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S02.E22: Invincible

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Okay, now Caitlin is saying she loved Laurel? They've never spoken on-screen (although I know the actresses are friends). I'm tired of the "we loved Laurel" train upon killing her off. Cisco is the only one from The Flash who I'd believe that line from. Although kudos to Caitlin for going back to STAR Labs. I seriously doubt she could have done anything to calm Zoom's serial killer instinct at that point.

In reference to comic preview.

  • Love 1

I suspect from that clip that Caitlin is only pretending to have been let go- and that Zoom sent her there to spy on them or something and she's going along in the hopes they will be spared or something. OR, it could be another shapeshifter pretending to be Caitlin. It was hard to tell from the facial expressions because Danielle's acting choices are such that she just makes all sorts of weird faces that don't really relate to actual real emotion. Which is sad because I've heard she's actually very witty and sweet.

  • Love 4


I knew they would kill Henry after that whole speech last week but I didn't want to believe it. 

Be still my 90s Flash heart. Love the mini reunion even though it was short lived. 

How sad is it that The Flash did Laurel Lance better in 10-15 minutes then Arrow did for 4 seasons? 

Another week, another person (now people) knowing the identity. 

  • Love 14

Damn. The end was telegraphed from miles away, but it was still painful. And I can't make a joke about fisting.

Nice to see Black Siren sucks as badly as "our" Laurel.I was hoping Laurel-2 was in the tradition of Original Recipe Black Canary, who only posed as a criminal. No luck here. Lucky for us that STAR Labs has spare badass clothes in Cisco and Caitlin's sizes.

Looks like cat's out of the bag with Wally. And Tina figured out the secret because she's not a complete dummy. I think this makes Singh look like a bigger chump for not knowing.

  • Love 4

Damn Zoom, holy crap.  I knew it was coming, but that was freaking vicious.  Whoop his ass Barry.

In one episode, The Flash did Laurel as a comic character better than Arrow did in 4 seasons.  And she's locked away, so she could come back.  Although, speaking of Earth-2 Laurel, how can it come to a shock to Barry that she was evil?  Barry knows that the Earth-2 counterparts are evil, so it shouldn't have been a surprise.

Here's hoping we get more of Doctor McGee next season, and Harry sticks around.

  • Love 7

Lucky for us that STAR Labs has spare badass clothes in Cisco and Caitlin's sizes.

Cisco's other power is last minute costume making. Glad Wally knows. Glad they acknowledged Caitlin went through something awful, although I wish they were a little less expositiony about it. Glad to see Cisco and Caitlin on a mission together and him getting offensive powers. I'm happy to see Westallen is on, and Jesse and Wally seem to be starting something. Love the Team Flash hug. Always happy to see Singh. I can't be too sad because I've see this death for Henry coming for years. Needed more Iris. I do love the Flash family dinners with alt-pop playing in the background. They know I'm a sucker for it. Cisco should've said they loved Laurel if someone had to. He's at least spoken to her and expressed the sentiment before.

  • Love 6

Hey Barry, you think it's OK Wally is out there playing hero without training, powers, or weapons?  You really want to be Joe's only son, don't you?

The only shocking thing about Henry's death is that it took so long for Zoom to go after one of Barry's crew, especially since his sole reason for holding back ran away. 

That being said, Barry has already shown he can run back in time when sufficiently motivated.  If you're careless enough to run back to get Eobard's help then you've certainly got to consider going back a day and taking adequate precautions. 

Edited by cambridgeguy
  • Love 3

damn, and I was all seeing Barry getting a cool new stepmom, Zoom just had to ruin it in the worst way possible, but I do hope Tina sticks around as a new member of Team Flash. Speaking of the team, I was kinda disappointed that they didn't get Andy to do a quick cameo as Hartley.

Nice to see Cisco using his vibrational powers, hopefully we'll get to see him blast Jay next week.

Zoom's toast next week, there's no way he's surviving the finale. I hope Joe plants a bullet right between the eyes.

