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Better Late Than Never - General Discussion

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7 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

That Bavarian Alps scenery was spec.fucking.tacular.

That’s all I've ever wanted to see in life - snow-capped mountains!  Not the green mounds in the Adirondacks and Catskills.  All of Bavaria was beyond stupendous.

I had a cat trying to sleep on my chest and he was getting so annoyed because I was laughing so hard.  I love these guys so much.

I loved George saying he was going to introduce Jeff to “Hansel” and “Gretel.”

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, mojoween said:

That’s all I've ever wanted to see in life - snow-capped mountains!  Not the green mounds in the Adirondacks and Catskills.  All of Bavaria was beyond stupendous.

I had a cat trying to sleep on my chest and he was getting so annoyed because I was laughing so hard.  I love these guys so much.

I loved George saying he was going to introduce Jeff to “Hansel” and “Gretel.”

The cat on my chest moved down to the spot between my legs for the very same reason.  ;-)

If Bavaria is too far (or too expensive), the Canadian Rockies are pretty darned spectacular.  

  • Love 4

So much fun.

Lederhosen are passed down through generations - I had no idea.  Love the info blurbs we get.  I was also entertained by Daniel, the lederhosen shop owner.  He was definitely flirting with Jeff, hee.

Glad we still have Henry and Bill doing their side comments.  Oh and drunk Henry face timing his wife was great.

Bill and Jeff jumping up and down in the gondola to freak Terry out also cracked me up, though I would be freaking out like Terry was. 

Bill "I've been in movies.  Why do I want to be in a movie?? Especially this movie??"  LOL.

I wanted to drive the car too!  Poor Bill, talking too much and missing his chance. 

Henry taking pics with everyone, Bill not wanting to take pics, George heading off to nap, Terry going on an on...this show for me is just constant fun and enjoyment and I laugh the whole time. 

And yes, the Alps were spectacular. 

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This show is ridiculously good, mindless fun.  Terry in the nude park and George's "terry cloth" to hide his eyes were the best, which is peculiar given that Henry and Bill are my favorite cast members by far.  How great that we get 8 episodes this time, rather than the 4 of last season, because who knows how much longer we're going to have 86-year-old Shatner around? 

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On 12/13/2017 at 7:57 PM, raven said:

Lederhosen are passed down through generations - I had no idea.  Me neither!  Interesting fact.  I had no idea they were made from leather.

Glad we still have Henry and Bill doing their side comments.  Oh and drunk Henry face timing his wife was great.  She looked like, WTF?

Bill and Jeff jumping up and down in the gondola to freak Terry out also cracked me up, though I would be freaking out like Terry was. I have vertigo so I would never have even gotten aboard.

Bill "I've been in movies.  Why do I want to be in a movie?? Especially this movie??"  LOL.  God he is an asshole.  His whole life his co-stars said he was an asshole and yes, he is an asshole.

I wanted to drive the car too!  Poor Bill, talking too much and missing his chance. That was awesome!

Henry taking pics with everyone, Bill not wanting to take pics, George heading off to nap, Terry going on an on...this show for me is just constant fun and enjoyment and I laugh the whole time. 

And yes, the Alps were spectacular. 

I love this group too!  I watched on Hulu and got confused of why the whole season wasn't put up at once..............................That would be Netflix.  Damn!

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I'm not enjoying this as much this season as I did last season.  Too much of it seems way too staged.  The whole pie in the face thing at the etiquette class was so obviously set up beforehand.  I really liked it last season, and it at least seemed like their hijinks were spontaneous.  This just seems way too scripted this time around.  :(

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I understand about the setup bits, but if each episode gives me something like George meeting his respected competitor's family when he missed out on meeting him again, or Shatner being rendered speechless after his Lithuanian welcome and being given meaninful gifts, I'll take setup bits.

Who took the curtains off the windows of that plane hotel? Because you know a place that gets 21 hours of daylight in the summer has blackout shades on all the windows. And somehow, knowing that the heavyweight champion of the world warmed up to Dancing Queen starts 2018 off on the proper note.

  • Love 14

Every episode has a bit that has me laughing way too hard. Tonight it was Jeff falling in the well.

I loved seeing George genuinely sad he didn't get to reunite with Jonas, but thrilled that he got to meet his family. Also his calling Jonas a great fighter. On the other hand, who knew George was obsessed with ABBA?

Shatner's being genuinely touched by that photo of his family was another highlight.

