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All Episodes Talk: Lorelai and Rory and the People They Love

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On 14 March 2017 at 5:19 AM, qtpye said:

I think Paris was introduced to be a foil to Rory.  We all are supposed to have said, isn't Rory the most wonderful person ever, especially compared to this nut case?  However, the actor and  early writing really brought out something in Paris.  She was a true force of nature...good and bad.

Rory's ultimate problem imo was she was so passive. A lot of characters could be frustrating and unlikable but were strong-willed and proactive so whether you liked their behaviour or not, they were at least engaging.

Lorelai, Emily and Paris are the most obvious examples: They did some not-so-nice things and were seriously flawed but carried it off with the force of their personality. (Lorelai may be self-absorbed and stubborn, but she achieved a lot and was interesting because of it, Paris is totally ruthless but you root for her because she works so damn hard). Whereas Rory came across as rather weak and insipid and rarely made her own decisions. Her flaws were less easy to forgive because she's not compelling outside of them.

It's interesting to me that she surrounds herself with much stronger characters (like her mother and grandmother, sticking with Paris, her relationships with Jess and Logan) and basically feeds off them. I think it's why so many people blame or praise Jess or Logan for her actions - her behaviour is so dictated by whoever she's with. With Lorelai and SH she played the perfect daughter, with Paris and Chilton she got more competitive and driven, with her grandparents and Logan she was spoiled and comfortable with the elite lifestyle. I struggle to recall times she was driven by some internal strength rather than reacting to others. Maybe academics in early seasons, but it was partly competing with Paris and her journalism/Harvard dreams seemed heavily influenced by Lorelai. About the only thing she seems passionate about on her own is reading and literature. 

Honestly it's fascinating that she inherited so much from Christopher after all: A similarly weak character who never really figured out what he wanted or how to get it, spent years wandering aimlessly and clung to Lorelai's much stronger personality since he was young. Rory ends up more "like father, like daughter" than like her mother. (Which puts her final scene with Chris in a rather different light, albeit probably not on purpose, as ASP wants us to believe Rory is Lorelai 2.0). 

Edited by TimetravellingBW
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45 minutes ago, TimetravellingBW said:

Honestly it's fascinating that she inherited so much from Christopher after all: A similarly weak character who never really figured out what he wanted or how to get it, spent years wandering aimlessly and clung to Lorelai's much stronger personality since he was young.

Holy moly.  That's about the most accurate thing I've ever read.

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On Thursday, March 02, 2017 at 10:51 PM, Deputy Deputy CoS said:

Where is the Jess = Luke theory from? I've read the interviews where ASP liken Chris/Logan but have missed a Jess/Luke comparison 

I am also not sure about "Jess = Luke theory". Yes, Rory helped Jess, when he was having difficulties in high school - she encouraged him to follow his dreams. And Jess gave her good advices to go back to Yale and to write a book, when she was confused and lost. But he hasn't seen her for 4 years (and he could have found a way to see her through their family).  They've dated in high school 14 years ago. That's a lot of time. I can't see, why would they still be interested for each other romantically?

On the other hand - did Logan "love" Rory? He treated her as a mistress. "Dynastic plan" seems like a typical excuse, cheaters tell to teir mistresses. I have a feeling, that he cared more for Odette than for Rory. He just wanted to feel his last moments of "freedom". 

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Ugh.  Just sat through the "missed Shakespeare exam" ep, and I'm grinding my teeth.  

If I had been sitting in that classroom, concentrating on taking an exam I'd been studying day & night for, I'd be pissed as hell about that Italian opera-like interruption Rory visited upon the room.

Fer crissakes Gilmore: Take it outside.

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5 hours ago, voiceover said:

Ugh.  Just sat through the "missed Shakespeare exam" ep, and I'm grinding my teeth.  

If I had been sitting in that classroom, concentrating on taking an exam I'd been studying day & night for, I'd be pissed as hell about that Italian opera-like interruption Rory visited upon the room.

Fer crissakes Gilmore: Take it outside.

