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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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I've always wondered if part of the reason for Tristan seeming to prefer Robert with Holly, rather than Anna, had anything to do with him and Emma Samms being a real life couple throughout basically the majority of the original R&H pairing (1983-1985), even though they broke up shortly after they both left GH.



I certainly think that would make him think more fondly of that coupling, since it coincided with a happy time in his personal life, too.   And it was also the first really popular pairing for Robert, and when his character was becoming more of a big deal ... so it was good professionally for him, as well.  


I can't imagine FH had an easy go of it in 1985, coming in to play the interloper in a love triangle with a popular couple ... who were also a couple in real life at the time.    And said couple is already having tension because one of them is starting to move on to a prime-time career.   Um ... awkward!   And the character you play comes in acting like a lunatic and you have to wear all this make-up to pretend to be disfigured from a fire.    

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Recap of the Nathan Varni thing:

"ThCaller feels sorry for Varni due to Jasam/Liason stuff. LOL. He said it's great because people are invested. He said it may not feel great to read the bad stuff, but he appreciates people that are attached to the c haracters

They are planning a NB again.

Asking if TG is coming back. He says everyone loves TG and says there are no plans to bring him back right now.

hey didn't want Anna to be a full out murderer. They wanted redemption or her. It will all make sense in the end.

Yeaa the online petition helped but they were looking to bring ME back.

Caller asking if they will address Joss's kidney. He said they've discussed it. IT may be addressed later on.

Will we see Sean. Keep watching to see if he gets out of jail. Tequan is busy shooting a pilot for showtime. If he gets picked up they have liimited availability. They are on hold for him. It's ending so I'll try to see if I can hear the earlier stuff.

They were talking about brining ME back and the online petition did help.

Something about Alexis being concerned about Julian's interest in Olivia.

Now I wonder what Helena says that sends Laura off on her journey?

He also addressed Helena's will and Laura getting a story line because of it.

TJ is kind of in a holding pattern until they find out if Showtime picks up the pilot of the show he did.

Emma may be back to visit over spring break."

Edited by ulkis

Thanks, ulkis. That makes no sense that they were looking to bring ME back. He practically just left. If they didn't want to get rid of him in the first place, then why did we have to go through it at all? It's like a big tease.


And no, everyone doesn't love TG. But glad they aren't looking to bring him back. Hopefully it stays that way.

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A quick Google search tells me that they had over 14,000 signatures. At the fan event I was at when he was there, his line was definitely the longest (I didn't bother to wait in it since I'm not really a fan). I'll never understand it either. I don't know what the draw is except that he has pretty blue eyes. Other than that, one giant MEH.

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Showtime only shoots like 10-15 episodes a season. Surely TR could do that show and still get some decent airtime on GH.


The whole "We had to put him in a holding pattern because he might leave!" line of thought is ridiculous because TJ hasn't had a real story in ages, if ever, and that started long before TR got cast in that pilot.

  • Love 9

Online petition? There have been online petitions to bring back other soap actors and THAT one is the one they respond to?


I don't get it (Nor did I realize there was a group of sad ME fans organizing to get him back).

I think it's one of those things where Nathan can say that the petition matter (your voice matters!) because it aligned with what they did.  But it's nothing more than pandering.


And, all the same, it's dangerous because it sets an expectation in some fans' minds -- the vocal fans who are aware of these petitions, etc. -- that they can effect a change.  "We just need 14,001 and they have to bring [_____] back/give us [__________].  Then, when that doesn't align with what TPTB want, and they don't get it, those fans get all the more frustrated and jaded.

  • Love 5

I'm sure the conclusion of the Carlos / Dead Duke / Anna / Paul clusterf**k will make absolutely no sense at all. But (so far, at least -- things can always get worse on this show), I am grateful they undid Anna as a murderer and killed off Sloane.

... Although I wouldn't be at all shocked if this had more to do with FH negotiating her contract than TPTB actually caring about Anna looking bad or being OOC.

They should just put Carlos and Paul in jail, and have Anna find out Julian actually called off the hit on Duke (and Carlos didn't follow orders or didn't get the message). Then she (and the Duke fans) can at least tolerate the fact that Julian is a free man ... and we can all blessedly move on.