  • Love 10

I said it last year.  Henry would get out of jail by the beginning of Season 2 only to be killed a year later.  I'm sorry I was wrong as I always enjoyed John Wesley Shipp on this show and I was a fan of the original Flash.  Speaking of which, loved the reunion with JWS and Amanda Pays, short-lived as it was.  Hopefully we'll one day see 1990 Flash and Tina on this show one of these days.

While the preview for this episode telegraphed Henry's death, I still thought this was a really good episode.  Much better than last week.  Loved seeing Cisco and Caitlin posing as Vibe and Killer Ice.  Loved seeing Wally hit Laurel-2 with the car.  Really good set up for the final battle against Zoom.

Not surprisingly Barry's mindset was stupid again this week.

  • Love 4

So this means we'll get ragey Barry for S3 and probably no movement on WestAllen, because watching your family murdered doesn't exactly bode well for wanting to expand the family.

Killing off Henry wasn't a surprise, but still supremely uncool. Worse that they toyed with a Tina McGee flirtation and Joe wanting to be called PawPaw, just to rub salt in the wound of things Henry will miss.

Serious writer trolling with everyone who ever had to give Barry a pep talk basically trying to do the opposite in this episode.

Sit, Barry, Sit, indeed.

Edited by pookat
  • Love 8

This season has been so underwhelming. I can't think of one episode that was not predictable or disappointing.  What age range is Wells or whatever his name is?  Maybe Tina is for him?    

Wally finally did something that I liked. 

Seriously H&M or one of those type of shows should have an Iris West line.  Her clothes are so cute.  Do they have a wear to shop guide for the show? 

I drifted off..why did they think Zoom was dead? 

  • Love 3

I want Wally to meet Felicity so they can compare vehicular attack strategies! :D

I was so excited seeing Henry and Tina seem to dig each other. Trolling for sure, unless there are dimensional, timey-whimey shenanigans afoot.

IA with the folks who thought KC was better as Black Siren, that her outfit was hella better, and had more chemistry with Zoom than anyone.Since the Pipeline, now tacitly okayed by CCPD's homicide captain, we may get to have her drop by sometime in the future.

Names are important because they help keep folks from staying confused, Writers. "Jay" was never Jay, it was Hunter Zolomon and the Flash Mob know this. I am hoping that Tina McGee realizes that her Harrison is long gone and that Harry is not Eobard Thawne-Wells and treats him accordingly. Also, not every doppel is evil; E-2 Barry, Iris, and Joe were good folks, essentially. Deadshot was a cop on E-2.

Also, Cisco? When has there been a monorail in your Central City? The raised line that was clearly seen in the trips to Earth-2. That is what you saw. Not your Earth, but since you heard/ realized that Zoom wasn't captured, that  should have been a possibility to your line of thought.

Joe? Wally, as reckless as he has shown himself to be, did not offer himself as bait. He heard a mugging go down and tackled Mr. CloudDude before he could just run away. Also, who isn't informing Wally enough to protect him?! The lessons of the recent enough past just don't take with this particular old dog, huh? How did not looping in Iris protect her last year, Joe? How thankful was she again? So, surprisingly, listen to Barry, but if you suggest Wally go to the flippin' Academy, I will be flipping some furniture.

I liked that Cisco is the one consistently looking out for Caitlin. I also like that Cisco got a taste of his offensive capabilities. As long as he is mindful of how enthusiastic he is over learning his limits, I think Cisco will be fine. Poor Snow, though, with all the "visions" of Zoom. I kept waiting for one to actually be Zoom and he would kill her at that point. ( Not that I want Caitlin dead; it seemed a possibility seeing as Zoom is an insane mass murderer. Plus the promise he made.) I guess all Harrisons will find something to like about Dr. Snow. Even if their daughters turn to her instead of him for meta confirmation. 

