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6 hours ago, Dejana said:

After the director drama and shooting so much of the film over again, I was surprised Solo didn't move to early August, to give it a bit more time away from The Last Jedi and for there to be time to cut better trailers/ads . Maybe they should have just stuck with the Lord/Miller version? It probably also would have flopped by Star Wars standards, but on a much lower budget, at least.

Yeah, they should have pushed it to August.  They dropped it without much adverting for a Star Wars movie, against Deadpool 2 and Infinity War.  They should have pushed it back so it had less competition.

  • Love 3

Will Solo make it to $400 million worldwide? Internationally, it fell behind Deadpool 2's weekend and the domestic hold was bad even for post-Memorial Day weekend standards. Book Club, on the other hand, has another great hold, the lowest drop in the Top 10.

June 1–3, 2018 Estimates:

1 (1)  Solo: A Star Wars Story   $29,296,000 | 4,381 Theaters | $6,687 Avg. | $250M Budget | $148,888,692     
2 (2)  Deadpool 2   $23,325,000 | 4,161 Theaters | $5,606 Avg. | $110M Budget | $254,652,438
3 (N)  Adrift   $11,510,000 | 3,015 Theaters | $3,818 Avg. | $35M Budget | $11,510,000     
4 (3)  Avengers: Infinity War   $10,371,000 | 3,570 Theaters | $2,905 Avg. | $316-400M Budget | $642,869,932
5 (4)  Book Club   $6,800,000 | 3,169 Theaters | $2,146 Avg. | $10M Budget | $47,316,748     

6 (N)  Upgrade   $4,458,000 | 1,457 Theaters | $3,060 Avg. | $3-5M Budget | $4,458,000     
7 (5)  Life of the Party   $3,455,000 | 2,511 Theaters | $1,376  Avg. | $30M Budget | $46,300,630     
8 (6)  Breaking In   $2,815,000 | 1,682 Theaters | $1,674 Avg. | $6M Budget | $41,346,015
9 (N)  Action Point   $2,315,000 | 2,032 Theaters | $1,139 Avg. | $19M Budget | $2,315,000     
10 (8)  Overboard   $1,975,000 | 1,228 Theaters | $1,608 Avg. | $12M Budget | $45,523,194

11 (9)  A Quiet Place   $1,780,000 | 1,156 Theaters | $1,540 Avg. | $17M Budget | $183,529,198
12 (7)  Show Dogs   $1,550,794 | 2,327 Theaters | $666 Avg. | $5.5M Budget | $14,626,275
13 (10)  RBG   $1,100,000 | 432 Theaters | $2,546 Avg. | $7,875,859     
14 (11)  Rampage   $598,000 | 502 Theaters | $1,191 Avg. | $120M Budget | $95,089,209
15 (17)  First Reformed   $455,435 | 91 Theaters | $5,005 Avg. | $1.1M Budget | $1,057,231

I Feel Pretty   $310,000 | 315 Theaters | $984 Avg. | $32M Budget | $48,346,747
Black Panther   $247,000 | 284 Theaters | $870 Avg. | $200M Budget | $699,129,949
Disobedience   $211,271 | 158 Theaters | $1,337 Avg. | $6M Budget | $3,056,788
American Animals   $140,629 | 4 Theaters | $35,157 Avg. | $3M Budget | $140,629     


International Box Office:

AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR:  $1.323B Overseas Total | $1.964B Global Total
BLACK PANTHER:  $646.2M Overseas Total | $1.345B Global Total

DEADPOOL 2:  $344M Overseas Total | $598.6M Global Total
READY PLAYER ONE:  $443.9M Overseas Total | $579.7M Global Total

THE GREATEST SHOWMAN:  $258.8M Overseas Total | $432.8M Global Total
RAMPAGE:  $320.7M Overseas Total | $415.7M Global Total
A QUIET PLACE:  $133M Overseas Total | $316.5M Global Total

SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY: $115.3M Overseas Total | $264.2M Global Total
A WRINKLE IN TIME:  $31.9M Overseas Total | $129.8M Global Total

  • Love 1

June 8–10, 2018 Final Numbers:

1 (N)  Ocean's 8   $41,607,378 | 4,145 Theaters | $$10,038 Avg. | $70M Budget | $41,607,378
2 (1)  Solo: A Star Wars Story   $15,748,575 | 4,335 Theaters | $3,633 Avg. | $250M Budget | $176,700,049    
3 (2)  Deadpool 2   $14,148,517 | 3,823 Theaters | $3,701 Avg. | $110M Budget | $279,164,058
4 (N)  Hereditary   $13,575,172 | 2,964 Theaters | $4,580 Avg. | $10M Budget | $13,575,172 (93% Rotten Tomatoes score, D+ CinemaScore)
5 (4)  Avengers: Infinity War   $7,238,699 | 2,882 Theaters | $2,512 Avg. | $316-400M Budget | $655,136,398

6 (3)  Adrift   $5,272,049 | 3,015 Theaters | $1,749 Avg. | $35M Budget | $21,962,065     
7 (5)  Book Club   $4,285,456 | 2,802 Theaters | $1,529 Avg. | $10M Budget | $56,959,580     
8 (N)  Hotel Artemis   $3,232,790 | 2,407 Theaters | $1,343 Avg. | $15M Budget | $3,232,790     
9 (6)  Upgrade   $2,384,415 | 1,458 Theaters | $1,635 Avg. | $3-5M Budget | $9,346,020     
10 (7)  Life of the Party    $2,167,142 | 1,842 Theaters | $1,147 Avg. | $30M Budget | $50,328,719

Breaking In   $1,442,755 | 1,162 Theaters | $1,242 Avg. | $6M Budget | $44,078,940
Overboard   $1,161,861 | 1,056 Theaters | $1,100 Avg. | $12M Budget | $47,589,440     
A Quiet Place   $1,053,285 | 904 Theaters | $1,165 Avg. | $17M Budget | $185,513,628
RBG   $744,787 | 375 Theaters | $1,986 Avg. | $9,178,359
First Reformed   $551,612 | 334 Theaters | $1,652 Avg. | $3.5M Budget | $1,757,019     

