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It doesn't matter if Ron would have kept Todd/Carly together or not. The point is moot. Todd is gone and has been for a long time now. She got plenty of time with Roger as Franco, too, and now she's 'mourning' that as if she were leaving her real life husband. It's fucking ridiculous.


Based on that poster's paraphrased version of the interview, she didn't sound that upset at all, just making it clear that she and Roger have enjoyed working together. Calling her reaction similar to as if she were mourning her own husband is an exaggeration, IMHO. She makes the point to say she's excited to see what he'll do with the other actors now.

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Based on that poster's paraphrased version of the interview, she didn't sound that upset at all, just making it clear that she and Roger have enjoyed working together. Calling her reaction similar to as if she were mourning her own husband is an exaggeration, IMHO. She makes the point to say she's excited to see what he'll do with the other actors now.


Then why on earth is she talking about how she and Roger could barely look at each other while filming their last scenes together, as if it's a real life break up or something? Maybe she is glad he'll be subjected to working with The Staff now, but talking about how there were almost tears is ridic.

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And it's not like Carly and Franco are never going to cross paths again.  He's going to be taunting her, she'll probably swear revenge on him, etc.  It's just the romantic part of their on-screen relationship is O-V-E-R so her getting all "We cried!" about that is silly.  It's not like they were paired for years or anything.

Edited by TeeVee329
Bob Guza never treated past history as true as RC has done with AJ/Michael and Sonny and Carly




I have quite the beef with Guza for too many reasons to name before I have a rage black, however he would have left AJ dead, I don't see him bringing AJ back basically to serve as the sacrificial lamb for Sonny to kill and then Michael cuts Sonny and Carly out of his life over the act.


I think that Ron using AJ the way he has is deplorable. I'd much rather he'd been left dead then have to see what Ron's "vision" did to him. It drove Sean away because he couldn't even stand how terrible it all was, and I don't think that this supposed payoff of Michael "finally" cutting ties with Sonny was worth it. Imho the end did not at all justify the means, not even close.


Michael could have made his choice to break away from his bad parents over a number of reasons, but Ron using the history of AJ, Carly and Sonny to do this was so unnecessary to me, and frankly he didn't use their whole history anyway. There's a lot he left out and didn't even bother to bring up again or have resolved or anything.


I can't praise Ron for taking another section of GH history and needlessly giving it his own "special spin".

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I think he is using Sonny and Carly's history to get sympathy for  friggin Franco, of all people.




Don't forget about Jason too. I mean poor Franco had to find out he wasn't even Jason's actual twin and look at what it did to him...plus Carly admitted the "only" reason she even wanted him is because he made her feel closer to his not actual twin who he attempted to destroy along with all his loved ones...


I think that Ron has this belief that if he keeping writing something over and over and over again and has characters say the same shit over and over and over again eventually people will agree with him and see things his way.


He's like the kid in the grocery store who asks their mother for candy over and over and over again until she finally gives in just to shut them up. He's a wearer downer.

Edited by CPP83
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It's more than just that stuff, too. I do think Ron genuinely loves the show, loves a lot of soaps, loves GH history. It's just that he now uses so much of it in a broad, cartoonish and careless way. He loves things but he has forgotten how to treat them with care.


Because the principal cast is so bloated and overstuffed with ex-OLTL pets and other new stars, so many of the beloved vets he cared about enough to bring back are now relegated to this holding pen of random, abrupt group encounters and goofy, embarrassing barely-there subplots. JZ's face is tragic to look at and she can barely act anymore, but she and poor Lynn Herring are relegated to the same three scenes of catfighting and high school bitchery even though they are pushing, what, 60 and 70 between them? Yes, they do have history but this is the wrong way to use that history, and it is absolutely atrocious to watch them do this kindergarten shit over and over. It's not fun. Now Lucy has randomly developed a passing fixation on embalmed feline Duke. Why? Because why not, we can't give her anything else and he's free! It's awful and nine times out of ten, the material they give too many of these recurring vets together is beneath them these days.

