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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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This took me like 5 reads to kinda get it.

I kinda get it, but I still don't get it.


You know that GH reality show we keep talking about. Look, I'm all for the knitting circle half hour to replace the Fab Life. 


But the reality show I really, really, really want is the one where Bry-dog, to save on rent and pay for all his boy toys, moves in with NLG. With special guest appearances by Kelly T. And Maurice.

Edited by Francie
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I can't.  Is Grease really the hill she wants to die on?  I mean, yeah, it's not very Women's Lib-oriented, by any means.  But, come on, it's set in the 50's.  And, I'm as progressive as anyone, but, as a child of the 70's, I will cut anyone who wants to come after Grease.  It's not meant to be deep, NLG.  The fact that it's being done as a live event on Fox should have clued you in there.  Simmer down. 

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As long as she didn't go after poor Vanessa Hudgens (who lost her dad less than 24 hours before she had to perform on live television), I really don't care what she said about it. And I say that as someone who has always lost interest in the movie Grease after about Hopelessly Devoted to You; it kind of drags for me after that until it gets to the end. 

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When a movie ends with a flying car, I think it's safe to say you shouldn't take it seriously. Where is NLG's get-a-grip friend? Good lord.


Instead of a get a grip friend, NLG has a lose your grip bottle.  

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I kinda get it, but I still don't get it.

You know that GH reality show we keep talking about. Look, I'm all for the knitting circle half hour to replace the Fab Life.

But the reality show I really, really, really want is the one where Bry-dog, to save on rent and pay for all his boy toys, moves in with NLG. With special guest appearances by Kelly T. And Maurice.

I want to stick Nancy, Bry-dog, La Geary, Riley Peter Wayans, Mo, and Will in an RV together for three months and force them to do ever increasingly-ridiculous challenges for three months ala original recipe "Road Rules".

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I want to stick Nancy, Bry-dog, La Geary, Riley Peter Wayans, Mo, and Will in an RV together for three months and force them to do ever increasingly-ridiculous challenges for three months ala original recipe "Road Rules".

Geary would quit before the first challenge began. Either that, or he'd sit up with the driver the entire time.


Will and "Riley" would up the ante on stupid until the lawyers made the producers step in. I'm imagining it's about the time that WdV claims that his abs are so hard that they could drive the RV over them.  


Nancy would whine and complain about how there were no other women on the RV, until the second a female "special guest" not of the Davis clan arrived. Then she'd passive aggressively maneuver her off. You know, can we add Michelle to this mix? Because I have a feeling she'd out drink, out burp, and out cuss the boys, and Nancy go from "Burping is SO uncouth" to "I can burp too! Watch me! Watch me!" in 19 seconds flat.  


Maurice would have the best confessionals. Though we may need subtitles for them.


Kelly T. would be driving behind them the entire time, faking running into them.

Edited by Francie
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. . . And Laura would be live tweeting the whole thing with ever increasingly-ridiculous hashtags.

Laura would be the most annoying every perky cheerleader.  "Maurice, you got this!!" "Williams, you got this!"  She start every morning with "Welcome to Carly's world! Isn't today great!"  At some point, in passive aggressive retaliation, someone will put something gross in her socks.


Finola would be awesome at any challenge that involved skilled. Archery? Nailed it. Perfect penmanship? Nailed it. Master Mandarin in 10 minutes? Nailed it. The first time there was an embarrassing or too dangerous challenge, she'd call uber or someone she just happens to know wherever they're at ("Yeah, Anne Rice lives an hour away. She's picking me up.") and be gone.


Roger would disappear at their first gas refill. He'll magically show up 3 weeks later in Austin and pretend like he had been there the whole time.


Tyler would be all "I coulda done that .... 10 years ago."


Kelly M. would just drink and sleepwalk through the challenges.


Dominic would be game for about two weeks. And then he'd stand to the side, scratch his head, and say, "I don't know about this. I got three kids ... can we speed this up? You know the best way home is a straight line. We get paid the same amount if we lose, right?"


Bry-dog would wind up in the hospital 3 days in.

Edited by Francie
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Who are Riley and Peter?

I think Tiger meant Robert Palmer Watkins, who plays Dillon.


He's so generic and leaves no impression that any three RPW names work.


Richie Paul Wagner


Ralph Philip Williams


Randy Phineas Walters

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Who have I left out?


