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Hap And Leonard - General Discussion

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I can't believe how excited I am for this show!  Didn't even know it was happening until I saw the trailer, during the first episode of Better Call Saul.


I've read eight of the books -- they're sexy and violent and laugh out loud funny.  Watch for a scene where Hap and Leonard are watching National Geographic on TV and musing on the mating habits of bears.


Hope to see some other Hap and Leonard and Lansdale fans here! 


And Michael Kenneth Williams (Omar!) as Leonard! 

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Based on the novels by Joe Lansdale, starring James Purefoy (The Following), Michael Kenneth WIlliams (Boardwalk Empire) and Christina Hendricks (Mad Men)


Each episode airs the same time the next week.

1st episode of 6, "Savage Season" synopsis from http://www.dreadcentral.com/news/150089/go-behind-the-scenes-of-sundancetvs-hap-and-leonard/

After lifelong best friends Hap and Leonard lose their jobs, a seductive figure from Hap’s past resurfaces with a shadowy plan to score some major cash. Meanwhile, a menacing pair descends upon the duo’s hometown.

Sounds a little like season 1 True Detective to me. Edited by shapeshifter
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A seductive figure from Hap's past emerges with a plan to score cash in the series premiere of this drama about a friendship between a white laborer and draft evader and a gay black Vietnam War vet in 1980s East Texas.
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It's got "My only reason to stay alive through watching this garbage fire" TV Husband James Purefoy, and of course Christina Hendrix reveling in deep breaths after years of girdling, but...

One, I def get the "trying too hard to be awesome funny TV" vibe from the ads. RELAX, guys. The class clown is genuinely beloved only when he makes it look easy.

and Two, I don't get the Sundance Channel because I have the worst cable package EVER. I see so many ads for stuff I can't actually watch!

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I'm in for the duration -- just six episodes -- but it didn't knock my socks off.  It's nice to see familiar characters from novels brought to life -- the casting is perfect.  But it felt almost too familiar -- no surprises.  That's to be expected, I guess.


Michael Kenneth Williams -- Honey Nut Cheerios for Omar in The Wire, Nilla Wafers for Leonard in this show.

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It's got "My only reason to stay alive through watching this garbage fire" TV Husband James Purefoy, and of course Christina Hendrix reveling in deep breaths after years of girdling, but...One, I def get the "trying too hard to be awesome funny TV" vibe from the ads. RELAX, guys. The class clown is genuinely beloved only when he makes it look easy.and Two, I don't get the Sundance Channel because I have the worst cable package EVER. I see so many ads for stuff I can't actually watch!

Not really even worth the time for me to watch it off-SunDance grid</cough>. The acting is good. It's all good. It's just not my kind of story right now. I need lighter fare.
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 I don't get the Sundance Channel because I have the worst cable package EVER. I see so many ads for stuff I can't actually watch!

I feel your pain--my only internet option is too slow for streaming.  I'm missing the revolution!



I could have gone quite a bit longer getting familiar with the two men before the the love/hate conflict object woman sauntered in.


But the main problem, for me, is that the whole show needs to settle down before it can start living up to its promise.


Christina Hendricks is a mega-talented actress who's capable of conveying desirability without wiggling her butt when she walks and tilting her head to bat her false eyelashes--that really sells both characters short.  The deputy who returned the elderly homophobe was about to tip over from thrusting his chest so far forward.  Okay!  You're pugnacious! 


Everybody just needs to take the setting off "Vivid."

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Christina Hendricks is a mega-talented actress who's capable of conveying desirability without wiggling her butt when she walks and tilting her head to bat her false eyelashes--that really sells both characters short. ."

I certainly hope so. But I think Mad Men sold her short. (Don't kill me but..) I did not like that show. Edited by OoogleEyes
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Boy, I enjoyed that. Had never heard of the books. Frequently I find things placed in the south annoying because of the accents (NCIS NOLA, Agent Pride *cough*), did not notice myself getting annoyed here at all. Might have been some of the engaging performances, or maybe they didn't get it so terribly wrong.

Completely didn't recognize Purefoy/Hap, which is great, because I can't forget the mess that was "the Following" and how disappointing it was. I was thrilled to see MKW/Leonard again in something I think I'll want to watch. I adored him as Omar. Leonard reminded me of Omar (from "the Wire") in some respects, other than the obvious gay, black male, without feeling like a re-tread of the character. With Omar, I was always half holding my breath that he wouldn't make it out alive. With Leonard, I'm more optimistic. (And he's certainly aged well. Looking better than Dominic West, say.) I was amused that for one actor it was unrecognizablity that worked for me and for the other the exact opposite.

I didn't necessarily need more time to get to know the guys before Trudy came along, but less time in a clump with Trudy and Hap at that stage of the game, but I guess it paid off. I felt that dragged while watching it, doubted I'd come to like her as much as the men, and would rather have spent more time with Leonard.

As it was though, I didn't know Leonard was gay, and the scene with his uncle carried more weight for me this way. I think they'd have given it away had they put in a meaningful scene with Leonard earlier. I figure other people in their lives are pretty much either family or lovers, because the kind of friendship those men have doesn't leave much room for other (equal) friends. And I'm betting, the way Leonard cared about his abusive uncle, and because the cop brought him to Leonard in the first place, that he hasn't got a whole lot of other family.

And the Hap/Trudy scenes at the beginning, even if they dragged, *did* help me think of Hap as less of a fool than I might have just going off Leonard's gut response to Trudy.

Looking forward to seeing the rest.

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Things to like about this episode:


We know why Howard didn't just take a boat on the river and look for the bridge -- that part of the river had dried up.


The scene in the hospital, a young Hap being comforted by Uncle Chester. 


