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S33: Michelle Schubert

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If she gets to the merge I think Michelle last a bit, nothing about her screams priority target. 

If gen x get the upper hand from Adam and Zeke Jay Taylor even Will would be targeted first I think. 

You have an erratic wild card in Hannah as well as a player like David who could easily destroy his own game by playing to hard out in the open.

Then you have physical threats like Ken and Chris, if she plays it right Michelle could go very under the radar. 

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I wish I could agree with you but she has already been labeled a threat by Zeke for one so even though I do think she is in a better position than she was at Vanua she is still in danger as far as I can see.  

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1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

Michelle is a stealth threat. I've said that from day one. I think people underestimate her.

To me it seems like they don't really underestimate her (Adam knowing she was the one that saved Figgy, David talking about how smart she is), but they're still somehow not fully seeing her as a threat yet. Which is a testament to her gameplay.

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She may be not targeted BECAUSE some of her know allies (Figgy, Michaela) have been eliminated. Plus apparently Jay is counting on her, or at least counting her as an ally. And while she's good at puzzles, she has shown herself as non threatening in the other parts of the challenges, so she won't be considered a challenge threat. WE know she's smart to the game, but not many players realize it. Zeke, maybe. Who else? Maybe Jay, but for a while he could see that as a good thing if he sees her in his corner - where he wants her to be :) So I think she's going to be in a relatively good position after the merge. I think so far the trickiest part for her has been with the tribe reshuffle, but once that part is over she might be able to breathe more easily.   

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On 11/5/2016 at 0:00 AM, Winston9-DT3 said:

While that scene was disgusting, it showed one thing... Michelle is like the anti-Michaela.  She's going to sit back and make a blank face and shut up no matter what's happening around her, apparently.  I think that's shrewd.

Quoted from a different thread....

I give her a lot of credit for sitting through that disgusting display from the men on her tribe.  I could barely watch it from my couch.  Normal bodily functions, yes...but the men admit to shoveling in that food as fast as they could, on a stomach that had been limited to some coconut and rice.  I was positive it was going to get way worse than that.  Michelle must've known that if she got up and left in disgust, the men would have a few brief moments to consider getting rid of her.  I can't believe she stayed put.  I am also one who thinks that if someone doesn't catch her, she's going to go pretty far.  I really like the game she's playing at the moment, and I'm curious to find out what she'll do after the merge.

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Michelle arrives at Ponderosa.  Apparently she lost weight and then gained some back because she got a bunch of food rewards.  She seemed contnet for the most part. Very happy to be able to put on makeup, do her nails and basically pamper herself a little bit.  It took a sad turn at the end of the video when she briefly talks about being a victim of an assault when she was younger and how she had a rough time for awhile but is now a survivor.


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Truthfully, I'll be kind of surprised if she ever gets a second chance.  I mean, I shouldn't be too surprised if she does (considering past AS seasons and who was included).  But I don't know if she left enough of a mark.  The men this season have so far dominated in terms of interesting and colorful personalities, and the only women who so far have really stood out to me have been Hannah (more so because of her panic attacks and nervousness), Michaela, Figgy, and even second boot Mari will stand out for the time being.  If she does get another chance, maybe she'll do better.  I don't think going in anyone would consider her a threat, since we didn't see much of her game.

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In her Ponderosa clips, Michelle looked beautiful, came off as likeable, sweet, self-aware, and intelligent.  Wish she more of an impression that would get her back as a returnee.  I think she would learn from her experience and be a better player a second time.  I really like her. 

Edited by Bazinga
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That braid is definitely real and definitely a unique look for her.  If I was doing an exit interview this week that is the first question I would ask "What's up the braid?" I am just curious if there some interesting story behind it.

Edited by LanceM
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Her edit really did throw me off.  It seemed so long-term to me.  Like here's all these overplaying crazies, and here's calm, sleepy-faced Michelle walking to victory.  I really, really thought it.  (I thought I was going to have to confess to being a total sucker for the editors when she won.)  I'm still confused why they didn't play some of that dragon stuff from the secret scene last week on the actual show; surely they cast her for such wacky perspectives, and if I know Survivor fans (e.g. this board) they can't stand Jesus people or kooks like Coach or Debbie, so they could easily have made her ouster a hooray moment.  I feel like either she says something really great at FTC, or they just like her and didn't want to character-assassinate her (which I would totally believe because she seems like a pretty wonderful person to be around, wacky beliefs or no.)