Lisa would decide all the fun is with crew, and she'd join them and start building the challenges.


Genie would still be at the Bunin Murray exec. offices, negotiating each appearance.


Tequan will get a better offer from a non-reality show, and a limo would come in and swoop him up.


Becky's home with the kids. She ain't got time for this silliness.


Chad will be distracted the entire time, blocking texts, instagram, and twitter messages from Philadelphia.


Vinessa will be game, but knows when to stop.


And Emme will start a knitting circle, and all the ladies would join her and let the boys and Lisa get dirty in the mud.  Boom. Full circle & end scene.

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I think Tiger meant Robert Palmer Watkins, who plays Dillon.

He's so generic and leaves no impression that any three RPW names work.

Richie Paul Wagner

Ralph Philip Williams

Randy Phineas Walters

Rocky Prince Walker made two of the best music videos of all time, ALL TIME!

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Anyone else perplexed by Mo's twitter?

He seems to be spending a lot more time with Chad and Bry Dog....Not that that is a bad thing, it just seemed to come out of nowhere.

My theory: hanging with Chad since his break-up.

Anyone else perplexed by Mo's twitter?

He seems to be spending a lot more time with Chad and Bry Dog....Not that that is a bad thing, it just seemed to come out of nowhere.

My theory: hanging with Chad since his break-up.

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What the hell is wrong with NLG and why is she acting like she just learned what Grease is? And why is a woman who played a character who dressed like a butler to get her child back from a guy and keep the kid out of the mafia and is now basically just a squeeze toy for a mob guy commenting on women's rights in regards to a musical based in the 50s? For someone who claims to be about women's rights, NLG seems to insult a lot of women. Sure, a lot of it is under the guise of some other "well meaning" remark, but she needs to keep her mouth shut.

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I knew his big news wasn't going to be big news.  Who needs characters like AJ or Georgie when a guy who played a character for like two minutes is coming back? 


Just SMH.

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TeeVee329 beat me to the link, too.


SMH. No, smack my head against the keyboard until it becomes a bloody pulp.


I wonder if we can get the same Twitterverse that got the hockey enforcer into the All Star Game to start a Bring Georgie Back hashtag.


Oh, and Valenti....



Edited by NutmegsDad
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I'm almost afraid to find out what he's back to do and who he'll be this time.  


It's gotta be either John or Silas' ghost, right? Anything would be (even more) pointless and/or ridiculous.

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Is he going to be Zombie Silas or Zombie Caleb? Or Police Detective ... Shaun Mc ... Swain. Yeah that's it. Shaun McSwain. A new character who's not based on and does not remind you of any previous characters who we are pretending never appeared on this show.

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It's gotta be either John or Silas' ghost, right? Anything would be (even more) pointless and/or ridiculous.


The OLTL characters are still indefinitely stuck in legal limbo (thank God for small favors), so it can't be McBain.

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Lynn Herring has to announce why she wasn't settling for the one line every six weeks offers they were giving her and Michael Easton gets a parade?



This is why its eye roll inducing.  FV's hype made it seem like they were bringing back someone along the lines of Tristan Rogers - you know a fan favorite from days gone by on THIS show.

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Oh god, am I gonna have to sit through them trying to pair him up with Sam AGAIN?


OMFG no no no no no no NOOOOOOOOOOO. Sam fans are suffering enough. Sam haters are suffering enough. EVERYONE IS ALREADY SUFFERING WE DON'T NEED THIS STOP IT.


Look, Dr. Silas Cialis was boring, but inoffensive to me, and I would have definitely chosen to get rid of numerous characters before him, but he's useless and there's no reason why he needs to come back.

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OMFG no no no no no no NOOOOOOOOOOO. Sam fans are suffering enough. Sam haters are suffering enough. EVERYONE IS ALREADY SUFFERING WE DON'T NEED THIS STOP IT.


Look, Dr. Silas Cialis was boring, but inoffensive to me, and I would have definitely chosen to get rid of numerous characters before him, but he's useless and there's no reason why he needs to come back.


Good thing for you, he's not coming back! According to Varni's facebook page:


Easton returns soon to ‪#‎gh‬ in an exciting new role, more details to come later this month!

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Easton returns soon to ‪#‎gh‬ in an exciting new role, more details to come later this month!


That's almost worse!  Michael Easton is not so amazing a performer, so necessary to the survival of this show, that they need to give him a THIRD character to play.  STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

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