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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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10 hours ago, Oracle42 said:

so obviously sidelined

I don't think Kristina or Lucas have been sidelined because they're gay. They've been sidelined because the writers can't figure out how to write for more than two or three people in that general age group at a time. Lucas is a doctor, yet he rarely has a story connected to GH. Kristina is Morgan and Michael's sister, FFS, and is either of them talking to her about their problems or vice versa? Nope. Do Lauren and Kristina even know each other? It's ridiculous how isolated the stories are.

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Stafford and Finola were going a joint Fan Club Weekend event. They called it the "best friends tour." I guess Finola's canceled on Stafford, because it's now the Laura Wright and Michelle Stafford "best friends tour." 

I almost feel like I'm visiting a junior high school, which is about the last time I either:  1) used terms like "best friend;" or 2) had my "best friend" change every few months.

Hope Stafford and Wright don't start liking the same boy because next it'll turn into the Stafford and Rebecca Budig "best friends" tour.

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5 hours ago, Francie said:

Stafford and Finola were going a joint Fan Club Weekend event. They called it the "best friends tour." I guess Finola's canceled on Stafford, because it's now the Laura Wright and Michelle Stafford "best friends tour." 

I almost feel like I'm visiting a junior high school, which is about the last time I either:  1) used terms like "best friend;" or 2) had my "best friend" change every few months.

Hope Stafford and Wright don't start liking the same boy because next it'll turn into the Stafford and Rebecca Budig "best friends" tour.

Clearly you need to read up more on 26 year old Taylor Swift* and her Girl Squad. (On second thought, don't.)

*I'm 27, so I needed to point that out. ;)

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19 minutes ago, UYI said:

Clearly you need to read up more on 26 year old Taylor Swift* and her Girl Squad. (On second thought, don't.)

*I'm 27, so I needed to point that out. ;)

I can't believe this is the first time you're mentioning this to us! :p

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6 minutes ago, ulkis said:

I tease in good fun!



I felt in that instance it was relevant, though, to illustrate that some still use young understanding of friendships even at an older age, even if they shouldn't. 

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This is still making me ragey:




Because it's HILARIOUS that Sam wouldn't want the man that sexually assaulted her and made her think he raped her for a year. 


Just extremely poor taste, and I am still disgusted.

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11 hours ago, Francie said:

Stafford and Finola were going a joint Fan Club Weekend event. They called it the "best friends tour." I guess Finola's canceled on Stafford, because it's now the Laura Wright and Michelle Stafford "best friends tour." 

I almost feel like I'm visiting a junior high school, which is about the last time I either:  1) used terms like "best friend;" or 2) had my "best friend" change every few months.

Hope Stafford and Wright don't start liking the same boy because next it'll turn into the Stafford and Rebecca Budig "best friends" tour.

I use the term "best friend" all the time. Today, for example, when I told someone at work that I had to leave early this week to emergency babysit because my best friend's sister tried to kill herself.

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1 hour ago, mybabyaidan said:

This is still making me ragey:




Because it's HILARIOUS that Sam wouldn't want the man that sexually assaulted her and made her think he raped her for a year. 


Just extremely poor taste, and I am still disgusted.

SID has always made incredibly dumb captions, so I'm not surprised. 

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10 hours ago, UYI said:

All I can think of are the fat jokes. Poor Sean. Note the GH tag.

Is he tagging GH because he knows he looks good.....or because finally after being tortured forever we might finally get something we want/the show needs?  

And yeah, he does look better than Mo, BC, BM, etc.   I like a distinguished man working it out.  Meow!

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3 hours ago, Chairperson Meow said:

Is he tagging GH because he knows he looks good.....or because finally after being tortured forever we might finally get something we want/the show needs?  

And yeah, he does look better than Mo, BC, BM, etc.   I like a distinguished man working it out.  Meow!

It seems like B&B is doing their level best to be done with him, so I guess it's possible.  I don't know if I'm rooting for it to happen or want him to stay far, far away.  I could definitely go for another try at Quiz, and end this Liz/Franco shit ASAP.  But if they would only bring him back to be a loser who Sonny and Carly get to stomp on at least once a week, then I'll pass.  

Oh, who am I kidding?  We all know it's option B.  

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I'd be thrilled if they brought him back with the personality of Ghost AJ.  Ghost AJ was the bomb.  Why are characters on this show always better written when they are ghosts than when they were alive (i.e. Carlos, Silas)?

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Has this been posted? Wild Bill deVry continues living a #basedblessedlyfe


You’re about to head to the fan event and meet members of the “Julexis army.” Are you nervous? Things haven’t been so great for the couple the past couple of weeks.

