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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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Wednesday Recap with Australian Cabernet Sauvignon.

Mika & Joe are in the studio. Mika is wearing a olive green Star Trek Uniform. Joe is wearing a suit.

Joe called Biden's speech sweeping,optimistic progressive.

Joe is worried about the cost of his programs.

Joe said the polls support Biden's  agenda.

Joe compared it to LBJ in 1965.

Mika supported Biden's 220 million vaccine shots. He under promises & over delivers.



Joe feared for Republicans. He said Tim Scott had a few jabs at Biden but it's not a successful strategy.

Ignatius supports a transformational agenda.

There will be a change to the social contract. They want community college & day care.


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10 minutes ago, oakville said:

Rattner had a scary looking blob globe in his room.

Rattner said he doesn't expect to pay 43% in capital gains

Obama's plan was only 790 billion. Biden proposes close to 6 trillion

Rattner is worried about executing the plan. It could be a boondoggle that would set back progressives for decades.




How did I ever like this guy?

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Joe mocked Republicans for talking about Dr Seuss books.

Joe blamed Republicans for not focusing on the debt while they were in power.

Rattner is worried about inflation & cost of rental cars & high deficits.

Joe complained that small businesses have to pay workers more money this summer.

Joe said the relief checks are so generous no one wants to work. Progressive owners are upset.

Joe keeps mentioning Peacock.

Steve Rattner is a Grandpa! Steve is in Johannesburg South Africa with his daughter.

Joe said he was talking to Rattner while the baby was born.

The baby was not named after Joe.

 Mika said Giuliani's home was raided.




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I'm Team Donny this morning. Who was that depressing guy saying we are all lethargic and scared to live our lives again...dude, only people who have been sheltering in giant-ass mansions with gardens and stuff would say something this stupid. Donny was talking about the roaring twenties and I am in favor of this!! we want to breathe!! and live!! again. I am absolutely here for Gatsby-style parties..! 

i think when Willie is solo hosting it's a good idea to pair him with Katty or Kasie or someone to break the montony and add some fresh air. Katty was there a lot today and it really helped

I was cracking up at the 8 am hour pre-recorded thingy when Mika was like introducing herself and Joe with full names and everything, what even. Were they expecting an influx of new viewers just then?

I love love love Doris Kearns-Goodwin. If Meacham is Hamlet she's...idk, Beatrice from Much Ado. So vibrant and smart.  


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I don't know this particular piece but the Four Seasons Westcliff hotel in Johannesburg did this really amazing thing where they supported local artists by commissioning gorgeous artworks for all of the rooms, and I'm guessing this is one of them... i know this bc I am a Hannelie Coetzee fangirl and her Face Sculptures are/were in the arrival area i think. 

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48 minutes ago, neona said:

I don't know this particular piece but the Four Seasons Westcliff hotel in Johannesburg did this really amazing thing where they supported local artists by commissioning gorgeous artworks for all of the rooms, and I'm guessing this is one of them... i know this bc I am a Hannelie Coetzee fangirl and her Face Sculptures are/were in the arrival area i think. 

Perhaps that is where Rattner was staying ? He was in South Africa for the birth of his daughter.

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There was a discussion about being woke.

No one understands what Latin X means.

Joe complained about Latte Liberals.

Joe admitted he was wrong about the 2020 election. Trump did better than he expected with Latinos. Trump called them breeders.

Joe admitted to be isolated living north of Miami Dade. Republicans told Joe that Trump would do very well with Hispanic voters but Joe refused to believe them. Joe said he was a small government conservative but Latino Fireman & Police officers supported Trump.

Latino Police officers were opposed to defunding the police.

Maloney said his district was won by Trump. Democrats have to talk to people that disagree with them.


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Jonathan Lemire and Joe talked about a poll showing that 64 percent of Americans are excited about the next year.  Joe said Americans are excited about the Red Sox.  Lemire and Joe think that they are cute with their Red Sox obsession.  However, you will recall that Joe claimed to be a Washington Nationals fan when they were in the World Series.  The main thing for Joe as a "fan" is whether a friend has tickets and whether Joe can get on camera so he can "be seen."

Jonathan Lemire says that Trump was exhausting and Americans are happy not to be exhausted.  Why do I feel like Lemire is talking about himself more than anything.  

Mika is very excited that Joe Biden is promoting Amtrak.  Amtrak is an efficient way to travel across the country in 6 days, with three transfers, only chips to eat, and stinky toilets.  Mika loves it.

