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Small Talk: I Like Them All, I Just Can't Choose!


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1 hour ago, Booney said:

Are you using a desktop or laptop, or a tablet? If I'm on my desktop, I open the picture, then click "Paint" and you can either crop the photo or reduce it in size. If I'm on my tablet (IPad), a trick I learned is to email the photo to yourself. When you hit send, it'll ask if you want to send the photo as small, medium or large file. Click small, email it to yourself, open the photo and save it. 

Desk top. I will have to save these instructions and try this.

Then you will be sorry. LOL

3 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

You probably already know this, but in case you don't...United Cancer Services is an organization that assists folks financially, if I understand correctly.  They may do other things as well, not sure. They will help with gasoline for your car to get you back and forth to appts., or taxis if unable to drive, etc.  A girlfriend who was battling inflammatory breast cancer received $500 toward a wig, and she was still working a decent job at the time, with a retired husband, and they weren't destitute by any means.  I'm not sure what all they can help with, but if you have a local or regional chapter, I'd look them up.  Best to you~

Nope, did not know this! Thank you.

12 hours ago, PearlClutcher said:

I believe they're people with absolutely no soul.  Maybe mama taught them since she seems to unabashedly worship money.  Porn, multiple partners, messing around while still married, drugs, public pictures of your breasts and vagina, being a paid "escort" for rich, wealthy old men, etc. Such a wholesome family.  Can you imagine what their children are going to value?   I find them truly pitiful - the whole lot.

I wouldn't be surprised if 30 years from now, this will be known as the Kardashian Era.  I'm planning on being daft and sitting in a nursing home drooling on my liquid knit schmatta, so I won't be the wiser, hopefully.

12 hours ago, Cricket said:

Nope, did not know this! Thank you.

Good luck, and I hope you can find a local chapter!

12 hours ago, Cricket said:

Nope, did not know this! Thank you.

I didn't Google this before I wrote to you about it, and I'm not sure if UCS is a national organization.  I did however find this link which also might be helpful:


Edited by SuprSuprElevated
43 minutes ago, Fishy said:

Attention @Booney - how did you find that pic of Ant's outfit??  Just curious because I looked at QYouTube and found nothing there.  What am I missing?

I got it from the Q's website. On the toolbar near the top of their webpage, you'll see Shop QVC TV. Click on it to get the drop-down menu and then click on Items Recently on Air. It brings up a page and, on the left, you'll see a list of shows that were on today. Since you mentioned that Ant did the Diamonique show, I figured she probably did the show after it too so I clicked on that show (White Sale) and it brought up all the products sold during that show. I clicked on the shower curtain, and I was able to watch the video of Ant presenting that item. I paused it and took a screen shot. 

Sorry for the long explanation! It really is easier than it sounds!

Cricket -- I was LOL'ing like crazy at the mental image of jealous Argus marching back and forth along the edge of the bathroom door, trying to squeeze under it to bite Joe. Joe is a tolerant sweetheart, that's for sure!

I use Paint to resize pictures, but you can also try this website. I used it a lot before I figured out the Paint program.

http://www.shrinkpictures.com/ "Shrink pictures online." You upload your picture, select the resizing criteria, wait a few seconds, and then download the resized picture to your pictures library. It's free.

Everybody: yes, the Kardashians are pieces of work!  So trashy, and so underserving of all that wealth. I d believe the mother set the tone. That's why we snarkers call her PMK, Pimp Mama Kris.

1 hour ago, Booney said:

I got it from the Q's website. On the toolbar near the top of their webpage, you'll see Shop QVC TV. Click on it to get the drop-down menu and then click on Items Recently on Air. It brings up a page and, on the left, you'll see a list of shows that were on today. Since you mentioned that Ant did the Diamonique show, I figured she probably did the show after it too so I clicked on that show (White Sale) and it brought up all the products sold during that show. I clicked on the shower curtain, and I was able to watch the video of Ant presenting that item. I paused it and took a screen shot. 

Sorry for the long explanation! It really is easier than it sounds!

Thanks for the tutorial. I didn't know how to get that photo either. I might go experiment. 

10 hours ago, Jaded said:

This is a couple months old. It still makes me laugh though.

