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The Andy Griffith Show - General Discussion

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Andy spoke about his father a couple of times, but never his mother, so maybe that’s why Aunt Bee helped to raise him. So let’s put her in the category of died when he was little.

Episode 1 aired today, and Bee said about Opie “He’s going through such a difficult time now....” and with Rose leaving, that might be what she was referring to. I got the impression Rose was a babysitter/housekeeper who didn’t live there. 

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On 5/5/2018 at 9:39 PM, cooksdelight said:

@Maverick, thank you for that info. It was indeed that episode I saw not long ago (again) where the special love was mentioned. 

I’d still like to know how/why she died. One of those things that will always make me wonder. I met Andy Griffith in Manteo many years ago and I should have asked him. LOL

Was he a grouch?

My local station showed the episode tonight where Barney gets the motorcycle.  In it, Opie has a woodburning set, and I don't think he's more than 9 or 10.  I can't imagine parents today giving their 9-year-old a woodburning set.  Do they even make woodburning sets any more? 

It's amazing that we all survived childhood.  We had a woodburning set, and lawn darts, and the pogo sticks with the exposed giant springs.  It was great fun.

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On 5/31/2018 at 7:09 PM, Browncoat said:

It's amazing that we all survived childhood.  We had a woodburning set, and lawn darts, and the pogo sticks with the exposed giant springs.  It was great fun.

It's amazing my family survived! My little brother (who was an absolute menace) got a wood burning kit at that age and to this day I can't believe my mom allowed him to have it. She stayed with him while he used it, but I'm sure he played with it when she was at work.

Topic? I saw one the other day where Barney and Opie come out of that backroom at the courthouse, laughing together because Barney taught Opie a joke ("Pa, ask me did I take a bath this morning" "Didya take a bath?" "Why? Is there one missing?") I love that the show didn't just use Barney as the butt of jokes. He was Opie's pal, a good friend to Andy, kind to Aunt Bee and could be in on the jokes. (Compared to say, Ted Baxter on Mary Tyler Moore.)

Edited by Nordly Beaumont
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I was thinking of all the names of the various characters, and found this about Opie.


According to Howard himself, who once explained the origin of the name to Jay Leno, Opie was named after bandleader and actor Opal “Opie” Taft Cates, a popular clarinetist from swing-era Arkansas. ... The diminuative nickname of Asbjorn evolved from "Asbie" to "Obby" to "Oppy" to "Opie," which could mean "Son of Asbjorn."Jan 6, 2017

And did you know ... George Lindsay (who played Goober) originally tried out for the role of Gomer, which went to Jim Nabors.

On 5/31/2018 at 6:09 PM, Browncoat said:

My local station showed the episode tonight where Barney gets the motorcycle.  In it, Opie has a woodburning set, and I don't think he's more than 9 or 10.  I can't imagine parents today giving their 9-year-old a woodburning set.  Do they even make woodburning sets any more? 

It's amazing that we all survived childhood.  We had a woodburning set, and lawn darts, and the pogo sticks with the exposed giant springs.  It was great fun.

My son's 5th grade art teacher did it for a project.  Iv was taking a Women'sWoodworking class at the time and provided her with different scrap woods. They smell distincly different when burned. It was cool art and we still have his wood piece with a buffalo silhouette. 

Watching TAGS this summer every day.  I wanted to live in Mayberry when I was little. And eventually marry Andy. And fix up the haunted Crenshaw place.  

I thought Helen was classy and reserved like Andy.  

Loved Earnest T. Bass.

Roger Miller, the singer/songwriter was great too. So young. 

I saw John McEuen perform,  from Nitty Gritty Dirt Band , a few months ago and he talked about the Darlings being extremely accomplished musicians that were well respected by fellow pickers, except the dad, Denver Pyle (?), who was an actor.  

I love TAGS and all the actors and guest stars. 

