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Season 18 Live Feed Discussion: Their Lives are Almost as Boring as Ours!

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It's been fun guys!  This is the only thread I posted in on this forum, so happy finale everyone!  Maybe a post mortem here if the mods don't care much?  Anyway.  New season starting in a week.  WOW.  The mods said there will be a thread for this.

Copy/pasting two posts from Sucks.  It's spoils the AFP winner, so don't look if you don't want to know!


ol im crying. CBS spoiled their own AFP winner! look at this tweet they put out
https://twitter.com/CBSBigBrother/status/778693398995742720click the twitter link, when james bb17 afp pic appears, right click and copy. go to your browser and paste the link. change james name into "victorarroyo" and his picture appears in that special format. I tried every other hg this season and it dosent appear except for Franks cause he was AFP in that list for bb14.

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2 hours ago, BK1978 said:

I keep on seeing everywhere how people hated Rachel the first time and wanted her to win the second time around.  I guess I am in the minority because I loved Rachel the first time around and would have loved to see her win (I was not a fan of the Bro-gade, well Enzo was cool but the rest of them were pretty bland. I despised both Ragan and Britney).  However, I absolutely hated Rachel the second time she played and I was actually angry that she won. 

I'm the same. Rachel was the only HG is BB12 that I liked. I hated her the least of the Brendan/Rachel/Jeff/Jordan quadrangle of suck in BB13, but I still hated her.

1 hour ago, gunderda said:

And wasn't Rachel next to Porsche in the F2? Who the fuck would want Porsche to win lol 

Me. I loved Porsche. And considering Production fucked her to save Jordan and Rachel, you bet your ass I wanted her to win.

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1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

You guys, it's over tonight. Finally. No more of Nicole's whining, no more of James claiming that it's time to finally play Big Brother, no more of the saga of Paul and Pablo, the fucking pool floaty. We're gonna be done with these guys. Yay!

Yay! I actually keep forgetting that tonight is BB finale night and that I should care.

1 hour ago, gunderda said:

Totally Glen. And every other HG that got hosed and went home on day 2.

I've always thought it would be interesting to do a season of people who went out 1st through 3rd. It's often a crapshoot who goes home early, so I'm sure some of them are interesting personalities/good players.

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31 minutes ago, TheRealT said:

I've always thought it would be interesting to do a season of people who went out 1st through 3rd. It's often a crapshoot who goes home early, so I'm sure some of them are interesting personalities/good players.

Buuuuuuuuuuuuttttttttttt, you guuuuuuuyyyyyyyssssss, those people who get voted out first are usually old and overweight and scary and not, like, attractive enough to be on our TVs. They aren't super amazingly handsomer than anyone in the history of the world, like Corey.

Imagine for a second that you are the first person voted out in a season where all the HGs are people who got voted out first. That would suck.

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17 hours ago, kathybgd said:

 I just wish they didn,t bring back Nicole or James. They ruined the season in my opinion.


8 hours ago, Sammich said:

They definitely ruined the season for me. 

Oh, cmon now y'all.  There were lots of worse players this season.  Remember Jozea?  He almost succeeded in ruining an entire season in one week - and that was Week One.  *HAS* to be some kind of record.


5 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

I tried watching BBAD last night.  Is this typical behavior of the final three? 

Kinda.  BBAD tends to die not with a bang but a whimper, because at this point there's very little left to strategize about.  In truth, only two questions remain:

  1. Who wins Final HoH?
  2. Who does the Final HoH take with them to F2?

These questions are why everybody keeps talking about what a shit game they've played all season.  Nicole and Paul each plan on winning FHOH and taking their own pick with them to F2 - but each of them is also trying to hedge their bets in case they lose FHOH, by trying to paint themselves as a viable F2 goat to the other.  And for James there simply is no other option; he's out of the FHOH comp, so the only way he gets to F2 is if he's taken by the FHOH winner.

In any case - yeah, the last week of BBAD is usually like this: HGs denigrating their own games in public while practicing their F2 Jury speeches in private.  Gets a little monotonous.  :)


5 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

Can feeds watchers tell me if what Nicole is saying is even remotely true?  Has James strutted around the house all week, arrogant and bragging he can beat Nicole and Paul?  Has James told N/P they are afraid of him?  Did James tell Nicole, to her face, that he will beat her or Paul?

