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Season 18 Live Feed Discussion: Their Lives are Almost as Boring as Ours!

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5 hours ago, Nashville said:

It's strategy, not misogyny.

They're not mutually exclusive. I've watched Nicole for 2 seasons and there is no doubt in my mind that girl is suffering from some massive internalized misogyny.

1 hour ago, Umbelina said:

1:18pm Nicole asks if atheists can get married


8 minutes ago, wings707 said:

I think Nicole has been under relentless attack more so than any other. 

Nicole has suffered from literally no attacks in the house. She hasn't suffered an ounce of what Natalie has. 

At first I was pissed they were doing the teacups comp since I hate everyone left, but then I thought hey I get to watch all these people I hate fall on their ass good times! 

Edited by peachmangosteen
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6 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

At first I was pissed they were doing the teacups comp since I hate everyone left, but then I thought hey I get to watch all these people I hate fall on their ass good times! 

That is for sure the best part of the Comp. The falls are the best. Didn't Nicole in her previous season get the honor of having one of her falls looped on the show a few times. Haha. 

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32 minutes ago, Gemma Violet said:

I'm probably in the minority but I hate the slipping/sliding/cup-of-water challenge.  I'm always afraid someone's going to break a bone.  BB must have great liability insurance.

I'm right there with you.  I really don't like this comp.  If they want to make them go back-n-forth filling a barrel full of water spoon by spoon, fine.  They should just leave out the slippery aspect.  I mean, after all, we never get to watch the comps anyway, so why risk injuries when only BB gets to watch?

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13 minutes ago, Umbelina said:


She's had to live with that during the game.

I'm talking about the other houseguests.

Ah ha.  That sentence could be read either way!  I see what you meant now.  :^)

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This has been a horrible season of BB. I watch the show to see good game play, not people who want to "make good TV", win AFP, or participate in a stupid showmance. 

I'm sick of Nat's whining about everyone hurting her heart (maybe she should get out of bed long enough to socialize, rather than isolating herself from everyone except James). The others might like her if she spent a little time with her. Besides being a whiner, she's immature and can't let anything go. Then there's James. He is so pathetically desperate, focused on AFP rather than the game (and needs to wash that greasy hair!) 

I don't think any of these couples will make it outside the house, and frankly, I don't give a crap since matchmaking isn't what this show is supposed to be about. There are enough other shows that cover people looking for romance!

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1 hour ago, wings707 said:

Natalie always needs an enemy.  Paul touched her thigh (3 times!), Victor dumped her AND was disrespectful, Nicole never talks to her.  I am going to stop here because the others are in the jury house.  :^) 

ETA.  In the video above!! She claims Paul never touched her thighs.  She doesn't remember even saying that.  We heard about that for the better part of one day at least, maybe two.   She is going to have one hell of a wake up call when she is out.   Not every man is after you, Natalie nor thinks you adorable.  


Here's where Paul touched Natalie's thigh.  You be the judge, but to me it was no big deal:

Sorry, the audio is so crappy.  I was trying to find the one that isn't in quad screen.  :(

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I can admit that Natalie's definitely gotten on my nerves this week with her going back and forth and her being all over the place. Yet, still somehow a fan and find her more tolerable than Paul, James, and Nicole combined. 

Clearly, the bullhorn changed nothing for Paul/Victor so there's no chance of any flipping going on for tomorrow, so I'm going to just wait until the finale to watch again. It'll clearly be Nicole and Corey or Nicole and Paul for F2. That I have learned to accept. As long as Corey isn't in F2, then I guess I'll have to be fine with the outcome. But I kind of also want Nicole's plan of turning into a comp beast to fail miserably, so I want James to win HOH tomorrow night. 

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58 minutes ago, Umbelina said:

I think she "announces" it because she knows how many people have been utterly trashing her character all season.