ETA: we should've done a petition for a complete reset after Ron got canned! LOL. Of course, everyone has their own idea of which stories to erase from Show canon ...

Edited by SlovakPrincess
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Yeah, I think that's horseshit. Ron wanted Anna to be a murderer for shock value in his stupid live episodes. And everyone in charge of the show let it happen and didn't care until the ratings started to go to crap.

They let Ron get away with some nasty, offensive, laughable, character-mangling stuff. And now they want to back away from it like they had no idea.

I didn't mind Silas as much as most people. But I wonder if there was some breach of contract situation whereby ABC owed ME. Because otherwise, this doesn't make a lick of sense to me.

  • Love 1

A quick Google search tells me that they had over 14,000 signatures. At the fan event I was at when he was there, his line was definitely the longest (I didn't bother to wait in it since I'm not really a fan). I'll never understand it either. I don't know what the draw is except that he has pretty blue eyes. Other than that, one giant MEH.


I mean, I think he has a dry sense of humor that he can bring to a lot of his roles (it was the often the only thing that ever saved McBain for me), but that isn't enough for me to want him back. 

  • Love 1

ETA: we should've done a petition for a complete reset after Ron got canned! LOL. Of course, everyone has their own idea of which stories to erase from Show canon ...


It's simple, really - go back to the episode before Ron took over and start there. The few positive things he did can be re-implemented over time. 

Part 2 of Will and Nancy's interview where they continue to annoy me with "supercouple" talk. I don't know why, it just DOES. Like, they have fans, I get it. But they don't have the years or the story in any way. Grr.


The fact that they have to use phrases like "your followers" and "the Julexis army" says everything. They are not popular with the collective audience.


There was one poll at a soap site (am I allowed to mention that here? if not, my bad) that asked the posters there to choose between ending Franco and Nina and Julian and Alexis? The winner? "I can't choose -- both!" I think runner up was "I can't choose -- both make me sick!"


It's so Kayzer Sosa to me.

  • Love 3

Part 2 of Will and Nancy's interview where they continue to annoy me with "supercouple" talk. I don't know why, it just DOES. Like, they have fans, I get it. But they don't have the years or the story in any way. Grr.


My thoughts:


It's never cool to stay you're sleeping with another person's significant other. It ain't funny, no matter how 'cool' they are. It's tacky.


I can't help but like Maurice. He and I are on the same page about Julexis. I too wouldn't be able to say the name without spitting it out like I'm in the fifth grade. I have a feeling he knows the score. (Kayzer Sosa!)


I like how Nancy wanted to ban the other leading actresses from attending the Julexis wedding. I mean, I get there are character-related reasons. But I still found that amusing.

Edited by Francie
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I have the opposite feeling about Mo. I loved the digs at him for being called the Marlon Brando of soaps. Also, despite the relentless propping, Sonny is not the be-all and end-all of GH, and neither is Sonny and Carly as a couple. 


It was kind of sad reading how the super fast shooting schedule has changed the acting. I try to remember that (like when I'm especially hating on Bryan Craig).


NLG was a lot easier to take in the part of the interview, but I totally get how she must drive her colleagues absolutely insane. 

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 5

I have the opposite feeling about Mo. I loved the digs at him for being called the Marlon Brando of soaps. Also, despite the relentless propping, Sonny is not the be-all and end-all of GH, and neither is Sonny and Carly as a couple. 


It was kind of sad reading how the super fast shooting schedule has changed the acting. I try to remember that (like when I'm especially hating on Bryan Craig).


NLG was a lot easier to take in the part of the interview, but I totally get how she must drive her colleagues absolutely insane. 

I wish I was a good fan fic writer. I so would have her try to join the knitting circle. But she's so annoying. First, she tries to make them knit a Burn for Bernie quilt.  Then she tries to unionize them and strike for equal wages, and the other women pick Finola to tell her that she has to leave the group. Finola's all, where the fuck is Laura Wright when I need her?

  • Love 2

Super couple? No. Not even close


Yeah. I want to tell WdV I'm pretty sure DZ was making fun of deVry when he said "hey, we can't all be a supercouple".