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I wasn't sure where to put this, so I figured here would be as good as anywhere else.  Today on TVLand (or METV or similar), I was watching the episode where Andy & Barney arrest a peddler for selling out of his truck without a permit.  I believe Don Rickles played the peddler.   Anyway, there was a scene where they were shouting and arguing in the street with many town folk watching.  All the men and most of the ladies were wearing hats, including the peddler.  Of course this was very common in the 50's but I realized that Andy himself almost never wore a hat neither in or out of uniform.  In this same scene, Barney was wearing his police hat, but I don't think Andy ever wore one.   Did AG just not like hats????

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On 10/8/2018 at 7:03 PM, BigBingerBro said:

Anyway, there was a scene where they were shouting and arguing in the street with many town folk watching.  All the men and most of the ladies were wearing hats, including the peddler.   Of course this was very common in the 50's . . . 

If you enjoy looking behind the scenes then you will enjoy this:

There is a bit more to your observation watching this on television.  Stage managers will be clear about,  "This is a scene shot on a Saturday afternoon, so wear what you normally wear on a Saturday afternoon."  But nobody listens.  This is their 15 minutes (or 3 seconds) of fame, so everybody wears their Sunday best when they come in to be an extra  It's just human nature.

It's pretty noticeable in some of the scenes.  Watch the extras in the background and you'll see it.

Edited by TheLastKidPicked
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Watched an episode tonight on METV and Aunt Bee’s sister (Nora?) and her husband and their 2 sons come to visit. Strange that Nora would have such young boys - about Opie’s age, when Nora is Andy’s Aunt. The uncle even mentions having taught Andy everything he knows when Andy was growing up. They should have been the boys’ grandparents.

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I miss all of our previous conversations. :(

You know me and my inconsisties/flubs .... today when Sam Becker’s wife was about to give birth, Andy called to tell Barney to come right away. Barney called Floyd to come and get him, as there’s only the one squad car. How Barney got there is anyone’s guess.

When the shoe salesman came to town and everyone was auditioning, the one guy playing the mouth harp had background accompanying music. Which drove me nuts in every single Jim Lindsey episode.

I just watched the Roger Hanover episode that was on this morning. Only saw it once years ago and forgot how annoying Roger was. Those corny sayings and stupid jokes! 

Andy’s acting was superb though. How he conveyed disdain for Roger by the flick of an eyebrow or a slight downturn of the mouth. 

What a great episode!

I just watched the Roger Hanover episode that was on this morning. Only saw it once years ago and forgot how annoying Roger was. Those corny sayings and stupid jokes! 

Andy’s acting was superb though. How he conveyed disdain for Roger by the flick of an eyebrow or a slight downturn of the mouth. 

What a great episode!

My goodness, Andy got a lot of action!  I barely watched this show growing up, and I always thought it was Andy and Helen, always.  I had no idea of the great girlfriends in earlier seasons!

11 hours ago, Miss Chevious said:

I just watched the Roger Hanover episode that was on this morning. Only saw it once years ago and forgot how annoying Roger was. Those corny sayings and stupid jokes! 

Andy’s acting was superb though. How he conveyed disdain for Roger by the flick of an eyebrow or a slight downturn of the mouth. 

What a great episode!

Is this the one where the suitor finally sits on the porch with Andy and basically offers to leave if Andy will pay him off?  It was more subtle than that, but Andy's expression of "OH, so THAT'S your game, I KNEW IT!"  was all indicated by one adjustment of his facial muscles.  It was wonderful.  And then Andy called his bluff. 

Edited by freddi

Either my hearing is bad or I just caught another goof.

In the episode with the first appearance of Malcolm Merriweather, Aunt Bee is going out of town and tells Andy that Mrs. Edwards is going to leave her car in their driveway and he can use it any time. Later, Andy says something about having Flora’s old car.

