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Challengers Thread: From All-Stars To All-Pains

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There are blog posts I keep meaning to write. One of them is listing the "Won-And-Done" Challengers . . . the guys and girls from the elimination era who appeared on one season, won, and never came back. Here's who I got off the top of my head: Danny & Kelley, Colin, Sarah Greyson, Dave (the Grimm guy), Christena (stealth bitch), Jamie Chung, Aviv (don't really remember her), Carley (ditto) and Sam. And Sean, if you figure that Road Rules: All-Stars wasn't a competitive reality show, though they did battle the cast of Road Rules: Northern Trail. Am I missing anybody?

Like I said, I'm going by the elimination era . . . everything from the original Battle Of The Sexes to today. Extreme Challenge predates that.

Asking this again because this is a general contestant thread . . . if Sarah gets more points than Johnny in the finale and takes the $275K for herself, would that be a good move for redemption? I mean, she'd still be needy as hell, but screwing Johnny over would be an awesome move. This way, he'd get his unprecedented six Challenge win and have nothing to show for it aside from a stipend. That would put a smile on her face . . . though he'd no doubt savage the hell out of her in the reunion, and she'd be painted as a villain for daring to play the game.

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Kendal was one of my favorites. If I recall, she was no fan of throwing challenges to engineer an unwanted team member's forced substitution in the elimination game.

I remember that one Inferno, think it was between RR Katie and David from Seattle, and they had to stay in a tub full of gross stuff, and outlast their opponent. Problem was, you couldn't see your opponent, so you didn't know when/if they had quit. David quits pretty soon, and the rest of the RR team just stares at David in dismay because his loss means Katie is sticking around, and only Kendal jumps forward to knock on the tub to let Katie know she can come up. The rest of her team was just going to let her stay submerged until she gave up, even though she'd already won.


Last I heard, Kendal got knocked up by Ashlee Simpson's ex boyfriend, and was suing him for child support. She got pregnant in 2006 or 2007, which is probably why she never came back.


ETA: out of curiosity, I googled her. She is now married and works as a nurse.

Edited by Tatum
6 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

After reading reactions from an Instagram post, I'm hoping Sarah gets hit with bags of weak tea at the Reunion. And that the audience chucks rocks at Johnny. A guy can dream, right?

I was happy to see that a lot of people reminded her of her own past and that she should know better.  

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On 7/30/2016 at 4:53 PM, Lantern7 said:

And Sean, if you figure that Road Rules: All-Stars wasn't a competitive reality show, though they did battle the cast of Road Rules: Northern Trail. Am I missing anybody?

Sean was on the original Battle of the Seasons with Elka as his partner ("virginity has its privileges").

6 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

He's probably sick of people shouting, "Hey! Dummy Bear!!" He does deserve credit for coining the phrase "Johnny Bananas Backpack," so he's got that going for him.

I hate to take that away from him too, but I thought I read somewhere that it was TJ who coined that phrase during the elimination. A part of me misses Dunbar and thought he was generally harmless.

The people I miss are usually not around for good reason. It's the famewhorish people that tend to stick around. I miss most of the people from Battle of the Sexes I: Emily, Christina, Yes, Colin, Jamie, Jake, etc. NOT PUCK and NOT DAVID (the one that got spit on). I think that was one of the best assembled casts. 

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How messed up that BMP has only had three guys with any Asian in them on their shows? Yes, Steve and Noor. And Curtis from "The Lost Season" doesn't count.

I'm about 6-7 minutes into the Reunion. Is there any semblance of a happy ending? I'm pulling for Sarah taking a baseball bat to Johnny's ride, screaming, "THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU FUCK A TEAMMATE IN THE ASS!!!" I mean, I've been hard on her for the second half of the season, but she could have used a good chunk of the money on therapy.

ETA: Has any Challenger been screwed as hard as Sarah? I wouldn't think so . . . not even Paula getting thrown under the bus by Johnny in The Island. Maybe somebody out there has a better memory than me.

ETA2: What songs would you assign to Challengers? Obviously, Johnny is "Liar" by Rollins Band. Stan Bush's "The Touch" works great for Timmy.