Chub asking Leonard about being a gay black man.  He was genuinely curious and not obnoxious or judgmental.  Not that it's any of his business. 


I think Trudy is sincere about wanting to use the money to do good.  But I don't trust Howard, not at all.  I can see him taking all the money and opening a restaurant somewhere. 

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So,the second episode is on On Demand. Not that it's any better, but DAMN..I love me some Williams and Purefoy.

I looked this up on IMDB and Hendricks is not listed. Huh.


She's there now. For whatever reason she gets "Special Guest Star Billing" so maybe that messed with whoever was populating IMDB in some way.


I'm enjoying this show so far. The gator attack could have gone so much worse for them. I guess he wasn't that hungry. Not sure how the license plate ended up where it did? Did he go back for it? 

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Well, I'm out.  The show isn't "bad", but it's disappointing.  I think I've been spoiled by shows like Fargo and Justified.


When I find myself nitpicking the small stuff, it's time to bail.  This week it was the Cat Lady.  For some reason, she left her car running when she picked up the cat food.  Then she waltzes into her house after seeing that the door was open, even though a cop in the area had been murdered.  Why did Soldier and Angel not shut the door? 


The bit with the alligators and the diving -- clumsy and no tension.  Hap and Trudy sleeping on the river bank -- sleeping late, even. 


This kind of story has been told so many times -- we know where it's going.  Hap and Leonard will be tricked, Trudy won't stay, Soldier and Angel will kill some more people -- and for no reason, which makes them stupid.  I get that they're psycho, but even psychos are too smart to leave bodies laying around. 

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does anyone know the song where he is dancing in the kitchen with his ex and theres an old country song on the radio in the background. I have looked everywhere... can't find it... he's singing about looking in his eyes to see he loves you, but you never looked long enough to care, etc. Anyone??

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Wow, this last ep was really hard to watch. Just *way* too much blood and violence, and not enough of the stuff I actually enjoyed about the show. What are they doing?

Also, sort of tired of the whole Trudy playing Hap dynamic. Had enough of her either way. Time to put your faithful pal Leonard first, Hapikins.

Glad Switch is fine. but annoyed the other dogs are locked up waiting to get hurt by that nutball Soldier. Who thought this was a good storyline?

Edited by krimimimi
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I must be the only person in the country who liked this show. Oh well. :)


I did enjoy it. There were moments I didn't like, but on the whole, I liked it.

I'm with you.  We enjoyed the heck out of this show.  Hoping to see another season.  I think I'll check out the books.

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I  enjoyed this show.  Although I did not like the excessive violence.  I liked it because of the friendship between Hap and Leonard, and I thought the story line was interesting. I also liked it since it was set in a different time, and I didn't have to watch people with all their high tech gadgets.

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I liked it too though I think some episodes relied too much on the "natural born killers" and their ridiculous violence to move things along. Still, I hope it gets renewed for a second season. Hap and Leonard have a great and unusual friendship and I'd like to see what other shenanigans they could get into.

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So am I the only one that is watching the show?  I read the novel Mucho Mojo when it first came out, so of course I have no recollection of the plot.  (I did just read Vanilla Ride, so that one I can remember!)  This is one instance of casting really working out, while I was reading Vanilla Ride I was picturing MKW and JP as Leonard and Hap.

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10 hours ago, Christina said:

I may, or may not, have a a still shot of Michael K. Williams' bare ass from the March 26, 2017 episode saved as my screensaver. 

UM, YES. I gasped. And paused.

4 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

So there's apparently a serial killer preying on African-American boys.  The only suspects thus far, that I can see, are Brian Dennehy, his politician son, and the preacher.

I was thinking the drug dealer across the street, WTH is his name?

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It's the drug dealer with the cops just not caring about the AA community. If it's anything else (like the preacher or judge) ill give the show props for the bright red herring they're throwing our way.

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Just binged Season 1, and first, love seeing Purefoy and Williams together. I like horror movies, but even this was too much for me, especially when that scumbag killed the dogs. Christina Hendricks can kick rocks, hate her trope character. I am very curious about the skeleton under the house, hmmmmm... Loooking forward to catching up on Season 2.

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Tonight's episode got to me. I will rewatch it, trying not to cry, which I only avoided this first airing by continuing to look away. So many little steps, so many major decisions made in two minute increments of airing time. I both love and hate some people more than I did last week, and hope this episode results in Emmy considerations, even though I know that and the Academy Awards are largely "political" in their winners, not a true test of the shows.

I suppose I'm still a little bitter for sitting through Crash after reading all the critical acclaim, but really, I knew I wasn't going to enjoy that movie before I ever sat down. I'll probably post again after the second viewing when I have a better grip on myself. Actually, I think I'll watch all episodes from the beginning.

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22 hours ago, Skyfall said:

I'm interested how the flashback is going to play into the case.

It was MeMaw who was the little girl who escaped the fire.  She has a picture of the church and the Gate on her shelf.

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18 hours ago, jhlipton said:

It was MeMaw who was the little girl who escaped the fire.  She has a picture of the church and the Gate on her shelf.

I got that much, but they don't usually have one offs like that so it had to be apart of the bigger picture no? Remember there was a throwaway comment of "that entire generation is gone." Maybe the judge is a member of the KKK or his daddy was and was apart of that flashback group or something.

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I'm binging the first season on Netflix and Trudy sure is a piece of work, isn't she?  At least Angel is upfront with her psychosis (and it's fun that she's played by Pollyanna!!!!)


ETA: Hap and Leonard may be a pair of "peckerheads" but they're a fun pair of "peckerheads"!

Edited by jhlipton
New ep
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