If anyone else knows whether or not I’m hearing things, let me know. LOL

My local station just showed the episode where Barney gives a ticket to the guy (played by Allan Melvin) sweeping litter from the store into the street, who then threatens Barney's life.  Andy gets the Judo instructor to wear Barney's salt-and-pepper suit and beat the crap out of the store guy.  Then Barney gives store guy a speech about how he (Barney) should be respected regardless of what he's wearing, that he's the law.

It occurred to me as I was watching that that speech is very similar to the one Barney gives to the guys who are illegally selling produce on the side of the road in a different episode, and one of those guys is played by Allan Melvin.  I'm not sure which episode came first, but I guess Allan Melvin's characters just can't get the message.  LOL

  • LOL 2

Allan Melvin played a lot of parts on the show, good guys and bad guys. Then he played Sgt. Hacker on Gomer Pyle, USMC.

- Howard's Main Event (1967) ... Clyde Plaunt

- Barney's Uniform (1964) ... Fred Plummer

- Andy's Vacation (1964) ... Escaped Prisoner

- Ernest T. Bass Joins the Army (1963) ... Recruiting Sergeant

- Barney's First Car (1963) ... Jake, Myrt's Accomplice

- Lawman Barney (1962) ... Neal

- Andy and Barney in the Big City (1962) ... Hotel Detective Bardoli

- Jailbreak (1962) ... Clarence 'Doc' Malloy

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On 11/10/2018 at 2:38 AM, OpieTaylor said:

Watched an episode tonight on METV and Aunt Bee’s sister (Nora?) and her husband and their 2 sons come to visit. Strange that Nora would have such young boys - about Opie’s age, when Nora is Andy’s Aunt. The uncle even mentions having taught Andy everything he knows when Andy was growing up. They should have been the boys’ grandparents.

This never made sense to me either.

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The episode is on now where Andy tries to take a week off with Barney and Gomer in charge. He tells Aunt Bee to put some things together for him, he’s going up to the mountains for a week.

How’d he get there? Barney has the squad car, Andy has no car. Hitchiked? LOL, the continuity bloopers always make me laugh. 

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On 2/20/2019 at 6:09 PM, cooksdelight said:

Allan Melvin played a lot of parts on the show, good guys and bad guys. Then he played Sgt. Hacker on Gomer Pyle, USMC.

And later, Alice's boyfriend Sam the butcher on The Brady Bunch, and Barney Hefner on All in the Family, to name a couple off the top of my head. 🙂

We've been binge watching a couple of AGS  episodes a night.  We laughed and laughed and I was surprised how many I remembered!  Sadly, we're now in the 6th season and the funny seemed to disappear just as the color appeared.  Warren is so not funny and even Goober isn't a great replacement for Gomer.  I'm guessing Howard Sprague is soon to arrive.  The biggest change of all is the lack of Barney.  Even Ange doesn't seem happy without him, just cranky all the time.  Opie can't help growing older and he remains pretty darn cute.  

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There are a few color episodes I really like (Aunt Bee learning to drive & Howard/Millie's wedding come to mind), but overall I agree that much of the fun left when the color came. However, I'm loyal to the end....this is still the best show ever made...
Favorite episodes:
1. Briscoe Declares for Aunt Bee
2. Opie & the Spoiled Kid
3. Rafe Hollister Sings
4. A Wife For Andy
5. The Darling Baby
6. Andy Discovers America
7. The Fun Girls
8. The Rivals
9. Bailey's Bad Boy
10. Hot Rod Otis

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Yes, Howard will be along shortly (after a one-off stint as an insurance agent).  Howard's ok, but I hate the addition of Emmett in season 8. 

 The loss of Barney is huge in the color seasons, but beyond that the tone of the changes.  Even when Barney returns it doesn't feel the same.  Mayberry had a certain "other time" quality that made it feel removed from the era.  You never would have seen something like the episode with the very "now" school kids wanting to put on a mod show or Russians holding a summit in Mayberry in the B&W episodes.  

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