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Late Show With David Letterman - General Discussion

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Even in that very brief Johnny Carson clip from 1994 last night, I was struck again by the awe in Dave's face as he gave him a sideways look -- like he hardly dared look at him directly.  And I was struck by how young Johnny looked in that clip, so looked up the date of the show, and he was 68 at that point -- having retired at age 66, an earlier age than Dave will be doing (just turned 68 himself).  And according to what I read, that appearance on Dave's show was Johnny's last appearance on television, although he lived for over another decade. 


I would pay good money for a DVD collection of all of Jack Hanna's appearances. I always am smiling and laughing during his appearances. Except for tonight when I was crying at the end. I had no idea he's been coming on the show for 33 years. It was sad that this is their last interaction. DVD! DVD!

The best collection of all of course, (logistically and legally unlikely to impossible though) would include Hanna's many outrageous Carson appearances too.  I mean if we're in pie-in-the-sky-land about such stuff!

Edited by Kromm

I would pay good money for a DVD set (not just one DVD!) collecting Letterman appearances of:  George Clooney, Tom Hanks, Steve Martin, Bruce Willis, Martha Stewart, Amy Sedaris, Bill Murray, Dave's Mom, all the Thanksgiving (speaking of pie-in-the-sky!) and Christmas shows.  I am waving my credit card at you, whoever owns this gold! 


So many more I would purchase, but this is my dream list. 

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They worked Ferrell into the show by giving him a Harry Caray cameo in the monologue, so I guess technically he was still bumped since this wasn't a proper guest appearance.


The Obama interview was very good. They did a good job alternating between serious and funny, and that shot of the press photographers descending upon them during one of the breaks was hilarious.


It was also nice to have a happy song for once in this final stretch.

Edited by alynch

Something about Reese Witherspoon's appearance just didn't sit well with me. I used to like herbut now, it just seems like she's another vapic airhead from Hollywood...She sort of said goobye to Dave but her appearance wasreally about herself..

Nathan Lane was funny..the song..not so much....but still, at least that was about Dave..

..and the less said about Mumford and Sons going electric, the better from me...

11 shows???? I really can't imagine a post-Dave TV universe...

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After they played what I thought was an unfunny clip from Reese's movie, and Dave did the usual fake host laughter, I thought to myself how grateful he must be to not have to fake laugh anymore, at least after the next 11 shows are over.


I was happy to see Nathan Lane because I do think they had to find a way to slip him into the schedule, and at this point, I'd rather have guests on the show who want to be there for Dave and not for the movie or show they're promoting.  Nathan's song was just okay IMO, but I love that once again, the show got Mark Shaiman to do the music.  I think he did Martin Short's last musical number on Letterman, too.  

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I may have to rewatch it (heck, I may rewatch it just to see Dave/Martin Short in all their glory one last time), but I thought that while the audience laughed and oohed over it, Dave had no facial reaction and tried to be neutral.  I had the exact same thought as you, alynch, as I wondered what Dave's reaction would be to the first Cosby joke on his show, but I think he worked hard not to react at all.   


I think what I'm taking from these last episodes is, I'm sure I'll see all these celebrities hawking their wares on other talk shows, and I'm sure I'll laugh at their jokes or admire their talents, but I will miss the personal connection so many of them had with Dave.  That's what made these interviews so unique.  I'm glad that in his own way, Martin Short said as much and did it without becoming too sentimental.


Having said that, while I've never been a big fan of "Don't Know Why", hearing Norah Jones sing it so beautifully with just a guitar accompanying her piano, made me tear up.  Dave's personal selections for guests, and clips to re-air, and songs he wants to hear, have all been stellar, IMO.     

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Norm already had his goodbye talk. I love that he'll be the final standup performer, although I'm not sure his style is really a natural fit for the show's typical five-minute slot. Hopefully they'll give him more time.


The only ones from the April press release who haven't been dated yet are Tom Hanks & Bill Murray, so they'll be there for the final three.


Just saw this on the show YouTube page. It's too bad they couldn't find time for this in the actual show.



Don Rickles' health has really been in decline the past few years.  I wonder if he has the stamina to do two segments. 


Perhaps the last week will be Tom Hanks on Monday, Bill Murray on Tuesday, and then no guest, just Dave, Paul and the Late Show gang for the final show.  That's what Carson did - the show with Robin Williams and Bette Midler was the penultimate show, and it was just Johnny, Ed and Doc for the finale.  In fact, I think the audience for Carson's final show was made up entirely of staffers' family members. 

You know, it had not clicked with me that the 20th is a Wednesday.  So you are right, only two shows left for guests. 


Don Rickles clearly has problems getting around, but once he is talking he has been sharp as a tack, in the times I have seen him in the past year or two.  He clearly has great affection for Dave, and I suspect it will be an emotional goodbye for Don.  And I say that never having been a fan of his style of humor, but have appreciated his appearances on Dave's show. 

