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My Lottery Dream Home - General Discussion

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I think Tony was camera shy, and probably had to reshoot the scenes a lot.   It can be a very tiring process, especially when you're faking your reaction to the two decoy houses, and trying not to let everyone know which one you already own.   

I knew Cape Coral had a direct hit from hurricane, but I was surprised there was any inventory at all.    I was happy to find out the restaurant owned by the couple who won a few seasons ago is still in business, and I wonder how the other's who were on previous episodes in Cape Coral came out of the hurricane.  

I'm surprised how nice all of the winners seem to be.  I've only disliked one spouse who I could tell didn't want to be on camera, and was pretty rude about the entire filming. 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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Going back to last week's episode, I spent 4 years in Vermont at University. They should be investing in a riding mower with a snowplow attachment or a little Bobcat, because they will be regularly snowed into that house. The city/county plows are not going to clear their driveway. We used to have classes cancelled regularly because professors living outside town couldn't get out of their houses. They also need to be prepared for Mud Season, aka Spring. 

I liked house 3 in Cape Coral. 


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6 hours ago, Vermicious Knid said:

Going back to last week's episode, I spent 4 years in Vermont at University. They should be investing in a riding mower with a snowplow attachment or a little Bobcat, because they will be regularly snowed into that house. The city/county plows are not going to clear their driveway. We used to have classes cancelled regularly because professors living outside town couldn't get out of their houses. They also need to be prepared for Mud Season, aka Spring. 

I liked house 3 in Cape Coral. 


Yeah, knowing Vermont as I do I thought the same thing (used to go up there every year as a kid even in Winter).  I don't think they knew what they were getting into up there.  Plus the house they chose looked like it would need a lot of work.  I hope they're prepared to spend that kind of money.  I was surprised they chose it.

In Cape Coral I was tossed up but then when I realized the roof was in need of repair on house #1, something told me that was their house because I didn't imagine that the house they would pick would be on the  market with a roof in that much need of repair even though David said a lot of houses were still waiting.  I figure they already owned it when the hurricane happened.


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Last night I saw the rerun of the episode where the money came from a settlement for the daughter's death in a car accident. I can't say how much I hated the whole thing, including David and the parents. Maybe I just have a stick up my ass, but turning your child's death into an opportunity for a huge fancy house ten times the size of your old house and a chance to parade the fact on TV was beyond distasteful to me. David's attempts to force tears made me like him a lot less than I did before. And the parents made me think, "Gee, I wonder how many parents watching are wondering how hard it would be to push one of their own kids into traffic for the chance at a McMansion." This was a really disgusting premise for the show.

Sorry, I'll crawl back into my hole now.

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Last night I saw the rerun of the episode where the money came from a settlement for the daughter's death in a car accident. I can't say how much I hated the whole thing, including David and the parents. Maybe I just have a stick up my ass, but turning your child's death into an opportunity for a huge fancy house ten times the size of your old house and a chance to parade the fact on TV was beyond distasteful to me.

Come sit by me. No settlement was going to make what happened okay. And no way was even thinking of “calling David” in and filming a faux house hunt okay.

Note to David: get veto power in your contract and exercise it, will ya? Yeah, shlepping around new “millionaires” can get old, and an inheritance is even stepping over someone’s body to claim your new digs. This? Just no. If the people have no sense of propriety, it’s up to you, dude. Don’t be blinded by their tattoos. 


Edited by buttersister
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1 September

Pennies From Heaven”   Melissa and Alvin, experienced a tragedy, then won $10 million from a scratch-off, they’re shopping in Jacksonville, NC( an hour north of Wilmington). Alvin's son was in the service to and died at 19.  They came home from the son's burial at Arlington, and then Alvin won the $10 million.  Alvin wants to increase awareness of Fentanyl's dangers. 

Season 14 Episode 4.

Wishlist-4 bed or 5 bed, lots of bathrooms, $420 to $500k, nice back yard.  I love the realtor Christi Hill.   