Won't You Be My Neighbor?   $475,419 | 29 Theaters | $16,394 Avg. | $475,419    
Believer   $146,630 | 32 Theaters | $4,582 Avg. | $146,630
Black Panther   $138,693 | 186 Theaters | $746 Avg. | $200-210M Budget | $699,389,760     
A Wrinkle in Time   $101,661 | 157 Theaters | $648 Avg. | $100M Budget | $98,141,968
Hearts Beat Loud   $74,524 | 4 Theaters | $18,631 Avg. | $74,524

International Box Office:

AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR:  $1.343B Overseas Total | $1.998B Global Total

DEADPOOL 2:  $376.5M Overseas Total | $655.2M Global Total
A QUIET PLACE:  $138.8M Overseas Total | $324.2M Global Total
SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY:  $136.1M Overseas Total | $312.2M Global Total

JURASSIC WORLD: FALLEN KINGDOM:  $151.1M Overseas and Global Total
OVERBOARD:  $31.3M Overseas Total | $78.9M Global Total
OCEAN'S 8:  $12.2M Overseas Total | $53.7M Global Total

Edited by Dejana
  • Love 2

Incredibles 2 shatters the opening weekend record for an animated film (previously Finding Dory at $135M). Will it play more like a frontloaded comic-book sequel or every other Pixar film that gets an A+ Cinemascore, i.e., legs for days? The latter could have it making a run at Black Panther and Infinity War as the top domestic film of the year. So much superhero fatigue!

Further down the chart, Disney managed to get A Wrinkle in Time over the $100M mark (ETA, on Monday! Even fudging the numbers has to have some basis in reality, I guess).  In warmer months. older movies benefit from being paired in double bills with a new movie from the same studio, at the nation's remaining drive in theaters (about 330). Still, this is one of the more...noticeable efforts in recent memory. I guess with Wrinkle being on streaming/DVD/Blu-Ray now, that this was the last gasp and subtlety had to go out the window.


June 15–17, 2018 Final Numbers:

1 (N)  Incredibles 2   $182,687,905 | 4,410 Theaters | $41,426 Avg. | $182,687,905
2 (1)  Ocean's 8   $18,968,184 | 4,145 Theaters | $4,576 Avg. | $70M Budget | $78,588,354
3 (N)  Tag   $14,947,396 | 3,382 Theaters | $4,420 Avg. | $28M Budget | $14,947,396     
4 (2)  Solo: A Star Wars Story   $10,001,056 | 3,182 Theaters | $3,143 Avg. | $193,765,143     
5 (3)  Deadpool 2   $8,681,501 | 3,212 Theaters | $2,703 Avg. | $110M Budget | $294,562,309

6 (N)  Superfly   $6,870,740 | 2,220 Theaters | $3,095 Avg. | $16M Budget | $9,012,057    
7 (4)  Hereditary   $6,855,063 | 2,998 Theaters | $2,287 Avg. | $10M Budget | $27,016,183
8 (5)  Avengers: Infinity War   $5,442,261 | 2,164 Theaters | $2,515 Avg. | $316-400M Budget | $664,346,211
9 (6)  Adrift   $2,200,332 | 1,929 Theaters | $1,141 Avg. | $35M Budget | $26,905,478    
10 (7)  Book Club   $1,827,492 | 1,656 Theaters | $1,104 Avg. | $10M Budget | $61,977,585

11 (N)  Gotti   $1,719,902 | 503 Theaters | $3,419 Avg. | $10M Budget | $1,719,902 (not bad considering the 0% on Rotten Tomatoes)
12 (N)  Race 3   $1,690,861 | 314 Theaters | $5,385 Avg. | $1,690,861     
13 (30)  A Wrinkle in Time   $1,678,797 | 245 Theaters | $6,852 Avg. | $100M Budget | $99,906,924
14 (8)  Hotel Artemis   $1,008,109 | 2,299 Theaters | $438 Avg. | $15M Budget | $5,821,628    
15 (19)  Won't You Be My Neighbor?   $1,002,709 | 96 Theaters | $10,445 Avg. | $1,710,413 

RBG   $498,234 | 290 Theaters | $1,718 Avg. | $10,116,762
Black Panther   $144,983 | 146 Theaters | $993 Avg. | $200-210M Budget | $699,613,337        
Eating Animals  
$34,524 | 2 Theaters | $17,262 Avg. | $34,524

International Box Office:

AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR:  $1.355B Overseas Total | $2.019B Global Total
BLACK PANTHER:  $646.4M Overseas Total | $1.346B Global Total

DEADPOOL 2:  $394.8M Overseas Total | $689.5M Global Total

JURASSIC WORLD: FALLEN KINGDOM:   $370M Overseas Total | $370M Global Total
SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY:  $146.7M Overseas Total | $339.5M Global Total
A QUIET PLACE:  $139.67M Overseas Total | $326M Global Total

INCREDIBLES 2:  $51.5M Overseas Total | $231.5M Global Total  
A WRINKLE IN TIME:  $32.1M Overseas Total | $132.1M Global Total
OCEAN'S 8:  $37.1M Overseas Total | $116.2M Global Total

Edited by Dejana
updated numbers, rankings
  • Love 1

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom is down from its immediate predecessor but meets the high end of its tracking. Deadpool 2 passes $300M, Solo: A Star Wars Story passes $200M and Ocean's 8 crosses the century mark.

