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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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I agree with NLG that "Gone Girl" was terrible.  And at the risk of a public flogging, I agree with her that at least in this movie, NHP is not believable as being in love with a woman. That said, he is hardly the only one who is laughable in this movie; BA's acting is, at times, soap opera dayplayer levels of heinous shit. And all that, I can hardly blame the actors given the story is something so ridiculous that even Ron would think it far too campy and incredulous. 


I honestly have no idea what all the hype about this movie was because it is by far one of the worst I've ever seen.   I don't think I've laughed so hard since "CSI: Miami" went off the air.  

Edited by Tiger
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Jason M was okay the first few years but quite frankly I didn't see the difference between JAson M and Jason Q other than Jason was a killer and Jason Q loved his family.Everyone still loved Jason M ect.

And this is where the character went wrong> Back when Jason M first came about and all the way to the days of Taggert's anger Boy, a lot of folks wanted Jason Q "Back" they longed for the boy they had lost. Once Jason became part of the Unholy Trinity and Guza began his love affair with the character the drama of jason M/Q ended. Now every one treated Jason M just like Jason Q expect he was an even bigger hero.


The story line could have been awesome and lasted for years, if they had stuck to their guns but the Holy Hitman just ruined the whole thing. Between SB continual decreasing ability to act and Guza's man crush the whole thing got silly and annoying.


To me it was especially bad during the GV Lucky era. By all rights Lucky should be the shows hero. The skills of Luke Spencer, The heart of Laura Webber and the Police Training of Mac and Robert and Anna Scorpio should have put  Lucky front and center, and when played by GV, who had the physical build (Though I am a JJ is Lucky guy forever) Lucky should have been the shows hero and moral center


Instead he was played as a buffoon time and time again to satisfy SB's ego and Guza's crush.  In fact I believe one of the reasons they have not re-cast Lucky is because even TIIC know that the character would need to be shown as the moral center of the show and as long as they want Sonny and Jason to be seen as heroes they cannot have a moral compass. They marginalize Anna by having most of her big adventures take place outside of PC. For all the work Anna has done as Police Commissioner, they could have left Mac there and let Anna be the WSB regional liaison or something. Lucky on the show would almost force a moral center.  He may like Jason and may fondly remember Sonny from when he was a kid but the driving force would be to do good.

Edited by Fylaki
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I agree I can think of a number of guys, in fact BM may have made a better Lucky than he will Jason. TIIC just do not know how badly this show needs a real hero, a Robert Scorpio Type to lift it out of the pit it has become. Lucky done the right way could be that person. Flawed because of his addiction, wounded over Liz and Nic, Scarred by the loss of a child he considered his own, desperate to reach out and find the Father he remembers from his youth and yet despite it all always a hero, always doing the right thing, always looking out for the underdog. Allied with the son sof two of the most evil people in town (Dante and Nathan), seeking a relationship with his children and family (Liz, Lucas, Lulu), conflicted over his brother(s) and searching for love (Sam? Robin? Heck a good guy like Lucky may even make Sabrina interesting) Mentored by Mac and Anna with advise from Luke and Robert. Lucky could be just what the show needs (Think a younger version of Agent Gibbs)


But with the need to paint the likes of Franco, Dr. O, Sonny and Jason (if he is indeed Jason M) as heroes the show just cannot have a "Good Man" outshine them. and so GH fails without a moral center.  And the viewers know it that is why the ratings go up when they do General Hospital Espionage, because Robin, Anna and even an off screen Robert are heroes and people want to watch heroes. But Ron wants to make a Serial Killer a hero (as if this were Dexter without the balls)  or continue Guza's Godfather/Tony Soprano rift (forgetting like Guza did that the Corleone and Sopranos were never meant to be seen as heroes)


You would think that a show owned by a company that made billions doing Super-Hero movies would get the memo that people want heroes

Edited by Fylaki
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Based on reading, so take it for what it is, NuBorg smiles, laughs, and emotes? I HATED Borg's blankness, and I was sick of SBu. But it's been 20+ years. The stoicism WAS Jason. Billy Miller should have, as others said, been Lucky - or a whole new character.


Changing him because it's a Y&R stah seems ridiculous at this late date, especially since I think he'll still be Jason Morgan in the end.

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Jason used to have emotions, though, until the 2000s. It wasn't until Steve checked out/the regime changes that he became this robotic mess.


Yes, he did. But they - maybe aside from Robin - were never so "in your face". They were there, but low key, which later did go to no key. But Jason Morgan always seemed to have his emotions...muted or guarded or whatever. He wasn't "Stone Cold" for nothing, baby.


