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Danielle and Mohamed: The Original Mess

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10 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Mohammed's pearl clutching  indignance (you're all drunk!) and arrogance ( I will say whatever I want to!) is scary. He is so conservative and self righteous and I can't stand it. This is America, jackass. He needs to go. He came here on good faith in a marriage and for whatever reason, her fault his fault, he hasn't earned enough of on his own merit to stay. There's no good reason we should be stuck with him. 

I also think he is woefully naive, uneducated and inexperienced with the opposite sex. He doesn't know a yeast infection or pee leak or understand what problem she might have and he is repulsed. He'll even her period probably repulsed him, he's so immature and unprepared. 

Pearl clutching is the PERFECT way to describe it! He was too stupid and arrogant to back down even a bit.

So arrogant! So completely intolerant of the way others think.

We can all give a nod of thanks to Danielle with her pseudo innocent look for bringing us this gem.

Just imagine what treasure she will dig up for us next?

Part of Mo's problem is that he's never been punched in the face.

Until then, he is never going to realize that these things can go beyond the witless exchanges he is used to having.

  • Love 4

Are we not troubled by the fact that women on FB who are old enough to have some morals and manners sought to seduce Mo and entice him away?  I think Danielle's obvious weaknesses made him a target for a certain kind of woman who has no respect for marital status as a boundary. Mo's answering the calls was of course completely in character, but I think back to all the posts in the early days (basically as soon as the show aired) in which women were blatantly throwing themselves at him.   The moral equation in my mind is not just between Dani and Mo but involves all the really trashy behavior which, aimed at a love rat like Mo, was bound to take effect.  I think they were a huge contributor to creating the large a-hole that is today's version of Mo.  

  • Love 7
11 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Mohammed's pearl clutching  indignance (you're all drunk!) and arrogance ( I will say whatever I want to!) is scary. He is so conservative and self righteous and I can't stand it. This is America, jackass. He needs to go. He came here on good faith in a marriage and for whatever reason, her fault his fault, he hasn't earned enough of on his own merit to stay. There's no good reason we should be stuck with him. 

I also think he is woefully naive, uneducated and inexperienced with the opposite sex. He doesn't know a yeast infection or pee leak or understand what problem she might have and he is repulsed. He'll even her period probably repulsed him, he's so immature and unprepared. 

Agree. He can go home and then attempt to find another way to enter the US legally. Good luck with that . . . 

1 hour ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Pearl clutching is the PERFECT way to describe it! He was too stupid and arrogant to back down even a bit.

So arrogant! So completely intolerant of the way others think.

We can all give a nod of thanks to Danielle with her pseudo innocent look for bringing us this gem.

Just imagine what treasure she will dig up for us next?

Part of Mo's problem is that he's never been punched in the face.

Until then, he is never going to realize that these things can go beyond the witless exchanges he is used to having.

But he has NO trouble calling 911 if someone throws some paper in his direction.

  • Love 9
45 minutes ago, escapetoreality said:

Are we not troubled by the fact that women on FB who are old enough to have some morals and manners sought to seduce Mo and entice him away?  I think Danielle's obvious weaknesses made him a target for a certain kind of woman who has no respect for marital status as a boundary. Mo's answering the calls was of course completely in character, but I think back to all the posts in the early days (basically as soon as the show aired) in which women were blatantly throwing themselves at him.   The moral equation in my mind is not just between Dani and Mo but involves all the really trashy behavior which, aimed at a love rat like Mo, was bound to take effect.  I think they were a huge contributor to creating the large a-hole that is today's version of Mo.  

If he had no respect for his own marriage, why should they? I wouldn't do the same but I can understand the reasoning.

  • Love 5

I've often been annoyed at Danielle's waterworks but this week, when she walked out, I understood why, hurt for her. Yes, they had already discussed her bodily issues, it had been discussed on various online venues for at least a year, it was revealed on the previous week's Tell All, but Mo's tone, his approach this week, it was just too much.  He could probably return to Tunisia and collect handsome sums from other rats, giving lessons on how to get thousands from multiple women, but who would want to live in those general conditions?  Mo has NO desire to return to that lifestyle, to live in those conditions again. Outside of living in a nicer resort hotel, it's my understanding, his life wouldn't be so grand. It wouldn't necessarily be African bush life, but it'd make even low-class Sandusky living look nice. And let's face it, Mo knows he never has to go back to even that "awfulness" (Sandusky), given his wandering outreach and propensity for scamming, guilt tripping, and aimless, endless roaming.


I am sure he's not thinking this far ahead, but what does he think he'll do as a 50-something year old, likely unskilled, uneducated Tunisian-American, probably still with no savings? If he's not married by then, he'll be a weathered, homeless beach bum, happy to crawl into the local watering hole for some kind soul to buy him a drink.  Mo better enjoy this spot light and "high life" now and best squirrel away some money and pay someone to invest some for him under the radar, paying them to also give him his cut under the table every so often, so maybe he can live as something other than a grifter.  