I like that scene, probably because the attitude Rory was getting from Tristan and Paris up to that point always annoys me. I have a soft spot for Rory standing up for herself and not being the docile little angel. Part of the reason I liked Rory and Tristan scenes later on was he brought out a more snarky side to Rory.

I see your point though. If you are taking a hard exam, the last thing you need is some classmate pitching a fit. 

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2 minutes ago, hippielamb said:

I see your point though. If you are taking a hard exam, the last thing you need is some classmate pitching a fit. 

Especially one who just sauntered in 15 minutes late.  I would have been way more sympathetic of Rory if she had literally gotten there right after the bell rang or something.  She and Lorelai were both way out of line having a hissy fit over not being allowed to take that test.

Not that that's surprising, in the least.  Heh.

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I absolutely think cheating is wrong.  It's not like Rory and Logan ran into one another out of the blue when one or both of them was in an emotional place and they comforted one another one time. They were regularly seeing each other.  I can understand realizing you want to be with someone else.  I can even see it progressing to a relationship before you muster the balls to break off your prior relationship (though, not well done... okay).  But an ongoing affair is just beyond defensible. 

But honestly, I was more put off by Rory's treatment of Paul generally.  I mean, she couldn't even remember to break up with him or even say a single nice thing about him.  What the actual Fuck? Irrespective of Logan, that was just unappealing to watch.

At least Logan seemed to have some consideration for Odette's feelings and consider her an actual human being.  I was never all that clear on whether she knew Logan was seeing someone else.  As noted in a prior post, Logan didn't seem to be trying to hide Rory very hard. Having conversations with her with Odette in the next, or even the same (if asleep), room.  Although, I don't think any woman would be okay with the emotional involvement Rory and Logan had.

Either way, he did seem to take some care to spare her feelings, spent time with her during some periods of time, and remembered she existed when she wasn't directly in his line of sight.  So even the worst interpretation of Logan's cheating was less offensive to me than Rory's utter disregard of Paul  (Gurl, he has the same first name as your dog.  How can you not at least remember he exists when home with Paul Anka?)

I don't really see a lot of similarities between Logan and Christopher other than the superficial, even with the hatchet job to Logan in the revival.  Both having been kicked out of prep/boarding schools doesn't establish much other than mutual privilege and irresponsible/rebellious childhoods.  But even in Seasons 5 and 6, Logan seemed more self-possessed and self-aware than Chris ever managed.  The fact that Chris was still somewhat emotionally feckless at 36 and Logan was already growing beyond that shows how not that similar they were.  But, then, superficial writing of wealthy people, and men generally, was sort of the Palladinos' schtick.

Edited by RachelKM
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The other part of Deer Hunters that annoyed me was what did Rory hope to accomplish by chasing the deer? Making sure the deer was okay? She was stopped when the deer ran into her car - why would she think the deer was hurt. Even if it had been, what would her chasing a hurt, scared animal accomplish?  

That being said, it didn't appear she was late because of that unless she looked much longer than it seemed on the screen.  So the deer hitting her shouldn't have been an excuse to get to retake the test.

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11 hours ago, deaja said:

The other part of Deer Hunters that annoyed me was what did Rory hope to accomplish by chasing the deer? Making sure the deer was okay? She was stopped when the deer ran into her car - why would she think the deer was hurt. Even if it had been, what would her chasing a hurt, scared animal accomplish?  

That being said, it didn't appear she was late because of that unless she looked much longer than it seemed on the screen.  So the deer hitting her shouldn't have been an excuse to get to retake the test.

OMG, I say this all the time! Why did she chase it?!?! It hit her; it ran away; she was already late for school. Shouldn't she have been more focused on getting to school? Also, why was she calling lane about her notes when she on her way to take the test?!?! What was the point in that. Even if Lane did have the notes, how is it going to help her while she's heading in the opposite direction?

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Which leads to this exchange: 

RORY: I was at a stop sign and he just hit me! Oh my God! [Getting out to look for deer]

LANE: Was it a 4-way stop?

RORY: What does that matter?

LANE: I don’t know. I don’t know what to ask after you’ve been hit by a deer.

RORY: I don’t see him.

LANE: Well put salt down. Deers love salt.

