

that laughter was Byrd doing his stand up routine
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Gina? Gina was a SQUATTAH!

Caption said she was a dental hygienist, and yet she couldn't handle half the rent while the county paid the rest (probably food stamps, too). I'm just going to think good thoughts instead of thinking she's scamming public assistance while sitting in her jacuzzi watching her 65 inch tv. Edited by SRTouch
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Editing room hijinks?--JJ makes a comment after hanging up the phone and somehow we hear the laughter of the people in the gallery while they're still filming in her office


I thought the audience in the courtroom could also hear those phone calls.  ??  It'd be nice if we could hear the other end of those conversations.


All pigs.  Magenta Hair says "their stuff" spilled out into the common space.  And he just left it there? 


Laura with that smug look -- what did she think Lorena Landlady was going to say? 


An on-line friend says he's going to let his best friend move in with him.  I so badly wanted to tell him to watch a few JJ eps first.  But it's not my bidness. 

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If they want to live like that, fine, but all of them should be reported for animal abuse


Beyond infuriating. Yes, if someone wants to live in filth, who cares as long as it's their own property and they don't force children or animals to endure their sicko lifestyles.


More cautionary tales for anyone thinking of making a little money from renting - today we had the apex of the horror. Four of the most repugnant, disgusting, filthy, sickening, deadbeat misfits ever seen here, well, in a rental case anyway. I notice when Byrd took the docs to the defendants, he nearly threw them from arms' length, not wanting to get within smelling distance of those cretins. None of them had an ounce of shame. It's appalling.



JJ makes a comment after hanging up the phone and somehow we hear the laughter of the people in the gallery while they're still filming in her office


AuntiePam is right. That set is all open and everyone can hear what's said on the phone.



Gina? Gina was a SQUATTAH!


It's funny, but when I was perusing the program listings today, I saw a show called "Squatters" and I yelled, "SQUATTAHS!!"


Anyway, did plaintiff say something about Gina's rent being partially paid from some entity? Maybe I misheard, but I was wondering why someone who can afford to install a pool and a hot tub would need help with rent?




(a "care worker" who looked a little like the comic strip character Mafalda)


Care worker. As JJ says, "Take your vitamins everyone!"


I don't know who "Mafalda" is (hee!) but she reminded me more of this:


Edited by AngelaHunter
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Anyway, did plaintiff say something about Gina's rent being partially paid from some entity? Maybe I misheard, but I was wondering why someone who can afford to install a pool and a hot tub would need help with rent?

Yep, I heard that Fresno County was paying half the rent - caught my ear because that's just north of where I grew up.

I don't know who "Mafalda" is (hee!) but she reminded me more of this:


All you need is the eye roll and smirk. Miss Piggy would probably be upset by the comparison, though, and sue for slander and defamation. Edited by SRTouch
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An on-line friend says he's going to let his best friend move in with him.  I so badly wanted to tell him to watch a few JJ eps first.  But it's not my bidness.


Let us know when your friend's episode airs.... /snerk.  Ooooohhh  wait - you could go with him as a silent witness!  Nice dinner, nice hotel, inside scoop?  Yeah, for sure I hope his bestie moves in!!  Oh, my life is so, so sad.


Haven't yet seen Gina and her waterpark. Kinda thinking it may need to wait until tomorrow when I have Oreos and wine at the ready. Not at the same time, of course. That might be icky.  But not as icky as the Four Roommates of the Apocalypse. "This is the mess on my couch."  Huh? Either (a) it is your mess you nitwit, or (b) you are an idiot for not chucking it SOMEWHERE. Or, © all of the above. Blech. Scam case? Or really just odious people?



Yep, I heard that Fresno County was paying half the rent


This is why I'm gonna need the Oreos and wine.  Only saw the first yucky, disgusting half of the episode.



SHE would never live in a pigsty


Hahahahahahahahahaha!! Good one!

Edited by SandyToes
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If they want to live like that, fine, but all of them should be reported for animal abuse - plaintiffs with their 4 dogs & defendants and their cat. (OK, I might be reacting to lady on the local news who was just caught with over 100 cats in her house. She claims her house didn't stink, while neighbor's say they could smell her house from their yard.)

that laughter was Byrd doing his stand up routine


She wasn't the typical animal hoarder you see sometimes.  She actually loved them all and fed them well.  I do feel sorry for her!  Good that they saved the cats; I would take a few of them, if I could!