I did like that Iris was the one to give Barry the 'fear isn't bad' talk. I just wish it had come earlier in the episode because it was dumb for Barry to act like fear is a dirty, dirty emotion that should be shoved in a box and burned or drowned or something. Hal Jordan, a test pilot, feels fear, but the thing is to not let it paralyze you or overwhelm your ability to act.  So I sort of liked Zoom's sneer-y "you'll always be a good boy" speech. It just points out how narrow Zolomon's view is and how he severely discounts the Flash Mob. It should have been the wake up call Barry needed. A close-up as Barry realizes that- at that particular moment?- he and Hunter were the same. Each confident that they could fell the other.

I think I am cautiously looking forward to the finale next week.

  • Love 6

I mean - I knew Henry was marked for death the minute he came back in the last episode.

Wally coming through with the car was hilarious - right smack in the middle of a monologue!  I can't wait for the gifs - that was really funny.  And Wally's little smile after Flash got in the car had me cracking up.  More of that Wally please!

I see you Iris in the little backless dress!  Although - crap - this is probably going to stall Westallen.  Ugh.  I kinda figured this would happen - no way Barry will want to go there now when Zoom is doing stuff to make Barry "just like him".  If killing Henry didn't do it - killing Iris definitely would.

Also - thank goodness for DVR - but something is off with Zoom.  When he was holding Henry and taunting Barry, he was evil one moment and then shaking his head like he was trying to clear it of something the next.  It was really subtle - but he was doing it.  I couldn't tell if that was supposed to be him just being loopy or if he really is possessed by something or someone.

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(Ohhh, between this and Blindspot, things have not been good this week for my favorite supporting characters.  God only knows what Game of Thrones has in store.)

Caitlin and Cisco trying to fake being Reverb and Killer Frost was great and, honestly, I kind of wish they kept the outfits and hair.  Still be good guys, but look fabulous doing it.

Still don't like Wally, but him taking out Black Siren with a care was great.  Also, Black Siren showed why Laurel looked so much better with blonde hair.

The autistic/Aspergery side of me so wanted to know the names of every single metahuman that was following Zoom.  Also, you'd think someone would have alerted Washington when the metahumans were attacking.  Then again, they'd probably solve the problem by dropping a big bomb on Central City.

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Oh look, to nobody's surprise, Henry's dead. What a lame cop-out. I knew Henry wouldn't survive past season 2. It's stupid.

Funny that Black Siren only got 15 minutes total of the episode. Also rolled my eyes at the dead birds vibes. Also, I snorted at Caitlin's "We loved her." First off, nice lie to The Flash audience who have never seen Arrow. Secondly, nice funny joke for the ones who do watch Arrow. I don't even think they would have spoken off-screen. Ever. 

Wally knows. That's good. And he ran over Laurel....well, Earth-2 Laurel. Our hero.

Look, Barry needs multiple pep talks....but to SLOW DOWN. Hilarious.

I actually liked the Caitlin scenes. It was good to see her have some PTSD after being captured by Zoom. 

  • Love 1

I hate they killed his dad, his mom was already murdered.  Not fair!  Maybe they can do a turning back time sort of thing and fix that?  Didn't they go back in time before - the one where he talked to his mom?  But, they didn't change the outcome that time if I recall - oh, I am bitchy about them doing this because I don't want another brooding morose (aka Arrow) character.  I like Barry/Flash with all his cocky flaws - Rats.

  • Love 3

I really liked seeing Barry happy and smiling in this episode. SUCH a nice change from the mopey attitude this season.

Look, I know Henry's death doesn't bode well for that attitude returning, but PLEASE writers, notice the difference and figure out a way to let that Barry come back to the show full time next season anyway. Maybe being with Iris will do it (although I thought they got together last week?).

  • Love 9


First Tony gets fucked over on NCIS, and now Henry is murdered. FUCK YOU, Show. Yes, Fuck you, because you were totally trolling me us, by showing how googly-eyed Henry was over Tina. FUCK.YOU.

That's it. I'm done. I'm not watching the finale until a WEEK after it airs.

I'm NEVER allowed to have nice things.