RORY: Where am I gonna get salt from?

LANE: Do you have a lunch?

RORY: Lane?

LANE: Sorry.


Lol! Get to school! I also laugh that it's apparently early in the morning yet Lane is already up and listening to music in her closet. 

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On ‎4‎/‎2‎/‎2017 at 5:26 PM, hippielamb said:

Lol! Get to school! I also laugh that it's apparently early in the morning yet Lane is already up and listening to music in her closet. 

The other weird thing is one other time, Lane was out waiting for the bus with Rory before school.  Now, Rory is running late and Lane is still at home.  If I had that much time left before I had to be out, no way I'm up and dressed just to wait with someone else for the bus.

I think Rory said it was a half hour to Hartford.  So, when does school start and when does it end?  For someone with an hour commute and tons of homework (which I suppose she could do at least some of on the bus), she seems to have plenty of free time, doesn't seem to have to get up that early and we've never seen her get home after dark or leave before light.  Amazing feat for winter in the north, I must say.

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Watching "Swan Song", and after that kiss at the end between Rory & Jess, a new phrase occurred to me:

"retro hots"

Jess used to irritate the crap out of me.  Then came This is Us.

Just now, watching Milo-as-Jess, I was overwhelmed with "Wow *that's* yummy!"

And thus the new phrase.  tm

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On 4/11/2017 at 11:05 AM, Katy M said:

The other weird thing is one other time, Lane was out waiting for the bus with Rory before school.  Now, Rory is running late and Lane is still at home.  If I had that much time left before I had to be out, no way I'm up and dressed just to wait with someone else for the bus.

I think Rory said it was a half hour to Hartford.  So, when does school start and when does it end?  For someone with an hour commute and tons of homework (which I suppose she could do at least some of on the bus), she seems to have plenty of free time, doesn't seem to have to get up that early and we've never seen her get home after dark or leave before light.  Amazing feat for winter in the north, I must say.

Lane is an early bird for sure. In season 1 she was jamming to music in Rory's room before school. Lorelai hadn't even had her coffee yet and Lane was already at their house cranking music while Rory got dressed. 

Then there's the time Dean hops on Rory's bus just to say hello to her before school. In my experience, teenagers are not much on the early morning routine. And Lorelai and Rory regularly get up to shower, do hair and make-up, go to the diner for breakfast before school or work. Who does that? If Rory were real, she would probably roll out of bed, jump on the bus, and sleep on the way to school. 

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On ‎3‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 8:37 PM, timimouse said:

Also, why was she calling lane about her notes when she on her way to take the test?!?! What was the point in that. Even if Lane did have the notes, how is it going to help her while she's heading in the opposite direction?

I think the point of that was to show how awesome it is that unlicensed drivers can talk on the phone while driving.

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On 4/12/2017 at 3:05 AM, Katy M said:

The other weird thing is one other time, Lane was out waiting for the bus with Rory before school.  Now, Rory is running late and Lane is still at home.  If I had that much time left before I had to be out, no way I'm up and dressed just to wait with someone else for the bus.

I think Rory said it was a half hour to Hartford.  So, when does school start and when does it end?  For someone with an hour commute and tons of homework (which I suppose she could do at least some of on the bus), she seems to have plenty of free time, doesn't seem to have to get up that early and we've never seen her get home after dark or leave before light.  Amazing feat for winter in the north, I must say.

In the Deer Hunters episode I think they mentioned that the test would be on a Saturday morning - so Lane wouldn't have school that day. (But still got up oddly early anyway).

But so with you on Rory's schedule driving me crazy. She seems to have time to chat with Lorelai at home, have a cooked breakfast at Luke's and hang out with her friends all before her 30+ minute bus ride. She must be getting up at like 5am to get all of that done. Any normal high school student would roll out of bed 15 minutes before the bus was due. Especially as Rory and Lorelai allegedly hate early mornings! 

And half the time you've got Lane, Jess and Dean leaving for school at the same time Rory is - even though Stars Hollow High is a 3 minute walk away. And I can't believe the super-academic, rigorous Chilton starts like an hour later than SHH. 

