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I want to love this show, but I'm not there yet. The cast is great and it's clear it has a sense of humor about what it's doing, but I haven't completely warmed up to it. I grew up near-ish to Beacon, though, and I do find it hilarious that they've set the show there.

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I'm in.

Didn't like that the reptilian was hit by the car, though.  Liked how the he, the Grey and the White interacted in the space ship and wanted to see more of the character.

Edited by officetemp
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45 minutes ago, possibilities said:

Maybe the reptilian will regenerate. Or be replaced by another equally snarky alien.

He was awesome! I was sorry to lose him.

Per the previews, I'm looking forward to Don the White coming on down. Jeff the Gray wouldn't so much be able to blend so we'll see.

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I really enjoyed this show, and I don't like many comedies on TV anymore. The cast is great and the premise is unusual and creative. Best of all, there's no stupid laugh track, just dry, clever, subtle humor. I'm looking forward to future episodes.

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I liked it. It was a really solid pilot that did it's job of setting up the characters and situations and given the cast and producers I'm definitely willing to give it some time to see how it develops.

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Yeah, hoping that they're able to resurrect Kurt Reptilian Alien.  The interactions with Don White Alien and Jeff Gray Alien are some of the best parts of the show.  I like how they all talk just like regular dudes.

Liked the way Ozzie evaluated his potential sponsors in his notebook:  "Crazy. . .  Crazy. . .  Crazy. . .  "

Edited by officetemp
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The show's gotten some generally positive reviews:

Hollywood Reporter: TBS' new show is a surprisingly funny, smart, quirky and lovable comedy about an alien abduction support group.

AV Club: People Of Earth leaves a strong impression after its first two episodes. The show has a solid amount of humor, but ultimately, comedy is a background tool for a show that deals with topics like trauma, empathy, and trust.

Indie Wire: Wyatt Cenac Leads Beautifully Human Comedy About Aliens

NY Times: The Alien Abductees of ‘People of Earth’ Keep the Humor Grounded. Slight but appealing.

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There are so many shows on so many network and cable channels that I find that, for myself, if I don't get something out of a new show within the first fifteen minutes or so, I usually don't end up coming back.  As soon as they introduced us to the Aliens, wham!, I was hooked.  There were funny lines all the way through and I immediately liked all the actors and characters.  Can't wait for the next episode.  I need more comedies to balance out all the violence and bummer stuff I watch on Sunday nights. You know what I'm talking about. heh

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I'm really enjoying the show.  I'm finding it witty and it delivers the funny as well; the quirky bits feel like plot and character aspects and not just quirky for quirk.  I love that there is an ongoing plot and that the resolutions at the end of each episode are not too pat or simplistic.  Definitely one of the few sitcoms, or shows of any kind for that matter, to premiere this season that have me pleased and looking forward to watch each week so far. 

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I guess we're not getting individual episode threads?  Oh, well.

On 11/8/2016 at 1:28 PM, Lawgiver said:

Any bets as to whether the wife is a reptilian? . . .

If she isn't a reptilian, maybe her lawyer is.  Could be that's why she quit the support group.

I'm trying to decide if the police officer (sheriff?) is an alien or just a collaborator.  I liked the way Jerry(?) and the postal carrier lady figured out what exactly Gina(?) had hit on the road.

Ozzie's great!  Love the way he's so open-minded about everything that's going on around him and everything that's happening to him.

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I was looking for a thread for this week but realized there is just one for all episodes. Ok.

Well, this weeks episode was interesting.

So, the reptilian guy has been with Ozzie since he was a child?  So the alien's have a plan for Ozzie? It was funny when the reptilian was telling the alien secretary lady to make sure the toll booth guy wasn't a decision maker on the planet.

It is nice to see that Ozzie is starting to get suspicious.

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I really liked this episode.  It packed a lot into the time, moved fast and yet did it a narrative that was not normal. 

Its funny how disappointed I am in myself that this is a new show and not some overlooked one that I stumble on and have plenty of episodes to binge and wallow in.  I feel a bit of withdrawal set in after watching simply because I have to wait.  Ugh.  No use denying it anymore, I am part of my own generation.

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I'm really enjoying how the show manages to be snarky but still grounded in reality. Like, Gina has her abduction quirks but she really is a therapist and manages the support group in a believable way. Ana is doing a great job with that.

I still miss Kurt!

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I'm glad we're getting to see more of Father Doug. The "not soccer bar" and confessional scenes cracked me up.

Parishioner: "I masturbated 22 times yesterday."
Father Doug: "That's just too much. You have to know that. Just cut back a little bit."

I'm starting to feel bad for Jeff the Grey, being all abandoned and conscientious about work. The printer cartridge is indeed a cruel mistress.

