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Dispatches: The Night Manager in the Media

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Hugh's going to be in a noir series for Hulu - a 20 eppy show called Chance that's supposed to give him a bit of creative input. I'm not sure about the showrunner, Alexandra Cunningham, who has worked on Aquarius and Desperate Housewives, but fingers crossed.


In a Wall Street Journal interview last month, Hugh briefly alluded to creative arguments with the director of The Night Manager, plus his continual self doubt towards his performance as Roper. Given my own reactions to the episodes, I wish he had fought harder with Bier but it is what it is. Hugh's Roper needed more snarky writing and it was promising when he got to show some personality. I still remember Hugh doing a hell of a lot with his sarcastic few minutes in Sense & Sensibility. (And now I'm imagining Ang Lee's version of The Night Manager).

Edited by halopub
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Here's a review from Matt Zoller Seitz, with a non-spoilerly plot mention for episode 2. He writes for New York Magazine and is the one who wrote some crazily amazing reviews of Hannibal. I really can't agree with him that the miniseries succeeds as both brain and eye candy. If only I had been able to enjoy the show through his eyes.


In fact, I've been baffled by the reactions of many TV critics that I respect. Alan Sepinwall shared many of my issues with plot coherence and still gave it a B. 

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I just stumbled on this show, and didn't realize that it starred Tom Hiddleston, who I just love.  But, there has been a promo about how the second season will be starting in June. The first six episodes are available on demand for me via AMC, and I live in the States. So, I'm confused. Based on the comments above, there won't be a second season?

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It was planned as a 6-episode mini-series, but apparently they are discussing a second season.  Not having seen the final episode of the series, I don't know how it ends or how that would impact a second season.  I haven't seen anything definite about a second season, only some articles from a month or so ago saying they were talking about it.

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The six episodes wrap up the book on which the series is based. Pine appears in no other Le Carre books. If there's more, it will be all new content. Which I guess since the Le Carre family are involved, and enjoying the piles of money it's making, there is motivation to create new content. Which is easier said than done, but see: piles of money.

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Both Tom & Hugh said they wouldn't do a season 2, so may be BBC will do a different book? They should just leave it as is.

Edited by Artsda
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On 5/25/2016 at 10:23 AM, Artsda said:

Both Tom & Hugh said they wouldn't do a season 2, so may be BBC will do a different book? They should just leave it as is.

Are you sure?  I've read that both are open to it depending on Le Carre's involvement. 


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Nothing has been written or filmed. Regarding AMC I've been mainly seeing promos for Preacher and Feed the Beast.

I'm pretty skeptical about le Carré writing any new material, but that's mainly because of the overly effusive letter the octogenarian wrote praising the miniseries that his son produced.

In the meantime, I'm looking forward to Hugh's upcoming Hulu series.

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My worry is that someone tells Laurie he should be the next stunt-casting go-to villain because, as we know [sarcasm] all villains have English accents [/sarcasm].

I don't think Laurie plays "villain" very well.  For me, it's not been his forte.  (I was just trying to think of villainous casting that would have worked with him and all I could think of was Dr. Leekie in Orphan Black who was played very well by Matt Frewer.  I think Laurie would have overwhelmed the show and Frewer was perfect for the role -- but that is the sort of villain I see Laurie pulling off.  None of these -- "glaring into the camera with Evil Intent" business.  That just didn't work for me.)

Edited by Captanne
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On 5/28/2016 at 0:50 AM, Irlandesa said:

Pretty sure, they were clear. Le Carre would have to write a whole new book, which they know wouldn't happen anytime soon.

 The Night Manager season 2: Tom Hiddleston and Hugh Laurie say second series is not going to happen

'The Night Manager' Season 2 Isn't Happening

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Putting conditions on a second season is not "making it clear" that they wouldn't do a second season.  If anything, it leaves the door ajar.  That doesn't mean I'll be waiting with bated breath for it to happen but it sounds like all were happy with the experience and wouldn't mind a repeat if the circumstances worked out.

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3 hours ago, Captanne said:

I don't think Laurie plays "villain" very well.

He did a couple of eps of early-season Spooks (MI-5 as was stateside) in which he played antagonist (from MI-6, naturally) with relish, imo. I love his arch disdain and superiority; I think it works well for villain roles. Of course, he employed the same manners as protagonist in House.

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I agree that he can do it -- I just don't think it's his forte.  He falls into the cliche -- and he's way better than a cliche.  

And I think you make a good point bringing up House.  In that iconic character (based on Sherlock Holmes so, admittedly, it's an easy, well-trodden role to inhabit), Laurie was able to bring his comedic brilliance to full force with House's sarcasm and self-defensiveness.  He turned "anti-hero" into full-fledged hero by drawing on his amazing (prodigious?) talent for comedy and acting in general.

I also don't want to see him typecast -- either as House or as a sitcom kind of guy.  (Bryan Cranston is another actor who can straddle that "evil" with "comedy" if handled correctly by direction and writing.)  I think Laurie is even more dependent on the writers and directors than Cranston when it comes to villainy.

I have been a Laurie fan since the early days so I am squarely in his corner.  

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I saw a report that Elizabeth Debecki (Jed) will be the villain in Guardians of the Galaxy 2 playing a character named Ayesha. Looks like she'll be joining her friend Tom in the Marvel family. 

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Not to turn this into the gossip page, but conspiracy theories are running wild on Twitter and elsewhere that Hiddleston and Swift are seeking headlines and attention good for a shot at the Bond role for him, for instance. I'd expect to see much more of them.

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Cavorting with Taylor Swift doesn't seem like a smart way to try to be James Bond, IMO. And as much as I like the Hiddles, I think he's a bit too lightweight at the moment. Idris Elba should get the part!

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On 6/18/2016 at 9:08 PM, stewedsquash said:

I haven't gotten to the crying stage yet. My face is frozen in the Why???? My brain is cracking trying to figure it out. 

Haha!  This was pretty close to my reaction as well but mine was more along the lines of "HER?!?" /Michael Bluth

Edited by NumberCruncher
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Emmy nominations: got nominated for Outstanding Limited Series, along with nods to Hiddleston (actor), Laurie (supporting actor), and... Olivia Coleman! (supporting actress.)  I am so thrilled over the last part.  Almost makes up for not getting any consideration for Broadchurch.

Not surprised, but a bit bummed Tom Hollander didn't get in, because I thought he stole the show at times as Corky.

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Just sayin', it astonishes me how many people say "Laurie can't play a good villain" when I thought Roper was one of the best villains I've ever seen in my entire life. Roper as done by Laurie is what other suave, witty, elegant, understated villains want to be.

And I agree Hollander should have gotten an Emmy nod. Corky as done by Hollander is what other suave, witty, homosexual henchmen want to be.

Edited by Milburn Stone
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Congratulations to The Night Manager on their Golden Globe wins!



: Hugh Laurie

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Is AMC planning to re-air the series soon? I've been watching some stuff on the channel the past few days, and they have been running promos congratulating the actors for the GG wins.  Usually, you see a network do that for a returning show, not so much for a one-off miniseries months after it has run.

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