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Haven't yet seen Gina and her waterpark. Kinda thinking it may need to wait until tomorrow when I have Oreos and wine at the ready. Not at the same time, of course. That might be icky. 


 You might need a few glasses of something stronger to deal with this. I guess if Byrd pays your rent you can afford to spend thousands on luxuries like spas and pools, right?



But not as icky as the Four Roommates of the Apocalypse. "



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Can't agree with you there. Miss Piggy has far more grace and class than that hoarding cretin. Punchable face, indeed. (And the little bow-shaped barrette was ridiculous.)

The defendant looked liked both Mafalda and Miss Piggy...if they had two more chins and no neck, and a "what's that stinky-smell" resting bitch face. Quite a motley crew indeed.

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She wasn't the typical animal hoarder you see sometimes.  She actually loved them all and fed them well.  I do feel sorry for her!  Good that they saved the cats; I would take a few of them, if I could!

It's always heart rending to watch these reports, as the people are trying their best to take care of the animals. This lady has dreams of opening a no-kill shelter, her cats look well fed, but I notice a couple things in the video. http://www.texomashomepage.com/news/local-news/vernon-cat-owner-speaks-out-after-108-cats-seized She says the smell can't be that bad because she has COPD and it doesn't bother her - yet she's walking around with a cigarette in her hand. A reporter walked through the house and commented on how strong the odor was, and the place is crawling with flies. Her town has a limit of 5 cats per household, the North Texas Humane Society seized 108 cats last week, and she already replacing the cats - she presently has 11.
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It's always heart rending to watch these reports, as the people are trying their best to take care of the animals. This lady has dreams of opening a no-kill shelter, her cats look well fed, but I notice a couple things in the video. http://www.texomashomepage.com/news/local-news/vernon-cat-owner-speaks-out-after-108-cats-seized She says the smell can't be that bad because she has COPD and it doesn't bother her - yet she's walking around with a cigarette in her hand. A reporter walked through the house and commented on how strong the odor was, and the place is crawling with flies. Her town has a limit of 5 cats per household, the North Texas Humane Society seized 108 cats last week, and she already replacing the cats - she presently has 11.


Wow I didn't see the later broadcast that said she has 11 cats already!  I do commend her on wanting to create a no-kill shelter, though.  I hope she is not mentally ill and can realize her dream!

Ps. Hi, neighbor!

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In the Smelly Apartment Fiasco, I expected a graphic saying they lived in CarnyTown, FL. It appeared the four of them checked all the boxes required by the EHOC.

Edited by arejay
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It's funny, but when I was perusing the program listings today, I saw a show called "Squatters" and I yelled, "SQUATTAHS!!"


I better cut a cut of the series.  Hell, we all better get a cut!


my 32 inch screen (which I might add I did NOT buy with my tax refund or at a rent to own place or even through Fingerhut).


You  can buy a TV through Fingerhut?  I'll bet it is a TV with an elastic, Sansabelt waist.

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They had a good repeat episode last night. CURLMD parked in the driveway of her friend's former house then went to work or shopping or something. Anyhow she parked.. New homeowners parked in their driveway  behind her. CURLMD returns and sees her precious car blocked in by mean, nasty homeowners, who had the chutzpah to actually park in their own driveway!!!!! She eats an entire bag of chips while waiting for mean, nasty homeowners to return. Fretting that the homeowners might not be back for weeks, she gets an idea. *insert light bulb here* She peers into the windows of the house, tries the doors and finds the back door is unlocked. She enters the home and sees the car keys of the offending car on the table. She takes the keys, moves the offending car, then returns the keys. Before she leaves, she locks the front door.  Then she locks the  back door because Heaven Forbid a real burglar comes along after she leaves and really ransacks the home. Puzzled homeowners return and calls the cops.  Cops have to crowbar the front door open because they could not be unlocked (I presume the bitch put a chair or something under the doorknob to prevent anyone from entering.) The case goes cold for a year. Though I'm not sure why because the male homeowner tells JJ that the defendants car had vanity plates that read CURLMD (she's a hair stylist who specializes in curly hair), surely they could have run those plates at the MVA. Anyhow,  one day, CURLMD is in a shop across the street from the house. She chitchats with and brags what she did a year ago to a store employee who just happens to be the sister of female homeowner!  Sis tells her sister, who calls the cops. Cops tell homeowner that the DA probably won't prosecute CURLMD, not because she's fabulous but because DA is too busy with other criminals in the burg. CURLMD's defense is that she was doing the careless, heartless, cruelly mean and nasty homeowners a favor: she locked their unsecured house after she entered it unlawfully, doncha know. The entire case CURLMD has smirky smirky on her spray on tan face, which JJ slaps off.


