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S02.E22: Invincible

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On 18/05/2016 at 10:18 PM, SimoneS said:

I made the mistake of giving this show another shot. That is how they get Barry and Iris together? A short comment over dinner. This show really does hate Iris and doesn't want to pair her with Barry. 

True hey? That was pretty lackluster. I was just happy to see Laurel again in any incarnation. I wish I got more backstory on Black Siren. All the dead birds sounds like Guggenheim baiting us Laurel/Black Canary fans again. God I hate this verse and that man.

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After the "I'm not really that interested in you but I guess we have to be together because of destiny" conversation, this seemed extremely apropos to me. Nothing more romantic than two people being exhaustively resigned to fate.

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I wouldn't say this is how they "got together." Did you guys not see the last episode? Barry's big speech to her at the graveyard was a much bigger deal, as far as that goes.

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Loved the Black Siren.   I liked Katie Cassidy as the original Ruby on Supernatural too.  Maybe she's more at home playing bad girls than righteous do-gooders.   Or maybe she simply doesn't feel smothered by all the olicity for a change. 

Zoom has become the most tiresome villain in recent memory.    That "snatch a loved one trick" was funny the first hundred times, now it's just boring.  Ditto for swiping Eobard/Wells' method of killing.

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I wouldn't say this is how they "got together." Did you guys not see the last episode? Barry's big speech to her at the graveyard was a much bigger deal, as far as that goes.

And they had to ruin it by this latest episode's scene. Last week's scene was a far much better "lets start this thing". 


I liked Katie Cassidy as the original Ruby on Supernatural too.  Maybe she's more at home playing bad girls than righteous do-gooders. 

Or maybe villain are just written more charismatically and wittier, Teddy Sears seemed completely transformed when he got to play Zoom. Not knocking off that playing bad girls might be more her wheelhouse but I dont think there is a difference of night & day between her  portrayal of do-gooder B.C/Laurel & B.S, imo. 

Edited by WildcardC
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11 hours ago, zannej said:

I just watched that scene again, an I'm not sure what was going on. I thought he was reacting to Henry talking. Like it was bugging him to hear Henry saying those things. I wonder if there was something deleted on that front. Maybe he was thinking of his own father and he makes that face when he gets a flashback. I don't think it was possession or anything.

Actually, I don't know about that. It certainly has to do with Henry talking, but all I can think back to his that one moment with Barry, when Hunter's eyes literally turned black and he said 'you can't defeat the darkness' or whatever the line is. For me, that implied that Hunter wasn't fully in control of himself. Maybe it's not quite possession, but it seemed like he had something else inside of him. 

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Tired of Barry needing all those pep talks to accomplish anything? Now we're going to have characters give him anti-pep talks to slow his roll!

I know the "Henry will die" thing was anvilicious, but they could have at least written things like Barry was trying to save him and couldn't. Barry literally just stood there while Zoom monologued about the two of them being alike, and the poetry of killing Henry in the same place as Barry's mom. 

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I'm not a very attentive watcher of this show, but when Earth 2 Cisco/Caitlyn showed up, I was really disappointed with the acting quality and the breathy Snartiness of the line readings, especially Cisco's. 

...so I was very relieved to find out they were supposed to be faking it. 

Edited by kieyra
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 know the "Henry will die" thing was anvilicious, but they could have at least written things like Barry was trying to save him and couldn't. Barry literally just stood there while Zoom monologued

Exactly.  He follows him for what reason?  He didn't even try to fight Zoom. For that matter neither did Henry. Had Zoom just shown up and hand phased through him like he did time remnant(or whatever he was) Jay that would have made more sense. 

I still think Barry and Iris have amazing chemistry but the writing continues to be mostly garbage for them.  Hopefully that is remedied since they're going to "try this" or whatever lame thing he said.

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I am sorry but there were too many predictable things in this episode.  I also cannot get into Cisco's constant "quips."   I hate his Vibe scenes. Caitlyn was her usual boring self and I have never liked the re-conned Wells.  I am also not interested in his daughter on any level. 


I wish they would focus on the metahuman of the week and not the "big bad" for the entire season.  That is where Arrow went wrong and even Suits when they stopped the client of the week. 

Zoom has not been compelling and all they did was recycle last year....big death with Eddie, big death with Henry....Zoom is a traitor, Wells is a traitor....Iris doesn't know and finds out at the end in some dramatic way....Wally finds out in some dramatic way...rinse and repeat. 

Still no development of Barry as the scientist good at his job....and there is no way to buy them as a couple and grown ups when after all the trauma they have been through he says something as bland as "let's give it a shot," or words to that effect in a roomful of people.  No rooftop meeting or anything to bring back the romance or tension to their relationship ,but just a throwaway statement. 

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Tired of Barry needing all those pep talks to accomplish anything? Now we're going to have characters give him anti-pep talks to slow his roll!

Too many repeated cliches this season, did this show get a newshowrunner and too many new writers or what. There was so much creativity and cleverness last season, now its like the worst in those departments

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1 hour ago, catrice2 said:

Still no development of Barry as the scientist good at his job....

Well it was Barry's idea to do the whole vibrational thing to take out the metas... he gave the idea to Cisco, who then ran with it...