House 1-Hyde Park, 3100 sq ft, cul de sac, renovated.  5 bed, 3 bath, 3100 sq ft, $405k. 2 story.  I like the hardwood floors, living room is huge, kitchen is big, with a dining area. granite counters.  All bedrooms are on the second floor, they're all big bedrooms too. Main bedroom is huge, big closet, ensuite is big, with a lovely shower.   1/3 acre. privacy fence in place.   

House 2-Lenoire Lane - . 6 acre, $420k, corner lot, 5 bed, 3 bath, 3168 sq ft, 2 story, I love the exterior.    staircase is all wood, first floor is wide plank floors.  Beautiful huge kitchen, needs quartz counters. man cave for Alvin.  Three more bedrooms upstairs.  main bedroom is nice, smaller than house #1, ensuite has a huge shower, huge fenced back yard.   

House 3-Kingston Place-new build, 2 story - 4 bed, 2.5 bath, 3198 sq ft, $419,900  .5 acre. kitchen is huge and open. dining room is big, main bedroom is huge with a sitting area, huge ensuite. 3 bedrooms for daughters upstairs, and they're decent sized.   Back yard is huge, with a play set. 

They buy #2 .   I would have bought #2 and replaced the counter tops.  I hope the family will be very happy there.

Sorry, I forgot to spoiler the descriptions.   I suspect other posters are right, and  it was his son.  I suspect Melissa was just a little giddy to be on camera.    

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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My sense was that the late son was from Alvin’s first marriage. If not, Melissa has some issues.

Was her Mom’s room upstairs? (I was washing grapes;-) Because I old, like a bathroom close by and stairs everyday, multiple times a day? Pass.

They all seemed happy at the end, so that’s a good thing. Fentanyl is absolutely a bad thing. Be careful out there.

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From the sorrowful tone in the beginning, I was sure that the $10M was a result of the tragedy - basically a settlement. But the tragedy had nothing to do with the lottery win (other than he was prompted by a sign?) so it really wasn't part of the windfall, and I don't know if it needed to be part of the storyline. 

I guessed it was to evoke some pathos, but I felt somber watching the house hunt. (Not saying that their life should be entertainment for me, just pointing out the storyline was a little deceptive.) 

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6 hours ago, Chit Chat said:

I found it interesting that David and the other realtor considered the $400K range "affordable."  If that's the average price of a home these days, I guess I'll keep what I've got!  If you have millions of dollars to spend, then yes, that's affordable, but for a lot of us, that's a bit much.  ;)

The pandemic caused a spike in real estate prices that has put home ownership out of reach for a lot of would-be first time buyers.  Add the recent interest rate hikes and it's even worse.  According to Zillow my own home has jumped up over 1/3 of its pre-pandemic value in only 3 years.  It's insane.  It reminds me of what my husband and I faced all through the 1980s when we were trying to become first time home buyers.  Forget about it, prices kept going up sky high.  Unless we had relatives with money to give us that wasn't happening, and it didn't until the savings and loan crisis of 1990 caused a sharp drop in real estate prices.  And even then we were only able to afford a small townhouse enough of a drive away from the NYC area for the price to be even somewhat affordable.  And interest rates when we bought were still over 7%.  Young people tend to think people in my age bracket had it easy but this is one big example to prove we did NOT.  People only a few years older than we were had it much easier.  I remember being jealous of the big beautiful homes they afforded on middle class salaries in nice towns in Westchester County before the prices jumped up.

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20 hours ago, Chit Chat said:

I found it interesting that David and the other realtor considered the $400K range "affordable."  If that's the average price of a home these days, I guess I'll keep what I've got!  If you have millions of dollars to spend, then yes, that's affordable, but for a lot of us, that's a bit much.  ;)

I thought the context of that wasn't that 400K was the average house price but rather that a house of 400K was at the top of the market in that area. Finding a more expensive house would be tough unless they were on the beach.

