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S32.E13: With Me Or Not With Me

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I also don't think it's truly possible to control everything in Survivor and be a "mastermind" unless production essentially helps set that up (looking at Boston Rob's win).  Too many different people, and luck comes into play more often than is credited.  I can think of one or two times that someone in a pretty good situation has been sent home early by the random reassignment of players to new tribes.  You are going to have to scramble at times or do things you'd prefer not to do to make it to the end. All four players left have done this, I think.

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5 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I think Aubry wins.  The editors are painting this entire season as a story from her perspective.

Do they actually know who wins before the votes are revealed on tv?  I kind of picture Jeff taking that thing with him everywhere, and keeping it on a special shelf in his bathroom until reveal night.

3 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:


I'm on a Surface, which is kind of a tablet/laptop hybrid and I noticed a tip somewhere on the site that said to find the little black box in the upper left corner of the quote box (maybe you have to click on the quote box?), then click on that and hit delete.  I think.  

Me too, a Pro 3, and while I can find that box it doesn't give me a delete option (just a 'move'). :)

1 hour ago, laurakaye said:

I guess for Bounty's eulogy, they could stand there and try to identify his horrible back tattoo, that'd be fun too.

I've googled like crazy for a pic of that - does anyone have one?

4 hours ago, LanceM said:

Okay, your 32nd finale is but a week away. Tease us up for three-hour finale/reunion extravaganza.
It’s a very exciting finish. The drama is definitely not over. There will be more surprises, another Survivor first, tears, and a very fulfilling final Tribal Council. This should be a really good conclusion to what fans are telling me has been a really entertaining season. And as always, Mr. Ross – I’ve enjoyed our weekly chats!

When haven't there been tears?  Tai is weeping away every episode and the others aren't far behind.

The finale is next Wednesday?  Not Sunday, right?

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7 hours ago, candall said:

My main problem with Cydney is that I think she's very quick to taking offense.

For example, when Joe wanted more firewood, she got up and went to get some but she was furious about why couldn't she just rest for a few minutes.  I don't think it would have hurt her game or reputation to simply stay put.   "Joe, are you feeling a chill?  'Cuz we're good on water and it's about a thousand degrees right now."  Do it, or don't do it, but why so pissed off?

Cydney seems to get offended easily, but she does a good job of hiding it from those who offend her.  She may complain to Aubry or Michelle about Joe/Tai/Jason/Scott, but she doesn't get into arguments with the ones who offend her.  She keeps herself from becoming a target that way.  The only time Cydney's been targeted was after the Dumb Duo figure out that she "back-stabbed" them.  


5 hours ago, laurakaye said:

Count me in as someone who really wants to see the March of the Fallen Comrades or whatever it's called.  I want to see the Final 3 saunter up to Scot and Bounty's snuffed torch, look at one another, wondering who is going to give the best soundbite, only to have all three shrug their shoulders and wander off to the next torch.

I guess for Bounty's eulogy, they could stand there and try to identify his horrible back tattoo, that'd be fun too.

I can see it now - 

Survivor 1: Kyle Jason...I am still surprised they let him be on this season with his skin condition.

Survivor 2: Skin condition? You mean his tattoos?

Survivor 1: Tattoos? Those were tattoos? What were they supposed to be tattoos of?

Survivor 2: Beats me.  Anyway, one of us should say something nice so that we can move on to the next one. 

Survivor 1: Um...

Survivor 3: Um... 

Survivor 1: Oh great! It's like when we walked up to Scot's torch all over again ...We stand there for fifteen minutes until somebody says "He was a tall guy."

Survivor 3: Well, how about this - Jason, he had an interesting beard.  

Survivors 2: Works for me.  Now, where is Joe's torch?

  • Love 6
21 hours ago, SnarkKitty said:

Now what now?? Without any proof at all that she didn't lightly chide "be careful with all that beef Mr. Joe, you could end up with a stomachache" ... Cydney is now a stone cold wannabe killer? If merely not speaking up means you're responsible, then the producers of this segment are really going to hang. I mean, it WAS their mean and strategic serving of meat to an old man who couldn't be expected to be responsible for himself that set in motion the plot to kill old Joe. 