Cause and effect.  If they hadn't been doing that, I seriously doubt she would feel she needs to.  It's obvious to me she IS a nice person, too nice.  Not a perfect person, and she's said that many times as well, but some only want to focus on the times she's said she's a good person or a nice person, and repeat it as if that's all she ever says.

NO ONE's character has been attacked so relentlessly in that house, it's been constant, and frankly, disturbing as hell.

Agree 100%. I am surprised she has held it together this long.

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2 minutes ago, Umbelina said:

Well, the preview looks like BB has now decided to trash Natalie as well, must keep James the fan favorite after all.

JUST as I predicted.  UGH.

That would really suck. That's why us live feeders get to see the real story. I really hope they don't paint her in a bad light. From what I heard the houseguests have been asked by the DR about James and Natalie's relationship. When I heard that I thought we might see a montage of their time together since tomorrow is their last day together.

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1 hour ago, Umbelina said:

I think she "announces" it because she knows how many people have been utterly trashing her character all season.

Cause and effect.  If they hadn't been doing that, I seriously doubt she would feel she needs to.  It's obvious to me she IS a nice person, too nice.  Not a perfect person, and she's said that many times as well, but some only want to focus on the times she's said she's a good person or a nice person, and repeat it as if that's all she ever says.

I disagree with that. She seems to go out of her way to tell everyone and their mother how nice she is. She actually thinks that's a way to play the game. It isn't.

Edited by TimWil
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11 minutes ago, TimWil said:

I disagree with that. She seems to go out of her way to tell everyone and their mother how nice she is. She actually thinks that's a way to play the game. It isn't.

That was AFTER she found out about them mocking her and making fun of her though.

Oh, and for the record, she doesn't know 1/10th of the pointless and mean shit that's been said about her.

I sound like a Natalie fan.  I'm really not, but of those left?  Hands down Nat.  This has been such a shitty season, I wish they'd stop mixing vets and virgins because this cast would have probably been OK without James, Nicole, Frank, Day (although I like Day a lot, she's a shitty player) and Paulie and even Tiffany as siblings. 

I can't believe I watched the whole thing.  It's addictive, but annoying.

My favorite WAS Victor, but he's been such an ass and so stupid this week.  Damn.

Edited by Umbelina
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30 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

Natalie is giving them a lot of pity me material. She's going on & on & on. I used to like her but this last week has been torture. And, yes they are gong to prop James for AFP because of this.

That is really sad.

Is Natalie at least being cordial with James?

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I wasn't sure if this is appropriate to post or not, but James confided in Natalie today that he was molested when he was 11 by two different people. Thinking about the fact that his dad put him up for adoption and James never knew him, he lived in a boys home, and was molested as a child, I suddenly have a lot more compassion for James and his insecurities. This actually struck me kind of hard and I'm feeling really bad for him and what he went through as a kid. 

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Very.  She's doing her usual thing, praising him, building him up, telling him she cares about him, etc.

I didn't see that NeelyOh.  Thanks for posting it.

Nice of these guys to give this cast a party, CBS won't.


Edited by Umbelina
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7 minutes ago, NeelyOh said:

I wasn't sure if this is appropriate to post or not, but James confided in Natalie today that he was molested when he was 11 by two different people. Thinking about the fact that his dad put him up for adoption and James never knew him, he lived in a boys home, and was molested as a child, I suddenly have a lot more compassion for James and his insecurities. This actually struck me kind of hard and I'm feeling really bad for him and what he went through as a kid. 

He has been telling Natalie that he wanted to tell her some stuff when they got to the jury house. I am surprised he told her in the house. Maybe he felt he would never really get the chance again so he just went for it.

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Wow, am I checked out of this season. What a horrible end to a semi-interesting season. I've been reading along, but now I just want to get on with BB Over the Top or whatever it is.

I cannot stand Nicole, don't care about Nat or James at this point, was rooting for Vic, but can't as much anymore, and mainly only liked Paul when he was rolling over couches in his secret agent gear and planting cocaine on his suspects. I do think Nicole or Corey will likely win, and that makes me so very sad.