June 22–24, 2018 Estimates:

1 (N)  Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom   $150,001,000 | 4,475 Theaters | $33,520 Avg. | $170M Budget | $150,001,000
2 (1)  Incredibles 2   $80,928,000 | 4,410 Theaters | $18,351 Avg. | $200M Budget | $350,374,690     
3 (2)  Ocean's 8   $11,650,000 | 3,656 Theaters | $3,187 Avg. | $70M Budget | $100,385,760
4 (3)  Tag   $8,200,000 | 3,382 Theaters | $2,425 Avg. | $28M Budget | $30,367,545     
5 (5)  Deadpool 2   $5,250,000 | 2,420 Avg. | $2,169 Theaters | $110M Budget | $304,150,321

6 (4)  Solo: A Star Wars Story   $4,045,000 | 2,338 Theaters | $1,730 Avg. | $250M Budget | $202,176,870     
7 (7)  Hereditary   $3,809,000 | 2,002 Theaters | $1,903 Avg. | $10M Budget | $35,000,966     
8 (6)  Superfly   $3,350,000 | 2,220 Theaters | $1,509 Avg. | $16M Budget | $15,266,395     
9 (8)  Avengers: Infinity War   $2,482,000 | 1,456 Theaters | $1,705 Avg. | $316-400M Budget | $669,466,449     
10 (15)  Won't You Be My Neighbor?   $1,875,000 | 348 Theaters | $5,388 Avg. | $4,129,778     

Book Club   $920,000 | 672 Theaters | $1,369 Avg. | $10M Budget | $64,659,212     
RBG   $425,000 | 209 Theaters | $2,033 Theaters | $10,863,730     
Hearts Beat Loud   $319,349 | 104 Theaters | $3,071 Avg. | $2M Budget | $795,020     
The Catcher Was a Spy   $122,494 | 49 Theaters | $2,500 Avg. | $122,494

The Seagull   $97,071 | 145 Theaters | $669 Avg. | $1,057,421
A Wrinkle in Time   $90,000 | 90 Theaters | $1,000 Avg. | $100M Budget | $100,389,926     
Black Panther   $74,000 | 115 Theaters | $643 Avg. | $200-210M Budget | $699,745,468     
The King   $29,050 | 2 Theaters | $14,525 Avg. | $29,050     

International Box Office:

AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR:  $1.361B Overseas Total | $2.03B Global Total

JURASSIC WORLD: FALLEN KINGDOM:  $561.5M Overseas Total | $711.5M Global Total
DEADPOOL 2:  $403M Overseas Total | $707.1M Global Total

INCREDIBLES 2:  $134.7M Overseas Total | $485M Global Total
SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY:  $151.3M Overseas Total | $353.4M Global Total

OCEAN'S 8:  $70.6M Overseas Total | $170.9M Global Total
HEREDITARY:  $13.2M Overseas Total | $48.2M Global Total

  • Love 1

June 29–July 1, 2018 Final Numbers:

1 (1)  Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom   $60,912,195 | 4,485 Theaters | $13,581 Avg. | $170M Budget | $265,699,530
2 (2)  Incredibles 2   $46,417,761 | 4,410 Theaters | $10,526 Avg. | $200M Budget | $440,601,275
3 (N)  Sicario: Day of the Soldado   $19,007,566 | 3,055 Theaters | $6,222 Avg. | $35M Budget | $19,007,566
4 (N)  Uncle Drew   $15,242,781 | 2,742 Theaters | $5,559 Avg. | $17-19M Budget | $15,242,781     
5 (3)  Ocean's 8   $8,332,661 | 3,426 Theaters | $2,432 Avg. | $70M Budget | $115,004,842     

6 (4)  Tag   $5,635,000 | 3,176 Theaters | $1,852 Avg. | $28M Budget | $41,133,539
7 (5)  Deadpool 2   $3,574,451 | 2,094 Theaters | $1,707 Avg. | $110M Budget | $310,474,309
8 (N)  Sanju   $2,723,349 | 356 Theaters | $7,650 Avg. | $2,723,349
9 (6)  Solo: A Star Wars Story   $2,687,670 | 1,654 Theaters | $1,625 Avg. | $250M Budget | $207,279,115     
10 (10)  Won't You Be My Neighbor?   $2,421,975 | 654 Theaters | $3,703 Avg. | $7,619,057

11 (7)  Hereditary   $2,286,810 | 1,424 Theaters | $1,606 Avg. | $10M Budget | $39,406,564
12 (9)  Avengers: Infinity War   $1,542,704 | 890 Theaters | $1,733 Avg. | $316-400M Budget | $672,625,416
13 (8)  Superfly   $1,403,058 | 1,157 Theaters | $1,213 Avg. | $16M Budget | $18,382,177
14 (11)  Book Club   $671,039 | 505 Theaters | $1,329 Avg. | $10M Budget | $66,073,632          
15 (12)  Rampage   $601,162 | 201 Theaters | $2,991 Avg. | $120M Budget | $30,124,851     

RBG   $415,979 | 185 Theaters | $2,189 Avg. | $11,550,341     
Hearts Beat Loud   $388,442 | 170 Theaters | $2,285 Avg. | $2M Budget | $1,295,308
Leave No Trace   $219,140 | 9 Theaters | $24,349 Avg. | $219,140    

Overboard   $200,126 | 193 Theaters | $1,037 Avg. | $12M Budget | $50,173,072
Three Identical Strangers   $171,503 | 5 Theaters | $34,301 Avg. | $171,503     
Black Panther   $34,301 | 80 Theaters | $405 Avg. | $200-210M Budet | $699,817,122

International Box Office:

JURASSIC WORLD: FALLEN KINGDOM:  $667.6M Overseas Total | $932.4M Global Total
DEADPOOL 2:  $408.7M Overseas Total | $719M Global Total
INCREDIBLES 2:  $207.1M Overseas Total | $646.8M Global Total

SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY:  $161.6M Overseas Total | $368.8M Global Total
OCEAN'S 8:  $95M Overseas Total | $209.7M Global Total

OVERBOARD:  $36.5M Overseas Total | $86.7M Global Total
HEREDITARY:  $20.2M OVerseas Total | $59.6M Global Total
SICARIO: DAY OF THE SOLDADO:  $8.4M Overseas Total | $27.4M Global Total
SANJU:  $22.1M Overseas Total | $24.7M Global Total

Edited by Dejana
updated numbers, rankings
  • Love 1
4 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

How is Hereditary's Box Office vs. budget?