Would he ever think so far ahead, so indepthly?

Or would he just assume someone owes him a life and should pay for everything he needs?

I don't think Mo wants to work, I don't think he has the inclination, I think he feels entitled to drive around, taking selfies, having expensive clothes bought for him and being provided a certain life style, all while having his attitude catered to and tolerated also.

Talk about a special snowflake.

This is to say nothing of what I think of Danielle, I don't think I can even get started on that right now.

I'd really like to know how one develops the level of entitlement and superiority Mo has.

  • Love 12
13 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Mohammed's pearl clutching  indignance (you're all drunk!) and arrogance ( I will say whatever I want to!) is scary. He is so conservative and self righteous and I can't stand it. This is America, jackass. He needs to go. He came here on good faith in a marriage and for whatever reason, her fault his fault, he hasn't earned enough of on his own merit to stay. There's no good reason we should be stuck with him. 

I also think he is woefully naive, uneducated and inexperienced with the opposite sex. He doesn't know a yeast infection or pee leak or understand what problem she might have and he is repulsed. He'll even her period probably repulsed him, he's so immature and unprepared. 

Because this is America, he has every right to be indignant,  arrogant, conservative,  self-righteous,  naive, uneducated immature, unprepared and inexperienced.  In fact, all of that describes Dani, as well. It's repulsive that she hasn't got enough sense to take a bath, see a doctor, learn decent English or be smart enough to avoid talking about how she pees and stinks during sex on national television.

As far as I'm concerned, she has no merit for sympathy bc there is no explanation for a woman to be so ignorant and without shame having lived in America her entire life where there are endless ways to learn, grow, be educated and not such a useless  bag of skin. 

People come here everyday to better themselves, to attend school, to start businesses, to contribute. Many come here with nothing, and it takes them time to get on their feet.

Who knows what Mo will do with his newfound freedom from the limited vision and small bubble that Dani is happy to exist in. I'm just glad he didn't accept it's limitations.  That signals that there's hope for him. Meanwhile, Dani crawls back into her blind bubble.

Edited by Virtually Me
  • Love 11
34 minutes ago, lallalla said:

I am sure he's not thinking this far ahead, but what does he think he'll do as a 50-something year old, likely unskilled, uneducated Tunisian-American, probably still with no savings? If he's not married by then, he'll be a weathered, homeless beach bum, happy to crawl into the local watering hole for some kind soul to buy him a drink.  Mo better enjoy this spot light and "high life" now and best squirrel away some money and pay someone to invest some for him under the radar, paying them to also give him his cut under the table every so often, so maybe he can live as something other than a grifter.  

Good point.

Here's my thing though.  I think both Dani and Mohammad know that they are the ones people are watching and talking about and they'll keep getting paid as long as they keep the dysfunction going.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, escapetoreality said:

Are we not troubled by the fact that women on FB who are old enough to have some morals and manners sought to seduce Mo and entice him away?  I think Danielle's obvious weaknesses made him a target for a certain kind of woman who has no respect for marital status as a boundary. Mo's answering the calls was of course completely in character, but I think back to all the posts in the early days (basically as soon as the show aired) in which women were blatantly throwing themselves at him.   The moral equation in my mind is not just between Dani and Mo but involves all the really trashy behavior which, aimed at a love rat like Mo, was bound to take effect.  I think they were a huge contributor to creating the large a-hole that is today's version of Mo.  

No. This is not a society that values marriage.  Unfortunately,  the attitude of earned obsolescence and seeking the new and novel  extends to foundational institutions, as well. Dani didn't care about her marriage; she'd had 4 kids with a man she never married and dumped him after 20 years to beaver skype with foreign boy toys. She wanted an exotic pet in her bed; the catch this time was that she would have to actually marry him to keep him.

When he balked, she didnt back down. She demanded that he marry her, then, proceeded to make it an increasingly undesirable union to remain in. 

Other women saw this trainwreck displayed for all to see, and, they moved on Mo. No surprise. Marriage isn't valued here.

42 minutes ago, lallalla said:

Yes, they had already discussed her bodily issues, it had been discussed on various online venues for at least a year[...]

I am sure he's not thinking this far ahead, but what does he think he'll do as a 50-something year old, likely unskilled, uneducated Tunisian-American, probably still with no savings?

And those are bodily issues that he claims she has.  We know how hard he's been trying to avoid relations with her, keeping it to the absolute bare minimum to seal the deal before marriage, then pretty much stopping completely after the marriage.  Considering the source, I don't place a lot of credibility on his assertion that she smells any worse than the rest of us ladies.  It kind of bugs me that the whole internet is discussing her loins and taking the word of her Perma-Ramadan loverat for it.  I get it, she's not attractive at all, she's older, she has no conversation, he only used her for the green card.  But in his rage against the world that he feels persecutes him, he has a need to justify himself, quite aggressively and defiantly, to make it all her fault and humiliate her in the most intimate way possible.  He cannot hide that he is red-hot with hatred for her, and bursting with contempt.  To me, it makes more sense that he is creating a self-serving myth.