The second case was big hair (mebbe a wig?) Ms. Richard suing her ex for some money he borrowed. They have a son, who lives with the father because "the Court says I can't teach him how to be a man". ???  Anyhow, he needed rent money. She doesn't pay child support to him. Blah Blah. The memorable part of this case is she gets upset because JJ is telling her to forget about the money because her son lives in the apartment with his dad and he (the son) needed the rent money too, not to mention she doesn't pay child support because ex never asked for it. She storms out through the side door and SLAMS it, much to Byrd's satisfaction because a big monster is probably chained up behind those doors and will probably tear her ass up into teeny, weeny pieces.

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"the Court says I can't teach him how to be a man". ???


Oh, the batshit crazy Devil in the Red Dress! Never mind teaching him how to be man. She couldn't teach him how to be a non-crazy human being.


a big monster is probably chained up behind those doors and will probably tear her ass up into teeny, weeny pieces.


Haha! That would be better than the speculation we did at the time, that she exploded into the People's Court, a soap opera, or the Maury set.

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Oh, the batshit crazy Devil in the Red Dress! Never mind teaching him how to be man. She couldn't teach him how to be a non-crazy human being.

Haha! That would be better than the speculation we did at the time, that she exploded into the People's Court, a soap opera, or the Maury set.


That's the one! She looked HUGE compared to her ex too. During her meltdown, the ex just stands there with a business-as-usual expression. If she paid child support, she would have won the case. But JJ doesn't like deadbeat mom or dads.


I remember that speculation. 


Also memorable, because she used the door at JJ's left. IIRC, someone used or tried to use the door at JJ's right.

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We didn't get the CURLMD ep, although I've seen it before.  We got a different repeat with a girl from Maryland who allowed a friend to put checks into her bank account that were bad.  She kept trying to talk over JJ, spouting "ACCORDING TO MARYLAND STATE LAW, I'M ENTITLED TO 3x THE MONEY BACK!" so instead of roughly $350, she was trying to get back $1300.  JJ kept telling her to stop that, and to give her the cost of the checks, plus any bounce fees.  Plaintiff kept up with the MARYLAND STATE LAW crap, JJ got tired of it, and gave her the cost of the checks only - no fees - and walks off.  Gobsmacked Plaintiff looks as though she's about to cry and says "But she wouldn't even listen to meeeee." to which Byrd replies to the effect of "She tried to tell you.  You DIDN'T LISTEN!".  So funny.

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JJ kept telling her to stop that, and to give her the cost of the checks, plus any bounce fees.  Plaintiff kept up with the MARYLAND STATE LAW crap, JJ got tired of it, and gave her the cost of the checks only - no fees - and walks off.  Gobsmacked Plaintiff looks as though she's about to cry and says "But she wouldn't even listen to meeeee." to which Byrd replies to the effect of "She tried to tell you.  You DIDN'T LISTEN!".  So funny.

I'll never understand these people who agree to come on JJ without watching long enough to know she's going to rule based on her perception of how things should be. There should be a list somewhere.

If your local law awards double or triple damages, don't go on JJ.

Someone owe you hundreds or thousands for cell phone bill - forget it - JJ don't do cell phones.

BF/GF owe you money - 1st get it in writing, but be careful sleeping with them, JJ might just view that as forgiving the debt.

Then there's all the little things litigants should know before appearing: look her in the eye when talking; don't drink the water; etc etc.

Of course there's the biggys: dress appropriately- you're going to JJ's court, not clubbing or to the beach, don't talk out of turn etc

Never - NEVER - try to talk over da JUDGE

It's not a audition, she's already got the job

She's way smarter than you

That's just a sample, there are many _many_ more that you should know before going on tv.

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If she wasn't from Maryland, I would say "That chick should have just  had her trial in Maryland". BUT since I'm a Marylander, I know that in some jurisdictions you need to hire a lawyer for small claims. So she probably figured she'd get a nice vacation and some money by going on  JJ.





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OH, my memory is so short. There was a case last week where a woman was suing a guy for rent. JJ awarded her the money, then plaintiff could not keep her piehole shut and said that she had been told she could "get him" for another month's rent. JJ then dismissed her claim.

