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Season 18 Live Feed Discussion: Their Lives are Almost as Boring as Ours!

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1 minute ago, Vicky said:

I wouldn't be surprised if James drops for Nicole, eventually.

At this rate, if he drops, it will be on accident because he keeps stretching out his leg every minute or two and he looks close to falling.

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I don't even know why I'm still watching because I hate them both and it's way past my bedtime but here I am.

Neither is gonna drop willingly. Nicole is struggling less than James right now, but I don't know how long it'll last because she's been in the same position for like a half hour now.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

Neither is gonna drop willingly. Nicole is struggling less than James right now, but I don't know how long it'll last because she's been in the same position for like a half hour now.

"Wow. Your mascara is all over your face! You look like Ozzy Osbourne on a bad day! Corey must be revolted!"

Things James should say but sadly won't.

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Nicole complains that she's the only one who hasn't received a letter or pictures from family - but that's the game choice she made.  

...and yup - there goes James.  Predictable.

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7 minutes ago, kathybgd said:


If you meant the pitchforks and torches? Um, no. Not really. That sounds messy.


Just now, njbarmaid said:

Who should we vote ACP?

The fish. Meh.

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13 minutes ago, simplyme said:

Well, I'll grab the pitchforks and torches and we can go back and make a list of all the other non-lasting showmances and burn those sons o bitches to the ground for not committing their lives to people they met on a reality show.

You know once your here for a while you don't have those spit takes in responses to posts.  @simplyme - you brought it back baby! Hilarious!

6 minutes ago, vb68 said:

James drops like an idiot.


Would serve him right if Nat goes.

Of course he dropped.  He always drops, steps off, slips on a banana, gets knocked out by a butterfly...........

5 minutes ago, Cutty said:

I'm calling it now. Nicole will nominate Meech and Natalie.

I believe she will and since she's at it, she can blow up James' game too.

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14 minutes ago, Cutty said:

I'm calling it now. Nicole will nominate Meech and Natalie.

Yep. And James will look like a fool. All they have to point to is James "bouncing checks" the last time he won the endurance competition.

If Natalie's up, she's definitely gone.

Edited by mooses
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Paul/Victor are a very dangerous pair still, though - probably the most dangerous with their ability to win competitions, especially with another DE. She'll definitely have to think about what to do now that Victor is back. I'm not sure if that would change their plans.

I have a feeling Nicole will want Natalie out with her connection to both James/Michelle. Paul/Victor can sell James/Michelle/Natalie as a threesome compared to their twosome.

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One promise she made to get James to step down is that he could choose the noms.   That was awhile before he dropped and the phone rang so I didn't hear if she said it again.   If she holds to this then James might as well have won.  She will never be talked into putting James or Natalie so what now?  Another Paul and Victor on the block because that worked out so well the last time? 

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15 minutes ago, Cutty said:

I'm calling it now. Nicole will nominate Meech and Natalie.

Michelle, almost certainly; M just put Corey OTB, and was lobbying hard to send him for his Chenterview.

As for the other, though...?  IMHO Paul stands a real strong chance.

I suspect a lot of it will depend strongly upon Victor's and Paul's behavior; if they're immediately back to buddy-buddy the moment Vic's back in the House, then that will clearly telegraph to Nicole their behavior over the past few days was pure theater designed to get Corey evicted instead of Victor.  And Nicole might not take that too kindly.

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I don't think Nicole is going to go after Natalie. I think Nicole honestly sees James as a friend. He just saved Corey for her and handed her HOH. The clear target is Victor. But, you never know with Nicole.

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2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I will be shocked if James doesn't win this. Unless he's a dumb ass and throws it, which is certainly possible with him.

I was going back looking at the action I missed during the competition, and just had to point out how accurate this was.

James, don't ever change.

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1 minute ago, wings707 said:

I think Vic and Paul will carry on their act but in a lower key.  


Looking back, I believe Paul's re-welcome of Vic back into the House might've already torpedoed the crap outta THAT strategy....  :)

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Nicole says that she's gonna honor her deal with James, so he and Natalie are safe. She says she won't put up Paul. She can't put herself up and we all know that she's not putting up Corey. That leaves Victor / Michelle as the likely noms.  Things get very interesting if veto is used. 

Edited by me5671
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Screen Shot 2016-08-25 at 9.29.24 PM.png

So, she really wishes she could put up Natalie/James but wants Michelle gone - but who would Michelle go home against? 

Victor/Michelle - Corey/Paul vote out Michelle, James/Nat vote out Victor - Nicole breaks the tie.

Natalie/Michelle - Corey/James vote out Michelle, Paul/Victor vote out Natalie - Nicole breaks the tie (or Corey could just get vote out Natalie, which I could see happening).

James/Michelle - Corey/Natalie vote out Michelle, Paul/Victor vote out James - Nicole breaks the tie (or Corey could just get vote out James, which I could see happening).

Paul is not going up, according to Nicole.

Screen Shot 2016-08-25 at 9.35.40 PM.png

Shut up, Nicole.

Edited by mooses
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8 minutes ago, Nashville said:


Looking back, I believe Paul's re-welcome of Vic back into the House might've already torpedoed the crap outta THAT strategy....  :)

Ah yes.  All coming back to me. Biggest, strongest, longest hug of the night. 

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3 minutes ago, me5671 said:

Nicole says that she's gonna honor her deal with James, so he and Natalie are safe. She says she won't put up Paul. She can't put herself up and we all know that she's not putting up Corey. That leaves victor / Michelle as the likely noms.  Things get very interesting if veto is used. 

Why does she not want to put Paul up?

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3 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Has it sunk in to Natalie yet that if James had caved and evicted Corey the way Nat was hammering James to, then Paulie would be sitting in the House with them right now...?  :>

NO! That didn't occur to me either. 

3 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Has it sunk in to Natalie yet that if James had caved and evicted Corey the way Nat was hammering James to, then Paulie would be sitting in the House with them right now...?  :>

Paul is talking about this now.  He got it.

Edited by wings707
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