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S04.E04: Shine Your Light

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Jillian MacLaughlin @JillianMacLaugh

I strongly advise wearing earplugs tonight 4 @AmazingRaceCDA Just pop em' in when u see us take the stage #AmazingRaceCanada #YoureWelcome

11:09am · 19 Jul 2016 · Twitter for iPhone

After originally cringing expecting her yelling at Eliot to be worse than usual, but happy that she acknowledges it, I read some of the responses to this tweet and apparently they are singing in Vietnamese tonight. I don't get the commercials here in the US. Someone (@jorgebdamian) said "[it] can't be worse than when you sang Britney during your HOH" and she responded, "At least that was in English." Someone else said that "At least you aren't the worst in the world!," and she responded, "I might be!"

I shall watch with my finger on the mute button. Thanks for the warning, Jillian!


The married couple with the legally blind husband are just so nice to everyone and each other.  They never appear to be stressed out.  So rare to see a team this chill.

Edited to add that eating those bugs, worms, and a BAT would have been my undoing.  Kudos to all the teams for getting that done, except for Ice who made mom eat everything except for the dessert worm.

Edited by AEMom
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1 hour ago, AEMom said:

The married couple with the legally blind husband are just so nice to everyone and each other.  They never appear to be stressed out.  So rare to see a team this chill.

Edited to add that eating those bugs, worms, and a BAT would have been my undoing.  Kudos to all the teams for getting that done, except for Ice who made momeat everything except for the dessert worm.

I really like that married couple and was hoping they would get the express pass, but no such luck.

I'm really surpassed all the teams were able to get the bugs down. It's harder for the contestants on Survivor and those people are starving.

Does a restaurant like that really exist and do people really go there for only bug delicacies, or do they serve regular food, I wonder.

I like the "married couple with legally blind husband" too, too bad I can't remember their names because we have to see Jillian and Emmett say for the 100th time that  if they don't do the bartending thing they may go home....ugh.  Too much editing to show them.


Haida Gwaii next week,  awesome!!!!  Canada has so many fantastic places that I would like to see, I don't even car if they leave the country.  Ok maybe just once, but I hope they don't leave again.  There are enough great places in Canada.

Wow! Vietnamese pop music suuuuuuuuucks.  When I die and end up in Hell, that song will be playing on an endless loop.

The married couple are too pleasant for reality tv. And by pleasant I mean boring. I keep forgetting they're even there.

I would have taken the penalty on that bug challenge. Sorry, no. That was disgusting to even watch on tv. I mean, the bugs were bad enough but that bat?? Just no.

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Sisters Rita and Yvette ate their bugs and bat without them showing us any drama. Then, the dessert bugs were placed and they jumped back and stared at them for a second, gathered themselves, sat down and ate. I found it funny and were glad they didn't screech or pout, just got down to business. I'd like to see them go far so they will probably be the next ones eliminated.

The visually-impaired husband and wife seem to be named Julie and Lowell, but I'm not certain. I like them, too, and they seem to happy just to be part of the race which is enjoyable to watch. Therefore, they will be eliminated soon, and screechy as her (not)ex-boyfriend will probably stay to the end. 

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Had to chuckle when Jillian was explaining how she and Emmett 'bicker' but get things done, no Jill, you screech at him and he ignores you, I haven't noticed him bickering so much, soon as he opens his mouth she's yelling.  Not that I'm defending him, find he has not much in the way of personality, same as he was on BBCan, he also comes off as arrogant, and some of those facial expressions they capture, makes him seem not so nice.

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Ugh, I hate it when a team I don't like gets rewarded.  Like the dating couple, with the express passes, but dislike who they gave it to!! 

I'm loving the two young girls, with the eyelash and shopping obsession.  I really thought I would dislike them at the start, but they're pretty awesome.  They chowed down on those bugs and they were funny about it!  Way to go, going from being almost eliminated to being first.

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I hoped Jillian and Emmett would go instead of the mums as Jillian annoys me !

My favourite team are the father and daughter native duo - Joel and Ashley. 

I think they may have a bit of an advantage next week going by the previews. Kelly and Kate had the advantage this week as the chinese language is very similar to vietnamese !! So the karioke was easy for them !

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Another pretty great leg for shaking up (pardon pun) the team order,  even though it was one of those 'dead team walking' episodes: the fading sunlight that greeted Anne and Tanya once they reached HCM City compared to the other teams made clear that they started a long way off the back of the pack, regardless of buses. That they caught up to Jillian and Emmett was a welcome surprise, but given how their edit cut from '3rd attempt' (or so) to '30th attempt', they were well behind at the end.

It was a clever Detour, which seemed to reward teams that stuck with the karaoke, demanded more from the bartending than even stronger teams expected, and punished J&E's Bald Snark because of the traffic. 

I also like that it became a 'city at night' leg: some of the best TAR legs happen in cities that stay awake in the small hours, especially in Asia. And it was interesting that there was such a big crowd at the mat: clearly TAR:CAN didn't care about spoilers for this leg.

