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OK, so I read the article. I think it's stupid and disappointing. They think it got too hard to keep Ozzie skeptical, so they killed him? Why couldn't he evolve as a person now that he knows? There's plenty to mine out of the situation besides Ozzie being skeptical. I don't want them to have a show where every time someone gets confirmation they refuse to deal with it. That's what they did with Kelly, too. It just seems like the show will be very stagnant if they keep rebooting to the same situation. Damn. It's also not funny. Killing Ozzie is not funny. I hope there's some misdirect going on in that article, because otherwise it kind of made me hate the writers of the show and not at all look forward to seeing future episodes.

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Huh. It honestly never (star) crossed my mind that


Ozzie is really dead dead. I assumed he'd be brought back somehow.

I'm not on board with the new direction of the show as outlined in the Uproxx article and likely won't watch. I understand the difficulties of keeping the characters from stagnating once they've found out their experiences are real, but if the writers are that bereft of ideas, maybe the show should have been a limited run series in the first place.

Edited by 2727
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I've been enjoying the show this season though I didn't like last week when the aliens were completely absent (Jeff is the best part of the show for me).  I understand if they had to write the character out but Ennis's unexplained disappearance is annoying to me.

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1 hour ago, benteen said:

I understand if they had to write the character out but Ennis's unexplained disappearance is annoying to me.

Especially since this is the one show where a line like "Ennis died on the way back to his home planet" would make sense, sort of.

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Yeah, didn't like the spoiler direction at all.

I thought that Walsh was going to be able to revive Ozzie. 

What a sucky episode.  I am not in agreement with the article when the writers said they thought the rest of the cast could carry the show. To me, Ozzie was the heart of the show. He was normal and relatable. He was likable. Most of the other star crossed members are just a little too weird or quirky to be as likable as Ozzie.

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I call baloney on Ozzie being dead forever. Maybe he's 'truly dead'  right now, but getting beamed up to the holding tank that revived Kurt has to have an effect.  I just wonder how much it will change him. Will it give him alien superpowers?  Will he periodically shout out the equivalent of 'car'?

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You could have Ennis reappear and say that his existence was wiped from the minds of the group.

On subject of the spoiler...


I do NOT see this show as an anthology at all and I think rotating cast members would be a big mistake.  They have a talented cast and Nasim is a great addition to it but as stated, Ozzie is the heart of the group.  This show is not ready to lose him yet.

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4 hours ago, Suzysite said:

I call baloney on Ozzie being dead forever. Maybe he's 'truly dead'  right now, but getting beamed up to the holding tank that revived Kurt has to have an effect.  I just wonder how much it will change him. Will it give him alien superpowers?  Will he periodically shout out the equivalent of 'car'?

I don't think Ozzie will be dead forever either. 

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Ozzie can't stay dead. The rest of the cast can't carry the show, because Ozzie was our guide through  the narrative. He led us to Beacon, to Star Crossed, to the church and to the aliens. The only way this might work if Ozzie is dead is if the narrative shifts, and we now have a new guide for a season (or some length). Agent Foster could do that, as we experience when she sees and learns.  And maybe one of the aliens could serve the same purpose. But IMO none of the rest of the cast could. Finding out what's going on for Father Oscar might be interesting to a few, but not many. Same for our reborn therapist, and the rest of the gang.

t would be an interesting approach, to see the store as it goes forward through different characters, but too brave for a new show.  BTW, I'm not talking about seeing the same events through different eyes. I mean the whole story continues forward, and we just accompany a new central guide. 

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If they wanted Ozzie permanently dead there's no reason for them to have beamed up his coffin or have the talk about bringing him back.  So I doubt/hope this won't last very long.

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On 8/31/2017 at 3:46 PM, Matt K said:

If they wanted Ozzie permanently dead there's no reason for them to have beamed up his coffin or have the talk about bringing him back.  So I doubt/hope this won't last very long.

 Clearly, that became visible after they killed him tho. From a story POV, it doesn't make sense that he stay dead. Though it's a matter of time before the aliens we knows and the humans join against the invasion. Not sure which side Eric will be on.

Also, a shout out to the show for featuring regular looking people. It would have sucked eggs if it had been teens and 20 somethings from magazines. You need people with life experience to carry this story. 