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If she wasn't from Maryland, I would say "That chick should have just  had her trial in Maryland". BUT since I'm a Marylander, I know that in some jurisdictions you need to hire a lawyer for small claims. So she probably figured she'd get a nice vacation and some money by going on  JJ.





Not just that, but even if she won, she would not be guaranteed that he would pay her.  He looked to be the type that probably already had a few judgments against him.

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Beyond infuriating. Yes, if someone wants to live in filth, who cares as long as it's their own property and they don't force children or animals to endure their sicko lifestyles.

And as long as they don't share a wall with another person. There's nothing like watching your hoarder neighbors move out of their townhouse (that shares a wall with you) and watching the cockroaches run out of their door toward yours while you're cursing that your weatherstripping is not air tight (or roach tight) 



You  can buy a TV through Fingerhut?  I'll bet it is a TV with an elastic, Sansabelt waist.

I bought something ONCE from Fingerhut - it's got to have been 35 years ago. I think it was some kind of coat (oooo, one of those cool salt and pepper looking tweedy coats with the rolled up sleeves, think Breakfast Club Mollie Ringwald type).  They still send me catalogs, even though I've moved a zillion times since then and have never ordered again. But the stuff in there is tailor made for the impulsive of heart. And it's only $14.99 a month - for four years. 


Many years ago I had FOUR cats and a dog. Those four cats were indoor-outdoor cats but they made so much smelly poop (in the litter pans and in the yard) that it was crazy. I was constantly cleaning up and if the pan wasn't pristine, something else in the house got peed on. And that was only FOUR cats. (of course, the dog was quite a little helper trying to eat any found cat poop - had to move about ten years ago and the EX took the cats, thank goodness. 


Carnytown, FL lol. Basically all of FL is Carnytown so you need to specify. 

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I sincerely hope someone from Section 8 housing was watching Gina, Queen of the Waterpark yesterday. She needs help paying her rent, yet has enough cash laying around to buy a hot tub AND and an above ground pool? Of course, her homemade waterpark didn't have anything to do with the ginormous water bill. It was all because of a leaky outdoor faucet and a toilet that kept running. Bitch, please! I loved JJ cackling at her insisting that the water she used to fill her backyard spa wasn't the cause of the enormous bill. Cases like this one and the Four Slobs make me so grateful that my rental is right across the pasture from my home! I'm fortunate to have decent tenants and I also think having your landlord right next door is great motivation to be good tenants.

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I sincerely hope someone from Section 8 housing was watching Gina, Queen of the Waterpark yesterday. She needs help paying her rent, yet has enough cash laying around to buy a hot tub AND and an above ground pool? Of course, her homemade waterpark didn't have anything to do with the ginormous water bill. It was all because of a leaky outdoor faucet and a toilet that kept running. Bitch, please! I loved JJ cackling at her insisting that the water she used to fill her backyard spa wasn't the cause of the enormous bill. Cases like this one and the Four Slobs make me so grateful that my rental is right across the pasture from my home! I'm fortunate to have decent tenants and I also think having your landlord right next door is great motivation to be good tenants.

Those of you who are regulars here know I'm one of the staunchest defenders of people who receive food stamps, Section 8, welfare, and other social programs. I just need to establish my bleeding heart street cred before I post what I want to say about the defendant in this case:

If you can afford a jaccuzzi and a swimming pool, you don't need me (and Byrd) to pay your damn rent, you freaking moocher.

I built my house in 2010. Or I should say I had it built. If I'd built it, it wouldn't be still standing. Anyway, one of the things I really wanted was a pool. It's almost a necessity when you live in Arizona. I could have financed a pool, but decided against it because it would have cost more per month than I budgeted for, and I refuse to be house poor. So I decided to wait to get the pool installed until it made more sense financially. Who knew I could just get you all and Byrd to pay half my mortgage and therefore afford a pool?

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Those of you who are regulars here know I'm one of the staunchest defenders of people who receive food stamps, Section 8, welfare, and other social programs.


Little known fact about those of us on the "other side" of the political spectrum - most of us feel exactly the same way! Abso-tively posi-lutely we need to help those who cannot help themselves.  The basic "hand up."  It is the moochers, the scammers, the waterparkers, and the multi-generational moochers that drive us nuts. I would gladly hand over my 38%, if I could choose who got it. How to fix? Got nothing. But being told I need to cough up more $$ so Gina and "her kind" can buy more tvs and jacuzzis does tend to make me a crazy person.  And thus endeth today's political diatribe. Sigh.


