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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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12 minutes ago, oakville said:

There will probably be more political discussions in the fall when they talk about the midterm elections.


I can't watch that.   It feels like we've been in a hurricane since 2016.   Just when you start thinking the storm might be over, you discover it's just the eye passing overhead.  And in this metaphor, Joe and Mika are the Weather Channel, getting rich off it under the guise of keeping people informed.

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Frankly, I see nothing wrong with them doing the story on the brazen theft from a market. How is that NOT disturbing news to anyone? Aren't people worried about the breakdown in society as we knew it? I remember when the Mika got Mugged story was newsworthy for a week or so. I guess if the crime/bad behavior involves media elitists personally it's a story. What I would object to is the idea of 5 disconnected talking heads "discussing" this. I imagine there were jokes and mockery all around. And Joe; that hair. OMG.

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Have they been discussing anything Olympic related?

I will take discussion of Joe’s hair to Small Talk. And millennium- yes, great post; it speaks to why many of us are “burned out” with this show. 

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I hate to keep posting - it’s like I don’t have a life. MJ was the top story this morning on Mediaite. Top!  For at least a couple of hours; it was about their discussion of The Trump White House mishandling of documents. 

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1 hour ago, jacourt said:

It was very mocking.  Rev Al tried to get to the point but was shut down.  

This was just what I imagined. I hate how they approach news. Like I said, there was no mocking with Mika's mugging. Joe thinks he's funny and clever and goads everyone to joke around and it is just disgusting to me. 

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These food thefts are not only happening in NYC.  I live in Brooklyn, NY and  for the past several weeks we have been having a problem in our local supermarket (Stop & Shop) with men coming in and grabbing as much meat as they can from the bins, putting them in bags and running out of the store to a waiting car.  You'd think they would step up and add security to the store, but no.  So of course these people are going to steal food if there are no repercussions.  Rev. Al also pointed out that the drug stores have to lock up toothpaste, etc.  My local CVS has been doing that for over a year.  Not just toothpaste, but just about everything including food in the refrigerated sections.  My local 7-11 has also had to lock up the frozen food sections because people were stealing the ice cream!

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2 hours ago, Linda956 said:

These food thefts are not only happening in NYC.  I live in Brooklyn, NY and  for the past several weeks we have been having a problem in our local supermarket (Stop & Shop) with men coming in and grabbing as much meat as they can from the bins, putting them in bags and running out of the store to a waiting car.  You'd think they would step up and add security to the store, but no.  So of course these people are going to steal food if there are no repercussions.  Rev. Al also pointed out that the drug stores have to lock up toothpaste, etc.  My local CVS has been doing that for over a year.  Not just toothpaste, but just about everything including food in the refrigerated sections.  My local 7-11 has also had to lock up the frozen food sections because people were stealing the ice cream!

Yikes ! Did the show discuss the reasons for the rise in these shoplifting crimes ?

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Mika was in DC Rivendell by her lonesome self today!

Joe was in the New Mystery Location.

I've given up on interpreting this musical chairs around the country relay where everyone travels but no one is ever in the same room. 🥴

Willie was in the Hellscape - and speaking of hellscapes, WILLIE THAT'S NOT HOW YOU PRONOUNCE MUNCH, aaaaaaaaah 😱 <--- see what I did there. Dude. Literally one of the greatest artists of the nineteenth century. IT'S NOT PRONOUNCED LIKE A F-ING CEREAL. 

Not too concerned about the Russian museum eye incident, which will make the museum more money in the long run, BUT I do wanna point out that the Spanish fresco thingy they mentioned is not a one-off, this literally happens every year, and it IS ALWAYS SPAIN. That actually should be a segment, because there are literally a dozen examples EVERY YEAR, and there are huge lobbying efforts to get the Spanish government to introduce better art conservation and restoration laws because it's *always* Spain, and it's giving all of us a heart attack. It's funny but also not. Some of these people should be in jail. *grumble*

I miss Joe and Willie but also I love Mika in DC Rivendell. She seems at home and fluent and comfortable there and interacts with guests in a totally natural way

Here for Helene Cooper and my boy Kurt Bardella!! Also Heidi, bringing some actual nuance on the school issue.