So if a 400K house is considered the top of the market, then I'd agree that it makes it a more affordable market because most of the houses people look at will be well below that amount. 

400K would be closer to average in my market with our top being maybe around 3 million.   There are houses more expensive than that but they're more unique/larger...they'd be akin to the beach houses.

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6 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

I thought the context of that wasn't that 400K was the average house price but rather that a house of 400K was at the top of the market in that area.

I remember them saying it was an affordable area.  Maybe I misunderstood what they meant, but all I heard was "$400,000 is affordable!"

20 hours ago, Yeah No said:

It reminds me of what my husband and I faced all through the 1980s when we were trying to become first time home buyers.  Forget about it, prices kept going up sky high.

Same with us.  Interest rates were 17-18%.  It was crazy!  

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8 hours ago, chessiegal said:

Location, location, location. In our small development the lowest price of a recently sold house was $525,00. A house a few doors up sold for $1.6 million.

Wrap your mind around this:

Detached single family houses in my father's neighborhood in THE BRONX are all well over $1 million, some over 2!!  Small attached townhouses are all over $700,000.

I live in an area of very expensive homes in CT, just not on my street, LOL so I hear you about nearby houses going for over $1 million.

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“Big Kona Energy”  Susie and Steve won $5 million on a scratcher. They're moving to Kona Hawaii. (Either season 14 Episode 5, or Season 15 Episode 


House 1- Hokarunda Way-1.3 acre,  1.33million,  3 bed, 2 bath, 1750 sq ft, Solar panels will help with the electric bills.  Lovely house

House 2-Humpback Harbor -3 bed,2 bath, 2600 sq ft, $1.375 million. This is such a spectacular house, great views. 

House 3-Pali Place -3 bed,2 bath,2200 sq ft, $1.2 million and up depending on upgrades,   new build, close to the beach. Beautiful.   Lots of potential upgrades, and options. 

They buy #1, and are putting in a pool .   

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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10 hours ago, buttersister said:

#1 was great. The landscaping!

I love that house. The backyard is fabulous! The other 2 options looked like the houses were very close to each other, so there wouldn't be as much privacy as the first house.  It was fun seeing someone with a million-dollar budget go house hunting!  

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“Myrtle Beach Moves”    Jayne from Pennsylvania receives an inheritance, and uses it to move to Myrtle Beach, SC.  Her friend Elaine will help with the house hunt. She inherited money from her friend Annie.  

Wishlist-Single family, condo or townhouse.  Community pool. 2 baths, 2 to 3 bedrooms.  $270k maximum budget. She wants little outside maintenance.  Since Myrtle Beach is a resort area, location is vital.  If you want to end up in a community, you don't want to move into a community that's all vacation rentals.  

House 1-Turkeyfoot Trail -3 bed,2 bath, 1350 sq ft, $249,999.  Townhome and community pool. living room is nice but smaller, kitchen and dining are nice. Nice ensuite, and mian bedroom. second guest bedroom has access to a private courtyard.  

House 2-Willbrook Way, on the edge of a golf course -3 bed, 2bath, 1610 sq ft, $265,000. Cute house, main bedroom is nice size, ensuite is really nice.  Ensuite is shared with guests.  Open kitchen is very nice. nice dining and living room. great glassed in sunporch.   upstairs guest rooms and bath are lovely, with a great deck. 

House 3-Hickory Knob -great community pool, 2 bed, 2 1/2 bath,1200 sq ft, $220k, close to the pool. Great kitcehn, dining and family room.  townhouse. back patio is lovely.  2 bed and 2 baths upstairs, main bedroom is nice, ensuite is smaller but lovely finishes.   Guest bed and bath are lovely too. 

She buys #3 .   I would have bought #2.


Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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The house that Jayne chose was my least favorite, but I'm glad that it's working out for her.  It's nice that she met people right away, and she's close to the pool so that's what is important!!  She seemed to have some difficulty in walking (maybe knee issues?), so the properties with a staircase were concerning to me, but if it's not a problem for her, then again, yay for her!!  :) 

I've never been to Myrtle beach.  It looks quite lovely.  

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I guess I still have the touch - I figured out she'd pick that one.  When she saw the bedroom of one of the others David told her it had a king sized bed.  She said her bed was queen sized so I figured that couldn't be her house.  The other house didn't look like a style she would feel comfortable with so I knew it would have to be the last one.   I'm glad she's happy but personally I would want to slit my wrists if I was forced to live there, LOL.  "To each his own" as my Italian aunts used to say.

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Rubber City Band Aid”   Akron, Ohio. Mike and Mia won a million dollars on a $10  scratch off, and want a 4 bedroom house,  with enough space for band practice. Season 15, episode 3.  I love the couple, they aren't asking for everything, just enough house to be manageable, and have relatives visit. 

Wishlist-3 bed, 2 bath, budget $250k, more storage, and space, maybe some small projects.  There is an inventory shortage too.    Husband needs a room for his band to practice in. 

House 1- Shag Hollow-2 bed, 1 bath, 1280 sq ft, $239,900.  Plenty of room for another bedroom and bath in the basement. Kitchen is fantastic. bedrooms are nice. 1 bath is small. backyard is cute, lovely deck that needs a little work. 

House 2-Titmouse Trail in Northwest Akron  -4 bed,  3bath, 2044 sq ft, $262,000.   2 car garage. Split level I think.   The kitchen is fantastic, open to the living room, hardwoods, nice dining room. 3 bed 1 bath on the main level (for guests), main bedroom is large, with a nice ensuite. basement has another bath, and bedroom, and a huge family room for band practice.  Back yard is huge, fenced, and the deck is spectacular. 

House 3-Fowlers Knoll close to Titmouse Trail -3 bed, 2 bath, 2022 sq ft, $264,000 . Lovely house, vintage, hardwoods, fireplace. Not as open as #2.  Separate dining room, kitchen is so nice, with a breakfast nook. lots of kitchen storage, and cabinet space. Upstairs has the main bath, 2 guest rooms are nice with original wood floors,  no ensuite. Back yard is big. 

They buy #2 .   I would have bought #2.

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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They lit up when they saw #2 (their place). Got the 4 bedrooms she wanted, great kitchen, wonderful deck and backyard. I hope they invited the neighbors to that party (bands are loud). Have fun with the grand babies!

Rerun following in central California. For someone who always can’t wait to hear the details of the money haul, this guy’s story is none of David’s business. Uh-huh. Half million to spend, so big pay day of some sort. He wants his privacy but wants to house hunt on TV? Maybe HGTV didn’t want to talk about the details.

eta: loved that his clothes were hanging in the #3 house.
But nothing was as hilarious as a friend/b-i-l telling him to put up a gazebo so he could propose to someone there one day. NO WAY, said the guy who bought the big house for his own future family. 😂

Edited by buttersister
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I loved the Akron couple.  They were very sweet together. It was refreshing to go house hunting with folks whose wants are modest, and who are thrilled to be able to have a dishwasher or an en-suite bathroom.  (When I was growing up, those were luxuries.  I was 50 before I had them.)

That was the best "welcome to our new house" party I've seen on an HGTV show.  The band was great! They can party in my neighborhood anytime.

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20 hours ago, kirklandia said:

I loved the Akron couple.  They were very sweet together.

They are a nice couple!  I'm happy that they got the house that best suited their needs.  I love the deck on the back of that house! 

I loved the 3rd house.  I just love that older style of home, and the kitchen was really nice too.  They had some good options to choose from.  The first house was too small if they're going to be entertaining, so the 2nd house seemed to be the best for that.  I hope the neighbors don't mind the outdoor concerts!!

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I loved this couple too!  They were nice and normal, very refreshing.