That said, I hate gross-out eating challenges. Hate hate hate. I can accept them as optional Express Pass / FF tasks, which is how they've evolved on TAR:USA, but not as regular ones. They're visually great, I suppose, but they're lazy.

Julie and Lowell are approaching this with such joy. Kelly and Kate are 14 year olds.

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I was somewhat indifferent to Anne and Tanya, but I gotta say, never have I wished more that a team would turn out to be flare bartending savants.

Kate and Kelly are still eyeroll-inducing overall, but I did kind of enjoy their reaction to the bugs: "Oh, it's bugs. OK, cool." Not even an "Ew, it's bugs. OK, let's just do this." It was more like sitting down and learning that you would have to eat, I don't know, a plate of crackers or something. They were just so blasé about it that it amused me a little. And then they really did smoke that karaoke. I'm just not yet entirely clear on how they feel about shopping...

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On 22/07/2016 at 11:31 AM, Rachel RSL said:

And I just dislike them more with each episode.   *giggle giggle* eyelashes! *giggle giggle* shopping! *giggle giggle*   They're a walking female stereotype. 

Eh. I think they're adorable, and I don't really get why girly reality contestants bother people so much? Unless we're also going to start complaining about dude teams that like to talk about beer and girls and home renovation. We get it, Gino and Jesse, you're manly men.

Anyway I like that they'll squeal and run away from the live animals and then put their heads down and power through. Hope they get to go shopping, lol. But not too soon, there's plenty of race left.

That was a serious detour imbalance, wow. Anne and Tanya don't think picking the karoake would have helped, but I'm not sure about that. Supposedly they're the worst map readers the show has ever seen, hee.


The softball girls apologising to the Vietnamese crowd for making faces at the bugs was adorable. Canadian cultural outreach!

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I don't really get why girly reality contestants bother people so much?

I can't speak for everyone else but, for me, it's because they embody the stereotypes that we have been fighting to overcome for decades.

Unless we're also going to start complaining about dude teams that like to talk about beer and girls

We do complain about them. I believe they're most often referred to as "bro-dudes".

Edited by Rachel RSL
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1 hour ago, Rachel RSL said:

I can't speak for everyone else but, for me, it's because they embody the stereotypes that we have been fighting to overcome for decades.

Well now we're about to bore everybody by discussing waves of feminism, lol. But I wouldn't expect Kelly and Kate to conform to ideals from before they were born. Liking makeup isn't inherently bad, and everybody pretending to be a man isn't necessarily the only way forward for women.

1 hour ago, Rachel RSL said:

We do complain about them. I believe they're most often referred to as "bro-dudes".

We complain but there isn't this idea that they're automatically terrible racers who are letting down an entire gender and a waste of a team slot. Just that the dudebro teams are boring. Where female teams with more manly interests, hockey or softball or whatever, seem to be considered the ideal. That may not be what you're personally saying but overall in the fandom from season to season I feel like these ideas get repeated and it bugs me. So I loved to see Kelly and Kate coming in first, eyelashes and all.

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I have no intention of debating feminism with you. I'm here to discuss TAR. Unless I missed the post, I don't think anybody here automatically assumed K & K were terrible racers because they're girls nor did anyone say they were letting down an entire gender nor did anyone say it was a waste of a spot.   You asked what people have against what you referred to as "girly" racers and I gave you an explanation. If people seem to like racers who have, what you referred to as "manly interests" (seriously? women like sports too) it's probably because those teams have shown themselves to be strong or intelligent instead of running around the world talking about vapid things like make up and shopping.

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1 hour ago, Rachel RSL said:

 If people seem to like racers who have, what you referred to as "manly interests" (seriously? women like sports too) 

Yeah, I thought we were obviously talking stereotypes so I left out the air quotes around "manly". My apologies. It seemed like you gave a feminism-related reason for not liking Kelly and Kate re: fighting stereotypes so I was responding to that, no offense intended. I think how we talk about the teams is an interesting topic, just chatting, not mad or trying to make anyone else mad.

1 hour ago, Rachel RSL said:

It's probably because those teams have shown themselves to be strong or intelligent instead of running around the world talking about vapid things like make up and shopping.

This is the exact type of value judgement around interests I was referring to in my post? My mostly rhetorical question is still, so what if a Race team likes shopping. They're clearly playing it up for the cameras, anyway.

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Like I said, I can't speak for everyone else. I personally prefer people who aren't superficial and vapid. Any team can like whatever they want, they can talk about their eyelashes as much as they want to, but as a viewer and a woman, I'm allowed to cringe whenever they play up that angle. *shrug*

(Also, what is it they love so much about those eyelashes anyway? They're not even noticeable to me.)

Edited by Rachel RSL

I find the giggling extremely annoying; the tone and the immaturity of it. My 13-year-old niece acts like that. The American TAR had two women who were fitness buffs and were bicycle delivery persons in NYC. They always had make-up on, and after one challenge, one of the women had her eyeliner running down her face. On Twitter, they were receiving tweets about not having heard of water-proof make-up and they took it in a light-hearted manner. They were very good racers and good at all the tasks, and even though they wore make-up on the race, which seems to be a completely ridiculous idea to me, they were well liked.

