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S03.E11: Words Of Wisdom

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I'd like to see the Ravenel Trust (there must be one, right?) documents. There has to be a reason that Thomas chose to breed, he's been so careful in the past, we're reminded, with the Tomato Tornado. I realize reality shows aren't real reality, but this shows seems more scripted than most. Cam, who appeared close to normal at first, has the become "that" bitch who judges and smirks at everything (while showing nothing of her real life). Shep has become "that" guy just looking for new pussy. Craig paid JD for a job at which he is obviously incompetent. JD was a peripheral player that is now a product pusher a la Beth Frankel. The only real lives are the 2 kids (and the poor put upon nannies).

  • Love 11

There probably is something in the Ravenel Trust for the next generation, and Thomas realized he was getting old for for having children who would not only pass on the name but inherit the wealth. His father remarked on camera, that time in Season 1 when we saw him out to lunch with Thomas, that if Kathryn's baby was a boy he'd give Thomas $10,000. Seemed like a "male-child bonus", as $10,000 can't be much to Thomas Ravenel.

Then there's the thing Whitney said about Thomas having a bet with a relative that if he went back to Kathryn he'd have to pay said relative $100,000. I'm wondering if Thomas already lost that bet. Vegas should give odds on it.

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The thing about Kathryn's anger toward Landon that bugs me is that so much of it has happened sort of "off screen". She claims Landon slept with Thomas, but both have denied it and we haven't seen any evidence that they did. We had the one scene where Kathryn flipped Landon off and screamed at her during Thomas' election-night party, and then we saw how Landon was not at all sympathetic toward Kathryn being in the hospital for high blood pressure during her pregnancy. So to my eyes Kathryn is mega-jealous of Landon because Thomas obviously likes hanging out with Landon (he said in a TH she has a "million-dollar smile", etc.) and apparently she did some interior decorating of his new house (periwinkle!). The house that Kathryn once hoped to be "lady of", so sure it pisses her off that Landon is decorating it. It just seems to me that Kathryn is jealous of any woman who gets a bit of Thomas' time and attention, and is willing to go berserk on them in public rather than accept that she is not Thomas' wife or girlfriend and has no right to control who he dates or spends time with.

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On June 17, 2016 at 2:18 PM, OhIgetit said:

Sorry if this has already been said, but I think Land on loves Shoe because he gets mailbox money and doesn't have to leave during the day to go to work. She keeps saying how lonely her marriage was probably because she had nothing to pass the time. She doesn't want to work but also doesn't want a husband that works hard

Yep. To me, Landon's the older, child-free version of Leah from Teen Mom 2. Right down to the same intelligence level, thickness of an accent, and lazy jaw that slows their speech. Landon is slightly more articulate though. I'll give her that edge. 

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On ‎6‎/‎17‎/‎2016 at 2:18 PM, OhIgetit said:

Sorry if this has already been said, but I think Land on loves Shoe because he gets mailbox money and doesn't have to leave during the day to go to work. She keeps saying how lonely her marriage was probably because she had nothing to pass the time. She doesn't want to work but also doesn't want a husband that works hard

And who can blame her? I love Lamp for similar reasons. ;)

j/k I know it was a typo/autocorrect but it made me giggle!

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Just rewatched the episode this morning.  Something my close captioning picked up:  TRav yells at Shep "you're a p**sy" and Shep said "you are what you eat, right?"  That's sick and totally juvenile.  Grow up, Shep!!  Oh fuck it, he and Landon deserve each other.  I just don't think he's ever going to find a classy woman with the way he acts and talks.  

TRav really looked like a rabid dog, spitting out his words.  It was so bizarre.  He's quite explosive, I wouldn't trust him around children. 

  • Love 5
9 hours ago, Duke2801 said:

And who can blame her? I love Lamp for similar reasons. ;)

j/k I know it was a typo/autocorrect but it made me giggle!

I got a good laugh out of that awesome autocorrect too. 

Not saying I know from experience of course, but I've not seen coke make someone a complete asshole. Talkative for sure. But Thomas was like psycho level d-bag. I don't want to mitigate it by blaming drugs. The guy is an asshole. 

I didnt like like him putting down his sisters. Those women have had no screen time (that I recall) and don't deserve their loser brother talking badly about them. Cameron (who is admittedly self- righteous) didn't deserve that treatment either. 

Bam (that that is not autocorrect but true name also gives me a good laugh) spoke some sense to Landon.   It's a shame Landon didn't see that.

Back to Rav- didn't he spew toxic shit to his guests and in the next breath say "now let's have the first course". What the fuck?

JD and his wife sticking around was pathetic. It struck me they will do anything for screen time. Funny how these seasons go and characters you once loved you grow to hate. When I become famous, remind me to bow out after Season One, please. Oh wait...

  • Love 2

I don't get why Kathryn feels so threatened by Landon; that makes me feel that Kathryn is a fucking idiot.  She's upset with Landon for  having a relationship with Thomas but it's Kathryn's baby daddy who keeps contacting Landon.  Kathryn needs to get on the clue bus; she needs to realize that giving birth doesn't make her the Virgin Mary, rats, mice, cats and pigs all give birth; and I wish Landon would have smacked the shit out of her.  Kathryn's pissed that she had a second baby and still Thomas didn't marry her.  Kathryn should watch "Love and Hip Hop NYC/Atlanta/LA," having babies doesn't mean any man will "wife you up."

Kathryn needs to be put in a straight jacket and placed in a padded room until she becomes sane, which may be in the year 2090.