Edited by lordonia
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Enjoying the series so far though I haven't posted for the past few weeks.  Just a few random comments:

I thought it was rather touching that Ozzie decided to go to the support group--carrying his goldfish in a plastic bag, no less!--after he moved out of the motel.  It was as if he realized that they were the only people who could understand what he was going through.

Jonathan's a really unlikable character for me.  I didn't like the way he tried to ingratiate himself with Richard and Gerry (with different degrees of success) and it's creepy the way he's been watching Ozzie since Ozzie was a kid.  Is Ozzie "Special"?

At first, I thought the aliens had discovered that Gina was the one who had hit and killed Kurt Reptilian and had abducted her again to punish her for Kurt's death.  Then I realized that she was kind of experiencing a flashback when she heard the Muzak playing in the Crockery Shed (ha!) where she works as an associate and remembered it as being the same music the aliens were playing in the ship when they were experimenting on her.

Even though Gina gave up being a therapist (after her patient took her advice and got killed in the process) she still has the urge to try and help people.  She puts a lot of thought and effort into the support group but sometimes the activities seem to do more harm than good, especially when she urged everyone to tell their family members about their abductions.  However, I liked that the members all ended up in the bar together at the end of the episode, keeping each other company and, as Ozzie had realized in the earlier episode, coming to the understanding that only the other members of the group could understand their respective experiences.

Speaking of family members, I thought it was strange that Chelsea's husband showed up all indignant at the meeting since, up to that point, he seemed so indifferent to her activities.

On 11/16/2016 at 0:13 PM, lordonia said:

. . . I still miss Kurt!

I do too!  The aliens have a better dynamic when they're interacting with each other.  Jeff Gray and Kurt Reptilian were especially good together; now Jeff Gray seems really overburdened with Kurt gone.  Even with the "Legolas Greenleaf" look he's got going, Don White is pretty bland and not that interesting.  Hope that they find a way to resurrect Kurt.

One of the things that I enjoy is how un-apologetically low tech the sets and visual effects are in this show:  the alien ship just looks like a box painted silver with plastic model parts glued onto it; the screens in the alien ship have all their displays in English; the interior of the alien ship is almost bare; even though Ozzie supposedly had brain surgery to remove the deer implant, his head wasn't even shaved.  It's almost as if someone is trying to visualize a story that someone else told them, so most of the details are left out.  Also, the sets kind of remind me of all those low-budget science fiction B movies from the 1950's and '60's.

Feel kind of sorry for Gerry that he so wants to be abducted and just hasn't been.

I think Father Doug should just go ahead and start playing his Latin Funk music again.  Just because he's a priest doesn't mean he can't enjoy a harmless pastime like making music.  It could take his mind off Chelsea.

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Durn!  Just as I was ready to continue disliking Jonathan, he goes and saves Ozzie's life!  Wonder if he'll now play a more active role in saving Earth from an alien takeover.

Cracked me up when Jonathan's reptilian boss mentioned Bono, Elon Musk and Nancy Pelosi as reptilian alien infiltrators.

Gerry can't catch a break.  He was right about the timing of the abductions, but the scout ship was so shorthanded that Jeff Grey missed the pickup!  And Don White was no help at all.  On the other hand, I was glad that Gerry and Yvonne admitted their feelings for each other.

Looks as if things are really going to start happening in next week's episode!

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3 hours ago, officetemp said:

Gerry can't catch a break. He was right about the timing of the abductions, but the scout ship was so shorthanded that Jeff Grey missed the pickup!

It was nice that the other support group members were quick to offer consolation: "The calculations were difficult. It's a leap year."

It's reasonable IRL, but when group members are missing (like Margaret this time), I spend my time wondering where they are.

I hope the earth aliens don't start exacting vengeance. Really, Bono! Get it together.

Looking forward to Father Doug joining Star Crossed.

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At first I thought maybe he had been "taken" but they wiped his memory. I think it's interesting that actually he did have the right date and the aliens missed the pick up because the grey was out dancing. I also think it's interesting that some of the aliens are starting to rebel against the mission.

I like this show more and more. I hope it gets another season (or more than one). I can think of lots of different directions they could take it.

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Really liked this episode. It did a good job of hitting a lot of different beats. And I also really identify with Jeff the Grey - I've been the guy trying to get the work done while all the cool people are too busy with their personal stuff! It's a really good job by Ken Hall making the character believable and sympathetic under all the makeup with just voice acting and gestures. Especially as he's the one doing the most to advance the alien plot to conquer humanity to boot. And I'm really liking the direction the show is taking - quirky, but not excessively so and not afraid to go for jokes or honest emotion when it's called for. I guess it's to be expected coming from Greg Daniels, but too many comedies seem to see those elements as outdated or "too safe". I'm also hoping it gets renewed.

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I haven't watched People of Earth yet. It looks like quirky fun.

I really enjoyed Search Party. So glad it will have another season. Alia Shawkat rocked as Dory. I can't wait for the next big adventure.