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What was wrong with that "Pizza Guy", he never did show up. I thought the Aliens were going to make a joke about making all the bees on Earth extinct. Extra points for the "bee cam". Nice backstory on Agent Foster. Aliens don't seem to age.

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I loved the bit with the bee but was meh on everything that was not the bee.

I don't like the Chelsea/Doug storyline at all. Plus I thought her husband would turn out to be Reptillian.

I really liked seeing Wyatt Cenac in the FBI agents dream. I adore Wyatt Cenac. I hope he doesn't stay dead but I wonder if something else may be up. The whole thing brought to mind the blowback that happened when Wyatt Cenac came out and explained why he quit The Daily Show. I know he hasn't quit People of Earth but the whole direction its taken with Ozzie dead is so off-putting and strange.

So..is the baby Don abandoned supposed to be Kelly? Did each of the Aliens develop a special bond with an individual child?

I still love Don and Jeff even if Jeff is a jerk. His interactions with the revived Kurt have been excellent.

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Really liked the sequence at the end, where we saw various characters' stories moving forward through their actions. Though I don't know what is happening to this happy, little show... the execution of the assassin was serious stuff, with barely a dark laugh (maybe from his commentary about aliens going soft, and then Blam!). 

I wonder at what point the vast alien bureaucracy takes serious notice of all these shenanigans on Earth?

Edited by Ottis
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On 9/5/2017 at 5:58 PM, CinAZ said:

And she has a twin!

Or maybe even more! Jeff didn't know how many babies were going to come out. Foster could be the eldest of sextuplets! Though maybe more likely for story purposes she is the twin of an existing character.

I'm not sure why so many people hate the Doug-Chelsea story. It's maybe the most realistic storyline in the show as at present time there are more married ex Catholic priests than there are current Catholic priests in most western countries. I know a number of married ex-priests, including the husband of a good friend, so I'm just glad that Doug is going to move forward with a life that includes enjoying his normal human impulses and Chelsea has gotten out of an emotionally abusive marriage.

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How long has it been since Chelsea slept with a Alien? It would have been funnier if Kelly was pregnant and Don wanted to "Do the right thing".

I am surprised they found the body of the Alien that Walsh killed or even realized that Walsh was the one that killed him. It seems like Walsh is still roaming around free on the ship, I am surprised that they haven't tried to restrain Walsh yet.

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Fun episode.  The UFO convention was a fun place for the show and Jeff's reaction over the "racist" alien merchandise was funny.

I enjoy the Doug-Chelsea storyline a great deal, mostly because I find the guy who plays Doug hilarious.

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To me, the Chelsea/Doug storyline just doesn't fit in with the rest of the show.  It's not that funny, and it feels kind of icky that they both committed adultery and broke their vows.  Yes, Chelsea's husband broke them first, and I absolutely think she should get out of her marriage to that creep.  I don't even have a problem with Doug pursuing a relationship with a woman, necessarily.  I just don't like the way it came about.  Mileage varies.  I do love Oscar Velez, and I really liked him as "Father Doug."  He gave off a very real, normal, down-to-earth kind of vibe (no pun intended).  That's kind of unusual for priests or other clergy on TV shows.  

And Chelsea being pregnant...ugh.  Again, I guess it's just not what I want to see in this show.  There are too many other plot lines that are more interesting to focus on.  I don't like the idea of it being an alien baby, either, because that would indicate that the aliens either raped or inseminated her while she didn't know what was going on, and that's not OK. 

Also, the Barney and Betty Hill story that Yvonne and Jerry were listening to is real.  The Unresolved Podcast did an episode on it. 


1 hour ago, rhys said:

Was there an episode last night? It was listed in my newspaper but it's not available at TBS app.

Yes.  Sometimes the episodes are not posted on the app for a day or so.

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Don at the alien convention was probably my favorite thing this show has ever done.  The topper was him trying to get Jeff to guess where he had been and Jeff refusing to play along.

On the flip side, I hate the Chelsea/Father Doug story (mainly because I hate cheating stories and this one is boring as well) and I really don't want a pregnancy story line, regardless of who the father is.

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17 hours ago, Nessie said:

Don at the alien convention was probably my favorite thing this show has ever done.  The topper was him trying to get Jeff to guess where he had been and Jeff refusing to play along.

I agree! I also loved him pretending to tie his non-tie shoes. Hilarious! The actor has great comedic timing.

