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All Episodes Talk: All Rise

Message added by Meredith Quill

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I don't know what the deal was with the def. Maybe he's some kind of freak to let those two misfits reside in his house?


Well, the plaintiff did claim the defendant was a hoarder. If true, and if Mr. Silk Scarf needed the income, I doubt he'd have a line of people beating down the door to rent a room in his hovel.

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"my other brother Daryl's" rented room?


I didn't see this episode, but that line has me dying!  I LOVED those guys!    It sounds like another one of those cases that should be featured on the "Behind the Scenes on Judge Judy!" documentary.  


Staff getting back at JJ with dreary cases?  Ha!  Getting back at US! What did we ever do, huh?   Get off my lawn!

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Didn't Tadd say he and "other brother Darryl" (heeeee) say they couldn't even take a shower?  I have a friend who is a hoarder (stuff and cats) and I can't even go over to visit anymore.  Can't imagine living in those conditions.


The couple with flirtatious tenant did seem a bit slow.  But I didn't like def one bit.  I could totally see using her *ahem* charms for money and R&B.  And I think she mentioned having her kids with her?  Didn't save the ep so I can't go back and check.

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I've run into people who think they'll win a case because of minor deficiencies/technicalities in the lawsuit/traffic ticket/judgment, etc.  "It wasn't signed."  "The date was wrong."  "He didn't spell my name right."  "I wasn't personally served by the sheriff." 

I actually tried that once, only because I thought the ticket was completely bogus, and was gotten while driving through a state several hundred miles away, so I couldn't fight it in court.  They wrote the make and color of my car down wrong.  When I brought it to their attention over the phone, they laughed, and told me to pay it.  I did.



If the JJ show provides "appropriate" clothing and even teeth (!!!), why in God's name can they not give out new bras?  Frankly, even some of men could use "bros" (tm Kramer/Seinfeld).  

No, it's the Mansiere!


Oh my flipping gosh! And then she ripped off her wig!

I missed that.  My husband accidentally deleted the episode when he was trying to rewind it (I had to get up for a minute).

Edited by funky-rat
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Nobody got paid today!  Two real estate cases involving property that was sold and leases and stuff I didn't understand at all.  But JJ broke it all down.  I wish I'd used "It's a Yes or a No!" when I was raising my kids -- would have saved a lot of time.


The first case was somewhat enlivened when JJ had Byrd remove a witness who wouldn't shut up. 

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The second one Dad should have been sharing rent with Mom.

Not sure why daughter even had standing in case. If anyone was owed rent, it would have been Dad. Course Dad was smart enough not to show up - he knew he was circumventing the divorce decree renting the house.

We never found out if defendant owed anything. She offered JJ her bank records, but JJ didn't feel she needed any to make her ruling.

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The first case was somewhat enlivened when JJ had Byrd remove a witness who wouldn't shut up.


Not fast enough for me! Jennifer Lemme, with her "Yup. Yup. Yup" and her beyond-irritating clown faces should have been ejected forcibly - as in the "bum's rush" -  after the second "YUP". Even as Byrd was throwing her out, she just could NOT shut the fuck up. Did she think she was like, you know, the star witness in a capital case? What a bunch of dense people. I had a headache by the time this ended.

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How did she manage to get at least two men to boink her?


Yes, but you saw which two men she got. If those were my only choices, I'd remain unboinked forever. She should be worrying that her 15 year old daughter is bleached almost out of existence and made up like a really cheap hooker. But, oh well,  at least she'll have straight teeth.

Edited by AngelaHunter
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AAAAAAHHHHHH!!  "Flirtatious comments"??  Wowie!  Never in life!

When the plaintiff said that, my mother turned to me and said, ""Is the defendant blind?"

I do think she was flirting because some women just do that, regardless of what man it is.

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Yes, but you saw which two men she got. If those were my only choices, I'd remain unboinked forever. She should be worrying that her 15 year old daughter is bleached almost out of existence and made up like a really cheap hooker. But, oh well,  at least she'll have straight teeth.


That is some very funny early morning shit.  "Bleached almost out of existence"--hee.  And I wonder if "unboinked" is a FB category?  "Omigod, first Aidan Unfriended me and then I got Unboinked!!"