I know that a lot of them have sided with Alexis (Nancy Lee Grahn). Soon Julian will be trying to fix things and make her see things his way. He’ll tell her all the right things like “I love you,” and “We can work through this,” so soon the fans will wonder what’s wrong with Alexis and why she can’t just take him back. But then of course, some worst stuff will be coming up for them very shortly and then they’ll go back to her side again very soon.

It is worth mentioning that WDV's alleged assurances about his job security have been offered by Frank Valentini for many people on his two soap operas over the years, and often turned out to be baldfaced lies.

Edited by jsbt
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I hope it's a lie & he is shown the door. Julian anit shit, never has & never will be shit. I want Ric back cause even at his worse he didn't treat Alexis as horrific as this. I want a triangle with Alexis/Ric/Liz I know hell freeze over before it happens but I can dream.

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Half the fans really want to see somebody cut Sonny down to his knees but then there are some other people who want Julian dead.

There's no reason both of these things can't happen. They are not mutually exclusive.

He mentions the large cast, and I don't know why cutting out most of the recurring couldn't free up the budget for those actors on contract. But of course that would probably mean we'd see Sonny and Carly five times a week instead of increasing time for people we actually want to see more of.

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5 hours ago, NiqueAlexis said:

I want a triangle with Alexis/Ric/Liz

This probably belongs more in the UO thread, but before he took Baby Molly from cancer-ridden Alexis [and cheated with Reese], I liked Ric/Alexis and thought they had great chemistry. And I thought they made much more sense together (backgrounds and all and both familiar with the batshit cray cray side of life) than Ric/Liz ever did.

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7 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Aside from the ick factor of Alexis sleeping with brothers

I think - as squicky as it is - it's a soap rite of passage! At least she didn't sleep with brothers AND father as Brooke on B&B and Reva on GL supposedly did. (Thanks, SOD! I watched neither.)  

And as much as I loathe Sonny, I think R/A were sacrificed more for Jason then, so he and Liz were sanctified with their sexing it up by making Lucky and Ric cheating dirtbags. (Sam was gross with Ric, but Jason dumped her, so she didn't cheat; but she also went after her own mom, so it's a wash. UGH, 2006 was a mess.)

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55 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Aside from the ick factor of Alexis sleeping with brothers, I loved Ric and Alexis. But of course he and they had to be sacrificed on the altar of Sonny.

Rick Hearst is a chem magnet.

Yeah, I thought he had chemistry with both of them, although a smidge more with Liz.

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Actors are a weird breed. I have had to unfollow every damn one of them on Twitter except for MW and replacement Nic because they all seem to have rather high opinions of themselves, then do that fake self-deprecation thing so their stans tell them how great they are.

I think the Ric Hearst getting a contract ship has sailed, hit an iceberg, and sank. If they were going to offer him a contract, they would have done it by now. They're too busy giving contracts to male models who have never acted before Frank hired them.

Edited by RedVelvetWaffles
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Did BryDog do something really stupid on Twitter that led to him deleting everything he'd tweeted prior to about a week ago?  I hate to have missed a good BryDog meltdown.  

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59 minutes ago, ulkis said:

I think someone hacked into his account, so that could have been him deleting what the hacker posted.

It was you, wasn't it, ulkis?  

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31 minutes ago, UYI said:

Yeah, I needed to know what BryDog and Kel's Fourth of July weekend entailed of! :'( 

I just assumed they spent all day inspecting hot dog factories to make sure no one was making the hot dogs with real dogs.

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52 minutes ago, UYI said:

Yeah, I needed to know what BryDog and Kel's Fourth of July weekend entailed of! :'( 

Fear not, where twitter fails, snapchat delivers. They were out partying on a boat, and apparently the cops or coast guard or something came, cause Bryan said in sing-song, "we got in trouble!" while filming another boat. Bryan also thoughtfully recorded himself and one of his buddies dancing in a circle around each other on said boat. Kelly and Bryan also seem to be nostalgic for Gangsta's Paradise too, because it's the second time I've heard it on their snapchats.

1 hour ago, KerleyQ said:

It was you, wasn't it, ulkis?  

It's no fun if it's not genuine Brydog.

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3 hours ago, ulkis said:

Fear not, where twitter fails, snapchat delivers. They were out partying on a boat, and apparently the cops or coast guard or something came, cause Bryan said in sing-song, "we got in trouble!" while filming another boat. Bryan also thoughtfully recorded himself and one of his buddies dancing in a circle around each other on said boat. Kelly and Bryan also seem to be nostalgic for Gangsta's Paradise too, because it's the second time I've heard it on their snapchats.

It's no fun if it's not genuine Brydog.

Brydog must think he's cool for knowing such a plethora of old school rap such as Coolio's "Gangsta's Paradise".  Maybe one day he will be grown up enough to handle Da Brat, Missy Elliot, and maybe some Vanilla Ice.  When he's 35 he can learn Tupac and Biggie and Eazy E.  I look forward to the day he angry tweets because he learned they died.  

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