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54 minutes ago, TimetravellingBW said:

In the Deer Hunters episode I think they mentioned that the test would be on a Saturday morning - so Lane wouldn't have school that day. (But still got up oddly early anyway).

But so with you on Rory's schedule driving me crazy. She seems to have time to chat with Lorelai at home, have a cooked breakfast at Luke's and hang out with her friends all before her 30+ minute bus ride. She must be getting up at like 5am to get all of that done. Any normal high school student would roll out of bed 15 minutes before the bus was due. Especially as Rory and Lorelai allegedly hate early mornings! 

And half the time you've got Lane, Jess and Dean leaving for school at the same time Rory is - even though Stars Hollow High is a 3 minute walk away. And I can't believe the super-academic, rigorous Chilton starts like an hour later than SHH. 

Why would the test be on a Saturday?  This wasn't the SATs or anything.  It was just a regular class test.  I could possibly believe that Chilton started a half hour to an hour later than SHH.  My high school started at 8:00.  I don't think it's beyond the realm of possibility that a school could start at 9:00, but then they would go until 3:30.  And Rory should be getting home in the dark in the winter.  I suppose SHH could be starting at 7, but then it should be dark when they're leaving.  Winter days are not overly long in New England. 

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17 minutes ago, Katy M said:

Why would the test be on a Saturday?  This wasn't the SATs or anything.  It was just a regular class test.  I could possibly believe that Chilton started a half hour to an hour later than SHH.  My high school started at 8:00.  I don't think it's beyond the realm of possibility that a school could start at 9:00, but then they would go until 3:30.  And Rory should be getting home in the dark in the winter.  I suppose SHH could be starting at 7, but then it should be dark when they're leaving.  Winter days are not overly long in New England. 

Dialogue from the episode at the parent-teacher evening:

LORELAI: So this AP test, what are we going to do about it huh?

MAX: Well the next test is scheduled for next month, um, the 25th, Saturday at 7:00 am. [Lorelai raises her hand] Ms. Gilmore?

LORELAI: Uh, where is the test?

MAX: It will be given here.

I don't know if that was the same test Rory took in the episode or one planned for later down the line but clearly Chilton does have some tests on weekends. And while Chilton seems to start later than SHH with all the time Rory has before school, it just seems at odds with their strict scheduling (like tests on weekends, compulsory extra-circulars and out-of-class projects) and that Rory doesn't seem to get out of school much later than the SHH kids. 

Edited by TimetravellingBW
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The AP test would be a placement test deciding which kids would be eligible for weighted classes that could be leveled as college credit. It wouldn't count towards a grade, and would be open to the whole school. The Shakespeare test Rory misses in "The Deer Hunters" is just for Medina's class and probably takes place during the school day. 

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Plus, the AP test is a national test given by College Board at the end of the school year. That applies to every American high school- it's a standard test to measure what students learned in a subject over the past year. 

I thought it was possible that Chilton started later but ended later than the local public schools. I don't recall a clear scene indicating Rory got out at the same time. (Then again, I'm a Florida girl. I don't quite get how much sunshine is impossible in a New England later afternoon. I know the days are shorter but I think the sun is out around 3-4, right?) Many studies indicate teenagers learn better if they start their day later and finish school later. However public school administrators argue that they can't push back school start time because many students have afternoon jobs. That likely wouldn't apply to the Chilton students. My city has fancy private schools that start later than the public schools. 

Edited by Melancholy
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Chilton starting later and ending later would make sense. Remember when Dean came to get her back? She was just getting out of school for the day, and he had ostensibly been out of school long enough to get to Chilton. 

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11 minutes ago, Melancholy said:

Plus, the AP test is a national test given by College Board at the end of the school year. That applies to every American high school- it's a standard test to measure what students learned in a subject over the past year. 

I thought it was possible that Chilton started later but ended later than the local public schools. I don't recall a clear scene indicating Rory got out at the same time. (Then again, I'm a Florida girl. I don't quite get how much sunshine is impossible in a New England later afternoon. I know the days are shorter but I think the sun is out around 3-4, right?) Many studies indicate teenagers learn better if they start their day later and finish school later. However public school administrators argue that they can't push back school start time because many students have afternoon jobs. That likely wouldn't apply to the Chilton students. My city has fancy private schools that start later than the public schools. 