  • Love 3
49 minutes ago, Actionmage said:

I did like that Iris was the one to give Barry the 'fear isn't bad' talk. I just wish it had come earlier in the episode because it was dumb for Barry to act like fear is a dirty, dirty emotion that should be shoved in a box and burned or drowned or something. Hal Jordan, a test pilot, feels fear, but the thing is to not let it paralyze you or overwhelm your ability to act.  So I sort of liked Zoom's sneer-y "you'll always be a good boy" speech. It just points out how narrow Zolomon's view is and how he severely discounts the Flash Mob. It should have been the wake up call Barry needed. A close-up as Barry realizes that- at that particular moment?- he and Hunter were the same. Each confident that they could fell the other.

I think I am cautiously looking forward to the finale next week.

I thought of the "Green Lantern" line about courage being more important than fear. Oh, and screw you Ryan Reynolds for badmouthing your other movie because you're obsessed with Deadpool. Okay, I'm better now.

I'm starting to think the CW is trying to reduce salaries and have demanded a number of character deaths to prove they're serious. Just about every show has had a major death (or more) this season. A lot of these DC "heroes" need to understand the idea that some people need killing. Leaving them alive to serve some stupid no kill rule just ends up getting other people killed. Congratulations, Barry. You let Zoom blackmail you to save Wally and now your father is dead.

  • Love 2

Henry's murder made me tear up. It reminded me too much of Moira's from season 2 Arrow, though his was less insulting. Poor Henry. Poor Barry. 

I can wank the team's surprise at Earth-2 Laurel being evil. Yes, Caitlin and Cisco's doppelgängers were evil but Joe's, Iris', and Barry's weren't. I can see them privately assuming that more of their doppelgängers were still decent and the two evil ones were flukes. Or, maybe he was more surprised that BS was a meta at all since Laurdl wasn't. 

I did enjoy the jokes about how much the team loved Laurel. That was amusing. That said, Katie seemed like she was having way more fun in this one episode than she ever did on Arrow. Makes me wish they'd pulled an Angel and brought her over as a regular ala Cordelia. She's really good at playing the villain. The Cry still makes her look like she's staring to take a dump so if she ever comes back they need to make it look better. 

I kind of wish Wally hadn't looked so surprised. If he'd pulled an Oz and been all "this explains a lot" I'd have been so happy. At least he knows. 

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Dr. Light hasn't returned to cause trouble, nor has Peek-A-Boo.  Hartley has become friendly to the group. So killing everyone isn't needed.  Yes, some folks probably should be killed and Zoom is a prime example. I don't think the No Kill "rule" ( more a guideline, imo) is stupid; it separates folks who just like to kill from heroic persons and (should be) deputized arms of the police department. 

I don't see a direct correlation between Wally's kidnapping and Henry's death. Should Barry have given up the Speed Force? Emphatically, no. Zolomon was dying, as Caitlin's tests showed. It was Barry's pushing Cisco to use the vibe powers that allowed Zoom to pull off the blackmail, not Barry "letting" Zoom live. It was Barry's inability to take a minute and regroup.

  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, Actionmage said:

Dr. Light hasn't returned to cause trouble, nor has Peek-A-Boo.  Hartley has become friendly to the group. So killing everyone isn't needed.  Yes, some folks probably should be killed and Zoom is a prime example. I don't think the No Kill "rule" ( more a guideline, imo) is stupid; it separates folks who just like to kill from heroic persons and (should be) deputized arms of the police department. 

I don't see a direct correlation between Wally's kidnapping and Henry's death. Should Barry have given up the Speed Force? Emphatically, no. Zolomon was dying, as Caitlin's tests showed. It was Barry's pushing Cisco to use the vibe powers that allowed Zoom to pull off the blackmail, not Barry "letting" Zoom live. It was Barry's inability to take a minute and regroup.