Edited by WhineandCheez
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I'm jealous.  I have 2 stations in my area that run an hour of JJ.  Alas, it's the same eps so I only get 2 a day.  Y'all talk about cases I haven't seen yet but it's fun to read so I know what to look for.


Ms. Lemme  was indeed annoying as hell.  Surprised JJ let her stay as long as she did.


Keep up the great snark and if anyone needs me to borrow them some money let me know.

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The first case was somewhat enlivened when JJ had Byrd remove a witness who wouldn't shut up.


I don't know why I was bothered by that. I know JJ's thing is that she's mean and abrasive to lower-middle-class people, but sometimes her Dragon Lady routine wears a little thin. It's one thing to be no-nonsense, but JJ acts like she has something to prove by being bitchy to people. If you hear the person out, is it going to take money out of your pocket? Maybe you need to eat a protein bar between cases if you're that eager to get to lunch. Something.


Today's cases were boring af. The rerun was kind of nice. Guy sues dude who put a sign on his fence, and the chick who wouldn't sign over her ex-boyfriend's car to him, he had a wreck, and now they're suing her. Oh and well. I do wonder, though, if she was sued by the person with whom he had an accident, could she just say her ex was driving the car uninsured and without a title and they should pursue him for the damages.

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Now we have cow owners who don't think they are responsible


Unbelievable. He stood there with his douchebag hairdo, trying to insist that he is not responsible for any damage his animals do. I love when people quote laws and bring them as evidence when they do not say at all what the person is claiming. It's there in black and white, or rather, it's not there that no matter what his animals may do, he can just wash his hands of it.


Bizarre case of the sleazebag squatter who is living on the streets, has no clothes and no money yet has his hair expertly braided. It was like a joke since the defendant is a "housing authority officer" yet let plaintiff and his lazy girlfriend squat in his house without paying rent for a year? He said he couldn't have any domestic issues, but I didn't quite catch what he meant. The whole thing was nutty.

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Now we have cow owners who don't think they are responsible for lose cows, I'm sure they have dogs too.

Actually, if you google "open range" you'll find that there are areas of the western US and Canada where open/free range still exit.


and a quote from (I added bold for emphasis)


"Idaho, and some other states, are “fence out” states where livestock owners have complete immunity to damage claims from the acts of their livestock. This includes not only damage from trampling and consumption of gardens, shrubbery, trees, but also bodily injury to people. It is the cow that has the rights, actually the cattle owner. If you harm the cow (livestock) in a collision with your vehicle, you will pay all the damages including injury or death of the cow or cattle. You cannot sue for bodily harm or unlawful death of a person."

Not knowing where they came from, we really say if defendant was right are not.

Edited by SRTouch
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Bizarre case of the sleazebag squatter who is living on the streets, has no clothes and no money yet has his hair expertly braided. It was like a joke since the defendant is a "housing authority officer" yet let plaintiff and his lazy girlfriend squat in his house without paying rent for a year? He said he couldn't have any domestic issues, but I didn't quite catch what he meant. The whole thing was nutty.


I thought he said he was applying to be an officer so couldn't risk any law enforcement issues.  ??  I couldn't get past his hair, and his very precise, carefully rehearsed comments.  I got the impression that if he'd been interrupted, he would have had to start all over.


JJ obviously disapproves of squatters rights. It's a good thing to protect tenants who pay rent, or who've lived somewhere for a long time, paid rent, and then fall on hard times and are late or miss a month or two.  But 18 months? 


I had a squatter once.  My daughter and her BF lived in a house I owned for two years, rent free.  When they split up, he wouldn't leave.  I had to hire a lawyer to get him out.  Lawyer said he had squatters rights.

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It's a good thing to protect tenants who pay rent, or who've lived somewhere for a long time, paid rent, and then fall on hard times

Like a whole lot of other things, the initial intention is good but the hustlers and parasites latch onto it to scam normal people.

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If you harm the cow (livestock) in a collision with your vehicle, you will pay all the damages including injury or death of the cow or cattle. You cannot sue for bodily harm or unlawful death of a person."