Making four times the budget just domestically is always great, especially for a movie that's so out there and with such a poor CinemaScore, too (D+). The studio should definitely be thrilled: Hereditary is already only second to Lady Bird  as A24's all-time top film at the box office.

  • Love 1
On 7/2/2018 at 2:51 AM, PepSinger said:

C'mon, Black Panther, you can do it!


On 7/2/2018 at 11:33 AM, JessePinkman said:

Could Marvel do a double feature of BP and Ant-Man and the Wasp to help boost it's gross? They did that with A Wrinkle in Time and The Incredibles 2 I believe. Not that BP NEEDS more money but 700k is a nice round number.


19 hours ago, AimingforYoko said:

You mean 700m.

I would hope so (AMatW/BP double features), but think Disney knows Black Panther has other chances, like an awards season re-release if it comes to that, while A Wrinkle in Time needed much more help to get past the $100 million mark. There are also more incentives for a studio to push a movie past the $100M or $200M milestones, whereas $700M domestic is such lofty terrain for any movie that there wouldn't be standard industry clauses about it in the contracts for actors, execs, the syndication rights, etc.

Edited by Dejana
  • Love 3

July 6–8, 2018 Estimates:

1 (N)  Ant-Man and the Wasp   $76,030,000 | 4,206 Theaters | $18,077 Avg. | $162M Budget | $76,030,000     
2 (1)  Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom   $28,632,375 | 4,349Theaters | $6,584 Avg. | $175M Budget | $333,390,040
3 (2)  Incredibles 2   $28,406,423 | 4,349 Theaters | $6,906 Avg. | $200M Budget | $503,767,837
4 (N)  The First Purge   $17,150,000 | 3,031 Theaters | $5,658 Avg. | $13M Budget | $31,053,945     
5 (3)  Sicario: Day of the Soldado   $7,300,000 | 3,055 Theaters | $2,390 Avg. | $35M Budget | $35,302,070     

6 (4)  Uncle Drew   $6,625,000 | 2,742 Theaters | $2,416 Avg. | $17-19M Budget | $29,948,620
7 (5)  Ocean's 8   $5,285,000 | 2,604 Theaters | $2,030 Avg. | $70M Budget | $126,751,228
8 (6)  Tag   $3,105,000 | 2,157 Theaters | $1,439 Avg. | $28M Budget | $48,330,681     
9 (10)  Won't You Be My Neighbor?   $2,590,000 | 893 Theaters | $2,900 Avg. | $12,382,727     
10 (7)  Deadpool 2   $1,675,000 | 1,267 Theaters | $1,322 Avg. | $110M Budget | $314,546,400     

11 (N)  Sanju   $1,281,426 | 359 Theaters | $3,570 Avg. | $5,995,791   
12 (8)  Whitney   $1,265,572 | 451 Theaters | $2,806 Avg. | $1,265,572    
13 (11)  Hereditary   $1,000,000 | 744 Theaters | $1,344 Avg. | $10M Budget | $41,860,630     
14 (9)  Solo: A Star Wars Story   $982,000 | 778 Theaters | $1,262 Avg. | $250M Budget | $210,842,097     
15 (12)  Avengers: Infinity War   $865,000 | 506 Theaters | $1,709 Avg. | $316-400M Budget | $674,794,474

Sorry to Bother You   $717,302 | 16 Theaters | $44,831 Avg. | $717,302     
Three Identical Strangers   $717,008 | 51 Theaters | $14,059 Avg. | $1,041,955
Leave No Trace   $425,501 | 37 Theaters | $11,500 Avg. | $800,422     
Black Panther   $38,000 | 52 Theaters | $731 Avg. | $200-210M Budget | $699,882,707

International Box Office:

AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR:  $1.363B Overseas Total | $2.038B Global Total
JURASSIC WORLD: FALLEN KINGDOM:  $725.3M Overseas Total | $1.058B Global Total

INCREDIBLES 2:  $268.4M Overseas Total | $772.7M Global Total
DEADPOOL 2:  $412.7M Overseas Total | $727.2M Global Total

SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY:  $169M Overseas Total | $379.8M Global Total
OCEAN'S 8:  $110.1M Overseas Total | $236.8M Global Total
ANT-MAN AND THE WASP:  $85M Overseas Total | $161M Global Total

HEREDITARY:  $20.2M Overseas Total | $62.1M Global Total
TAG:  $12.5M Overseas Total | $60.8M Global Total
SANJU:  $51.2M Overseas Total | $57.2M Global Total
THE FIRST PURGE:  $10.9M Overseas Total | $41.9M Global Total
HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 3:  $5.7M Overseas & Global Total

Edited by Dejana

July 13–15, 2018 Final Numbers:

1 (N)  Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation   $44,076,225 | 4,267 Theaters | $10,330 Avg. | $80M Budget | $45,352,609 
2 (1)  Ant-Man and the Wasp   $29,097,859 | 4,206 Theaters | $6,918 Avg. | $161M Budget | $133,083,084
3 (N)  Skyscraper   $24,905,015 | 3,782 Theaters | $6,585 Avg. | $125M Budget | $24,905,015    
4 (3)  Incredibles 2   $16,262,898 | 3,705 Theaters | $4,389 Avg. | $200M Budget | $535,861,390
5 (2)  Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom   $16,199,430 | 3,695 Theaters | $4,384 Avg. | $170M Budget | $363,981,645