In the winter time it gets dark around 4:30.  If Rory got out of school at 3:30, I'm assuming she wouldn't get back to SH until at least 4.  However since she sometimes stayed after school to work on the paper or projects, I would think she often wouldn't get home until 4:30 or later. We never once saw her get off the bus in the dark except when she played hooky and went to NY for the day and got on the wrong bus coming back.

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On 4/11/2017 at 11:05 AM, Katy M said:

I think Rory said it was a half hour to Hartford.  So, when does school start and when does it end?  For someone with an hour commute and tons of homework (which I suppose she could do at least some of on the bus), she seems to have plenty of free time, doesn't seem to have to get up that early and we've never seen her get home after dark or leave before light.  Amazing feat for winter in the north, I must say.

Ok, so I'm looking at the transcript for The Deer Hunters episode, it seems like Chilton does start at 8am, since when Rory called Lane and got hit by the deer, she mentioned the time being 7:40am and that she was going to be late. Max actually says in the next scene that class starts at 8:05. As for the end of school, I would guess she gets off at 3pm if Chilton has 7 hour days. I'd say no later than 3:45 for their end of school. So Rory would have to get on a 7:30am bus at the very latest to make sure she's on time at Chilton. But for Stars Hollow, I'm not sure they ever specified what time they started school. And this is all assuming they kept the rough school day schedule after these early episodes. But I went to an arts high school and we started at 8:05 and ended at 2:45, so I imagine Chilton's not the type of school to start that much later. They might cram in more classes and extra-curriculars to ensure a full day of learning.  

My best guess is that the high school in Stars Hollow starts about the same time, maybe a little bit later, but they probably end a bit earlier than Chilton. It's not like Lane lives very far to get to school so she probably doesn't have to leave until just before the first bell rings so I could see her listening to music at 7:40am before school. 

Then again, this is a show that has the sun apparently rising some days at 4:30am in order to have it completely bright outside and have Luke's Diner busy at 6am. So it's not like time is a major concern for this show. This is also the show that placed Rory's birthday at the beginning of October, despite it having to be later in October or early November. 

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Watching "Lorelei Out Of Water" (one of my favorite L&L eps), and was struck, not for the first time, by how much I like Headmaster Charleston.

It's the ep when Paris tries to have Rory impeached.  The two wind up in his office, where he utters one of my favorite lines (re: motive for their fighting, after they don't 'fess up): "Oh goody! I get to guess..."

Today I caught the anvil he dropped in Rory's direction -- that is, she shouldn't run away from an obligation just because she encounters a setback.  Dingdingding!

And I'm obviously a product of my generation, to want to smack Paris for her calling him names, not very under her breath.  Really??

Some parts of Paris were better than her whole.  This was not one of them. 

Edited by voiceover
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"Lorelei's Graduation Day": This ep always makes me sick to my stomach (and yes, it's on "mute" while I vacuum).  If GG is one big pro/con list, then this is definitely on the con-Rory side.  

To put herself in a situation where missing her mom's graduation is not only possible, but extremely likely -- and all because she just HAD to do this particular thing on this particular day.  Not Jess's bday; not answering a specific cry for help from Jess (say what you will about his phone call); not an anniversary of some moment they'd ever shared.

Why not go tomorrow? Or next week? Same naughty thrill of skipping school & town; same naughty thrill of spending a day alone with a guy who's not your steady bf.

But since she's been raised to believe that she can do no wrong, why not?  I hesitate to pin this one on Lorelei, though.

IIRC, this was the first time I actively disliked the character.  Her babbling self-punishment just made it worse.

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3 hours ago, voiceover said:

Her babbling self-punishment just made it worse.

Times 1000.  It made the whole incident about her and not about Lorelai or Lorelai's feelings.  "I don't deserve breaths! Deprive me of oxygen!"  Really?

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1 minute ago, deaja said:

It made the whole incident about her and not about Lorelai or Lorelai's feelings.  