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Steve Ratner was a guest. Joe read a report about inflation being at 7.5%.

Joe said the WSJ blamed BBB.

Joe's question is taking up half the segment. Ratner is in a studio. He has left his condo tower.

Ratner said Biden was wrong about the causes of inflation.

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I honestly believe that this KYV crap started because Minka could not process turning 40, she got fired at 39, thought her life was over. Felt like a loser, whatever.  …but I really don’t think most people feel this way. Recently Elise Jordan stated she was 39, I had to wonder if Mika thinks Elise is a big loser? Duh, of course not. More importantly, how does Elise feel? Probably nothing, just normal, like most of us 🙄.  I think the whole thing started as Mika trying to “be brave” and gain some confidence she somehow lacked (thanks chainsaw mom?)

It then turned into a pointless embarrassing money-making monster. 

I should note that at 42 I had a near-fatal asthma attack in front of my 4 year old, I was 2-3 min from death, I was blue when EMS arrived, had a mild heart attack, etc. I’m absolutely sure my neighbor saved my life. I was intubated in the icu for days and it’s a freaking miracle I lived.   (I still waste my time watching morning joe!)

So I reallllyyy have no patience for this KYV stuff. Being alive is your value for god’s sake! If you’re alive you don’t know how long you’re going to stay alive, so try to do good things and be kind. Spent time with people you love and try to be happy. Forget showing off, it won’t matter in the end, I promise. I’m a nobody nurse/mom from Canada but I think I’ve got it figured out. 



Edited by jenkait
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3 hours ago, jenkait said:

Being alive is your value for god’s sake! If you’re alive you don’t know how long you’re going to stay alive, so try to do good things and be kind. Spent time with people you love and try to be happy. Forget showing off, it won’t matter in the end, I promise.

Wiser words were never said, Jenkait. Thank you for sharing your experience with REAL LIFE and humbling us all. Mika's made-up victimhood as a washed-up forty year old woman doesn't resonate at all to those of us who live life as a gift to be enjoyed, and some times just endured...but always a gift. Resilience and gratitude are the keys.  

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jenkait - wonderful, thoughtful post. Those of us who truly know our value don’t need constant validation from an entitled princess and her entourage.

I watched some of the Super Bowl discussion with the reporter from The Nation. As usual, Joe dominated the discussion; but it was better than I thought it would be. There was a good back-and-forth in the New York studio between Lemire and Al Sharpton. I think that was because they were sitting around a table.

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IDK for me I'm just skipping Mondays now as a rule, every Monday is just basically depressing, maybe it's because Willie isn't there or something.

In fairness I don't actually blame them - I hate mondays, good god!!! For me that means I need some energy of happy humans as an antidote to my inherent Monday downer-ism. But Joe and Mika also hate mondays, which is a totally fair human emotion, but not exactly an antidote to teh general human condition....

IDk what they're even doing  now or where they're even at but it's generally awful and every Monday they've essentially just given up on life, for unexplained reasons. 🥴

Oh man I miss Willie so much, why is he never there on Mondays

----> am I the only one who missed the entirety of the Superbowl because of watching Inventing Anna on Netflix.... omg that shit is spectacularly juicy!! Cannot recommend enough. Please please guys watch this so we can dish in Small Talk!!!!


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well, no, to be honest I disagree. Sometimes they are actually vibrant interesting hilarious humans, if they weren't I would never bother to watch in the first place.

Buuuuut never ever on a monday, a monday, a monday! Heh. And Joe is now on his second week of Mystery Location vacation with no explanation. I just wish the joyful badass morning show would come back soon without the weird depressing trolling shit. 