Having said that, teebax, you and I are about as far apart as two people can be (I mean, I'm right-handed!), but I love you dearly, and if you need someone to help dig the hole for your cement pond, I hope I'm the first person you call. I'll even wear a cap to cover up my right-wing conspiratorial horns!   :-)


Show? Hmmmmmm.... Interesting rerun about Texas gentleman who loaned money to a cougar and sued too soon to get it back. His comments about not being able to garnish anything from her is exactly true. When we've won judgements from renters, they get to keep cars, furniture (sofas, chairs, bedroom sets, TVs, dining rooms, etc), anything related to a child (which is fine!).  Essentially at least one of everything in the house. Which leaves not a whole helluva lot we can attach. And that's after it takes three months to get them out of the house. So JJ may be the only way folks can actually collect the cash. But I'm not ready to make an appearance yet. Y'all can be MEAN!!!  


Devil in the Red Dress case - love that one!  Sorry I missed the second go-round.  Pretty ballsy.


In weather-related news, no rain yet. Brattinella, hope it is clearing where you are! And that all our California friends are drying out. Time to make Hershey's S'mores cupcakes.  Seriously, y'all.  Tres yum.  Then I can tackle watching Gina's case.

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Those four cats were indoor-outdoor cats but they made so much smelly poop (in the litter pans and in the yard) that it was crazy. I was constantly cleaning up and if the pan wasn't pristine, something else in the house got peed on. And that was only FOUR cats.

I used to have 6 cats. (Some cat "experts" say you should have 1 more litter box than the number of cats, but I've never had more than 2.) One of mine would make the circuit, inspecting each box. If they didn't pass her inspection, she would squat on the carpet in the middle of the doorway into the room. Didn't take her long to train me to keep the boxes clean.
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Interesting rerun about Texas gentleman who loaned money to a cougar and sued too soon to get it back


Cougar? She's a child molester. Her boyfriend (a Hanson baby brother?) looks about 15. Her boyfriend! Hahahahahaha! And he was so little I couldn't help but think of the poor lad valiantly trying to climb aboard the very large Nora. Plaintiff made some big mistakes and blew his chance to get his money back by suing too soon. I'd hand over 5K to someone I picked up on a dating site and saw casually. I would. When hell freezes over.


I need someone to explain to me a case today, because we've seen this situation fairly often. Why would someone - always a woman, IIRC - give money to anyone to "find" her a car? Today's idiot handed over cash for months to a man she met in a store so he could get her a car. Why? When I need a car, I go to a dealer, look at the cars, test drive a few, talk to a salesman and buy the car. I would never think of getting a third party to do it.


Who knew I could just get you all and Byrd to pay half my mortgage and therefore afford a pool?


I had air conditioning installed last year. Do you think I can get Byrd to pay for it retroactively? I really needed it!


I finally figured out how to upload a picture of my lettuce-eating cat. :)


My niece's cat eats bananas! I have two cats (mom and son) and two litter boxes, if we're taking a survey. Neither of them has ever done anything outside their boxes in 14 years, knock on wood!

Edited by AngelaHunter
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Regarding the car broker case . . . some folks make a living by going to car auctions and buying cars cheap and then reselling them.  And some folks feel that a broker that you've known for years will help you to get the best deal on an inexpensive car.


Some of the brokers are honest.  Well, at least one of them MUST be!!!

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That cat's coloring is so pretty. My People's Court, Judge Mathis, and Judge Judy were all knocked off the air by college basketball games :(


I'm so sorry.  Basketball season seems to go on for EVAH.


That is the kind of cat I almost always have had; a combination of grey tabby/california spangled cat.  I have a carbon copy of her at this very moment!

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Love your cat, Brattinella! (I'm truly Into Cats.) Lettuce....what a great idea! My cats like to eat leaves that fall onto my balcony, then they come inside and throw up on my bedspread. Lettuce might be more digestible.

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What, no love for the hawt Mr. Eric Look of Utah, whose former landlady (Bizerka, aka "Margaret") was suing him for gutting her kitchen of all its appliances before moving out. Cute as hell, not very bright (or crazy like a fox, couldn't decide which). He had a normal-looking girlfriend in tow, and used to work at someplace called Booster Juice, but now he's "excavating".

Now I've got the song "Oh, My Darling Clementine" stuck in my head. ("Excavaaaaaaaating for a mine")

As goofy as he was, he would have been just my type, thirty years ago.

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