6 (4)  The First Purge   $9,312,530 | 3,038 Theaters | $3,065 Avg. | $13M Budget | $49,690,500
7 (16)  Sorry to Bother You   $4,208,881 | 805 Theaters | $5,228 Avg. | $5,273,833
8 (5)  Sicario: Day of the Soldado   $3,881,050 | 2,006 Theaters | $1,935 Avg. | $35M Budget | $43,231,395     
9 (6)  Uncle Drew   $3,186,625 | 1,702 Theaters | $1,872 Avg. | $18M Budget | $36,653,665     
10 (7)  Ocean's 8   $2,907,356 | 1,618 Theaters | $1,797 Avg. | $70M Budget | $132,253,292     

11 (9)  Won't You Be My Neighbor?   $1,947,845 | 868 Theaters | $2,244 Avg. | $15,886,132
12 (8)  Tag   $1,291,301 | 982 Theaters | $1,315 Avg. | $28M Budget | $51,333,258
13 (17)  Three Identical Strangers   $1,200,572 | 170 Theaters | $7,232 Avg. | $2,537,346     
14 (20)  Leave No Trace   $1,172,726 | 311 Theaters | $3,771 Avg. | $2,135,017     
15 (10)  Deadpool 2   $786,787 | 588 Theaters | $1,338 Avg. | $110M Budget | $316,242,407  

Eighth Grade   $263,797 | 4 Theaters | $65,949 Avg. | $263,797 (2018's best per theater average)
Soorma   $168,354 | 50 Theaters | $3,367 Avg. | $168,354    
Don't Worry, He Won't Get Far on Foot   $83,339 | 4 Theaters | $20,835 Avg. | $83,339
Shock & Awe   $45,856 | 100 Theaters | $459 Avg. | $45,856
Black Panther   $13,859 | 28 Theaters | $495 Avg. | $200-210M Budget | $699,900,852 

International Box Office:

JURASSIC WORLD: FALLEN KINGDOM:  $771.4M Overseas Total | $1.134B Global Total

INCREDIBLES 2:  $321.1M Overseas Total | $856.9M Global Total
DEADPOOL 2:  $414.5M Overseas Total | $730.8M Global Total

SOLO:  A STAR WARS STORY:  $172.7M Overseas Total | $384.6M Global Total
DYING TO SURVIVE:  $366.6M Overseas and Global Total
ANT MAN AND THE WASP:  $150.9M Overseas Total | $283.7M Global Total
OCEAN'S 8:  $119.2M Overseas Total | $251.4M Global Total

HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 3:  $54.8M Overseas Total | $100.1M Global Total
THE FIRST PURGE:  $23.1M Overseas Total | $72.6M Global Total
SKYSCRAPER:  $40.4M Overseas Total | $65.8M Global Total
SICARIO: DAY OF THE SOLDADO:  $15.8M Overseas Total | $59M Global Total

Edited by Dejana
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Sequels rule the Top 10, including the number one spot (Denzel and Meryl both appear in their first movie sequels, ever). The Mamma Mia franchise (as of the estimates, at least) misses out on the top spot, again: the first shared an opening weekend with The Dark Knight.

July 20–22, 2018 Final Numbers:

1 (N)  The Equalizer 2   $36,011,640 | 3,388 Theaters | $10,629 Avg. | $62M Budget | $36,011,640
2 (N)  Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again   $34,952,180 | 3,317 Theaters | $10,537 Avg. | $75M Budget | $34,952,180     
3 (1)  Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation   $23,765,709 | 4,267 Theaters | $5,570 Avg. | $80M Budget | $91,704,977
4 (2)  Ant-Man and the Wasp   $16,507,156 | 3,778 Theaters | $4,369 Avg. | $162-195M Budget | $165,005,448     
5 (4)  Incredibles 2   $11,895,063 | 3,164 Theaters | $3,760 Avg. | $200M Budget | $557,710,503

6 (3)  Skyscraper   $11,360,030 | 3,822 Theaters | $2,972 Avg. | $125-129M Budget | $47,149,150     
7 (5)  Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom   $11,263,420 | 3,381 Theaters | $3,331 Avg. | $170-187M Budget | $384,164,925     
8 (6)  The First Purge   $5,105,305 | 2,331 Theaters | $2,190 Avg. | $13M Budget | $60,316,670     
9 (N)  Unfriended: Dark Web   $3,653,035 | 1,546 Theaters | $2,261 Avg. | $1M Budget | $3,653,035
10 (7)  Sorry to Bother You   $2,863,420 | 1,050 Theaters | $2,727 Avg. | $3.2M Budget | $10,292,624     

11 (8)  Sicario: Day of the Soldado   $1,882,094 | 1,448 Theaters | $1,300 Avg. | $35-45M Budget | $47,087,747     
12 (10)  Ocean's 8   $1,605,504 | 1,002 Theaters | $1,602 Avg. | $70M Budget | $135,670,016     
13 (9)  Uncle Drew   $1,506,283 | 1,237 Theaters | $1,218 Avg. | $18M Budget | $40,008,757
14 (13)  Three Identical Strangers   $1,474,018 | 332 Theaters | $4,440 Avg. | $$4,642,259
15 (11)  Won't You Be My Neighbor?   $1,359,090 | 730 Theaters | $1,862 Avg. | $18,462,117

Leave No Trace   $922,971 | 361 Theaters | $2,557 Avg. | $3,644,864
Eighth Grade   $824,173 | 33 Theaters | $24,975 Avg. | $1,226,974
Blindspotting   $336,333 | 14 Theaters | $24,024 Avg. | $336,333

Don't Worry, He Won't Get Far on Foot   $266,497 | 62 Theaters | $4,298 Avg. | $381,522     
McQueen   $98,873 | 4 Theaters | $24,718 Avg. | $98,873     
Black Panther   $25,445 | 154 Theaters | $162 Avg. | $200-210M Budget | $699,932,307


International Box Office:

