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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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There's a picture there of Kelly, Jason and some crew guy on Sam's bed and it's amazing how ornate the detail is in Sam's headboard thing. On the show the lighting on that bedroom set is always so dark that none of the detail can be seen.

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This is about Tyler saying Mo is his mentor in the Spencer thread:


In SOD's special commemorative GH 50th anniversary magazine in 2013, Lisa LoCicero was taking about how she shared scenes with Mo on her first day, and was talking about his intensity/commitment/amazingness/whatever, using the quote, "as we all know." Which in itself is not new, it seems to be a requirement for almost EVERYONE to compliment Mo in the press about how "OMG amazing" his acting is, but then she talked about, swear to God, looking into the "endless pools that are Maurice's eyes" during her first scene, and I just wanted to puke.

I actually like Lisa a lot and think she's talented, but that stuff laid it on SO thick to the point of embarrassment. Oy.

Also, in the same magazine, Natalia Livingston was interviewed and mentioned who were some of her good friends from the show, and at the end she says, "And I have to mention Maurice or he'll get mad at me", which was supposed to be funny, but at the same time I couldn't help but think, "You know what? He just might."

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Maybe all of MB's colleagues who compliment his acting really do think he's good. Just because most of us here don't think his acting is all that great doesn't mean our opinions should be taken as gospel.


Oh sure, it's entirely possible--Vanessa Marcil, for example, credits him for helping make her a better actress*--it's just been mentioned SO often in the press for SO many years, that it sometimes comes across as calculated. I mean, I think Tony Geary is sometimes mentioned in that way, but sometimes, I'd be interested in seeing other GH actors, especially the vets, mentioned it that way as well. 


*That said, even that story kind of comes across to me like he bullied her a little bit--I know she was very green when she was first on the show, but she said in her Lifetime Intimate Portrait episode that he flat out told her, "You're cute, but you suck." He denied that, but still, it makes me curious about what really happened there. 

Edited by UYI
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Oh sure, it's entirely possible--Vanessa Marcil, for example, credits him for helping make her a better actress*--it's just been mentioned SO often in the press for SO many years, that it sometimes comes across as calculated. I mean, I think Tony Geary is sometimes mentioned in that way, but sometimes, I'd be interested in seeing other GH actors, especially the vets, mentioned it that way as well. 


*That said, even that story kind of comes across to me like he bullied her a little bit--I know she was very green when she was first on the show, but she said in her Lifetime Intimate Portrait episode that he flat out told her, "You're cute, but you suck." He denied that, but still, it makes me curious about what really happened there. 


Well, Maurice was actually good back then, so that I could buy, re: him helping out Vanessa.


And I tend to believe Vanessa on that (shocking!) but that's because I don't think that that's that bad to say. I'm sure much worse criticism has been dished out towards green co-stars.

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Maybe all of MB's colleagues who compliment his acting really do think he's good. Just because most of us here don't think his acting is all that great doesn't mean our opinions should be taken as gospel.


As UYI said, it's possible that that's why they say it, but more objectively speaking it's pretty difficult to watch Mo stumble through a scene and think, "Wow, he's totally bringing it." I think it's part that they're his friends and don't want to hurt his feelings and part that he - and Sonny - are still the center of the show, and if they don't kiss up a little they might find themselves with a lot less to do.

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I don't think Maurice has that kind of power at ALL now. No one who does not kiss Maurice's butt is gonna find themselves with less to do. You think Frank Valentini cares about who Maurice likes and doesn't like? In that case Kelly Sullivan would still be around, MB really liked her and she did her fair share of praising him.


I think they cut him a lot more breaks on his stuttering and pauses than we do because they're there in the trenches with him and they know it's not easy to memorize all the lines and have to do it one take most of the time.

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Those SOD examples were from the Valentini era, but I will say that most of those comments about Mo in the press happened when JFP/Guza were still there. And even then, Mo didn't always get his way--he wanted JB to stay as Carly, IIRC. 

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I think they cut him a lot more breaks on his stuttering and pauses than we do because they're there in the trenches with him and they know it's not easy to memorize all the lines and have to do it one take most of the time.


His bipolar may also be to blame for that. I find that I'm becoming more forgetful as I get older and I was one of those people who remembered everything and never had a problem memorizing lines when I was younger and taking acting classes. It really sucks when the memorization issues crop up. Especially when you're like me and known for remembering trivial things like the phone numbers of elementary school friends (i'm 40 now).


There is also an offshoot of bipolar called psychomotor retardation that causes you to pause while your mouth catches up to your brain. It doesn't happen all the time but when it does it's extremely frustrating. 


I'm not saying this is definitely why Mo's having issues like that but they could be a contributing factor. You never know. 

