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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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Lucy: "Oh, Doc is consulting on some big fancy murder case out of town, with all these fancy detectives! I guess he's too good for us here in little old Port Charles!"

Rinse/repeat with different passive-aggressive remarks from various characters for the next 18 months, all because Jon Lindstrom didn't sit in the lobby forever without a contract.

Edited by jsbt
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I'm sure Ron will get something started for Kevin right before JL has to leave.

Nah. He'll just say he had something planned for Kevin but couldn't do it because JL had the audacity to get other work. Just like Robert/TR.

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I think they did have something planned for Robert. The problem was they couldn't give a clear picture to the performer of when and how because their scheduling, priorities and plotting are all over the fucking place, and IIRC they wouldn't give him a guaranteed contract. Then they acted like it was TR's fault for pursuing more solid leads for work - like, doesn't he know they are the future of soaps?

Edited by jsbt
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In the world of Frank and Ron that's just a minor break and he should be more patient.


That is honestly their attitude at this point, IMO, and one too much of the soap press supports; that these vets should just be grateful to work. (Ron was once frustrated enough to say as much about fans re: their critiquing some of the veterans' storylines, not long ago.) And while there is an element of truth to that take in some cases and their money is extremely tight, they choose to schedule and handle things the way they do. It's no way to continually treat the vast bulk of the veteran cast, especially certain performers whose stature demands some form of good faith commitment.

Edited by jsbt
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No  matter what Guza wrote I saw Carley get what was coming to her.! She went to his house to throw it in his face she was with the mobster, and AJ was the bad guy. Billy Warlock made me become an AJ fan. The actor can act , and what I did love about AJ was, he never backed down to Sonny except when he thought Sonny was actually going to kill him. He had him trussed up, and he waited when he was let go, he went to Mac who wouldn't believe him. .I have NEVER liked Alexis for the same reason. I put her in the same place as Sonny and Carley. .She got hers for a while, but Sonny and carley never have, Maybe until now but how long will that last ?

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I wonder if Geary was so in love with Bill Eckert because Bill had the whole theme of the lower class guy greedily/ desperately climbing for success. That was one of the more interesting aspects of Luke when that character was newer ... his desperation to never be poor again like he was as a kid. Bill had that side, as well, although his childhood was a lot less shitty -remember how money obsessed he eventually became.

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I think that's it, really. Bill Eckert was his and Gloria Monty's brainchild, his proof of his range and versatility as an actor outside of "Luke" and it tanked. Tony Geary was forced to pitch the return of Luke and Laura to ABC to keep his job. IMO he seemed to resent it somewhat at the time, in some of the press he did. Later on, he found ways to incorporate more of Bill into Luke, claiming it was really about restoring the character to an honest portrayal. In reality I think it went too far long ago.

Edited by jsbt
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Well, Ron is at it again. SOD reports they're looking to sign a 20-something male for a contract role:


to begin shooting in February. The character is described as, "Caucasian, late 20s. Handsome, dynamic, sex. A charming bad boy who gets in and out of trouble."



Add 10 years and it could be Johnny.

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I wouldn't be surprised if it was a Morgan re-cast.

BC booked some on-line show, and with KT leaving I don't think he'll be sticking around much longer.

Edited by Tiger
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BC booked some on-line show, and with KT leaving I don't think he'll be sticking around much longer.



Is it an online soap?  Online soaps don't seem to require that much of the actor's time.  There are a few that do them while also doing ones on TV.  I know Tristan Rogers is a main character on one while doing Y&R.

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BC booked some on-line show, and with KT leaving I don't think he'll be sticking around much longer.


Those web soaps are in no way fulltime gigs.  And I don't think KT leaving necessarily means he will (see: BB and KS).

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I'm sure Bryan's contract is probably 3-4 years and I doubt he has any outs to exercise as a newbie.

If Bryan were to leave anytime soon it'll probably be Frank's call for whatever reason.


ETA: plus I just realized the role says "late 20s", so that pretty much rules out Morgan.

Edited by ulkis
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General Hospital Now: Coming in January!

“You are really good looking. Have you had work done?” Host Nancy Lee Grahn (Alexis Davis) asks your favorite soap stars all the hard-hitting questions you have always wanted to ask. Featuring a panel of celebrity GH fans, soap studs, fun games and an overdose of side-splitting sketch comedy!