---> in fairness, the Ukraine discussion was pretty good this morning. New guy Michael something literally made me sit up in my chair, I love when they come on w actual new info rather than the regular blah blah. It was brilliant.

OK but seriously guys, get on Netflix and watch Inventing Anna, we need to talk about this, it is so damn hilarious and juicy.

Edited because Michael Weiss! not Matthew-something. Yikes 

Edited by neona2
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I think Michael Weiss was a soap actor decades ago. 😉

But with regard to either or both of them having a “bad or off” day? Cry me an effin river; they are being well compensated for their work-at-home, having guests do a lot of the work. Meeka is basically checked out; Joe  comes on to orate. But he does actually participate in his show sometimes.  Damning with faint praise.


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Tuned in to an author pushing his book; apparently a doctor or some such. He explained how to live our best life in the second half. The age- 50-decade was bandied about. The panel was rollicking; the good doctor had the sense to say that Joe and Meeka had done it right. Apparently there will be a lot of this when the upcoming 4th (!) hour happens. Then a clip of the Larry David battery commercials; and the introduction of (maybe) the show producer who is also an actor; Meeka was giddy. 

I had to leave for my volunteer job at a local food bank. Maybe I can chat up the visitors about how their best life is coming in their next decade. That will surely be welcome.

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I rarely watch anymore, I come here to read comments, but I caught the last 10 minutes today.  The discussion was about the difficulty boys are having--in school and in life, in general.  The stats were: only 24% of teachers in K-12 were male, and 40% of college students were male.   

So they bring on two women to discuss the issue instead of having at least one man to discuss, you know, young men.  🙄

Now, I doubt there were any teenagers watching but for the one or two who might have, they probably covered their heads and went back to sleep.

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3 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

I rarely watch anymore, I come here to read comments, but I caught the last 10 minutes today.  The discussion was about the difficulty boys are having--in school and in life, in general.  The stats were: only 24% of teachers in K-12 were male, and 40% of college students were male.   

So they bring on two women to discuss the issue instead of having at least one man to discuss, you know, young men.  🙄

Now, I doubt there were any teenagers watching but for the one or two who might have, they probably covered their heads and went back to sleep.

I could be wrong, but I think there has always been a discrepancy in the female/male ratio in school systems. Especially noticeable at the elementary level where schools are smaller. I wonder if things are even more one-sided now; which would actually be interesting to know and discuss. Was this brought up?

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Good Lord Mika was a bitch this morning!  She tried everything possible to break up the conversation the men were having about the Walkman vs. the Ipod and the Super Bowl.  The conversation was a little over five minutes but it looked like Mika's head was about to explode at having the listen to any of it.  While Russia possibly invading Ukraine might be the top story of the day, nobody wants to hear 3 straight hours of talk on that.  They desperately need to include other topics once they go to 4 hours and include book reviews, movies, music, sports, etc. in addition to politics or viewers will be tuning out in droves.  They can barely do 3 hours now.  How will they handle that 4th hour? And if Mika can't contribute to any of these conversations, she should either shut up or leave the table (like Joe does when he's not interested).

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On 2/14/2022 at 5:07 PM, neona2 said:

IDK for me I'm just skipping Mondays now as a rule, every Monday is just basically depressing, maybe it's because Willie isn't there or something.

In fairness I don't actually blame them - I hate mondays, good god!!! For me that means I need some energy of happy humans as an antidote to my inherent Monday downer-ism. But Joe and Mika also hate mondays, which is a totally fair human emotion, but not exactly an antidote to teh general human condition....

IDk what they're even doing  now or where they're even at but it's generally awful and every Monday they've essentially just given up on life, for unexplained reasons. 🥴

Oh man I miss Willie so much, why is he never there on Mondays

----> am I the only one who missed the entirety of the Superbowl because of watching Inventing Anna on Netflix.... omg that shit is spectacularly juicy!! Cannot recommend enough. Please please guys watch this so we can dish in Small Talk!!!!