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I just emeber being anoyed I think it was in 2003 or 2004 kmc had an interv iew and they were going on and on about MB and asking her how it had been working with him.What annoyed me was thaat kmc had been there before MB came along and there ws more talented actors like FH to talk about.

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I don't think Maurice has that kind of power at ALL now. No one who does not kiss Maurice's butt is gonna find themselves with less to do. You think Frank Valentini cares about who Maurice likes and doesn't like? In that case Kelly Sullivan would still be around, MB really liked her and she did her fair share of praising him.


I think they cut him a lot more breaks on his stuttering and pauses than we do because they're there in the trenches with him and they know it's not easy to memorize all the lines and have to do it one take most of the time.


Whether or not Frank cares, somebody must, because otherwise why would Sonny be out of prison after a piddling little two months when he committed cold-blooded murder. Maurice may not have as much power as he used to, but he is still the show's lead. As for giving him some slack, all of the other actors have a fair amount to memorize, and they only have one take as well. I don't think I've ever seen anyone else stutter and stammer their way through the dialogue the way Mo does.

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Whether or not Frank cares, somebody must, because otherwise why would Sonny be out of prison after a piddling little two months when he committed cold-blooded murder.


That's the way Ron rolls. Franco is wandering around and he's committed countless untold murders.


Frank and Ron were making Maurice sweat this summer with all the writing that was making Sonny worse and worse. And then in December he re-signed and they "fixed" Sonny in their eyes. 


If people really needed to kiss Maurice's butt to get airtime we'd be hearing Roger drop compliments all the time. And from what I can tell, he still drops only a blurb here and there.

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Yeah, he has. He actually gave a big one to Sopa Opera Digest a year or two ago. And he was on The Chew. It was in his early years he wouldn't give any interviews.

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What is up with Roger not giving any interviews? Has he ever talked to the media in the last five years?


He had some really crazy fans in his early years of OLTL, including one who actually screamed "Rape me, Todd!"* at a fan event once. Needless to say, this freaked Roger out, and he became a lot more private for a long time afterwards. I also remember a story where a woman came to him saying that her young son loved his character, which horrified him. 


*I think Tony Geary actually had this happen to him too, in the early years of Luke & Laura. 

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Yeah, when he did do interviews, he'd say that he had nothing in common with Todd and that he didn't like anything about Todd besides the suits. He mostly complimented his co stars from what I remember. He actually had quit the first time because I think they were trying to put Todd and Marty together.

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I watched one episode of Dirty Soap and it bored me senseless. I kind of wished they showed more about how daytime soaps are made, and less of the usual "blah blah so-and-so bad mouthed me and now I hate her/him" reality show crap.

As for the likes of MB and TG ... look, I get that they've done amazing work at times over the years, but I really find it nauseating that they are so overrated. I'll be the first to admit that I didn't particularly ever like Luke but TG has (or had) a certain energy that makes you want to watch. I never liked Sonny but I'm willing to accept that that's the minority view, at least for the 90s.

But I don't think they are any better than TR or John Reilly or Jack Wagner or Stuart Damon or a lot of other amazingly wonderful actors on GH over the years. Ian Buchanan is good, too, but he can't rise above shitty writing. I don't think MB or TG really can, either, but for some reason they get this constant ass kissing from their colleagues and the press. It's weird.

Edited by SlovakPrincess
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There's a promo for that Queens of Drama reality show that Donna Mills and Vanessa Marcil are in. I don't want to, but I know I will watch. It really just makes me miss Dirty Soap, which was awful and amazing.


I can't wait! I didn't know this was a thing! I saw Dirty Soap, which basically reflected everything I felt about the actors (i.e. I had Gigi on OLTL and Farrah Fath seemed like a real bag, I am pretty meh about Sam and I felt the same about KeMo, KS seemed a little bit like a disaster, though slightly interesting, and that is basically Maxie to me... tho now I follow her on instagram and her life seems like it's the best and she really pulled it together)

But this show seems great. Especially since it's dealing with Soap Stars who have been around for awhile. And the ones that haven't could bring gossip/dramz- Theresa from Passions is divorced from a Adam on Y&R and Crystal Hunt seems like a mess- she had an arrest for getting into a bar fight and I remember when she was Lizzie on GL, Lizzie's dog was her actual dog that she carried everywhere)

Hopefully it'll be less scripted then Dirty Soap and there seems to be a purpose, oppose to dirty soap just being the Hills for soap stars.

Edited by NewRadical
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If you look at it from a certain perspective, the kid might be the real breadwinner in the family. I don't know what his parents do for a living, but I would imagine that being an actor pays more. Particularly with as much as Spencer is given to do on the show, stuff that I don't think he's entirely able to handle. Kind of like a jacked-up Dance Moms thing.