LOL!  The same thing happens to me with my cat Freezy.  While he's not a "lap sitter" he usually will sit on the back of the couch behind my head.  As soon as I get up, to go in the kitchen, do some laundry etc., when I come back there he is, sitting where I was with that "move me I dare you" look in his eyes.  Sad thing is he usually wins, and I'll move to one of the chairs; he has me "trained"!

7 hours ago, zoemom said:

LOL!  The same thing happens to me with my cat Freezy.  While he's not a "lap sitter" he usually will sit on the back of the couch behind my head.  As soon as I get up, to go in the kitchen, do some laundry etc., when I come back there he is, sitting where I was with that "move me I dare you" look in his eyes.  Sad thing is he usually wins, and I'll move to one of the chairs; he has me "trained"!

What a coinky dink because my Mr. Schnoodle does the exact.same.thing!!!  

I read this and thought I was in the Twilight Zone!  sooooo funny!!

P.S. the only difference being he gets moved promptly by me, his Mom, I tell him 'this is Mommy's schpotsky' (sic),  but that never stops him from attempting it over and over and over and over again!!  He's persistent.

15 hours ago, Booney said:

I got it from the Q's website. On the toolbar near the top of their webpage, you'll see Shop QVC TV. Click on it to get the drop-down menu and then click on Items Recently on Air. It brings up a page and, on the left, you'll see a list of shows that were on today. Since you mentioned that Ant did the Diamonique show, I figured she probably did the show after it too so I clicked on that show (White Sale) and it brought up all the products sold during that show. I clicked on the shower curtain, and I was able to watch the video of Ant presenting that item. I paused it and took a screen shot. 

Sorry for the long explanation! It really is easier than it sounds!

Thank you ever so much Booney! - not a long explanation at all - 'comprehensive' is the word I'd use and I appreciate it!! :-)

3 hours ago, CarpeDiem54 said:

That's good news that the FCC is taking this kind of action. It would be nice if it deterred other robocallers, but I'm not hopeful about that. There's too much money to be made in fraud, unfortunately.

6 hours ago, TexasTiffany said:

I like working puzzles on a game site I visit. I google many of my own images. Here's one of the images I used recently. It makes me smile. I wish I had time to paint like this. 


I do online jigsaw puzzles and I'd LOVE to do this one.  Love the vivid colors and the kittykat, of course.

3 hours ago, Fishy said:

I do online jigsaw puzzles and I'd LOVE to do this one.  Love the vivid colors and the kittykat, of course.

This bicycling kitty is 1 of 4 seasons, but there are 2 with pumpkins. Maybe there's a 5th season I don't know about. I like the colors in this one. The search words I used were "kitty folk art painting". It's amazing what you can find. 

Edited by TexasTiffany
7 hours ago, Thumper said:

Random question:. I keep hearing/reading the term "bathing suit."  I say "swimsuit."  Is this a regional thing?  I live in the upper Midwest.  Is "bathing suit" an east coast thing?

Bathing suit here - east coast

@Bronx Babe - just want you to know that I am thinking of you.  Hope you are taking good care of yourself.

3 hours ago, Stacey1014 said:

Another East Coaster here and I've always called it a bathing suit. 

The word that drives me batty right now is blowdry. Any time I hear a Q host say it, I want to throw something at the tv. I dry my hair with a hairdryer.  Blowdry and blow dryer make me stabby.   

I've heard them use "blow out" a few times which makes me stop and think what they mean. 

4 hours ago, Stacey1014 said:

Another East Coaster here and I've always called it a bathing suit. 

The word that drives me batty right now is blowdry. Any time I hear a Q host say it, I want to throw something at the tv. I dry my hair with a hairdryer.  Blowdry and blow dryer make me stabby.   

Me, too!  I dry my hair with a hairdryer.

To me, blow dry and blowdryer is so 1970's.

21 minutes ago, TexasTiffany said:

I've heard them use "blow out" a few times which makes me stop and think what they mean. 

I consider a blow out a term used in a hair salon, where they dry and style your hair.