JURASSIC WORLD: FALLEN KINGDOM:  $813M Overseas Total | $1.196B Global Total
INCREDIBLES 2:  $383.1M Overseas Total | $940.4M Global Total

ANT-MAN AND THE WASP:  $188.9M Overseas Total | $353.5M Global Total
OCEAN'S 8:  $125.8M Overseas Total | $261.4M Global Total
HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 3: SUMMER VACATION:  $115.5M Overseas Total | $206.6M Global Total

SKYSCRAPER:  $85.1M Overseas Total | $131.8M Global Total
THE FIRST PURGE:  $36.3M Overseas Total | $96.4M Global Total
MAMMA MIA! HERE WE GO AGAIN:  $42.4M Overseas Total | $76.8M Global Total

Edited by Dejana
On 7/22/2018 at 3:27 PM, Which Tyler said:

Back up to a quarter of the necessary. But then, they did increase the number of theaters by 550% to get that

The theater count is dropping to 15 today, so it's probably not happening this weekend, either. OTOH, when Spectre made its slow craw to $200 million, it hit the mark by getting a near $5,000 theater average on its 20th weekend. Somehow it managed to make more in 9 theaters than it had 92 theaters three weeks earlier. Hollywood accounting at its finest! 


On 7/22/2018 at 2:48 PM, starri said:

Has Skyscraper opened in China yet?  Because its international take seems really low, given that it seemed to be aimed at Asia more than the English-speaking world.

Yeah, this past weekend, it's opening was around $48 million. Most of the industry reports about Skyscraper's box office have been mixed at best (because, well, reality), except for the ones that The Rock re-posts on his social media accounts:

Edited by Dejana
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July 27–29, 2018 Estimates:

1 (N)  Mission: Impossible – Fallout   $61,500,000 | 4,386 Theaters | $14,022 Avg. | $178M Budget | $61,500,000     
2 (2)  Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again   $15,000,000 | 3,514 Theaters | $4,269 Avg. | $75M Budget | $70,425,525     
3 (1)  The Equalizer 2   $14,000,000 | 3,388 Theaters | $4,132 Avg. | $62M Budget | $64,231,345
4 (3)  Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation   $12,305,000 | 4,005 Theaters | $3,072 Avg. | $80M Budget | $119,228,501     
5 (N)  Teen Titans Go! To The Movies   $10,510,000 | 3,188 Theaters | $3,297 Avg. | $10M Budget | $10,510,000     
6 (4)  Ant-Man and the Wasp   $8,400,000 | 3,013 Theaters | $2,788 Avg. | $162-195M Budget | $183,124,127     
7 (5)  Incredibles 2   $7,157,000 | 2,616 Theaters | $2,736 Avg. | $200M Budget | $572,780,648     
8 (7)  Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom   $6,775,000 | 2,685 Theaters | $2,523 Avg. | $170-187M Budget | $397,555,500
9 (6)  Skyscraper   $5,400,000 | 2,773 Theaters | $1,947 Avg. | $125-129M Budget | $59,152,760     
10 (8)  The First Purge   $2,230,000 | 1,400 Theaters | $1,593 Avg. | $13M Budget | $65,485,875     

Sorry to Bother You   $1,450,000 | 802 Theaters | $1,808 Avg. | $3.2M Budget | $13,351,421     
Blindspotting   $1,325,000 | 523 Theaters | $2,533 Avg. | $1,793,984
Eighth Grade   $1,317,561 | 158 Theaters | $8,339 Avg. | $2,966,398
Three Identical Strangers   $1,271,060 | 433 Theaters | $2,935 Avg. | $6,771,381

Won't You Be My Neighbor?   $720,000 | 464 Theaters | $1,552 Avg. | $20,061,937
Detective Dee: The Four Heavenly Kings   $132,000 | 31 Theaters | $4,258 Avg. | $132,000     
McQueen   $84,378 | 5 Theaters | $16,876 Avg. | $247,700
Black Panther   $3,000 | 15 Theaters | $200 Avg. | $200-210M Budget | $699,955,434


International Box Office:

JURASSIC WORLD: FALLEN KINGDOM:  $837.9M Overseas Total | $1.235B Global Total
INCREDIBLES 2:  $572.7M Overseas Total | $996.4M Global Total

HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 3: SUMMER VACATION:  $165M Overseas Total | $284.2M Global Total
OCEAN'S 8:  $132.7 Overseas Total | $269.9M Global Total
SKYSCRAPER:  $166.6M Overseas Total | $225.7M Global Total
MAMMA MIA! HERE WE GO AGAIN:  $96.7M Overseas Total | $167.2M Global Total
MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE FALLOUT:  $92M Overseas Total | $153.5M Global Total
THE FIRST PURGE:  $45.6M Overseas Total | $111M Global Total
HEREDITARY:  $33.9M Overseas Total | $77.7M Global Total

Edited by Dejana
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Winnie the Pooh loses out to Tom Cruise and Black Panther finally passes its last big box office milestone.  

August 3–5, 2018 Final Numbers:

1 (1)  Mission: Impossible — Fallout   $35,323,815 | 4,395 Theaters | $8,037 Avg. | $178M Budget | $124,811,186
2 (N)  Christopher Robin   $24,585,139 | 3,602 Theaters | $6,825 Avg. | $75M Budget | $24,585,139
3 (N)  The Spy Who Dumped Me   $12,103,043 | 3,111 Theaters | $3,890 Avg. | $40M Budget | $12,103,043   
4 (2)  Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again   $9,003,030 | 3,359 Theaters | $2,680 Avg. | $75M Budget | $91,247,580
5 (3)  The Equalizer 2   $8,755,907 | 2,725 Theaters | $3,213 Avg. | $62M Budget | $79,812,172   

