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Small Talk: 1, 2, 3 Non-Cheerleader Conversation

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Yes , i've learned a couple of dances , i think the first one you learns it well be a little hard but after the first one you little pick their choreography  much easier

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I was so expecting them to do the full out jumpsplit while recoiling in horror at the thought of someone busting a kneecap! I was so glad when they all landed really softly.

Also, they had to walk out to "Girls, Girls, Girls" which made me feel icky.

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. I find the sociology of certain atypical people groups to be fascinating and love to immerse myself into their worlds to try to understand them. Hugh Hefner's girlfriends, fundamental Mormons, DCC, and sorority/fraternity life are some of my favorite subcultures.




I don't know why, but I am also fascinated with these "unique" groups and watching the inside look to their lives.  Like the shows Sister Wives, Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, and I used to watch GIrls next door also.  If all that didn't warp my mind I don't know what will....LOL!  I know most of these reality show "celebrities" are not your normal ladies.  I still watch the shows.  I guess I wonder if people really live that way, or if it is a facade.


I am 48 and from northern Indiana.  I am interested in the behind the scenes of the DCC since I was co-captain of our drill team in high school and loved learning and teaching dance routines.   I never did make my college team or try for anything else.   I do enjoy doing dance aerobics, jazzercise or anything similar to that.   It is fun and doesn't feel like a work out.  I am also a recent breast cancer survivor and dance fitness is helping me get my strength back.

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I keep thinking that if i were 18 again, and lived around Dallas, i would make it an annual event to try out for the DCC.  I'd make a peanut butter and jelly sack lunch, hoping to spend the day, and do my dance, and if i didn't make it, I'd come back next year.  If I made it to semis, I would have 1/2 the day pretending I was a DCC on the field.  That would be fun.  And if i didn't get the routine right, I'd just come back the next year.  Heck, you get to be dancing to DCC songs, learning DCC moves, getting yelled at by Judy ( not yell yelling, but telling you not to push your arms down straight, but more soft), and then you're kicking to music, and having a ball. Sounds like a lot of fun!


This is why I completely understand Chandler's smile. My cheeks would HURT from smiling.   

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Hi! I'm another TWoP refugee. I like this place so far. I used to be afraid to post over there because I once got banned for saying Abby Lee Miller from Dance Moms should take a course in child development and that was deemed "rude." 


I have two girls; my older one did cheer through middle school but stopped to concentrate of her sport. She ended up getting a scholarship to a Div. I school but it turned out to be incompatible with her major so this year she is sports-free, hallelujah. My younger one is the dancer in the family, did the whole studio company thing. She started dancing in kindergarten and competing in 2nd grade, but she really discovered her calling when she made the high school varsity dance team as a freshman, and went from being just a "filler" kid to a shining star (in this mom's opinion). She's a senior now and hopes to dance in college, though some of the schools she is applying to have very, very competitive teams. We both love MTT and it's one of the few shows we watch together, so I wish it was on every week of the year.

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I had a dream the other night that I was a DCC.  It was game time & I panicked because I can't do a split...then wondered how the heck I made the team in the 1st place!  Fortunately I woke up before I had to do one :)

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The last time I had any dreams about the DCC, I dreamt that I was in Training Camp and had FINALLY gotten my splits to both sides.  It was pretty cool in the dream, but then I had to wake up and realize that, not only could I NOT do the splits, I could barely dance.

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I have the stupidest confession but I can say it here because I know all of you (well, maybe not all of you) have thought this: every time I hear a new dance song that I love, I break it down to see what 90 seconds would be best if I chose it for solo music!

My first choice is Benny Benassi's Come Fly Away. And I have a few others...


Want to share your if-I-was-auditioning-and-was-at-the-finals song?


Also, and this is REALLY STUPID: Years ago, when I read Jason Segel was given the green light to bring back the Muppets, I wanted to pitch that he have a girl muppet trying out for the DCC.  I had the scenario kind of written and it would have been VERY cute.  Especially for us DCC nerds!  But I didn't and he made a bad movie and he is no longer a part of it.  I actually told him before the movie came out that I wanted to pitch the DCC idea to him.  He looked at me and walked away.  Nice guy.....ha!

Edited by caligirl50
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I dreamt about dcc twice , first time i dreamt that i was in training camp and in Mikinzie/Kali situation where i am good dancer but not super flexible , in real life it's actually the case even during my ballet days i was never too flexible so i guess that part made some sense in reality , i got to do my split in front of kelli and judy and i was super nervous even in the dream . The second dream i made the team and my group leader was Nicole and we were getting ready for a special performance i was so exciting and i told her omg the uniform feels amazing and she laughed at me hehe

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I have the stupidest confession but I can say it here because I know all of you (well, maybe not all of you) have thought this: every time I hear a new dance song that I love, I break it down to see what 90 seconds would be best if I chose it for solo music!

My first choice is Benny Benassi's Come Fly Away. And I have a few others...

Want to share your if-I-was-auditioning-and-was-at-the-finals song?

Also, and this is REALLY STUPID: Years ago, when I read Jason Segel was given the green light to bring back the Muppets, I wanted to pitch that he have a girl muppet trying out for the DCC. I had the scenario kind of written and it would have been VERY cute. Especially for us DCC nerds! But I didn't and he made a bad movie and he is no longer a part of it. I actually told him before the movie came out that I wanted to pitch the DCC idea to him. He looked at me and walked away. Nice guy.....ha!

