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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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48 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:

Degrassi is probably looking for a Todd Manning-like character. Soap Superstar Roger Howarth should audition. I can't even believe anyone at ABC/GH would bother to negotiate with him. Soap Superstar or not, his character is hardly popular or important to any stories. 

She's 40? Damn. 

Hey! Netflix and Degrasi are very freaking awesome and they only cast Canadians.  They keep it authentic,  eh?   Besides, if we play it cool, we can maybe get an NFL trade deal thing going with soaps.  

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18 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Yeah. I was telling someone that I did think Valentini did have half a brain, at least in regards to budget, but I may take it back. Yes, let's talk about the pairing that was featured heavily when GH got its worst ratings ever.

And I'm not saying Jason/Liz in and of themselves are ratings tankers. I'm saying they are when they're featured in a story where they're going nowhere and the audience knows it and Liz looks horrible. 

Also, "burgeoning feelings for Franco". Chills up my spine man. 

And on top of that, Jason is supposed to be JASON now, yes? He has his memories. So he knows his past with Liz and should now feel the complete weight of what Liz did to him. He should be pissed, if anything. He should co-parent their child, but there should be a significant period of time where he should want nothing to do with her. But, as usual, the show is pretending X never happened. See: Sonny.

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, HeatLifer said:

And on top of that, Jason is supposed to be JASON now, yes? He has his memories. So he knows his past with Liz and should now feel the complete weight of what Liz did to him. He should be pissed, if anything. He should co-parent their child, but there should be a significant period of time where he should want nothing to do with her. But, as usual, the show is pretending X never happened. See: Sonny.


Honestly, Liz should've been dreading the day Jason got his memories back because what she did was such a huge betrayal of their friendship and everything she knows is important about the choices he'd make for himself.

I (and I imagine a good portion of the audience) would've been perfectly happy to see this story and most of Ron's last two years retconned out of existence. But these writers didn't do that, they didn't even wrap it up quickly. They let it play out forever, they completely blew every reveal and now they're just determined to ignore the AJ in the room

  • Love 12
25 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

Honestly, Liz should've been dreading the day Jason got his memories back because what she did was such a huge betrayal of their friendship and everything she knows is important about the choices he'd make for himself.

I (and I imagine a good portion of the audience) would've been perfectly happy to see this story and most of Ron's last two years retconned out of existence. But these writers didn't do that, they didn't even wrap it up quickly. They let it play out forever, they completely blew every reveal and now they're just determined to ignore the AJ in the room

Do I agree with what they did to Liz? No, I never will. Just like I'll never accept what they did to Nik and Patrick. They're all in the same pool for me.

HOWEVER, the way to deal with a storyline that was a shitty idea is not to ignore it. You need to deal with it head-on. Let Sam and Jason be mad for X amount of time. Let Liz feel bad and guilty. Then let Liz do something (hell, have her save Danny or some cliche shit, IDC) to redeem herself. It's not that hard. Will all the viewers buy it? No. But you're never going to please everyone.

  • Love 8
4 hours ago, Oracle42 said:


Honestly, Liz should've been dreading the day Jason got his memories back because what she did was such a huge betrayal of their friendship and everything she knows is important about the choices he'd make for himself.

I (and I imagine a good portion of the audience) would've been perfectly happy to see this story and most of Ron's last two years retconned out of existence. But these writers didn't do that, they didn't even wrap it up quickly. They let it play out forever, they completely blew every reveal and now they're just determined to ignore the AJ in the room

Is that the term now?  When GH refuses to speak on something it's "the AJ in the room"?   Lol.   Watch Frank trip us up and bring SK back now just to screw with our heads.   Honestly, I'd forgive a lot of crap just to see SK as AJ confronting Carly/Sonny with a shit eating grin.   A lot of crap, Frank's intern.  A lot.  

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1 hour ago, RedVelvetWaffles said:

They need to fire Frank, Nathan, and the writers and hire Sri Rao. While he is writing, they need burn whatever they have taped and show reruns from the 80s until they can tape and air decent episodes.

I'd take randomly generated ABC soaps from the 90s.  I'll rewatch poison water.  I dgaf. Get jelly off my screen now. 

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UO, but writing 13 episodes of a weekly series is very different from churning out daily episodes, year in, year out. Sri Rao did a great job with Night Shift and I'm certainly not opposed to seeing him as HW, but I've always suspected that if he were head writer, after a year or two everyone would be calling for his firing as well. 

Obviously there are things I really hate about the show right now, just like there are things I hated when it was written by Carlivati and Griffith and especially Guza. Even in old clips from the 80s and 90s, I can find plenty of stories and characters to loathe. But I do enjoy watching it and I'm glad it's still standing and I can usually find a fair amount to like. I do think there's been a decline in quality, but I haven't found it to be as steep as most here seem to.

(And no, I'm not working for Frank.)

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So, now Nathan Varni is doing damage control on Facebook apologizing to the fans, GH, and Roger Howarth for those "nasty twitter rumors".  Someone learned from last time. It's funny that it's with probably the most private person on the show.  Roger Howarth doesn't do social media, so he probably had no clue.  But dammit, I want Varni to shut his patsy mouth and start making trades.  Roger, you can be free.   They're not even letting you wash your hair.  Dammit, don't you want to be clean?  

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Okay, first, "magnificent?" Oy. There are truly only a handful of actors to which that moniker should apply. Helen Mirren. Morgan Freeman, okay. But Roger Howarth, or anyone currently on GH? I'd have let it slide if Nathan was talking about Jane. But, other than that, just no. 