6 (4)  Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation   $8,004,571 | 3,162 Theaters | $2,531 Avg. | $80M Budget | $136,260,452   
7 (6)  Ant-Man and the Wasp   $6,364,500 | 2,233 Theaters | $2,850 Avg. | $162-195M Budget | $195,645,935
8 (N)  The Darkest Minds   $5,842,609 | 3,127 Theaters | $1,868 Avg. | $34M Budget | $5,842,609
9 (7)  Incredibles 2   $4,980,232 | 1,802 Theaters | $2,764 Avg. | $200M Budget | $583,112,522
10 (5)  Teen Titans Go! To The Movies   $4,776,775 | 3,188 Theaters | $1,524 Avg. | $10M Budget | $20,701,332

11 (8)  Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom   $3,956,735 | 1,914 Theaters | $2,067 Avg. | $170-187M Budget | $405,564,810
12 (14)  Eighth Grade   $2,850,892 | 1,084 Theaters | $2,630 Avg. | $6,562,366
13 (N)  Death of a Nation   $2,356,522 | 1,005 Theaters | $2,345 Avg. | $2,356,522   
14 (9)  Skyscraper   $2,247,685 | 1,523 Theaters | $1,476 Avg. | $125-129M Budget | $64,477,850
15 (15)  Three Identical Strangers   $1,008,076 | 405 Theaters | $2,489 Avg. | $8,434,105

16 (10)  The First Purge   $930,325 | 708 Theaters | $1,314 Avg. | $13M Budget | $67,758,405
17 (12)  Sorry to Bother You   $802,152 | 404 Theaters | $1,986 Avg. | $3.2M Budget | $14,908,754    
18 (13)  Blindspotting   $663,849 | 523 Theaters | $1,269 Avg. | $3,176,335
19 (16)  Won't You Be My Neighbor?   $500,790 | 284 Theaters | $1,763 Avg. | $21,037,397
20 (17)  Sicario: Day of the Soldado   $364,345 | 216 Theaters | $1,687 Avg. | $35M Budget | $49,436,735

Along with the Gods: The Last 49 Days   $311,743 | 48 Theaters | $6,495 Avg. | $422,671
The Miseducation of Cameron Post   $48,683 | 2 Theaters | $24,319 Avg. | $48,683
Black Panther   $37,387 | 25 Theaters | $1,496 Avg. | $200-210M Budget | $700,006,415

International Box Office:

JURASSIC WORLD: FALLEN KINGDOM:  $854.5M Overseas Total | $1.260B Global Total
INCREDIBLES 2:  $463.9M Overseas Total | $1.047B Global Total

ANT-MAN AND THE WASP:  $230.8M Overseas Total | $426.2M Global TOtal
MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE — FALLOUT:  $205M Overseas Total | $329.5M Global Total
HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 3: SUMMER VACATION:  $202.3M Overseas Total | $338.7M Global Total

SKYSCRAPER:  $196.9M Overseas Total | $261.3M Global Total
MAMMA MIA! HERE WE GO AGAIN:  $139.2M Overseas Total | $230.5M Global Total
THE FIRST PURGE:  $53.2M Overseas Total | $120.9M Global Total

Edited by Dejana
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1 hour ago, AimingforYoko said:

Winnie the Pooh, political hot potato—who'd have ever thunk it? But I don't think Disney was ever expecting Pixar money from this, since the history of the character/story at the box office is actually not that great:

  • The Tigger Movie (2/11/2000): $45,554,533
  • Piglet's Big Movie (3/21/2003): $23,103,423
  • Pooh's Heffalump Movie (2/11/2005): $18,098,433
  • Winnie the Pooh (7/15/2011):  $26,692,846
  • Goodbye Christopher Robin (10/13/2017): $1,735,251 (more of a biopic than an adventure set in the universe, but the Mary Poppins version of that made $83M domestic)


The character's much more important to Disney for merchandising/direct-to-video/music/live action content than being a theatrical monster.

Edited by Dejana
On 6/3/2018 at 7:29 PM, Dejana said:

Black Panther   $247,000 | 284 Theaters | $870 Avg. | $200M Budget | $699,129,949


On 6/10/2018 at 6:45 PM, Dejana said:

Black Panther   $138,693 | 186 Theaters | $746 Avg. | $200-210M Budget | $699,389,760    



On 6/17/2018 at 8:42 PM, Dejana said:

Black Panther   $144,983 | 146 Theaters | $993 Avg. | $200-210M Budget | $699,613,337 



On 6/25/2018 at 4:11 AM, Dejana said:

Black Panther   $74,000 | 115 Theaters | $643 Avg. | $200-210M Budget | $699,745,468     


On 7/1/2018 at 7:33 PM, Dejana said:

Black Panther   $34,301 | 80 Theaters | $405 Avg. | $200-210M Budet | $699,817,122



On 7/8/2018 at 7:39 PM, Dejana said:

Black Panther   $38,000 | 52 Theaters | $731 Avg. | $200-210M Budget | $699,882,707



On 7/16/2018 at 4:21 AM, Dejana said:

Black Panther   $13,859 | 28 Theaters | $495 Avg. | $200-210M Budget | $699,900,852



On 7/22/2018 at 7:37 PM, Dejana said:

Black Panther   $25,445 | 154 Theaters | $162 Avg. | $200-210M Budget | $699,932,307



On 7/29/2018 at 8:59 PM, Dejana said:

Black Panther   $3,000 | 15 Theaters | $200 Avg. | $200-210M Budget | $699,955,434



16 hours ago, Dejana said:

Black Panther   $35,000 | 25 Theaters | $1,400 Avg. | $200-210M Budget | $700,004,026



I'm calling shenanigans. Hasn't hit that average since May 11-13

Edited by Which Tyler
6 hours ago, Which Tyler said:











I'm calling shenanigans. Hasn't hit that average since May 11-13


It looks like a double feature boost (studio pairs old movie with new movie at drive-in theaters, both titles get to claim all the money), which is a standard box office accounting tactic every studio uses in attempting to give a movie one last boost. Another method is when the grosses from sneak previews are rolled into the total of a movie that's already out. It doesn't usually happen so late into a movie's run these days, so it doesn't stand out as much, but this is a pretty mild case. If A Wrinkle in Time had been more popular, Black Panther could have been paired with Incredibles 2 and the increase from week to week wouldn't have been so drastic.