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On Wednesday, May 18, 2016 at 5:48 PM, johntfs said:

I think "Let's give this a shot" felt real and appropriate for where they were.  While Barry has been carrying a torch for Iris, the idea of Barry as a boyfriend/lover is still a little new to Iris (he was still her brother for years) but she's at a place she can go with it.  Grand, elaborate declarations of eternal love feel out of place, a more tentative but enthusiastic "Let's give this a shot" make more sense to me at this point.

This. I completely agree. Barry and Iris have known each other their whole life, transitioning from best friends to lovers is not going to be easy for them. I love that the writers are taking things slow with them, this is not the kind of couple that just starts making out. They will take things slow and gradually get to that passionate romantic relationship. They seem more realistic to me this way.



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Maybe I am heartless, but the Henry's death did nothing for me. Maybe its because I was expecting it, or that I was watching Grant cry for the Hundredth time or because Henry was gone all season. If he is not important to the writers why should I care about his death?


I just hope Barry don't do the brooding hero thing, it doesn't suit him.

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Did anyone have any thoughts on Cisco's visions?  It's making me think that Zoom's "race" is him trying to get Barry's help to go back and rewrite his (Zoom's) history... and that causes some sort of "crisis" or "flashpoint" ... I don't think we're going to make it out of this season without the timeline being tampered with.

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1 hour ago, phoenics said:

Did anyone have any thoughts on Cisco's visions?  It's making me think that Zoom's "race" is him trying to get Barry's help to go back and rewrite his (Zoom's) history... and that causes some sort of "crisis" or "flashpoint" ... I don't think we're going to make it out of this season without the timeline being tampered with.

Well I think there was an interview where Grant or someone said

that the timeline would be tampered with again

but I'm not certain.

I actually thought the dying birds was not in relation to black canary (because they weren't specifically canaries) but rather the birds losing their sense of direction and being confused prior to a major event. If I recall correctly, birds can be sensitive to electromagnetic fields and can sense direction based on their magnetic sense. A friend of mine who is involved in brain studies calls it "magnetoception". I think the birds were just a side effect of whatever was going to happen to split Earth2 in half.

I do think you are on to something, but I think that Zoom has things rigged so that while he is racing with Barry it will cause some sort of vortex of whatever that will destroy Earth2.

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That theory looks pretty sound to me as well. He wants Barry to race him and create some kind of paradox where he can rewrite his own history.

Which could possibly erase everything that ever happened in E2, I guess? I really hope that doesn't affect E1.

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At the start of the season I thought Zoom was going to be such a bad ass villain but now I find him to be such a let down and kind of a whiny baby, I wish he would just shut it. 

I did like Black Siren, I like KC and I hope she can make some more appearances in the furture. Like it was mentioned above, I always thought she was the best Ruby on Supernatural and she seemed like she was having a good time here. 

I wanted to feel something for Caitlin but I didn't. This season feels so choppy and I at times didn't even realize Caitlin was missing when she was gone. Now that she is back, eh. 

Wally is really growing on me. Loved when he showed up and hit Black siren with the car, lol. 

I don't see why they felt the need to kill Henry off. He wasn't even utilized on the show anyway. I was more just disappointed with the whole way everything played out. I like JWS, wish he could have stuck around. 

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10 minutes ago, Grumpymonkey said:

I wanted to feel something for Caitlin but I didn't. This season feels so choppy and I at times didn't even realize Caitlin was missing when she was gone. Now that she is back, eh. 

Wally is really growing on me. Loved when he showed up and hit Black siren with the car, lol. 

I agree with both of these. In fact, I'm really starting to wonder if Caitlin will eventually be written out, Laurel-style. Sometimes when you watch a show you can just tell what characters the show really has no use for, and she's one of those, imo. The fact that she was gone for three episodes and wasn't missed at all is significant. Not just in terms of the show itself, which was true, but even within the show, nobody ever tried to save her and then she ends up just waltzing back into Star Labs offscreen. What was the point of that? Not to mention that she has no real, important connections to any of the characters except Cisco. I'm just wondering about that. I assume they're probably going to turn her into KF at some point, but maybe after that she'll be sent to another earth or something (if not killed off outright).

I'm liking Wally more too, and I'm glad because I was very skeptical of him for a while. Even though the storyline is basically a carbon copy of Roy, I think it worked wonders on making his character more appealing, finally. I'm good with him becoming Kid Flash now. Although I still need to see he and Barry develop their own rapport, which I assume we'll get to next season.

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On 5/18/2016 at 11:47 PM, Gregg247 said:

I was afraid they were going to kill Henry.  I don't know why shows today think its "edgy" to kill off loved ones of our heroes.  On some shows, it works, but on shows like "The Flash", it just seems so unnecessary.  Maybe the man in the iron mask is the Earth 2 version of Henry, so Barry will "kind of" get his Dad back. 


I hope so. Came here to see if anyone remembers the speculation about Henry being him in earlier forums. His body build seems the same.

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I start to make myself crazy expecting some form of logic, halfway decent writing, and a little bit of class acting with this show, Arrow, and Legends of Tomorrow.

Recently, I've found I can calm down and quit yelling at the TV by reminding myself that it is/they are a visual, moving comic-book after all, and imagine graphic novel talk balloons floating above their heads as they spew some of the ridiculousness I've witnessed. Bam!  Ka-Pow!

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