Thanks for summing up so precisely why this ep makes me so -- bleahhhhhhhhh.

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I do love parts of that episode though. Namely, the look on E&R's faces as they watch L graduate, and the look on her face as she looks at them.  She goes from being annoyed at how over the top they are being to tearing up watching them be so proud of her.  

I have a major soft spot for episodes where you can tell they are really proud of her (Help Wanted is another one).

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I notice that I am guilty of over-griping, so now I come to praise Caesar, not bury him. 

There was a lovely dream Lorelei had, where Luke had set multiple alarm clocks to wake her.  Then he makes her breakfast, scolds her about coffee consumption, and kisses her pregnant belly.

In the "Poe" ep, when she has to spend the night at his place, she tells him about it (well, most of it!).  Intrigued, he asks if they were married, and she says, "Of course! What am I: Dream Tramp?"

I love that line so much I have thought, on occasion, to change my nic from "voiceover" to "Dream Tramp".

Edited by voiceover
*fumes* freakin' autocorrect & emperors!
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9 hours ago, voiceover said:

I notice that I am guilty of over-griping, so now I come to praise Ceasar, not bury him.

There was a lovely dream Lorelei had, where Luke had set multiple alarm clocks to wake her.  Then he makes her breakfast, scolds her about coffee consumption, and kisses her pregnant belly.

In the "Poe" ep, when she has to spend the night at his place, she tells him about it (well, most of it!).  Intrigued, he asks if they were married, and she says, "Of course! What am I: Dream Tramp?"

I love that line so much I have thought, on occasion, to change my nic from "voiceover" to "Dream Tramp".

I had to read this post three times to try to figure out why you were bringing Caesar up (thinking of Luke's Caesar).  I'm now going to go back to drinking coffee so I am not so slow. :) 

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20 hours ago, voiceover said:

"Lorelei's Graduation Day": This ep always makes me sick to my stomach (and yes, it's on "mute" while I vacuum).  If GG is one big pro/con list, then this is definitely on the con-Rory side.  

To put herself in a situation where missing her mom's graduation is not only possible, but extremely likely -- and all because she just HAD to do this particular thing on this particular day.  Not Jess's bday; not answering a specific cry for help from Jess (say what you will about his phone call); not an anniversary of some moment they'd ever shared.

Why not go tomorrow? Or next week? Same naughty thrill of skipping school & town; same naughty thrill of spending a day alone with a guy who's not your steady bf.

But since she's been raised to believe that she can do no wrong, why not?  I hesitate to pin this one on Lorelei, though.

IIRC, this was the first time I actively disliked the character.  Her babbling self-punishment just made it worse.

I hate that Rory missed the graduation. Like you said she could have gone any other day, but choses the day of her mother's graduation? I hated the self-punishment too. When she vows to go to bed and Lorelai wants to go out. Rory remarks that she doesn't deserve to go out and poor Lorelai has to point out that Lorelai does.

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In defense of Rory, It never occurred to Rory that she may miss Lorelai's graduation. She was late because of an accident so big that it closed the interstate and all outbound Manhattan buses were ordered to stand down. I get that big accidents happen every day and Rory should have thought about that. But I'm always taken aback when an accident that big adds hours to my commute. I don't plan my routine around the possibility of an accident so big that it closes the interstate. Rory went to the trouble to invite Emily and Richard on the DL, offer to buy Lorelai dinner, bought Lorelai a graduation gift. She did genuinely care about the graduation. She was more silly than selfish with regard to Lorelai. 

Still, as someone smarter than me pointed out, it's the start of a long pattern of Rory damaging her mother's milestones. Lorelai's graduation, the opening of her own inn, her wedding to Luke. 

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The accident is what caused Rory to miss the whole thing, but she didn't even realize that the return bus would take longer than getting there because it wasn't an express and made stops.  So I think it is likely she would have missed at least a portion of the ceremony either way.  

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5 hours ago, deaja said:

The accident is what caused Rory to miss the whole thing, but she didn't even realize that the return bus would take longer than getting there because it wasn't an express and made stops.  So I think it is likely she would have missed at least a portion of the ceremony either way.  