I didn't say Cydney was a killer. But if you do just pluck words out of context and rearrange them, I guess you could come up with that. My point was there were any number of reasons why a person with a heart would be crying in that situation.

Joe got carried away, and she knew he'd suffer for it - though not in the way he did - and she just sat back smirking. I can only go on the footage I see on  my screen. And I view what I saw and heard as either mean, strategic, or a combination of the two.

Let my just say, if I was in her situation I would feel guilty and I would hold myself responsible for not speaking up, seeing that man in so much pain.

  • Love 1
22 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Where the heck did this idea come from?

I do not think Cydney has just 'lied low' the whole game . . . But just because the editors don't delve far into Cydney's brain and neuroses like they do with Aubry does it mean she "laid low".

Cydney herself has said at least once in a confessional that she's been laying low so that's probably where it's coming from. I think she might be talking more about how she hasn't had any blowups at people when they piss her off though. She seems like someone who would most likely pop off on you easily and she's been holding back since she gets pissed at someone in virtually every episode.

18 hours ago, simplyme said:

I also don't think it's truly possible to control everything in Survivor and be a "mastermind" unless production essentially helps set that up (looking at Boston Rob's win). 

Of if you're Kim Spradlin. I am fairly sure Production wasn't helping her win!

I love this F4 because I feel like they all have been playing and playing well for the most part. I feel that's pretty rare.

  • Love 4
On 5/12/2016 at 5:29 PM, Lamima said:

My thoughts are that Joe was having medical issues for a while...as noted above, he had been slower the past few episodes and not very sharp thinking either (spelling Immunity) and I even mentioned somewhere, here or another forum, that he was useless. So I wonder if this episode was more scripted/contrived. Like they knew he had to leave the game for medical resaons and they devised that challenge so he could win (and boy did it go all too perfectly) and go eat all that meat and blame his exit on that and then he pretty much took away the TC (where Tai would use his II) and someone would get voted off. And Cydney pointing out that he would be hurting after eating all that meat. Either extremely coincidentally foreshadowing or scripted. Just MOO! And he did seem way more sharp and peppy in his Ponderosa after his medical treatment.

Personally, I thought Cyd's TH might have been recorded after Joe's evac.  Monday morning quarterbacks are the smartest there is.

Also - I suspect Joe's digestive issues may have gone beyond simple constipation.  Back when Atkins was all the rage, I had some friends and family display the same sort of severe distress when they shifted overnight from a meat-light to total-meat diet.  Several were diagnosed with diverticulitis.

Obviously should've been keeping up with this thread. Am I the only one who turned on CBS last night and thought it was the finale? :(

On 5/13/2016 at 5:01 PM, Cynna said:

Do they actually know who wins before the votes are revealed on tv?  I kind of picture Jeff taking that thing with him everywhere, and keeping it on a special shelf in his bathroom until reveal night.

I greatly enjoy this visual.

Re: Jason's back tattoos, I am no tattoo expert, but I'm hoping at least one of them is unfinished?  They do that sometimes right, start it out with an outline and it's too big so they have to come back multiple times to finish it?  So maybe it'll be beautiful at the end....

I also strongly think Cydney's talking head was recorded after the evac.  Or maybe after they had gotten back from reward and Joe wasn't feeling too well.

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Do they actually know who wins before the votes are revealed on tv?  I kind of picture Jeff taking that thing with him everywhere, and keeping it on a special shelf in his bathroom until reveal night.

By "they" do you mean the editors, or the contestants?

I'm sure there's a way to have keep the editors out of the loop by having the final editing decisions (at least in terms of which scenes to include) decided by someone higher-up in Production.  

Of course, whoever handles the camera that the contestants speak into when casting their votes would know.  I'm sure that camera is mounted rather than hand-held, but someone is in charge of placing and retrieving it.

As far as the contestants, I don't think there's anything to really prevent them from talking to each other after the fact.  Indeed, I'd be surprised if the jury doesn't know which way the votes are going before they even tape the FTC.  