This is interesting. @GabeRodney wants to know: “Where do you think your characters would be if there was no Julexis?”


Grahn: It would all depend on who’s writing the show. If men were writing GH, I’d be a utility player and Alexis would be representing mobsters in court for crimes she knows they committed. And that’s the truth. She’d have no love life or any interesting purpose. She’d all the time be asking her daughters, “Are you OK?” instead of having a life of her own. And at night she’d be sitting home watching Wheel of Fortune. And staring at her orange carpet that’s been there for 40 years. [Laughs] And drinking.

deVry: I honestly don’t think I’d still be on the show. Julexis is a big reason—maybe the reason—Julian remains on GH.

Grahn: If it wasn’t for Alexis keeping her man out of the mob, Julian would be on a meat hook, just like anyone else who dares to cross Sonny.

deVry: Or at the bottom of Lake…uh…what lake would it be? Lake Erie? Where the hell is Port Charles anyway?


Is Nancy describing what Alexis' life or her own? And really, that's probably what Alexis is doing now, except Julian is next to her on the couch.


Grahn: And here’s my message to the Army: No matter how much pressure you get to abandon ship, don’t do it! Should, for any reason, the Ju be taken away from the Lexis, don’t leave me. I’ll go find me someone else! Sorry about that, Will. I’m loyal. [Laughs] But not that loyal.



Edited by ulkis
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deVry: Or at the bottom of Lake…uh…what lake would it be? Lake Erie? Where the hell is Port Charles anyway?



Hee.  That part cracked me up.




But what the hell is NLG talking about that "if men were writing GH," and Julexis didn't exist, Alexis would have no life -- didn't Ron (a man) start Julexis?   In fact, as much as I don't care for Alexis, she's one of the few characters Ron didn't set out to ruin or manage to suck even worse than before!      


That's like saying "if my soap opera character wasn't part of a successful couple, I would have less interesting screen time."  Yeah, no shit.   What does the writer's gender have to do with that?        


Does she also not see that it's insulting Alexis is always falling for men who are criminals?     And what would be so terrible about Alexis' scenes being about her as a lawyer or interacting with her daughters?   

Edited by SlovakPrincess
  • Love 7

Part 2 of Will and Nancy's interview where they continue to annoy me with "supercouple" talk. I don't know why, it just DOES. Like, they have fans, I get it. But they don't have the years or the story in any way. Grr.



Oh lord, I didn't realize they were going to be answering questions sent in by the #julexisarmy.


Did anyone else notice the part where deVry is going off about Molly is a huge hypocrite, but misidentifies that she's Sonny's daughter?


I do agree with NLG that it's too bad there wasn't more between Helena and Alexis these last few years.

Yeah. I want to tell WdV I'm pretty sure DZ was making fun of deVry when he said "hey, we can't all be a supercouple".


This is interesting. @GabeRodney wants to know: “Where do you think your characters would be if there was no Julexis?”


Grahn: It would all depend on who’s writing the show. If men were writing GH, I’d be a utility player and Alexis would be representing mobsters in court for crimes she knows they committed. And that’s the truth. She’d have no love life or any interesting purpose. She’d all the time be asking her daughters, “Are you OK?” instead of having a life of her own. And at night she’d be sitting home watching Wheel of Fortune. And staring at her orange carpet that’s been there for 40 years. [Laughs] And drinking.

deVry: I honestly don’t think I’d still be on the show. Julexis is a big reason—maybe the reason—Julian remains on GH.

Grahn: If it wasn’t for Alexis keeping her man out of the mob, Julian would be on a meat hook, just like anyone else who dares to cross Sonny.

deVry: Or at the bottom of Lake…uh…what lake would it be? Lake Erie? Where the hell is Port Charles anyway?


Is Nancy describing what Alexis' life or her own? And really, that's probably what Alexis is doing now, except Julian is next to her on the couch.







Always have an escape plan ready at all times!!


I swear her "message" to the "JuLexis" fans was, "When I give the signal, jump ship! Jump ship! Abandon the cargo! Save. MY. Job!"

Edited by Francie
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