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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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On 8/3/2023 at 10:08 PM, millennium said:

I'll say this -- Scarborough is one of the only commentators who really stresses the gravity of what's happening right now.   Watch any other panel show, including Deadline Whitehouse, and what you get is a helping of very serious facts drowning in a sauce of collegial laughter from the hosts and their guests.

Picture Walter Cronkite discussing the first former President of the United States being arranged on felony charges including trying to deprive the American people of their right to vote and have those votes counted.   Do you think he'd be chuckling and snarking with Michael Steele, Tim Miller, Harry Littman and the rest?  This is dead serious stuff -- people DIED on January 6th -- with consequences that could destroy democracy, but most hosts and guests on MSNBC act like it's all a reality show.  

I have often wondered why so many people aren't as concerned about this as they should be.   Is it any wonder, given that the very people delivering the news don't seem to treat it as especially serious.

Maybe my POV is colored by Joe and Mika's pre-2017 actions, but I tend to take Wallace (and O'Donnell and Maddow) more seriously, partly because they allow their guests to clearly and concisely explain what's going on. I need some help understanding some of the legal maneuverings going on now and I feel more informed when Joe isn't chattering over everyone. Even Claire appears more focused when she's on anywhere that isn't MJ.

I do agree re your other post about the networks rooting for chaos. I feel they've all been promoting Trump's candidacy since January 7th, 2021 - MJ included.

And yes, @tres bien I think the coverage of the Monique Worrell story has been shoddy. Mika's "thanks for knowing your value!" didn't help.

Because I am weak Mika won me back during the Clarence Thomas coverage. "Hospitality is banana bread, not tuition!"

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On 8/12/2023 at 10:05 PM, chick binewski said:

I feel more informed when Joe isn't chattering over everyone.

I saw a show last week, maybe Thursday, where Mika "had the day off."  Solo Joe, and he was in his glory.   Full-throttle "cat's away" mode.   It was like he'd been sprung from jail.   When Mika's there, you can almost see him sitting on his hands and biting his tongue, just waiting for her to finish whatever redundant point she's trying to make.   Seeing him cut loose on Thursday made me feel a bit bad for him that he's stuck with her. 

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2 minutes ago, Crashcourse said:

I feel sadder for Mika when she's stuck with blowhard Joe.  She seems more "competent" (I know, I know, that's not saying a lot) when he's not sitting next to her.

I hear what you are saying. It is just frustrating (to me) that a woman who wants to be known for her “Know Your Value” brand is such an epic fail at holding her own when on her own show. How can she be a mentor or represent as The Voice of Women knowing their value….when she has no idea how to actually be one. 

Sorry…that was quite the word salad! 🤓

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Oh, Scarborough, you shit stirrer.   In his best Tucker Carlson I'm-just-asking-questions voice he inquires why the charges against Trump were brought in Fulton County, the most Democratic county in Georgia.  "I agree that what Donald Trump did was abhorrent and appears illegal.  But could they have brought the charges in another county but the DA's of those counties didn't want it?

The guest he asked replies, "Well, Joe, most of the alleged crimes happened in Atlanta, which is part of Fulton County."

The guest was too polite.  He should have said, "Well DUH Joe, most of the alleged crimes happened in Atlanta," etc.

This after Scarborough says "appears illegal" and not once but twice plugs NYT guest columnist Jack Goldsmith whose recent column was a long-winded proposition that it may be a mistake to prosecute Trump because of what it could trigger in the long run.

Is Scarborough bipolar on this subject?   One day he's boiling tar and gathering feathers, the next he's stroking his chin and furrowing his brow as he tries to maintain his balance on the fence.

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2 hours ago, millennium said:

Oh, Scarborough, you shit stirrer.   In his best Tucker Carlson I'm-just-asking-questions voice he inquires why the charges against Trump were brought in Fulton County

Blatantly cynical effort to create friction to keep the show entertaining.  
Last week Joe was standing on the desk wrapped in the flag, waiving the Constitution screeching at his guests about our democracy in peril.  
Tired of that, he takes the opposite view this week.  But shouldn't we placate the mouth breathers and their AR15s because uh oh if they mad?  Overreach! Overreach!  Too much!  This isn't good teevee!