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On ‎8‎/‎4‎/‎2016 at 10:57 PM, luckyroll3 said:

What is sexy-ass Yes up to now???

Someone on Imdb found this on Yes


For some reason Twitter thought I'd be interested in a tweet from Tori even though I don't follow her, but I clicked, and then clicked a few more recommendations. Anyway, some time later I now know that Tori and Brad have two boys; Paula has a son & daughter; Vinny has a daughter; Katie has a daughter; Theresa has a daughter; Melinda is married again; Mike (Leroy's "rival") is married; John Backpack continues to be a massive dick; Jenny & Brian (RW Ex-plosion) have a daughter; Chet is married; Jonna has a daughter; Jasmine has a daughter; Kim (RW Hollywood) and Carley (FM2) had babies, 50% chance they're daughters.

In addition to Sarah being married, Johanna is married (to Kate Middleton's ex no less) and has a son, and Ryan from Brooklyn is married. 

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On 8/3/2016 at 8:02 PM, SophiaPehawkins said:

I hate to take that away from him too, but I thought I read somewhere that it was TJ who coined that phrase during the elimination. 

Dunbar made the first mention, at least that I recall, in one of the talking head segments that got cut in while the competition was being shown.  

"And he carries his custom made Johnny Bananas backpack to the barrel in about five seconds."

No matter how many times I watch that clip, it will never, ever stop being everything to me.

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, Decider said:

Dunbar made the first mention, at least that I recall, in one of the talking head segments that got cut in while the competition was being shown.  

"And he carries his custom made Johnny Bananas backpack to the barrel in about five seconds."

No matter how many times I watch that clip, it will never, ever stop being everything to me.

Best clip ever.  Every time I watch it is like the first time all over again.  

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With the Challenge coming back tonight, I have a question: has there been any veterans who got less despicable over time? I think CT is the only one, but he could only go up from the lows he hit (i.e., tossed out before the missions started twice). I don't think his relationship with Diem redeemed him, but he's come across as somebody worth rooting for, even if there's a small chance he could revert to being an asshole. Remember The Duel? He was so good, then he lost to Brad in the final Duel and lost all his shit.

The only other person I can think of is Darrell. Didn't like him on Campus Crawl. Hated him and Rachel targeting Sarah in The Gauntlet. But by the time he won his then-record fourth Challenge, I was okay with him. Then came The Ruins, where Brad threw the first punch, and Darrell responded with about fifty. And then he flamed out early in Fresh Meat II.

Yes, I know that I asked this question on the Past Seasons thread, but I forgot that this thread existed.

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Well, I remember everyone hated Derrick in the early challenges because he was drunk and no one took him seriously, and by The Island and The Ruins, he was more or less part of the in crowd.

Also, everyone (by everyone I mean the viewers) hated Colie on her original season and on Inferno 3, and she was actually somewhat likeable on The Island, being one of the few girls willing to stand up to Johnny and Dunbar's horrible treatment of the girls. Not sure if she counts as a vet though. But she was in three show appearances in a short time period.


Abram kind of redeemed himself during  Inferno 3 and was pretty nice during that one challenge (was it Cutthroat? I took a challenge break after The Ruins and didn't watch again until Free Agents) where he was helping some of the less athletic girls finish the challenge, but then he pretty much plummeted offscreen and his latest onscreen appearance didn't do him any favors. Laurel came across as better on Free Agents then she had on previous challenges, but not sure if that counts either.

Most of these people either stayed despicable or just got worse.

I was thinking more about viewers like us. When I first saw Derrick on Road Rules: X-Treme, my first thought was, "Shit, another Abram." He turned out relatively okay, and Patrick became the alpha asshole. I didn't have a problem with the guy before he sold out to the Axis of Ass. I am not above taking shots at his lack of height . . . as opposed to Fresh Meat, where I was not happy with Theo dissing him in his exit interview.

While I'm here . . . has it ever been okay to refer to Darrell as "Pootie Tang"? My defense is that he had similar sideburns, and he likes to murder the English language. All that's missing is Chris Rock yelling, "Darrell, what the fuck are you talking about?!?"