I loved the 3rd house too but I can see why they picked the 2nd one.  It had some features the 3rd house didn't, like the en suite bath in the master bedroom (although it was kind of small and skinny) and that amazing deck.

As soon as it was mentioned that the husband was in a band I just knew it would be a blues band.  I love the blues and he just felt bluesy to me, LOL.

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Living Large in Lubbock”   Georgia native, Kathryn, and her daughter Nicole,  take advantage of an inheritance to move closer to her adult children.   Her daughter Nicole lives in New Mexico, Kathryn’s son lives in Odessa, so half way between.  The daughter also said she lives in New Mexico "For now", so maybe she's mobile, and may move closer to her mother eventually?

Wishlist- 3 bed, 2 baths, covered patio, nice backyard, $350,000 and maybe $360,000.

House 1-Chaparral Court- 4 bed, 3 bath, 2200 sq ft, on .25 acre $319,000.   Great vaulted ceiling in the living room, open to the dining and kitchen, kitchen isn’t huge but nicely laid out, plenty of storage.  Main bedroom has a work area outside for remote work, nice size bedroom, nice main ensuite. 3 guest bedrooms are nice, with a bonus family room, covered gazebo patio, big backyard. Fenced back yard

House 2-Bear's Britches - 5 bed, 3 bath, 2700 sq ft, $349,900, two story all brick.  dining is big, kitchen is spacious, living room is nice with a fireplace, main bedroom is first floor and huge, with a nice ensuite, upstairs is a family/tv room, 4  guest bedrooms, 2 more bathrooms.   Patio is covered, with a big pergola, storage shed, nice back yard.  I wouldn't consider this one because of the stairs, even though the main bedroom suite is on the first floor. 

House 3-Redbud Ridge -one story, new build, 3 bed,2.5  bath, 2200 sq ft, $369,000. all stone and brick, beautiful lving room vaulted, fireplace, built-ins, eat in kitchen that's huge,  with lots of granite, main bedroom is huge, with a big ensuite, huge main closet. Laundry off the main bedroom, two guest bedrooms, and guest bath.  Back has a covered porch, lovely back yard.  

Kathryn buys # 3 .   I would have bought 1 or 3,  but I loved #3.

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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“Friendly Kenly”   Season 15 Episode 5.   A couple facing spinal surgery, and cancer treatments win $2 million on a scratch off.  John & Deb won $1 million, grew up poor.   Deb is battling breast cancer, and needs spinal surgery. 

Wishlist-3 bed, 2 bath, nice backyard, big kitchen, formal dining room, prefer turnkey, or newer $400k budget.  Smithfield, NC., about 45 minutes from Raleigh. 

 House 1-Sweetspire Sands-in downtown Smithfield, 4 bed, 3 bath, 2000 sq ft, $399,000, on almost half an acre.  A historic home, and fully renovated.  mainbedroom on the first floor, and it's huge, nice ensuite. Another suite on the first floor. dining room is big, kitchen is lovely. lots of charm and character.  Upstairs bedrooms and bath are nice too. Backyard is nice size.   

House 2-Waterdog Way In Kenly -2 story, 3 bed, 2.5 bath, 2500 sq ft, $364,900 almost 1/2 acre, 2 car garage, new build.   Beautiful coffered celings, kitchen is nice.  Kitchen has a breakfast area, and there's a formal dining room.   there's a big above ground pool, and a huge back yard. 

House 3-Bottle Brush Bay, in the country  - 3 bed, 2 bath, 1636 sq ft, $339,000 , single story, on an acre.    Kitchen is nice but not big, big dining room. main bedroom is down three steps with a fireplace, no ensuite.   guest bedrooms are nice.  one bedroom connects to a bathroom. Beautiful deck, strawberry bush, and lots of trees.    