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I love how when the ABBA guy introduced the first three the crowd was like “yay!” and then when he introduced Shatner they were like “*gasp* oooooooh yay!!!”

Terry wondering why the “oldest guy in the world” was driving in Lithuania made me laugh.  Also the visual of Terry, Jeff and Henry smushed in the back of that car was so funny.  I think it would have made more sense for Henry to be behind George since Terry is taller.

  • Love 4

I think it seems more scripted because there seem more activities that have to pre-planned - the etiquette dinner; Bill getting the key to the town (obviously that had to be set up); visiting some of these tourist places.  The peeps in charge of these places probably have to be notified ahead of time about cameras and all of that.  I think the reactions to everything and interactions are genuine though.  If they guys know where they're going, they may think about how they're going to respond/act but everything jumps off from there.   When they were on the Sound of Music tour, their reactions seemed really spontaneous to me, because Jeff didn't tell them until the last minute. 

As usual, I laughed pretty much all the time.  Terry getting "sacked" by Shatner during the herring debacle was great.   I also loved the stay over at the Lithuanian castle and this exchange "is it haunted" "no, ghosts...stay there" "OH" and Henry's expression, hee.   I'm also entertained by George being able to sleep anywhere - Shatner "we know, George".

Shatner being enthusiastic about chores and then saying "why don't we just go to the store and buy it" when they were churning butter; Terry's expression at the "spa"; just so many funny bits.  I enjoy how Henry is always recording stuff AND I really like that all the guys will wear whatever silly costumes - the Viking ones were great.

The ABBA stuff was such a highlight and was my favorite of the two episodes.   The guys just all seemed to be tickled to be singing - really, they are all big hams, they may get testy once in a while but are having so much fun.  I love it.

  • Love 8

Oh!  I also love when they talk about real stuff.  Like when Henry was explaining about how he seemed to be famous overnight and how surprised he was by it and also when they talked about their regrets.  George - “I had one American flag...and I wish I had two.”

And from the first episode when Bill was all shirty about taking selfies, it amused me.

  • Love 8

Two things bothered me about the episode in Germany.

1. Before the waltz lesson, NBC put up a couple of cards explaining that the waltz had been created by peasants and was the first ballroom dance in which the dancers' bodies touched. For this reason, it was considered "obsene" (sic) and scandalous. Surely someone at NBC can spell obscene. Possibly my reaction is tinted by my day job as copy editor, however.

2. I was also somewhat put off by the vandalism at the Berlin Wall. Perhaps NBC cleaned it up afterwards. I hope so.

Otherwise, this was another fun -- and occasionally touching -- episode. I do enjoy this series and the interactions among the participants.

  • Love 3
22 hours ago, mojoween said:

The “obsene” error drove me bonkers.

It was obscene!  *runs away*

I thought Henry's German sounded good, though to be fair, I wouldn't know he sounded really bad LOL.  The guy at the hostel seemed sincere in complimenting him on it though.  I liked the hostel decor.  "What exactly about us says youth hostel" LOL.

Henry being so emotional about the note from his children and seeing his parents' names was affecting but so was his story about his uncle being caught and sent to Auschwitz because he stayed one day too late, waiting for a jacket. 

I really liked the dance contest and Terry and Shatner bonding over cigars.  Meeting Al Roker was fun too - I think I saw online that it really was a coincidence that they ran into him, though I'm sure the actual filming was set up, had to get the cameras placed, etc. 

I would love to go on that water slide.  I wouldn't take my phone though. 

Shatner can be pedantic but I get a kick out of all of his facts and how enthusiastic he is about them.  I was feeling badly about his koi and then Henry had to say "did you bury them at sea" and I couldn't stop laughing.  I am usually more empathetic about someone losing their non-human family members but Henry just cracked me up. 

Aw, all the guys looked good in their tuxes.

Their was so much graffiti already where they spray painted, I did wonder if it was a place where graffiti was allowed?  I tried googling but couldn't find much, just yeah, graffiti is illegal but everyone looks the other way because they get so many write ups about the art and artists.

  • Love 7

I'm just starting the episode in Lithuania, so I haven't finished reading this thread yet (don't want to spoil the fun for myself). But I just wanted to post about how much I LOVE this show. It just immediately lifts my spirits. I love seeing the different countries and learning about their culture and the guys are just too perfect together. I really get a kick out of them.  I am ecstatic to hear there will be 8 episodes.

Whoever came up with this show concept with these group of guys is a daggone genius and I want to thank them personally. 

