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Little People in the Media

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Oh yeah, I see Amy attempting to be cool for the cameras but seething.

And I will be genuinely surprised if Jeremy is even asked his opinion, let alone allowed to display his bullshit. Jeremy is often protected from his worst flake outs and Matt and Amy have some control about what's displayed.

And honestly, Jeremy strikes me as a sexist douche and a selfish ass. Mom dating affects him because he wants her house and is clearly planning to move in and doesn't want his kids exposed to Mom having a boyfriend. But Jeremy *doesn't want* Matt's home, and Jeremy has no plans of living in the same home as Matt and exposing himself to that, let alone the kid so Matt could probably fuck all the staff for all Jeremy cares.

  • Love 5

Matt has always put Jer on a pedestal, jealous of his strong body.

Zach has Matt's begrudging respect having married Tori.

None of the kids have shown a strong interest in running the farm as a corporation because Matt is still in charge.

Jer wants to use the farm as place to rear his family with free rent and as little work as possible.

Zach and Tori are making their life away from the farm.

Hoping Molly and her soon to be husband considers take over running the Farm after Matt.

 Jer can work on his projects but not in the day to day decisions.

Jacob can eventually come back to help run the Farm but Molly is still the CEO.

Zach and Tori and Amy help with special times like Pumpkin harvesting or festivals.

Or just sell the Farm to a company who will open it up as a tourist attraction.

  • Love 2

Do we know that Amy is upset about the relationship between Matt and Caryn? I'm not doubting y'all, I just haven't seen anything about it, and I just want to know if I missed something. 

I don't think the relationship with Caryn is a great idea, but just for the reason that Matt is her boss. We've seen how he feels about Amy being on the property, deep down I feel a little joy when I think about how things will work out for Matt if this relationship doesn't pan out...living in property with and ex, and working closely with another (although it would be ex girlfriend, not wife)... I'm a little sadistic I guess lol.

I don't think Amy has to be thrilled with the relationship, but in some ways I don't think she has a lot of room to be upset either, she wasn't exactly discreet about her relationship. I'm not sure of the exact capacity that Amy is still involved with the farm, so I don't really know how much she has to deal with Caryn.

It kinda reminds my of a storyline from the show "parenthood"... there is a character (Crosby) who shared a child (5yr old) with a woman (Jasmine) they had been together but broke it off and we're dating other people, but Jasmine started a relationship with their child's pediatrician, and it really upset Crosby.  They argue about it, and Jasmine points out that he's (Crosby) is dating someone too... and Crosby brought up the point that yes, he was dating... but the difference is that if the child gets sick, Jasmine doesn't have to call the woman that Crosby is dating... but Crosby is forced to communicate with her new boyfriend for the welfare of their son.

So, in that capacity I actually do think Amy has some right to be upset... if there is business to deal with on the farm, Matt doesn't have to call Chris... but there is a good chance Amy would be forced to have to deal with Caryn. Sure, if it were a big deal Amy could choose to move from the farm, but didn't they get the farm together? In that case Amy has just as much right to be there as Matt. Im not even sure if Amy is upset about the relationship, so this may all be a moot point. 

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Radar online had an article that clearly said Amy was upset that it was Caryn. I will say, I don't consider Radar Online to be an unimpeachable source but there's that.

Based on their comments and their divorce documents - Amy is now essentially an even owner and decision maker on the farm. That makes Matt having even a casual relationship with Caryn problematic and unprofessional. Personally I think it's fine for both to be dating - neither has the right to be pissed over that and they willingly choose to live within arm's length of each other so if it's uncomfortable, then move. But Matt dating an employee that Amy has to interact with is different than each of them having a new partner unrelated to the farm

  • Love 6
On 3/19/2017 at 7:01 PM, Mike p. said:

I don't know how she could go to a gay movie like that. Just shocking. Say it ain't so, Amy!

I hope she covered her eyes for the three or four seconds it took for that scene to pass by. Any decent person would.

How is that a gay movie?  I admit, I haven't seen it, or read anything about the movie.  

And I'll say what I said when I first heard of this idiotic controversy - Since when was Le Fou NOT gay for Gaston?

I suppose the real question is if we will have Jeremy and Auj debating whether they should go see it or expose lil Roloff #2 to the gay as they are all about being against inappropriate sexuality (gays, divorced women not remaining forever celibate) and are such little prudes they can't even acknowledge the notion of unmarried people having sex...

I wonder if Audrey and Jeremy have realized yet that the internet never forgets and one day lil Roloff #2 is going throw "making love is an act of worship on the Sabbath" in their faces, along with "take sexy pictures of yourself in lingerie for your partner

  • Love 1
On 3/30/2017 at 9:45 AM, Adiba said:

I actually suspected something like this when Matt first moved out-- that he probably had someone else in the wings, someone with whom he worked or knew for a while-- if not an actual affair, then an emotional one. I figured I was being too suspicious- minded.