Edited by nittany cougar
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oh man, it's depressing we had all those actually good studio conversations last week and now it's the Joe show again.... i was cracking up the first 20 mins this morning he covered *all his greatest hits* like going thru a checklist. Joe waves Mika off screen to pontificate! Joe is a real conservative! joe's family would have been too polite to boo Mitt Romney! people come up to Joe in airports! joe had a 95% NRA approval rating! this is not an exaggeration, this actually happened.

on the bright side they are doing an amusing segment on swearing where they all have to do some complicated verbal gymnastics to actually not say any of the words ahahaha 🥴 

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Tuesday Mini Recap.

Mika is wearing a new light blue blazer. Joe was not properly dressed until a few minutes into the show. He put a jacket on .

Mika tried to do a Star Wars joke, but flubbed it.

Willie got a second dose of Moderna.

Joe talked about OTB & Typhoid fever.

Mika plugged in her laptop on air.

Mika is tired of Joe's jokes.

NY,NJ & Connecticut will fully reopen by May 19th.

NJ will give beer to 21year olds if they get a shot.

Mika supported giving alcohol to people to encourage them to get a vaccine shot.

Joe said he was right about vaccinations. He hugged people that vaccinated. Mika got nervous.

Joe wants more people to attend Red Sox games.

Willie said Texas has not had a surge in cases since March.

The FDA may allow kids 12-15 to get Pfizer vaccines. Joe agrees with the FDA.

Joe's older son is a diabetic & Jack keeps growing. He may be 7 feet tall.

Joe's son got Covid but recovered. Joe may send him to camp.

Joe blamed Teachers for not wanting to go back to school.

Willie admitted that the vaccine was developed quickly.

There are only 1 million new doses being given per day.

Al Sharpton was a special guest on vaccination of African Americans. They are historically resistant to vaccines. Al said high profile African Americans will get vaccinated.

Al invited Joe to church. Joe is an expert in attending African American churches.







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Matt Lewis said that Trump is ruining the Conservative movement.

Joe said he like Jack Kemp's policies in the 1990's

It's rather amusing recapping this show in 2021. When the show started in 2007, many guests blasted  VP Dick Cheney as an evil warmonger who controlled President Bush . His daughter , Liz is portrayed as a heroine by some of the same guests fighting against Evil Republicans that support Trump.

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Joe said Republicans are losing in the Atlanta suburbs.

Did the show cover what happened in the Texas 06 Congressional district ?

The Republicans ended up with the two top spots for the primary runoff. This is a district that narrowly voted for Trump 51-48 over Biden.

Roger Altman was a guest. He is suffering from a skin condition & has a bad haircut.


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Joe abandoned the show at 7 30 am when Homeland Security Secretary Majorkas showed up.

Joe continues his philosophy of ignoring Senators, Congressional Reps & Cabinet members,

so he can stick around for a few jokes with Barnicle about Fenway Park.

Joe reappeared at 7 46 am to discuss Boris Johnson' apartment renovations. LOL!

The special guest was Simon Heffer who wrote a book about the age of decadence in the UK.

Mr Heffer has many old books on his shelf. He said the UK bankrupted itself during the first World War.

Joe said there was decadence in the UK.



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actual dialogue from today's show:

Kasie: One third have been fully vaxxed but not my baby son! just a lil worried the crazies out there will breed a new baby-killing variant, that's all


I think joe is (hopefully) right, but jeez, the tone. pretty sure the people still worried aren't gonna change their mind by being randomly yelled at about baseball? I miss affable optimistic joe from last week, florida boxman-Joe is weirdly angry even when they're discussing good news. 

Well at least since they said Willie is fully vaxxed now hopefully the three of them will b reunited soon, they did say they were coming back to NYC to have dinner with the Rev or something

I love the Annette Gordon-Reed segments this week...finally they gave the MJ one-week residency thingy to a female author 

My DVR froze at the 8 27 am segment, so I have no clue what happened after that .

I started to watch the Monday show.

Mika started the show by botching the term Vaccine Hesitancy & called it Vaccine Hesanty, which is baffling. The term "Vaccine hesitancy" is repeated daily by virtually every show I watch.


Mika is wearing a black cardigan.

Mika mocked Trump appearing at Mar A Largo.

There is a blurry camera phone showing Trump talking about finding votes in NH .


Joe sneezed. This is boring.


Joe talks about the Washington Post. Does he still write for the Post ?