As for him thinking about his future... he dropped out of high school so we know he's lazy and doesn't think about the future.  I don't see any signs that he matured into a hard working chap investing in tomorrow, LOL.

  • Love 13
1 minute ago, Toaster Strudel said:

And those are bodily issues that he claims she has.  We know how hard he's been trying to avoid relations with her, keeping it to the absolute bare minimum to seal the deal before marriage, then pretty much stopping completely after the marriage.  Considering the source, I don't place a lot of credibility on his assertion that she smells any worse than the rest of us ladies.  It kind of bugs me that the whole internet is discussing her loins and taking the word of her Perma-Ramadan loverat for it.  I get it, she's not attractive at all, she's older, she has no conversation, he only used her for the green card.  But in his rage against the world that he feels persecutes him, he has a need to justify himself, quite aggressively and defiantly, to make it all her fault and humiliate her in the most intimate way possible.  He cannot hide that he is red-hot with hatred for her, and bursting with contempt.  To me, it makes more sense that he is creating a self-serving myth.

As for him thinking about his future... he dropped out of high school so we know he's lazy and doesn't think about the future.  I don't see any signs that he matured into a hard working chap investing in tomorrow, LOL.

I want to believe it is a myth except she didn't try to deny it. Not even a little. She behaved as though it were true.

At this point I fully believe that he intends to be cruel.  Even when he's trying to behave, he's insensitive so when he's not, he's vicious!

However, it's because she keeps bashing into him!

If she would just leave him alone, none of this would happen. But, she wants revenge! Instead of helping Faith with college or helping her daughters with the innumerable things that they need, she is lawyering up and going after Mohamed in a battle that she is more than likely going to lose.

I don't think anyone is expecting him to get deported at this point. Not even the people who want him to go.

Danielle is going to keep bashing into him again and again, and each time, Mo is going to get more and more savage. He even said he is going to start his own YouTube channel and tell his side of the story, and you can bet every hoary detail about her life is going to come out ~ every thieving transaction, every stain on the sheets.

It's a bad time for her to be poking him with a stick, but we know she can't stop herself.

She managed to get sympathy from the other cast members when she bashed into him on the tell-all, but that was a very different type of situation.

Unfortunately, that sympathy fix probably encouraged her tremendously.

She's imprinted on Mo and that's not likely to get better.

  • Love 7

We all know that Dani, the American Trash Rat, never cared about education. Its obvious that she doesnt care about health or hygiene, either. In a few years, when she's 50, she'll for sure be continuing her vapid lifestyle, only without 90DF.

The most memorable thing about her, in the public's mind will be that she was slow, fat, silly, a bad mom, cried a lot, couldn't pay her bills and that her rotten VJJ was Internet fodder. This isn't far off. It's almost over, thank God.

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, lallalla said:

I'd really like to know how one develops the level of entitlement and superiority Mo has.

Its part of the con and his superiority from thinking he is the king of his criminal fellow rats.  Wow, he even has these stupid American tv people paying him, housing him and feeding him.    Too bad he has no idea what TLC is capable of.   They will send him to the Duggars for awhile, where he will be rejected by Josh Duggar.  Then they will dump him at the airport in the same ugly fake brown leather jacket he came in.   Big Rat on campus no more.

  • Love 6
9 minutes ago, Toaster Strudel said:

And for the record, the "beaverskyping" allegations, it turns out, were completely made up by one of her enemies.  The screenshots that were supposed to support these allegations were released and it turns out that its very clear no "beaverskyping" was actually involved.


13 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

I know this might be an easy shot but THERE'S NO  R AT THE END OF DOHA!!!!!!!!!!!



She can't pronounce anything.  "Ma-ha-mitt".  "Ha-la cooking".  "Ah-nah-mint".

  • LOL 1
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, CoachWristletJen said:

I want to believe it is a myth except she didn't try to deny it. Not even a little. She behaved as though it were true.

At this point I fully believe that he intends to be cruel.  Even when he's trying to behave, he's insensitive so when he's not, he's vicious!

However, it's because she keeps bashing into him!

If she would just leave him alone, none of this would happen. But, she wants revenge! Instead of helping Faith with college or helping her daughters with the innumerable things that they need, she is lawyering up and going after Mohamed in a battle that she is more than likely going to lose.

I don't think anyone is expecting him to get deported at this point. Not even the people who want him to go.

Danielle is going to keep bashing into him again and again, and each time, Mo is going to get more and more savage. He even said he is going to start his own YouTube channel and tell his side of the story, and you can bet every hoary detail about her life is going to come out ~ every thieving transaction, every stain on the sheets.

It's a bad time for her to be poking him with a stick, but we know she can't stop herself.

She managed to get sympathy from the other cast members when she bashed into him on the tell-all, but that was a very different type of situation.