Shep is a douche.

Edited by Neurochick
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*Both Kathryn and 'ol hoss', tHOmas, appear to be shitty parentS thus far *                                                                       ...I don't know about others, BUT when I speak about PEOPLE and their CHILDREN, I am referring to HUMANS. Rodents.. and their offspring are not in the same 'realm'. I mean, employing such a train of thought, all rodents aren't successful at becoming impregnated and/nor delivering offspring. Does this mean that I should compare CHILDless women to infertile or progeny[less] vermin,...  So, the purposeful and constant attempts at a such an analogy involving Kathryn elude me.  Additionally, I am unaware of ANY human female--including Kathryn-- birthing rodents.*                                             ...(Landon) couldn't even locate a clue bus much less GET on A CLUE bus.

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5 minutes ago, BookElitist said:

Additionally, I am unaware of ANY human female--including Kathryn-- birthing rodents.*


My point is that Kathryn seems to feel that since she has birthed two of Thomas' children, she has some kind of right to him.  That's a lie.  

I don't get the hatred for Landon and the love for Kathryn.  Kathryn's the one yelling, cursing and being abusive.  Any other woman on any other show would get flack for that.  

If Landon is coming on to Thomas, it's up to Thomas to say something.  I don't think Thomas wants to, that's why I said Kathryn needs to get on the clue bus, to get a clue that she should be angry at Thomas, her baby daddy, not Landon.  

Edited by Neurochick
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Neurochick, I am not lashing out at you.

I understand your perspective about Kathryn. I don't like her and certainly hold no love for her. She's ridiculous. However, Landon performs her own devilish deeds toward Kathryn. She's ridiculous, also. As Shep stated, if you (Landon) feel such disgust about all things Kathryn, then ignore her--don't whine about her, do NOT engage.

And, yes, if Kathryn takes offense at tHOmas interacting with Landon, Kathryn should address the issue with him and hold him responsible.  

Edited by BookElitist
23 hours ago, KnoxForPres said:

I got a good laugh out of that awesome autocorrect too. 

Not saying I know from experience of course, but I've not seen coke make someone a complete asshole. Talkative for sure. But Thomas was like psycho level d-bag. I don't want to mitigate it by blaming drugs. The guy is an asshole. 

I didnt like like him putting down his sisters. Those women have had no screen time (that I recall) and don't deserve their loser brother talking badly about them. Cameron (who is admittedly self- righteous) didn't deserve that treatment either. 

Bam (that that is not autocorrect but true name also gives me a good laugh) spoke some sense to Landon.   It's a shame Landon didn't see that.

Back to Rav- didn't he spew toxic shit to his guests and in the next breath say "now let's have the first course". What the fuck?

JD and his wife sticking around was pathetic. It struck me they will do anything for screen time. Funny how these seasons go and characters you once loved you grow to hate. When I become famous, remind me to bow out after Season One, please. Oh wait...

I don't think that's coke.  That is alcohol.  It tends to do that to long time alcoholics (turn one into a raging lunatic who gets VERY nasty).  He should be careful or he is going to end up with alcohol related dementia (Wernike Korsakoff or Korsakoff Encephali).  That affliction has touched my family personally and I see some familiar behavior. 

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, bosawks said:

I had a family member who became a raging asshole when she was trying to get off coke.

I am glad your family member was working on it!  I am not sure if Thomas was trying to get off coke but as shown by the drug test Kathryn certainly wasn't trying!  I see booze as his biggest problem (aside from keeping his parts in his pants).  He is all slurry and gets nasty.  I lived through the 80's and my recollection of people who partied with cocaine was that when you are doing it everyone is your best friend (cause you either don't want to do it alone or you want them to share).  It was more social from what I saw.  And smoking like fiends.  But who knows.  All I know is Thomas needs to back off the liquor.  His future will suck for him and everyone around him if he keeps it up.

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On 6/14/2016 at 1:10 PM, NYCFree said:

The drug test recently taken by Thomas showed no signs of alcohol use.....somethings not right with that test.

Nobody can convince me that there's a test for the entire cornicopia of drugs out there. Adderall, for example, is out of your urine in two days, and most follicle tests do not cover it. 

Kathryn is no Miss Manners, but Thomas' behavior at her house was bizarre. We got a glimpse of what makes Kathryn so crazy. He tells her to drop a friend, while insisting that she socialize with particular people, or he will jump out of a window.?  

Why do people say Kathryn used drugs when she was pregnant? According to hair drug testing company:

There are too many variables for anyone to know time of use, dosage, or frequency from the result(s) of a drug test. Reservoir matrices such as hair, fingernail, umbilical cord, and meconium continuously collect drug and alcohol biomarkers. This makes it difficult to determine specific details of use. Because the biomarker is collected over a period of time, the results represent total accumulation that cannot be pin-pointed to specific times/dates/dosages, etc.

I didn't smoke, drink, or do drugs when I was pregnant, and I didn't have a perfect baby. I'd hate to think people were gossiping that I must have done something wrong to have an imperfect baby.

On 6/15/2016 at 2:31 PM, corter20 said:

I might be taking it too far, but I wouldn't put it past him to pay someone off to get good results. We live in the south where this happens all the time. He seems pretty "desperate" to see his kids and there is no way that in the dinner party scene he wasn't high. His whole speech and the scene in Kathryn's house was totally cocaine related. 

Exactly. In no way shape or form are his results clean. I know how to beat an honest test, much less a" Ravenel" test. Not that I have to...

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