This outwardness just doesn't fit to me. But hey...  <Shrug>

  • Love 4

Yes, he did. But they - maybe aside from Robin - were never so "in your face". They were there, but low key, which later did go to no key. But Jason Morgan always seemed to have his emotions...muted or guarded or whatever. He wasn't "Stone Cold" for nothing, baby.

This outwardness just doesn't fit to me. But hey... <Shrug>

I understand. But right now, he doesn't even remember who he is. So him acting different doesn't bother me as much as it would if he woke up as Jason.

Because if he woke up as Jason, screw his behavior, his priority should be finding Robin Scorpio-*****. Heh.

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Thanks for posting that, cattitude. The premise is actually kind of insulting, what with the emphasis on how nuJason looks as the deciding factor to accepting his return. Can't you just hear Sonny? "Dude, those bangs. I can't deal. Get out and stay out!" Sam: "Dad jeans? Really? I don't even know you anymore! Get out!"

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Lol I know. I'm sorry not sorry but I'll take Billy Miller any day over Steve. One would think Sam would be well this one is better, Patrick, Silas who?

But Billy Miller wears a suit better. It's bad when even the actor is like "Yes this promo is bad, I know guys." Like I think he refused to do a Michelle Stafford style one based on Ron's writing and was mad because he didn't watch more clips on you tube so he knew what he was getting into.

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think the soap press probably makes it out to be more dramatic than it actually is. Both sides know Mo isn't going anywhere.



I think Maurice Bernard plays it up too.  It seems like when his contract comes up he makes it seem questionable on whether he is going to resign when the reality is he should just say "as long as they want me I'll be here."  (Unfortunately)

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And I loved SB up until about 2000.

He was good then, maybe because he had an actual story, maybe because we had not yet entered the age of soap actors dictating character, maybe because Guza's man-crush had not yet reached epic proportions.


And maybe because we had not yet reached what is clearly the golden age of Television. I have a theory that soaps use to have better writing because there were better writers available and because if you wanted to do serial drama, where characters grow and develop you needed to write a soap. There was no Walking Dead, Boss, Orange is the New Black, House of Cards, Breaking Bad or even Arrow and Gotham (or a dozen more) there were few nighttime shows where characters confronted issues in a melodramatic way.


Now soaps are camp, all camp all the time. Guza was a better writer than Ron, but not as good as he thought he was and Ron is playing out his fantasies, in everything from Serial Killer Heroes (cause he thinks he's writing Dexter?) to smart mouthed entitled brats (Cause he thinks this is a Disney Channel show?) to kidnappings with no danger and no consequences (cause he's got problems???)  to shirtless men with no substances (cause seriously who can blame him, shirtless women with no substances would appeal to me, so I can't judge)


But writing for depth has moved to the night


Which is why it is time now, before cancellation to launch General Hospital: Night Shift, with a five day a week 26 weeks a year run on Hulu or Netflix or whoever Disney wants to partner with. A serious soap for serious soap fans

Edited by Fylaki
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I want a spinoff. Put Billy Miller there, recast Roger as Steven Lars, ME as Caleb Morley doctor vampire, Robin, Morgan, Micheal, AJ, Rosalie, and new characters. Like recast Dillon, Ethan, Kristina, oh keep Jordan and TJ, give TJ college friends etc. Make TJ a business student interning at ELQ. The show would be Night Shift and ELQ night shift. Make Ned run ELQ with Micheal during the day.

Yes, Dr Vamp would work because it'd be very season one True Blood. Edgy and cool. I'd move Sam and Danny too. Just a random thought.

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Guza's man-crush had not yet reached epic proportions.


Guza's giant hard-on was always for Jason. I don't think SBu went to Guza and asked that Jason be written a certain way; I think Guza was going to write Jason like that anyway, and SBu liked it. It was more symbiotic rather than SBu making any specific requests. Guza and SBu being good friends didn't hurt.

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I thought that Ron was the big picture guy, and breakdown writers handled the rest?

My understanding is that the breakdown writers are the logistical ones.  They decide who has to be in a particular episode in order to make the plot work, etc.  They can flesh out the points of the plot, but Ron has to create the plot.  Now, he can sit down with the breakdown writers and they all can flesh out a plot, but the breakdown writers can't put in plot points when there is no actual plot and just a "big idea" at the end (e.g. Luke is Bill Eckert! And like people don't know that for a long, long, long, long, long, time.).