Wow. Just... WOW. The document the def. presented didn't mention that, just that it was free range.  A lot of people didn't agree with that even in the Wild West days when there were no highways and cars but now it seems, well, very strange.


Like a whole lot of other things, the initial intention is good but the hustlers and parasites latch onto it to scam normal people.


Very true. There's always a segment of the population who can't wait to subvert and abuse anything and everything.

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Like a whole lot of other things, the initial intention is good but the hustlers and parasites latch onto it to scam normal people.

Yes, and I liked that JJ was on to him. But what she said to him would embarrass most people while this loser didn't seem to mind what she or the audience thought of him.

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I thought he said he was applying to be an officer so couldn't risk any law enforcement issues.  ??  I couldn't get past his hair, and his very precise, carefully rehearsed comments.  I got the impression that if he'd been interrupted, he would have had to start all over.


He said it was because he was applying for a "law enforcement position", and the look on the face of the woman behind him in the gallery was priceless, like "Really? Dude with the Bozo hair and halting speech? Law enforcement?" Of course, I heard "law enforcement" and immediately thought Rent-a-Cop, much like I hear "nurse" and think "home health aide from hell"...or hear "I'll repay you when I get my tax refund" and think "never."

Edited by designing1
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Wow. Just... WOW. The document the def. presented didn't mention that, just that it was free range.  A lot of people didn't agree with that even in the Wild West days when there were no highways and cars but now it seems, well, very strange.


I think this is one of those times when JJ made her ruling on her view of the world. As a TV judge, she's acting as an arbitrator, not a judge, so she can rule based on common self as she sees it.

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Today's freeloader, eating the steak and not paying for it -- was JJ implying that the 3-day-notice was illegal but that she could overlook it because her court is an equity court?  I got that impression. 


I've run into people who think they'll win a case because of minor deficiencies/technicalities in the lawsuit/traffic ticket/judgment, etc.  "It wasn't signed."  "The date was wrong."  "He didn't spell my name right."  "I wasn't personally served by the sheriff." 


If the 3-day-notice was deficient, why didn't the landlady try again, instead of letting him live rent free for six months?

I had a friend, actually a nice guy, who insisted on marrying his girlfriend in a state other than the one in which he lived because he really believed that the marriage would not be recognized in his home state.  He told this to me and another friend while we were out to breakfast and she and I blew orange juice and coffee all over the place.  We finally convinced him that, no, they were married in all states.  The "What have I done?" look on his face was priceless.  It wasn't that he didn't love her...he just felt kind of "casual" about marriage.

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Fun early reruns today, for the most part. The "Three's Company" roommate case - stoner dude was a real piece of work. Another great example of JJ feeding someone enough rope to hang themselves.  Also interesting to note that production pays for "make overs" and "teeth", but wouldn't give the dude a new shirt - just turn your offensive garment inside out.  Ha! What a maroon.


Also liked the two college kids who hosted a for-profit party for a non-profit group. Defendant was either really dumber than a box of hair, or smart enough to act like it.


People walk in with puppy dogs? Fast forward!

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Dontray, you go! Even if someone saw you, even if someone got your license plate number, you didn't do nuthin'! it's all lies and conspiracies! Stick to that story. Car insurance? Who needs that? Right, Mom?

Edited by AngelaHunter
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The article that quoted Sandy(?) Houston saying production paid for teeth, clothes and makeovers also said Houston didn't and never did work on JJ show.


Yeah, I'm believing that after seeing one of today's new episodes, especially about hair and teeth.  The defendant with very long blonde hair died a dark pink halfway down -- that looked kinda cool.  But the plaintiff and her witness?  Damn.  Plaintiff's hair looked like she buys hair products at NAPA.  Her witness had a shock of very dry hair hanging down one side of her face -- somewhere a horse is missing part of its tail.


Plaintiff's witness, a part-time mechanic, had a good supply of teeth but they weren't in the places where teeth should be.

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Dontray, you go! Even if someone saw you, even if someone got your license plate number, you didn't do nuthin'! it's all lies and conspiracies! Stick to that story. Car insurance? Who needs that? Right, Mom?