This might be going a bit off topic, but Josh Hutcherson (Peeta, Hunger Games) he told a story about when he was a kid, he was living in an apartment complex near some other child actors and he was once cornered by some of their mothers because he was booking work and they weren't  and they wanted to know how he was getting casted in things. The way he described it, didn't sound vicious, they wanted to know his tactics.  It seems a lot of families uproot their entire existence in the hopes of their kids making it. 


 I wouldn't be surprised if NB's family did a similar thing, and because FV/RC are a stupid as fuck, he managed to not only pull ahead of  Brooklyn Silzer, who has been on this show longer, it seems that he is featured way more than Haley and Tequin, who should be the ones anchoring the younger crowd.  


The family probably were doing fine before hand, but NB booking prominent roles in commercials and television is verifying a lot of sacrifices they made.


Seeing RC fascination with the truly stupid, I am a bit surprised he hasn't started the Danny/Georgie/Rocco love triangle. We know that Lulu and Maxie are discussing the future love life, but considering how Spinelli idolizes Jason, I am a bit surprised he hasn't asked for his own playdate so he can fantasize about Georgie one day marrying the son of Stone Cold. 

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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Its dumb, because the show could have turned him into the next Vanessa Marcil. What a mean is, connect this kid to different parts of the canvas. He should have either befriended Michael or Morgan. With Michael being a super important CEO, had him do an internship.

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He got a pre nom off of like a handful of scenes, while Mo and Roger Howarth couldn't get noms with eating the show. Spencer kid didn't get one either, so normal show runners would think.... wow let's feature this guy more. Especially with the success of shows like Empire and How to Get Away with Murder that show a young black male can be a likeable lead in a show.

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Tequan is extremely talented and has been totally wasted on this show. His appearances the last year have been sporadic, yet he always makes a feast out of the crumbs he's given. That Frank & Ron couldn't develop a teen scene shouldn't limit what TJ does. He could be interning at ELQ, bonding with Michael, investigating some mystery with Molly, etc.

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They need to split Molly/TJ up, as I think HP being a minor and TRi being 21/22 greatly inhibits what story he can do. He can do more than "Oh Molly, it's gonna be ok." Or "Shawn/Mom, I don't like your job, but..... cool beans". TJ is the perfect age to be a Q. Damn, just say Jordan adopted him. I'd rather lose Howarth, Stafford, etc than him at this point.

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They need to split Molly/TJ up, as I think HP being a minor and TRi being 21/22 greatly inhibits what story he can do. He can do more than "Oh Molly, it's gonna be ok." Or "Shawn/Mom, I don't like your job, but..... cool beans". TJ is the perfect age to be a Q. Damn, just say Jordan adopted him. I'd rather lose Howarth, Stafford, etc than him at this point.


Michael Sutton is seven years older than Kimberly McCullough and they still went all in with the Stone/Robin romance. (She was 16/17 and looked reeeeeeally young at the time.) 


Ron just can't write anything compelling for the "teen set" or be bothered to keep anything going. 

Edited by Box305
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Personally, I don't need TJ to be a Q or related to anyone for that matter. I think it is an overused device in soaps and with Ron/FV's soaps, smacks of desperation. Todd was fine on OLTL because it was easy to recon without bashing your head into a wall and with Carly on GH, it was the story (and in a way, it was the story with Todd as well). Kevin wasn't randomly related to half the cast when he took off, but we wonder where he is because of Mac, and Brenda was never secretly a Q or Scorpio, but still is "sister" of both families. 

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UO but I don't really see much in TRi. However, I'm not opposed to them trying to do more with him, but only if he gets out of Shawn's orbit. I personally hate TJ because he's just a mob ass kisser like everyone else. Meanwhile he hates his mom, I guess because she's in the bad mob or whatever. So annoying. 

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Meanwhile he hates his mom, I guess because she's in the bad mob or whatever. So annoying.

Yeah, Shawn's a KILLER, but that puts him above Jordan because she pushes teh drugs. Though given how inept a hit man Shawn is, maybe TJ isn't entirely wrong....

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Though given how inept a hit man Shawn is, maybe TJ isn't entirely wrong....


You know what, this is actually a good point. I'm rethinking my stance on TJ now. He probably knows his mother is actually smart and a badass so he realizes she is probably actually pushing drugs while he knows Shawn is dumb and stupid and dumb and a bad shot so he probably figures he's never actually killed anyone and never will. OK, I'm back on TJ's side!

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Why they have put these two back into each other's orbit is beyond me, or why has Morgan not been considered good enough to cast a decent love interest for him if they aren't going to put him back with Ava.


I do wonder if BC rubbed somebody the wrong way and that has something to do with him barely being used last year. He and Kelly T left and said they would be right back at the meet-and-greet at fan club weekend last year, and then they never came back, and apparently there was another event they said they would come to and didn't show up. And I think the whole BrittMor stuff on twitter might have rubbed the writers the wrong way as well. Ron seemed kind of annoyed with it at one point.

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