Willie host the Sunday Today show on NBC, so he gets Mondays off.


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Today's discussion "around the table" was excellent. Joe, Barnicle, The Rev, Donny D; hope I haven't left off anyone.  It was seemingly so natural and off-the-cuff.  They talked about how the "wokeness" of the Dems has damaged their chances to win local, state and national elections.  That people are interested in bread-and-butter issues ... paying their bills, feeding their families, getting their kids back in school, etc.  This was an honest conversation from a group that is very comfortable with one another.      

I am going to say something positive about Meeka - she looked really nice today - hair and makeup and relaxed.  She had on a snug turtleneck (those are flattering to her) in a dark color; went nicely with her hair.  But I was trying to figure out the sleeves - was there a "finger holder" loop at the end of each sleeve? To keep the sleeve in place?  She didn't participate in the discussion, sat with her arms folded.  But still looked really good, engaged, and didn't sigh or look bored.  

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Joe is back in Florida today, i was gonna say mystery location but I think it is actually Florida, they just upgraded his backdrop.

Mika awol

Lemire in NYC, Willie is in the hellscape, but it's the capitol one that's slightly less terrible. I'll call it the bluescape. Capitol inexplicably surrounded by a voluminous sea of dark shrubbery that looks carniverous. 🥴 Can it be spring soooooon?

Barnicle looks cute

Julie Ioffe is here!!!! thank god

Edited by neona2
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We switched to Morning Joe years ago when CNN kept getting rid of hosts we liked in the morning. The turnover was constant. After a producer left for CBS the show definitely dropped in quality. We kept watching out of habit as we got ready for work but probably paid less attention. A couple years ago we enjoyed it more when they began to have more in depth discussions about books. Lately I've noticed they're doing more broad news stories. I really like the changes. After we retired, we sometimes left the TV on for a short while to catch economic updates from Stephanie Ruhle. Now that MJ is getting that hour, I hope they include that topic more. Someone is making a difference in howand what the show presents.

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1 hour ago, madfortv said:

We switched to Morning Joe years ago when CNN kept getting rid of hosts we liked in the morning. The turnover was constant. After a producer left for CBS the show definitely dropped in quality. We kept watching out of habit as we got ready for work but probably paid less attention. A couple years ago we enjoyed it more when they began to have more in depth discussions about books. Lately I've noticed they're doing more broad news stories. I really like the changes. After we retired, we sometimes left the TV on for a short while to catch economic updates from Stephanie Ruhle. Now that MJ is getting that hour, I hope they include that topic more. Someone is making a difference in howand what the show presents.

The show used to have a link with CNBC from 8:30-9:00 am. Andrew Ross Sorkin, the late Mark Haines, Brian Sullivan used to explain economics etc to Mika & Joe.

Ratner does a good job of explaining his charts but he isn't on the show everyday.

I just laugh when Joe uses his anecdotes to explain how the economy is doing in the USA.

Joe used to complain about his gardener wanting a raise from  $10/hour to pull weeds out of his garden.

The show should get someone from CNBC to come and do a daily economic update for viewers.


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What happened to Willie this morning?  He was on from 6:00am to about 6:45 and then just disappeared.  He never showed up for any discussion after that and no one said why he was gone.  I know Joe does this, but is Willie now doing this too?

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1 hour ago, Linda956 said:

What happened to Willie this morning?  He was on from 6:00am to about 6:45 and then just disappeared.  He never showed up for any discussion after that and no one said why he was gone.  I know Joe does this, but is Willie now doing this too?

Willie had to run over to co-host the Today show at 7am,  for some reason.

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well I think Willie is generally awol on Mondays like Oakville explained bc he works Sundays (fair enough), buuut then also I think in the past two years he ate two pomegranate seeds and has to now permanently spend two days a week in the hellscape.