Unfortunately, that sympathy fix probably encouraged her tremendously.

She's imprinted on Mo and that's not likely to get better.

Danielle is immature, self serving, uneducated, annoying, irresponsible, unhealthy, a poor mother and role model and a million other unflattering descriptive terms.  But that's who Mo chose.  And even though I'd like to think I'd handle the outcome WAY better than she has.. a part of me understands wanting to "bash into him".  She, stupidly I stress, mortgaged her entire family's well being on this idiot and believed he was genuine.  He wasn't.. she spent a lot of money, time, and emotional heartache wrapped up into this rat.  The vindictive part of me would want him to pay as well. 

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, CoachWristletJen said:

I want to believe it is a myth except she didn't try to deny it. Not even a little. She behaved as though it were true.

At this point I fully believe that he intends to be cruel.  Even when he's trying to behave, he's insensitive so when he's not, he's vicious!

However, it's because she keeps bashing into him!

If she would just leave him alone, none of this would happen. But, she wants revenge! Instead of helping Faith with college or helping her daughters with the innumerable things that they need, she is lawyering up and going after Mohamed in a battle that she is more than likely going to lose.

I don't think anyone is expecting him to get deported at this point. Not even the people who want him to go.

Danielle is going to keep bashing into him again and again, and each time, Mo is going to get more and more savage. He even said he is going to start his own YouTube channel and tell his side of the story, and you can bet every hoary detail about her life is going to come out ~ every thieving transaction, every stain on the sheets.

It's a bad time for her to be poking him with a stick, but we know she can't stop herself.

She managed to get sympathy from the other cast members when she bashed into him on the tell-all, but that was a very different type of situation.

Unfortunately, that sympathy fix probably encouraged her tremendously.

She's imprinted on Mo and that's not likely to get better.

I will say that on that on a FB last year (that got shut down), though there was no love for Mo, there was a constant drum of anti- Danielle beating, and it was because of all she had done and was doing to keep her daughters in such dire financial straights. The dislike for her was HIGH, and her crazy antics toward Mo weren't excused, regardless of the stuff he did.  I wasn't trying to excuse any of it in my post either, at some point, it's so egregious both ways as to be too much. Mo was TOO much.  I've said it too many times now, she has acted a fool all over, including on TV, but that was too much, and I swear, Devar looked like he could have taken Mo down (I would not have condoned violence on anyone's part, just an observation).

Too much of this "he did because she...she did because he..."

Let his nasty words stand alone.  If I do something, I have myself to blame. Mo could have been out there without going that far, we've seen it before. I know where are beating a dead horse now, so I'll just step back into the shadows, but this weekend's Tell All was too much.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, CoachWristletJen said:

I want to believe it is a myth except she didn't try to deny it. Not even a little. She behaved as though it were true.


What is she going to say? No I don't stink? He answers, yes you do stink!  She replies again... No I don't stink!  Besides she believes everything he says including that he was "just friends" with all his mistresses.

  • Love 3

The Tell All was too much. There was only one point to bringing up Dani and Mo's sex life and letting the others pile on, and that was to generate snark, clickbait, controversy and profits. They know that Dani and Mo are gold. They don't mind moving into Jerry Springer territory to degrade the the most hated and debated couple of any 90DF season. 

The couples are paid to do this. None of it is by accident. Nothing we've seen is as it would be in real life. It's quite possible that, for Dani and Mo, their paths would have been different, if not for the show.

I'm still convinced that Mo is less sympathetic on sochul media because he's not the USC, and, therefore, less relatable to westerners, who find his direct, not so romantic demeanor offensive.  Dani is relatable,  even if she is an idiot, because her western idea of a fairy tale romance filled with love and kisses failed miserably.

Add in those who have been burned by "Tunisian Love Rats", he's most certainly interchangeable with everyone of the men they hate. So, there must be a term for the USC who is also less than an "acceptable" partner for the imported spouse, the "American Trash Rat", a shorthand for the USC who deserves no sympathy. Dani, Mark, Nicole, all qualify.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

I want to believe it is a myth except she didn't try to deny it. Not even a little. She behaved as though it were true.

At this point I fully believe that he intends to be cruel.  Even when he's trying to behave, he's insensitive so when he's not, he's vicious!

However, it's because she keeps bashing into him!

If she would just leave him alone, none of this would happen. But, she wants revenge! Instead of helping Faith with college or helping her daughters with the innumerable things that they need, she is lawyering up and going after Mohamed in a battle that she is more than likely going to lose.

I don't think anyone is expecting him to get deported at this point. Not even the people who want him to go.

Danielle is going to keep bashing into him again and again, and each time, Mo is going to get more and more savage. He even said he is going to start his own YouTube channel and tell his side of the story, and you can bet every hoary detail about her life is going to come out ~ every thieving transaction, every stain on the sheets.

It's a bad time for her to be poking him with a stick, but we know she can't stop herself.