OMG I thought I was the only one to do this!!!!! I would so use Queen's Don't Stop Me Now, even though everyone would think I'm weird. The last 90 seconds.

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Considering booking a tour of the stadium when I visit the area in December just so I can visit the cheerleaders' locker room. Unfortunately I'm going around the time where the Cowboys will be having away games and won't be able to go to a game.

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Considering booking a tour of the stadium when I visit the area in December just so I can visit the cheerleaders' locker room. Unfortunately I'm going around the time where the Cowboys will be having away games and won't be able to go to a game.

Sounds fun! Please take lots of pics and video if you decide to take the tour. 

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I have to say, I like reading this thread!  It's nice to get to "know" some of you, makes it feel more like a little community of DCC fans.  I'm 36, and grew up dancing, and I started watching the show because I will watch almost anything with dancing in it--except Dancing with the Stars, which annoys me so much because it's hours of everything but dancing.  But I got hooked on MTT because, like so many others, I started to admire the hard work, talent, and determination of these young ladies and their fearless leaders.  I expected NFL cheerleaders to be vapid and shallow, and was surprised to find myself genuinely liking and admiring so many of the DCCs and TCCs on the show.  It seems silly, but I have learned a lot about the power of positive thinking and believing in yourself from these cheerleaders.  I tend to doubt myself a lot, and it's nice to be reminded that sometimes, you just have to try your hardest and go for it...and just see what happens.  Failure is in giving up on yourself, not in falling short of your goals or dreams if you really tried for them.  Oh, the unexpected ways we learn life lessons!

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I watch it to live vicariously through them. I'm a Carhartt wearing environmental scientist who never danced a day in my life and only wears makeup several times a year. I am fascinated by all things girly...it's like a different world...

I like all the different personalities, too. Some of the girls I'd love to meet, like Nicole or Jinelle. I didn't expect to become invested in individual stories when I started watching the show. Now I keep up with everyone on social media! I've been watching since the two hour special.

Also, I've recently dug out my NFL network Making the Squad DVDs, anyone watch those? They have Miami, San Diego and Tampa Bay editions. Miami is my favorite. Dorie Braddy Grogran, their director at the time, was a DCC and one of the only girls to go to the Pro Bowl more than once (both for DCC.)

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I have them too!  They are not as polished as the DCC BUT the DCC was not polished back in the day either.  We are spoiled with how pretty the DCC is.  Some of the candidates that made those other squads were rough but it is all so fun to watch.

Edited by caligirl50
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What is going on with the official DCC page? Cannot get on the individual squad members pages. And no voting or mention of the Christmas halftime show at tomorrow home game or voting for the last regular season home Game Day Girl or for Pro Bowl Girl. I thought the girls were going to write articles. No update since the Halloween performance almost two months ago.

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I agree with you caligirl50.  I know they had problems with DCC writing some of the columns but there is so much more that could be done.  Perhaps they have to pay for every change added??  I would like to at least see more videos and ones like who the Gems of the Day will be or Pro Bowl announcement.

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Wow Samantha Finglass would look JUST like Chelsea Chaney if she got her makeup done.  And i'm sure Chelsea looks just like Sam when she's not wearing makeup, although we all know chelsea would never post a picture without full eye makeup... about 10 close up selfies per day last time i checked, which was a few months ago.  Girl loves herself.   Fortunately for the world, Sam has a much sweeter, less self-absorbed personality!

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Glad they are OK. Watching DCC all of the time, etc, and reading about them, I feel like I know them.  It is sad when something happens. Find myself thinking about Tessa a lot.


On a lighter note, if I were going to try out, my audition song would be




Every time i hear this on the commercial, I break out in my "sexy hips" dance.  :)   My granddaughter thinks I'm nuts.

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I have loved cheer and dance show in general so no one is really surprised that i love DCC , and actually introduced to a couple of people i know who love dance shows and they like them too now !

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No one in my life knows I'm a DCC fan, not because I'm ashamed of it or anything, but because no one has any idea who the DCC are and no one really cares who they are :D I've always loved cheerleading shows so I knew instantly I would become a fan of MTT and it would go on from there, but cheerleading is such a small thing here, that hardly anyone even takes it seriously.

No more homegames? that's sad... Must be pretty hard for the girls to only really have a couple of homegames every year, it seems like they are really only a small part of their year

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Everyone knows I'm a DCC fan and a Cowboys fan and they all think I'm an idiot for it. But I don't care.  I'd rather be known as a fan of DCC: MTT than a fan of The Real Housewives of whatever city...or some other Bravo crap show.  All the other reality shows feature yelling, arguing and plotting behind each others backs.  This show is positive.  

I always want to like So You Think You Can Dance but it is such a poorly done show.  I don't like the judges at all.  More dance, less judge's nonsense.

Happy Playoff Day!

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Couple tweets from Sam Finglass

Samantha Finglass ‏@samfinglass  2h2 hours ago
It was an amazing season. I'm so proud to be a part of #CowboysNaiton and to collectively have 6 Super Bowl rings in the Finglass house
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