I'm glad Plaintiff won this one (duh), but it irks me that in a way, Dontray also won! No money out of his or Mom's pockets! Just keep on keepin' on, and someone else will foot the bills.  Grrrrrr. But I also know that had this been tried in real court, even after winning, Plaintiff probably wouldn't have collected a dime, so good on him for at least getting the $$. I try to comfort myself with that thought.  


Lots of interesting hair treatments today, no? I kinda liked the blond and pink.  Did she actually admit to putting sugar in the tank in the hallterview? Could she be tried in criminal court for that?

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I had a friend, actually a nice guy, who insisted on marrying his girlfriend in a state other than the one in which he lived because he really believed that the marriage would not be recognized in his home state.  He told this to me and another friend while we were out to breakfast and she and I blew orange juice and coffee all over the place.  We finally convinced him that, no, they were married in all states.  The "What have I done?" look on his face was priceless.  It wasn't that he didn't love her...he just felt kind of "casual" about marriage.

This guy went one step further: http://nypost.com/2016/01/24/husband-secretly-divorced-wife-after-wedding-to-protect-assets/

They were married for 20 years, raising a son and living the good life jetting between homes in New York and France.

It was all perfect, except for one thing: He had secretly divorced her just months after their wedding, in an apparent attempt to shield his assets.


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but it irks me that in a way, Dontray also won! No money out of his or Mom's pockets! Just keep on keepin' on, and someone else will foot the bills.


I know, but we have to be content that he made a complete fool of himself and his mom, all for nothing since the plaintiff got the whole 5K. In small claims court, no one would have seen his idiocy and he wouldn't have paid the judgement anyway.


Lots of interesting hair treatments today, no? I kinda liked the blond and pink.



Basically and such and such, that whole crew was so frighteningly grotesque I had to turn it off. I just... I couldn't. My god.

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I'm glad Plaintiff won this one (duh), but it irks me that in a way, Dontray also won! No money out of his or Mom's pockets! Just keep on keepin' on, and someone else will foot the bills.  Grrrrrr. But I also know that had this been tried in real court, even after winning, Plaintiff probably wouldn't have collected a dime, so good on him for at least getting the $$. I try to comfort myself with that thought.  


Lots of interesting hair treatments today, no? I kinda liked the blond and pink.  Did she actually admit to putting sugar in the tank in the hallterview? Could she be tried in criminal court for that?

Dontray was a real piece of work, huh? Lying liar who lies. I was shocked JJ didn't ream his mother for lying to her when she said Dontray had her permission to drive the car and told the cops he didn't. Oh well, at least the guy got some money to fix his truck.


The hair, the hair! From the greasy locks the plaintiff was sporting to her witnesses fried on one side, bun on the other and the defendant's ever so colorful locks, I didn't know what to look at. I normally like wild colored hair but the way the rest of the defendant looked made me not like these tresses. Maybe it was the foot long olive green feather earrings? She sure was proud to tell JJ that it was all her hair, wasn't she?

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Dontray was a real piece of work, huh? Lying liar who lies.

Plaintiff showed up with police reports, witness, pictures, and even a story that made sense. Defendants had story which made NO sense (in fact had multiple conflicting stories) and NO INSURANCE. Defendants stood zero chance of winning.

'course anyone watching defendant swagger out of courtroom would have thought he won - well, maybe he did, since he got a little vacation and isn't out anything.

The hair, the hair! From the greasy locks the plaintiff was sporting to her witnesses fried on one side, bun on the other and the defendant's ever so colorful locks, I didn't know what to look at. I normally like wild colored hair but the way the rest of the defendant looked made me not like these tresses. Maybe it was the foot long olive green feather earrings? She sure was proud to tell JJ that it was all her hair, wasn't she?

Almost makes me think I should have come in and watched instead of cooking dinner.
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I couldn't get over the hair in the first case. Where were these people from? If it's somewhere warm, I'm Opening up a beauty salon there. I would have no shortage of work.

I was going to say I know a name is terrible when I can't even get my iPad to let me type it, as was the case with Dontray. I spent so long trying to get his name in my post that I forgot what I was going to say about him. Oh, I know. He's a jackass.