They buy #2 .  (It could be that the wife will need a little while in a rehab place, or skilled nursing, but stairs will be OK as long as she takes it easy, and limits her trips. She may be able to do limited exercise in the pool too.) 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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13 October

“Memphis Family Ties”  LaToya and cousin Pam will go shopping.   LaToya won a settlement, THis is her first house.  She has an 18 year old, and a 4 year old. 

Wishlist-4-5 bedrooms, at least 3 baths, 3,000 sq ft or bigger, $550k to $575k budget.   In the suburbs.  In Collierville, or Germantown. 

House 1-Bee's Balm in Collierville - 2 story, freshly renovated, 5 bed, 4 bath, 4034 sq ft, $587,000 on 1/2 acre.   big dining room, living room is spectacular, kitchen is huge with a fireplace.   Main suite is first floor, huge, high ceilings, closets (yes, 2) are huge, with a giant ensuite, with a huge tub and huge shower.  Second floor has 2 more bedrooms, and shared bath, third floor is big bonus room with another bedroom and bath, and game room.  A huge pool, and deck. Back yard isn't big, but it's gorgeous. 

House 2- - Yorrow Bark in Germantown- 5 bed, 3 bath, 3500 sq ft, 1/3 acre,  $599,900.  lovely, big dining room, with a dining nook, and kitchen. Family/living room has a lot of built-ins, floors are hardwood, main bedroom is huge, ensuite is nice, tub is big. Guest bath and 3 bedrooms are all nice, with a loft upstairs, backyard has a playhouse, gazebo, and lovely old trees.   

House 3-Lanceleaf Lane - Tudor style, 5 bed 2.5 bath 4200 sq ft, 1/2 acre , $575,000.  Love the kitchen, family and living room, main bedroom has vaulted ceilings, ensuite and other baths need a little work, but are huge. other bedrooms on the second floor are huge, bonus space FROG is nice for a game room.  Backyard is beautiful, with a small pond and stream, gazebo, add a play area.  Baths need some updating, but not a lot. 

LaToya buys #1 .   I would have bought #1 for the main bedroom closets. 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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5 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

House 1-Bee's Balm in Collierville - 2 story, freshly renovated,

I liked this house except for the location of that massive refrigerator.

It stuck out 2' beyond the counter front and from the dining room side it had only about 12" of side wall screening it. I kept wanting to shove it backwards. 

It was an entity.

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7 hours ago, Kenzie said:

It stuck out 2' beyond the counter front and from the dining room side it had only about 12" of side wall screening it. I kept wanting to shove it backwards. 

I have a similar situation with my refrigerator.  Although it's not a particularly large one (French door style), it's the door hinges on the right side that's the problem.  If I push the refrigerator closer to the back wall, the side wall prevents the door from opening.  I'd have to have the side wall removed in order to place it where it should be.  It would be an expense repairing the ceiling & drywall if it were removed.  

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23 hours ago, Kenzie said:

I liked this house except for the location of that massive refrigerator.

It stuck out 2' beyond the counter front and from the dining room side it had only about 12" of side wall screening it. I kept wanting to shove it backwards. 

It was an entity.

I took a second look at that.  The cabinet depth of their fridge opening was not deep enough for any fridge, especially such a large one.  It wasn't even counter depth, which I would think should be standard.  Mine is counter depth and my large fridge (which is also on the far left corner) sticks out 9 inches which is still nowhere near as far out as their fridge.   And despite that mine looks fine.  Theirs looks ridiculous.  The only way they could make it better is by getting a counter depth fridge, but even that would stick out a lot, although not as much as that one does.  I didn't want to sacrifice the fridge space by getting a counter depth fridge but in my case it looks fine so I'm glad I didn't.  

I didn't think the kitchen in that house was particularly well done and certain aspects felt cheap and outdated to me.  I would also expect a house that size and in that relative price range to have better flooring.  My house was renovated in 2006 and I have that same tile floor, which even back then was considered "Home Depot contractor cheap" quality.   But this is not a huge McMansion either, just a 1500 square foot ranch.  Flooring is one of the things the contractor who flipped my house cheaped out on.  I keep saying I'm going to have it replaced but never do.