Utah delegates booed Mitt Romney. He asked the crowd if they were embarrassed.

Mika is upset at people booing Romney.

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Joe said if the GOP takes back the House, it will be because of tactics!.

Joe said they will still be doomed. 

Joe said Atlanta will be a Democratic fortress.

Joe said educated voters will vote for Democrats.

Joe said educated people will save the Democrats. There are no Republican voters with college degrees.

Joe is shouting at a blanked face Lemire.

Lemire said if Democrats win Texas,NC,Georgia & Arizona , the GOP is doomed.

Lemire has a cookie monster from the Muppets on his shelf.

Joe's Pulitzer Prize nominated book is not prominently placed.

Lemire wished Mika a belated Happy Birthday. Mika smiled.

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Joe said if the GOP takes back the House, it will be because of tactics!.

Joe said they will still be doomed. 

Joe said Atlanta will be a Democratic fortress.

Joe said educated voters will vote for Democrats.

Joe said educated people will save the Democrats. There are no Republican voters with college degrees.

Joe is shouting at a blanked face Lemire.

Lemire said if Democrats win Texas,NC,Georgia & Arizona , the GOP is doomed.

Lemire has a cookie monster from the Muppets on his shelf.

Joe's Pulitzer Prize nominated book is not prominently placed.

Lemire wished Mika a belated Happy Birthday. Mika smiled.

Joe is still mad at Republicans for not supporting Liz Cheney with a 95% rating from the ACU.

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2 hours ago, oakville said:

My DVR froze at the 8 27 am segment, so I have no clue what happened after that .

If you mean today Tuesday (i think) I'll try and help out 🥴

The actual 8 a.m. hour was confusing because they've recently removed the "live" thingy *and* the freakin corner CLOCK and it's a weird af thing to do now that things are reopening and we actually need that thing to get our asses to work on time..

anyhoo, around 8.30 badass one-week residency historian Annette Gordon Brown came on. Joe and Mika asked some vague-ish questions that she answered with actual clarity

Gillian White from the Atlantic came on and she was sitting by the window and because of the angle was like bathed in angelic sunlight! Joe pointed this out and said he wished his lighting was that good. Well, he could just put on some pants and go into a real studio. Or at least move his ass next to Mika so we can laugh at her hilarious wtf-faces while he's ranting rather than being drained of all energy by his angry a.m. audience stare-downs 🥴 buuut to be fair to joe he was actually friendly and polite to both guests this time.

There was a segment about a blackout at a baseball field. this was news because it lasted for...10 seconds...and then the light came back? 

Mike Lupica came on to talk about his book... it was a book about baseball I think, but also possibly about restaurant owners? I like Lupica, he has a kind face.

about halfway thru the segment it became clear he's actually written a novel, I mean fiction, which, good for him, but confusing for us. Apparently it was dedicated to both Joe and Mika but Mika was not allowed to be there for this segment, tho she she did try to interject from her off-camera location. The novel is set in a post-pandemic world, and according to Lupica, we all survive, so at least that's good news.  *fin*

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1 hour ago, Kemper said:

Joe is exhausting; I am exhausted just reading these recaps.  Sometimes Joe can put his finger on an issue and get it right; but his shouting and pontificating kind of make one not notice. Because we is all....exhausted.

It's exhausting to write the recaps ! I can't get through recapping the show without alcohol.

Joe has been pounding the table that the Republicans are DOOMED due to demographics.

Yet, in his own backyard of Florida, Joe couldn't figure out until after the election that Trump had picked up support from Hispanic & African American male voters compared to 2016. Joe completely missed the Republican victories in Florida in 2020.

Joe had to admit that Republicans have a very good chance of taking back the House of Representatives despite his wailing  & shouting.

It's ironic that he makes fun of Trump rambling at Mar A Largo, because he is doing the same thing down the road in Jupiter Florida.

I could see Joe & Trump doing a Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis lounge act when Morning Joe gets cancelled.




1 hour ago, neona said:

If you mean today Tuesday (i think) I'll try and help out 🥴

The actual 8 a.m. hour was confusing because they've recently removed the "live" thingy *and* the freakin corner CLOCK and it's a weird af thing to do now that things are reopening and we actually need that thing to get our asses to work on time..

anyhoo, around 8.30 badass one-week residency historian Annette Gordon Brown came on. Joe and Mika asked some vague-ish questions that she answered with actual clarity

Gillian White from the Atlantic came on and she was sitting by the window and because of the angle was like bathed in angelic sunlight! Joe pointed this out and said he wished his lighting was that good. Well, he could just put on some pants and go into a real studio. Or at least move his ass next to Mika so we can laugh at her hilarious wtf-faces while he's ranting rather than being drained of all energy by his angry a.m. audience stare-downs 🥴 buuut to be fair to joe he was actually friendly and polite to both guests this time.