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I was watching a few minutes ago (9:15 ish ) and he's back tracking on the "why is it in Fulton County" stuff, saying the assault of E.Jean Carroll took place in Manhattan, so you don't try it in W Va. 

His voice is like nails on a chalk board, I can't listen to him for more than a couple minutes. 

And since they aren't doing a breaking news thing and listing the charges and explaining them, like an actual news person would do on a NEWS SHOW THEY HOST, I guess I'll wait til Nicole or someone with a sense of what their job actually is comes on and talks to legal experts, not their imaginary law professor who told Joe 35 years ago that Trump would try to run out the clock by running for POTUS and escape conviction. Or whatever the f*** he said. 

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1 hour ago, SeanBug said:

And since they aren't doing a breaking news thing and listing the charges and explaining them, like an actual news person would do on a NEWS SHOW THEY HOST, I guess I'll wait til Nicole or someone with a sense of what their job actually is comes on and talks to legal experts,

I happened to catch Mika clutching a sheaf of papers, waving it around, imploring the right-wing media to read every word of it (the indictment, I guess), spewing disdain but with little actual detail...so typical. She tries to show her value in her soliloquies but never delves deep enough to show she really understands the matter at hand. ( guess her real value is presented in her Instagram pics: the cake baking, jogging and boat riding.) I DO think that a newsy day like today needed an "all hands on deck" setting...the Brady Bunch squares just don't allow for true conversation.

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3 hours ago, plumbago blues said:

I happened to catch Mika clutching a sheaf of papers, waving it around, imploring the right-wing media to read every word of it (the indictment, I guess), spewing disdain but with little actual detail...so typical. She tries to show her value in her soliloquies but never delves deep enough to show she really understands the matter at hand. ( guess her real value is presented in her Instagram pics: the cake baking, jogging and boat riding.) I DO think that a newsy day like today needed an "all hands on deck" setting...the Brady Bunch squares just don't allow for true conversation.

It looks like Mika & Joe are in separate locations today. Mika should be wearing her special indictment scarf. It was rude of the Georgia prosecutor not to wait until Mika's vacation in Maine was over before issuing the indictments.

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Seemed to me that Joe was kind of salty today, not only to Mika but to dearly beloved Heilman as well.

When he took a breath in the middle of a rant, Mika tried to wedge in a point. He was about to swat her away and keep rolling, but yielded instead, only to follow it up with, "As I was saying..."

During another (or same) rant in a 2-box with him and JH, our John turned away from the camera to make a note, for which he got called out - "Am I boring you?" - and made to explain exactly why he dropped his enraptured gaze.


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1 hour ago, SG429 said:

Seemed to me that Joe was kind of salty today, not only to Mika but to dearly beloved Heilman as well.

When he took a breath in the middle of a rant, Mika tried to wedge in a point. He was about to swat her away and keep rolling, but yielded instead, only to follow it up with, "As I was saying..."

During another (or same) rant in a 2-box with him and JH, our John turned away from the camera to make a note, for which he got called out - "Am I boring you?" - and made to explain exactly why he dropped his enraptured gaze.


I caught that! . Heileman should respect that Joe was in the midst of a glorious new rant about him criticizing the "Delta" of Newt Gingrich, Governor Sununu, & Clarence Thomas's wife, Ginni. They thought that Joe was too conservative on immigration reform, balanced budgets & trade. to get elected in 1994. She called Joe a troublemaker. They called Joe a jihadist.

Joe was the first Republican elected to the district since Reconstruction.

The people knew that Joe was right !


Joe said Gingrich shouldn't support an autocrat.

Heilemann agreed with Ginni that Joe was a troublemaker in Congress.

Heilemann called the delta, whores to power or fearful of the Republican base.

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For the “old-timers” here…I just read a story about The Furries! Apparently they were involved in an altercation at a beach in California. A passerby tried to take their picture; Furries were not happy about it. Maybe The Twins would like to chat about this tomorrow. Their coverage of them back in the early days was one of the funniest, most entertaining moments on the show.