Yes.  But again I say: there was no reason to choose that day to skip town.  Jess wasn't on his deathbed.

 It would've been different if something in the course of a regular day had stopped her: they closed the highway between Chilton & Lorelei's school, Chilton on lockdown for germ warfare, Rory in a car accident on her way to the graduation...

I don't think she was trying to hurt Lorelei, but she did.  As is true of the inn opening; as is true of the wedding (good pick-up!).

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1 minute ago, voiceover said:

Yes.  But again I say: there was no reason to choose that day to skip town.  Jess wasn't on his deathbed.

 It would've been different if something in the course of a regular day had stopped her: they closed the highway between Chilton & Lorelei's school, Chilton on lockdown for germ warfare, Rory in a car accident on her way to the graduation...

I don't think she was trying to hurt Lorelei, but she did.  As is true of the inn opening; as is true of the wedding (good pick-up!).

I was agreeing with you.  I was saying that by going on that day, she was almost certain to miss at least part of the ceremony. 

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7 hours ago, deaja said:

I had to read this post three times to try to figure out why you were bringing Caesar up (thinking of Luke's Caesar).  I'm now going to go back to drinking coffee so I am not so slow. :) 

Bwah!  Yeah, right after I hit "post", I thought of that too.

But I was too filled with self-love over my turn of phrase to go back & edit it.

Just now, deaja said:

I was agreeing with you.  I was saying that by going on that day, she was almost certain to miss at least part of the ceremony. 

I know.  Yours was the shorter post to grab. ?

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20 minutes ago, voiceover said:

Chilton on lockdown for germ warfare,

I would have paid to see that episode.  For some reason all the adults are either out of the building or killed. It would turn into some kind of weird inside Lord of the Flies story.  Rory's Ralph.  Paris is Jack.   Brad is Piggy.

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1 hour ago, Katy M said:

I would have paid to see that episode.  For some reason all the adults are either out of the building or killed. It would turn into some kind of weird inside Lord of the Flies story.  Rory's Ralph.  Paris is Jack.   Brad is Piggy.

Bwahaha!!! Well casted!

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Question for you fine folk... I'm not sure if this has been discussed here or not.

HOW does Luke end up wearing another guy's socks? If this guy (or guys?) sleeps over at Nicoles place, does he not realise his socks are missing when he puts on his shoes? It seems like such a random thing to forget. It's not like a tie or some peripheral item. Socks are pretty integral part of getting dressed no? So are we to believe that this guy was actually leaving his clothing there? And if so, how did they think that would work considering that Luke was supposed to be living there... not just sleeping over randomly.

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14 minutes ago, timimouse said:

Question for you fine folk... I'm not sure if this has been discussed here or not.

HOW does Luke end up wearing another guy's socks? If this guy (or guys?) sleeps over at Nicoles place, does he not realise his socks are missing when he puts on his shoes? It seems like such a random thing to forget. It's not like a tie or some peripheral item. Socks are pretty integral part of getting dressed no? So are we to believe that this guy was actually leaving his clothing there? And if so, how did they think that would work considering that Luke was supposed to be living there... not just sleeping over randomly.

I've often wondered about every time a cheater gets caught on TV because the woman leaves behind her underpants or bra.  Those seem like odder things to forget than socks.

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13 hours ago, timimouse said:

Question for you fine folk... I'm not sure if this has been discussed here or not.

HOW does Luke end up wearing another guy's socks? If this guy (or guys?) sleeps over at Nicoles place, does he not realise his socks are missing when he puts on his shoes? It seems like such a random thing to forget. It's not like a tie or some peripheral item. Socks are pretty integral part of getting dressed no? So are we to believe that this guy was actually leaving his clothing there? And if so, how did they think that would work considering that Luke was supposed to be living there... not just sleeping over randomly.

Yes, the guy could have been leaving clothing there. Luke was sleeping at the townhouse on and off. When Lorelai cross-examined him, he conceded that he didn't sleep over there for the last 2-3 nights with a different excuse each night like Nicole was sick or he had early deliveries (which happens a lot with Luke.) Or the guy could have worn an outfit with those socks when he got into the house to sleep with Nicole but then, he brought a change of clothes for a different outfit where he wore sandals over bare feet or more formal socks that go with dress shoes. In that process, I can easily see how he left behind socks. 