  • Love 10
On 1/10/2018 at 4:41 PM, Omeletsmom said:

Every time I sit down to watch this show, I feel like, why am I watching this?  It's so embarrassing!  But by the end of the show I am laughing my ass off.  It's exactly the kind of idiotic fun (mixed with genuinely touching moments) I need right now.

This show is my new guilty pleasure.  It's so bad it's good.  Shatner all by himself is funny enough to keep me rolling.  I've known these guys forever but what a hoot to see them together like this.  George seems like such a sweetie.  

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Terry has really loosened up and is much more engaged this time around. Now if he could just keep his pants on! And I have to say, that was a very nice hostel room. Not what I think of when I think "hostel." But I'm still not convinced they don't just film there, and then go off to a real hotel for proper sleep and showers.

  • Love 7
17 hours ago, mertensia said:

Only Terry would parasail in the nude. Those poor people.

I laughed at the guy on the boat "It is not normal".

I pretty much laughed all through this one again, starting with Terry's quest for a man-bag "It's blue! I like it!"

Did anyone else catch right at the beginning when they guys are walking in their white outfits and there's an off-camera sub-title "What are they wearing" heee

Henry modeling "nekkid" BUT wearing his socks was golden.  He seemed to really be enjoying himself.  Cut to Jeff and Terry "you could sure tell they had the air conditioning on"

Shatner and Henry are still my favorite pair of commenters though "I completely forgot that I was naked" "The opposite is NOT true".

I love that they change up the opening credits and the quick scenes before commercials (like seeing the guys on the disco bus just goofing around).  I'm always watching for something new.

The editing on this show is excellent; they really know how to blend the adventures, commentary and everything else.

The human tower was awesome.

10 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

Oh, and George's ability to catnap anywhere, anytime is a thing of beauty.

It really is; I'm in awe LOL.

One nitpick - I'm a little over the food gross outs.  I'm sure they're always set up with genitals, smelly, uncooked or whatever but I'd rather see different experiences than "ewww gross food".

  • Love 7

“I did the tango once.  With Mrs. C!”

I want more, more MORE stories from William Shatner about “Star Trek”. I want to listen to him talk about that all damn day.

I thought the hostel looked kinda fun, actually.

Aww poor Terry, they kept focusing on him so you could see the XXXL on the life jacket.  Parasailing looked super amazing though and I want to do it.

But then naked Terry with those red wax marks and he didn’t even care!  I love it.

Henry, nude or otherwise, seems like he is embracing everything to the fullest.  I’ve only known him as The Fonz and I think he was the principal in “Scream”? so who knew he was so charming?  He actually seems like a little kid.  It’s awesome.

I felt like there wasn’t as much George in this episode which was a bummer.

  • Love 7
35 minutes ago, mojoween said:

I felt like there wasn’t as much George in this episode which was a bummer.

Even last season I felt like George was the more reticent one.  I think he enjoys the travel and the hijinks but maybe he doesn't like being on camera as much as the others.  He just likes napping, lol.  Unless I blinked and missed it, I didn't even notice him doing the tango with with that woman like the other guys did. 

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I've come to love all the guys so much from watching this show.  I wasn't sure about Terry at first, but he's won me over. Paraphrasing: "Never in my life did I dream Henry would put his Winkler on me."  The long shot of Terry's shorts as they drifted from the parasail to the water, and I died.  Henry posing nude in his socks as Bill gave him acting directions: "Now do miserable...do reaching for the sky..."  all while George snored away on the floor.  I love this show!

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This one wasn’t as much my favorite.  Too many restaurants.

And here’s the thing.  I love ham a whole lot.  But I don’t want my ham to look like the animal it came from when I go to cut into it.

“Steelers fans would say ‘of course you missed him!  You weren’t that accurate when you played for us!’”  Yep.  Sounds exactly like something a Stillers fan would say.

I did love the inflatable bulls, they were so cute.  And I would love to take a train from Barcelona to Madrid.

I wonder how Guiness certified a restaurant in Spain would be the oldest in the world.  I would have thought there would be an older one in the East.

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Oh, the entire bullfighting sequence had me laughing and laughing. Jeff's obliviousness that everyone had taken a step backward, Jeff's running like a panicked 3rd grader from the blow-up bulls, Henry sitting there in the stands "just taking a photo!"... Comedy gold.

Of course they got kicked out of the monastery.  Because, as Shatner himself demonstrated, he just can't shut up. The exasperated looks on the monastery dude's face.

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