Edited by jsbt
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Carly admitted the "only" reason she even wanted him is because he made her feel closer to his not actual twin


Do we buy this? I thought it was a very effective way to hurt Franco, given all his issues with Jason. But given that Franco is a SERIAL KILLER, I have a hard time accepting that Carly got involved with him to feel closer to Jason. Jason despised Franco. There's no way Jason would be okay with Carly hooking up with the guy who got Michael raped. That line had to be was Carly trying to save what little face she had left.

Edited by dubbel zout

I buy it - as best as I can for fanwank/retcon, it's the only reason that would have ever even approached making sense for Carly to be with Franco. We've been talking about it for some time now. She was jilted and betrayed by Johnny and Todd, and Jason had died violently. She was in a vulnerable place in her life, we can say she had a minor breakdown. Franco was Jason's brother, she identified him with Jason. The end. It's not much, but it's the only thing we have.

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I didn't like that AJ was killed off again, but I much preferred where Ron left him before his second death than before.


The first time AJ died, he had no relationship with his only child - who was suspected of murdering him. And practically everyone else hated him, too.


The second time AJ died, he had built a fond relationship with Michael. There's hope his reputation will be posthumously repaired once it comes out that he didn't kill Connie. And we saw him going into the light with his grandparents, father and sister.

  • Love 4

I can't praise Ron for taking another section of GH history and needlessly giving it his own "special spin".


The spin being Franco? I would have agreed with you last week. It is becoming clear to me that he is no longer writing for Franco the victim, that we are suppose to sympathize with.


The only person the narrative is asking for sympathy for is Michael.

  • Love 1
Do we buy this?




I don't know what we're supposed to believe or buy anymore about this show. Ron changes things and re-writes without any warning. At this rate I am ready for it to be shown that Franco really is a Q and he isn't Jason's twin but instead AJ's...I mean with Ron in charge there's no telling what to expect or how serious to take whatever he writes.


I think if anything it was meant to make Franco look even more sympathetic, look at how mean Carly is being to him saying he was just a cheap substitute for Jason all this time, can't you understand his PAIN now??


And let me just say jsbt, Ron should send you a bouquet of flowers.



The second time AJ died, he had built a fond relationship with Michael. There's hope his reputation will be posthumously repaired once it comes out that he didn't kill Connie. And we saw him going into the light with his grandparents, father and sister.




For me it isn't just what Ron did to AJ but what he did to Sean as well, that kind of disrespect and pettiness for no good reason except Ron's pride was hurt and he lashed out like a toddler having a tantrum, to me that has just made it impossible for me to think there's enough positives about AJ's return to make up for how things ended.


And to cap it off Sonny is alive and AJ's dead, for the second time another Q falls to the might of Sonny and nope, nope that just isn't going to work for me.


Especially since AJ still only ended up mattering mainly to pretty much three people on canvas, Monica, Michael, and Liz. Oh and Alice too I suppose.

Edited by CPP83
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The only person the narrative is asking for sympathy for is Michael.





I don't agree. People can feel sorry for Sonny and do, people can feel sorry for Carly and do, in th e same way people can feel sorry for Franco and actually do, this isn't' just Michael's story or Michael and AJ's story, at least not imho.


Ron is using this story to do more then just give Michael a reason to bail out of an unhealthy dependency on his two crap parents.




p. sure he hates me, but I could use some




Hey, you find some way to give him compliments and for that alone he owes you, heh, at least in my book.


She was jilted and betrayed by Johnny and Todd, and Jason had died violently. She was in a vulnerable place in her life, we can say she had a minor breakdown. Franco was Jason's brother, she identified him with Jason. The end. It's not much, but it's the only thing we have.