There was a segment about a blackout at a baseball field. this was news because it lasted for...10 seconds...and then the light came back? 

Mike Lupica came on to talk about his book... it was a book about baseball I think, but also possibly about restaurant owners? I like Lupica, he has a kind face.

about halfway thru the segment it became clear he's actually written a novel, I mean fiction, which, good for him, but confusing for us. Apparently it was dedicated to both Joe and Mika but Mika was not allowed to be there for this segment, tho she she did try to interject from her off-camera location. The novel is set in a post-pandemic world, and according to Lupica, we all survive, so at least that's good news.  *fin*


Edited by oakville
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I caught the last of an interview with a guy who has written a book on the pandemic, how we can cope with future pandemics.  He was a great interview; not all authors are.  Maybe because I only heard the last part, Meeka did not ask much of any questions.  She threw the interview over to Jonathan LeMire...who looked startled.  At the end of the interview, after the author had answered LeMire's question, she said "uh huh", briefly thanked him and then went to the next guest.  Willy is dong the heavy lifting right now on this one.  Now Claire is asking the question. Claire asked if maybe offering people a "carrot" instead of a stick will get more people to take the vaccine.  But before she asked the question about the "carrot" she said that maybe Meeka should cover her ears...then she asked if offering a Big Mac would work.  Now it is Willie again; they are basically now interviewing this guest.  I saw Meeka looking off to maybe a teleprompter.  End of interview. Meeka:  thank you VERY much.  Is Joe off today?  Wait, Elizabeth Warren is next; has Joe been saving his powder for this one?

Best part....the author, while waiting for LeMire to gather his thoughts, picked up a Morning Joe coffee mug and drank from it.  

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I tuned in to the segment with Yamiche; talking a mile a minute and blinking like crazy. I couldn't follow what she was saying as I was distracted by all the movement and sheer momentum. The camera then brought in Mika who apparently needed to wrap things up but Yamiche just kept going. I loved watching Mika getting squirrely and nervous, making faces, unable to rein her in. She was too timid. I'd think a skillful host would be listening enough to find a highlight and just talk over her to say "good points" or something but she just cowered and let her run out of steam and just did a quick "thanks" to her and Lemire and then off to commercial. She is so weak.

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6 hours ago, oakville said:

Morning Joe ratings rebound on Monday May 3rd to 98/150.

Huh. Wonder why? Do you think casual watchers tuned in thinking they'd both be back to a normal set-up of a real studio? Maybe with real live guests at the table? Perhaps the tease they gave in DC the prior week worked to drum up viewership. Once they did come back Monday only to see them back in their boxes probably (hopefully) disappointed them.


2 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

Aaannnnd that's why whenever Yamiche comes on I change the channel.

I agree. I was caught by surprise! Never again. Today was worth it though just to see Mika squirm.

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On 5/4/2021 at 12:42 PM, neona said:

I think joe is (hopefully) right, but jeez, the tone. pretty sure the people still worried aren't gonna change their mind by being randomly yelled at about baseball? I miss affable optimistic joe from last week, florida boxman-Joe is weirdly angry even when they're discussing good news. 


FLORIDA BOXMAN JOE is my favorite name for Joe. 

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Wednesday Recap with Sauvignon Blanc.

The show opened with a clip from Jimmy Kimmel Live comparing Fauci being sad & angry when Trump was President to being happy that Biden is President. Of course, this has nothing to do with the much better situation now in the USA with millions of vaccines.

Mika & Florida Box man , Joe are dressed for a funeral.

The special guest is Michael " I don't work for the Lincoln Project anymore " Steele & Morning Joe lapdog, Jonathan Lemire.

Judge Amy Jackson bashed Bill Barr over the Mueller probe! Mika is excited & read the TelePrompter correctly.

Joe said he was right about Bill Barr. He was a Trump hack! Nothing gets by country lawyer Joe.


Michael Schmidt is in a studio now that Nicole Wallace took away his book & book case. He is still wearing a sweater.

Barr lied about Trump.


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Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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