Also, I know that house has high ceilings but I would expect the kitchen cabinets to go up to the ceiling.  I think whoever did their kitchen was trying to make it look more luxurious with the dentil moulding on top and the different heights/depths, but it just looks cheap to me.  I wonder if when the house was new whoever had it built picked the cheapest cabinet and flooring choices and that's why it looks that way.  I bought new twice in my life and had to make those choices.  In both cases I went middle of the road even if it was a stretch because I love to cook and couldn't do that to a kitchen, LOL.

Edited by Yeah No
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6 hours ago, Yeah No said:

Mine is counter depth and my large fridge (which is also on the far left corner) sticks out 9 inches which is still nowhere near as far out as their fridge.

My refrigerator isn't as big as the one shown in this home, and it only sticks out a little bit, but it bugs me that I can't push mine closer to the back wall.  The fridge in that house was huge!  

I really liked the exterior of Bee's Balm.  My first thought about those bigger homes was the cost to heat and cool them, and to maintain them overall.  Hopefully her settlement will help with that for many years to come!  I'm glad she found something that worked for her.  

  • Like 2
3 hours ago, Chit Chat said:

My refrigerator isn't as big as the one shown in this home, and it only sticks out a little bit, but it bugs me that I can't push mine closer to the back wall.  The fridge in that house was huge!  

I really liked the exterior of Bee's Balm.  My first thought about those bigger homes was the cost to heat and cool them, and to maintain them overall.  Hopefully her settlement will help with that for many years to come!  I'm glad she found something that worked for her.  

I got a huge 28 cubic inch Whirlpool 3 years ago before the pandemic made it hard to get them for a while.  I would have had to go down to 24 inches to get the counter depth fridge.  For some reason it doesn't bug me that it sticks out and usually stuff like that bugs me, LOL.  I am loving the extra space, though.  Now our old Whirlpool is a garage fridge which has also been great to have.

She seemed to like the nice white kitchen in that other house.  Maybe she'll renovate it to look like that.  I had settlement money once but it wasn't nearly enough to buy a house with and I added it to my retirement money.  Oh well.  Must be nice to be rich, eh? 😉

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20 October

Bustle to the Burbs”     Katie won $1 million on a scratch off, but low inventory causes issues with buying the dream home in the suburbs. They want to move from Medford Mass to the burbs.  Katie and son Max are house hunting. 

Wishlist-2 to 3 bed , 2 bath, nice kitchen, budget $650k. 

House 1-Highfield Hills in Haverhill -3 bed,  3 bath, 2500 sq ft, $624,900 lovely two story single family.  fully renovated.  kitchen is beautiful and totally redone.  Open plan living area.  finished basement for Max. basement needs some finishing.  huge bedrooms. Katie will have her own huge suite. lovely back deck and covered patio. 

House 2- Burr Bliss in Methuen - 3 bed,3  bath,2300 sq ft, $645,000.   Built as a restaurant in 1900, totally remodeled townhouse.  Eat-in kitchen.   Guest bedrooms are upstairs. 2 bedrooms upstairs, unfinished basement.  first floor main suite is huge and lovely.  Living room is fantastic with original beams.   Backyard is nice with a patio.   Not as dog friendly as #1, needs a fence. 

House 3-Braintree Burrow in Haverhill -5 bed, 1 full, plus 2 half baths , sq ft, $639,900.    Built in 1897.   Beautiful entry, great room is huge, dining is huge, kitchen needs work, at least the counter tops.   Main bedroom on the second floor has a half bath, with a full bath, with 3 smaller bedrooms on the second floor.   There's an attic with several rooms for Max.  backyard is big, and it's fenced.   Walkable to the town square 

They buy #2 .   I would have bought #2.  #3 was historic and nice, but the half baths would be a big no for me. #1 was lovely, but I didn't like the kitchen. 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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