Back when she first demonstrated her odd attraction to him on the bridge,  someone on TWOP had what I thought was the best explanation: She imprinted on him.(Jason was dead, Frodd was wearing a leather jacket … ) And, that was that. She saw nothing else. 

  • Love 1

I think JZ & LH are just thrilled to be working. Unfortunately, RC is doing them a disservice having them act like they would 20 years ago. I think he wants to prove to the viewers that he cares about the history of the show by having Bobbi, Lucy & Scotty on but they aren't doing much but screaming and carrying on. He can't even have the real veteran LC who has played Monica forever involved in the current story of AJ's murder. His last excuse was she was on a cruise. What will be his excuse now? He can't even throw us a bone by having LC & DM share a scene just for kicks. They were very poplar back in the day on Love is a Many Splendored Thing. Don't even get me started how he basically hates Genie Francis & Ingo Rademacher.

  • Love 2
She was jilted and betrayed by Johnny and Todd, and Jason had died violently. She was in a vulnerable place in her life, we can say she had a minor breakdown. Franco was Jason's brother, she identified him with Jason. The end. It's not much, but it's the only thing we have.


I would have a much easier time accepting this if Franco weren't a SERiAL KILLER. Whom Jason hated with every fiber of his being. That alone should have been enough for Carly to never want to see Franco, let alone get involved with him. But I suppose Ron won't give us anything better.


I don't care how you describe Duke, jsbt, or how much Ron eviscerates him, I will never stop loving him. Poor Ian Buchanan. (I mean this all in good fun.)

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 3

I think JZ & LH are just thrilled to be working. Unfortunately, RC is doing them a disservice having them act like they would 20 years ago. I think he wants to prove to the viewers that he cares about the history of the show by having Bobbi, Lucy & Scotty on but they aren't doing much but screaming and carrying on. He can't even have the real veteran LC who has played Monica forever involved in the current story of AJ's murder. His last excuse was she was on a cruise. What will be his excuse now? He can't even throw us a bone by having LC & DM share a scene just for kicks. They were very poplar back in the day on Love is a Many Splendored Thing. Don't even get me started how he basically hates Genie Francis & Ingo Rademacher.


I don't think Ron hates Genie at all. I think he would love to have her on the show. He wrote a whole big reunion for them in 2013. He had Starr babble (or Cole, was it?) babble about L&L's history the very first day they appeared. Whatever is keeping Genie from the show is, I think, between Genie and Frank and maybe the network, if this whole "no more contracts for vets" thing is true.


As for Ingo I think he's barely on Ron's radar probably.

Edited by ulkis
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Ron thinks everyone is interchangeable, even (especially?) the vets.

 YES! And I think this is the root of a LOT of his writing problems. He doesn't seem to think that characters actually have distinguishable features or histories or personalities. In his words, "It's in character if I write it." Except, you know, it's actually not. This is why nothing anyone does makes any sense and why he thinks he can completely reset everything every six months. 

 And yes he does think everyone is interchangeable, ESPECIALLY the female characters. 

  • Love 1
He doesn't seem to think that characters actually have distinguishable features or histories or personalities. In his words, "It's in character if I write it." Except, you know, it's actually not. This is why nothing anyone does makes any sense and why he thinks he can completely reset everything every six months.




Preach it.


It's similar to the way he's been so determined to prove to us all that Franco really is a "good guy" when he doesn't have a serial killing causing tumour in his head, except apparently he isn't a good guy after all, he's still a cruel, selfish, self serving psycho when he wants to be and is still fully capable of taking lives if he sees fit to. 


Ron doesn't seem to get that "bad" really exists as much as "good", he wants all these characters to be grey, to be these middle ground, waffling figures that can have all of these interchangeable personalities, which only serves, imo, to make everyone appear to be bipolar and unstable and off their meds.


It's as if the characters can't make up their minds about who they are or how they feel or what they think, and Ron uses these outs so he can excuse writing whatever comes to his mind, or he pulls from his ass, at will.

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