I'm not at all surprised. I haven't cared for Matt since Day One, and I wouldn't have surmised he'd be the least bit trustworthy. IMO, Matt suffers from staggeringly low self-esteem, resulting in his being an insufferable dick; thus, having an average-size girlfriend would be, to him, a step up the "look, I'm almost as cool Jeremy!" ladder. 

Yes, she's had her moments, but I admit to being Team Amy in this mess. Matt's a selfish man-child who probably did a number on HER self-worth over the years; plus, if he didn't have affairs, I'll be shocked. I'm glad Amy's having fun; Jeremy and his sanctimony can f-off, and I hope Caryn marries Matt, takes his money and disappears.

  • Love 9
On 3/28/2017 at 1:31 PM, Willowsmom said:

I want to know what Caryn is thinking. She's seen Matt treat Amy like poop for years, he won't treat her any better in the end.

even tho on several occasions I've seen Caryn roll her eyes at the way Amy would talk to Matt, and the way she would respond to some of his ideas/antics. All be it some of them were pretty far fetched it appeared Caryn was seemingly on board with what he was saying, Amy on the other hand not so much. Not that I agree but that's what I saw, but never in a million years would I have guessed this was going on ;)  

I find Matt nauseating -- he repulses me, and not because of his small stature. To those who think he's a "catch" -- I'm not trying to be argumentative, just genuinely curious. What do you see in the guy? To me, he appears selfish, dishonest, narcissistic, and someone who's been an all-around abysmal husband and father. What am I missing?

  • Love 11
13 minutes ago, Literata said:

I find Matt nauseating -- he repulses me, and not because of his small stature. To those who think he's a "catch" -- I'm not trying to be argumentative, just genuinely curious. What do you see in the guy? To me, he appears selfish, dishonest, narcissistic, and someone who's been an all-around abysmal husband and father. What am I missing?

I think the women who are "attracted" to him like that he is a reality star or that he has a little bit of money.  They are some people who are able to put aside what a terrible person he is in exchange for fame?wealth?

  • Love 4

I think the women who are "attracted" to him like that he is a reality star or that he has a little bit of money.  They are some people who are able to put aside what a terrible person he is in exchange for fame?wealth?

I'm going to say something nice about Matt.

I strongly suspect that he can be quite charming when he wants. He's not facially my ideal of handsome, but I know women who like strong featured men and he doesn't have that "melon head" look that achon dwarves like Amy and Zach have.

And the show ISN'T that popular and most people who have seen the show casually have seen the early episodes where Matt's douchbaggery was kept hidden.

And yes, money, having a reality show, these are things that attract a certain sort of women.

  • Love 2

I didn't want to put this in the regular episode thread as it may be considered a spoiler, but I got tears in my eyes every time Sully was on screen tonight. The gender reveal party was the 8th of January and Sully was gone by March 8th, so hard to believe that beautiful boy would only be around for a couple of more months. So sad. 

  • Love 6
10 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

I didn't want to put this in the regular episode thread as it may be considered a spoiler, but I got tears in my eyes every time Sully was on screen tonight. The gender reveal party was the 8th of January and Sully was gone by March 8th, so hard to believe that beautiful boy would only be around for a couple of more months. So sad. 

in the episode before the actual show, when she and Zach were in the kitchen they told him when speaking about the baby "your life's about to change" tore me up. 

  • Love 5

This show is killing me. In tonight's episode all I could think of was Sully. When Tori and Zach were walking with Sully and Tori said that soon they would be walking with Sully and a baby carriage, I teared up. I kept looking for signs that he was sick, though I know that they didn't even know at this point that he was. I am just heartbroken.....

  • Love 8
32 minutes ago, UsernameFatigue said:

This show is killing me. In tonight's episode all I could think of was Sully. When Tori and Zach were walking with Sully and Tori said that soon they would be walking with Sully and a baby carriage, I teared up. I kept looking for signs that he was sick, though I know that they didn't even know at this point that he was. I am just heartbroken.....

Yes, it made me cry seeing how happy he was, and how crushed Tori and Zach must be now.

  • Love 5
7 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:


This show is killing me. In tonight's episode all I could think of was Sully. When Tori and Zach were walking with Sully and Tori said that soon they would be walking with Sully and a baby carriage, I teared up. I kept looking for signs that he was sick, though I know that they didn't even know at this point that he was. I am just heartbroken.....