22 hours ago, Tatum said:

Well, I remember everyone hated Derrick in the early challenges because he was drunk and no one took him seriously, and by The Island and The Ruins, he was more or less part of the in crowd.

Not everyone hated him on the first challenge. He was a rookie and they used his drinking as an excuse to get rid of him instead of the vet (Eric I believe) that keep fucking up. On his second challenge, he spoke up against the vets just letting Mark becoming captain that ended up being a bad decision because they found out after that the losing captain had to go into the elimination challenge.

By the time he got to the island I think he figured out that the only way he was going to win was to ‘play the game’. I don’t fault him for playing it that way. I don’t even fault Johnny for being a master of ‘play the game’. I fault the people who put up with it. Johnny should be the first and every vote until you get rid of him. Same thing goes for CT. If you want to win you get rid of  him as quick as you can. While CT is a physical threat Johnny is a politicking one.

Turns out Challengers reproducing is a thing. Here's my basic list: Darrell > CT > Tony > Puck. I like CT, I'm hoping the mother is steady with him, but I react to little Christopher like Goku's pals finding out about Gohan (Dragonball Z reference). And can you imagine the meetings with kindergarten teachers? "Chris is smart, but he got into a fight, repeatedly shoving another boy and shouting, 'I will WORK YOU!' What is that about?" "Crap, he got into the tapes. Again. My bad."

ETA: Aside from Nicole and Irene from RW2, have any BMP alumni gone into law enforcement? I thought Nicole was an aspiring EMT. Didn't know about the cop thing. Think of it this way . . . she wouldn't use her gun first. She can yell at somebody and knock 'em down.

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Ugh, I couldn't stand Angela. She was a total bitch to all the girls, and then when they responded in kind back to her, she said all the girls were mean to her because they were jealous of her. She could barely contain her glee when one of the girls on her season got her heart broken by Patrick, who kind of resembled Ben Affleck circa his Dazed and Confused days, but was the only guy on the show that was neither gay nor talked to frogs drunkenly and therefore all the girls liked.

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39 minutes ago, luckyroll3 said:

LMAO that this is adequate criteria for a guy women can be in to.

In fairness, I guess I don't know that all the girls were into him. He and Jodi had a mild flirtation that didn't really go anywhere. I don't know what either Kina or Ibis thought of him. Then Angela and Jillian came on and Jillian hooked up with him and Angela seemed unduly offended by it, and when Patrick told Jillian he was just hooking up with her to pass the time and had no interest in a relationship with her, Jillian started crying and you can see Angela just friggin' beaming. She barely manages to suppress her smugness as she tells Jillian maybe next time she'll think twice before jumping into bed with a guy. She's one of those girls who clearly takes delight in the rejection of other girls.

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Don't know where else to put this . . . this is from Laurel's Instagram.

I was meaning to go over the remaining players in the game. I'll do it quick.

CT: Rooting for him.

Darrell: Turns out absence does make the heart grow fonder. Well, enough to forget about beating up Brad and going out first in Fresh Meat II.

Camila: Can't root for her because it's not like she'd buy better medication for her many, many, MANY problems.

Laurel: Liking her, though I still want to call her "Killbot."

Nicole: *deep breath* For the record, I do not support everybody on a reality show that hails from my home borough of Staten Island. I liked her on Skeletons because she was halfway normal and didn't cause drama. I know that getting thirsty about Cara Maria and Laurel didn't look good, but I'm glad she's still in the game.

Ashley/"Smashley": Whatever.

Shane: He never raised hell in his four other Challenges, right? Must be hard to play with people who are probably a decade older than him.

Corey: Has his dick fallen off yet? He keeps diving into the BMP lust pool.

Nelson: Is he AYTO? I'm not keeping track. Whatever.

  • Love 3
On 4/18/2017 at 3:54 PM, Lantern7 said:

Don't know where else to put this . . . this is from Laurel's Instagram.

I was meaning to go over the remaining players in the game. I'll do it quick.

CT: Rooting for him.

Darrell: Turns out absence does make the heart grow fonder. Well, enough to forget about beating up Brad and going out first in Fresh Meat II.