As I recall - no, no, no, and no.  :)

The "strutting around/arrogant" bit is a snowball from a comment James made after he lost FHOH Part 2 to Nicole - something to the effect of, "Well, I guess I'll just watch you two fight it out".  

This is actually a 100% accurate statement, as James can't do anything except watch as Paul and Nicole compete in FHOH Part 3, and hope the victor picks James to sit beside them at F2.  James has also shown a great deal of maturity in accepting that the comp and its outcome are totally outside his ability to control, so he has refused to let himself stress over it. In this hyper-paranoid pressure cooker, however, Paul and Nicole have both mis-taken James' placid acceptance of the situation as overconfidence that one/both of them will take him to F2.  And it's snowballed from there.  Leaving the F3 with nothing to do except stress for a week really tends to bring out either the best or the worst in HGs, donchaknow.  :)

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Yeah, I am really proud of James fir how he handled this week.

even though he is positive neither is taking him, he has not seen the need to be rude to either or trash them even in private. He accepts that he won't be in F2 due to his own actions. He isn't pissed at either fir breaking their word as both promised to take him last week. He has shown true sportsmanship.

now if the situation were reversed and Nicole was on the outside looking in. I expect we would hear a lot of crying, trashing (probably worse than James has already endured from her) and just general poor sportsmanship.

Yeah if Paul wins I think he deserves it.

i just don't think Nicole does.

  • Love 2
9 minutes ago, gunderda said:

Did anyone see them do their goodbye to the live feeders? 

They didn't do one.  They probably wanted to but BB gave no heads up.  The feeds just ended in the middle of their conversation.  They did spell out BYE on the floor with something.  I saw that on twitter but it seemed to be after they cut off and the photo was posted on twitter by production. 

Well, shit. You need an active subscription to vote for either Jozea or Jason to go back in the house. Someone, please, if I made you giggle at all this season, even just once, vote for Jason for me. Much as I love The Messiah, The Obama, The Delusional (seriously, he has so many titles that I feel like I'm reciting Daenerys Targaryen's million titles), Jozea will be an early boot again. While Jozea brought the laughs, Jason brings the snark. Mean snark, but snark nonetheless.

Thank you in advance.

Edited by Callaphera
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They bought James a new shirt (same color and style) in a larger size!  I called that.  

I will vote for Jason.  Jozea will just be the first one out, again.  Why bother?  He is obnoxious, no one wants to watch him again.  Ugh.  

1 minute ago, zibnchy said:

Well, I just now realized how very much I did NOT want that to happen (HOH).

Also Jason vs Jozea? That's like being given a choice between gum surgery and a sinus infection. IMO.

I agree.  I wanted Nic to win it, too.  I answered all of those questions correctly.   Nicole lost track that of the fact that they knew their answers would be aired on TV.  No way was Z going to mention any hurt she felt due to Paulie.  Bridget; she would never mention cuddling with Frank.  

4 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Paul has got this.  Nicole did not do well. 

I agree that Nicole did not do well but I feel like Paul bombed as well.  He clearly did not see the question about his personal behavior and it seemed to throw off all of his answers.  

ETA: This vote really comes down to Nat & James.

Edited by zenithwit
1 minute ago, gunderda said:

Natalie arm in arm with James. Awwwww


james daughter and her brother were there on stage. Guess natalie gets to meet the ex! 

Those 2 kids so cute. The little boy was really clinging to James.

guess nat gets to meet the kids and the ex.

really surprised day didn't vote fir Paul.

  • Love 2

Great season!  Probably my favorite season ever.  So glad Paul didn't get iced out in the 3rd place slot.  Much love to Victor for winning AFH.   He was genuinely surprised and he SO deserved it.  I caught Paul's congrats to Victor saying, "I told ya, bro... I told ya, bro.... they saved the best for last."  Winning AFH (Victor) and 2nd place (Paul) was SO much better than any America's Care Package.

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