She managed to get sympathy from the other cast members when she bashed into him on the tell-all, but that was a very different type of situation.

Unfortunately, that sympathy fix probably encouraged her tremendously.

She's imprinted on Mo and that's not likely to get better.

They are a very unhappy and very public couple. I don't know why they're expected to be civil, at this point.  

  • Love 2
55 minutes ago, Virtually Me said:


I'm still convinced that Mo is less sympathetic on sochul media because he's not the USC, and, therefore, less relatable to westerners, who find his direct, not so romantic demeanor offensive.  Dani is relatable,  even if she is an idiot, because her western idea of a fairy tale romance filled with love and kisses failed miserably.

Add in those who have been burned by "Tunisian Love Rats", he's most certainly interchangeable with everyone of the men they hate. So, there must be a term for the USC who is also less than an "acceptable" partner for the imported spouse, the "American Trash Rat", a shorthand for the USC who deserves no sympathy. Dani, Mark, Nicole, all qualify.

Agreed! And that's why I lean towards Team Mo. I think he's gotten a raw deal as a result of his culture and upbringing. Sure, he's a rat, but he's also being misjudged. 

I didn't like everyone ganging up on him during the finale, however arrogant he might have been, at least he was sober!

What also made Dani completely un-relatable to me was the fact that she was a mother. Mo's hurting people, yes, but he's not hurting his own children.

I will never understand a woman who puts her kids on the back burner so that she can get her rocks off.

Long after Mo has gone of his way and is happily settled in Florida with a new apartment and a restraining order, Dani's son will still struggle with finding a job all because of what she CHOSE to do! 

  • Love 8
26 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Agreed! And that's why I lean towards Team Mo. I think he's gotten a raw deal as a result of his culture and upbringing. Sure, he's a rat, but he's also being misjudged. 

I didn't like everyone ganging up on him during the finale, however arrogant he might have been, at least he was sober!

What also made Dani completely un-relatable to me was the fact that she was a mother. Mo's hurting people, yes, but he's not hurting his own children.

I will never understand a woman who puts her kids on the back burner so that she can get her rocks off.

Long after Mo has gone of his way and is happily settled in Florida with a new apartment and a restraining order, Dani's son will still struggle with finding a job all because of what she CHOSE to do! 

Well said!

Dani is a self-destructive force on wheels and an embarrassment to her family, which she has divided. She's even managed to turn off her good friend Beth. Her trashy way of life gains her sympathy despite the fact that she has better choices and refuses to exercise them.

It's appalling that she made her genital issues center stage at the Tell All, then feigned indignance and hurt at the revelation, but, not surprising.  I wouldn't be at all surprised if they paid her extra to do it.

  • Love 6
6 hours ago, escapetoreality said:

Are we not troubled by the fact that women on FB who are old enough to have some morals and manners sought to seduce Mo and entice him away?  I think Danielle's obvious weaknesses made him a target for a certain kind of woman who has no respect for marital status as a boundary. Mo's answering the calls was of course completely in character, but I think back to all the posts in the early days (basically as soon as the show aired) in which women were blatantly throwing themselves at him.   The moral equation in my mind is not just between Dani and Mo but involves all the really trashy behavior which, aimed at a love rat like Mo, was bound to take effect.  I think they were a huge contributor to creating the large a-hole that is today's version of Mo.  

I am not troubled by this.  Women will always throw themselves at men they view as "celebrity" status, no matter how tenuous that status is.

I don't think it was Danielle's weakness that made Mo a target.  It was his lack of character.  He was already a big a@@hole.  All those women did was solidify the core essence of his lack of character.

  • Love 4

If you read one of the 90 day FB groups last year, you'd see how unsympathetic people were toward Danielle, let me tell you, there was NO letting up on her, all of her deeds were laid out and judged, all of her job loss, spending, crimes, lack of parenting, all of it laid bare and judged under the light of a  "mom", it was brutal.

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

Agree. He can go home and then attempt to find another way to enter the US legally. Good luck with that . . . 

But he has NO trouble calling 911 if someone throws some paper in his direction.

Oh yes, I forgot about that!  The need to call the police and flat out lie about having a binder thrown at him as if he was in danger or hurt.  I guess he forgot that cameras showed she tossed the papers on the ground towards him when he wouldn't take them.  I kind of wish it had gone to court so that he could have been laughed out of there.  His willingness to abuse the system knows no bounds.  This is exactly the type of thing that police officers hate having to spend their time dealing with -- people who manipulate and lie in order to try to get a leg up in a legal case and it's no wonder they just told everyone to grow up and left.   He's obviously too stupid to realize being involved in so many police incidents does not reflect favorably on him and just highlights how ready he is to abuse the system. 

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, Virtually Me said:

I'm still convinced that Mo is less sympathetic on sochul media because he's not the USC, and, therefore, less relatable to westerners, who find his direct, not so romantic demeanor offensive.  Dani is relatable,  even if she is an idiot, because her western idea of a fairy tale romance filled with love and kisses failed miserably.