I hear you.  It was good to see Sully so happy and typically dog-like, but so hard knowing he's at the rainbow bridge now.  I haven't heard what cancer he had, but I'm going to guess hemangiosarcoma.  That is one quick, evil killer of dogs, especially Berners and Goldens.  Your dog is perfectly fine one day, and the next day he/she is bleeding out and you have to say goodbye.  Just plain awful.  I do hope they get another dog after the baby arrives.  It can be so great to have a dog for a kid to grow up with.

  • Love 3

I find it interesting that Matt, who championed Little People of America and spent many years trying to hook up Zach with a little person, has chosen Caryn.

With regard to the sisters-in law,  Tori strikes me as "real" and comfortable in her own skin, self assured, and without frills. (A lot like Molly).  Audrey is all frills and no substance.  Audrey is covered in makeup and Tori is more natural and wears little (if any ) makeup. Tori has a teaching career and Audrey is a "wanna be" star. It should be interesting to see their separate parenting techniques. (Tori and Molly are friends, not to sure about Audrey and Molly).

I am waiting to see, based on the ton of curly hair Jeremy rocked as a youngster and Audrey's curly locks, just how much hair BabygirlRoloff  will have!

  • Love 7

Apropos of nothing except it's media-related, I saw the blog spiritswander.blogspot.com referred to somewhere as the "ultimate Roloff fan site," so I was curious and decided to check it out. 

You guys. I don't know how familiar you are with the site, but it makes all of us look like Mensa members. A sample comment to the baby news:

"You can tell the baby is not a dwarf because Tori is so happy."

In another section, a bunch of people are defending Jeremy and Audrey's remarks about the LGBT community.

So, I had to high-tail it back here. Someone say something smart, please.

  • Love 11
1 minute ago, ZoloftBlob said:

I'm the recapper there :(

I know it's a sickness :(

The recap I read was great!  And I'm certainly not judging; I actually texted my pregnant daughter this morning to tell her Tori had had the baby, and she responded, "Mom, you know you don't know them... Right?"

But the comments on that site ... I'm still shaking my head.

  • Love 3

Yeah, there's a.... um... really disturbing HyperAngryChristian contingent.

Point - Tory is a monster, per them, because she can't possibly be in love with Zach (for actual years they have been claiming she's only dating/marrying Zach because she's secretly in love with Jeremy/Molly/being on tv) and is an awful awful person for this sham of a marriage. Also Jacob is literally the Devil and is blackmailing his parents WHO ARE INNOCENT although Amy is a terrible terrible person but Matt is a Christian and therefore a saint walking among us....

I'm glad you enjoyed the recap :)

And aren't judging my sickness :)

  • Love 12
2 minutes ago, ZoloftBlob said:

Yeah, there's a.... um... really disturbing HyperAngryChristian contingent.

Point - Tory is a monster, per them, because she can't possibly be in love with Zach (for actual years they have been claiming she's only dating/marrying Zach because she's secretly in love with Jeremy/Molly/being on tv) and is an awful awful person for this sham of a marriage. Also Jacob is literally the Devil and is blackmailing his parents WHO ARE INNOCENT although Amy is a terrible terrible person but Matt is a Christian and therefore a saint walking among us....

I'm glad you enjoyed the recap :)

And aren't judging my sickness :)

I'm back there now. I can't stop.

You're right; they hate Tori. And they love Audrey. What kind of ass-backward universe IS this?

And they hope the baby has Audrey's curls. And her "love for her husband and the Lord." Which makes no sense. This person hopes the baby loves Jeremy the way Audrey loves Jeremy? 

I'll bet they've even bought that horrible journal.

  • Love 3

Ironically I have repeatedly asked the louder crazies if they subscribe to Auj's text testimonial thing or if they have bought Jeremy's prints from his VERY SUCCESSFUL FROM THE MOMENT IT STARTED website that has been defunct for close to a year now. I never ever get an answer.

Ironically I think Tory probably comes much closer to the weird Christian ideal that they ascribe to Audrey - they also won't discuss how immodest Auj's clothes are, or how immodest her bragging on social media how she fucks and loves fucking....

Celia -  I swear, I very very rarely comment under a different name and its usually to make a rational point that people won't listen to if it comes from my recapper id.

  • Love 1

go to beating50percent.com or aujpoj.com

To be FAIR - she never uses the word fuck but she totally refers to lovemaking being a form of worship of Jesus, and that she sometimes will have Jer pull over for a quicky and in her marital advice being sexy for her man and putting out is a very big part of her marital commitment.

She also discusses how she is certain that the baby was conceived in North Carolina in a boutique tree house where you know, she fucked Jer on Dec 6. Because America needed to know this.

And apparently it's Christian modest to make it very very clear on social media that on Dec 6 2016, Jeremy Roloff climaxed in her vagina in a treehouse.

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