On 6/22/2017 at 6:09 PM, CarpeDiem54 said:

Hey, that's encouraging!  Now to find the Car Warranty and IRS assholes and fine their asses!

On 6/22/2017 at 11:13 PM, Thumper said:

Random question:. I keep hearing/reading the term "bathing suit."  I say "swimsuit."  Is this a regional thing?  I live in the upper Midwest.  Is "bathing suit" an east coast thing?

I'm in the Great Lakes region, and I think I say either or both actually, lol.

On 6/23/2017 at 2:46 PM, TexasTiffany said:

I've heard them use "blow out" a few times which makes me stop and think what they mean. 

Referencing the Brazillian Blowout, a salon procedure.  Or a car tire mishap.

Edited by SuprSuprElevated

We've had a lot of rain this week in the Philly area, so the ground is really saturated. We had a bad storm last night with heavy rain and strong winds. I pulled the shades up in the bedroom this morning and saw that one of my trees fell over during the night! It's completely uprooted and will have to be removed. The good news - it fell away from the house and just missed crushing my mailbox. The bad news - it's a beautiful redbud tree and is one of my favorites. Sigh! I called the tree company that I use but, being that this is Saturday, no one is in the office. I'll try to connect with them first thing Monday morning to see how soon I can get them out here to remove it. Darn!

For the cat people - 

I came across this site when doing some research about cat diets.  There is a long post from a clearly knowledgeable person about cat food/diets that is very interesting & informative, and links to more info.   The specific post is on page -1-, and written by ldg.


16 minutes ago, Booney said:

We've had a lot of rain this week in the Philly area, so the ground is really saturated. We had a bad storm last night with heavy rain and strong winds. I pulled the shades up in the bedroom this morning and saw that one of my trees fell over during the night! It's completely uprooted and will have to be removed. The good news - it fell away from the house and just missed crushing my mailbox. The bad news - it's a beautiful redbud tree and is one of my favorites. Sigh! I called the tree company that I use but, being that this is Saturday, no one is in the office. I'll try to connect with them first thing Monday morning to see how soon I can get them out here to remove it. Darn!

Oh man, that stinks.  I loooove redbud trees~

On 6/23/2017 at 7:58 AM, Stacey1014 said:

Another East Coaster here and I've always called it a bathing suit. 

The word that drives me batty right now is blowdry. Any time I hear a Q host say it, I want to throw something at the tv. I dry my hair with a hairdryer.  Blowdry and blow dryer make me stabby.   

Bathing suit, here. 

Blow dryers, to differentiate from other types of hair dryers. Remember the chair with the helmet? The shower-cap thing attached to a machine with a hose?

I think you can drop into a salon and request a blow out.

I had a tire blow out on the freeway, many years ago. That was fun. (Not.) Come to think of it, I've had two blowouts on the freeway.

Edited by ennui
On 6/19/2017 at 6:27 PM, Thumper said:

I think today is the funeral service for Bronx Babe's mom, too.  Hope that she is doing okay.

Thank you, @Thumper  I'm grateful my cousins (the children of Mom's brother George) were able to be there, and that despite warnings of stormy weather, we had no rain.  The sun shone for my mother that day.

I'm feeling sad and lonely right now.  The usual emotions.  Also selfishly thinking "What now?" in terms of looking for work and worrying about money.  

On 6/19/2017 at 8:22 PM, SuprSuprElevated said:

Oh gosh, you're right.  Hang in there @Bronx Babe ~

Thank you so much, @SuprSuprElevated

It's not easy but I'm trying.

Edited by Bronx Babe
On 6/19/2017 at 10:54 PM, kittygirl said:

@Bronx Babe, thinking of you tonight. It's a difficult time but you did all you could to make her days peaceful. That was a gift you gave her that came from a heart of love. Blessings to you.

I'm so grateful for your generous words, @kittygirl  They do lift my heart.  Thank you my friend.  Keep well.

On 6/19/2017 at 11:43 PM, CarpeDiem54 said:

Thinking of @Cricket and Joe and @Bronx Babe.

Thank you so much, @CarpeDiem54

@Cricket, you and Joe are in my thoughts and prayers.

@tiftgirl  Welcome and thank you so much for your kind words.

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