For me, the interesting observation is that someone probably knows that they've won $1 Million, and has had to sit on that information for over a year now.  And what do the Rules provide for in the event that a particular season never makes it air for whatever reason?  I know on Burnett's Pirate reality show that got canned mid-season they simply aired the rest of the season online.  But what if there was some reason that a season was put on hold indefinitely?  I'm sure that's provided for in the Rules.  And I'm sure it wouldn't be a huge deal.  But I'm just curious.  And, at what point did the winner of this season start to worry about this season ever getting aired?

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On 5/12/2016 at 6:21 PM, Alapaki said:

I'm sure no one would've chosen it as a strategy, but I do believe that as it turned out Joe had an advantage by being able to toss his last sack of sand-bags at his own pace and time, without having to rush to beat the others.


Aubry had essentially the same advantage.  Joe was far, far behind her (and hadn't retrieved his last bag yet nor had he landed many in the targets), she had as much time as Joe with her final toss from a practical standpoint.

On 5/13/2016 at 5:01 PM, Cynna said:

Do they actually know who wins before the votes are revealed on tv?  I kind of picture Jeff taking that thing with him everywhere, and keeping it on a special shelf in his bathroom until reveal night.


Production certainly knows who won.  As pointed out the jurors probably know as well - they talk amongst themselves, they've been talking at Pondorosa, etc.  They do a fairly good job of keeping the number of people in the know pretty small, though.  The storylines they choose to highlight during the season are based on the knowledge of knowing exactly how things turn out.

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On 5/13/2016 at 5:31 PM, Winston9-DT3 said:

Thanks.  I can't find a better shot.  I seem to recall seeing some close ups of it but I can't find them.  

But google shows us this lovely 'anus' one under his armpit.  WTH.


LOLOLOLOL *snort* LOLOL...I wonder if he meant to spell "annus?"  Or...I don't even know, why would one tattoo that word under one's armpit with what looks like a psychedelic tree?  I mean, this almost makes the scary tree-lady being eaten by the half-finished octopus on his back look like an artistic masterpiece.


On 5/13/2016 at 6:04 PM, Rick Kitchen said:

Looks like a pine tree air freshener in "anus" scent.

Actually, now that I've studied it (and now than my brain can never un-see it), this is exactly what it looks like.  And this begs the question: WTF?!??

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9 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

Actually, now that I've studied it (and now than my brain can never un-see it), this is exactly what it looks like.  And this begs the question: WTF?!??

That tattoo has mentally-challenged-high-teenager written all over it, with an extra helping of stupidity.  Like if you're high you and your dumb-and-dumber bros might think an anus-scented air freshener is the funniest thing in the world.  But there is still a massive leap to the point where you get it inked!

This makes me wonder even more about the woman who would marry him. 

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On 5/13/2016 at 7:56 AM, SnarkKitty said:

Now what now?? Without any proof at all that she didn't lightly chide "be careful with all that beef Mr. Joe, you could end up with a stomachache" ... Cydney is now a stone cold wannabe killer? If merely not speaking up means you're responsible, then the producers of this segment are really going to hang. I mean, it WAS their mean and strategic serving of meat to an old man who couldn't be expected to be responsible for himself that set in motion the plot to kill old Joe. 

Still perplexed that Aubrey hasn't drawn any fire for not being responsible for her second vote's overindulgence. Even though she was there too. And also had to know that much meat to a non-regular meat eater who hadn't eaten in days wouldn't end well. Interesting that she'd want to kill Joe off too by not warning him.

I may be forgetting some of the episodes, but I just can't remember a single one where ANYONE stood up for someone against bad or bullying treatment. And that includes Joe's rude verbally abusive treatment.     

I agree.  Cydney probably thought he'd just get a little sick.  She didn't know about Joe's prostate problems; but Joe himself knew.  Eating 3 feet of beef would've probably made a lot of people sick.  Frankly, the way people criticized Cydney for being all "Don't tell me what to do!" last episode, if she had said something to Joe and he ended up fine, she would've likely been criticized then for being a "hypocrite" for "telling others what to do" and not letting Joe (a grown man) enjoy his only reward.

Anyway I'm ready for the season finale.  I want to know Mark's fate at the reunion.

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