Edited by Dejana
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22 hours ago, Dejana said:

It looks like a double feature boost (studio pairs old movie with new movie at drive-in theaters, both titles get to claim all the money), which is a standard box office accounting tactic every studio uses in attempting to give a movie one last boost. Another method is when the grosses from sneak previews are rolled into the total of a movie that's already out. It doesn't usually happen so late into a movie's run these days, so it doesn't stand out as much, but this is a pretty mild case. If A Wrinkle in Time had been more popular, Black Panther could have been paired with Incredibles 2 and the increase from week to week wouldn't have been so drastic.

That all sounds like shenanigans to me.

16 hours ago, PepSinger said:

I don’t understand the point you’re trying to make. You haven’t provided a valid reason for questioning the box office numbers.

I think Which Teller may mean that using double feature boost numbers as part of both films' totals seems iffy.  At least, that's what it looks like to me.  It may be common practice but that doesn't mean it's entirely kosher.  Probably the numbers should be used for only the more popular film; that's just my take on it.

8 hours ago, proserpina65 said:

I think Which Teller may mean that using double feature boost numbers as part of both films' totals seems iffy.  At least, that's what it looks like to me.  It may be common practice but that doesn't mean it's entirely kosher.  Probably the numbers should be used for only the more popular film; that's just my take on it.

An even split between titles seems fair: the ticket price at a drive in is for the entire bill, many actually stay to watch the second/third movie, and you can't say for certain that the older movie(s) did nothing to draw the crowd.

Edited by Dejana
11 hours ago, Dejana said:

An even split between titles seems fair: the ticket price at a drive in is for the entire bill, many actually stay to watch the second/third movie, and you can't say for certain that the older movie(s) did nothing to draw the crowd.

That's true, and maybe that's the way it's done.  I'll confess to not really understanding how the studios figure it.


A new, surprise contender for the Participation Trophy Popular Film category at the Oscars? The Meg nearly doubled industry tracking. And BlackKklansman gets off to a solid start, though I wonder how far it will expand in upcoming weeks. Official estimates haven't been reported, but Crazy Rich Asians may have made $450,000 to $500,000 in previews on August 8 (in 354 theaters). It officially opens on Wednesday.


August 10–12, 2018 Estimates:

1 (N)  The Meg   $44,500,000 | 4,118 Theaters | $10,806 Avg. | $130-178M Budget | $44,500,000     
2 (1)  Mission: Impossible – Fallout   $20,000,000 | 3,888 Theaters | $5,144 Avg. | $178M  Budget | $161,967,284
3 (2)  Christopher Robin   $12,430,000 | 3,602 Theaters | $3,451 Avg. | $70M Budget | $50,019,317
4 (N)  Slender Man   $11,325,000 | 2,358 Theaters | $4,803 Avg. | $10M Budget | $11,325,000 (surpasses its budget, even with a D- CinemaScore)    
5 (N)  BlacKkKlansman   $10,799,000 | 1,512 Theaters | $7,142 Avg. | $15M Budget | $10,799,000

6 (3)  The Spy Who Dumped Me   $6,600,000 | 3,111 Theaters | $2,122 Avg. | $40M Budget | $24,560,385
7 (4)  Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again   $5,820,000 | 2,812 Theaters | $2,070 Avg. | $75M Budget | $103,831,200
8 (5)  The Equalizer 2   $5,500,000 | 2,373 Theaters | $2,318 Avg. | $62M Budget | $89,645,928
9 (6)  Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation   $5,110,000 | 2,589 Theaters | $1,974 Avg. | $80M Budget | $146,887,391     
10 (7)  Ant-Man and the Wasp   $4,048,000 | 1,863 Theaters | $2,173 Avg. | $162-195M Budget | $203,518,344

11 (9)  Incredibles 2   $3,532,000 | 1,545 Theaters | $2,286 Avg. | $200M Budget | $589,874,600
12 (N)  Dog Days   $2,630,000 | 2,442 Theaters | $1,077 Avg. | $10M Budget | $3,670,972     
13 (8)  The Darkest Minds   $2,100,000 | 3,127 Theaters | $672 Avg. | $34M Budget | $10,945,552     
14 (11)  Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom   $1,965,000 | 1,237 Theaters | $1,589 Avg. | $170-187M Budget | $409,632,945
15 (10)  Teen Titans Go! To The Movies   $1,770,000 | 1,437 Theaters | $1,232 Avg. | $10M Budget | $25,546,544

Eighth Grade   $1,625,000 | 1,084 Theaters | $1,499 Avg. | $10,092,043     
Sorry to Bother You   $425,000 | 204 Theaters | $2,083 Avg. | $3.2M Budget | $15,805,404
The Island   $282,500 | 40 Theaters | $7,063 Avg. | $282,500    


International Box Office:

JURASSIC WORLD: FALLEN KINGDOM:  $866.8M Overseas Total | $1.276B Global Total
INCREDIBLES 2:  $498.6 Overseas Total | $1.088B Global Total

ANT-MAN AND THE WASP:  $245.4M Overseas Total | $448.9M Global Total
MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - FALLOUT:  $275.6M Overseas Total | $437.5M Global Total
HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 3: SUMMER VACATION:  $231.4M Overseas Total | $378.2M Global Total

SKYSCRAPER:  $215.2M Overseas Total | $281.3M Global Total
MAMMA MIA! HERE WE GO AGAIN:  $177M Overseas Total | $280.8M Global Total
THE MEG:  $97M Overseas Total | $141.3M Global Total

Edited by Dejana
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