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I figured he probably didn't keep clothing there all the time, but maybe he'd bring a bag of stuff and Nicole offered to wash it while he was there, and some of the socks got mixed up. 

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She certainly was playing fast and loose, though.  They were supposedly married.  They were occasionally living together.  Yet she had a guy over often enough that she did his laundry?  Why even bother with the whole scenario?  Just call it quits and be done with it.  I agree, the whole sock thing was stupid.

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I imagined scenarios like they met at the gym, then hooked up often enough that he would bring his gym bag in to her house. Combine a guy's lack of attention to his own socks, combine it with a Nicole who didn't keep her bedroom particularly tidy, and a pair of used socks could easily end up in a pile of clothes and ultimately her laundry basket, with plenty of socks in his gym bag.

Now, how a guy could go into someone's house where there are presumably photos of the happy couple is a little harder to understand. Of course the guy could simply have been a dick and left them on purpose, and Nicole didn't pay enough attention to Luke's clothes to know the difference.

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Back to sour grapes.

This is all about Richard's mother.  Can't even use the "Oh, she's just elderly & irascible!" -- since we know from the double-cast Marion Ross that Gran was a rude bitch when she was younger, too.  Just...aughhhh!!!  Hideous character.  Emily, by contrast, is the Mother-freakin'-Theresa of mothers.

Then Rory with her "What if I don't cry enough at her funeral?" spaz over someone she'd met -- what? Once?  Because again, it's all about her & her reactions.

I gotta say: the first few seasons of ER aren't generating even half the gripes.  And this is the third time through them this month!

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On 6/1/2017 at 3:15 PM, deaja said:

I do love parts of that episode though. Namely, the look on E&R's faces as they watch L graduate, and the look on her face as she looks at them.  She goes from being annoyed at how over the top they are being to tearing up watching them be so proud of her.  

I have a major soft spot for episodes where you can tell they are really proud of her (Help Wanted is another one).

I love those rare moments too. I do think if Rory had been at the graduation the focus would have been on her and Lorelai and the scene with her parents either wouldn't have happened or had less poignancy. 

But yeah, Rory goes to NYC on the day of her mother's graduation. If she was a kid who occasionally skipped school it wouldn't be such a big deal. I guess hormones overrule common sense. 


On 6/4/2017 at 5:42 PM, timimouse said:

Question for you fine folk... I'm not sure if this has been discussed here or not.

HOW does Luke end up wearing another guy's socks? If this guy (or guys?) sleeps over at Nicoles place, does he not realise his socks are missing when he puts on his shoes? It seems like such a random thing to forget. It's not like a tie or some peripheral item. Socks are pretty integral part of getting dressed no? So are we to believe that this guy was actually leaving his clothing there? And if so, how did they think that would work considering that Luke was supposed to be living there... not just sleeping over randomly.

I assumed he left them there and they got mixed in with the laundry. Maybe he had to dash and forgot his socks. 

On 6/5/2017 at 2:20 PM, Kohola3 said:

She certainly was playing fast and loose, though.  They were supposedly married.  They were occasionally living together.  Yet she had a guy over often enough that she did his laundry?  Why even bother with the whole scenario?  Just call it quits and be done with it.  I agree, the whole sock thing was stupid.

I have wondered about this (despite not caring a whiff about either of these characters). Luke was maintaining a separate residence and only sleeping at her place a couple times a week. I think Nicole was tired of waiting for him to commit. She either chose to move on or was playing the jealousy game. The show didn't give it much closure. He finds out she's "cheating" so that's it, divorce. 

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1 hour ago, hippielamb said:

I love those rare moments too. I do think if Rory had been at the graduation the focus would have been on her and Lorelai and the scene with her parents either wouldn't have happened or had less poignancy. 

You know, that's a good point.  Lorelai always - always - used Rory as a buffer between her and her parents.  Perhaps Rory not being there was a good thing, gave her a chance to really see how they felt about her and not just Rory.

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