Add in those who have been burned by "Tunisian Love Rats", he's most certainly interchangeable with everyone of the men they hate. So, there must be a term for the USC who is also less than an "acceptable" partner for the imported spouse, the "American Trash Rat", a shorthand for the USC who deserves no sympathy. Dani, Mark, Nicole, all qualify.

I don't follow social media, but I doubt this.  I think people (mostly women, I assume) are offended by an obvious scammer.  Mo's manipulation repertoire is rather limited:  1) Appeal to decency/goodness; 2) Appeal to pity; 3)  Anger and outrage at target's unreasonableness and 4) Threats.  I laughed when I saw him try these on Luisa, who has no decency/goodness, so 1 and 2 wouldn't work on her.  3 and 4 didn't work on her because she is a con artist as well.  It has zero to do with him not being an American citizen.  He is a repugnant human being.

I'm not defending Danielle here.  She was wrong in pursuing a man so much younger and putting her family in dire circumstances as a result.  But even if Mo had married a beautiful 20 year old virgin, he would have still been who his is, a slimy, lazy user with no moral foundation.

  • Love 11
8 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

But he has NO trouble calling 911 if someone throws some paper in his direction.

But ... but ... there was a paperclip holding those papers together!  He could have got a nasty bruise!  


I just can't deal with the "poor misunderstood Mohamed" thing ... the guy is a piece of crap.  A manipulator.  A user.  A walking herpes blister in modal who weaseled his way into America so he could suck off the teets of dumbass American women who are stupid enough to fall for his brand of "charm."  

And the women who see through him and are repulsed don't feel that way about him because he is not American or because he is not romantic or too direct in his speech.  They feel that way because he is a transparent, lying, scheming dirtbag. 

His nationality, his romanticism, or his linguistic propensities have nothing to do with it.  


6 hours ago, Virtually Me said:

People come here everyday to better themselves, to attend school, to start businesses, to contribute. Many come here with nothing, and it takes them time to get on their feet.

Who knows what Mo will do with his newfound freedom from the limited vision and small bubble that Dani is happy to exist in. I'm just glad he didn't accept it's limitations.  That signals that there's hope for him. 

I have seen absolutely ZERO evidence of any of the good intentions you described evidenced by Mohamed. He's been here for how long now?  Well over two years.  I believe he has taken some English classes, which he seems to have used mainly to improve his grifting skills.  Does he have a job yet or is he still living off the proceeds of his online panhandling?  How much has be begged off women dumb enough to fall for his tales of woe?  $40,000?  $50,000 ???  More?  

I don't buy for a minute that he left Danielle because she lives in some kind of bubble that limited him ... he left so he could proceed to bilk the chain of idiots who reached out to him online without her interference.  Without those women, I actually think he'd still be with Danielle. And that is because Mohamed's aspirations seem to extend only as far as having some woman pay his bills for him, be it Danielle or the ladies online who have become his personal lonely-hearts club.  He has no interest in contributing to anything but his own bank account. 

And boy is the proof in the pudding where that is concerned .... because I've heard him whine a lot about wanting a nice quiet life and to move on.  Well why is he still on my TV if that is what he wants?  Why is he all over the damn internetz with facebook pages and youtube crap?  He doesn't want a quiet life.  That's the last thing he wants.  Because without 90 Day Finance and people talking about him online, he would drop from the world's radar and *gasp* have to support himself.  Or at least only be able to mooch off women face-to-face, which is probably a lot less lucrative than doing it en-mass on the web.  

All Mohamed wants is a free ride. He has none of the noble goals suggested ... his highest aspiration is a decent sugar mama who can keep him fed and clothed and not expect sex because women smell funny to him.  Nothing more. 

  • Love 13
2 hours ago, RedBaron said:

Oh yes, I forgot about that!  The need to call the police and flat out lie about having a binder thrown at him as if he was in danger or hurt.  I guess he forgot that cameras showed she tossed the papers on the ground towards him when he wouldn't take them.  I kind of wish it had gone to court so that he could have been laughed out of there.  His willingness to abuse the system knows no bounds.  This is exactly the type of thing that police officers hate having to spend their time dealing with -- people who manipulate and lie in order to try to get a leg up in a legal case and it's no wonder they just told everyone to grow up and left.   He's obviously too stupid to realize being involved in so many police incidents does not reflect favorably on him and just highlights how ready he is to abuse the system. 

You must not have read the police report I posted about that incident. It was practically scripted. The place he was wasn't where he really lived, everything was staged and edited. The police were not amused to geta fake 911 call. 

  • Love 1
21 hours ago, Real Eyes said:

Just for clarification as it has come up a few times, in Canada now, an immigrant spouse no longer gets permanent residence automatically.  The law changed as a result of marriage fraud.  I believe there is a three year waiting period now, though I may be wrong on that, it could be two years.  