Tiffany or Pablo for AFP at this point, IMO. Sigh.

ETA: forgot about Paulie's eviction...OK, that was a good day.

Edited by CrazyDog
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So just read that Natalie is going to call everyone out in her eviction speech. I believe this is a bad idea. James says he will support her whatever she does. I think if she does this it will hurt her chances for AFP with the CBS audience which are the bulk of the voters. I think she should do shout outs to family and friends, maybe say something nice about James, and say she appreciates the opportunity of playing BB. That would go over well with the viewing audience. Just my opinion. Thoughts?

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1 minute ago, Maggie Mae said:

Could have been editing, and probably was, but did anybody else notice Corey go right to the pipe on the wall in the first room before even looking at the hatch???

I noticed that too. 

Looks like Natalie in her upper state right now. 

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31 minutes ago, bbaddict said:

So just read that Natalie is going to call everyone out in her eviction speech. I believe this is a bad idea. James says he will support her whatever she does. I think if she does this it will hurt her chances for AFP with the CBS audience which are the bulk of the voters. I think she should do shout outs to family and friends, maybe say something nice about James, and say she appreciates the opportunity of playing BB. That would go over well with the viewing audience. Just my opinion. Thoughts?

I don't think Natalie has a shot of winning AFP even with the broadcast audience. It usually goes to a "personality" like "prankster" James or "nice guy" Donny or "Brenchel Army voting en masse" Elissa. I'd like her to win but I just don't see it happening. I expect it'll go to Da'Vonne or Paul, if he isn't F2.

Edited by Callaphera
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2 minutes ago, gunderda said:

James says his friend was on survivor. Anyone know who that is? 

Is it the guy that Meg is dating? 'Cause if that's the case, "friend" would be more appropriate from what I read in the beginning of the season.

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28 minutes ago, Maggie Mae said:

Could have been editing, and probably was, but did anybody else notice Corey go right to the pipe on the wall in the first room before even looking at the hatch???

Yup and he sailed through the whole comp..hmmmm!?!?!?!?

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Just now, gunderda said:

And he knew not to touch those ball things before they even said it. 

Which I know that was just a voice over but it looks bad. 

Nicole said to him on the live feeds that "Did someone tell you something out there". Just sayin.

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Yeah, productions favorites are very obvious this year.

No mention of Corey telling the guys that he has no intention of being with her off the show, no exposing the blanket sex, never showing Nicole laughing with glee or celebrating Natalie being ridiculed.

Yet they go to town with a ridiculous edit tonight to villify Natalie and prop up lame James.

I'm honestly disgusted.  Natalie has never said a single bad word about James to anyone else, yet James trashes her all the time.  Shown?  Nope.


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1 minute ago, Umbelina said:

Yeah, productions favorites are very obvious this year.

No mention of Corey telling the guys that he has no intention of being with her off the show, no exposing the blanket sex, never showing Nicole laughing with glee or celebrating Natalie being ridiculed.

Yet they go to town with a ridiculous edit tonight to villify Natalie and prop up lame James.

I'm honestly disgusted.  Natalie has never said a single bad word about James to anyone else, yet James trashes her all the time.  Shown?  Nope.


Again my deep thanks to all feedwatchers for keeping me tuned in to reality.

Maybe it's old age, but I just don't have the visceral hatred for this crop of annoying hamsters that I had in the past.

ex. andy, evel dick, hayden, adam, rachel, maggie, etc., etc.,  

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Just now, PaperTree said:

Again my deep thanks to all feedwatchers for keeping me tuned in to reality.

Maybe it's old age, but I just don't have the visceral hatred for this crop of annoying hamsters that I had in the past.

ex. andy, evel dick, hayden, adam, rachel, maggie, etc., etc.,  

Nicole is my BEC but that's as close as I've gotten this year. I wasn't a huge fan of Da'Vonne in the beginning but I miss the dedicated Da'Vonne camera on the feeds when she was scheming. If anyone from this season comes back again, I hope she gets a third shot. 