Camila: Can't root for her because it's not like she'd buy better medication for her many, many, MANY problems.

Laurel: Liking her, though I still want to call her "Killbot."

Nicole: *deep breath* For the record, I do not support everybody on a reality show that hails from my home borough of Staten Island. I liked her on Skeletons because she was halfway normal and didn't cause drama. I know that getting thirsty about Cara Maria and Laurel didn't look good, but I'm glad she's still in the game.

Ashley/"Smashley": Whatever.

Shane: He never raised hell in his four other Challenges, right? Must be hard to play with people who are probably a decade older than him.

Corey: Has his dick fallen off yet? He keeps diving into the BMP lust pool.

Nelson: Is he AYTO? I'm not keeping track. Whatever.

I'm honestly a little suprised that they are still together. Laurel knew that Nicole was more into Cara, she said it a bunch of times on the show. Aren't Cara and Laurel good friends? I wonder how awkward it is when those three hang out lol. 

From the episode thread:

12 hours ago, Maharincess said:

I never considered CT to be lovable at all, I considered him to be a complete violent psycho. He would lose all control and hurt people. I can't ever forget him going after Adam and foaming at the mouth while poor Adam was looking for a place to hide. He was violent with people on so many different seasons including his Real World season that a few seasons of "nice" CT and a few "aw" moments with Diem doesn't erase that for me.

I acknowledge that CT was a butthead -- at best -- through a lot of his BMP career. And you can only blame so much of his outburst in Duel II on his brother's murder. The thing is that he seemed to want to be better from Cutthroat forward, and not just for the cameras. Even without his relationship with Diem (once again: he played Puddy to her Elaine; they probably wouldn't have worked out that well had she been healthy), I think he's done a good job at image rehabilitation. I don't think that getting older makes somebody better. I still think that Abram kills drifters, and my first reaction to recently finding out Beth had kids was outright horror. And nobody else has upgraded themselves from the position of "scumbag." Granted, CT started from the very bottom, but he has grown on me. Meanwhile, Johnny still plays as a reality show Van Wilder, Wes still holds himself higher than most people, Camila can still go from zero to psycho in an eyeblink, and so on. Even without Diem and Chris Jr. (aka "Lil Fatso"), I honestly believe CT is a good person. And I fear that there's always the chance that he could destroy that within seconds. But I don't think that would happen. Hopefully.

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On 4/28/2017 at 11:49 AM, Lantern7 said:

From the episode thread:

I acknowledge that CT was a butthead -- at best -- through a lot of his BMP career. And you can only blame so much of his outburst in Duel II on his brother's murder. The thing is that he seemed to want to be better from Cutthroat forward, and not just for the cameras. Even without his relationship with Diem (once again: he played Puddy to her Elaine; they probably wouldn't have worked out that well had she been healthy), I think he's done a good job at image rehabilitation. I don't think that getting older makes somebody better. I still think that Abram kills drifters, and my first reaction to recently finding out Beth had kids was outright horror. And nobody else has upgraded themselves from the position of "scumbag." Granted, CT started from the very bottom, but he has grown on me. Meanwhile, Johnny still plays as a reality show Van Wilder, Wes still holds himself higher than most people, Camila can still go from zero to psycho in an eyeblink, and so on. Even without Diem and Chris Jr. (aka "Lil Fatso"), I honestly believe CT is a good person. And I fear that there's always the chance that he could destroy that within seconds. But I don't think that would happen. Hopefully.

Saw this after I also commented on why I like CT.  I agree with what you said (and you said it much better than I did).  But can we rewind for a second.....Beth has children?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!  I share in your horror and reiterate my belief that some people (a high percentage of them on this and other BMP shows) need to be prevented from procreating. 

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On 4/25/2017 at 10:36 AM, MaggieG said:

I'm honestly a little suprised that they are still together. Laurel knew that Nicole was more into Cara, she said it a bunch of times on the show. Aren't Cara and Laurel good friends? I wonder how awkward it is when those three hang out lol. 

My bet is CM is grateful for Laurel. It's taking the pressure off her to keep denying Nicole.