Actually, it is now even more confusing. If you come in as an immigrant spouse.....you get a 'conditional residency' almost immediately. You can work fairly soon. However, if you are from elsewhere and marry in Canada....they can hold up permanent residency for as long as they want. (Case in point, I have been living up here with my husband for 6 years and STILL do not have permanent residency......and, as such, cannot work in Canada PLUS my spouse is  STILL on the hook for anything and everything I need.

The "marriage of Convenience" thing was not a large-scale problem...yet they changed the laws for a problem that really did not exist. They have now (with the change and 'conditional residency') in the process of reversing it. 


21 hours ago, Real Eyes said:


  • Love 1
6 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

To be fair, I doubt Danielle has ever had much opportunity or $ to get a decent education. Her daughters seem generally healthy and smart.

I don't buy this at all.  If one is low income there are ways to go to college.  She doesn't need money herself.  She could have taken out student loans, applied for scholarships etc.  Or could have gone to a trade school.  Her only goals seem to be making sure her loins are taken care of and how to keep Mo from escaping.  She is a very selfish individual without an education yet can find out how to deal with the K1 paperwork etc so she is not totally unable to think (what she paid for Mo could have paid for her college education or one of her kids).  Her daughters are ok in spite of their upbringing.  Maybe dad was a better influence.  Do we know if she graduated from high school?  She sounds like she barely finished grammar school.  

I did see something where she checked Indigent and it had to do with the fees associated with the annulment I believe.  I am normally a very liberal person but this bugs.  She is indigent so she cannot pay her legal fees OR keep utilities on OR prevent her family from being evicted yet she can sponsor someone from another country.  That should not happen.   She has not learned anything from her struggles and WE get to finance her follies.

Another thing that totally steams my bean is how these two losers are involving and using the legal system to work out their fights and get back at each other.

  • Love 8
49 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

But ... but ... there was a paperclip holding those papers together!  He could have got a nasty bruise!  


I just can't deal with the "poor misunderstood Mohamed" thing ... the guy is a piece of crap.  A manipulator.  A user.  A walking herpes blister in modal who weaseled his way into America so he could suck off the teets of dumbass American women who are stupid enough to fall for his brand of "charm."  

And the women who see through him and are repulsed don't feel that way about him because he is not American or because he is not romantic or too direct in his speech.  They feel that way because he is a transparent, lying, scheming dirtbag. 

His nationality, his romanticism, or his linguistic propensities have nothing to do with it.  


I have seen absolutely ZERO evidence of any of the good intentions you described evidenced by Mohamed. He's been here for how long now?  Well over two years.  I believe he has taken some English classes, which he seems to have used mainly to improve his grifting skills.  Does he have a job yet or is he still living off the proceeds of his online panhandling?  How much has be begged off women dumb enough to fall for his tales of woe?  $40,000?  $50,000 ???  More?  

I don't buy for a minute that he left Danielle because she lives in some kind of bubble that limited him ... he left so he could proceed to bilk the chain of idiots who reached out to him online without her interference.  Without those women, I actually think he'd still be with Danielle. And that is because Mohamed's aspirations seem to extend only as far as having some woman pay his bills for him, be it Danielle or the ladies online who have become his personal lonely-hearts club.  He has no interest in contributing to anything but his own bank account. 

And boy is the proof in the pudding where that is concerned .... because I've heard him whine a lot about wanting a nice quiet life and to move on.  Well why is he still on my TV if that is what he wants?  Why is he all over the damn internetz with facebook pages and youtube crap?  He doesn't want a quiet life.  That's the last thing he wants.  Because without 90 Day Finance and people talking about him online, he would drop from the world's radar and *gasp* have to support himself.  Or at least only be able to mooch off women face-to-face, which is probably a lot less lucrative than doing it en-mass on the web.  

All Mohamed wants is a free ride. He has none of the noble goals suggested ... his highest aspiration is a decent sugar mama who can keep him fed and clothed and not expect sex because women smell funny to him.  Nothing more. 

I think I love you. You said it all perfectly!

  • Love 4
14 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

I don't buy this at all.  If one is low income there are ways to go to college.  She doesn't need money herself.  She could have taken out student loans, applied for scholarships etc.  Or could have gone to a trade school.  Her only goals seem to be making sure her loins are taken care of and how to keep Mo from escaping.  She is a very selfish individual without an education yet can find out how to deal with the K1 paperwork etc so she is not totally unable to think (what she paid for Mo could have paid for her college education or one of her kids).  Her daughters are ok in spite of their upbringing.  Maybe dad was a better influence.  Do we know if she graduated from high school?  She sounds like she barely finished grammar school.  

I did see something where she checked Indigent and it had to do with the fees associated with the annulment I believe.  I am normally a very liberal person but this bugs.  She is indigent so she cannot pay her legal fees OR keep utilities on OR prevent her family from being evicted yet she can sponsor someone from another country.  That should not happen.   She has not learned anything from her struggles and WE get to finance her follies.