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6 hours ago, Kemper said:

For the “old-timers” here…I just read a story about The Furries! Apparently they were involved in an altercation at a beach in California.

If a person has the stamina to hang out on a California beach at the height of August dressed head to toe in a fur suit and mask, with a pirate outfit, hat and boots, I say leave them alone.   It's just a matter of time before their body's core temperature makes the whole thing academic.

Messing with furries is one thing, but therians would seriously give me paws.


Edited by millennium
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15 hours ago, oakville said:

I caught that! . Heileman should respect that Joe was in the midst of a glorious new rant about him criticizing the "Delta" of Newt Gingrich, Governor Sununu, & Clarence Thomas's wife, Ginni. They thought that Joe was too conservative on immigration reform, balanced budgets & trade. to get elected in 1994. She called Joe a troublemaker. They called Joe a jihadist.

Joe was the first Republican elected to the district since Reconstruction.

The people knew that Joe was right !


Joe said Gingrich shouldn't support an autocrat.

Heilemann agreed with Ginni that Joe was a troublemaker in Congress.

Heilemann called the delta, whores to power or fearful of the Republican base.

What happened to Joe kissing Gingrich's butt? I thought his deal was to brag about he and Gingrich bringing Bill Clinton to his knees to sign off on their budget. 

I'm pretty sure no one called Joe a jihadist. That term wasn't even being used back when he was in Congress. 

Joe is a trouble maker every where. And not "good trouble". More a shit stirrer who throws a hissy fit when he doesn't get his way or people aren't paying attention to him.   Are people so desperate to be on tv they let themselves get booked on this shit show, or is it if you have a contract with MSNBC to be a consultant or "expert", you go where they tell you? 

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3 hours ago, SeanBug said:

What happened to Joe kissing Gingrich's butt? I thought his deal was to brag about he and Gingrich bringing Bill Clinton to his knees to sign off on their budget. 

Joe is a trouble maker every where. And not "good trouble". More a shit stirrer who throws a hissy fit when he doesn't get his way or people aren't paying attention to him.   Are people so desperate to be on tv they let themselves get booked on this shit show, or is it if you have a contract with MSNBC to be a consultant or "expert", you go where they tell you? 

Joe has told the story about he convinced Gingrich & Clinton to balance the budget. Joe threatened to filibuster in Congress unless his demands were met. Everyone knew Joe could talk for hours without a break, so they caved into his demands.

Guests on Morning Joe get autographed copies of Mika & Joe's books & if they stay for two segments, they get a CD of Joe's music.

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5 hours ago, oakville said:

Guests on Morning Joe get autographed copies of Mika & Joe's books & if they stay for two segments, they get a CD of Joe's music.

And they take the CD and sell it for 50 cents toward the purchase of a book at Half Price Books.

in the first five minutes of Girls 5Eva (which is one of the funniest shows I have seen in years), a rap artist is sampling various songs from other artists, and his sound engineer starts listing what is available. 

SOUND ENGINEER You could go with Joe Scarborough’s funk album, anything by the Stones -- Sharon or Oliver -- this by Girls5eva --  

Can you imagine the shit people at 30 Rock say about him behind his back?  

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2 hours ago, plumbago blues said:

Your girl came through for you today, Oakville.

Came to say the same thing. She was rocking the faux outrage and indictment scarf today!  Now if she could just read the words on the teleprompter. 

They couldn't even get thru the poll numbers on who does and doesn't think Trump did anything wrong, who'll support him, etc. "wait if people don't like him and won't vote for him, how will we maintain outrage and ratings if he doesn't even get thru the primary??"   

It looks like she had second thoughts on chopping off her hair. Take some of that multi million dollar salary you don't earn and fly your stylist to Maine. 

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12 minutes ago, Lowcountry snark said:

The scarf.  Oy. That's our Meeks!  She is something.
I've said it before, I need Joe to wear an obnoxious accessory three or four different ways during the show and never make mention of it.

Maybe he could take Mika's scarf and tie it around his head, ala Axl Rose. 

Welcome to the jungle, indeed. 