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I got Facebook. I belong to a Challenge-based group. Anyway, I found this. In case you can't access the link, it's a fan on Twitter asking Beth when she'll do another Challenge. This is her response:


I'd love to do another! MTV has to invite me!!!! Im ready!!! If fans want old school people on the show, let MTV/mtv.com know!!!!

If you know me, you'll probably guess what my reaction was. Here's a hint: finding out she has two kids is a less horrifying notion.

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Not sure...the only time I remember that being confirmed was when the original Vegas cast was filming.  They probably do though.


I would actually like the return of Beth. There is not anyone who was filmed prior to 2000 that I wouldn't welcome back, with the exception of Puck. Even people frequently mocked- Eric Nies, Beth S., London Mike, pretty much anyone from Boston, or anyone from Hawaii, Julie- I'd welcome them all, just for old times sake. Maybe not Seattle Stephen though.

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I see that Jordan is getting flak after losing to Wes in CvP, and that some perceive him as a wannabe Bananas. I disagree. At his worst, Jordan is a meathead, and he sometimes only as good by comparison to whomever he's fighting (*koff*Nia*koff*). And I'm thinking that he does try to overcompensate for having one full hand. But I don't see him as pure ego and little else. That would be Wes.

Look at Free Agents. Jordan sent Johnny into the endgame, saying he had to "earn [his] stripes." Those were the wrong words, but I liked the sentiment of somebody who was as tired of people rolling over for Johnny as I was. Naturally, Johnny beat Isaac because Isaac had to go back to his planet of origin. Jordan kept talking, and he forced a final battle with Johnny. Yes, it was in a game where he probably needed two fists to smash holes in the wall . . . but if Jordan prevailed, he would've become an instant legend. Of course, he falls, Johnny gets to beat off on top of the wall and in interviews, and everybody gets to call Jordan a dumbass. At least he was ready to put his money where his mouth was.

I'm not forcing myself to like Jordan because of his "handicap." I'm just saying that I understand him. Also, he's a better representative from RW: Portland than Johnny Reilly. I do recognize that Daisy basically pwns everybody in that house.

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11 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

How do you feel about Derrick coming back for XXX? He's got a lot of fans on Facebook. Some AYTO doucher named Gio quipped about "Frodo" and that there weren't any height minimums on the show. Needless to say, that guy is not popular.

Gio is a dickhead on a good day and a whiner every damn day.  He's probably mad he wasn't asked to participate.

I've always liked Derrick.  And I don't mind when people take a break and come back for a bit.  Unlike assholes like Johnny and Camilla, and the new crop like Tony, Ashley and the others who are so dumb I don't ever bother remembering their names.  For fucks' sake, give us some time to miss you (or be thankful we don't have to deal with you for a bit).

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Beth is posting in the Challenge group I visit on Facebook. Right now, I'm in TARCon Mode . . . if I don't like somebody, I don't engage that person. I didn't give Rob Mariano, Jonathan Baker, or any other TAR villain a piece of my mind, and I'm not going to cause an online ruckus. I have said a lot of bad stuff about her, and I feel like I should stand by all of that, but I'm not going to be that kind of hater. That said, somebody posted a picture and stats on Veronica, and Beth chimed in with this: "I would crush Veronica and I'm Older!" Even if she's playing the part of an instigator and has zero interest of coming back because she has a life . . . no. No. If a mission doesn't come down to trying to out-tug Beth, she loses. She is a huge weight . . . and it's not a body mass thing. Nicole and Laurel can engage in a three-way reverse tug-of-war with Beth, and they could join forces to win, but it would take a long time because she just wore down on people's souls at her "peak." Also, somebody asked Beth to "please verbally drag camila." That would be a moment where I would pity Beth. She's a bitch, but Camila is fucking crazy.

On a more positive note, here's Darrell's son chilling in Challenge gear.

ETA: This just in from Beth: "it was weak! [Veronica] couldn't handle my words. She's bat shit cray cray...I would never ever physically hurt anyone. If someone is a bully to me, I will verbally destroy them..." Gaaaaaah. "Bad Beth & Beyond," indeed.

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