Another thing that totally steams my bean is how these two losers are involving and using the legal system to work out their fights and get back at each other.

I wish I could give you at least 200 hearts for this. I don't understand how anyone can sorry for someone so selectively and willfully dim for their entire adult life.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

But ... but ... there was a paperclip holding those papers together!  He could have got a nasty bruise!  


I just can't deal with the "poor misunderstood Mohamed" thing ... the guy is a piece of crap.  A manipulator.  A user.  A walking herpes blister in modal who weaseled his way into America so he could suck off the teets of dumbass American women who are stupid enough to fall for his brand of "charm."  

And the women who see through him and are repulsed don't feel that way about him because he is not American or because he is not romantic or too direct in his speech.  They feel that way because he is a transparent, lying, scheming dirtbag. 

His nationality, his romanticism, or his linguistic propensities have nothing to do with it.  


I have seen absolutely ZERO evidence of any of the good intentions you described evidenced by Mohamed. He's been here for how long now?  Well over two years.  I believe he has taken some English classes, which he seems to have used mainly to improve his grifting skills.  Does he have a job yet or is he still living off the proceeds of his online panhandling?  How much has be begged off women dumb enough to fall for his tales of woe?  $40,000?  $50,000 ???  More?  

I don't buy for a minute that he left Danielle because she lives in some kind of bubble that limited him ... he left so he could proceed to bilk the chain of idiots who reached out to him online without her interference.  Without those women, I actually think he'd still be with Danielle. And that is because Mohamed's aspirations seem to extend only as far as having some woman pay his bills for him, be it Danielle or the ladies online who have become his personal lonely-hearts club.  He has no interest in contributing to anything but his own bank account. 

And boy is the proof in the pudding where that is concerned .... because I've heard him whine a lot about wanting a nice quiet life and to move on.  Well why is he still on my TV if that is what he wants?  Why is he all over the damn internetz with facebook pages and youtube crap?  He doesn't want a quiet life.  That's the last thing he wants.  Because without 90 Day Finance and people talking about him online, he would drop from the world's radar and *gasp* have to support himself.  Or at least only be able to mooch off women face-to-face, which is probably a lot less lucrative than doing it en-mass on the web.  

All Mohamed wants is a free ride. He has none of the noble goals suggested ... his highest aspiration is a decent sugar mama who can keep him fed and clothed and not expect sex because women smell funny to him.  Nothing more. 

Now that he's away from that blood sucking, cooty rotted, slimey, dimwitted, whining, manipulating  petty criminal, fame whore, he'll have more of a chance not to imitate her lowlife habits. She already squeezed his youth out of him. Lord forbid she should have a chance to do anymore damage to anyone besides herself.

  • Love 2

Maybe I was too harsh.  He does have some ambition and organizational skills.

With the help of a fan, he has created and manages a special secret FB group of about 70 chosen fans that see some of his videos and pictures that regular fans aren't shown, and can be power-bilked like their were on a conveyor belt to his Western Union account and other apps for receiving money transfers.

  • Love 7
5 minutes ago, Virtually Me said:

She already squeezed his youth out of him.

OMG that was totally his choice... within 6 months of "having his youth squeezed" by her he was banging his first mistress in NYC, Atlantic City and Las Vegas... within 9 months he was banging his second mistress in South Carolina, then in Miami and Key West...

Now poor Mo is doing adult things, boo hoo, like serial internet pandhandling or the "selling of romantic illusions to delusional women" and quitting job after job after a couple of weeks because he's not getting respect.

Here, have a Kleenex you'all, dry your tears.

  • Love 21
15 minutes ago, Virtually Me said:

Now that he's away from that blood sucking, cooty rotted, slimey, dimwitted, whining, manipulating  petty criminal, fame whore, he'll have more of a chance not to imitate her lowlife habits. She already squeezed his youth out of him. Lord forbid she should have a chance to do anymore damage to anyone besides herself.

HE's in his late 20's, he's not 10.

  • Love 6

And, he is her choice. She would take him back in a hot minute if he would have her.

4 minutes ago, Toaster Strudel said:

OMG that was totally his choice... within 6 months of "having his youth squeezed" by her he was banging his first mistress in NYC, Atlantic City and Las Vegas... within 9 months he was banging his second mistress in South Carolina, then in Miami and Key West...

Now poor Mo is doing adult things, boo hoo, like serial internet pandhandling or the "selling of romantic illusions to delusional women" and quitting job after job after a couple of weeks because he's not getting respect.

Here, have a Kleenex you'all, dry your tears.

  • Love 4

There was a posting on line about her smell. The posting came from the crew of the 90 days people (camera/sound etc). This was from the FIRST crew (the original one with Dani and Mo). According to that posting, some of the crew had to actually throw their clothes away as her place also stunk so badly.

While I don't think Mo is a good guy.....NO ONE should have to put up with that. 

  • Love 8

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