There's definitely an appropriate use of force. The first guy Oliver killed on Arrow got his neck snapped for seeing his face. That was way over the line. But these super villains are so deadly that killing should be the first resort. Barry's stupidity is also a contributing factor. There's an overall issue that these shows are following the Buffy model of Big Bad wins every fight until the last episode of the season. Now that I'm watching this on 5 different CW shows, it's starting to bore the crap out of me.

  • Love 2
4 minutes ago, ketose said:

There's definitely an appropriate use of force. The first guy Oliver killed on Arrow got his neck snapped for seeing his face. That was way over the line. But these super villains are so deadly that killing should be the first resort. Barry's stupidity is also a contributing factor. There's an overall issue that these shows are following the Buffy model of Big Bad wins every fight until the last episode of the season. Now that I'm watching this on 5 different CW shows, it's starting to bore the crap out of me.

Yeah, I definitely agree with this. Here's an idea- try copying another show besides Buffy if they can't think of ideas for season long villains. Just to throw one out there, how about 24? Their model is to have like three different big bads, one leading to secret other one at different parts of the season.

  • Love 2

I was afraid they were going to kill Henry.  I don't know why shows today think its "edgy" to kill off loved ones of our heroes.  On some shows, it works, but on shows like "The Flash", it just seems so unnecessary.  Maybe the man in the iron mask is the Earth 2 version of Henry, so Barry will "kind of" get his Dad back. 

Did everyone notice how all the other characters were so out of sorts because Barry didn't need their constant pep talks his week?  They were all wandering around Star Labs with nothing to do! haha

  • Love 3

So, I'm going to focus on the good things for right now:
Tina McGee knows!
Wally knows! Finally!

3 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

Looks like cat's out of the bag with Wally. And Tina figured out the secret because she's not a complete dummy. I think this makes Singh look like a bigger chump for not knowing.

I fully expect Singh to get looped in next season. He's definitely on top the Needs to Know list.

90s Flash reunion! Possible Henry/Tina pairing - *squeeee*!

Black Siren run over mid-monologue -- heeeeee!

Cisco and Caitlyn playing dress-up! Because villain outfits can just be had off-the-rack. And I was glad for the Hartley mention because if they're friends now, his genius brain should really be helping out.

Family dinner at the West house -- awwwww!

"This is the part where I'm dumb and you explain it to the audience me." -- Joe

Edited by Trini
  • Love 4
37 minutes ago, Actionmage said:

Dr. Light hasn't returned to cause trouble, nor has Peek-A-Boo.  Hartley has become friendly to the group. So killing everyone isn't needed.  Yes, some folks probably should be killed and Zoom is a prime example. I don't think the No Kill "rule" ( more a guideline, imo) is stupid; it separates folks who just like to kill from heroic persons and (should be) deputized arms of the police department. 

I don't see a direct correlation between Wally's kidnapping and Henry's death. Should Barry have given up the Speed Force? Emphatically, no. Zolomon was dying, as Caitlin's tests showed. It was Barry's pushing Cisco to use the vibe powers that allowed Zoom to pull off the blackmail, not Barry "letting" Zoom live. It was Barry's inability to take a minute and regroup.

Barry was the "genius" who decided not to leave well enough alone and opened a new portal to Earth-2 to take care of Zoom.  This resulted in the series of events leading up to his bizarre decision to honor his agreement with Zoom AFTER Zoom inexplicably let Wally go first.  Barry's stupidity, selfishness and self-absorbed nature (combined with the enablers around him) is directly responsible for everything that has occurred in Season 2.  These are all self-inflicted wounds.

  • Love 1

I was responding to the assertion that a "No Kill" rule is stupid and that the OP drew a line from not killing Zoom to Henry's death.

I also noted that it was Barry pushing Cisco to open the portal that lead to the current mess and death of Henry. I re-stated that, as many others noted, if Barry had left Zoom on Earth-2, dying, then the current mess would not have happened. That would have a) been allowing a villain to die and b) keeping Earth-1 folks safe, but that also wouldn't go where the writers want the story to go.