And now with cutting Friday in half that's 1 and a half day in studio every week total for Willie. 

oh man I am rooting for these people, I like them. But also, if they don't really wanna be there, what's the point? It just feels like they're giving a 4th hour to people who are profoundly tired, to the bones.

I miss Rachel Maddow desperately, honestly it feels like mommy went out for milk and never came back 🥴, but at least she made a real choice and is kinda sorta explaining to viewers what's up  

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I don't know anything about Willie's schedule; but isn't The Today Show doing Olympics coverage?  Possibly he might be needed there to round out things.  But since I don't watch The Today Show .... I have no idea.  At this point they come, they go, they pop in, drop in, disappear, reappear, etc.  

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10 hours ago, Kemper said:

I don't know anything about Willie's schedule; but isn't The Today Show doing Olympics coverage?  Possibly he might be needed there to round out things.  But since I don't watch The Today Show .... I have no idea.  At this point they come, they go, they pop in, drop in, disappear, reappear, etc.  

The Today show has been doing a lot of Olympic updates and stories, but it’s doing the regular news coverage plus the entertainment and lifestyle stuff it always does. They seem to need co-hosts, and Savannah Guthrie was out yesterday (long President’s weekend?) and normal #3 host was in Beijing. They have a few other backups, but maybe the Ukraine situation coverage meant they wanted someone with more gravitas like Willie?

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oh well, if it's the case of Willie covering for colleagues I feel bad for snarking on him, he does seem like the kind of guy who will help out

I honestly thought tuesday's show was one of the best they've done in a really really long time. oakville can we bribe you to do a recap? so much glorious weirdness!!

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Monday mini recap. The stock market is closed today, so I don't have to watch CNBC.

Willie is hosting today. Mika & Joe have the morning off.

Barnicle & Katty Kay have the morning off. Katty is in Paris with the Arc de triomphe in the background. 

Keir Simmons is in Moscow & there is another guy with good hair in Kharkiv, Ukraine.

It's a very interesting discussion about Ukraine vs Russia. Kharkiv is a majority Russian speaking area, but not all of them support Putin.

Keir said Ukranians are still having dance competitions for kid. They aren't behaving like war is imminent.

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On 2/19/2022 at 7:49 AM, neona2 said:

oh well, if it's the case of Willie covering for colleagues I feel bad for snarking on him, he does seem like the kind of guy who will help out

I honestly thought tuesday's show was one of the best they've done in a really really long time. oakville can we bribe you to do a recap? so much glorious weirdness!!

Sadly, I deleted Tuesday's show on my DVR. I have Thursday & Friday's shows.

At 6:45 am, they showed Canadian protestors at the Parliament buildings. Thy chyron showed Windsor,Ontario Canada. Does MSNBC know that the Parliament is located in Ottawa ?

Katty looks great in a blue top.

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I have been flipping channels today. I came across CTV News, & my neighbor who is the co host of the Canadian equivalent of the Today Show, was talking about the extensive renovations to her home. I was amused because from my window, I can see her home & the construction workers going into her home. She is currently in a downtown Toronto studio but it's a weird feeling to be able to know exactly what she is doing to her home.

It would be hilarious if I lived on the same street as Mika & Joe. I would ring their doorbell during the show  to get their attention:)

Back to Morning Joe. The show is so professional when Mika & Joe aren't there. It's informative & am able to pay attention to the topics as opposed to cringing when Mika mispronounces a basic word or Joe goes on a long winded rant when trying to ask a question.

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At 7 22 am, Heidi Pryzbela with new dark hair. She discussed Ohio's redistricting policy. The Republican Governor's son is a judge on the court that will decide the redistricting map. That seems to be a conflict of interest. He usually supports his dad's redistricting maps. Wow!

I hope Heidi gets more airtime on the new Morning Joe. Heidi interviewed the Governor who was wearing a Bengals mask. He doesn't talk to his son about his rulings. Insert sure Jan Gif  from the Brady Bunch.

Edited by oakville
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