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On 9/12/2017 at 1:16 PM, 88Keys said:

nd Chelsea being pregnant...ugh.  Again, I guess it's just not what I want to see in this show.  There are too many other plot lines that are more interesting to focus on.  I don't like the idea of it being an alien baby, either, because that would indicate that the aliens either raped or inseminated her while she didn't know what was going on, and that's not OK. 

I disagree. We did see Chelsea's memories of her encounter with Don,  and it was portrayed as consensual (although he found the sex to be 'hard work', which was totally hilarious.) He also visited her in her home - as he did with the other woman with whom he went to Iceland, whose name I am completely blanking on - rather than abducting her. From what we've seen from Don, he seems to be genuinely solicitous of human beings; any use of force would be wildly out of character for him, not to mention for the show.

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I forgot to mention that I did not like Jonathan shooting the alien assassin in the back of the head. It was jarring and seemed out of place.

I loved Don at the Convention. I could have watched an entire episode of Don at the Convention even though it reminded me of the American Dad episode where Roger goes to an alien contention (or, rather, a Convention for alien devotees..not for actual aliens). I can easily see why the actor who plays Don was the funniest person in Iceland. I loved the souvenir photo he brought back for Jeff. I was very meh on the rest of the episode. I intensely dislike the Chelsea/Doug storyline and Richard is simultaneously annoying me and making me really miss Another Period.

My spouse has a theory that there will be a new outsider every season. Ozzie was the 1st outsider, the FBI agent is the second outsider, and if there is a 3rd season there will be a different outsider.

I miss Ennis. It takes work to sell a farm. Maybe he was a tenant farmer?    

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21 hours ago, Happytobehere said:

So Ozzy/Wyatt is really gone from the show?

Hard to say.  I thought I saw Wyatt Cenac's name in the credits at the beginning of the episode, but I could have been imagining things.


2 hours ago, swimmyfish said:

I disagree. We did see Chelsea's memories of her encounter with Don,  and it was portrayed as consensual (although he found the sex to be 'hard work', which was totally hilarious.) He also visited her in her home - as he did with the other woman with whom he went to Iceland, whose name I am completely blanking on - rather than abducting her. From what we've seen from Don, he seems to be genuinely solicitous of human beings; any use of force would be wildly out of character for him, not to mention for the show.

Yes, Chelsea did enjoy her encounter with Don.  She even was jealous of Kelly when they realized that the same alien had visited them both.  Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if having sex with Don was Chelsea's idea originally, because he seems to be rather easily led into doing things.

I didn't like the [Ex-Father]Doug and Chelsea story line and I still don't.  However, I'm glad that Doug insisted that "We do this the right way" with him leaving the priesthood and Chelsea leaving her husband.  To proceed with the relationship doing anything other than severing their previous attachments would have been unseemly, I think.  But, I hate that the show has introduced a pregnancy story line, never mind that it may be an alien/human hybrid offspring.  I thoroughly dislike pregnancy story lines, because the plot device seems like lazy writing to me and it always seems to send whatever show on which it appears completely off the rails [I'm looking at You, Grimm!].  And the kid either ends up taking over the show completely, or you never see the kid again after it's born.

As to the reasoning behind Ozzie's presumed death: 


Lazy writing again, I think.  So, he was a skeptic and became a believer.  So, show the further development and conversion of the character!  There was lots more to tell of his story, not the least of which would be his efforts to convince other skeptics that the Aliens are real and that they are here and that the people of Earth need to start taking steps to save the world.


Re:  Agent Foster--I agree that she may have more than one sibling.  Jeff said that her mother was "full of babies."  He didn't say how many babies.  Also, I kind of thought that the co-worker who helped her get the evidence file--and seemed to be sweet on her--may turn out to be her biological brother.

The turn toward the dark side that this show has made is making me uneasy.  Ozzie's death, Jonathan's murder of the Reptilian assassin, the hints that Eric the Floating Cube's corporation may have inflicted genocide on The Greys is worrying to me.  I still find a lot to like about this show, but it seems to be getting way too serious for a presumed comedy.

Yvonne and Gerry are a cute couple and I loved that they bought those t-shirts at the convention.

Why did StarCrossed charter such a huge bus to go to the convention?!!