So, sorry gang, but I'm done for the season.  I'm not getting any joy from it anymore, and Survivor is supposed to be my relief, not a further cause of depression.  I think I'll just watch Ponderosa instead; she's already getting it to a great start, and will hopefully guide it to an un-bitter, friendly atmosphere.  Perhaps, appropriately, Michelle will start The Dragonz II with whoever shows up in the next couple weeks.

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Michelle mentioned in the exit interviews that Zeke ever told her he didn't think he can play with her because of her religion. That makes me side eye him so hard. It's Survivor, dude! And it's a pity because they are quite a dynamic duo in the challenges but I guess he just didn't like her or trust her from the start. In that secret scene about dragons, I thought it was a hit uncalled for how Zeke was making fun of her for discussing about it. 

Edited by waving feather
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On November 12, 2016 at 7:35 AM, Winston9-DT3 said:

I'm guessing it was just a fashion choice, like Vince Sly's feathers, or like piling your messy bun on the front of your head.  

Ugh, I really hated the messy bun piled in front look that both Michelle and Michaela wore for so many of their THs this season. Such an odd choice and very unflattering. 


Her edit really did throw me off.  It seemed so long-term to me.  Like here's all these overplaying crazies, and here's calm, sleepy-faced Michelle walking to victory.  I really, really thought it.  (I thought I was going to have to confess to being a total sucker for the editors when she won.)  I'm still confused why they didn't play some of that dragon stuff from the secret scene last week on the actual show; surely they cast her for such wacky perspectives, and if I know Survivor fans (e.g. this board) they can't stand Jesus people or kooks like Coach or Debbie, so they could easily have made her ouster a hooray moment.  I feel like either she says something really great at FTC, or they just like her and didn't want to character-assassinate her (which I would totally believe because she seems like a pretty wonderful person to be around, wacky beliefs or no.)

The dragons scene really threw me off when I saw it, I never saw any hint of that kind of wackiness from her on the show. 

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What is the dragons thing about?

I came here to note that Michelle wins in my book for the most amazing self-makeover I've ever seen (at least that I've known about).  I thought she was kind of homely on the island, but she looked really good sitting on the jury.  (And I'm not normally like that about makeup: I usually think in the reunion, female contestants look much worse with all that makeup caked on than they did on the island.)

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Michelle thinks dragons and dinosaurs are the same thing and went extinct only about 600 years ago.  In the same sort of way that some people believe in UFOs or Bigfoot.  Pretty much every interviewer asked her about it in her pre-game interviews.  She has a sense of humor about it -- it seems to be a fun hobby for her rather than a Message She Must Tell The World -- but I suppose it suggests she's a Young Earth Creationist, which probably wouldn't go over too well with the Survivor audience.

I always thought Michelle was beautiful but in, like, a Kristen McMenamy sort of way.  She looks unrecognizable in her work photo!

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I don't know if Michelle believes dragons were real because she is a young creationist or because she just really like dragons and dragon mythology and just really really wants them to be real.  lol To be fair to her I have not seen any interview from her where she has said that humans walked amongst dinosaurs or that she thinks dinosaurs went extinct 600 years ago.  She has described dragons as dinosaur-like but that is about the extent of it.  Either way I don't care, lots of people have very strange beliefs. I just found her to be the most compelling and fascinating player this season. Definitely one of the more unique casting choices they have had in years.

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I mean, you know I agree with you.  I think "she just really like dragons and dragon mythology and just really really wants them to be real" is just right, what I meant by not being a MESSAGE to the SHEEPLE.  In the secret scene that was mentioned, Zeke says the part about the 600 years ago etc, which might have been his own gloss on what she was saying.  Who knows if she's a creationist or what but I just mean they could easily put together a "Michelle is crazy" scene out of the dragon stuff and maybe some Bible talk if they wanted to, and I'm honestly surprised they didn't.  As for me, I still think what I thunk before:

On ‎9‎/‎22‎/‎2016 at 1:49 AM, KimberStormer said:

 I would love it if a communist missionary dragon-researching Coach fan would win this game.

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On 11/17/2016 at 2:38 PM, KimberStormer said:

I always thought Michelle was beautiful but in, like, a Kristen McMenamy sort of way.  She looks unrecognizable in her work photo!

Michelle has charisma to me. I would say her on-camera looks ranged widely for me from good-looking to awkward, but I suspect that in person I would get much more of the beautiful vibe.

That said, photos like that work photo creep me out. I look at them and think, "Whose hand is that?"