I googled very quickly, and here's how a Y&R writer explained it, at least on that show:


"The breakdown team and the head writers sit down at the beginning of every week and figure out what will happen in the next five episodes…. As a team, we sit … on a conference call and we figure out where everyone’s episodes begin and end – what’s gonna happen storyline wise, which characters we’re using, which sets we’re using in each show. Once we figure out the week … we each take one day of the week and we write a breakdown …, which is kind of a narrative of the episode…. It’s kind of like reading an outline of the show…. Once that’s written, it gets sent to the network executives and producers and they give us notes. We incorporate the notes and then that goes to a scriptwriter and they then turn it into a script.


Admittedly, I do take a "buck stops with him" approach to Ron. I think it's appropriate given his personality (or at least what we see of it on twitter.)  also, he and Frank (or Frank, if you prefer) fired every one on GH's writing staff except for one person, and installed their own people. So, I'm not opt to give Ron a pass for faulty execution of the (non-existent) storylines, and his readily apparent lack of understanding of fictional writing basics.

Edited by Francie
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In all honesty, I think that breaking down the logistics of it all suggest that Ron's "big picture" is even more fucked up than previously thought.


I wonder if there even IS a "big picture" or if it's just the usual "pull shit out of my ass and hope I spark genius!" routine.



Guza's giant hard-on was always for Jason. I don't think SBu went to Guza and asked that Jason be written a certain way; I think Guza was going to write Jason like that anyway, and SBu liked it. It was more symbiotic rather than SBu making any specific requests. Guza and SBu being good friends didn't hurt.


I could buy that...until the next hack, RC, was hired. Because SBu did seem to get pouty and took his ball and went "home" (to Y&R). In other words, he may not have asked at the outset for Jason to be a god, but once he did have it, he liked it a bunch, and when he lost his pet status, he just couldn't deal that Jason was now a mere mortal. So he left.

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I have to wonder how much RC is involved in the breakdowns, because so much of the day to day show between the "big moments" is too often filler or rote. When we do get character stuff for major players, like the Nathan and Maxie date, it seems almost accidental - outside of the big showdowns, too often I find that really solid character bits are relegated to C or D-tier characters trying to fill airtime, like Ned and Olivia. Any other discussion of the past, like with Liz and NuJason, or Nikolas and Spencer finally discussing Courtney, is usually there just for plot function - teasing the Jason reveal, or having Spencer again push Britt. (I will say that the repeated references to Courtney over the last couple months have made me wonder if the GH PTB are not still shadowing us since our migration from TWOP, as we have discussed it recently.)


He used to make time for that stuff more, but he doesn't now. Part of me wonders how much Jean Passanante had to do with it. Jean Passanante is an absolutely godawful HW who has had horrendous runs at everything from Y&R to ATWT to AMC (and briefly OLTL, I believe - I think she was co-HW during the time Erika Slezak rebelled against the "Viki hypnotized to kill Kevin" story), but she still enjoys great affection and respect among her industry peers for apparently being a very good breakdown writer. And I think she was on RC and FV's team at OLTL in that capacity until the end, before ending up at CBS. Who knows, maybe she helped them smooth out the day-to-day stuff.


I do believe RC was a staff writer at OLTL for many years, wrote plenty of scripts since the '90s - I think he even wrote the series of episodes surrounding Asa Buchanan's funeral himself, though I may be wrong. And from his best days there, I remember him being quite good with his own good material. But many years into being a HW it seems like he's stopped sweating the details, and I'm not sure how much of this he writes himself (as much as HWs can, without killing themselves with the workload - Harding Lemay used to insist on writing or rewriting every script himself on AW in the '70s, which is fucking insane) or bothers examining. And to be fair, many of those things in terms of oversight are not necessarily his job as HW. But I guess it's more of a rumination on what he is better at. He used to be better at all of it.

Edited by jsbt
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In other words, [sBu] may not have asked at the outset for Jason to be a god, but once he did have it, he liked it a bunch, and when he lost his pet status, he just couldn't deal that Jason was now a mere mortal. So he left.

I can't blame SBu for enjoying the fact that his character was the lead male. (Remember how excited NP was about the idiotic Cassandra story, simply because Ethan was its main character?) Then Ron comes along and decides that Jason is not the be-all and end-all of Port Charles anymore, and SBu decides to move his family to Tennessee. But Ron de-emphasizing Jason's place in PC tells me, again, that it was Guza who had the most invested in Jason. Guza dressed like Jason.

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I think Guza and Steve both became deeply invested. Granted, Steve did not let much faze him so long as he had a job - he shrugged off the firing of Stuart Damon, something I still have not forgiven him for - and he seemed content with whatever so long as he got to get paid and do what he liked. But I also think he, eventually, internalized being the star, the action hero, the cool mob guy. Otherwise he wouldn't have had such an ego reaction when the new team took over and (rightfully, IMO) unseated him.

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