Then I got to the plaintiff's witness's first name, which is Cuitlahuac. How do you even pronounce that?

I give up.

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Then I got to the plaintiff's witness's first name, which is Cuitlahuac. How do you even pronounce that?

I give up.


Heck, with the weird spellings some mothers have invented, it's probably pronounced "Cindy."

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I couldn't get over the hair in the first case. Where were these people from? If it's somewhere warm, I'm Opening up a beauty salon there. I would have no shortage of work.

I was going to say I know a name is terrible when I can't even get my iPad to let me type it, as was the case with Dontray. I spent so long trying to get his name in my post that I forgot what I was going to say about him. Oh, I know. He's a jackass.

Then I got to the plaintiff's witness's first name, which is Cuitlahuac. How do you even pronounce that?

I give up.

I missed how to pronounce his name too. It's Spanish, so I'm thinking it's pronounced kweet-la-wok. Over/under on me saying fuck it and giving him different names is around two days. So I hope Cameltoe has thick skin, because when your name is Cunnilingus, it's hard to expect people to be able to pronounce Careerbuilder or Carne Asada or Crash Bandicoot or Cantfeelmyface or whatever his name is.

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I didn't see the plaintiff's name written out, but was his last name Dogwillow?

Yes, it was. It was spelled Dowgwillow. He had a hyphenated last name. The first one started with a C.

Plaintiff showed up with police reports, witness, pictures, and even a story that made sense. Defendants had story which made NO sense (in fact had multiple conflicting stories) and NO INSURANCE. Defendants stood zero chance of winning.

'course anyone watching defendant swagger out of courtroom would have thought he won - well, maybe he did, since he got a little vacation and isn't out anything.

Almost makes me think I should have come in and watched instead of cooking dinner.

Oh! You should have! In the hallterview, the defendant admitted she put sugar in the plaintiffs gas tank. Said all you need is a paper cup with the bottom cut out and it goes right in. 

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Yes, it was. It was spelled Dowgwillow. He had a hyphenated last name. The first one started with a C.

Oh! You should have! In the hallterview, the defendant admitted she put sugar in the plaintiffs gas tank. Said all you need is a paper cup with the bottom cut out and it goes right in. 


Oh, MY!  I interpreted that paper cup comment as referencing the compromising position she found them in!  Bad, bad me!

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the defendant admitted she put sugar in the plaintiffs gas tank.


It said she's a "nurse." Is that one of the pretendy-nurses we see here? Cuz the girl ain't got no education. She spoke nearly as badly as her shorts 'n tats ex-loverboy.

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Auntie Pam, I LOVED your "Cindy" post.


In fact, I registered on this forum just to tell you that!

Welcome aboard! I look forward to whatever snark you choose to bring to our forum. I hang out on a few boards here (those folks over on Jeopardy are a bit uptight,) but this one is by far my favorite. Great posters, great snark, and there's a trip to Vegas brewing, if we can all get some hapless friends to borrow us some money.

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Dontray, you go! Even if someone saw you, even if someone got your license plate number, you didn't do nuthin'! it's all lies and conspiracies! Stick to that story. Car insurance? Who needs that? Right, Mom?


Do the JJ researchers have some sort of search engine in which they can type, "Cases where the car insurance expired 3 days before the accident?"  Because everyone's car insurance expired 3 days before.  I thought if you paid within like the month or the week the insurance is still good? 

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I thought if you paid within like the month or the week the insurance is still good?


Silly W&C! You are assuming the insurance had previously been PAID!  Doncha know these folks just have that little slip of paper they got six months ago (after paying the first week or so) and that it is the paper that has expired.    I'm guessing....  Either that or they are smart enough to not say, "I never bother with that cuz I'm such a great driver."


Auntie Pam wins post of the day for "Cindy."  Seriously.  Enjoy your mirrored gavel!

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There is usually a grace period when you can be reinstated, but that may also include a lapse in coverage - depending on the state.  So if they're into the grace period when they have an accident, the accident is not necessarily covered.


However, I suspect that these folks were AT LEAST 3 days beyond the grace period.  And if you're past the grace period, the company has no obligation to renew your policy. This keeps them from having to keep habitual deadbeats.

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