I would still put up with the giggling over the screeching of Jillian. The bitchy, harping female stereotype is much worse to me, and I don't enjoy hearing people being verbally abusive to their partners. On the TAR blind-date season, there was a woman named Haylie who was absolutely awful to her race partner, but a good racer when it came to the tasks. People actually defended her because they didn't see it as abusive, and actually said things like it was okay for a grown woman to act that way. I don't think anyone on PTV did, but on social media it was like we should ignore it because she was a good racer, and women were called "ball and chain" for a reason. That is Jillian to me, and because she is a good racer, their team will probably go to the end and ruin this season for me, like Haylie did. 

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If I went on TAR, I would most definitely be a Jillian.  That's why I'll never apply for the Race no matter how much I love the show.  I'd definitely be hated by viewers.  It's actually highly amusing how, when Jillian gets upset, Emmett literally tunes her out as if she's not there. Like, he doesn't even acknowledge that she's speaking and just continues to do things his way, which seems to be what sends her into her fits of screeching rage lmao.

Edited by Rachel RSL

The karaoke was way easier than the bartending, I couldn't do it maybe 500 times instead of their 100 attempts lol.

Listening to a song over and over again even if foreign language, I guess anyone could get it.

And kudos to them for eating those exotic food, I told my hubby if we ever (I doubt it) joined TAR, I will get the penalty on exotic food challenge! LOL

Edited by piequinn35
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On 7/25/2016 at 0:17 PM, Christina said:

The American TAR had two women who were fitness buffs and were bicycle delivery persons in NYC. They always had make-up on, and after one challenge, one of the women had her eyeliner running down her face. On Twitter, they were receiving tweets about not having heard of water-proof make-up and they took it in a light-hearted manner. They were very good racers and good at all the tasks, and even though they wore make-up on the race, which seems to be a completely ridiculous idea to me, they were well liked.

Their names were Kym and Alli and they were like a platonic version of Laura and Jackie (the interracial lesbian hipster-spouses) from Season 2 back in 2014.

Edited by Kanaloa
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On 7/25/2016 at 3:26 PM, Rachel RSL said:

If I went on TAR, I would most definitely be a Jillian.  That's why I'll never apply for the Race no matter how much I love the show.  I'd definitely be hated by viewers.

At least you recognize that about yourself. The winner of American TAR last year blamed editing claiming CBS cut out her boyfriend being a jerk to her and made it look like she was awful, but they didn't. He would say good job and she would snap at him. Justin did an AMA where he said that he thought everyone would see him and Diana as America's sweethearts like they saw themselves, and didn't understand the backlash. They just didn't see themselves like most of the rest of us did. The female paparazzi from Justin's season was also a screeching harpy, but she said on social media that she gets mean and hateful when she gets tired, was completely worn out on the race, and recognized it about herself and was working on it. Her boyfriend tuned her out like Elliott does to Jillian, so I'm guessing it is more of a regular occurrence for her then just when she is tired. She didn't try to pass the blame, though.

I believe Christina is referring to the dancers, Dana and Matt. She was by no means the worst this show has ever seen, but I found the way she treated her partner appalling. He wasn't always the best partner either, but not on her level.

Just to keep things vaguely on-topic, I totally get a similar vibe from Jillian and Emmett. He may not be ideal, but she seems a thousand times worse.

I couldn't remember Dana's name and didn't care enough to look it up. She was live-tweeting the episodes but got tired of the comments about her attitude toward her boyfriend and stopped for a while. It was Matt's fault, the editing made her look bad, etc. I think Justin was the most clueless, though. He would insist that someone tell him how he was being rude, and insist that no one ever responded. Someone pointed out that demanding an answer to a question was rude in itself, and he would be all, "No one can answer because I'm not rude!" If you can't see yourself on television shooting your girlfriend dirty looks and being totally dismissive of her, being insulting to a cab driver over your mistake, insisting you are better at everything, etc., no one is going to be able to explain to you why you were not liked. The paparazzi woman (Logan?) actually seemed a bit embarrassed by her behavior when watching it on tv. 

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On 7/20/2016 at 0:42 AM, bagatelle said:

Does a restaurant like that really exist and do people really go there for only bug delicacies, or do they serve regular food, I wonder.

My observation from multiple seasons of multiple versions of TAR is that unlike Survivor or Fear Factor, their food challenges use real food that locals eat. Maybe not the food that locals eat on daily basis, but the food is legitimate food.

On 7/24/2016 at 5:27 AM, tvaddict247 said:

I'm Vietnamese and I have never heard of my people eating anything from that challenge. It was truly bizarre!

Do you live in Viet Nam? Long time ago I went to Hanoi and they did sell fried insects on the street. I do not know if the insects are the same with this challenge, but insects are indeed eaten.

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