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On 11/17/2016 at 1:38 PM, KimberStormer said:

Michelle thinks dragons and dinosaurs are the same thing and went extinct only about 600 years ago.  In the same sort of way that some people believe in UFOs or Bigfoot.  Pretty much every interviewer asked her about it in her pre-game interviews.  She has a sense of humor about it -- it seems to be a fun hobby for her rather than a Message She Must Tell The World -- but I suppose it suggests she's a Young Earth Creationist, which probably wouldn't go over too well with the Survivor audience.

I always thought Michelle was beautiful but in, like, a Kristen McMenamy sort of way.  She looks unrecognizable in her work photo!

Whoa.  How is that her?

Even on the island, I thought she had a great sense of personal style.  I expect that's related to why she "cleans up" so well: she is very talented at using clothing, hair, makeup, and accessories to present herself in the most appealing light.

(BTW, I googled McMenamy, and those images are going to haunt my dreams.  Scary!)

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On 11/26/2016 at 1:59 AM, pfk505 said:

I really liked her in the game and I really like her outside of it. She's awesome, I hope she gets to come back but I agree that she may not have done enough.

Last time I had a crush on a Survivor like I do on her she got invited back despite not doing much in her first game, so that's a good sign right? :P

(Andrea Boehlke)

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I would love to see Michelle again and she has said that she wants to play again. Make it happen Probst.


Michelle Schubert ‏@MsShellSchubert  21m21 minutes ago

Sometimes you just hafta wear a dragon to your reality show finale...


Edited by LanceM
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She is really gorgeous, even for this show.  But I think her hair past her shoulders is extensions, too, not just the long braid she wore earlier.  Not that there's anything wrong with extensions.  

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Michelle is definitely very kooky but what I love about her is that she owns it (I mean look at what she wore last night) and like you said it is in a non-annoying way in fact I find her very endearing.  Also from watching all ten Ponderosa videos and hearing what the other cast members have said about her in interviews she seems like just a very nice and very fun person to be around.  Yeah I'd love to see her come back. I think hse has a good as shot as any from this season to be honest and she does possess the one quality that Jeff Probst seem to love the most in a contestant which is that she is not afraid to make a big move in the game as she did earlier in the season with the Mari vote.

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I think she could for a similar reason to why I think Figgy will be back, the show struggles really creating young, memorable female cast-mates (although this season had about four). And I think similar to Michaela and Figgy, there's a feeling of untapped potential with Michelle that wasn't quite realized this go-around. But editing seem to give her a decent amount of focus considering she didn't really didn't amount to much past the Mari vote. 

I'd much rather see her again than Stephanie V., Julia, or Sierra. 

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Considering who they cast for S34, I wouldn't be at all surprised for Michelle to return one day.  Of this cast, which Jeff really seemed to like (and who overall got a pretty good reception), I think we'll be seeing Jay, Adam, Ken, David, Figgy, Michelle, and Hannah down the road.  Possibly Will and Bret.

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You know I was trying to think of what kind of news there was regarding Michelle that would cause you bump up her thread.  Her being a contestant on American Ninja Warrior never crossed my mind. lol.  I have never watched the show but I might have to check it out to se how she does.

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Yeah she didn't make as big a splash as we were hoping after the second episode of MvsGX, which was one of my very favorite tribals ever (though I know you guys hate the whispering) with Hannah taking so long to vote that Jeff peeked into the voting booth to see wtf was going on.  Michelle flipped the game in a very exciting way that episode, but had a bad swap and ended up first merge vote/Mayor of Ponderosa (which she thrived at, but it was still disappointing.)  She's truly a kook, thinks dinosaurs were dragons etc, too bad we didn't get to see it much on the show.

Anyway American Ninja Warrior doesn't seem like her skillset to me (she was the puzzle master for the Millenials, but not a physical challenge beast) but I wonder how she'll do!

Edited by KimberStormer
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47 minutes ago, KimberStormer said:

Anyway American Ninja Warrior doesn't seem like her skillset to me (she was the puzzle master for the Millenials, but not a physical challenge beast) but I wonder how she'll do!

Maybe Michelle got into the bodywork to increase her physical comp prowess, should she ever be called back again - and ANW is filling the niche while she waits for a call which may never come?  🙂

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I saw the thread and a bump up in name. I had to google the name. I sort of forgot her first & last name. She was nice enough & very pretty. I do recall her wearing some animal head on her Finale dress. 

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