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15 minutes ago, Umbelina said:

Yeah, productions favorites are very obvious this year.

No mention of Corey telling the guys that he has no intention of being with her off the show, no exposing the blanket sex, never showing Nicole laughing with glee or celebrating Natalie being ridiculed.

Yet they go to town with a ridiculous edit tonight to villify Natalie and prop up lame James.

I'm honestly disgusted.  Natalie has never said a single bad word about James to anyone else, yet James trashes her all the time.  Shown?  Nope.


100% Agreed.  Fuck you, Production!  Fuck you, Big Brother!

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6 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Nicole is my BEC but that's as close as I've gotten this year. I wasn't a huge fan of Da'Vonne in the beginning but I miss the dedicated Da'Vonne camera on the feeds when she was scheming. If anyone from this season comes back again, I hope she gets a third shot. 


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3 hours ago, Marie80 said:

 I didn't mean to imply that James is racist which is impossible considering he's a minority. 

So if he can't be a racist because he is a minority, then who exactly can be racist??? I think anyone can be a racist no matter what their ethnicity.

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Just now, texastootsie said:

So if he can't be a racist because he is a minority, then who exactly can be racist??? I think anyone can be a racist no matter what their ethnicity.

I'm using the more modern definition of racism which states that only people who wield power can be racist. That's why I said he can be prejudiced, anyone can be prejudiced against another race. But as a minority you don't have the power in this society to oppress others based on your prejudice. It's a whole thing, look it up. :)

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1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

Is it the guy that Meg is dating? 'Cause if that's the case, "friend" would be more appropriate from what I read in the beginning of the season.

We saw Survivor contestant Andrea Boehlke in Meg's intro package on last year's premiere-that's who James must have been talking about. 

Edited by TimWil
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3 minutes ago, texastootsie said:

So if he can't be a racist because he is a minority, then who exactly can be racist??? I think anyone can be a racist no matter what their ethnicity.

Assuming James' adoptive parents are white, I can easily see him joining with the white South Carolina majority in bashing other minorities as a survival mechanism.  He's safe as the good ole' boys token "Chinaman".

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It is Rodney Lavoie. He and derrick's dad Tim just did a rob podcast a few days ago about how James is playing.

They were Very upset that he is more interested in Natalie than playing the game.

Edited by Irishsecra
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1 hour ago, Umbelina said:

Yeah, productions favorites are very obvious this year.

No mention of Corey telling the guys that he has no intention of being with her off the show, no exposing the blanket sex, never showing Nicole laughing with glee or celebrating Natalie being ridiculed.

Yet they go to town with a ridiculous edit tonight to villify Natalie and prop up lame James.

I'm honestly disgusted.  Natalie has never said a single bad word about James to anyone else, yet James trashes her all the time.  Shown?  Nope.


I going to assume you are talking about the show tonight. How did they vilify Natalie because that is just wrong.

25 minutes ago, Irishsecra said:

It is Rodney Lavoie. He and derrick's dad Tim just did a rob podcast a few days ago about how James is playing.

They were Very upset that he is more interested in Natalie than playing the game.

I think that will change once Natalie is gone (Assuming she is leaving).

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31 minutes ago, Irishsecra said:

They were Very upset that he is more interested in Natalie than playing the game.

Did they not see his first season? James was part of the Summer Camp strategy. He was more interested in Meg than the game. I'd argue that he's as interested in Natalie as he is in winning AFP. But I don't think he's ever been interested in winning the whole game.

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Exactly. And James is girl crazy so I'm not sure why they thought James could keep his head in the game lol. 


@bbaddict they showed the convo when Natalie supposedly threw James under the bus to Victor and Paul. Showed her telling him she won't talk to him ever again if he teams up with Nicole and Corey. 

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