Oh, man, I'm actually disappointed in the final guest list for this reason:


In the past, Howard Stern would be the sole guest, so that he'd have an extended amount of time to "interview"/grill Dave. (He's one of the few who can actually do that.)


So I thought since a lot of the recent shows have featured 1 guest, Stern would be Monday's sole guest. But I saw that Don Rickles will be there, too. Nothing against Rickles. I just wish he was there on another night.


I was also disappointed that Howard, who usually visits once a year, hasn't been on the show in 1 1/2 years. I thought for sure he'd stop by in the months after Dave's announcement. (It's all Howard's fault, though, he frets about these interviews, which are always so good.)

Will he be doing one final Stupid Pet Tricks? I could see that showing up in the last week. I have to figure Regis will still show up, even if it's in a cameo. I'm holding out hope for Springsteen in that final week as well, although I know that's probably unlikely at best.


BTW, I didn't see it mentioned above, but buried in the press release about next week's guests is a confirmation that Dave will be interviewing Paul on the Wednesday May 13th episode.

A night of tears for me.  I was crying by the end of the tribute to Dorothy.  And I was sobbing by the time Ray started crying.  



Me, too.  I couldn't stop crying after watching Ray Romano, and I never thought he'd be the one to bring me to tears.  


I love Dave and I know his modesty and low self-esteem is part of who he is, but sometimes I wish he'd just accept how he's affected people's lives, both in front of the camera and for those of us who've watched him all these years on our TVs at home.

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So, who is left for the last week?  Has Tom Hanks had his final guest appearance? 



Nothing has been announced.

Dave has said that he knows what he is gonna do, but he also said that the producers are keeping some things from him.

Here is my prediction:



Tom Hanks

Monologue cameo:  Brian Williams ("Dave, I wanted to stop by for your last show.  I was there for your first CBS show, and the first show you did on NBC, and the first time you forecast the weather on Indy TV, and the first time you tossed a pencil through the window in 4th grade")

Top Ten List:  Regina Letterman, Harry Letterman, and Dorothy Mengering

"Will It Float?"

Foo Fighters




Martha Stewart

Monologue cameo: Richard Simmons (complete with Turkey Suit and Fire Extinguisher - Dave lets him get revenge)

Top Ten List: Late Night Talk Show Hosts (Leno announces #1)

"Is This Anything?"

Foo Fighters



Bill Murray

Top Ten List: Late Show Staffers

The CBS Orchestra on its own

Last Segment:  Viewer Mail ("we get letters, lots of letters, stacks and stacks of letters")

Last Letter is from a viewer from the Home Office in "X":  "Dave, is it time to go?"

Answer, "Yes, it's time to go, G'night everybody"



Does anyone know if they are taping on each day of the last week?  And not double-taping the Wednesday finale after the Tuesday show?


The Foo Fighters have a Friday May 15 concert in AL, but nothing on their schedule May 18-20.

Edited by SanDiegoInExile

Actually, I was at the Ed Sullivan Theater yesterday, signing up for the lottery to see one of the remaining 8 shows (fingers crossed), and I can confirm that the shows will be taped as they usually are:  Monday through Wednesday, starting in the late afternoon, and on Thursday, two shows, the first taped in late morning, and the second in the late afternoon.  Then next week, Monday through Wednesday will be taped at the same times as always, starting in the late afternoon.    


.  Then next week, Monday through Wednesday will be taped at the same times as always, starting in the late afternoon.    

----I was hoping they would tape on the 20th, leaving as little time for spoilers to get out as possible.


---If NBC/Fallon does do a new show that night (which I suppose would be the right business decision for them), I'll be interested to see the guest list. 

Edited by GaryE

Actually, I was at the Ed Sullivan Theater yesterday, signing up for the lottery to see one of the remaining 8 shows (fingers crossed)

Good luck! I guess my online request for tickets didn't work out. :( I had the chance to go 20 years ago, back when you had to mail in a postcard, which I did as soon as I turned 18, but I couldn't make the date I got work. I'm kicking myself for not trying more over the past couple of years (before then it would have been too far to travel).


Good luck! I guess my online request for tickets didn't work out. :( I had the chance to go 20 years ago, back when you had to mail in a postcard, which I did as soon as I turned 18, but I couldn't make the date I got work. I'm kicking myself for not trying more over the past couple of years (before then it would have been too far to travel).


I'm lucky. Instead of me going to New York to visit Letterman. Letterman came to me.


Well, sort of.


My first years of high school coincided with Letterman's first years at CBS.


And during those first few years, Letterman would take his show out to L.A. and tape at CBS Television City (where James Corden, American Idol, Dancing with the Stars and The Price is Right currently tape.)


And CBS Television City is located 2 blocks from my high school.


So, all I had to do to see Lettterman  was leave school early and walk 2 blocks.


(Also great: Letterman's age limit was 16. I always wanted to see Arsenio. But you had to be 18. Arsenio was canceled when I was 17.)

Edited by nowandlater
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