OK, I'm ashamed, but this looks really cute and I'm excited about it.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I thought I read here that the network told GH to knock it off with the mask crapola. But it seems to be a thing again?

And now I'm picturing Ron calling up the network execs, all "um, guys, so I have literally no idea how to end this story, or like, 3 of the stories I've got going right now - so can I pleeeeeease use masks again??"

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I thought I read here that the network told GH to knock it off with the mask crapola. But it seems to be a thing again?

And now I'm picturing Ron calling up the network execs, all "um, guys, so I have literally no idea how to end this story, or like, 3 of the stories I've got going right now - so can I pleeeeeease use masks again??"


In all honesty, I don't think the network gives a crap about content, just the numbers as they are the bottom line. The days of Frons and his fingers in the pie are long gone.

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I don't know if BC is leaving or not but I could understand it, if he wanted to test the waters and try to do something other than soaps. If the last Kristina can get a role on Primetime, why can't he?

IMO, this is the time for him to try.

Of the current cast, I think BC, RP and TRo are the most likely to leave of their own volition. And of those three, I think Tequan has the best chance of having major success.

That said, I'm still shocked that JT didn't leave after his contract so what do I know.

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Michael Logan ‏@TVGMLogan 11m11 minutes ago
I hugely admire Carlivati & team but if I wrote one more mask into this show I'd be too embarrassed to cash my check. #GH @GeneralHospital

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To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if Logan gets let go by TV Guide one of these days.  He produces almost nothing for the magazine itself (his column appears very sporadically these days) and very little content for the web site.

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That whole exchange annoys me. If Logan is going to criticize, stick with it. Don't LOL at Ron's oh-so-clever response. Say something that will actually make him give a real answer about the ridiculous stories.

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Yeah, I like the guy a lot, but like someone pointed out, Jason Thompson stayed past his first contract. Lots of talented people get sucked into staying. Plus, if he and Kelly are still together in a year and she hasn't gotten anything steady someone will have to keep paying for the bacon.

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I wouldn't be surprised if he did. He's cute and fun but he's not that amazing. And it's a steady paycheck.


I'm saying it because he never wanted to do a soap in the first place. He'll get bored and move on to something else. He's way young. And he can still model to make cash.

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I wouldn't be surprised if he did. He's cute and fun but he's not that amazing. And it's a steady paycheck.


I find that Bryan's acting tends to vary in quality depending on who he's scening with. I think he still kills it with Maura, the dismantling of Morgan and Ava aside. Unfortunately, he also tends to mirror some of Maurice's worst habits when he's interacting with Sonny - the whisper-screaming, the stammering, etc. I am sort of grateful that the show never decided to try pairing Morgan with Britt, since I would likely find them as charmless as Michael and Kaka. With that said, I think that he might be able to do well elsewhere, provided that he doesn't get stuck in the bad habits he's picking up from working with Maurice.

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I'm saying it because he never wanted to do a soap in the first place. He'll get bored and move on to something else. He's way young. And he can still model to make cash.

It's sad that actors themselves (still) look down on soaps. Personally, I think a few actors on this show alone could go toe-to-toe with the biggest stars out there. Maura West, Finola Hughes, and Laura Wright are three inparticular that always give a damn good performance no matter the level of writing.

ETA: I think on average, the women on this show are exceedingly more talented than the men. Though to be fair, Kristin and Michelle bring their average down tremendously. The two of them basically cancel out Kathleen, Jane, Nancy, Becky, and Constance combined.

Edited by Tiger
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BC has a 3 year contract with an option for a 4th. But yeah, as soon as it's up, I don't see him sticking around.


How far into his contract is it now? 2 years?


I could see it going either way with him. I think there's some chance he could get work on primetime and that he would try, but I could also see him just sticking with this guaranteed money. And I could easily see FV getting rid of him TBH.

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How far into his contract is it now? 2 years?


I could see it going either way with him. I think there's some chance he could get work on primetime and that he would try, but I could also see him just sticking with this guaranteed money. And I could easily see FV getting rid of him TBH.


More like a year and a half, since he started in May '13.


And I could easily see FV getting rid of him TBH.



imo, it'll depend on how much hair he'll have in a year and a half, poor boy.

Edited by ulkis
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