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It must have been yesterday- she and Joe were having a conversation and the name of her ‘former employer” came up. One of them under their breath said “CBS”; don’t know if they added the “News” to it. Then they muttered something. It was pretty fast and I am recovering from pneumonia - the meds have made crazy. Maybe I dreamed it.

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26 minutes ago, oakville said:

Mika got mad at Joe when he kept talking about Richard Haas's golf game. Mika wanted to go to break. She started drinking from her coffee mug in disgust.

Mika complained about golf not being a sport. It is a waste of time.

Mika cut off Donny Deutsch's microphone.

Sounds like the pair have gone back to the slap and tickle days. Meeka feeling all superior …. Joe finds it sexy. 

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29 minutes ago, Kemper said:

Sounds like the pair have gone back to the slap and tickle days. Meeka feeling all superior …. Joe finds it sexy. 

I recall Mika using a scarf to blindfold Joe in one of their photo shoots.

Joe bragged that he had a 95% rating from the ACU.

Joe wants Conservatives to win races but they have to turn away from Trump.

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11 hours ago, SeanBug said:

They couldn't even get thru the poll numbers on who does and doesn't think Trump did anything wrong, who'll support him, etc. "wait if people don't like him and won't vote for him, how will we maintain outrage and ratings if he doesn't even get thru the primary??"   

Seriously. For the past three years they should have been covering reviews of why Trump may be ineligibility to run instead of just pretending to listen to Edward Foley today then quickly pivoting that it would be harmful to the country to bar Trump from running.

As much as I rag I do appreciate Mika's astonishment over the human race's ability to be terrible. But since she's making millions to read the news she should be required to do just that instead of just clutching her scarf at the threats made against Judge Chutkan. She left it to whathisface (sorry the brain is failing me today), who noted the impact of the language.


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On 8/15/2023 at 8:01 PM, SG429 said:

Seemed to me that Joe was kind of salty today, not only to Mika but to dearly beloved Heilman as well.

When he took a breath in the middle of a rant, Mika tried to wedge in a point. He was about to swat her away and keep rolling, but yielded instead, only to follow it up with, "As I was saying..."

During another (or same) rant in a 2-box with him and JH, our John turned away from the camera to make a note, for which he got called out - "Am I boring you?" - and made to explain exactly why he dropped his enraptured gaze.


Just reading this makes me stressed

I'm not interested in this show anymore unless they're in studio.

Them all suddenly deciding they're scared to sit together at the same table, scared of the big city, scared of human interaction, is like surgeons suddenly deciding they're scared of blood

what exactly is it they think they are doing, out there, in their boxes? it's not tee-vee, that's for sure

i love this show when it's at its best, but it never is anymore, so what's the point.

for me it's podcasts etc right now. at least podcasts deliver quality without the constant disappointment. I miss the visuals but I just can't anymore

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9 minutes ago, revbfc said:

I couldn’t help but notice that Chris Christie didn’t say what those “BIG THINGS” he wanted to do were (aside from the usual babble about entitlements).

 I also couldn’t help but notice that no one pressed Chris more on that.

And interesting that a lot of the things he listed are things POTUS has already achieved.

And BTW board historians Christie listed off why presidents are elected ( of course all R's) he included George Washington. Was Washington a Republican and was he actually elected by the people? I don't think so 

Edited by tres bien
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Joe bragged that he had direct access to Trump's COS, Reince Priebus. Joe warned Reince about Trump's tweets on a Saturday morning. Reince was unaware of Trump tweeting about Obama tapping his phone.

Joe feels terrible for other Republican candidates who will suffer if Trump gets the nomination.

Joe warned viewers that he was right about Trump running for President to avoid jail.

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4 hours ago, oakville said:

Joe bragged that he had direct access to Trump's COS, Reince Priebus. Joe warned Reince about Trump's tweets on a Saturday morning. Reince was unaware of Trump tweeting about Obama tapping his phone.

Joe feels terrible for other Republican candidates who will suffer if Trump gets the nomination.

Joe warned viewers that he was right about Trump running for President to avoid jail.

Jesus H Christ Joe, my dog knows that Trump is running for President to avoid jail. 


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Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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