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I discovered POE* around episode 3, and it's quickly become one of the shows I most look forward to each week. The cast works so well together, the plot actually moves, and it's just plain funny - especially the bits with the aliens. Rather than some unnamed comedies (like one that decides "quirkiness" based on a haircut and style of glasses), POE deserves the all-too-often-used labels of "quirky" and "cute".

*Can't type that without giving props to Dr. Strangelove.

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Wow. Ok. I wonder how they will deal with next season now that Ozzie knows his ex boss is an alien. And all of the members of star crossed have been taken as kids.

This show has really grown on me. I wonder when we will get the next season.

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2 hours ago, CinAZ said:

This show has really grown on me. I wonder when we will get the next season.

Right? Almost everyone's in crisis!

I really like this darn show. (Although I could have done without Father Doug and Chelsea making out. That won't end well for him.)

Wyatt the actor really looks like the actors playing his parents.

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Man, this show makes me miss the old days of 20+ episodes in a season because, after the awesome season finale, I really wasn't ready to let go of this show after only 10 episodes. I hope it's not another full year between seasons but it probably is. UGH.

Congratulations on your abduction, Gerry! 

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That was a great way to end a season (although sad that we're not getting more episodes right away).  I wonder if that's why Starcrossed remembers when seemingly others don't, they've been beamed up enough that the memory wipe wasn't working.   

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13 hours ago, Giant Misfit said:

Man, this show makes me miss the old days of 20+ episodes in a season because, after the awesome season finale, I really wasn't ready to let go of this show after only 10 episodes. I hope it's not another full year between seasons but it probably is. UGH.

It seems that TBS original series usually have shorter seasons and it's usually less than a full year between them, more like 6-9 months. I don't mind the shorter seasons so much. But I would like to see shorter breaks as well. They're trying new things with running entire seasons as a marathon first why not order 20 episodes and split it up into smaller seasons with a few months in between like TNT does with Major Crimes and some of their other dramas?

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The actor who played Nancy had great physicality. The scene where Richard tried to kiss Nancy in front of the house was hilariously awkward. I also love how Don the White, who in real life would be this total stud, is a total wimp/loser compared to Jeff the Grey.

I, too, love this gentle, weird show. 

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It took me a while to get fully invested, but now I'm totally in. I feel like the show has finally gotten meaty. We have the aliens who are pro-human, the aliens who are pro-overthrow, Jeff the Grey who's on a rogue mission to avenge The Green, the Starcrossed members who are finally getting somewhere other than talking in circles about their shared but otherwise not that life-changing experience -- and finally feeling something other than "special" and "having a secret"-- and Gerry got his wish! I also like how Ozzie's parents are simultaneously skeptics but also trying not to over-react or discount actual evidence or otherwise minimize the situation.

I really wanted the priest to stay true to his vows. I like seeing non-skeevy clergy.

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So this got recommended to me about the same time as Search Party, another TBS show with quite a bit more buzz. Between the two, I liked this one far more.  But then, there's an awful lot to like here. Most of the characters are genuinely likable, or grow on you.  Don't get me started on how great it is to see H. Jon Benjamin (Archer) in anything! Bliss, I tell you. And Ana Gasteyer has been a favorite of mine since her SNL days.

This is also one of the only shows I've seen where the very gentle jabs they take at AA are all in good fun, and clearly more intended to amuse those of us in the Program than to be snarky about it.

Oh, and could Wyatt Cenac's delivery be any drier? Love him!

Yes, I really liked this.

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Yay!!  :)

These shows have been a welcome change of pace from the usual dark and dreary TV that seems to be the trend these days. Fun but smart.  I wasn't too sure about the ending of the first season of Search Party, but I'll still happily watch Season 2

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I guess I'm happy Gerry is finally getting his alien "experience" -- but he's missing his date with Yvonne!

I can't wait for the next season - tuned in for the TBS marathon of Season 1 and I love this show!    Also, I simply must know how Don is going to explain things to Kelly when they arrive in Iceland ... and there's no dying mother.  Hee! 

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I love that Don the White is played by the same actor from Spy who was the Swedish bodyguard killed outside the hotel. He was hilarious in that role, really played his physicality in hating Melissa McCarthy's character. I think he may be my favorite character on the show.

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I kept seeing the commercials for "People of Earth"  and was finally annoyed/intrigued enough to seek it out on demand. I ended up liking it more than I thought. Someone referred to it as "quirky," and while that usually sends me running, it works here. I'm glad to see it renewed.  

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I hope this show comes back soon.  Was lucky to be able to watch the entire series during the post-Christmas TBS binge-a-thon.  I really want to see what happens to everyone.  I agree with the "ew!" reaction to Father Doug/Chelsea, though.  Don't do it, Father Doug!!

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