Second, why even address this? It's water sinking to its own level all over again. And also stop treating "real" GH fans like delicate flowers who can't handle rumors. It's so condescending. 

  • Love 6
3 minutes ago, Francie said:

Okay, first, "magnificent?" Oy. There are truly only a handful of actors to which that moniker should apply. Helen Mirren. Morgan Freeman, okay. But Roger Howarth, or anyone currently on GH? I'd have let it slide if Nathan was talking about Jane. But, other than that, just no. 

Second, why even address this? It's water sinking to its own level all over again. And also stop treating "real" GH fans like delicate flowers who can't handle rumors. It's so condescending. 

I think the 'm' word Varni was looking for is "milquetoast".

  • Love 2
12 hours ago, Francie said:

Okay, first, "magnificent?" Oy. There are truly only a handful of actors to which that moniker should apply. Helen Mirren. Morgan Freeman, okay. But Roger Howarth, or anyone currently on GH? I'd have let it slide if Nathan was talking about Jane. But, other than that, just no. 


I know Franco sucks as a character and should've never been kept past James' first run, but I would be hard pressed to not describe Roger's ability to turn Todd from the creepiest rapist to ever grace a TV screen to one of the legitimate stars of OLTL, all while fighting the "heartthrob" angle that they wanted to go for, as anything short of near brilliance and magnificence.

Just the few months where Todd pretended to have DID and created about five different alters, all of whom were hilarious was an amazing display of the guy's talent. Todd and Blair? And, for the misguided, Todd and Tea. Just kidding. The guy is a really good actor, he's just in a bad situation, has become lazy as a result and may never get back to his peak unless he actually leaves daytime in general.

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Roger Howarth could be really great as Todd, even as recently as the PP OLTL in 2013, but that doesn't mean he gets a lifetime pass from me.  Franco is a horribly written and conceived character, but he's not exactly wowing me either.  But some fans will excuse anything because it's Roger Howarth, especially when they trot out the creeky old crutches ("Look how great with kids he is!  His character has struck up an unlikely friendship with another lost soul!").

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It's hard for me to be objective about the suck that is Franco, but I think RoHo is actually trying in his scenes with BH.  His character sucks ass, but he's actually trying at the moment.  Of course, I think he was also trying at the start of Franco/Nina.  But I think he checked out after prolonged exposure to MSt's acting.  

  • Love 9
57 minutes ago, Tiger said:

I don't care if Howarth once could act circles around Helen Mirren; his SAG card should have been revoked for that shit, and I do mean shit, opposite Shirley Jones last year. And then it should have been revoked again for that bizarre "performance" opposite Robin and Laura when Franco found Heather holding at gunpoint.

I have to post this again because it's so fucking funny. 

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Tiger said:

I don't care if Howarth once could act circles around Helen Mirren; his SAG card should have been revoked for that shit, and I do mean shit, opposite Shirley Jones last year. And then it should have been revoked again for that bizarre "performance" opposite Robin and Laura when Franco found Heather holding at gunpoint.

The shit you've outlined is a huge reason why soaps are treated like dog shit. As for Roger Howarth's greatness, yeah...don't see it.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, Tiger said:

I don't care if Howarth once could act circles around Helen Mirren; his SAG card should have been revoked for that shit, and I do mean shit, opposite Shirley Jones last year. And then it should have been revoked again for that bizarre "performance" opposite Robin and Laura when Franco found Heather holding at gunpoint.

ITA. RH was great, once, back in the mid-1990s on a show that was considerably better written, had a bigger budget, had better production quality, and when he was surrounded by actors and characters who were also excellent. RH wasn't starring in a one-man show; and 1996 was a long, long time ago. As was said, he doesn't get a lifetime pass for lazy, uninspired, one-note (honestly, can anyone pick apart a difference between any of the characters he's played on any show) acting on a completely different show two decades later.

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4 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

I'll say this, IMO, this is a power play.

Oh, I'm sure it is. The thing is, as much as we do revere the vets, maybe TC wants more than FV/the show can afford, too. The '80s heyday is LONG gone, but it seems like some actors (not saying TC is, being hypothetical here) are slow to realize it.

So if that's the case, I can see why we have a temp. Still, I'm willing to also believe the bit about TC asking for time off, too, and maybe this is benign. Like with his prior temp.

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When Becky had mono in 2011, there was a temp actress who played Liz, and that was RIGHT after the whole kerfuffle where she was fired and rehired. Very weird timing, but perfectly innocent. This could all be one little molehill. 


ETA: Nick Stabile was on Sunset Beach, so he has some soap experience. 

Edited by UYI
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I have seen the temp Nik actor in a Christmas movie on Hallmark. I think it was Santa Jr. or something like that. IIRC, he was good. I mean he's no Laurence Olivier, but neither is anyone else on GH.

I have a feeling if this isn't a temporary thing what was in the works may change and in 8-12 weeks we are going to see some reworked story lines that make no sense. So nothing will change as far as storytelling goes.

Edited by RedVelvetWaffles
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6 minutes ago, WendyCR72 said:

Oh, I'm sure it is. The thing is, as much as we do revere the vets, maybe TC wants more than FV/the show can afford, too. The '80s heyday is LONG gone, but it seems like some actors (not saying TC is, being hypothetical here) are slow to realize it.

So if that's the case, I can see why we have a temp. Still, I'm willing to also believe the bit about TC asking for time off, too, and maybe this is benign. Like with his prior temp.

Like I said, my lips are zipped. :P

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