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On 9/12/2017 at 6:29 AM, benteen said:

Fun episode.  The UFO convention was a fun place for the show and Jeff's reaction over the "racist" alien merchandise was funny.

I enjoy the Doug-Chelsea storyline a great deal, mostly because I find the guy who plays Doug hilarious.

Or would have been, if there was anything remotely imaginable as racist in the drawing. It was just two grays standing there. That was a miss for me 

Don's word choice in the Alien Autopsy table was odd, too. It was a "disaster?" How about " table of horrors? "

The show is struggling without Ozzie. The other stories aren't very interesting on their own. 

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12 hours ago, possibilities said:

What episode was it where Chelsea and Don had sex? I don't remember it at all and I want to try to find it because it sounds like it was pretty funny, plus it's making me wonder if I missed an entire episode and didn't realize it.

It's the first or second episode of the series, I think?  When Ozzie visits Star Crossed and all the members recount their experiences - it's a flashback shown when Chelsea is talking.

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17 hours ago, TresGatos said:

My spouse has a theory that there will be a new outsider every season. Ozzie was the 1st outsider, the FBI agent is the second outsider, and if there is a 3rd season there will be a different outsider.

This was my post a month ago, that perhaps the show is going to give us a different narrator each season and we learn through that person's eyes. But the show isn't treating Agent Foster the same way as Ozzie (she's still a side character to the Starcrossers), so I'm not sure that's the intention after all. 

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On 9/12/2017 at 8:07 PM, Nessie said:

Don at the alien convention was probably my favorite thing this show has ever done. 

It was for me, too! I've watched the ep 2x and will watch again when my also addicted but lacking cable friend comes over. Funniest episode ever. Also loved Yvonne and Gerry reassessing their relationship based on the Hill Abduction. I remember reading about that one back in my youth when I followed such things!

16 hours ago, Lawgiver said:

Just read on People of Earth's FB page that it has been renewed for season 3!

Beat me to it! I'm so happy about the renewal -- this is my favorite comedy!

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On ‎9‎/‎13‎/‎2017 at 4:55 PM, TresGatos said:

I forgot to mention that I did not like Jonathan shooting the alien assassin in the back of the head. It was jarring and seemed out of place.

I loved Don at the Convention. I could have watched an entire episode of Don at the Convention even though it reminded me of the American Dad episode where Roger goes to an alien contention (or, rather, a Convention for alien devotees..not for actual aliens). I can easily see why the actor who plays Don was the funniest person in Iceland. I loved the souvenir photo he brought back for Jeff. I was very meh on the rest of the episode. I intensely dislike the Chelsea/Doug storyline and Richard is simultaneously annoying me and making me really miss Another Period.

My spouse has a theory that there will be a new outsider every season. Ozzie was the 1st outsider, the FBI agent is the second outsider, and if there is a 3rd season there will be a different outsider.

I miss Ennis. It takes work to sell a farm. Maybe he was a tenant farmer?    

Definitely would have liked to have seen more of Don at the convention.

I miss Ennis too.  It still feels so bizarre how he was a member of the group and he's gone and it's like he never existed.  If the actor returns, THAT would be a great storyline to pursue.  He was abducted again and his existence was wiped from the minds of everyone.

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Well, not much happened in tonight's episode. Just Alex's phone call and the mediator award, oh and Jeff being blackmailed ...and next week is the season finale...??

I wonder if we will know Alex's family /sister...?

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I laughed out loud at the line about landlines and not being a millenial. (I'm a GenXer, just a few years younger than Ana Gasteyer.) I had noticed the phone before Alex brought it up, so I'm glad they talked about it! Question: is Richard's boss a Reptilian? I don't remember.


I wonder why Yvonne and Don were missing this week. 

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I was wondering if Richard's boss was reptilian as well, I seem to remember him saying he was.

The phone was a funny bit. And it wasn't even cordless- it was a princess phone!

I missed Don. It looks like game night will be where Gerry does whatever Eric is planning then. And then we will have to wait until the next season.....

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Last night's episode seemed almost like a placeholder episode.  Not much going on at all.  And next week is the season finale?!  [Boo, hiss. . .]

Wyatt Cenac's name was in the opening credits again last night.  I'm hoping that's a good sign.  Please bring him back to life!

Yeah, the missing characters are starting to bother me, too.  And where have Nancy and Doug and Officer Glimmer been?

Edited by officetemp
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