I still do not see where there was a pressing need to kill Zoom once Caitlin discovered  that "Jay"/Zoom was dying and Zoom was back on his Earth. An inability to take a win of any kind was what got our heroes into this mess, not a lack of killing. 

  • Love 3

I think I need the gorilla to return.

Good things:

1. Wrong of me, I know, but when this Laurel was taken out by a car, I laughed.

2. Cisco is developing more powers, yay!

3. Not that it will last, but I liked that finally, someone on this show is reacting to trauma with PTSD. Yes, it was healed in a single episode, but at least a nod was made in that direction.

4. Also liked Cisco supporting Caitlin through that.

5. I seem to be in the minority here, but I thought the setup for Wally and Jesse was kinda cute.

6. Family dinner at the Wests. That was also kinda cute.

Questionable things:

1. Awww, Henry and Tina, after twenty-odd years and a cancelled show are getting together at last and - wow, Flash, that was kinda mean. I get that the 1990s show wasn't all that great, but still.

2. How, exactly, did Black Siren know that Earth 1 and Earth 2 people mirror each other's left/right handedness? So far only two people from Earth 1 have crossed over to Earth 2, right, and until this episode, only three people had crossed over into Earth 1. I suppose the Earth-2 metahumans could have tracked down their doubles and asked them if they were right or left handed, and then clued each other in - Black Siren went to the effort of finding out that Earth-1 Laurel Lance was dead, after all - but this still seems like a bit of a stretch.

3. Was anyone really shocked to find out that the solution to taking out metahumans was to run really really fast? 

4. How has Wally not figured out Barry's identity - or were those looks at dinner meant to suggest that he had? And on a related note, how has Singh not figured out Barry's identity? "Oh, yes, I, Barry Allen, forensic dude, just happen to show up, totally out of breath, one second after you asked where I was and the Flash vanished!"

5. To repeat yet again, I'm not against WestAllen, but "Hey, let's give it a go!" is maaaaaayyyyyyybe not the sweeping romance needed to get me excited about where they're going next. I know you were surrounded by family, but at least try to pull the girl aside or throw in a dinner invite, dude!

6. Where, exactly, did Cisco, and more importantly, Caitlin, get the wigs/makeup/costumes that quickly to pull that stunt off?

7. Uh, Joe, I know you don't like vigilantes, especially if they are named Oliver Queen, but Wally wasn't just going around randomly vigilanting people. He saw someone get mugged and rushed out to help. This is a GOOD thing. It proves Wally is a good person. 

Bad things:

1. I was braced for the return of everyone's favorite staircase in the Arrowverse! I was not braced for it to show up in the trailer for The 100 just moments later!  Run from this, The 100! You are dealing with enough problems this season without taking on the Arrowverse's set problems!

Seriously, Vancouver must have other public staircases, right? Or - and I apologize in advance for making what might be too radical a suggestion here - maybe just ban all action scenes on staircases for a full year on all CW shows.

2. Others have already pointed this out elsewhere, but if you are going to try to take a different tone than Arrow - and that was the initial theory - that also means not repeating specific plot points. And although Supergirl  and Legends of Tomorrow at least avoided some of these repeated beats, let's try for no dead parents killed right in front of the main characters in their second seasons next year, k?

3. I'd probably be taking Zoom more seriously if his minions weren't running around stealing purses. 

  • Love 6

Things that are iffy:

Wait -- Zoom can just open portals by himself now? Way to introduce that in the next to last episode, Show.

Barry not really doing anything to stop Black Siren at their first meeting. Also, didn't Barry invent noise cancelling earbuds over on Supergirl?

Cisco and Caitlyn spending more time on their Earth-2 outfits than Plan C. Not to mention falling for the old 'Catch this' trick.

Um, are the CCPD/Team Flash seriously planning on keeping all those Earth-2 metas over here on Earth-1??

BAD Things:

Henry, Noooooooooooooooo!!!!
I know Barry has father figures to spare, but he only JUST got over his mother being murdered! FIX THIS, show.

Edited by Trini
  • Love 3

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